Newspaper Page Text
.. ?J| ???i] fiHPANY ? ' ' ? ? \\|> DIVIDEVM. anandTrust Companv ?-? -.-. r ? e ir OrtoSet rj and 915 es foil ? an? r-ip?n? Kiilw?? CompinT ? - r I ' B " ? (ompsni ? - . Bajes?] ?easaor ? I i aaeiaa Mtge. ,i , Agreement. - Vaso? V\ -.pan? wporation v. Series "A." tad Ce ? (,u'pment h o?, I Term. Rail*?? ( n ipanr S( Wf.h sYi n I . . - : . i!< l.".. .mp?n? on Pfd Mo 1. Basa*? or. ? om. Stock taBSB-Soperior Tr?. tion ( ompanTon Pfd Sto'k * ?arlh ( ompar-* on Prtorred Stixk i'h on Prelerred Stork i on ( ommon Sto.k ?XCHANGE. as . . i - ? - ? ? i ; ? < . i ? ? I- . 4 ? 1 a - E-*-NX OF ENGLAND RETURN. JT0?*- *":' ? ?f an Baal '"? ... . LB a ?? I *-? Triangle Film ' A corporation, organized on up-to-date lines and that is assured of an enormous business from ?N start. ' Its management, which is made up of men of long experience in the moving picture business, has devel? oped the enterprise on a broad scale. 1 Its productions arc already a demonstrated big success. They are going into many of the best known theatres in all sections of the country. ' Plans are also shaping up for the presentation of Triangle films in several foreign countries. 1 The earning possibilities of the company are some? thing tremendous. \ The stock, in our opinion, possesses men'* oi an excep? tionally high order. 1 It is especially well suited to the requirements of the small investor and can be bought at the current mark'I price in lots of from one share upwarr'. s ?.'??' HARVEY A. WILLIS & CO ( Established 1 90 1 1 2 Broadway, New York. Telephone Broad 127-8-9 BAXK PEPORJS METROPOLITAN FrUSI CO. f New 1 - M ?. ? v .; ? ? ? ? I I ? : I ' K I ? ? ? ' - I ? - - ? ' - - 1 - ? - ' ? ? ' ? - ? a* ? ?- ? |e ? ? ? i ? . ? I SHORT TERM SOTES. | ?,.'.! . . ? -; . . . ?? , ? ? . . a 100% 1 , < : ?', ? I ' I cri'iitn (,n\?-rnment Issues. : ? . ? ? 4.10 . ' ' . II ?? . I ? ' PENNSY EARNINGS INCREASE I arse l.russ I?c< rea*e Offset b> Less Operating ( ?ml?. Caraiagi f'f is ran a Rail - rr.ii'i aystesa ?b August showed narked increase.- ifl both kt<<** Bad Bet Pel ,'ht months of the fiscal vear August then ssas a con -, but this hear*; cut m i.pi rat ? i liast a screes? I the? ? gain >>f 5 lu ?ugest, gi ? 79, oi ?.I-?<?'.i*. 3 per cent, mon ? Baje Nei earnings led 1 ! "t !?< r crr.X the ti.tal ad , . '. Between the i.n.-s west 0f P | - bur/ii ar.ii then east 1 ii e Pe\i,s. van.a Kauroad piopei shewed a ? foi Au? ? .559 ami a of a" r the i .? It ? ' ' : i ? a..,!., seing r? . Ol?.?i'i?. I ' ible at ?i ? ? STOCKS IN OTHT.R cities ROSTOM STOt In ? ? ? . i nin . iza - . It ? . ? ... \ ' ? . ?i ? ? - ? - ' ? ? >'?* - ' - ? . a . IT 3 I. . . - ? a ? - . . ? a a PBBJ_ . a - . s i . - ? I \ Ion Kit . '?. MISll.l.l.A a ! . . ? ? ' ' : < t . ? . ^gjMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUMUU^ , 'S . i ?..-. ... '?<sl a | Metal?. I Me? a I'illl IDELPHIA STOCKS, i ??. ? ina ?hi ? Bat... - I - ? ' ? Tr t <? V 4 i ? a . - noxDa, ? < . ? 101 ? X ? . . ? I ?'? ( IIKU.O STOCKS. < - i - ?? ? I ? ? ? In!.m . . I KINDS ' - M?4 ? . a HUTIMOIU STOCKS. ? i . i i ? ? ? i : ? ? ? -? I 1 . IS . . ? - - ? ' pn rsBi rgh sum k>. ? Am ^ ?. .- \ ' I ? ? .?? \ PHI? Bri - 4 ? . i P II. ! i i .. la? ..... ? II gt ? ? . us .JfJJ i ? . a nr. . i MS . '. I . II 106 IS II a TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Patriotism's Appeal Aid for British Home Loan at Lower ( ost. WE ARE NOT USED rO FOREIGN BONDS Qreater YkTil for Investors Here Should Help in Ni xi International Issue. ? ably ' - ? ? ? ? i war, but 1 . ? ' ? ' ? ? I ' Outlook fei I uta ce I I bor ? I ? ? ? ' ' ' ? ' ? ing i. ? ? . come ? i ?' ? ? ? ? Trade with Other Si < ?? ??- RelpedL ' ? , to Great ex ' ' , ? ' ? ? i '? ' ' ' I . I or i ! > \ ''?'.'' ' - from I nd the world' ? ? 's-il! N i ss ? ? I for t London credits int Plight ?.i Ike vp" lallst -. It the end of the fonrl day i ? ? ? ' ? ? tei ? ? would ? ? ? ? - a/allaee tecoautaata Report. A I ? ; ' ted on thi ? ?. ? mtai ? ' ? ? I : ? ? ? i ? Man? . - the ? 1 i.niii. ? I ' ? ' .i the P ? other , .Ion. Harmony in Knelt Island. A go, k Isla held ' i ? ?' i I ? tod 1 1i Of the t h e 11 . V P it-tary Cloauj- vscic instructed to vu'.e election of 1 ? ? ? ? . i ? ? ? coramitl ? ? cd in thi ? ?' : , ? . ? ? railro id I ;.i" a ? ? i r i j ? CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS " ? <>?i!. r Spei ;.?!t.< -. Ris?: ' ; Sei iritl 's V ? -'k mi i Pracl . Intel i ? ? ? ? i ? l ?? . i -, Prairie Pipe 1 . ? ' ? INDI STRIALS. i ? ? - ' I .... - I" ,1*4 ? . STANDARD OIL BUB ?Dl .RIES. ? P i. - RAII ROADS. MINING. n ii 12 ? I * i IA i i ?, a . ? III |, ' i . ll'j ' ? a K - ..... | ? - BONDS. $ ? ? ? 7S INACTIVE YESTERDAY IM DI v ? . ? ? ?Vi I ? 14>? . - ' ' M Min ! I . ' ? - ? PI RLK ! M!.m NN I nil IKS ? i -i ? . ? ? I 1 ' ? - | - -. . i a i DA1L1 IMPOtTS ?NO EXPORTS. Daily Ira] its of ?jen- ' eral n .,t .: * . - ? ? ?? ? .-.ii [iTERIATIQIAl ffacA?iTIlE .?IaR??E (JOMPAKY To Holders o? Preferred Stock: In?* s ommltlee. us a result ol the fxuni'nsllon t-.rlnnj mnriV saj u% be?'all ol Internat! mil Mercantile Marl r (ompan , is now la a position to m a ke? ll,?- toUoWlaSSj iiniHiiiiH-.'ment: It appears I li ol the v.i- ne i that during the month of March, t i; ? o pay all interest th I thai of it lirman ot the R ? rustes an .t.-i t i ... for deed . . 1 that the I lei pres i wai I that il ' ' I of dire? ? ? rt ol rnst the account tax. and also : '? ,. . ' 1 ? sit Iditton the Ml . ? . | it all I ' ? ? I tl ?-? ? in I | t on the . ? ? ? i : " I the safe I i ire ? ? cert ' ties at values tit be vorth. its of the Marine I i . : cash) I will, trade t I ts, ob ding I ; bl it .1 other I d f 1te Mari e ompa The -i to permit this valuable pi . I lei the pretest : ? ft to the Si A lh? cx larine ? I I arrant a f the pend ng U ? lit. : rred stock ? ' I and at rt) it the of the bondholders so thai the) (the all I ' irnings, are efen .! -'? ?ck ? : M fl ild ENTRAI I RUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, ? osit ssili b? issued for til i d oi the v. ? lent ma) ... A ted r 29, 191 J. N. WALLACE, Chairman, HENRY EVANS, HARRY BRONNER, .REDERICK W. SCOTT, Committee. - ?i i R, Secretary, ; i Wall Street, New v< i ? : .| INE, I ARKIN \ RATHBONB, ? I NDI R, intel. . . I a . a ' ? . I ' .... ? ; - . . MINIM., allant? , a 150 II I ? ? .- . i 1 II IM III " IL? 4? il ? ' a - I ? - a I 1.1. aa-aa?. A?. I.It ?.(.I 01 Mil T.tlltl \K- LIST in PTCTKI s BAILS, --pi.-ini..-, m leafsrrtai'a tleee lliatt | -? -?iti-llll'i-r .V?. I I 1.11 I <la. ... .i, HL.... . i"'i g .; une i?.n,Ii .i;.. . 107.781 .lull SS, 1 r ? 11 .LU i il Bisa for ?sweat.ISO 131 i...h r?? tswsasi. lasase n -n i i iii>. i?., ase i .1? jaSj. tet?is 11,'. ' r .lune. lim.?It l..n? fur .It,ne.ISSJSS n ..:>> r.r stej. in : ?3 La? f..? Ms*. le?ase Bisa f'"- \i?rit . Hijea i n? t ..i- Xp'ii . i o 7 ? ? i. ; n ci. t .i Mi n u.._ ... tea tes I M for U ... h. 101 IBS Ulgh for i rbrawrj . IM.7M Lo? . ? ! eli n ii \. IS!. I St Ulgfa i..i ? u.-i.i-? . ISO HI i ae i r i.iiiiiim . leaaei Bash. Uses tar, Ifll . Ill '.?a i mi, the? tar, ISIS . ISl.tSl Mark, full rsssr. IS1I . i M r.?i i..%?.. mu >.:ir uni. istaes iVEBAOl <>l I if I : ??iiiiM s i i>t m i w i.i \ i. iMH -1 ai m a September '?" re*er?lajr'? etaae, StaSS sVrptemfc r ?. . '?>'? tfJ Dm areeli hk-i. ??.'.;: I On.- aan . SB.S01 Jul) so, ISI4 . i,. :; bis> f..r \nsu?t . asase I ..? fur \iluil-l . ??"> I?? Hiaa fee Jelj. SUSI i,,? (..r lui?. ssan Bias f"f .I?'?- . HV 'S I nw lime.TS 1(13 Bisk for Bay . M ISS i...? for Bei. ?4.471 HikIi fur \pril.?j.134 l.m for \|.rl!. 7SJ44 ?i ?i. rae ?iini? .?.isa i for Mur. h.MAM ii.ii i saeearf.,:'.;"> I <>\r f..r I .-l.ruurT. BOJ4I llr.h f-.r .l.innar?. ISatl I . ? li.r . re IS n Ik ii. lim* f?r. isii . ?taee i.,??. than, ISII . H Ml Bist?, mu >. u 10)11 naei i.,.,. mu ?. n. ru i . etasi ON THE CONSOLIDATED. Tl., ? ? s | iad en Bxel sage fr?ta ? -i101' On lid not aeifle ander .... hile Weal I. Good ? . .i low price I '?'.. SUM !?.>. H i i , list I ? ? ' ... ? . - -. ? .... ? a ?J ... ?. ? . - . ??, ... ? i . . ' a ?. ? . ? , ..v.. .i ' ? ? a ? ? REORGANIZATION International Mercantile Marine Company ( International Navigation Company I Notice that plan of Reorganization has been declared oper? ative, of change in plan and extending the time for the further deposit of securities thereunder to Oct. 1, 1915. Hie plan '?f RseorganiaaUen ol the laWns+rtmal Mercantile ?afasias Coir* panj dated August U, 1915, hat I>?-? -n decavrd operative as tin- RnrrganafatiiTa I . i. i :? i ?t t?-?-. I In- ccntinuing large earnitgi "i the properties ol A?- fnteraaiaeasal Her* cantil? Marine Compenj now Indicate tl at th.- assured cash reeoareea .?f bas N'eu ( ompao) make if unneixsaar) tu require HoloVra <>i Stock and Stach Fr?st Certificate! to subscribeeto bonds of the New C.paaj si the rats af IRJO par share, and the Plan Ins b?*n sccordingi) changed so thai hoaders if Stock sad Stock Trust Certificate! may it tin ir el?ctioa (Icposit fluir Certificates of Sto. k .nid Stock Trust Certificates without the payment of the asjaseelpaian. Holders ..f of Deposit for Stock Mill Stock Trust Cert,tic airead*, deposited mas, ii' they so desire, obtain a refund of the amount, p ie. them upon surrender of their Certificates of Deposit to the Depoattarj its Vgents, on or before October I, 1915, In Hadasjun t'or new Mitmati Certiftcatesl of Stock, Stock Trust Certificates .nul IL.mis must he d ?? ite,] un.I. r the |'| m on or let,,,. October 1, 1915, Biter sthvh date ii" d. will l.c accepted except in the entire discretion of the Committee and - to such penalties .-un? condition? a- the Committee mas are hi t" iinpnae. Copies of this -lotice n,isc been filed erith th Drpositariea and their Agrnl DBroati tan? ami Taran taanrrai nu; nr* roan ratter '??mpwt. ..... Fur leur i,?.| One li.ilf Per I nil MoriK.n... Collateral lr.i-1 IXMllllll I IHI'TOI. A..M. Gold Bonds. 1 \ \ MILLS. CI KKIK * ? o um in\ rat'HT ?omi'\n\ Ta , |..r Kir-t Merit..?, -?nl.ini; I uii.l ?lANKKSUI I It I MI COMPAMT, I lee Pe? < > al Bold Boad* e mu i 11 \ i ; 11 i .?. i :<i ?r ? ?> igeat P ? Kl. MM WiKk mi >r ? OMI'WV. I Street ? i mi i in rai BT ? OMPAXY, s ? Por Preferred * CaaassaaB Morfe r s,,?l Tr.,7"J,r.ui ,i . iDOl.PH BOIBMBtAIS ?CO,/ M"ik Irii^t \ e*rtill? .it*'n. i.lW MILL*, < I nidi .un, DATED New Torn, SassjaaRer it. IMS. OIK? I. Il\\\ \ltl> ? Imirnan \mii'.i\? .i. mu m? m'illiam p. otter, Vire-4 Im ir in.. ii. In' I Im i im in. i :;i m m? k ii miii-m \\. i !?? s> in < i?'. i in. ?>lli\;.. I lilKK. ?AMI KL 1 Hol-los M III 1(1 II ?II.?,IS. ? II \ I: IK.-, II. MlHKiN, I . O SU ||(s. ?,| |||{|.I. ? It|(| Ui'M I HI. III.VI WIN I II \V\ Holism nu I it Mil I K.K. POTTKB ? I. Ulli., i MOBOAN, I IV? is.,v mu KM s { ? '"" '>? ? i m xiixiik i aottaa m m aro? !'? - : 1 ? ' -..??? Y .. ' tty P . , I , RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS. ..- ? M ' P it Lain. ' 4 t . i ; i ? . Let I IB I . ? * Ohio ii, t - i s i i. i * ? . , i .1 ? .. i i ? i ? , ? i . i ? ; . in at Ti ,i i ? ? i .i, i . ? i 1.71 ill i ' a llwa . , i - a . i . ? . . I < ? . ? l ? ' Another M. K. T. Committee. A committee lias been formed to eat the interests o? the general psortsjaaa siakiag fund bond? of the SSOSSI &? Texas Railwsy. eoasleting of Otts T, Hannard. Jame? ; . Jarv.e. J R. Nutt, Andrew J. Miller am'. Henry laadSSBQB Counsel for the committee i? Haraslseror, Mille- i Potter._ Ruirely Committee Extends Time. Although the time for deposit, of the StecS and note.< of the M I. . < loraeeai ei ted M : ? gage and l my, lieou?iury tor the no'..?, aud the New York Trust Cern? ?? I di pesil i 4. It i thai tie ? $11 01. tien r..min" until November I. Ores ? per i the notes he ? ? laeidc at its ?r t. av- ? Loan Now $1.925.000 i The .'"."I v .-? ?? > obtained an additional loan of |100,uiM| ? rest ur til Jure. lflt\ from the M. S. C. Ho! lint? Corporation on the south corner ?f Fifth av. and Tfd el I tan ???? ??? rj aaailaseal .I.. iri(? erected on the ?'te. This ... w . ? ...,.,;?, .... : ed bj ?on. ? Vanderbilt and James A H?rden. There are two pri?t ? >rtfafte on ti? lite "i >; ? i Retrep Life tosuraaee ? orapans hastaej ?liad I1.40OJO0 of this -um. ? -? FIRE RECORD. A M BO S H fc-hlombolia: " ? :. < III ?A? ? ' ?' ?'.a. K ??II -, a. ? / u i I a. ?Vila?. I :? M If.I,.. ?1SBBL . . Brvaataaj \. L. ?u tuj I l'g?'.lt? Co.. .?.