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The Lake Torpedo Boat Co. tBuildiry ni the licit Keel Suputarla? - . ? ? ,v and ? - We Buy Sell Quote The 7% Participating Pr?t & Common Stocks i oerr tnam ; let '';i Itod Gwynne Brothers 25 Br .-c St, N. 1 Pbone -"Z^ Broad Winsiow, Lanier & Co. 59 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK m s ten isis. ? ? ? ? ?r.. a. V ? I ? .. a PttttT'i ? A i~Maa\ae B I I ParS'-ttvi". '? <>i "Ii 1.1 I ? I II ii? o? )v? . ? gran ?.i Twin n :tii ipiv --/ 04 TOIt? ? 1. I M ISIS. - im roan isth For Sale $20.00? |:astern StCCl 5S To Yield 6.40', Inquiries ln\ ?t< ? Hoil & Mc William Phr.iie 4744 Brr>?d 25 Bro?d St.. N. T. ULTIMATE OWNERSHIP ? ? PARTIAL PAYMENT METHOL . ?? i Sat. .f ? Harris. Wintmpop &C9 krr> IBS! ( III. . N. V. \ K Chevrolet Motor CHAS. E. MERRILL & CO. 7 Wall Street Powohecol Rldg. New York DLIROIT ?y* m ? ? A List Descriptive o? Preferred Stocks That cor:.' In? S?** * In acaclattoa la Geo. H. Burr & Co. ItO llroait?.?.?. I RISC N'. I..i v?\\ rOKM Aasericaa Light ?'?? I ui ii.m l.n.pire Dtitrii t Eloi ti ii Standard Ga? & Electrii Utah Sn untie? letseea arses ??? u lasos * BtaeW* H.F.McCONNELL&CO. t*. ru., si i,i, ; j.,,.,,. v,.., v,,.. All WALL STREET re DOW JONES BULLETINS & TICKERS THE WALL STRFFi JOURNAL STANDARD WlWtUitn Q I ne. us. CARL i< PKORZHt ?MER&ca /im I .line \ - i. . i I ,. ?. FREDERIC it. HATCH & CO. Br? ... ID !.. ... v i .. . W.I\.COLER&Co. Investment BcU?cen < 11??n -i m v\ tos?a ..... i . ? A > Wm.A.Read&Co. Investment Bond Na?.au & Cedar Street?, New Yoik '??? *'i...?l,:t.,ii? nm%m LamaV? I MARKET NEWS AND COMEN! Stocks Rail] from Early Break and Are Higher .?t the ( lose. SUBMARIN] Rl MOR SI \I<1S REA< riON rti ( over and Ne? Buying appears When Facts of Our I -. K ? i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i down ? ? ? en loan j ek Baa been abi ? ' l ? ? ? ' IN ACTIVE STOCKS. ? A'u Ai ' ? ? ' -, ? . ' ' ? ?. ? ? ? ' ' s ai, ? ! ' DM MM M>^ HI i i m:i ii ( ? ? il "lie ? I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE I HI Rsn.O I : MBI R $1 , 161 ? retal 1,481 Wedaeeday, . ,: ., i iry 1 te data, v . | ? ? I ? ? . - - ; - ? ? g ? I ? : : . ? ? - 2 . l l - i I ? ? ? r - ? ? t. P. pj ? ? ? r . : ' - 10 I1G - - ? ? - ? I : - ii:. - ? ? ? i i . 37 - . i : . Gas . . . .11 r. r. 1,-t ..... 4< a ? ' ' a r ? pr ? . . G r. ? pr. .. I ? . . ? . . ? . ; ? : ? ? . ? . . . . pr. .. . er .... . 6 ! pr. .. . J . . . them.... ; . . - . .! ? 1 M ? ? . . .? ? ? I pr-, . ? .... - - ' I 1,4 I, i - I 11 tl ! 19 .. ? : ? ? I ' 11 ' 7.'. - i i - 20 ' 11 n 174*s - I . ' . 15 1- ? 1 .1" 317 ' ? ? ? ' M \ II. 1 0 1-1 ' - ? 11 ?4 ' I : ' ' i. Pi ? I ? : ? ?? ' I ? I ? \ : a ' ? ? 1 : ? 114*4 : I ? ? i I . . . . i - ?.?i . ' 117 I - 117 7:t . - ? ? ? pr.. i outl j pi -i-l i . R . I : ? rrant ? ? ? . r I . - I ' - 1 ? ? - - - 1 ? . - - - ? - : ?j,',. ? . . . - - - ? - ? 10 ? - I ? ; . - . 108 1 P? 1 217 no Executor Trustee The FiirirHTs' Loan and Trust Company N.K. h\ L8, 20 v 22 Willnm Street inch Office, -Y/i Fifth Avenue New York, JTJOI, ' I '. 0 ? ?""'. 51 o. : '. , 41 Baal rani ?? '? U??e '?'? *? 7 ' 1 0i it, Foreign Exchange, Admimstator Guardian Our A mple nented by a strong organization enables us to offer satisfactory bank? ing service, inis service includes Resources every facility for the handling ol ? ommercial accounts, time deposits, ollections, etc., as well as the nnanc ? i if foreign commerce. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OF THF. CITY OF NEW YORK n aaaaai sraaai Capital, Surplus nnd Profits $14,000,000 BOM) S4LEI <>x THE STOCK EXCHANGE . tn hum .,,, RSI vv 31 PTEMBER St, It?. na ido N'ew York sto.k Eseaaage Thareaey ssaaaated te ? i eh..lit."- ' .! .1 - >':ir lino. ?42.?.I S3 MO in I'.'l I, VVedarsday, ~ :.*f?t.*?t???> ? ??eek ,ik<i. anil Stock Kx ,,,, ,i Jaaaar) l la late, Mt2JI4., ifalaal ',ii\ ERNMEN1 " i si. , si BO KAU \\ M AND MISCELI.AN? OUS. s ?" . s I A Hssbsbb al h a ?i aaB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBSl ? aaaaaaaaramBmamBmaF. : ? i ? c 'S^^aatassssaisssl Lssssssssal . 1 ' ? ? . Cet 1 '? . i ? ... . .. i Ou r ? ., i ? ., -, I ? ? . ? ? . s . .-. i ? i. inn ". ' . h l ? : ' - ; - i . ? <l I. t ? ?? ' ?' . " ? < : l ? \ ' Ha By In. , ? i I ?' ? - ' S 4? 'S 4. It! i la ? V i ib rar ? - , ? - - ? ? ' ' ? ? ? ? - '. I Vi It'll ss ? r . i |V ? ? h lei la i ? ?. - .. M M r s' 117 P . - la <? ' I '. i '. ? ? -, ?? v T . i '?? t- ?< . IM IHK) ' la r Tr ?ift ... t. ? , - -, , ? ? ? ? -,. il \<>\ ERNMENT BONDS. N' ? tsked. Bid. A ! '.? u>- n as r 1918., ' - 109 ? rea;!. 9 - . ' .- 10O!s i 110 ?: .'7 100*4 109 . N M ?OOH 100 H M 110 t iinihiN i i iis|\i; PRICES. '?Y. ? , . ' r ? i N'.w iOi:k CITY BONI? ? i -\ns., ta ? ? i Coupon* Mi'.nrj Qrtoser ttlS. Pt,i? ? si It* 0^ ?? it Harri?, Forbes & Co' Pine Street, Corner William, New York a; -> Payable a: the Ofltoc < f ( ,, I . ? -, '??,? '? rria .' ' h Savii.-. n?n'< I lr?l Ada. Mint] .1 ' ' :v.':,ool District S hoot Building Anderson County, Tcnn . Koad Au!.urn <*> Syracuse Electric K. k. 1st arrl Refunding S * Bav County, Mi,:; . i nird Street Bridge Refunding Batavis 1 1., Lridge *. is 111., School 0:str:-:t No. 101 4 Belu,: , I>>a*. Br;'!ce ?:o & Susquehanna Railway ? ntiment Chariest? n, 111. Refunding Charlotte, Mich., ^rwer kasha, Okie., Sewer Chickasha, Okhv, Water Works Cooa County, Oregon. School Pistrict N Danville, III.. . tistricl ion, Iowa Water W< i Dominion Power & Transmis sion Co. Ltd.. Hamilton, Ont. Durrnore. I'a.. 4 i Klk Point, So. D ? Light Fayette, Mo., Water Works Ford County. 111., School Dis? ? No. 102 Fort l)o'!^c, Iowa, Refunding "rg, Iii., Electric Light Works Grand Haven. Mich.. Water Works ?> " Gree iville, Tenn., School Series "A" Highland Park, 111., School Dis? trict No. e Independent Tri Co. Huntington, West V,-.. 6 Interurbain Railway. Des Moines, Iowa. 1st Mortgr.?^ 5 Indeperdrnc, Iowa St hool Dil ?? Knoarville, Tcnn.. Market School House Knoxville, Ter.n . Public Imp't Knoxv?lc, Tenn.. V?.t!'-* Lancaster. Kv I\' : ara Port Con-.rr.i-.vnri CNew Orleans) 4*A<X of 1914 Mamaroneck N. Y. Sew?? Mer;!-"'. Heat & Light Co Refundir:? ! Midland Va'Vv Railroad Co. Monm^u'n, 111 . Refunding '.Tonrr.o'!-'!. 111., Water Wir!:-. Refunding Bass -, | - i.v+toi "? '?'?' ?*? I is Co., Inc Mr?, ,. onll?n??|, *omi A,r'' M-C. Water WorV. " ? ry.N.C.,Electxku2 Koufat A'ry' N- C.. Street ![$ Murfreesboro, renn. Sen?, District ^ New Kensington, Pa, s<h?vs' Oklahoma Gas & Blectrk Co Isa Mortgage G 1V Rutheri ?rd County, Ter.n. i Dix'nct ' ' ?Co. Seattle Shelby Count, . - Court c h'.uu Wl? and F,thn? Sou'h Bend & Southern Michifan Rai way Co 1st Mortgage Gold Sprii |field - ':? Wrs' ' " ' "? Wejrss & Electric Li Wilkes-Barre, Pa. s -,0! Da> tri? I N C. Water ?, S'1 ?? SeeeM Fer?'- Minn.,1 lepeaisja S. D. Rel Poplar Bluffi " |sjg ?i mi Henry, I v. ? - .? -- ?, Bell ( -xa? ' Wstei V.'ork? rioad M Le : -ras, Rosd Mor . '?home I l'l?.?-n?ri Bur '? Dak Re fur : Car- ? School ( ' -?i ' Rfdg ? ling I slip. N. ' Distrii I No. 1 . : line [II Water Wo Winrvboro. So. Car. Eiectrie Light ft Improvement Woodlawn Tov. p, No Dik. Pe:"up^:r-g Wird or, Me October Investments ? '? ' ? ? . ? ? srfaf ? i la : ... 4 ; to 6 w -;"> for cir ?- " PT for it The Financial Position of Great Britain and France is pat forth in an iiit'r< ling il .-*??? "Trend of the Timesn \s hi? h also conl tins parti, alar Ang^o-French Lean ./ :> , . fit /" !?'!? I /s/, for "Tre ! of the t'r ? ?" tVo. ?I A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities 149 Broadway, New York i Abbott, Johnson & Co. Members New York Stock Exchange 120 BROADWAY, New York City We beg to announce that are) hava formed ?i copart? nership to deal in investment sei unties and to conduct a general Stock Exchange business under the firm name ol Abbott, Johnson fit Cxmspanjr, with otfices .?t l-U Broadway. Gon-lon W. Abbott J. lord Johnson, Jr. Alan L Corey ?? Win. Rosa Proctor, ? I elephone Re? tor 94 I 7. RUSSIAN BONDS FIRM IN LONDON Principal Business i?i short Torrn Ismus and War Loan Americans Steady. Leaden, ! ? !>? '?' I ? teas ?t ? DU) - palls i'<?r short' 1 me i rdened . ? ? a . te un. ? ' ? .1 an* ? it \ ? were quieti i ? A tun ? The Hunk of K11 >r I is ? 100 m . . ?.. ' : ,000 Ill , pain. Mosey arei were tmericai ? mei .? . stei reu. . ? ,.' Money loaned ?t 8*4 te i per ? rare 4% to 4\ ] ? 11.16 i- i i ? i premium ..? l Pari I Prices were alar oi ?es Iowas n ? ? ! ' del 27 ira ni rtt.ii RANK OF FRANCE RETURN i' ?i - . ... i ? . ? I ' I \ \ \ ( I \ I. R.rerd. 1er V?*r ?...?.?. a-d *-????*" . | ., ... r>rBBMi a THE INVESTORS P?CKtT MANIAI m or Br?V._ /?i.? Ii i ....... *?. 'I / i ?? ?,m? CA1 '.'"' ?.T* ?III ??"'I ??ei ? ?ce? rai FiBANCiALpansa ? ? ' ? "TW invini SOi American Telephone & Telegraf Cl A , per ??*" ? .. un era Tr'aed" M H...Il MUM H?" *V"?;f* , a s, iTrS^r^^^^? ' II? F* "ni Si a* ?? ? .?Se? ?*?? fil IKOIT I MTMl KMI??.- m au HJS MKKTlNt'*- . MiiniiKs un: ..i?H..r?? . ss ,? i">?,p*2 ' " '* a? ' ??""*f? M . lai "lU ?? S_? ?e .-as? ??s ?* ,.\MP,:. v*V Sacre?** V ? ,-: U l*11'