Newspaper Page Text
C,UAR\NTEE Monrv Rack If You Want It. srf \ 4 ?tonal Pug". hn?t Column. IWetu Dut* , ><** .1 ^s?e rz?u :?A airibtmt WEATHER RUN TO-lliV \M> ffMfflf *** WvlrrHiiV? T>mji#r?lurr? : llilh. fl| low. 4?. Vu 11 report on P??? In. rrrfl to Last the Truth : t'.cws - Editorials ? Advertisement* ! \W \" 2 >.15f>. M ..?.?rl?lit, lf>1.-.. il? il. rriboac \??r.i i.iiinn J KRIDAY. OCTOBER I. 1915 PRICE OXE CEXT In I if y of Vf* t ork. Nrwjirk. irr*ri ? Mr ami Ifnnokrn. I I ?ED Ml Ki: THIMIM ROFRANO, WORN BY CHASE, MAY GIVE UP TO-DAY ??other ol Hunted Man jltls Conference with District Attorney. POLK I LOSE TRAU. SOON \FTER DAWN Pajl to Fiad WhH? Motor Roat I, jy|(eh I . \<- 1 scaped S Goes On. ? Ian ? ? ;n a ..... l ? rw ? rano, .?? ; ' the ? ? Ig? that ? ? i ir.? tarai for i; ? ? ?COT rhiel ?"Tel near tuta and Rw*?*?:. ??:...':? pro ? . man _ ? ? eeks ? .. ? ? ? toil. ?? .andcd at near ? ? that h< uas ?? . f tn i.i . been ? .? o i ? ill ?aid, ? . ? up. to the po:nt < . Mine II. H l u i flM B ? ? ? tt??c? : ^ ?' of the heart of ? d in ? * ? ?mh.- . ?.. tcher - . the wild hftrd ? ? ? ? black fa'.1? :i tt it (over ? . ? rUg. frost ? ? .. ? ? i drv Sen Paaartad ra ? ? ?* ' ' ' ? ? im. ? . i as *een 1 pene.: to ? : vl"!>? ;<l < olla*?-. road < . Ro ?oat' 5 tt-v hi ?rd'? ? ' ?L ! <?ui.'' "r. Hintoa ?*., ? f a ? I ?< t- Z ??- ??? - tri? . "a voie? demaadad At lr" iWh ' ?ryman'i reply, a form *,v ' ?? boat and'? Iced th? 11 ' ? au , to Co itraight ahead to?, ' k near the buk.: t, e ?rknenn. * '"ut ? ? ? did not M??taae<j ?,? ,,.,, 1Q ro|umn 2 KILLS WIFE AND HIMSELF Victim ?| ponl-le Shoot.Bj in ParK, Und Ke,?-ntl\ Separated. ? ? ? \yoM of Prospect Park, Third ' I ?? ? ?? the ?Mme revolver ?? ? t mi :? er, Dr. ? . ? ? ? ad hren Bitting on a I ? i : m to 1 i ? en ? up und itart< to wall en her ? ? ' ? rh< next ? through the heart. ? arned that the i ? ne month ego. WANTS SUBMARINE POLICE Commlaslooer Weede to Add Drv-tag ^nuad lo Ihr Barbel Command. ir Woods r?it?r? era of the T I ta form ? narine d vor?, preferably of the department. He re ber of the i iperiei ? ? rriment ... ? when it is organized ? Har be used In y <or the r< CO' - ? nona. Un ? rue || Har only with (Trap ( MRS. WHITNEY FLIES OVER BAY Pleased with Trip in Husband's Air and Water Craft. ? ? Pi ? ? ?"? I tney stepped ? r huiband'i big hydroaeroplane at Poi ? terday, and wai v. The machine thl water and circle.i 'or twent] tea. 1 QTOr I her experience ?rd ?. Webate?, the pilot, ?"aid ? -joyed ..chine from m nain at M r. Whitney ? i Hi? pu] il| he .-aid, was ? . I ad Derer heard Mr. reportad trip to ? ? ?"Called riorida f ?elude ? ?? Ail r and other enthusiastic ?:nen. ' ; droa< replane, which is of the . is housed for . the ; :? i ' <n:!>y. Th h M i". . ( ow Baj ? marine rail to the ? hai gar ii well ? .. PENN MEN ASK FREE SPEECH FOR FACULTY Nearing's Successor Sintis Pot; tion Demanding Chantres ? \ ? m peti j eel on* of ? teei and the small group in control i I ? ? " ?a? circuliited to day :>v tmong the !??" or econoinici, the toe Prof? ' ' ' I othi r instructora i in the ? ' . ?? --1 - r i < ? ? ? i, ng du. e yeai "Reei ? ? r to ? " ! M - ? only ? h are tion al con toi ?: the Uni ? th^ir if eon? ? ? ? I tictors ? rhe a lent ? value of our a of Pi ? 2 KILLED, 2 HURT IN AUTO WRECK Electric rrain Hurls Machine to Roof of Building. rtbWM l;,,r. ' ' 'I wo persons and two badly Injured th. ? which troca bj an . road at a grade persons kil d WOW Mrs. I Robert Gray. Mn. ? .unes that her death. The i:, v. i . .- i i broke? leg und r-erious cut?* on the head. I >,.- . "*?*?? of ? ? ? horch. o< Fairport, ,-?';. fat an auto ride ntrj Mrs. Moore, Mis Graj Id Bart were memberi of kia the Rochei t, rn Railroad, two Pain ort, be machine rlcetri? eai and ? upon a one-story frame railing room 4 i ?.. *nd Mi- Giay wi re killed iut rifcht. Mi. KenyOB and Mi vero taken to the Hmn.i-opath?c Hos? pital. ( ?nig? V V. Sept 3? William H Christy, of Corning, *?? killed and i Bostleman, Jam.? i Towner Hayt wen hurt In an automobile a? d ? ??? Highway, near here, to Bight. JodgC lio-tleiiian may die. ' WIRELESS HELL REACHES HAW A 4,600-WILE TE Talk to Japan Awaits 0 Instruments, Says Tel phone Official. ?. S. TO OWN DEVICE MIGHTY ALLY IN W Forces Could Re Funded Tlio I oe Cut All Wires Work Round Chat Next. Talking by wirelesi irom Nan to Yokohan . ? aua>. :- ?i? s,mpll ai 'he rule o' t BOW. I| !?'.(? foi a man in Japanese city to telephone his br in Wall St < >?'. nr..| trier his st ?old President Wilson could telepl from Washington to a memo? diplomatic corps ?- Petrograd or Pel If tiie apparatus were set up, as it ?aid ;t would be soon, >t wonld be s.ble to talk into the receiver, I ' ? :?nd of the person's voice ei the glob* in ? fraetloi of a ? 25,000-mile journey in the peakcr. The United State will he the ? 1801 of the <=cc-et. The spoi for thll Btatei Bancroft (!1 aid., --r.r. of Admiral Gherardi, on? ? ?? el iai engineers of the Amen one and Telegraph (onipi This latest wizardry of the hu? '??aa unofficially contnh .ted : ter.da. by that company to the N I department. The ?rst of three great triumphs o nature ??? scored ln^t Wednei i ght Theodora N. \'ail. president the American Telephone ami Company, surrounded by a dozen a ions men, talked by wireless with .1 <arty, h:s ehiei engineer, at Mare and, rear San Francisco. Three hours later one of Mr. Cart staff m Washington counted from i to ten, repeated "Hello" Bra times ? told the ??? ol the ?..? an associate in Honolulu, t.. ? miles away. The man m Hawaii l not have the proper trans? paratui to return a wireless telephc answer, but ?? abort time later the a it. Washington received the followi cablegram : "Vuu counted from 1 to 10. Yon si 'hello' five times. The weather Washington is i k>1 ai i fair. . ad LLOYD E81*ENSCHIELD Honolul (?reat Aid in \\ ar. rnoon the Am?ne Telephone and Telegraph Company r tilled the world that conversation I: Sew York and Yoke ble, Mr. (Iherarcii illustrated how I wireless tele].hone would aid I ; nited State.- navy, "Let u- sa; tl at 11 t United Stat at wai ? great foiei| power. The Pacific Coast days'journey from Honolulu, the nea est wire ? tation, The cables to E rope !.. by t| enemy. The enemy holds the Missi sippi Valley; they have cut down ; the transcontinental telegraph ai :.p systems; they have d stroyed the a res from this country .i and Mexico. "Some one in a tower in New Yin ? - ord i from the navy hea ? Pat e fleet m for our Wi ten coast i. destroying our towns, I ha man i er phone- the order through a ordinary telephoi e. 1 lie met caught by the wireless receiver, sh( ? ? ? At Seattle it p.ckid up and without interrupts pierce,- the air until it reaches tl: antei I ? thousands of mile av ay "'Right,' answers the man five thoi sand miles av. ay. The commander < the fleet is notified. On the way h will receive mors detailed instructio by wirelesi telephone, a? he rus! drive off the enemy." The distance the message receive at Honolulu traversed ii greater ths the distance from Sew York I as; gri ???? i than ths d - to Pai ii. ?.e.'o miles; greater tha Berlin, or Bremen, o erp, or the North Pole. The me< ? iit'c had t.. ps - over ths Ui te States before it encountered the mor simple wireli litions over th i'.i. .: c At the ofllceS Of the Aniel.can Tel. < ompanj < ai ty'i day of triumph. T he i ?poke reverently of the chief SI . and 'old of tr.e work he bad d utalk-around-ths-worldM an fact. Bxperi ment s Described "The i e ults obtained by ? the culmination of long arid very im ant investigations, said Jam? D Ellsworth, ol ths American T( and Telegraph Company, "Ths veatigatioi have extended over man] g l ? pring of thii year, a- a result of the werk ? done, the engineers of ths c ad o . i a distance of about IK ??t.: an experimental towel which thej had erected neai M< Point, Long Island, and a small towel from prii sts at '?'? ngton, I " ..i". sic "gooi after that thej talked ?? er .? " ? ? mental tower at M< ntauk Toint and an txperimi ' ??>!.?< St. Simon' I I? ; nd, Ga. Ths results of the-. demonstrated the eerrectai work and itl possibilitisi immediately to try dl arable with those ? rd in ttlantic telephony, What ths re? nt' these further tests bars been own b] thi talks yesterday to San Francisco and to-day to Hawaii. HAnothei Interest ng feature ? yesterday and to-day was that ability to connect m i rele? - teil , 'ems with wire telephone i i- shown. Yes bava Ilr. Vail in his talk used wire from New York to Waskingtou. At Washington, by ths special means in ted and developed by the SSag sen Of the company, the wires were COU rt ected to our snecial wireless ,ij para and to the navy's wireless tower?, ?rhers 'be message went directh | Three difficulties mu?* still be come, said Mr Gherardi. These are: ( untloued on i>4fr I. ruluuin t COTTON BROKEI ENDS HIS LIFE O WOMAN'S GRA1 Maximilian Schmitz a S cide In Cemetery at Hastings. CARNATIONS FOUND BESIDE DEAD M Mrs. Simmonds Was a (ira daughter of (icn. Pickett. i the Confederate Army. Haxlmillian Sell ;?,. (p, Neo T< i Exchi ?. ..- ? ? Mi !., \ ?? ? v ..? ;: Hndaoi ? M rough i . - heart W hen atu ndai ti attrai ted by ahot ran to the spot the] foui hunch of white can at , ., , trate a lay Schmitz, while ? _ ? ? ne cartridi ? ged bullet had A note found in th< d< id mi pocket read: "1 am Mas milian Schi lits, a Sv ? ?. July > William S. Moore, ?.k City ' i phone call, 6240 Broad." At 1 Hudson last ni Moon. ried there to 1 ... told < oroner Jar Duna, of W< ( could give i ?: that 10 fa ew th 0 romantic attachment ? ? only inggi tion a I ? ? dead n had !>? eome menta ??d B few di ?hree di .?nine m the aimies Prance. Mr-. Luej A Bimmondi died on Ji the Polyclii She waa i ? at the tin.? hei .!? . ? ' bt .?"! igfater o? Genei ? ate char ? Gettj, burg, ai d a daugl tei ??' l hi . i barleaton, C. Wht . wai buried the Ci plot In ti i Mom H??; i Cemetei p, ? ? ?..i ? lie monujia erected to the memory of Confedera of Ni ? Toi k by (,' Broadway Re Graff Watson Simmonds, husband the dead woman, who MVVfl at t Royalton apartmenta, in West Porl fourth Street, ^^u^ said to be oat ?own hist night At 6i0 Wr-st 137 Street ?npre his father, Herman Bit sti '? a ' ".ess, lives, tated with i that none . y had ei er hi ard of Bchmil "I do not I ?? ?? whi :? m elder Mr. Simmonds. "I ha' n bim for l?verai da\j. 1 , am sure that he did not know th man. wl i son and oved i ach oth< dearly; they i oted eoi no estrangement ; ? r death In fact, he wi ., badly bn lei hough -1 died almost bu m None of i mitz." i Elmer K. Haakell, upi metery, rec< ed telephone call from Mai hatte night ' he pei son at th. other ? ? d ( the wire beina a rua:;, who declared h ?rsi Mr. o. W. Simmonds, Ha e ke if it were? ? wan name ? killed himael t . ? -.. r's wi!'? and when told that he hail, shut u learned, went I on-Hudion Wedneadaj even ing, H<- ipi ? ' ??" '" '>?' Hote: a Park, juat o it tide o H.-, ? efore retiring wrot . ? . '... h ich lie poati ? terday morn | Ah,i it one terday after noon entered 1 emetery, earn Ini a bunch of carnationa, and Inquired a the lupei intend? arhere thi ? ;,-;. o plot i.i- located. The Con . ut wai pointed out t< him, and he wai told tl at the -pot In sought wai ?.ear its base V' tei minut ? t througl ? . ? gehi over six feet .... Hi ?i .i ind in an ?tul ? ?wing that he ; ,- mei ' Loai ai ? lew 'i ork Ha era i otton brol ? B< a- er Sti \\ Moor? '?,.n I.rok. il . It 8 I . the young man lived, and at Ifaetings-on H i rd to give hia ad ? found la ? wfa eh reed: ??\i,. ; \ died Jan H os - ' ?' ? In Schmit ei were 'ou:. . i Preni ad Ger pes in which the i sen addn ? ' ' Heere told Coi : i ? ???.? r. Pierre living with hii 'i ?t r at N x i Mali mil isn' ' xpeeted to New York th ? evening and Bill I,, .!? oi e to Heat Hudson. Frank //. Simonas, Author of 'The War." has on to-day's Lditorial Page a detailed account of the operations about Lens, where one o? the most vital battles of The Great War is now being fought. I his illuminating article?and the map which accom? panies it?will explain to you the strategic importance of the positions which the Allies are making such un? precedented efforts to capture. I urn to it now?it will clear away the confusion of the cabled reports which you are following day by day. ?he (Tribune First to Last?the I ruth: \e? s?l.ditoriah?Ad\ ertisement* Archibald Bore Bernstorff Veto of Congress Plot Ambassador Said I If* Sent Nothing Unneutral, nut a Curious Cipher Letter Signed by Hun Kraches Department of Justice. - I' r??n ] Washington, v,?' SO. Count vo Ben torff, in ins efforts to iton tk hipment of munitions to the a ? ? to cause a relaxation of the Britil blockade, considered and rejected plan for influencing legislation in Congres This is indicated in a letter signad b ths Gormaa Ilia ha asador and taken wit Other documents from .1. K. .1. Archi ba'td. This letter and ??everaJ of th othd locumenta ware sent by th .'?? Department to the Department o Justice t.. day for lerutiny. Count vo-, BernstorfT, in New Yori on September 16, denied that any un ?'.il document-, r-igned by himsel ?'. tie found on Archibald. He fur tated that no papei - ? >!' any kin? | ? , by bim to Archibald I >. ,;. , "i baVS -aid over and over, and aril now t\ airain, that I gave Archibab : o pap. r ..:' any kind. The only thing) I did cive him art r. :, letter of leconi mendation to the <ierman Foreign Of. a little gift for my wife. 1 think you will agre? with me that neither / these ihinir* could by any : I SCI 'Unted U1 I nurd. Was "Perfectly Honorable." "I . Archibald that ua^ not eblolutely tu itrs svery respect, if they want to force docu on me, very arell; let them go ; and do so. 1 hat arill not affect Uli i have dot ' in 11 - mat tat Ctly honorable and eustomary and ?n 004 r." possibilities and difficult:.- of obtaining the kind of legislation de ?red from Congress! and the ini] bility of moving ths President to act ion in ? ? h ill of Germany arer< cuasedat soma length not only by Count von Bernstorff, but also in ? letter I ed by Captain von I'apen. the mili tut y attach? of tlie German Embasay. Bi ? ? tWO important, letters, . . tenee Of which was not made known until to-day, a cipher messaga Count von HemstortT was Includ? ed in the panel I to the Itepart ment of .la>tice. This message wa< coiled in such a curious ctpher that I ni the porta, a ? is elige ? the Archibal lettei the i bei artmi I i Just lee. ti a number of le?s lettera of introduction 'or l pta Archibald. Commet I . at the I tepartment i by the A - itanl Attoi ? ? I ?? He eel that hi ? ed at any con elusion, and arould intil he ha< i ead all I ha p m ? v ? ?? Di artment of Justice it ws er or not 'he Stat Department had lent all of th< \ bald papei a if, . - to lend. Deacrihed Taah a? Difficult. There was nothing in the Count roi B ? i eate that th< German government had demi luggi ited ai ii a - an at ?. tion or thi i . lent rhe lettei as reporta, but they went ii I In ezplaii ng thi d Ifleultiei ; ? e ta -.. part eularlj of moving ' t to take action which would fan 01 Gei Both letti i itated poeit rely that nothing ??? i t" influence the Preaident to take anj action which t remit in the moi Brit oclf I f, the problem ot getting ?. from Congi? ted out that then " i: i ehance ol rabie action from the Hop, ? Repreaentativea, it was ? sheer im? ?n . 1 that therefore any effort to influence Coa? was futile. It ? "'i; here to night that the House wai the scene of all the pro-German speeches ami nearly all the campaign again it of mu? nitions of war. In the Senate I man wh i was vigorously In favor of an embargo on armi ihipn i ti t the last ?tor Hitchcock, of \e 1 ? | Since that time there has been some proteit agaii it the Brit in ('..unc?, but that agitation ?| not nearli to rigorous now ai It wai a few - ago, beca ng price of cotton has In largi part stilled it. ALLIES' LOAN TO BE FLOATE1 WITHIN WEI Rapid Arrangement? M? for Offering to the Public. So rapidly have arrangements the flotation of the 1500,000,000 Al French loan proceeded that the pi offering, i* wai -aid by the lyndi igen yesterday, will probably made within a week. While the ol ing price to the general investor !?? :?-. it aril] be possibls under cer conditions foi any person to obi B -hare in the loan at i*f>l4. Thll in pursuai ee af the announced f te i .' all -'iii-ei ibers *<> the loan an equal footing. Enthusiastic reports about the c look for the flotation continued to f in Irom all parts of the country, i membei ? ot ? ha II i m of 1, P, Mor; I i ... declai ed I here ???< no do that the -ale ot th.- I,on.i- would'be unqualified success, only m Chics are the banks of any of the countr moaej centres itill holding back. Ne that they have decided to participa despite the pressure that has be brought upon them by their pro-(?< man depositors, is expected to be on a matter of a short time. Fifty-eight of the best known heal trust companies and financial hous in tins city have agreed to act wi J. P. Morgan ? Co. as syndicate DM agen for New York. The two ma conspicuous not on the list are Kuh I.oeb Sl i'o. and Speyer ? Co. At r time, however, has there been any e; pectation that the Speyer l.rin aroul participate in the loan. Mr. Schiffs Aid Wedged. As for Kuhn, Look ? < o., the ir II i.?i .??? ..:' Jacob 11. Schiff, the senie parti ? r aras definitely pledged to th ai two days ago, be causa of it laity, if the export trade i Cnited States ?? to continue undimm i-hed, and ' rel known in ths tinan cal district that Otte H. Kahn am Mortimer L Schiff avili be laige .-ub >cni"it I on 1 sil own account. After conference! bo tercel icpre ' ?putatives of banks and bond hoUSOl which will act ai lyudicata managen in New York, there aras announced yes terday certain eondit eh wouU ?' ? .' Subject te what i \ ei amendmer/ sary, I SWBi 1 i 'i ;> to be Riven to all ell ,..,.- ? thout n J. The lyndii iva the right to repurchase the boudl up to lu per i anderwrlting. 3. The selling >>n il to be ? aaSttsmai no pi?*? S. rnliinin 4 BULGARIAN MOVE ALREADY AN AID TO SERBIA'S FOE King Peter Forced t Withdraw Troops from Northern Frontier. rayCtMi ' ' London, Oet 1. An Athens dispatc to "The Daily News'' reports that th massing of Gorman troops on the Sei blan frontier near Orsova continues. I is stated that the Bulgarians ale cor centrating on the Serbo-Bulgaria frontier, and that this has oblige Serbia to transfer 120,000 troops t this line in order to be prepared to re ?iat any future attack. Serbia's itrengtl along the Austrian frontier has thu been weakened, so, even a- thing- ai to day. Bulgaria, it may be said, ha already lent aaaiataaee to the A i ? le ..m i. Many German officers have arrived i ,, and are consulting arith 'he Bui garian general staff. Theee German i de< lai campaign again hia .... . ?? of October A Pari ? d pati h publiahed here sayi that the French government baa ar is to what shou I to avert an attack oi 3, rb i by Bulgaria. The indication. ere that I. aeaent >o thi> plan ? Italj " ... not DOpoeC :'- an.i Mia' Engla 11 give her adher? ence. The nature of the plan il not disclosed, but "Le Tempo" state i that the situation in the Balkans requires that the prospective Bulgarian attack on Serbia shall he prevented by a d?? ni, ind on Bulgaria foi immediate de : ation. The numbei of A an troops concentr?t Serbian frontier ? ? ; ,? the Niah i orr. ' ..? 600,000 Hi ? Germans The eorreepondent a' i'. I "Le - that approval is given in influential .? i ? : e ;.!,?., of ;, joint occupa? tion of Ma. edoi the Allie It is ..!. effective . and Serbia spai ? g German el to bring I' ?'? ar. King Ferdinand eai . ? r, ri queated M Malinoff, leader of the pro i. . te a peat in the Radotailoff goveinment M. M r, that he would SCCI pt that Bulgaria ? entrai until the end - I declared it waa iarpoi ng, be ? eign policy, hut hi prom1 oent now oat-..?e ?!,<> ? ? ? ' tation. M. 1 ter of War. whose pi.. Germai '? leneiea are '????' few da> < ago. ? ..- King Ferdinand ? ? den : ?. ' No Biilgar Predominance, Greek Premier Warns n? ii Tat A-he- , Sept I D ? r Morning Po t." Loi the ?? ai y of ti ' uaber ti aftei Premier \ it ?? and madi . "in September laat year I ezplaiaed to the House the pol ,-?. of th? Greek i .ment toward I tei atioaal by the European war. la February laat we considered ttie time had come to change that attitude, but ha\'t-g aiaagl ed with the Crown th,- Cabinet reaignod After the r. ? ?* elections we haw again been Called to newer I believed that in eg ? that have taken i lace I the meanwhile in the International situation we should re ! tuni to our original policy. But this ? Continued ..ii puf? ?, column 3 FRENCH CUT SECOND LINE IN CHAMPAGNE; ! MENACE SUPPLY ROAD Push On Toward Railway Which Links Kaiser's Forces in South Berlin Admits Losing Hill 191. CAPTURED 121 GERMAN GUNS IN FIVE DAYS, SAYS PARIS Important Defence Work Won and Lost in Twenty-four Hours?Defeat Near Souchez Conceded by Teutons. London. Sept. 80*?With the German second line pierced] at several points, a irrcat battle is ragtag ln <"hampajrn? , west of the Argonne, with the railway from Challeranfre to Hazancourt ta its stake. I'pon this mad the Kaiser's troops, from Rheims to the Argonne, depend for their supplies. It has been used for bringing munitions and men to the Crown Prince's army in the Argonne Forest, where some i f the hottest fig-hting of the war has been starred. If the French reach it, they will compel the Germans to fall back to the next supply line, the railway from Le Chatelet to Vou7.ier.s. The collnpgg of this second line of defence would acutely menace much of the German position in ihe west. The French line is now not more than three miles at one place from the Challerange-Hazancourt road. Berlin admits that an enemy brigade broke through the German outer line of trenches south of St. Marie-Py and says it was there annihilated. St. Mane-Py jg on the strategic rail? way which is the French objective. Meanwhile, French a reos are shelling stations on the road. AUSTRIANS CLAIR SUCCESS IN TYR Figfctllg in Progress Near North of Tolmino on th Carinthian Front. London, Sept. 30. The onlv di of Italian fighting to reach l.ondo day came in the form of an Aus officiai statement, claiming succ on both the Tyrolean and the C thian front, with an indication news of a different tenor may b eeived later battles an.! north of Tolmino. AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL. The statement is as follows: "(Mi the western Tyrolean froi there was lighting last night in region of Adamello. An attack the enemy in the defile west of CI Preaeaa was repulsed by ourartill Near Cndrouhuette the Itali after a fight lasting several ho were compelled to retreat. On plateau of Vilgeruth thev attac twice during the night with - laee - - "(in the Carinthian front, ni attack! failed against our fort;' line near I'ontafel. Battles near i north of Tolmino continue. Bef ,rh the enemy retreated to former positons. The Italians ?? dly delivered attacks agai . but were repulsed every tn Earlj this morning the ar'ille which srai very active yoeten gain?t the region of Tolmino, sumed '??<?' -.' RAID KAISER S KITCHEN Inquisitors Warn Merlin Palace to I gorge Pots and Pan*. Geaeva. Bewt, 30. The Kmpero palace in Berlin was visited yesterci by the commission charged with t ?eizure of metals for government u and a list of the metals at the cot was demaaded. The court chamber?? ordered all the BSOI bel ' the to> laal liata. By ordei of Emperor WI met i not In actual, neceaaary nae ar I led. -0 ZEPPELINS BRITAIN BOUNI vu Alrahlpa Sighted Near Bru?se Flying West. -? , ? o S,\ Zeppelins we ghted to da) ever Aeraehet. tweat tnree n I Brueeela. Ti ? rships v,.-io bouad in a westerly d rection, according to a l'entrai Nos itch from Amaterdaas, Due west of Aer-chot lies Devei a: the English ?hannel. THIRD BRITISH M. P KILLEI C?ptala Harold T. (a? lev Falls i Dardanellen Fighting. London, Oet 1 ( aptam Harold 1 Caw ley. Member of Parliament for th Hey weed tMvialea of Lancashire, ha been killed in the Dardanelles tightmj i aptaia Cawley is the third ".embe of Parliament who has been killed i action. He '.\as thirty-seven years olr He was private secretary to Walte Bunciman when Mr. Runcman ?a president of the Board of Education. Berlin Sees No Slackening in Battle on the West Fron! Berlin, Sept. 30 by wireless to Say ville. \. Y i. "tirrmin newspapers all point out thi importance of the battle i oat in progros on .he western fr< ,it," -a\? the Overseas News Agency. 'The *truggle is being carried on tenacious? ly, and up to th? present time all the violent attacha of the enemy huv* failed. The looses if the enemy hav? been gigantic, hut the fighting is null under way and a final decision has no: been reached. ?lie aewapepen ?ay it is useless to minimize the importan.'? of the strug? gle, but the] point out that the (?er , man nation can veil look into the fu ture with confidence and trust in the braven ef the Gerasaa army, whi h la ling heroically the enemy's wcll I organized efforts." Berlin Admit? loss of Hill. Important gain? were won to-day hy the French in heir 'hrust in Cham? pagne. We?? of fahure and west ef Brian farm thev won a footing at ?evera! points 'n the foe's second lire of trer.clie?. BoSM detachments even went beyond, Paris reports, but were force.1 buck by the (ierman ar? tillery. North of Ifesall and east of Hill No. 1?0, north of Massiges, ad? vances are also claimed. Herlm admits the losi of Hill No. I?!, to the north of Massiges, where, the he i ng sei-ms to he ?ak ing place. How violent an encounter is going on here is odicate? in the reports of tha battle sou'h ot Ripont, northweat ?*f Massiges. The afternoon statement issued by Paris tola of the capture of important supporting works known at ouvrage de ?a defaite, but i the evening bulletin the ?(.mission was made that a counter attack had recovered a footing for he German?. Paris announces that the total of field guns and heavy pieces captured from the enemy on Mie Champagne front since September '.5 ha? reached 111. in the counter attacks along the whole line, -ays Pans, the "enemy lias suffered important leases.' Merlin claims that between the Sorome-Py Souain high read and ths Oallerange St Menehould railway the French were "port ?? repulaed" after 'bitter haad-te a hand lighting, .n which toe i n? my suf M fared heavy loess * Artoi? righting Lena Intense. "No important action occurred Artois," says the night official issued by Par;?. Apparently the Aagio-Fra troops there are now merely engaged n consolidating the ground won and opposing the Herman counter attacks Berlin admits 'hat -outnenst of Sou Preach penetrated the Govseat ana, but asserts it the Germai tei ittael north of Loos "progressed slowly." :.- listanca at the t ierasaa ? \ is district, where tke Britiah and French are pushing their line? for? ward toward Lei -. " th the e\entu?l taking of the important city of Lilla apparently in view, mk an extremely violent bombardment of the new allied ins east of Souchez, Paris r* ports. II is believed here tl at besides tha gain of ground both n Artoi? and Champagne and the improved position of the Allies generally, the recent suc? cessful operations must seen relieve tie pressure or. P.u- ila and perhaps prevent 'he Austro Germans from :ng any large force against S< rhia (irrman lone? Stn ngthened. Already large reinforcements for the Gormaai era arriving on the western front, and their presente already has had the affect of slackening somewhat the AI ? ? ' ' (Tensive. fut there is a possibility ol 'he off ? live breaking out on ?ome other sectM n of this front. The correspondent of ;h>e "Koelmsche ..?" at German headquarters an ?rjat an attack was made east ? ?' f- ? . ?, i- .iy - ?as re sffojjjra sf the \ : ,.? thus far has heel ^'S^** ' im?potiK to lets than ? miles in slft^C?? genera" belief in Kng. . : s that^yswatta JsmP-ro only tha prelude to <W , ^fifg At any the public w '<*9?bbbbbb?" ' '' ? if the movement wer>. ^P^*^Hke<! The correspondent of Eh ^^s^HjejSthSJSl Zeitung," at Cern?an IIft<i . . '^^aga^nTi it paper a report ' of dght ?nr east o*' Aubervilla oa the h'rrnrh front yesterday morning, whu-h he de? scribed a? of extraordinary severftj lifter tke preliminary cngagemert-. along the centre of tkil front, he sav?, the Allies made an attack under pro? tection of an artillerv tire which even surpassed in violence that of last Sat Brday, when the allied attack was be CUn The position which the German? held in the morning, however, he reported, was still maintained when night came, the Allies having been repulsed with severe leeeee. Merlin See? Serious Vffair. "News of the offensive on the west? ern front is taken very seriously here." says the Merlin eerraapoadent of the Copenhagen 'Politiken" The "Her liner Tageblatt" remarks that nothing would be more foolish than to over? look the terrible aerienaneea of the re? cent battles ? the west, and that it would be equally wrong for German? > rot to ha\'. fullest confidence in their troops Mid leaders." The Pen-German "Strassburgpr Post," of Geneva, commenting on the Mritish ? ry in Northern France, says: "We an ist not endereetiaaeta the | braverv of this adseisarv. "In the < hampagne. also, our losses i unhappily have been heavy, notably in ? prisoners. In trench warfare captures 1 are unavoidable m hen men remain to the end. It t? not known if tha French