Newspaper Page Text
DR. HILL BROKE NO LOVE PLEDGE/ SAYS GIRL FOET Miss Covington, Suing Doctor, Declares Suit Is on Business Heal. BREACH OF PROMISI . ASSI RTS 111 R i \WYER Doa'l Know V* It Is.' \n in< - i ?i : i al Dcfeadaat, -, from v. i ti? ? . ev. Dr. ? i i The ' , atterui ? ' si is not ? ' ? hei ' - ? '?out. Botl mut . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rculat y that *ome time ? Dr. Hill for ? ? ? ? Dr. Bill Rcturna to ? ' - ? ? I ? ? ' made r ox, 1 ? ? ' : nothing-. - ' ? I ? aaaplalBl Pan? rs Not Ready. ? i ? ? life. ?say ? I sat ' ' the CANFIELI) S ASSOCIATE, POOR, A GA$ SUICIDE Philip Rfilly, Obi i Rich Gam? bier, \ ii lim ol Hard I uck. ? sir * : ? and ?? ? . ti.a and of hi? B**njaj|SjSSa J Miss I ri ?LU'. COVIX?.TON Wt*r*U?a?UMe&mmmmttmHmmmmmm aro i.? ? w. ^~, ... .,.., ? ? - i,' '.ho Ret Dr. ?' ; W ?:? Hi I. PRESIDENT STAYS UTAH EXECUTION \t Sweden's Request (?eis Delay for j. Hillstrom, I. W. W. Agitator. " ? an I. W. '-? ... ? ? ; the Presid? I o a? ? ^ ? i ? m to make f the i . -hat h" I" - tter up with . rnur the Pi ? ? In ' ... . i i trial. i Salt i i ?? rt MRS. SPEER WINS OUT AS HER OWN LAWYER Charged with Calling Wife <?f Daughttr 's I \ Husband ?? Bigamist. i orker, ard I y the . lawyer, Mi ? ? (.!) .TtlUUs H i | Me. Osborne to Speak at Garden ? i ? ? ! ". lo Hi Ip" _ ?.GOTHIC" Arrow Collar 1 RONV I ITS CRAVAT KNOT [ ?*IRFE<CTLY. 2 for 25c [ CLUtTT ?I.ABOOY 4 CO . lac , a?,i? MAY STOP FOREIGN "DUMPING" IN U. S. Bill Will Be Urged by Redfleld to Prevea! Alien Firms from Underselling Americaas. ? ? \\ -, \ l making It a lei ? the Ami mam.: ? ? , ? ' ? ? ? fruits rite Mr. 1 felt that ono of th, ? . ? | rket ? in the * ' I - - ? ? from thread ine of the I ? ? - f;ate this situation, and ir t was Intin ? ?,dat:on s1, Con It il nos I ? hi as y i ei a.'y, eithoi eivil or -. who ADELE BLOOD WON'T STAR BEFORE COURT Returns College Youth's Fnmi ture Rather than f act- Suit. . '.'. ' o from Ed ; indi ? ? lay. In tlie first . held l :.. a very n named Andrew H B and o ?''il. d the la I act that . . ? ident. ? ' . lardian Mi** ithei of P Billings, an offi ? lise, : When M . L. 1., was informed of the ? hi* furnitup "I Si ? id of I," u . ? . .. : ' her of i ? ? -, \ ? ? , I law-suit : Woman H'irt in Auto Crash. I tree! when ? : : ?! and Ii \ ? ' ' : . 1er and the right sii AL DAVIS STILL AFTER KELLY G? Dancer, Yet Undivon Won't Leave HerAloi Says Mother. MNO PEACE FROM MIM ANYWHEI diri Who Will Have Million \ Hence still Infatuated aril Broadway Character. i ? .- ? ? ornlng paper ye da?-, Mi in Kell are itartli ght befon ti'r I. ; AI 1' the ti I t Wedne da) ni rd the ; rlth I ? u ' . > ; ..? ii t g at ged sting insti act ? B r i way resort ? admitted the ro| rrect "I ran ?re nothing wrong m th ? dared. I .i-' n:?ht, however, she was ?rit . 11 .- She spent I n hi r ri in l.or mother's hoi e, wh< re, for a she will n main. for l ? ice they s ere seked to le the.' tnation Broad' has had i i i I il frs Kelly i Igl I id ?.. Almost at the eoi room ? Kelly promised M li.'.rV si ?? would hn\?. ne SS t.. do with l he daneor. won't leave I al .. aid un Kelly. "Tins summer he puraeed us . a bare are a/ere h?r all ahout the ? plensnnt thing] that had happened, ? d chums, when ? .' ei d .. cl anga. A few d I '.? arned the answi r, Da m der ? ' ? name of Pos ell, we ? on island with anothei man and I Ha bed trailed Eugenia there ? hen ho lei;. a diamond ??hi- had was gone. "1: " Dl who wsi responsi 1 for all the notoi et thli summ and s n 1 be old story. For en. After bo had 1 ? aied all that had h? ; al t their being eni . ? ? ? Bot a long . , "Nov. ?....? ar?. bach here and he be 1 be nionirnt I relaxed it entici . . ' out v. "The ' is sn ssrful shock to r made r.?> threi ? Davia. All ' ask ?s that ? .a alone." .lohn 1 M.-ii.'.h. eounael for M Kelly, declared yesterday that Das by purs ? g 1 rl, is i nviting * roub "I'll certainly pet him," he -aid. "I I .1 get him good. I'll ha rith Mr-. K. |] i.. * ie I deeli ? ? exact pi ?'? .lure, but it ? ' n ? ? .. ? eral ici ent ment o? | tioi of the Mai act, if he trii her out "f Ne ? ? .'. Dr ne might be ehartrt . ling the girl to bieaK i er p It .?. .? vit ti i . "I* Ii possible," he continued, "ihi Mr*. K.'llj ?i.av dei ide to band the gi over "o ,. n hK' rate to be commltte .; ? do tefore, "Oavii i girl's money. An one ran see that,' s?r..i Mr. Mclntyr "There may be a way to tie up her ir he CS ' ' derive any henet it until he il thirty years oh The court? Could do thil if be s sa reeklei -, went erith be compantona, ?i? incauUoas in fac I ? ? rsrlf unable :o manage be ? It is ?-nid Eugenia Kelly's estai amount i I o ng like hi t v. h - . 0,.I :..i d $1,000,000 The male dancei ent most o m mer out riadli the New York eourts, at 'K-eanpor! .\. J., wher" be ha i.? the guest .. dim Donovan, a trainer of prise 'ifcht , : -. Davia, however, took a I ; in ?< . m ? ; iland sh le E igenii Keii; and her mother were spending lomi weeks there in tagest At the '.m. can ied I he an nouncement he snd Eugenia wen be n si i led. She deniei iti legrem te 1 ie Tribune, bu aga ? ' | ten I toted ?<u an nouns ei .... ement to Dai I ? : was said resteras if he attempted r< marrj I i i before hia wife'e divorei r. ? .'. OS Nov. TIli.'T l, h? . be pre ecnted foi bigamj STORMS HELD*B0ATS 2 DAYS Two storm-tossed transatlantic linen enme in yesterday, two del behii lule The Espagne, of the Fronet Line, which was guarded bj d< itroyen ? ?.arture from Bordeaux, V.H? forced to heave to foi twenty-eoven ? ? IB The Ho \?? ? ? ? '. eue Amsterdam, Ri teidam, ??? i ? h was in compel j : .. ? ? ed to run pe ?.! for four daj * of h"r jour- I On the Kspaijn?? rstne Mrs. Nicholas 1 i gworth, mother of the Col . man. i . ? : her liter in-law, formerly Mies Alice !:. Alee on '???>.?r. 1 ?a? Georges . i. . - h beryl one, a I h the 1 ten I ?pe i s I on pei * Among the trB?-ellers un | Rita fol I vet, thi setreai who waa the last pei ?? ?lharles Frehsaas ?!.???? on board the Lueitna i Among others an ? ? ? ? M. - ' nee Col lier, the ? ?-? us S Morgan, of and John Wanamaker, jr. \MI SI MINIS. itMl'SEMEXTS. Ince-Triangle Play Draws Cheers The Telegram ?ayi oj one nr:c TriangU PUty: ''Elaborately arranged and splendidly mounted, ' The Iron Strain' brought out the most gener? ous applause of the evening. Nothing so fine as these won? derful pictorial offerings has ever been seen in New York. Come to the Knickerbocker Theatre Now Afternoon* at Two Beat Seats $1.00: 500 COOD SEATS :><). Eveniaga at Fight 50c, 75c SI, S 1.50 and V baturday Matinr-e-e aame prices. PATERSON GAGS SPEECH INVADER Tresca, Abbott and Wrigl Arrested for Attempt in?4 to Talk. MISS F LYNN ESCAPES BY DASH IN AUK kint at Meetiag Where Arreft An- Made No Charge Against Trio; Freed. ? ??. 1 W. W. a?: ' '' >l ! ? ir? A ". presldeat of tl V i,. I res Bpeech League, and Thorn? Wright, of ,. I, M J . I ? ro t a: led bees to New York laat night I r .?. on | ir they lia ind held without hail fa than an houi at polio headquai -.ti No i them, I ? ' Bimaon con ?ent ;-. -,- himsell -n declaring 11 tiie;. eould ? tart anj ,e was on the foret i i ibeta Gurley I-lynn, the I. W. W. ipeaker expi ed wit three ' eekl BgO, WB I laat night, teit did not attempt ' - peal l lice Lieut? nant it . ! t;..' !?< en sble to locate her. bu from othei orees I ?a learned tin, hi l ad vit Ited the town la an a it and aaeaped when ths 'muh!. Abbott, accompanied by Lincoln Stef fen . '..?? magazine writer, reach d Phi er -..n . ,r;. i tei da] i ening te eora plain to thi ? they ha< ear.r.-.. . ting of the Free League, ? ?: ? I tied for this1 ? ? th.- Auditorium in Ellison Street. No! finding ans satisfaction si hea tei -. the) Ii ?>.;>? foi New York, The roi ait heard of at a ?tei ' leel ing at l G Prince Jtree' Peterson, pre ided over by Will? iam Glai /. Soeiallal eandi late for May? or. ."-'? (Tei emained I he i i ou I. while Abbott climbed on the platfrom, Police Raid at Meeting. "The next ?Beaker," ha announced smid thunders of applauae. "will bo (arlo Tresea." From lomewhera in the audience Tresca appeared. He mounted the plat? form spoke '.'"r ten m< Then ti..- i . | ..hee on the platform swept him off Im feet. An Lnidei ? -. uncon - Prt lea, Abbott and Wright -.'.ere all marched to Police ll adquarters. ., erowd of several thousand at their i hiof ol Police Bimoon, in con? sultation with Lieutenant Moeeley, d?? te hold them endet ai r? -? all night without "What are irgea against u> "" demanded Abbott and Tresca "You'll liad that out to-morrow." re plied Lieutenant Moaely. "In the mean time, the ehargei are held opea." Later the police ofleiali, hegmnina; to douht the legality of their action. gave the threi pi I ioi era the opt spei ding thi . ..r go? ing home. 'I hey voted for home, and were put aboard a Hudson River car ihortli before midnight l'llhlic Officiait '.sere reticent la night, so reticent that only one t"'i mitted himself u> be interviewed. This one ssus Lieutenant Moseley. "My men, under Sergeant Moor?, made the ai n I -," he sind laat ? "They ", re ii ting ander or lei Chief Bimaon, Tresen knew what was getting when he came back. Wi warned hin o;ir three week! ago. WINTER GARDEN, "A , ". LAstrK PASSING SHOW OF 1915 MM>\, Ml.Ill (MM Mil- VII ii. ?v I nee? In I.alii Hill ut s.n. Seats Now. I VRIl" ANOTHER MUSICAL TRIUMPH TWU IS COMPANY Ml.' "ALMA A "ASCII." ; ? ?.?.?-. . I -Tribun? BOOTH. F.'rg, > M ?I?:* T ? ? .V S ? '. fccVs A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS n ? i t h i i i ..j ratea " MAXINE ELLIOTT S T ?, M ? I ' ? ' ?? .\ H ?, ? OUR CHILDREN c?'ss""*." Mil BE ST. I >| I I M.'.< To B)'a .?. W? WILLIAM HODGE' ^?Wi/ss" AAHt CI THEA.. !>n? I CONTINUOUS ?tf-ein 01. B'wai II A. M. to II P. M. 25c. 25c. GERMAN BATTLEFIELD i.rral ? m <i i i". ' usa u rid n?a 1 PLAYHOUSE '.:. S .', v T,'" s ' Brilliant Success GRACEGEORGE THE NEW YORK IDEA 48th STREET ^ , , '. HUSBAND AND WIFE THE'BLUE PARADISE**"'{&? A DASHING SMASHING CRASHING SENSATION! MANHATTAN lilt Ml * Mh Are. r>c to ii.;o. I ?.-?< C !I*U Wad A Sat , . WED. ?*AT. 25t TO $1.00. AtTrtB ? MO 4" s- nrratit at! a^BO I Un i ., - Slat. 1 row, l:?l AMERICAN FARCE ???g *i ' "THE DAY OF CHARLES H. HOYT. I.II !.S ll'.t.l tl'AV PHONZ COL 6800 CiNTRAL PARK W 62*?3*Sts , i ?, hi satal ?, rica. r . INEDWAYBURN5 TOWN TOPICS PRICES ASTOK .K0HAN.5 GREAT ?.? AMERICAN FARCE "?.1 SOS* s|S' i Mill I. .1(1 II N S \ JONES" i " ? S I" IRilti ALaandar* si h( i \ CAHR c ALACE I. WAS Ma ? ..... OLONIAL" I.was i i iVorth end Mai . , 1 r? I V. H wen Hruarlwaj ? i mouette F^oem.Hotel rWfiniQu? i ni. i i r-i PB" ? * - Ar T/\ |> I ?? < -? I ? O I \J ?TV : , MUT. TU si.iKW "^COHANS GREAT five AMERICAN FARCE thousand tA ?HfO NIBlO a 'BILLt HIJLIIDAV Loew'i American Roof " ' . f ' 12-Act Vaudeville Show ?iffta?,* Dl I II H II IU?MI s , 5oc. pULdMBJA II ?a. A 4711 _ B_urlr?ui. \|?t IHL HUStLANU i.iHL? la; HIPPODROME ? aJI ?a-.:.-??' CMA?LIS WLLIN6MAM ?a?l CMA?ltS WLL1NCMAM FIRST MATINEE TODAY . "HIP HIP" at \ theHIPi4aHIT HIP-HIP-HOORAY? Mi I'll S 1\ UNK K ill 'i ell Sousa's Band EVERY THE BIGGEST 'MATINEE" NIGHT SHOW IN DAILY " \. THE WORLD ""' ?,?., :?, c'o ATTHE $1-00 Jnl.bU LOWEST PRICE _Jl_ ? | ? ? Sata :".??' ma on skatis Flirting at St. Moritz . . i Ballst S sssoj i,.. ?easssss 153 MUSICIANS 600 PEOPLE ? ? ? BO! ? OS a moi SAM) STONDBBS B ll HI KM SUNDAY NIGHT -FIRST HIP CONCERT SOUSA us Its $1.00 The Drama Society y N order t>> help intelligent * playi t<? in intelligent . WC supply the best sc.i'.s tur the best plass only .it the b??x office price, ?or mil information address Jokn Corbio, 131 East 15ta St. THE BATTLE CRY?/ PEACE, VITAI.RAPM 11 .i. A li ,? TWICI DAILY. < A I ;ii) : M?ta iM.n >.' i SI I .? A -.? \t. 1 I. 00 CHARLES RICHMAN. : ? i M.u: m aal I at II -.. -'.?i tuii Urta.'? lu?.??, til *..a ?Od. | I boot I i rn loss ??< ? '? got ..'>:. ? h ng sgain ? him . j. ... -, .... ., , ? - i dot bad my time I ml to." ?? W liut were the el ran . . ? ' nrtfe?," ? eesr ?Vhal .rged there a ith, then "" : I plied. "Good 'Ha.'!.' ? ...... p | ? labor troub '< ? ? at 'in''' ??s |oif late ,r' ' ? i? about a mon'h age, ? ; . \ e,| p?r ? n to talk ? id hired ?nd ' treated i other* e/erc night ?il that timi M is Flynn demanded t? i if her eonatitational right t,, U"> ii not 1 ' invaded "V ; told ' ? the power. Von ? tall ? Petal in." Fear Trouble After Sperrhe?. Pat? ; ses ? le sis ? iplain tl sir re f'i^.ii te allow each a. Ire??, Plyna ? - thai whenever ? 01 been ti iblo in the milla, and that ?,vhe?her inch persona *re -a. right - and ? olate l in lo do ng, they wi 'n.' i o i ,- snot 'er str Kp. eapeei r at ,hl," ? -'?? ,nT^ ,. n. a *hi ay. "We r i . "jfTered enour? f P.obert H ?I! ?*. hsving r?:d -v'^*?*' | ''* ?il^aaW * may t talk ^p,!'1*?1 ' 'hi.?? : t?iv?S?5 "T Sa*-, eras the k-j ?reinad wL*1*?' '" ??.arrhiiVr*' ?I which t - r H ;mr,*rf o/iaJ1?., that Binsjf'*l \. ... mar.... red it ?v.? wort? ' * ?"' r??v,,' fortr ' ? to loa? ?Ta." * MMBsm ?s o. ? fa?iEs^fiffiAii^ '^?^w^aii i ! j James McCutcheon & Co. Fifth Avenue and 34th Street Women's Wear Department Our newly organized and remodeled department for Ladies' Suits, Coats, Waists, Dresses and Skirts, is now un? der the management of a woman who has had wide experi? ence in some of the best New York stores. In this depart? ment we are now showing some unusually attractive mer? chandise and values. Smart Street Dresses in two at- Distinctive Tailored Suits in i , ,^ i both plain and dressy models. tractive models. Une is a combina- n r f , . J. Copies of the season s latest im tion of plaid or plain color taffeta ports Materials include Venetian coat effect which is trimmed with Broadcloth, Kitten's Lar, Duvetyn, serge. Fine plaited serge skirt. The Gabardine, Chiffon Velvets, Vd .? ,> t \,i j i veteen, Cheviots, Serges. Prices other is a Kussian I unie Model ?2-2 -n , itccJui range $33.31) to $lo5.U(J. with sleeves and underskirt of Satin beautifully trimmed with beaver fur. Price $24.50. Prices range $23.75 to $159.00. Dancing and Evening Gowns, Af Satin beautifully trimmed with ternoon Frocks and Street Dresses, Special Offering in Mourning Wear Department Afternoon down of Black Crepe de Chine with vestee. collar and cuffs of tucked Georgette Crepe, revere effect, trimmed with cord and small buttons, side plaited skirt, $19.50. Black Wool Poplin Suits, strictly tailored lines, Black Faille Silk collar, trimmed with dull bone buttons. Skirt has section plaits a? side and belt which forms a yoke tt back, $23.50. SOS fVoJe Vara KBW YORK'S ?.FAOINO THKATRES AM MR. CYRIL MAUDE - GRUMPY >i < i i>?srji. LAST .' WEEKS. f V i"\7 IT l%jg ?Tee Ml* Sliest, F.?i?. s l? l_ S \t ti, U Iva Mtta i .n,-r * a ?rtaan .2 13 MARIE II 1. ?i 1 aim 1 .....??..?r ROSALIND I L>iV|l l.O 1|| KILLICRANKIt. ?e H??* *t ? IS. NEW AMSTERDAM Itiiiiiiri I? II ljf??t !??? " . ae ? _K-?>- ? AFTER THE PLAY VISIT PANSE OC fIU." ?THE MEETIS'. PLACE Of TNI"m\ NEWi;CLHt FROLIC 'A JOY FOREVER! MOLOCH ^^^ Mat? T.. m'a an 1 W Without >ol-r or Horror HUDSON __ ?Ithoi.i .-.?..?- ?. ....... {jV^ ?luit ??Ith? *" riiriii?. 1 seeeejjr, jjaenaaee LVa-J Wl. COURTENAY. SEE YOUNG AMERICA FIRST GAIETY ASTOR BETTER THAN' PEG 0 Ml HEARr or ?DADDY LONG LEG?' I. .' y y f HT L,p . I U/)|' a:'. ???, w* It" SI '.rml S* 1 ? Ma . To ?'?l*a h LIBERTY. iVeVtl ^C0HAN3 GKrT'r?i^t, AMERIGO FARCL'hu? PA H E IiAlLT. I I ? 4H?I Mai . .3 30 - ?. ? Matl aw -' Ail 0. W. GRIFFITH'S Gl??ntlr pht 1 Sptctacl? ?T nrhr<!n I 10 5? COHAN'S stpmeeca,tarle S100.000WORTH OF GOWNS ?ml "BBOsS W II ."?? ux sou*? INTO OM. $200,000 ?... ir u JEWELS j SMI ? ? * i?!j iUL.ASJ S"? ?i**g aCj " LUC?-' M-SIAT1 ??e ' 'I," COHAN'S E JULIAN LTING TUESDAY OCT. MRS. WHITNEY'S FA^E.tiAMS "','rt? FASHION SHOW TO-DAY (Last Time) 2:30 ?Till :-r I'llMPLKTI AM' ?sJ ai nu nth- si-vu ano? T IN AMI Ml? A Ri? ? i| ? hlf >.-. . . ' ? r? Of l'ar ? a ?urX . il II Ued STUNNING LIVING MODELS. I'lrnt) of (,.I ??Mit? il SI. hPI ASfO ? " - ?? i ? i t. s 'i Dr,LnjLU \(.., rVas'a a I : THE BOOMERANG REPUBLIC u'v.t\diS HARRIS it si ??*? CANDLER "THE HOUSE OF CLASS" I II I! < '.'A ll 'Ar | . .0 '.l||\ MATS SILLISJI PARK MAY S WEEKS AHEAD. ? 1. ..: . .- '. !.. IRWIN "M WASH I Ni?. __ TON SQUARE ' ':?<- I. ? M MS WlM-ll. A B1CCU Sl'CCBS THA? _ "ON TI1AL" _ MARY RYAN ORCHESTRA $1.50 asd $2* 500: \ - FIRST BALC, 50?, 7H > FULTON ' v. SOME BABY! GLOBE "THE HOUSE OF CLASS" M"K tVJk \t ? Beil Draai atif O?enn New York Hat Stea MARY RYAN txp ruft oaaai am. ami an an i ?vr Orchestra Seati $1.50 and $2.00 500,; First Bale, 50c, 75c, $1 Wi -? tan s;- r- ? i.,. ? t Mata ?Ve.1 A s t THE SEASONS MUSICAL HIT ii:ndi:iri!iin:niii ' ALMA 'ADELE ? l?. a ? bee Bai I? ?'i l>? A ??TOR S ?s?. ?3th* Bra? 111 J I *-?fA Btp ? .0 M*l I motnm . I VXSmt?g THE AMERICAN FARCE biggest ;?llTll?SlI?l ^TvER WRITTEN. HOLLIDAY anta mulo a* iiu.1 \ uoaUiniT.' ....... . ? .4 rflnl etsTco,"cI(!rM*'?' "1 ?!*? WltM iliano? f*,i'Ml^faB*'?' :.? A la *' ' LEXINGTON ^^WafT tZZ* ?THE SOW OF M* V?, ? -, ,*Ot? COVl? . i ?? ST4N0ARD ?' ./^ri|itr ,.i. iifrrr. " ?', nf SO?** N?. Met THE SO?'0!?' * Nf*T SUNOAY ATJ A ???i> v^ CREATORB^4 YORK ,: ?t^ZS?fe. LOUIS Msl*?uj??l 'Ry?Nfi pl0Aaf ?SSA3? Ctrand l ?^S ? .s..t v,-?-r??^ frtJ***