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The Conning Tower rO \ FLIRT ? s - ? i r photo sti all ? m is d I Canby's I em to th Fiirh - ? 1 ? than it ; ? to buy r s con this de ? be ? xmtribs will be glad to I ?? .-.." playing iff in the satove '.ttT. : ??? ' r ' - I aratol . overcoat. J* ? I .cynical cuss, that porha; e f the ..rd authors now i: e midst ar I | THE "' ELI H ??: Ot TOBER. tion to the bort I, and the- I . id his hi ?vor ently. verra . ??d, ? r-upon Tr go . Meterological, and a delig I ersion of a pasas the ] th Dii S, ;ay we. I . \V. If a t pit ' l to win the Nat rat* ti Washington the American, w< sp?"?"j a - who doped?or, as the so: Hugh? y tnd the White our A. I . ? Is made. We shall pick the non idiot;: TABU l*ALK OF DULCINEA, HI R BROTHER WINCHURCH, VIVIENNE, s\ND ' 101 R l"UI -DAN. ?v does your cor] Whitman, said hs ? ? an, real 11 think ] I can't T. T. wai always looking for 1 ipid ppinach roundel in The Con Viv?" :: ?one hirondelle doesn't make a poet." good try. W what I re fo T. T.) ' to a lot more fui t '? ? v. :? t. t. ' raw. fit I in the ] '. the way : T. T. ? I >uke of .' we are not deeply I ? ? ?? E ipreme i ; . Contracting I. L. Diana Sentimentality. ?nmt? ?ot ihla T ? - ? ... pirit j ? ; ?? .?ht; h from ont ? ? ave, and slave; . I e, ? . Id un C Bi km . This is Mr. > tho nt.?Tho spa Mr. \ I COXOti tennis. ? y air-raids in London that P. W., tho w. k. ? f the) 17tl ?/???'?? :7th. ?'man. All g?w':s and hats ? ""? In<* ? ?v'"v V'"K' of . als. .... Regel and Thompson. ' "? ? . | 'umenthal .v < o. ' ' ' r ; II Peri I Sd I 10 tor ? ?Neither do we. '? *'? A* 'PRINCESS PAT' ?S AMERRY COLLEEN x i : beti in Happy Win in New Comic Opera at the Cort. PIECE IS TRIUMPH ? OR MISS PAINTER r "f Hear) Blossom l.a^ S imewhal Behii d the Pace of t!: rpern. ' ? .Tie ' Bj HKYWOOI? HHii' s The . ? . r thnn the ' ? re humor in f "Prit rt, than in the librett svei ? " butioi s ; .. ..s?mt enoii, . ? '.lie new m tre an eminently sue . . e credit to Mr. Hi i ? , . ? et, but th< ? - ' ' . an ' ? ? ? ? . ' : ' ? ? ' break - . Mr. with a ? ? ..f the Princ ? love ? , like the : nger, ? ? manni r. A ert ? . d . ? To Mr ' I ' .... a in. RHO tDES- i ROST. nmit, I i Mr.. t, was ? ? ? r Ji Calhout Y( ? . U A ? ? ? . ai d the nith, i H ?. I ?'? : edarhurat, l ? ? ? le won ? ? ? -nme.l ?ace. an<l the brideemaida pink crepe trimmed with blue. . ? ' o let May Support Ri\ ? r i et I ail ? t he mi| rt M . "As ? V aid Mi. Elder, ?Id be a .. : " It tl mai y candidate for District Attorney." VOIJNG S(M IKTY RID] ' AT PlPIXf? ROCK HORSE SHOW. HORSE SHOW WINS SOCIETY THRONG Ideal Day Opens Piping Rock Exhibition on Club Grounds. The Long ' iraa ?r!l repre St the open? ing of the Pi] : f Re K Horse Show on ab grounds at Locust Valley. The SS ideal one, and the pictur? e-rounds never looked more beau tifnl. The show r;:.>r was directly in of the ehihhouse, and mat y ? d 'he horses from the lawn in of the club vi randa, but the ma occupied boxes arranged beloa ? on will be : : row. Ami early arrivals by motor j was y. Luda sFli . 1er of Mi '?- un U. Flelt mann, in i Bar ehanffeori not noticing a rope drawn taut across I : ii..ii-mem ip the clubhouse ? I ? Club und ? A few I to the grounds .' . sir. and U. Mette?. ' ' . Mr. and md Mr. and . Amo . the ho tee and or. the Mills, ? ? and , Ali ander i '. it. i . lor Camp Cravat .... . i irles D< . Mrs. Irving Brokaw, and Mrs. a, Mi -. W, Boa Muriel ? ?' Whitney, Mi s, 1 heodore Hi ira. aasel Mr. and !!? .? n K. Hitchcock, Mrs. J. \ . : ' | aeve Mer> Vrthur Scott Barden, Mies r, Mrs A M 1 in ter, I>r. ? ? L. Wood i James, '?' . i .'i ay, m i J Herbert John ton, Mr. ? . ?? \ ; Mi ? Paul !;. ? i! 8. Shon- ? I Louis ?i a. 1rs. Henry . ... ?es Tiffany. , ? Prank L cutt. Mrs. Lucille I ? ? .1 Harry I ? i - . . .. ? ? ? I H.r-> ?j ? , i ? - - H,-. ? I l " -'?.?-? a -> - . a . I 1'ar.? .... ? ' a ? - i :? ' ? ? . i . ? .... i ? r .k i i - . .... , , - ? ?? . ? ? B l and? < if b| IM? . . , . 1 B ' m - - ? '? Tta .? ? I ?? , lana I. W. D I > $965.701 For Yale In Year I ? & p- M il ?? ? l ? I annual report Of Tifa- ...'.? Paresis Hay, made upblic to day The teta] funds of the I 'niM rsity ?re ? ? 10, an in-? crease of 119 per cent in ten years. | Muriel Vamlerbilt, in Saddle?Halan Hitchcock Making Leap. NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS Shuberts Acquire"Modern Shylock" from A. H. Woods. "The Modern Shylock," a drama of ? on which A. II Woods had towing eonaider nble attentl n, am benght yeaterday by the Shi : will be brought ;nto Xew York immediately. The pre wiU occur at the Comedy Tho a're next Tu--day evening. Manager ba aleeted and li , the Shnberta thu* ac? quiring a ready mad.- production. In the eompsny will be Loa I ilvert, Dorothj Donnelly, Jot i phii ? \ .???or. Forreat Winant, Eugene O'Brien and John Flood. Calvert wp.< or.-- a, director of the New Theatre, but la the thai have elapsed since that vent? ure he to feel comparatively safe. Saturday evening, October 9, has boen ?owning date ? fall W ? '.i Qarden product ion, "A World o:' The director of the votes-for-women parade, in wl eh htaj Irwin will I .rig out his ?Chi that it w: !. 5ft la for pasa a givi n point. Joseph I'rban is putting the Bi sary art ..n the scenery for \\ 1! .. -.. Brigga's nami a Inch I! :. . W, Sa agi a 11 produce. Mary Piekford, Pauline Fi. ??:? !?( m, Basal Dawa sad Mai gu?rite Clarke BN among ? BI another at the Inter- . D Bhi w. 0] ? on Thursday st ? srai gii H ', . ? . ? , the pi ?? 10 legrei a Walter Kings ? ' matioa, and It to the boiling | A alight change of policy will be ? v ash at the Ei abide, Two feat-1 pict sad 8 pair of short tilms will be : own. instead of three feat !:. Broadway entrance to this .vu- r. OBeni I last : ght, fol . sagiaeen the K ? irbccker resta Bot spei . Richard Le liiliienne hau written a motion picture that '.be Equitable COB . -? a ill produce. It ii aet la ballade : ? Laura N'< ?son Hall, the original "Everyweasaa," ?ill make her vaade It next week at the I'alsce. . . ? -, tch by Robert M. Mc Laugl ' The Eternal Mag? dalene," and the Itiffeet contract that the Belwyas ever signed. "Sherman Was Light" will receive its first performance m Rochestet r.ext Tue-.?ay hnd B II cune into New York at an early date. Hale Hamilton plays the title part Margaret Crawford will ili g the esa tral'o role in the new Lao rl r'nml operetta, "Katmka." - Hetty (",r . . Mil ia-t evening at "The Gii >'? bat abe the richest v.u..m ?r, I ba '?' arid. Quits Police for Law. U lliam Howard, jr., complaint clerk at l'olice Headquarter , e- gned yes-' terday to take up the practice of law. OPERA HOUSE RECEIVER NAMED IN FORECLOSURE Plaintiff Says Hammerstefn Co. Is Without Resources. Justice Pendleton yesterday ap pointed Stuart ?>. Pi . ? reiver of rent-i in foreclosure pmcr-eilini?? ap;i'ist the Man! m House. brought by the Maximilian Fletechmann Company ? Hammers ein 'ipera Cem any, Mutual Bank : .trleal Com . mcern hems; the t the t i i.. ' ! : .. ehmann - I of the . three mortgages had '? on Septem? ber II pal, iimount Ing '? 'lue. Mr. ? the B immer* iteln Opere l ompai y was the only nnd that Oecar Hammersti >. tied that 'he Hammerstein Opera Company It was is not ant now due on the Tiit Ma, le Ri slty Company has the aeeond re on the theatre prop* ? ? - ibert Captain Tse, Chinese Navy, Dead. New Loo Ion, < ' tVwi ' was re te day of 'h ? death at Wa? I C i|)tH:n Tee, of the Cbii ???i a' ?,ie ill h ire . remov? tal so - . ["se at the ft els sed us ? fir eign i AHU\li.VM VAN WINKLE. .... 1 - Van w kle ? ad ; i ? ' - . ? I . ? - . . Mrs ? ... U in i and l I men, Mr, Van Winkle aided of the fir t Ion ?? I as" . ? e light, H ? rom Holla ??? the I'hi ? ? a Sat urda;. .... IHK KFV. BICHABD R. WILLIAMS, (lien Ridge, M. .1 , :' ? | M, Th. Rev, I R. Willie ? home, 252 I'.i lpewoi.i Avenue. Ha ?*?- bom In 1 I M ? sdied lew, but later turr.e I to the ministry. !'e was f-ior of the Dutch i t'hurch at Cm harie, >? V.. ior fourteen reara, v retirini ? ? : | - | Ane." - h ' Wife; 1. chard 1: : Williams. ighter, ?eric?. Todd Steele, of Brooklyn. LOWELL M. I'M MBB. I, i onn., Be] t SO I M. P Broeklj n. died at hi? counti . Horn in nhlo about ,ra >?cc>. ne I ,i irlaaj tl a War. He ? k i.' of I R Squibbi &. Sena, chemta'a, of Ne . V'.r?. Mr Palmer was at one time a director of the American Sugar Re? fining Company. BEST BIG SHOW AT HIPPODROM! "Hip Hip Hooray" Provt To Bt Monster Amono, Spectacles. THINGS TO SUIT THE TASTE OF AL Novelties Abound in Productif \\ inch Is Made on a Mam molh Scale. "Hip Hip Ho..i:,y." a specta. New Vor'r. Hippodrome. Staged b> itde. Mu-ic by Raymond Ha bell. I v: hv .lohn !.. (?olden. > > <? ? J : ? , . .? \ * M*i i. : , ? Beth - i ? ? . A ' . . :. : \ \ . .... ? Hi ? ? lt> HEYWOOD BBOl v. I ' the proper sort, t average theatregoer ef New Va would rub into being "Hip-Hi Hooray." The BOW ihew at the Hipp drome la calculated to make a 180.1 . . ry one who ... ? !? nly when the ave.ige theatr? ic ??- thought of music he would a for Bousa'a band or Orville Harro! The genii of the Hippodrome have si bringing both. T th the lamp thinks then of coi edy and out of the misty depths fro ...?r so far away the voice of N Wills splits his ear. The avera; goer might forget the Boggai troupe when deciding upon his aer ( whea the dan ed him. He might, hu? I , ?? leea mem a| t! If a complaint muat be made. *r t, for everybody talked la nicht. In superlatives which ought ? l for hi avi a or the gra in drama. "H ; (Up-Hl . toe literal "Think, when we talk et hOT M ": " ? ? I oor chorus man. You need not th't i t the Hippodroms you have only i look and see the horses and elephan aa well. "Cbb this eoekpil hold thy vast Salda of Frono ."' inquired the Ella bethan "Speaking for myself and the Hi] podrom I : arlia Dillingham, " . ,m," :. id be i ' oceeda 'o give not, ii deed, 'be Seid ni Fraaee, but tl Brooklyn Bridge, the tower el aws from the Panama fair, the Cascad? :oom ef the Btltmore Hotel. At pt the bridge, were on a sea of inch for inch. There i- no BBOd to a-k anybot "into a thousand parti divide eai man." On the staire of the Hippodron last night here were chorus gir et.OUfh to lasare every freshman Tale, Harvard and Princeton a lupp party. And there were chorus m. rnough to k<ep the employes of a ipe ihirt faetory working night and d for one week and eigut boni .s the one sed thought we toe from the Hippodrome. We h never realised that there were -.> mai chorus men. There are folk, some of them theati goon, who would rather have th ?hadow th.'.n the reality. There is n .'.ream stu:T in "Hip-?in-Hoorav." I has not an iota of iconic restrain At trOfSt :' f..?lows the notion that i yon CBB fjel a certain tine effect aril ten girl ? I aer effi rt ma be gained erith ri<'>- hundred. In it average il is w l irtliag an ? .!, and that m the handling o i- of a on called " ; ' ? ? Gar lea Ball." .ins u bit lat< r : baa thii came ti ? ' , ? ? the nicht. T'pon the tenor's declaring that on must climb ::p a ladder to re Land or' Love and Roeca" the ehoru ... ... i up from roof on eountlc - lad d.-r iparkingly with more than B i it biggest at ? we have ever sei - that th ?how waa made for the BVI I . 1er did we lotend to We like Nat Willi We laug e. hen he jokes about the For I car. Hil i ' in, and eh.? . We Je and b*i d : avi ryfoodj elaa la*t nighi In fact Willi was new: better 'han i . utni . i ? i think that he fairly be] I h:s songs, but to the man in th row of the topn a rt bsleony Hippodroms his sing broad ? ? a, but i - ? drome. v. Bogaaay troupe si ? ? ? arfa aad their thrillini i" act as Old Kin;. I ? havi summoned. The king wai ?he way, in a wandert i I ? m the eh 11 dren i ? . i \ |d B did his clevel - in lightning change magic Mai '. sitia were ana laing in trifle Soasa'i Ba i iniai ? ? ew march. "The New 1 II ppodrome," which se? an are . . as different tati I Irville I ' as he ha? in the past, but well enough, and Hell? was a delightful soprano. of all wa the lirai '.. I. ike s? Mai Its ami i th" entire Stags turned late ? nr.k. Tee, indeed, the ice WSI I : di irrees Fahreaheit \ i ,? tlip-Hii Hooraj." a w mid It Kives the chorus girls t on ice. 'I hey **.*?< ley tumble, too some of "then: b.fore ihey aaake aray for Charlotte Hers is an aman:,g stunt a toe dana on the tip of her skates Stunt n in rd. For Charlotte it la e*sV and she |( ameaiagly graceful. The las part of thl -'.? B we tn.ssed, and Wi are certain tha' we left some sensa tion behind u; To P.. H. Barnelao geei the ere lit for the bi^ predacl "Hip-Hip Ho?ray'' is the ?how which yen will eventually -?o. MRS. ALFRED W. SPEER. Fasssie, N, J . Sept. an. Mr*. K*?< Bl iwa Speer, *ixty-three, wife o Alfred W. Speer, wealthy wine growo? - (bad h' the Speer home, 191 FbbII SOB Avenue, after an illness of mon than twenty years. Mrs. Speer ?tiff-i- d i s?roke tereaty-OBS years ago which left her a paralytic. Nil*. Speer was a member ef board of governor* of the Passate llenie and Orphan Asylum and o' ,li r'iral Reformed ( 'hures and it - i Aid Society, Mi Speer Ii a son of ?in late Alfred Speer, ?ho named O als." STEPHEN T. EV WS. Stephen T. Evans, for almost f\f*, years a resident of Mount VeraOB, S < yesterday, aged seventy-six years. Ol Natural Circulation Advertising which get, to the right people may ne worth while even though the magazine is "wished on the subscriber, and in spite of the lack of any connection be? tween the advertising and the character c^ the publication. But advertising is more cer? tainly profitable when placed in magazines with a purpose related to that c\ the adver? tiser, and .ill the mere sureiy if the reader buys the maga? zine because she wants it. "The 350,000 circulation of I he Designer results from the character of the magazine itself, not from any special circulation methods. The editorial matter is concerned chiefly with wear? ing apparel, foods, kitchen utensils, household furnish* ings, and articles for children. By their interest in our edito? rial matter our readers demon? strate the likelihood of pur? chasing related commodities. Standard Fajhion Company, N. Y THE DES?GJVER is on? of the threo magazine? railed by adverti?ing men The Botterscfc Irlo and L"m .''at ns an advrr t ling unit. The other members of the Trio are Tho Delineator and The Woman s M.ifM/ine. The average, monthly net circulation <if The liutterick Trio h SJaatSSraOSs] to be in excels of l,sV??,0<> ? a-im usssan i sawawmoawa,? Schola Gantorum H [NDLKR, Ceedw tor I m o HaSsi rtpttaa Concert? .: 1 m aesjla Hill 1 \ v II MARCH J SasBpa *>f ?VssaB?, Choral worka ?m I in i mil ?>?<-.Irn llrrliestr?. Ani-rl A CAPELLA. "in. fremh. BBSS' l'?li ( ..mno?er?. ALTOS AMI TKNOK- Awlti ?a UfiMtfl se/ora <> ? :. ft! foartlt Ai - Monday Mr. and Mrs EvSBS celebrated their afnlden wedding anniversary. l.'r til three years afro Mr. Fv.ans was an architect and ball ?;r.? eoi 'rnc'or. M I .i arifa and fear children. MISS ANNE MARIE FACWNT Miss Anne Mnrie Fajrnant. instruct' r in French at the He Witt 'linton Big*. .School, died on September 13 at her home in Spriagfteld, Mass. She ?I. graduated from the Sorbonne, wliT1 her facility in the lanjjuaire and h HT accent aroused the comm.-r of )..-r : ? Miss gal -?:11th and at 'he Ilrvn " Baltin ore hefore com-.: ? >'. n York 1 1 he ?'rs - eh c,i-ise,| a nervoi ; last June, -??.. < i< ipoi - wii.l.mi STATION. Boston. Bept so. William VTst* eighty-one year< old, 1. '. BSOtetaty "? the American Academy of Art? and ? day. Mr. Watsea ?.. led s ? : trd ? 'Tech noloe--, ? \ Vienna Ei :i In ! ?71 ' hex ? on els ?! engineering end ai MARKED. BART PRENTICE A* the Pn New 1er* her 2*-, by the 1. Robert Da< Prent ? ? ? BONNET SCOF1I -'.. James's York, aga - . i Mary L. . B< ' .setieee >f ?ss?risagee ,?ni* iVart.? niu?i be mi .-nipii.o.??! I.? lull Beaae ami a.ldre??. DIED. ' p h IS, K. ?, R. R. PALMER Lowell 1 on M. Palates in ? year I ? will I the let dense, UM Clinl I toMi s on San 1er Oct I e, m. Is torment ?? 1 --ry a convenience of fam.y TOMEINI Randolph Tosskias Tomkins Cove, S. Y.. in h:s six-. ? .r. son of F.. M. Tomkins and In !at.. Walter Tomkias. Funeral a1 ? 'ence, Pride). October 1, at 2?I1 p. m. TU< EBB Oa September SO, 1916, a* the residence of her >on, St. Geort? Brooke Tucker, 16 Fast 38th Street Mary Sydnor Jones, widow of the let? Jud?e Charles Frederick Tucker, of Hallas. Tex.i? Interment in Dallas, Texas. WILLIAMS On September ?0, at hi? home in Glen Ridge, M. J.. the R<*v. Richard Richard-on Williams, afed 72 years Funeral service? at 262 Ridicewood ave., oa Saturday after i...... upon arrival of traia leaving Bohoeea ?t 1:3a Kindly omit flowers. MANEATTAN AND THF RRONX PITZPATBICE, Bsrnsrd. 141 senator .lam as , September M Funeral *.. HAHLBOHM, lei.a. HI East :*th ?"... in. r 28 i ? day. iv FOREST, ' etherii av., Beptamber 2* , eaeral te d..\ l IMMtKISa. iHF. ayosjOLAWa t r.* err nut. :i)n :i H. Havrtaia Trata ?ni b>- Traita*. Latta -f ?nail alia tot aal?. Offlt-e. t? K?st It?, SV. N. T.