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OVER 3 BILLION IN TAX INCREASE tonnai assessments Oo . p to $4,000,000,000 on Rolls. ?EALT) LEVYJ1 Mrs \BOUT $100.000,000! ' ?ddttloaal - is Pr?dit ' l - ? I ?? ? ??? ? - : ? : - - -, r ?' personal property valuations, ' ? an bj the ; ment, a .?Id ho ? of 1914. wl 1 in real sstati ? -onal assen I - . it thi add ? ?ment ? ?. - ?? a. and rej :rv te -. . . - , ... ? - easm< nta w ? ie ro\t wee has a ? N iff ?? assessment. ? ? "it for n ? BM op t l ? - make apr ail reu! i tats - than the evtranr SSSOSS- ; ? a ?rail; pr< . aile ! thn- ? ? aai - i -o ?- have bei i ? rig i ' vlot tt ? f the ii ? vinp gh rr' pei "? ilong the : .?? gone ACTRESS BAITS CHAUFFEUR S O'Neill in Part> s\ecoaed of . ? 'In?. . thi actn nai I : ? . . y.c be ? ;. Kich : ' Bast ????:! the - ? ? ? \ held p 'u-e r.orth permit ? it the ? l . . g board ? torn, ? ! . ; nun* Astor Cup Race for I... d Gentlemen m ?.' ndon's best-known maker ble, viceable, at" Coats tl ? lint d Ut eatcoats. sha It i and model?. i ! Fur-lined Coats. imer Rugs in attractive de pl< i m lid materials. vlufrlers of silk, and wool. ?li ves ir all styles. in des rabie shapes and patterns. Al - \RY FOR THE CHILLY AIR OF SHEEPSHEAD BAY Kmox Hat Co. 1 p ? ? - d \ | - l-if! '.,1. AVENU1 DOWNTOWN STORE 161 BROADWAY Your own taste will tell you? convince you?that 1 WARDS [pheal^earloBRaUP the genuine wholewheat loaf, ii an unusually fine loaf and is ae palatable and appetizing a? it ia healthful. The reason for WHEAT-HEARTS fine flavor is that it contains a very large propor? tion or volume of whole wheat flour, and this Hour ia ground specially for us by the old fashioned stone proc?s:.. Order a loaf of WHEAT-HEART BREAD today from your grocer. It is made in large aize 1 Oc loaves. Made in the WARD Bakeries at New York, Brooklyn and Newark. S?' T?HvaI ?j&sgt ?&* for fine Fall Suits and Overcoats $20 that have n ver been excelled at that price. i|f'h Ave bii.ldi or24ihSt George S. Viereck Wedded, But War Delays Honeymoon ! i : . ; .;? married jresterdaj Edith Hein at thr Hotel Plaza. ter Viereck, edit ? ..- v i l: I " ? ? ? ? : The I the Rev, a St Mr and ? - LAYS CAVE-INS TO SLACK WOR1 i 'Engineering; Journal 'Sa3 Not Even Ordinary Pre? cautions Were Taken. It' thi engineers had used o liai : 11 ai mi-. . there would have hei no 11 t Si avenu Twenty-third Street nor ?* Bi '? 1 :. ? ' ? vire Coi . rk in. With ] there wonld i ir v. ? ( the men tui itreeti of "Ti J pnbliah on October - ?< lia of bot tere an < ? ! iblic Servil ng ? - - cont rai tor propel ?? .? ng th ? going into hyi ? ? ? dar ai ' "The loui iv. ' Thi eonati l I orb the wl ret ? kablj free from la no excuse, ! owever, fo in elde f the ord f oni that are boons1 to happen in any worl "'1 .- ? ? ion i? being di what ai the 'cover and cut system; that is, : lie street <? p 1 over the earth and rocks are undercut the planking being supported by beam .1 Thil pioces* is analogou to many operations in mining. "An invi ? .- .'i in ot' the i I the .-ecent disasteri !?;. 'The J onvinced it that 10 inch method in 11 ? 1 oro nary mining rr" tice, ' ? ting tin subway n . ere no diner? from what th. mining engineer bai t< meet all the timo. Indeed, the - ? . ? ? . .. ter. "Any mining engiineeer would pto the ees na te be die in on? .- ...i ? ?-.!'. 1 a' and ii ?<. 'mn of giountl,' both re sun..'., ? ? a ?'? ing to 'bad I im bering.' In the case of the second ;>c cident, the mbwny trench waa beinj? 1 ehii ? not ?m e^i>e . j dangerous rock. A- the trend wat excavate the schist had a natural tendency ;" l< oil ie and slab and fall on the other. I hi I rO| I I laieguard on h^'n ?ides wn- adequate . ?? ? a-is dona ?*?" 1 old up the roof. 1 .? reel either timber ? ? ? properl] aced. " 1 be Pub ic Sei vice * !oa .itter of supporting the to Iv '? er^'ineers ? tractors. Ail of t.tem have mat ? , proei aded thi them ? tl at the doing nothing more serious thi ..... Sitl er to have be? 1 ? rented "If any blame is to he flged i ? I l.e Journal' is of opinion that it should fall aponi f the Publie Coi ir not obtaining I ? si stance of the subway work waa begun, i i it is ridiculous toi v tchel to be giving ?Irectii more bracea, an.) having ins orders carried out by somebody spiking on -'i . few '?'> by 10 inch diagonale srita four sn penny nails pay end." MRS. J0H?BUNNY BUYS HOTEL "Movie" Actor's K*taie ffmsll. It'idea 1? i aaapelled la Ween, 1 pelli .1 -n -A..ik bee - is bua Bunngj hai Valley Stream, .;. and arill thi re estate grow tl ? ,. age of eutomewile WIDOW Dl : rTELF Arm Strained for Teli i md Friend ')? ? '..?-. li ... ? ? at 316 Wi " of 2L' Ham] ' ? ? ? . The r the floor I ? n i ? f .".1 I Wi di ? ' Salads o cookings v i i aaa .sot only costs leea but makes so mu< 1 better things (o eal 2? and BO cent cans Save The Ba Use the reliable HORLICK'S ORIGiNAL Malted Milk Upbuilds every part of the body ?tfHentry. Endorsed by thouiani!? al BB Mothera and Naiaaa the world o\?r foi taoro than a quarter of a century Convenient, BO cooking additional milk: squired. I imply dissolve!., water. Agrees when other foods often fail. Sample free, HORLICK'S. Ratine. Rfk ajaaa^No Substitute Is"lu> it? I Good" eat HORLICK'S tl o Original ."?BELGIAN (00kBOOK Piles ae*. M laj Boakstae*. E. Y. UlifTONi CO. 681 Stk A-. NY. ?ARPET nLEANSING lit i.- \si. Ml I ? DOR rOVl KINfiH. I>>rtas, WU ?!.'>-? Bel ?? . Bol I 4 lag, Km Repairing THE THCS.'j. STEWART CO UM IIIM.I...K B1 let * Bt, \, ? \ ,-rk l'huai Hrranl c ARPET J. il. W IUIAMS LEANING 353 I.MtaSt| SUBWAY EXPERTS END EXAMINATION Board of Two Will File Report To-day?Coroner Holds Hearing. SAFETY WORK BEGUN; MORI-: STREETS OPEN Towers Being limit Trafrtc m .loth Street antl !';irt of Seventh "Avenue. i . ted I tion in the litei ? ? ? ? t B ? ,. H. B \. f Mining the tl ? ? ? i two i ton, and Henry II ? ? ? . ? I.'A-, t was u ? ' I ? ? per ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? re ho through TI ? ? 'YELLOW DOG* FUND SLINKS FROM SIGHT Thompson "I." Tracking Inquiry Fails to Find Mongrel's Tracks in Contracts. omp non I ? . 'or a "yell the c ' ' ? ?rough 1 I by J L Qoaekei reun? Pisher, ? ' ? ? ar. It I - aras I knew, ?< ' .. that I : ser cent ...... ? had THF. MAN'S STORE, BROADWAY Al NINTH STREET ^?* Half a Million Men in and about New York are needing new Fall clothing. How many will get as good clothing as they might? Wanamaker clothing expresses the thinking that comes with the wish to Rive the beat servi? e. Il ?a the most of all ready-to-wear clothing. It take* account oi varying taatea in color and weights ol fabrics. It ?,\rs expression to the di rectneaa and decision o? ?he buaineaa man. the formality ol the professional man. the clean cut optimism o| muscle free youn<_; men. It otten pas-es as custom-made. It is used i. i standard, but no one has yet produced any clothing like it. Fall Suits ,ue it in price*, from $17.50 to $40, in 120 carefully chosen patterns, in Uzee M iv type of man. i ?te diner hut in price is a matter of cloth and re? finement of hand-tailoring. I he V mikcr individuality ia in every auit 30,000 Shirts ."^ure y thnre s a dozen here for every man: soft materials, printer! and woven madras, percales, crepe?, silk?; soft and ??iff ruffs: n wonderful showing; $1, $1.50, $2.50 and $6. Topcoats A necessity in our uncertain climate. Oxfords, appropriate for day and evening wear, $18.50, v.1". }25; some silk-lined ,.t $18. >0 . nd $25. Mixtures are $20, $25. $30. Best of all are the REDLEAF. made for us in London; $J7 JO, $32 and $35. * ? ? The Motor Shop \\.\; comfort! lor all who arc going i the races tomorrow; light Shetland sweater jackets at $5, a little heavier ,?t >7.)0; of fine camerlanr- wool, $10; of Indian kash mire wool, $15. Luncheon baskets, knee robes, Knglish motoring coats and rain? coats. Neckties, 50c Plain, dotted, ?figured, striped; hnght and dark; brilliant and dull; each better than the other; the finest Autumn collec? tion in our history. New Fall Underwear Our stocks were never in better shape to give every man what he want*, for this sea? son of the year. These new additions have just come in. bbed cotton comt n itioo suits; white <>r ecru, 11.50 taca. Medium-weight riHvd merino conMnatioa ?s; white ur :.atural. ? 1 each. Burlington Arcade Boor, Nea Bldg. GOLF Supplies in the Sports Store. Sixth Gallery, New Building. JOHN WANAMAKER A Military Bar-Maid An American girl who saw voluntary service in the British Camp canteen on the Continent tells in next Sunday's Tribune how it feels to serve an apprentice? ship washing dishes and scrubbing oilcloth and finally rising to the supreme distinction of making change and cutting cake! It was the "sofesl bar on record," where tea, cocoa, coffee, sandwiches, cake, chocolate, ices, eggs and pincer beer were served to a constant rush of hungry, khaki clad, respectful Tommies. Nothing more photographic has come from the war zone, nothing more in? timate and human and unconsciously plucky than this story. Be sure your newsdealer reserves your paper for Sunday. Tell him you want it. Otherwise he may sell your copy to some one else. ?Iji? ?>an?ag G?riban? First to Last?the Truth: News?Editorials?Advertisements