Newspaper Page Text
FEWER MOVING DAY WORRIES sfajiisDueto Wo$1 o Vu Houses Being Built OH Time. asajn STRl < n RESTO 0PI\ rHIS HORNING SfKCessful Venture in u. <; Bi ng day - ? ] new sps '' ' ? nancy of ? ... ? . . ? ? i ? ? - ? - ? ? reaBBaSaSBaSaSaSSSS^BBaSBaT ? : ? I I ? ? ? - ? ? ' vrn:v-i i ?. ? - i" i ? [MODERN ?PAR! Ml VIS^ laNmiODII tf Hahpsaim 38-50 West 9th St. c 100. INVERNESS 200-210 West 57th St. : " ! h A?. ith. I MASON 1*12 Eaal .".Sth St. entS. Renl It M.800. THEVERNON 350 WV.t 71?t St. ver. ? oo. HAVEN COURT 4241 Broadway ? 1 I0?J St j Bath. - C?UIKSHANK COMPANY ^ 141 Broadway A \w*i >n?r. 73 WEST 92D ST. : raivau Me s>t block. 8 Lsrie Rooms, $60.00 ? .' ? ' asases .. IBBBaai *'' iU-MPE & CO bl nr.,d?a? .,' .* ' -: v' ?" 224 W. ?2? St. '". . . I A. MfW I ? S55JJNC lim ms TO l i t i Nrt iiMMo n !6 East 75th Strd > ^- i ujmn) Mia at. v ?. M ' I ? ? rk sv. ? ' ? ! U ? ' ' ' ? ' ? ? ? ' Will ERECT BROOKLYN ROW Charles \ ? has,, tfajya Preslrleal Btreei for ll>? ellinc liiiire etnent. I ? ? ? I \ ' - eral of " ' ? ? W I ' As. REHTS FURNISHED HOME tafasl at I ? rthmrlt tr> I is r Is wtth Street. . have Cort ' " I T. Coat ENT ' FIELD ' ? \ r''lier,t Haasi rlct. '. ? e To Build 0:i Hei;,v ? I ? ? sv. Fire Commissioner i ? ? . ' X 11 111 ? [hi ? Peinan Heights Renta!. The Cooler Realty i rnpsi y ha* - two years the ce of ' ' ? ? I '30.000 Building L" ? feet, the ' m To Have Harbor View Home. mellos 1 ' ? Harbor Sales at Auction, u. i 5TM AV .4 ? * St II I at SU a ' 1420 ST. Ill w. a i . - M?l/birn, | T i ? : . BRONX PARK PL. U ahi rt KF\I ?SI Mil OH s\l I OH TO LET \ ni il KHI X. ' ' ? ? . STATI I' i ? pa L)| ?. i s i ROI KRT1 i . ..- . ?? atae. ELSIE DE WOLFE GETS MORE ROOM I eases Additional Spare in 47th Street Building for Seven Years. - ?. eft the si '??? ' ? \ ? ?? ? : ' ? ? '' la Real l ? ?? ? ? De W time ago i ? e I basei Ltlas A 1 ? n i ? have hard i I. ' thi ? ? ? ... ? to Hirkvin. yeai ?the Bros., W ;,.... ... 1 :. Pi ? ? ? ? -. \ n. . . '? ?-.. hai ? . . bilt i : h st. lor ' SHOE CENTRE EXPANDING R, II. Hoakiaa Co, Leases S;iare in Sew/ One in LuiiK Islaad tils. .'. Hrossii Co. 1 K. m n ? Vven Bi g ove? . : B Sixth ? ' n ? ? ? ? et ' ? ' i ? ?? ? ? NOW OWNS $27,000 SUBURBAN COTTAGE I ormer St. Louis Man Will Be Bronxville Taxpayer. Fish ? Marvin have sold for D, B. C. 1 formel I . I . I I ' .. - ? g . K. V. I ? i Smith, to Irvli . f Nutli J Tax Books Open To-day. e the va a pu e 1916 tax 1< on. Applieat i i ? rax Com? nei ? tIk r i ?. POLICE DEPARTMENT. I'tlnn . . ' ? ? S a .'-: ?. ? and A?vi?nm?n!? - -,rv Anlinr-e. . I ? ?. ... ? I ? ? ?? ? : !? . S 1 ? I . I . M Ab.rnr. .- A - - ?. : - '. , | . s \ , ? ?> ? s ? ? ... .:. ... J J i i , , i ? ? . pal laj ? ? ? ? . I ? . ? , I : ? \ l: t ? . : Rrpn- . ?.: s " A II A . I> I ? a i ; ... H I >? It i ss M ir. , . . .. . ... A U. L.. . EiDWIH 0OU11 B CO. BUYS tVesi ITU rUreel Hotel from the Inaassatlea Ii???ir \ Osegeial ? prop? i ? ? ? ? ? ? . for tene ? - ? I s ? I plot ? part plot on th< ? ..- av., ? ? COTTON STEADY; SHOWS FAIR GAINS l ?rtn Cables, avHIi Overnight1 Soiling, ?advance Market 25 Points. cotton market wn' ? sesterd the reactionary ? ? ? . ble for oath would : ??jr of ? ? 'h or ? n ad ? ? : or 12 morn ... ? v fl ? ? ta t near ? from ? ... ? . ? ? al low ? ? ? e. A ? p .l.-.m pt and i . ? ? ? i ? i ? ? . ? - i ? ? i - - ? - ? I ill To -1?? I < 4 ? ? Ml i RAILROAD EARNINGS. ?? follosring eeraparative r:. ? . ?? tagst save heen mado ... < . . . II.S3S.TI ? 1 - ? ? ! ? I ? 5 ? ' 1 - J ! ? ????:??? 5 1 la 1 ? < - ? .. i : ? ? .i A U ??-- '. ? ' , - . I s ?? J . . I | ? I , . ???? ?., | , a - il ?,?.-??-. I al i I ? v . a -. i . ?.- . t .? alt? .. i i x | , < I ????- ' ? ! < 1 l ? ??- -w .:... taut? I ? . ? - ? ? PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES SepftmHer Wheat and Corn Advance-^Other Positions Irregular. - V> HI AT - ' - ' CORN. ... ,. ? ? ? - ' ' - - 0AT8. '--'-?' .???... ,| RYE. '?-.,? j- -, ? | , NSsV YORK PHICE8. ?r . - CriiCAi n r '' ? ?-'?'? ? i FLOUR AMI HEAL. PRO? IIOBI - CHICAGO PROVISIONS. J s || - ' COFFEE. . eolume I 3 ; ?* . ? i , 1 | I ? . .. ' I. ' ? . . ? I.H RUGAR FUTURES. ? artet I ? sai I- l - i . . Open, tilth I.."? s . - - ? ' ? COTTONSEEO OIL. i fea i ? ?' i. ' ? ? ; i t < COUNTRY PRODUCE MAREET. N-.? S DUTTER. ? :i arr-T'. . . ? ? genet, I HAY AND STRAW. ? ? ,W r?r I ratas fi \ s , . let ?. ' 1 II Did you notice Eispirafisa at above 43 Thursday? Did you note DOW-JONES & CO'S review of the company giving its present and future possibilities, in its Wednesday's Bulletins when the stock was under 38? For correct and idvtnce Information r<v.d the Dow*Jonei nnandil In ever) well-equipped finsaclsl office. Financial new? i* finanrial inaurance. The Dow-Jones Flnanc d News Bolletlni in Wall Street were never ?o valuable as at the present time. I he record made by the Dow-Iones News Sei fest been the talk of Wall Street ? The market has fluctuated right sloi c a th the I ews. Investors re?d the same news later in the afternoon and morning c THE WALL STREET JOURNAL America's leading financial newspaper, leading in news, leading in rd ling rculstion ? . ? t II ? ?< ? ' - ?? ?. - ' ! - ?n !l ? - ,1 ? - fl . ? -- \l! \ WATKRMKl, ... ; : ? l'n il ? S . | . - POTATOES AND VtC.tTAUl.E8. r ? ? potatoes hither. - ? .? s ? ? RKAN?. rial - i .. .... i ?Ai |3'a| ' ? f 1 < . I .. - . I . - I . . : ,? I ... . Il ?,.?-,? \ ixs ? ? ???-'.".- Il s i < . H s : - .s ;wr ' * -i i-, v n ?? ? AHII II . ? - T' RNH'fl R ? - l '.'. AI RI.' M.-s ;,* ' UVESTOCI MAKKETS. ?.?-? - . ?t n au BElvi ill for tlaafbtar. N'? ... | ? . tn fair - r* aldea -? al CAL . .. ... ? ' s - SHEEP ANO LAMO!. l:-.-?';.', ! Ill ..-,1. two ,-ar? *at 'h? refit?.. ..... . .--???.. ? ? . i ? HOU*. \. 3W hoed. |H fer aimanter. ? ' i '? ? .l:-<ip r ...... , | ...... .1 _, , ad [Bt Te'.aarasii ?.> T*.?i Trtt.jr ?. J SRI II' a: 1 I.WfriR-R? -i ' - 'h *?^k T?i? . ? <.-??i : i . unir.?. : ... Kansas City Southern Report. The Kansas City Southern Hallway, in Its report for the year ended June M last, shoss* total operating; reve ROSS of %\9JUt)J?9ti compared with for the previous year. The surplus after Chartres was $1, 140,431, which, after allowing for dlvi dei dl on the preferred stock, left a balanee of $300,481,! to 1 per cent . a i agaiaal '-.' ??? nt r,r. the asma itoch In tfle. PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES (.enera! News and Earning of 1 anona Corporations. The Southern UtiHtlOS ' .rr.pnny made small progress in cross operating: - ?he year er . '? ist ''.. total Income being Increased leas tttOB] 2 per cent, but lowered eporeting ex? penses and taxes gave the company net earnings more than 16 per SSSrt above laet year's incom?. Qieee rev? enues for the twelve m aths w.-re $1, o^l.l.iS, and net income after <-xpenses and taxes was $?100,690. DedoettOBS for interest on hor. SB), slaking fund re? quirements, replseesseats sad renew? als, etc., tOfalll '1 llftj I the Sal anee of surplus after dividends amounting to $106,816 on the pre* ferrad 101, which com? pare? with $68,688 in the : seer, I'nlted (?in Improvement. The United Gas Improver' ? i pany yesterday elect..,1 Edward T. Btotcsbury te the beard el to fill the vacancy caused hv the i? .ith of Rudulph Ellis. Illinois Traction. Operating returns of the ill -i Traction Company for the Brat months of the current vu interurban lines wire deci 18,412,168 to $2,269,828. i ? besrever, was searls psade si reveaeee from alectrie lighting and ?tiam henttnir sales, cc, rev* enues from ?he company's city pr. ties bein^ lacrea " I *? 1 ''*".' * T | '78,460, ?"< that i;r.><s eatraings from ill sources made a Ions of onl> I ? cent. Charges f"r operation sad I amounted to 84,360,166, Si i rae pn e leaving S net income f?r the parted ut 12,6.B.l !-. u lees "' 1.78 per cenl zrzm THE INTERNATIONAL FASHION SHOW ASSOCIATION rmDxn run ?U?PIOM or the wkw york auma PART OF PROCEEDS TO ACrORS' FUND OF AMERICA Patronna* ouvt A BBRBaBR cat of Masasa Rulasen, ICthel Parryrncira, May trtrtn. Orara Otiorsr?, srlstr** :etnpeFt, Pauline PVe4ea4ak, Ulanche Batea. Kl*ia Jaoia, Jana Cowl, Martha Hrx?mun, Kls?e Ma.'-kay, Meurte Doro, Mary Hc? ftirrt. Hazel Iiawu, Hilda Kpo:?K. Mary Kyan, Njmj S??rwyn. Ixntitare Rutter, Violet Senates;, r>nlly Pnlml, ! ?Hitry Hiimphrlea, Anna Merwilth. fclmr.ia Jan vit r. .Ynn Munlwk. Huth Sbepley, Ottva Tell, Frnnrlne farrimore, ("ndye Hauiaon, Ulllan Aib^rluan. PaBOBJaBl Foster. Mart? Kanrhor.. tt., l.orena Atwood. Kuthtsrtne U ^1?, <ie>ir>rla Calna, May de Souiaa. (.a'.l Kane. Joaephlne Drakes, Peettry Woo?. Emma? Frohnan, Alma Tell, NataDe Alt, (Vrsxa Valentine, Marie, Carrol]. Char'.otte [Jllard. Sara Mala, Mildred attcbardaun. and Daniel Kr'jhmau, i're.iidant Actorsf Kund. PRFvsP.NTS AT CARNP.OIP, HALL, OCTOT?R T, 8, ?, TWICB DAILY, AFTr UNOONS AT 1, EVENINGS AT 0 A FASHION EXTRAVAGANZA r a Mied "Yesterday or To-Morrow" By PIKRRE DE LANUX, ALICE BRADY?EUGENE CARROLL KELLY with MARTIN BROWN and JUNE ELV?TK?E Staged by Julian Mit? hrjl Scenery by Joseph Urban and in addition GRACE LA RUE will pr?sent a unique concert of eonjra. Fifty most bevtotlful mannequins in America will display for the first time the original creations ot the greatest designers in the world. Orchestra $2.00 Ores? Circle $1.00 Balcony 50 centa Box Seats $2.50 and |8.00 Beat? now on *a!e at Carne,?rte Hall. Tyson's. afoBrlde'e. snd at the offtoa of To? New York <;'.?>b?j, 71 D ey Ht. atad 12 W. Slat St.