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TASTE OF AUTUMN "?L DELIOHTS Al? DR. BLAKE'S AID HERE FROM FRANCE rd relia of ? ? ! rench n ? - : l ? - tg . : .. . bei ? ? ?e in | ... ; GERMAN' VICTORY IX PASSAIC "t.aelic American" ! ? ? ' who ? ? ? ?....? KITCHENER LINKS LABOR WITH MOVE FOR BIGGER ARMY Union Mon Start "Raging" Campaign fur Recruits. WAR SITUATION TOLD BY ASQUITH Government Asked to Curb fm ployers and to Revea! Frank ly Country's Needs. IM1 " ' - - Loi I Knr! ? er art s great er vi ? \ ' ? ? ay of rep- ? ? ? I up bj on< of 1 sir ? ? ? ? . ng t lo as we al Wt Ml . . propa) hall pledge oursel' s e a all our ? ?. e a e ??-erre of the lahor repie ... th Prei A th ai I the militai rd that 'he - ?iimy. navy ? ? n:. Th? labor ? at the meeting. tX ? . at voluntary re '"ul if - ? te ft with 1 1 ?.s been done ?ans at what wi n< t the atoTornmei I ? t per pr? vi The - the " al cen tlon through ? . ain thi ? ? ? Tradi ? men en I Parlia:- abor ratty. Verdict for Metz in Note Suit. A ...?? .ipreme Court Circuit ;an, I ? I - ? I ? ' min F ?rmer ? to prot? ? - J'ranklin Simon & Co. fifth Avenue T?en's Clothing Shop 8 West 38th St?Store Floor London Hade Men's t4Carmo?)r, Overcoats I all Overcoats?For Immediate Wear dc />y the Ros <>r Raglan modela mnrfr be tri. ? /'.i.'. English 0 ercoat?, of English In crl Cloth, Tareed, Ins| ?? -^aaaa^^^B ? O erplaid fabrica. 82 to I 22.50 and 2<S.OO ?,,1,. , rrt Cloth, Tweed, Iriah Homeapun and rOvi rplaid fabrica. 82 to 16 i TO DAY nt Special Prices Men's Silk-lined Overcoats lull OvercoMts?Chesterfield Model r Oxford Vicuna; silk lined ? ?r .ilk lapel, fl to M cheat 16.50 Mens Pall Suits Custom Tailored?Ready to H ear Suits FOR Ml \ OR YOUNG MEN. >3 TO 46 CHEST ? m uilor. two of three bntton model? of Orerplaids, Orerplaida mbiaed wit? ? < ocobination Stripea, also English rweed 35.00 TO-DAY nt Special Prices Men's Hand Tailored Suits Stoarag SUk Lhu??Approve Cuttom Tailor Model* Tana, three of four button gaodela of the newest Inrijible OmpUide, Ovrrpl.ida combined ?Ufa Stripea, PencU or Combination Stripea, Clweked Velonr, Oxford \ nun?. Eagligfa Tweed oi Naaj Seifi ? M w H clieat 20.00 RmjmmvFr?ceSITM BRITISH PURSUE TURK* IN VALLEY OF TIGR Cavalry inters [own Sim Miles fron iiaudad. .' A taten Cl s kte for In. The i : ? t aaid that I ;n full retn t..ward Bagdad, with the Brltiah in 1 ! ? ? To-night's ' ?? ant i Brit ? ? Kut-el-Ams ? ? cast of Bag the Tiki:" River, on R town was found to be ; Turks in flight toward Bagdad by re amers with an Indian briga started m pursuit. An aei on one i f I ? "The ? . red aggi gata l,< .;. thi more arc eoming i Dio Turki force, a ded by Nuredd b) a eo howed * ' ? SENATOR STONE OPPOSES LOAI Would Make Holders Partisa and Endanger "Honest Ne? Irality." He Says. n Willia J. Stone, ? the ?mmittee of the ' ' - led . the to France Bl rhe statement "In W i ? ? ? ? . ? ? . ? ahalf of fraternal orcat ted to me a protest against the pr< I loan to Gn -i told him that ? if ma : he t ? the holders of the si ? sans of their b .1 ? ? . . . ? ? t any ps > I of our i ? ? -. - . ... . . - "If I curitiei ate to be i ind dii among nil cl ? thi ? ??Mr Morj i ployer ? ? erf . ' ? ; ? Brit ? try. ... vo great i ? M "? I not ? ? . - \ ? ? ' SUPPORT ALLIES' LOAN Philadelphia Banks Will Underwrits I n .Ionian ,,r fSM.eea Ml Fond . adelphii ? nancial institutions quit ed to day to the call to ra ? - . ; es for the A country. Two banks pledgt ?! I a Gii ist took I .- : ? ? PI imount The linent advanced liber. . to individual subset pt I New Vol k. At least $20,000,000 will ! ? i of the hivr in ? act m ing com| ? com? \. : ? ? ? ? a of the weel nstitut ... big loi could be counted ui oi . ? ? AMERICAN SHIP SUNK BY MINE; FOUR HURT l lie Vincent Blowa Up la White Sea Captain Injured. \\ .-> : ngton, S< pt "" ???? Imeri -... n up ? . ? I tal loss. ! ? ? ? . ed, bul Captain A ? ? ?it to. ' The Vii ingel July er 4 for Loi 6.000 Steel Workers Get Bait?. Buffalo, N V . Bi pt SO ; i ? W 111 I ? g to 10 pei 1 workingmen arifl bei ? a, which com? ament by thi roault mont much of which a.. s te ? COMMONS PASS IMPORT DUTIES ON AUTOMOBILES Eight Legislators Oppose Vote, Despite Asquith's Plea for Unity. MINISTERS MODIFY BUDGET VOLUNTARILY Withdraw Proposal for Special' Tax nn Foreiga Made Hals and Plate Glass. Londi ? ? ' l lespite aa ?araest plea frem Premier Asquitfa te th<* lr a ti of tha i net te iah theii n tlie liudcpt no? nn ? of taking a ttei tha Hou ? theii re ti found ipport ? '? ? ? i lid the : the Import I n tegral ] ? I I ? ? His own '. was dded, if he I a ild no' ? Prorr.iir id to regulate ?\v Rg ; ? I cample of the kind of taxation *ha* aroald be of peace Tl t object of the budget, he reminded his hi ? srai to produce ? : rrunish un ? porta, ITKenaa CoaeesSea Point. As ,. fres .- nald McR ..i-ellor ? ? ? ? Premier A all\, ? I ? ed to pive ? ? ? to con sider the q n thn* n It . WAR LOAN TO BE FLOATED IN A WEEK i Inunl friim Beg. ' ?. from whil ?> ' :? of l pi r . . other d with bond .?' ? comm intil the I. V. ithdrawal arill !.. a ? ! 1% nt will !><? rebated on bondi with ? ? the lynd ? ???! '4 of l per ? : t- x - liven : ? direct dice ta . 7. v. .,;; not be vnili ate, and v.- thdrawing shall I ? ? >r their nus k will i,'i-t m, on ? ? m. '.i. A pant who ^hall with? draw ? tion will be n - I any I'urtl. ate lia . N o d e 1 I about the number of insta) mei ' : i'hieh 1 . ? d bj one ? ? ' ? ... - of ?ubici ?pi ndieal d have to pay, then. i bien w mid .. of 1 pi'I making . other under? riter, 96 \ i. ke othei undi r . ? for ? ??.:?? S] 11.1; If h n the ? indicate he mould ha? e to pa. 98 :.>r it aft< ii ? ? of 1 pel ? ? -. ?; up the fuii 2 per . ? tW( ? ! for ? ? ? laya; and he ? respi ? g thai ? To I'rewnt Jeopardising Market. The ' t tribu? . lUt in ? . in as ?<. loan involves the ? ? \ ... ? ? inder rket for ? ? ? Week-End Special, $20 Material* ot exceptional value in I wide ran^e of weaves and colorings Made t?> your measure?to Conform tO your preference as to cut and detail. Suits or Overcoats, to Measure, $20 1 he American clothe are remaurkublc this year, hut if you prefei imported materials we have a larjie assortment. Broadway C& 9th St. Arnlmm tkrougl thi ship? ment of oleun t a tea, D ? I ? '? Pal larj - ? ? ? drum-. ? r to I had ? v ta ti - id, and t ? , as the stocl I at the < adequate. ..... t thi goverumei ? hipa, The oleum, he added, was ' r Brothei 1 '1 ' ? ny. \--. id to I rumst . ? ? - ! ? ? ? ?? i . : I front the I ? ted Stal - hips' eres \s lo l.erman-\meri< an Banks A ? ne to i I ? ? Lord H 1 ? i. ? Secretar) foi ? lid see no ; the ' ? . f,,r the ' irch 1 e of goi ? fore eras bo pay for ii ted oui no inju ? ? ? il m doing a thing thai Gn ? A d< nee I b) Artnur J. Ball ir, i ? Lord of the A for not man submarine loase M r I i ? inf ran ?! i that 1 ing curiosity on tl doubt which ? - ? - . ' . lenl . ... a ? vn to 1 .. i the Ad ? ? of ab a ?ruth. If we in ? pri?e I mum : . in 1 he un derwi iting, it wa that the line might | to be il raw;. - ins, rieht to repurchs ip t., 10 per ? .. pos pre? of the i i.. or . at it will ? New ? ork Concerns in Syndicate. Hei I which ? . pal ' ' r- ?? th J. P. Mor . ndicate managet - : Hanks American Exeb m, ? Bank, Bai .-. ot Bai r. ol Si .'?? York, ? hemieal ?'??? I ? Nat al 1 Firal Na llan -.. Hano ei Nat In,p..itei ; and Tiadei H....r, Irving S'atio i erty N'ai Bai k, M? ?' .. Bank, Merchant I m Bank of < .erci i '??? ? York, al City I Park Bank Tru ? . entrai Trust bin Ti ist Com] Company, Fan Los Trust . Trust ( New York, Metropolitan Y or l i-. ? Coi Guarai I i impai ??. i 'nited ? Union Ti nst I ?. United rrust l omi anj oi \ . ? Bel ????'. Co., Bla ; ? Co. W. P, Bonbrirht * Co., C. D Ban ej ? Co., Brown Bi ers ?v Co., I let -. I *o Ige I Co.. H Fi ik * Co., Heidelbai mer t i .i . Ha Igartei I Co., N vY. Hal se j Co., Harri i, l-'-.r1.. - ? Co., \. Ilelin & i .... Keen, 1 ai lor ? Co., K -hier. Pea bodj A Co . K -.?.'.. Kountze Brothei ; i A. B. I.? ach A Co Lee, H fc Co., Ladei M litlan l< , C lot h i vi A Tyler, Pott? l ff \. Bead I Co., Bi dmond I l Hod| es A i I Co., W. Balo ? i J. k W. Sel ?gman .< I o . . I i .. iVhite, W< Co. Hankers Bach from Chicago, Lord Beading, el atrmi ? of 1 ant wit hit I ' Sir Edward ii 1 11 an d Erni returned to this eity aritb Thomas VY, X J. p. Morgan A Co., r. Together with tl other of the '.:. II. ? . i: .1 ? ir'oti SfvHh ??.!"? i' ?-'. attenism a lui eon in ? by the Y' \meri I the even if.- I the g ' ' anef of the 1'ilirrims The re. ! ? ?' ? e ? \-.v in Mr ! I ? ? - i ment the of i ? , - through th? ??The ?? prop ? ? ginning of thi - been de ? ? - - ?he world I ' I it -n or re to i real LOAN NOT FOR BRITONS ??I'npatrintic" to Bay Noten in C. S.. Sa>s ??Tolctrraph." Lenden, I I graph," la its Hi anc al art ai anpati - ? ttempts i countr;. I ? ? ' ? 1-oan and says; ??Th. tei ekaerei setei day on the part ftf ,.-?.- Mow York for tl purpose, and. although m ble te i re-. ? kind on the part cap? -, who adm t that thi natura ? actions "?re bv.?.? carel i -.-.cj."i ALLIES'BANKERS SALUTE U. S. FLAG M. Homberg Offers Hom? age at Dinner to Mission by the Pilgrims. CHOATS ASKS NATION TO BACK THI: LOAN Baron Reading Tells of Crati tude Mis I.and Owes America for Its Sympathy. ? , - ild al nighl f the Pilgrima of the ' i in honor of the memberi of the '? ? .- French Financial Commiai who i ? If-billion-dollar loan in this' country, became an occaaion of much1 f the Al ??.former \ lie Avi hundred pilgrimi pren ? ? ii and Juil on the 1 the preient 1 ? Bar. Lord Cl chairman of the eons I Mr. Choate'i wordi ? Ii] ? tieally avoiding thi rraaa ha.i . ? - Homberg, one of mem? bers, . ? | 'vhen he lag, which oined ? ith the ;:? ? si I p on the wall behind th. He spoke ia ? Mr. Choat. first propisrd a joint . Pr?s lent al I ia United I, the Kins: of England and the lent of France. At'-er paying his tha corn? il, he aik? ? lolg while hi .' tha war. "Th. : gu< Il J know we are a r> itral nation," ha began, "As: lorn of thought and of the ] ' ' I ? elf, wherever I see men ? - for liberty i tice and ? ? ' there. I iea a aal art to the rot ilitv and iraelty, my : it. Nailon with Allie?. "W? ne 1 lam! and France. We rejoice in their U !? th nk them for giving th. ? ?f Am? riea a ehanee to help ?' - ilong I hope <? ai y man, woman and child who has $100 to inveot will put it in this loan. I think the people Of 0 ir country are trratf fill for the op rtui Ity. For one, I am in const tit ?daily and nightly sympathy with the ? that of the one hrn dred million of my countrymen ninety nii?ion are in full ?ymparh. wi'h them. Th ? iprgrli abroad ? i aae o I of law and erder . nich aeeka to dorn all Kurope. Our President lia? en to the best of his ability, and so far successfully, to keep us out r,f l ..r. Never did a more terrible v re ? on any man. of ? ng ona man, ha could not feeling of all the 100,000,000 throughout the country. He p'obably lias acted accord ng to hi' beat judg era are some of us who : hava liked more to have been ?aid, and more to bava leen done, in ful protest at thai horrible inei dent, the linking of the Luaitania. ?? \ I nnderatand it. It la a question of good faith, whether nations, like men, shall he held to their promises H 1 shall alude by the treaties they whether to their own inter r n..t. For ore, T know there can be BO peace until the authors of this horrible war are brought to a con ,! -.on ?here they will keep the peace ? le by their prom; ea." Mr. i hoate presented Baron Reading, n. Part: t tha advantage which the I cannot, lay what I would lik" to say. While your chair ? ilked I fell ai if tha bonda of I .. re to hear those WOrdl m the depl a* no more, ? ? elf to ? my thought.. Baaallag Feels at Home. "Bui arhen l retara to England wi*h I be able 1 '..?aid. May ? . ? ? 'i ?? .: cha ' ? thai ..i- ,, I tha Oui : iy juunt. It is .> for holidaj nil -ions ? ? , >ou. we fi ,"?' that a . . ? ? .. - Homberg, I ,- Maren g, and He said ratand tha I "The heart of I ? the 1 ted Si ? ? ? . '..-.ii i - ? r *o ? . : ? ? . ? ? i . friend . ' ? ?a all. alai roui ? int and year da I ne ours ty and right, and I (h 'fiai ' in l at present by storm arorld will rt slise thai I ? right ? of the An| ? .Miii Sir l H Ii S r Henry Babing Blaekett and Ernest ? . si al ? ? n. Fire George U I B. V. Britta ? ambia . Dandurand, M D?? fi ?? : ? ? ? ? Emba itor Chaaacej M. Bev, ( aarl.i Aebrev Eaton. ?tat< ' lommissioai - ? Georg, t.. Footer, Cap ? ' . Gaunt, attach? of tha Britiah u ? hi ngton ; W ill iam ? i Guthi ? : Dudley Pield Ma lijiuugh Pieaideat Marcus M. Marks, | &aka &(0otnpatui. s'.,r,- Open? 9 /. .V., f loen 6 P. ?/. Spectally arranged for today and tomorrow an important Showing of Motor Lap Robes You will need one or more for th^ TtkCtM. PLUSH ROBES l> ml le-faced, black, green or blue . at $2.95 Double faced, extra ?Ute. at $4.75 i I'luxh Robe?, double, black or brown. at $7.50 Crushed Mohair Plu?h /i'.)'><?? . at $17.50 Imported Plush Robe*.at $27.50 and $40 BOX CLOTH ROBES Hlitr, green, brown, etaroon or black, with I \ < hecked fini $15.00, $25.00, $35.00, $50.00 Steamer Robes.$7.50, $10.50 and $12.50 FUR ROBES Black Dog Skin Robe?.ef $19.50 Natural Muskrat Robe?.c $65.00 Squirrel Robe?.at $125.00 lxacrtnn Robe? .at $63.50 J ap??ete Mink $125.00 Mol? Skin $85.00 Motor Apparel Shop, nth Floor We are exclusive agents for the famous "Aqaiscutam" London-m?de, AU-tvoo', shower-proof Top Coats for Men at $25.00 These coats combine the uses and qualities of sev? eral Coats. Thoroughly reliable protectors against dampness and rain; warm, yet light in weight; silk lined yoke and sleeves. Molnr \|ipnr>-l Shoe Sixth Floor. For two days only, today and tomorrow An Important Sale of Men's High-Grade Union Suits [regularly $2.00), at $1.45 An ideal worsted tabrit of medium weight. Splen? didly made; fit perfectly. Ankle length; long sleeves. Men's mediumweight natural Worsted Shirts and Drawers at 69c Our regular price (1.00 .ong sleeve Shirts; Drawers regular and stout sizes J Stating it modestly, These Saks Suits for Men and Young Men at $20 are unlike any suits you can buy at that figure Cj Better suits for the money?that is the best way to express it?better workmanship?more individuality in the cut?more elegance in the tailoring?more nicety of detail in the finish? more character and style clean through than is usually identified with a twenty dollar bill. Or, in other words, suits that raise the standard of value without raising the price. Getting down to the selections (though ftttutf) up le lAesn, is hetter!) ? Fabrica that include stripes of varying widths, sin.ill checku, black and white effects predominating, and a splendid agsirrgation of the wanted hrowns. ' Braided models also included, in Oxfords, stripes of varying widths, checks, and plain hlues, the braid laid on as delicately as paint on a canvas. C Suits for men of radical tastes, or of mature and con? servative preferences?straight coats, shapely coats, soft lapels, flat lapels, and all the little exclusive touches that make for style and character in clothes. Safes KEompnmj . Patrick Francis M Robert M. Peary. Ci atrol si Will k i i . Martin Bei W n "? m \s iliaaaa and al ??! . ? onei Woods Many of 1 I New York bankers active in the negotiations with the commissioners atended th. dinner. Soma ef th. representatives of larga g houses w itch have Germai ?s were noticed at the tables. Otto 11. hlalin, ot Kuhn. Loeb A vu., was there. ' harlea M. Schwab, of th. Bethlehem fteel Company, entertained i a scar! o' guests*at his talla.