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il? /Wo- ;>.on#. ,. ri a ' ? ? ? ? S . -. , Jtfatuuunk V ?? _ J1 Jl ^'?'"-1- -'?" REACH AGREEMENT WITH HAYTI REBELS Colonel Waller induce Cacos ?"hicf to 1 B) Dowa \rnis and Return tO Homes. ' I . ? s - | ? band. I on ? ? WHITMAN TRIES THE WAR Governor, srlta Mia, Uykltssuu?, Mtendi "Htoli n Oi Ooeoi ? he in ? week. I seel Bifr Kills Bride-To-Be. ? ? ? ? RUNE "REPUBLIC" JOHN D. JR/S PLAN ( itizens t<> Elect Reprc sentath es to Treat with Owners. SI i Ks TO KILL NEED 01 UNION But ( apitalist Denies Scheme |s timed at Organized I abor. | r - ~ \ istrial plnn .on derro ' will be an ? ? t oyei of the ;uny at \ neement Mi Bocke ? \ ? ? . , ferei Mr Rocke . opet the mine and the grievance n p ra? ' dorado mer, I In i. eating Mi Rocke ti ad IV. L. M Prei lent .' I ? that II wai in no ? union lal ? U look thi nt It led ? ? ? 1914, . eant ? tficers ? . do so, A is tht ? roudlj refi i rs as tien, a pre-:-ii nt, lies and . oye a .it the plan their miners model model nubs and ?its. ? ? not >et been eclinee ? ? ? nie time, giving at hasard what ha? only a .-. In briefly nutlii - Iowa; Men to I hon-?. Representative?. For representation among of the em] ? ? ? ntervali und atten- ' I . ????,,.. ?'?,., ? ,? I the m?! rer the com] ' rom ?< Ihr cora si ? t. y t: ,-? . ? re I . ? ? take ? ? ? ? with ? . ? ? I Or?n" i, a ?.t ?? ? ,. ? . ? ?toi I . ? f thi ellei r Wi . ?< ''?rrfH to Griffith* ).f U: ... ? Rocke!?Her Him?.r1f |?mnl Jurlire. if ' Bitha unable ti I ? ? I orn. If the ?tO|? ?g lil f?'. Dfl men, he thi i to thi <?? I "repul Mr. ? I f ? ? " King b< < grievance and, if mor.-' Roi krfr?cr himse corns to Ci ?? a ROCKEFELLER FUND SPENT $2,571,903 Made Appropriations Totalling $4.094.90S from May. 1913, to January. 1915. The Rockefeller Foui spent $2,57 i." .1 and made a; I mis , totalling fron it- i ii,- ' us, to January ', 1915, g to the eon taimen! the (Irai . ? . iterday. 'I I ? make up ; i 10,. 1.,000, and froi e/ife, Mi A toi 18 261 ara? npproprinto.l f'.r war reliel work, ol l ; 19,119 for the < bina M< ? ft ?78 for Healtb Comml \ foi 1 m - Poor; <? onary woi i : ? ?. mi Red ? ?. for W( ? . i ? the mm of 1 bi en paid, the report Va-, n n eo ting o? pei John D. Roi . | ? - | to I Rockefeller institute of Medical Ke Hparch, ti tal 1858,940. Alleged Wife Slayer Caught. RHdceport, Conn.. Sept. 80. J. Smitn Haines, ti.p wealthy farmer ol bull, who Ii accused of killing hit wife at 1 r N'H.c- M..inlay, ... a captured in Newtown to-day, To-Day We Introduce PAUL PIERCE. He Is Goina to Conduct The Pure Food Pag OF The Evening Mai The Evening Mail considers that the lime has come when you need to have your faith in foods restored. You have heard so nun h of impure foods, unsanitary packages, deceiving labels and improper ?nditions of pack f ing thai \"U arc afraid to purchase an;1' ng for fear it if tainted with the stigma ? ?lieg limare manufacture. While we admit many manufacture! ? are unworthy, still the majorit) arc de ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ serving. Naturally these honest pr<> ducers ,\ic lufTerinf from the exposure of the dishonest one. The Evening Mai! has selected \I \>AU\ Pierce to stand between the con lumei ?nA the food frauds; to protect the readers of The Evening Mail, as well a? ?he .?Meat American food industry. Ml Tierce has for years exposed food fraud. He is an authority in this neld H - work will be constitutive where the product is worthy The Mail's Pure Food Department will protect you ami your home It will shield the people and the legitimate manufacturers from impositions by fraudulent dealers, especially from the marketers ol adulterated foods and short weight products. It will tell you about pure and impure foods, how to detect the impure and guard against them It will explain the inscriptions on labels and show you how to read them so von mav be able to tell whether the contents of the containers have been impaired by the use 0? harmful chemicals. Ir will bring JO the readers of The Mail better knowledge on the proper cue and feeding of children; food values. Cookery, how to buv and prepare foods, to obtain the best results foi wholesomenets and economy. In fact, ?twill be constructive, educational and decidedly valuable. Look for it to-day. 'This department alone will be worth much to even housewife. THE EVENING MAIL One Cent from Your Dealer MERCHANT SLAIN WHILE ILL IN BED Visitors, Known to Brom Victim, Kili After Chat, Then Escape. $40 STOLEN; BUREAU DRAWERS RANSACKED Wife Went Out When Two Slav crs Arrived Teils of Death Threats Received. r?dere Oe| " rat ol Brown | (,?.? of ladies' trenne, ??? mur .?rrrd In l East 182d am h* red m hii bedroom, where ha lay ill. ?ho had recently retaraed from the Near Iforl Eyi ?i d Kar In Hrmary, when ? wai being tn .'? I ? . ?irk man. i ..., raen call? I ee him mr1. mi t ted : them. One of 1 ? ? ? her husbsnd'i presence s . ? chatted ? ? tal ? the oppor ?. srTordi d by theii eall t.. the <? store aa aa errai ? ? . ? miaut . - . !,ed in. . i, rei lacked ? from M n Gag rr.e< attracted tha 11 kbram Van Raalte, an ia ?e wl rea is tha building I ha' rnd happened ha . . ? ? . ? I ? ed to have I Ml thai ? ild tell h strict Atl is tl ? ' men ?? ' I and wore t bi Herbert Brunner, a boy who was in ? ? . ? ; \ . . ? ? i euld give ? ? ;.. She admit tl bad re? 'I i i had bei i an 1 . . . ' o becami i of hi.? firm ? i that time being ? ... . Pelegrino, eight, and ? DEATH THREATS CHARGED BY WIFE Mrs. Franck Says Doctor Vowed He'd Kill Mor When in "Temper." V: ? . : ? ? Hl ;.-r. ,..'. '.. of her application for alimony in her !-u:<. ngai.. [>r !'?? Ire I IBdei : that hei 1 ai .1 had threatei ? i ? I ? ? ? She fears to return to I Im le M I -.. s. Dr. I' i .nick, u re? ?red ph-, i mportei and I I has 11 III >? u ?fe, a Vai ? him Be livei ? ? . m 1907, Mr. a"d Mrs. Fra . Mrs : m ; an to drink heavily, ? d ' ' ' ? lie. . rd. Un Franck thought a trip to I . brother, w< i ' I ! ich ol a which he that tared all thi . . h brotl fei ling of Dr. I- rai.. | area a ki d ti leave, I a hotel .? lar. l'r I rai ' rage. Whi ? ! hei tari um. Il i .. ? i?? ' ? toi ' . ;.. a ri eoi ? r ( .r.i i I oient ? ? i ? . r aad "a ?? ? Mri. 1 ? ? .1 bo ? ? ? borren ... tete ef a rtuai SCHINASFBROTHERS BOUGHT Tobacco Predacta Said tu lla\e l'ai.I Si.oou.oju tor rampa ai Negotietioaa for the purchare of Schiaa I Bi ladependent mai by the 1 ?r the i according to m Wal: Street I las! night. ? ?? | I den the Tob?cea I negotia ? -? . '?I '.hat the :. .1 price of 10 was ex r circles lof 'ne . um aal at M,01 0 Overt ..i. wen ' : t made by th.. atares! I ?? ago, t i- aaderetoed? bat ti..- Sch.ins.ii te have held out for 000, '! ha? ght to higa for the Tehacco i'p.i-.. - : ? : ?? at that time, and '.'? era tt mpei<>':!>? dropped. ; i d f roi | Mme. and wen eied* it ii ui..?.'r hsi - ugo. Six ; -? !CO compa? nies are BOS the Tobacco Prodecta ? erj oral Meleehriao Company, Barbrug Compnay, Hooker Tobavcco Compeay, Neater Coaapaay, Stephane Utos and Bchinaai Uro?. Tax No Tenor for 500 Saloons. Deepit, the lacreas* th,. liquor ?;.\ tram liti ta |76d States Island. h lell . ? ' 'o day it i? r.i' ? i thai ma I tha laleeakeep ? Im .:ri'.-.-. There are i Be . uivvii? m tha burousb. I 3 18,274 [Reported to Post Office Department, Oct. 1, 1915.] . ., . Average net paid circulation of THE NEW YORK TIMES Daily and Sunday for six months ending September 30, 1915, 318,274 ?a circulation which represents in one grouping the largest number of intelligent, discriminating and responsive readers ever recorded by a newspaper. RECORD OF GROWTH The circulation reports of Tlie New York rimes to the Post Office Depart? ment -as required by law?are as follows: I. Report (average for 6 months) Gel. 1, 1912 II. Report III. Report IV. Report V. Report VI. Report VII. Report Apr. 1, 1913 Oct. 1, 1913 Apr. ?, 1914 209,751 228,534 230,360 24S.118 Oct. 1, 1914 259,673 Apr. 1, 1915 298,248 Oct. 1, 1915 318,274 CIRCULATION THE NEW YORK TIMES SEPTEMBER 30, 1915 One-Cent Circulation: Metropolitan District Dealers.. 21 0,91 I Two-Cent Circulation: Out of Town Dealers.85,1 27 Mail Subscribers.30,727 I I 5,854 Total Advance Sale, Advertising Mail List, Exchanges. Downtown Office . . . Main Office. Annex. Office Use. 326,765 348 927 ,075 900 416 Total Net Circulation.330,542 pfT \n Returns ami \n UfUold Copi?e. 1838-1915 THE NEW YORK TIMES CIRCULATION RECORD \wm, Ock 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1903, 1906, 1907. 1908, 1909, 1910, ?1911, ?1912, ?1913, ?1914, ?1915, *X<> lift III iber . 25.726 . 76,260 . 82,106 . 102,472 . 105,416 . 106.386 . 118,786 . 120.710 . 131.140 . 143,460 . 172,880 . 184,317 . 191,981 . 197.375 . 236,668 . 253,340 . 292.388 . 330.542 s ami No I'nsold (i>i>ics. The advertising rate of The New York Times, 45 cents per agate line, with circulation both Sunday and daily far exceeding 318,274, makes the cost less than on? cent a line for each 7,000 circulation?tb" cheapest, as il is the best, ad\ ertising in the world The New York Times Leads All New York Newspapers in Volume, as Well as in Character, of General Advertising