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CHARTER] D IN lt.; ^YORKLIFEINS.&TRUSTCO. .*?_ ALL ST., NEW YORK | , *. ; mala ?rented hy will or otheruiie. Ma?anea ?.*,t'.t. ??Atent for the owner!. Allow? on deposite? pavai,!. fl***' JA t,n _.?.?' "nil.'. L?r<?al Depositor?, for l ne, utor? ??er- end Mone? in Suit SL1 PRIVATE iRlsrs ami l>K<l.l\,;s \\.\ CORPORATION 01 OTHER ?Hi BTS ??T ATI..MEN. -.? on the 25ih day of SeptemLier, 1915 LIAB1UTCS, .$1,000.000.00 ! und Induid-d _. : - ? ', km Vi -i iJSnMbJN Dep? -le. i. i,,.!. . - ,, Annuity Lund. ?.iPi.?'?H.I 3 _? Life lasaraace Fuad. '?'?, - c- lalereet Daa Depositeis, .,?-< v . 8S0.4I2.02 $43,134.558.02 $43,134,558.02 RY PARLSH, Chair-nun of the Bonrd TRUSTEES Ml ? II. .Milliard llonarri 1 own?ead . ,. ,. Man .? <",?r llelann r?xrnellu? \ Hinter Ufred 1 Marl '.. " , \|.,?r? lailoi ? In. I nd HI' I .?'?- *v \i W i II.un ?le I oreil III? ne? .,, ?. ,. ? r.iinnell l.l?ii:?l ..I. Ii>?ti?r_tl In,, 1 .l??..r,l .'. Han? ? ? ? K.rr Hem . l'urioli, .1?. WALTER KERR. President. ?^?ffaB-BOlJIt 'if T"4r_-rer*4_e_l IRV._-_ L_ ROR. Foorrtwry .^rfW -.-?- ta Ttet President J. 1X.UIS van _______ _.*?( Secretar? ??_ Vtc.-?YmtrUent JOHN C. VKDI'EK. ai lit. ge_rer_.? READJUSTMEaNT OF CAPITAL AND DEBT OF The Missouri Pacific Railway Company AM? ?I, Louis, iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company ? ?' ?. Receiver for each of the above named ? the securities hereinaftei described ? . ? taries named below, subject to the i lai . :ed Julv ', ? ? _ been extended TO LADING OCTOBER 15. 1915. It in the -.avment of the Interest due Set. temher Vear Four Per Cent. Gold Loan Bonds, the live Per Gold Bonds a:id the Trust 1, 1917, mentioned below, THE RE? VINE DEPOSn JUES AND SUB-DETOSITARIES FOR SUCH BONDS V__ IF DESIRED BY DEPOSITING BONDHOLDERS. ADVANCE TO THEM TIME OF DEPOSIT OF THE SAME, OR THEIR CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT HERE EKE ISSUED. TH1 OF THE INTEREST DUE SEPTEMBER 1, _S. UPON THEIR B'.'- .< M I CStei In accorda,., with the red In case of ail advances. -11 ism ... ; any. iivrmi , v i \\ VORK, ? ... ? - ? K\s. PAX. New TorV C I P.AII.- T' ?: PRAVA RAII-WAT Mortgage Poor ? * , - - ' ? ? ? 1 ?r.ruary 1. '? I thi. ... ? -s,- j.A. Ter ' : ? ? . u .-? CANST VALLE, r Ceal All. Bondi, -? - ? . per Cent < ... ' "?-"?':revi 1.1 ?. RAILWAI a 4 Pa- . - rty-T* K:.-?t ? ?r B!i :.: ? AILWATS . .*ry aaolldata. llorteBB* K'.x Per ( -.', Horn.? du? April 1, {111 '".KWTY tBOn COM w. Of MW YORK, 141 Broadway. New T.rk City I \K!. - Wem AIA SBfT-RITIK. ? . n i tj:i *t ? ?impany. ? u i -i ? ?..sirwY or njnm roan. AIHHTU.7..-L .1 II I.M'C .ITARIEH rfor Bo:,.; IIOI'K A < O., A_r.?r_a_i . IM.ri.KIilMSCIIK HATffl. Vor Stork. Administration of HBIIK. A GORMA!.. Kiala ' Tor K'?? ; ? lf_?_!na P ? 1? n\nk inn is suiasB, '^or | , __ Don _ ?arM *?? n? i i/iiUM hi. ki(.i:dit-a\st._i.t. For rue y.r ? ?? ? ? % 1 ?a .?. H\m?i I. I l DEB \i i y' t Tor rour 1 an Hoi.d?: i ?-? in. ihm n.\M> ___?._____. IM IT. -, t.!ar.k for tra-,?fer or be BBnampanled le :?'e of t?o cr: ?? ?,rr ?..are _| ..?; 'he .N>w '., per *har* miner the 1*. --r_l Emergen?? ' ' . ? _ii_.<,r,? maturing on or aftei ..... pal mai - ?irhanfe . for ,-o'ij... :, I _..':?. m? he, reftl? ? ? of th? pr. . ? ? _?.?._ ... i : .per aaalmrnent* ?jrtnf on or ?i"i .--j.'.ember 1. 1.16. and on or prior to th. **?*?-? -, Uea will but be reeelred after Oetober 18. Ill?, eirept upon term? l*l H.? Kea.j?att,,r?,i M?na|er?. - ' Rea?s..'u??m?nt rr.y be obtained from any of ^wmti^'' ' ' ' ' " ttmry ef aay ef the IBrea < ms. im KUHN, LOEB & CO., Readjustment Managers. Wj1?'Sj?a1e_*? Oornmtttee? hai? approved and adopted th? Han and Aireeraant of ? r .-. i :? - and i command to belfere of tii* ? . | i?i i.?,:,' t..- prompt depoalt of their *?rurltl*?. B0BEaXDE*J BEMFBtlUU CttoArmoo - ,"?;?< ?1? .IN?. Und?'.., Piaaaalllll ?epre.entlna y ? i. i.i.iiDi > nw 1>r {tnr IlrM ?,,,, ?"XI J IIW \l I K M o r t X m k . ' k"N '? kMI . il II.?..' ? l?u_? . y, ut 1 ? .;?. New Vori? ?~ny ' N I' ? 1 i.-l . i V.irma? *| I. \?! *> ''"N II M. ( | i m i-vj. ?.ommttte? r e p r e ?ml hik "', M I'I\II?n ,"r,?, V",r K",,r **** ? s,., ,. (?ni. i.oid Laaa n<?n?i? ? ?BIUUIU '?"?i*, ?territory il w,' Pre?' New Tor* City ?Mi K' i., CrUAtrmom . ,; AV,; HAKUI>7i K -IKMS, (nmmlttee r*ir??e*li?| M,???.i?rl rarltl?' K_Ili?.i? ??cr..,,v [4 W?l, gtraat, Man Ton? r.ty ?^r0f E?*!?nd Return. . return pa ... ????-?'. .'o l.oog ' ? ? ?""??a I, i?r . Bank of France Return. Psn?, Oct. T. The ?reehl? return of tin* Bunk of Kruno?? ?hows th? foilow intf clisni/ea: me. I ? mat . o? ... I imanan tamtam . ' '. ?'. kv ?? . ." '? . ... A (SI 'a."* TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Crop of "Martyrs*1 Arises .is Specialties Right About Face, DOUBT ABOUT WISDOM OF EXCHANGE ACTION Neu Ira in the Market Iliotighl Io Have Dawned for the Standard Issues. .?? ihoald ' ritiei on . >. If ti ? ' doubt 1?'??, hi ? ? It s - ? m and ? the | re increasing 1 xcl . IS per ? clear ?ky. New Army of "Martyr?." No aeti? n in tha Street escapes eriti? At a time lise? sa ao clinical ther - '?*r the ' ?ou!.i ? The with the ?iVirac.' I n who on \\ cine?. day snd hi li ? morn I n object not < Balf ? ir after the 'opening .- sn.l by ? ana ?'in i (1 ear)tic Hie \\ ? There woald be little ] war issues 1 ? , ? ? handwrit ? fly had s night ir of the marke*. ? ? ? ? ? - ? Nothlnrr to Do but V I ? More 1 ? ? FUinn*' t he 1 ?? - ? the first ? at esse. Stabilizing Exchange. It ? ? L'ndoubt? dly it a ira a ?he ? ? have to be lerstion l?verai f ? . I y b? tal Britlah and Preneh g i hei : ol IBppliei ol ?U kind?, there ?rill muin .. considerable amount svailsblc for oi ?retal parehi both thoae conntrii? will try In every w?y possible to le -sen the consumo tioi. ol fore!) , - by their paopl sn.l to Increass the export:, el th. own goods; th? laei. ? Amer. . ? -t:ori rh', r ail] ? ; - ? . try ean i a . sad Li? be ? ? ? i Alii? a B ' "if" is s 1 _ S.iv? dasf f?.r ?"ornmrnl. The ? ment ssrsinsl ? ? . I : Ion of a there Is no ' roduc ? loa ran? hi thai OB ? ? ? ot herwiae . hee i . ? ? ? ? impti."! trlea could dueed - fat the i eaald be raatarl? ' slip laeraasad. there aalght I ?? chance. Bat there la a reminder of com" of tout In th?- fumil tsrmat ws* adnlter nraeal with ?aw? ' ? '?a' tip decreasing th : eal food. In the end Sad there were no egg? n' *-. NEW TOM CITY KOMIS. Maturity. i ..-..._. : ?, 1*1!-. ? ? 4 ? ?? .-.. : ? ' . ' ? . ? * . *?? ?' . M . ? ? . ? . I . ?t"l * a <. ? . ? ? . . ?'""upon. Reg-atari Reglateetl Sagtet set II This la aest i?i Ihe last iap fee reejla? i r.-? ? i ? ? 11. Taha aa ehaaeea. If ?asi D:inir i- ni't ?m the li<n>k?, gel it on t . isj, Baathe asea fiasa ls?SS io io:.:Ii i?. m. i ?l 1 II .fiK Of I Hl IHIIll M *? I l?T <H I II I I IN 114,11 ??. ?'i '..Lar I, if.'filai s alna ?li 1,1 ?r i | | | ri : -, ?trie wrrl, ?(f). HUN * Oaa unnl'i .???. . I'.'i I -, -, .'ul. I i. Mil . 104 4*3 Hlstl tat ~<-|il<-,n?ier . || ??:,, 1.44 f.ll -?|.|?,l.l.?ar. JO .11 II th f.r \n?,i?t .ISSIW i ?... tm ?iirii.t . leaaei II ?Ii f,,r .1.1..JO?, ?:,0 > ? ? f?? ??ni*. iti-tia Hlstl lllll? . |8*8J ;] lean i" tame >??<.lee :> M Id.h fee Mu. n i :,'i l am f..r M.... letagn " k ." 4|.nl . m .-,.,? I ..v. Apr | . I,,-, .,, ;ii.ii f.r Marta. ISS.1SS I . ? l.?f ? li. . ?i, . -,.-,, H t?r I f-'.rn?r.T. ISS.7M I ..v. f..r .lei.tS] II |h IT liiliimri . |ii>4 ?. ? ; I '.u in? .1 u. ... r ? . II,?li. Ili'i? fur. IBIS .... II -, lew. Hm? fir, IBIS .... I'll Hi : II ?ii. lull .?ear. I'll?.I'll |.|| i ..i?, fun tesr, um . hit 'Mm w in \?.i m i m i tumi m. - i in ol 1 14 i.i \ i INDI STKI M.*?. Ort aber :, ye?M?r?lBjr*| ?ice . i-* ?I. I.?,.r I ..,.,, I Int- srr!, hc?>. ?. ? -,;,,, ?lie in?,nlli pgp . ?7.!):"i .?nit as, mi? . High f?ir September . .?..,, I i M tat n, i.t-?,|,rr. III ac I a f'.r \n;i'-l . . , | I ?.?r. f.r \iik?i?I . BS.ISS llilili fi.r ii.l?.?i;.l?l'l) I hv fur .liilv .Su. JIN II: ;h for . I ? f.,r .lune.7?ni3 High ?i i y.a&ase I ? 4- i'.r Mat). 74.470 II .:!. f M April.BS.1SI Lew tm 4|t.i .I-.:;?? 11 i L h f?.r tS.I<M I ...r f, r March.Til.on? High fee l*?aieerj.;.t.:::t ? ???.. f,.r I rl.runry. ii''-. r; II i. h for .Lin ?in r.? .7,'ill? I ?a? f.'i .l.i'in ir 4 . ,". . . 'I High, th?aa in-. IS1I. eg |,,, I ,114 . Illll? f II IH I., . , , | Hash, full sear, IS14.,. ?i sn I ?,w, full je?r, 1IM4 . MORE BUSINESS DONE IN LONDON f?n 1 d Mines and Copper Stock?. Improve Discount Rstes Tond to Weaken. 1 ,. job, Oet ? Th? ?tsch market 1? ?till ?sufTeririf' from Halkan polities, hut the tone was, s ?hi ? ?tl ll?T te? nd there was i s direc ... - '..fin, Japan* rada and eelonial atocha were fre quently de . rnpper <hm It I with etal, <'or-- ? ? chsnged a? war loan eloied I r%. I rican aeenrltlea changed hand*. I'r.lon ?nd Chena ft Ohio i ' ? rm. [men (mana, i appliei nr<\ the dit '? ? . .??nerican cx 1 Bg the ..... ?lien u* ?', rule to de. to Spain mid ? tea la rere I % per cent ; - per cent. (???Id premium at Lisboa \va? U. ? : Trading whs qsrlst Three per rent ? Loi I ONDON I l OSING PRH I . ?.'. it i. ir a ' 4 t a st p.. :. - do 1st pref 1 r - . 4 , , . . '< ? ? *1?i - S : . . : , .... Il-, ? 1 l'-t - M IS ? . 7?H .? ' a * t : . ON THE CONSOLIDATED. ?n th? break ob Wednesday were and? r.n the . ? change. Early in the : rail!? d te above , sad the enp ? low was - KB. .... a ? ? . i I . . ? ? . * ? a I ... ? . Ml! ? . ? - . , -, . ... a .... ? , , , Ora . < i ? , ? , . ? . ? ?? ' . ? a ? . ' ? I . a ? 4. . ? ri r? ... < i .... *. ?i .< ? ' ' . < a ? . 'a ? 4' .. a - ? ? ?a ? ? . a . .... 1 '?? -.1 r k u a h ,* t ont a a . ? ? I Nor Pa .. a ''a I.? ... ? 8 I . - a ?4 - ' . .? ,. ? a ? . - . ? a . . -, 1*4 I. - ' - ? ? :? , . ? \. ? ar ' i .-. ? . ? . ? ? . \ ... MINING. idaats ,Sj a '?' I 4 ' a ' .14 14 14 14 ,4 ,? 44 4? r , . , I ? : . I?' 1 ja 1 I .-If II- I .. 1 . I ? a 4 ? 4 ... ? .' ' Bal 1 .'?-? I- *ll> ? "l Mel ? .. Exenitor Chartered 1H22 Trustee The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Rob. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Eranch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York, LONDON, 18 (eWkaptf Bt, S. W,: 2. Ol.l -.road Street, E 0. PARIS, 41 Be__m__ ??-rm-TH. BERLIN, 56 Untsf ?.-n Li_'l-n, I W. 7 Trav? _p._' Letters of Credit, Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES ???i. ios s ro? ... . MIM .. leek . M ?. i : ,11 I'", ? , ' ' ? ' -l? - a* an- in . i , . 14 k . | j etla . |. , '?'...< ... , 5 .!., ! r. t. ? . ; ; per.... 14 ? ?y... . . . > .... 1. r Ll'la. ? ... . ??, roll .... _ I '? | ... ,?; . ? I*......... , ? ' . I . i 1 ? I ? '. '?. a I ' a '" . a ?i ' i ? '1 ? 14 IH I 11 "? ? a ' 1 II ?1 n ? .? ? -a 47 ' I ' ?'_ ?? a < :.1 ? ? track a ' " ' a ' . ' ? Bail] I I Alb... If.? l7l ? ' , ' ? ' ,?-.*..; ? lf. I__ 271 So pre!. i n 11 1? do pre* . ?' * '? 10 ?win - . . - i 7 7 1 ,124 4''1_ 1 1 ' , 1 ?. '". _ '.?? : s v., 74 ? 744 - I '.?. ?N M SB lak. I '??. Me'als 41 ? , ? Paen s et., is 1 ? -., ir. 1? . '7 '?? lit 1 ?? 28?. ? a 73. . 'a a ... IlC ?El dividend. ', ' 1 ' ? Big. 2_, ' .,!ai 76.. ' , iv.p..., l'V ,, . ?I I I. ? ? - . ? -J ? a a ' . ? ? ? ' , 1", . ' '.' _ n ? ? a 0, '.??...4 U ?? H :is 15 1*4 : t ? ? . II 11-'? ? ? i "4 14 ?T.. Ak. tic I'HII \I)I!.IMII\ STOCKS. ? ..... ,-.4 ? 7 ? ? ' . ' a ' 1 ? : ' , IIS ? 1711 Bit v*r ? , J ; , r. ; . ? i ? '?'.??.. ?I tr?f.. 43 43 ?3 1-. 1 : ... ' , . i 170 1 ?-. v P ?a It*. ? I ?a ' ' ? . 4 ?a II ?vi. Am Oas ? E ? I7B ?"'. '" ' ? . ? r . v . -j con I* 87 .... 73 a ' a : ? ?1 n,_ inv 1? leSf 74. 744 11 ? ? - . . ' ? ? H 43 I ? . ? ? HALT1MORE STOCKS. - ?.-? 6 .*.>ii? ''oAl. ?. to Con? Pawer.... ; ? . ISO .*?? ? '? 10 r..\ _aoi? n ?__ '.474 I ridall ? !??. ? ???:*.:.? U Ni ? bn 1 Cm1 ? : . p, bb BXat? r P ? ? ., By* ?t __.. :i ?OKO ? fflO*. C1tv of n ?ft, I no 1 ?,,., 1 ?,,,,: i?., - la Ala eon I . ? .?? M ice . es MTV. 13-i -, a M ? 111 H B ? ", ' . M r- "a c'a. i? I 1. i M ISH n ?"?? inn . a a '? ? . a {? ia n *S 117?. ? . 3.'-, ?3 ? . 14 4 ?? : '. i ? o '. : . ( Uli \(,<) 7- HICK.. s?!?* Opea Blgl Lara last. An .Mt?M.|... i> 3.; |i ? 1 ... 1 - f - || I :? r " 1 * ? ' Ml i in 7- ... ' 111 IB a Id IMDS. > irawaf n.? <? -, ?14 ? . ? . ? ? - ' I ? . ?? .wilt ??. ? ?1\ *?'. 7? ? . 100'. IMTTSBl'Ri.H STOCKS. ? 1 1: a a aae M a 41 - < , 1 I' .re " ' ?. 1 . ?? 'a B i. H . ?7| I ' ??1 . ' US ? 14 _ 17 IM 70 14? U ? .10*4 11 (feet Peaa Paw 1 aw Da row SB.. ?. 13 IM 153 ll?4 Ul 143'. ?.: :. Lea _. : i I? . ?IS w% 70 1? . 11 123 14 1. Pacific Coast Co. Shows Loss. Tlie Pie:fie Conit Company, in its re? port for the year ended June 30, 1915, .how? total operating revenue? of $ .. _-,.',._. h .-cre.?*e of $77'.?.If.7, com pared with the previous year. The year'i talonee ?fter chirle? imounted to 52, ahich. ifter payment of diri cier.ils on the first preferred itock. left a bilanee of $.44..>'?'_, equal to _ -1 per rent on the combined common and lec ond preferred et??c?i, a,;ainit 4.54 per I cent earned in 1.14. COTTON STEADY, THOUGH LOWER Market Down 11 Points, Due to Poor Weather Conditions in South, fh? cotton market was Bsrveas and unsete?le,l f,, ?ft?/, w;.|, | active and flnetaattoaa Irregular. The rerp anfsvorsble weal I on in tl " I 'at the market ?apport on <!", o there waa s ver, ? dent ,: take 1 I OB fl 1 raaees, particularly as January ap? proached the Ki-cent level, an : -harp rail-,- which follow.'?! r.r. early do eliaa waa mostly Io ?. la tl ?? later trad? ing, " e steady at a r. ? ? cliae of from -?to it points lor the day. The mar?. . ? u de cline of S points to an advance of 1 point, and sold shoat II to 18 | set lower during the middle ->f th? morning. Liverpool ?elling her? it? I to ?? raddle ? in spir.. ?,;? the Armet ml i Itoek mark? t. There was fai B. The sel ' i he heavy <r tWO BBS after the close of the English n ? .. prosa? el i I ued r.tin snd tied ? in the sastera belt, b? Iped to the marke', ,?V,\ Immediately fall? a of the w? holt f< :, with se? temporal irea in va? rious sortions, there 44 1 . s -hup b?lge g and more 12.57c to 12.84e, while January ad' 1J .74?* to tl . '?r shoat '?' '" ' ' : above Wed g I res. It seemed, however, that IBt Bl freah baying brought la bj prediction! for ahora the crop is considered dangerouily lata bullish lo_*ai t red? : . the mark. ? 1 ? 19 or 'jo pointa la th? g un dei reaewed realizing or lii ! The early lieclir:.- may BBV? been ? partly due to pi ? ' row I. ? ? ?rican This Arara ws rh. oat of i:ne with the esp I I of local bull? to 1," , ? ,n- It * eipated that domeatic milla alone will nae ] ";. s?> that tl.>? estimate woald ap? parently allow 11 the u^-e of mill-* abroad. Moreover, there seems to bo a d? of opinion -.mon,* . a cable * ? that N'eill ? lea a? about ' era advieea wer? I ton ? ? sued of h bulliah aver? age, both ;?s to ? rop pro ip< et? m i the ? . ? re wsa "..?? wire from N'ew Orleans ?which ?aid thai farmers wen* s tors their cotton at the prevsiling ; [and local ?pot people elaifl tl? demand for ipot nom sith - mili' st the present level. Hulls believe, however, that the crop Is ra I |Bte the baada at holder? who are firmer than growers, sad who ?ill probably drive a hard bargain with spinnen later Is tl 1 - ihoald bulliih then crop aad prob, ble r ?? . illy reported lal ? unchanged to 13 point? Ex . orti ro? tha day war? 28,1 1 bslsa, ? g 1(5,930 ? ' ?B, com? pared With 216,1 tere year? ago. Usage of prices: Tease. . C?a??. dajr : 4 l ' 4 i ?:. . ? 1.44 i iier?uib?r.. 12.1)? 1.84 !T i -r - I . - 13.2? 13 01 J ? ::: u? ?.? ?. . Il M 11.4? I -? -. ,-.-.? - I ... I. aaiea, 1 ?-.??? . ?-..? '? ? -. ' 41 anil a I , ? n ?-? a : ?. . ? ? ' '< . ? ? ? , a 4 t.-.? I . - ? ? , . 11 i??l ?' . '' ' ? ' 1 S . ? ? t>.r*j s-'^l u.rsrliir Hints . . ? ttmm* T 1?? Last ?.'I. laut J'r ? r.Crra'jon .... 1 U.?4I a , 4 ? a - ? I : 1 - m m 1 _ _, . a ? ? . ] Tqt?!a . 4? 11: INTTHUH. I assert? ...... ?MM ?I laphla 4 ? ' a -,. 4 . * . 1.411 ? -. ' ? Submarine Boat Shares Exchanged. Dire ?tors ol th? * H..*t Cor? poration ' ??' : ' s of ? etrt? Boat I .at of T'i.T'Jl ?hares have bien turne.i in for exchaage late ateeh of the n?*w com? pany. Officials est.mate t mately one-half of the 'J.i'.ij ahai the Bid iteeh ' ??' sal itaad ag aiiroad ai.d therefore eannot be ex . ?.o be taraad -n promptly. Alabama Great Southern HA.ort. The Alsbama Crea*. Southern Ball? the year ended June 30, 1 '.f 1 .">. ??r".?? ssraiagS of ?4.77'-.,' ,,., empare?! wi'h 15,426,1' as year. The surplus after pay? ment of preferred divl lend? w*? $iA. I |ual te ?'?.?I per cent on 17,830,000 ordinary -.tock, as compared with TM per cent earned on tl.e ?ame stock in . K. T. Not? Over Applied For. 5\C?Btr?,JTJ ' ' ' l'V. Kuhn, -oeb & ?To. and k.dder, Peabody & Co, ho hare privately. ,,i ?ubscrip 10ns for the new iit;n? of |20,000,OW) rooklyn Rapid Transit Company 6 p. r nt secured Betas, mmounred yaster ay that the entire issue had been over lied for. The Sacce,, ?V dePfnd ,"P?n ,hf *** ,0' your bank. We are always ready of your to extenJ to our clients accommo Business dations commensurate with their balances and responsibility. Firms, corporations and individuals con? templating the opening of new accounts are invitea to call. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank Oi* THE CITY OF NEW YORK re N A h ?4 A I STBEEr Capital, Surplus and Profits $14,000,000 MISSOURI, KANSAS & TEXAS RAILWAY COMPANY Second Mortgage 4 Gold Bonds DUE JUNE 1, 1990 In Tlew of th* receivership of ft,? ?'nrnpsny ar . th* f .TUt!?!! of eommtt Ne-v York, October I. 131?. EI>.VI\ O. M I.Kill I I. ? :... r:? ,n. BP. SETI A COTTON. "A" ! '. *"** '''"pin-' * Coun*?l. Vf.. ?Hllli.MiN, avs_^Dlt'*r**s__? ?^vmj.;.,.,.*. il Broadway. .Ne* York. p. j. i.imhiII _i.T. U. S. CUTS ASSAY RATES i Tribun? WaahlBftea, Ost, 7. < ompetition of priva'.. Bees throughout the ?.. Director ai the . minio* the business B COVCI '.'?"?, and to this Secretary at th. Treasury i aathorlze. ? aaaa .. give a cut rate. Hitherto the ? ? baa l,con . ? .i.-ii natal the proportion of which in Btiaed, including ?old, 'ilver, lead, iron, tin, zinc und "?ten. iBCaraa havo been mak ing the ii-3ays for .1 Car sack A considerable loss of the use of by importers of" cold will be si des by the Director ? at, approved by ?he ".ecr?'tai> of th- rregBury to-day. J.i future the ? o( the New Vork A. - iv Office a:..I the Baa Francisco Mint -vill give checks for O?? per cent of 'he value of foreign gold coins pr*' ? -1 In . urns of no? less than 11,000, !'h. remaining 1 per cent will b" ? n completion of the a.say of the coins, tl erto only 91 per cent of th? value ha? b??n paid en receipt of the . - ; t ?? ? ? tarerai days later and _' per cent ';. I I a? ".: in interest to , u:.l he l:irge._ ELECTION NOTICE. ?io.'iiri.H u. MANHATTAN. GENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 2, 191ft. ? D OF ELECTIONS OP THE <"ITY OK -, Municipal i ? u : : . .tic* li hoi -i.'. ? aptei --. leeUea so i. ?"er 17 of ?he ? -, .i. m ??? '? '. ? ? ? 1. If th" I OUB . I oi .h., county of N'?w i deilgni I .?I' i I, HI. 1 . .. of (he . !e. tl : follow! ? ?MBLT DISTRICT :? p Occ.ipl? . ?s 1 ?i Green ?; h ?t. ?t.Stationery It. - ? "? I it .-It'rtta .rant Broa. ^?y. : et.<_onfe ; jm ., ?. :. ?. h ?t. - M. . .? i . ? rlne s'. m ?t.Stationery '?-a' ' I a Ivan ?t. . : ?I . Tailor . ] too ?t..Pool H . n ?t. .Restaurant , ?I.l'O'l Parlor ? ?w. .I.SF.MIU.T Manu - I. . .; !e 1 as . ' ?t.Hart- r ib?re st. - ? ? : irl il . I . ?? . tt?u . er?. *t. I .I?. s'aurant -r ?:. l'an ;>? i llaoa ?t.~.Barber u 3_ Catbartae ?;._. t 1".** ?t.Burl.e.' '.i 1.1 Mal'.B.n ?t.rat - i .. Mauro* *t.?lanayi U .41 Million et.-.Tailor Il .. ?___laoa i ii.i.ry ?"..-lall.r ..-.? ? ;.Htatlonery 1. 1__ E. 13roa_w*r. Shoemaker 8Rt? _S.J_MM?T niSTTtl'".' E. D. I_.<-at!on Occuple?) ?? 1 HI BTblta ? 2 H Chatham Hq.... Burbor 3 il .Rea: ? ... . ' -" ?t._. ? ? : ?t.K.ri.r ? Bre?me et...... .Pi-' ir* *? 7. aie et . Poel ; . il s? ? ? ? -?.Ineoet - ?t. i .Tonfo ? ._ ?.'????? -r ??. . Hote - ! . . . r ? -. i ? . I] -.?nt ? ? 31 av . Clotl ? < 111 ?: 1Kb a..Harber I I av._. 1 ?ITU AIST'MF'.Y PISTRICT. ? D I- _f.... Occuple. a? 1 11 H?>nt| tnory ??.,"1??r? ? . . B. . M..,.., I . ' ' ? ?t._.-AU' ? : -t._. ' l?C?r? , ? t._..._.Ha'ber i ?? ,!? ey ?t. Barbet m ?t. . : itea ?* ._.Barb, r l'-oome and Sheriff He.P. I ?? 13 ?. i'.'.uiiiMa at._.._.Par'" n ? lywt? ?t._. Barter .. M k ?t.__._.__Ile.tauront 1. . I '..-an . ?t._.,., I" il U M ja keen ?t. Barber * ' ? MI.I.T DIRTRI'T r r> i... ? i ? Occur''' ae 1 41-1 '?!.:? n ?t. Clgar* o l'or ,1 ?t. I 4 ? ??' ; '-.m ?t . a r ? _er at. 1'. ..?r ?t. - e'.Window E . ' ? ?r ?t. T_li>,r ?r ?t.?._la? ir. '.i v i -- ?t .m..Barber .-. ?t._. . - W Util at._.Ilarber -?" n ?t._.l?arti?r M . OCBee , ? ..i' ._.Siorlie a:.Stationary B ?". aie.?._,.Inju.n.. Uth ?t._.HarNer 11 11? Ml aie.Harbor .*?*.., ._. Bai i ? .(,,V*" i tl IV? . T_'...o : . '"h ave.?1V"r I -1 I<3 M av?.Ka*er> ? rill AMEMULY DISTRI-T t. n baaaHaa oreurio-i a? \ 1 :*4 I. II....?'on ?t. Hart.-, .,...._ -' . I I?: K Houston at. 4 ?Il '. at. ' ? ?' ^ M..r.|li. . ? . No of .*-''*n?<_ ?t | ? ? r Hoturton ai. s.o. m?k.. A .en .e D . PI 5 21-? I li s? . . I??: ? !? '3 A?e:,.?? .* .Tailor 11 11 A -- ? Da..?_.?_...._?.v.M.wClgaiS ELECTION NOTICE. . 1* K .4 ?:, .? T' . ' ? ??::?? D..?. r- . ? I> . ? d 9rh a:. TTit ASaSMBaUf ni5TPi'-r F V '. I ? ' ? s . ! - - ; 17? - . i n i nh u, . i ?.?. ?? i - . . . i ?t. .- . ' , -. Il . I 10 ? IV?. . i: si? a B?h ?t. ? ?? ? i ?. Il It h ?'?. IV? Ich et.... . Il - .-?'? a?.t.:. "? '?. ??. - ?? ._. 21 Ml Kl ? ? . : ?v? . ?TH ASPKMBI.T riSTTtIT r r i ?? aattoa, Oeeei ? ?? i H ._. th ??. r? ' . R?? .' -? !? n .? ' . i - - ? Twain* ?n<1 '* ? o I ?? . I -? .R??' ' ?i 177 I - ?? ?I. ! -?* -' t. ' II' ?T.T?a ?1 . ? ?t . H?rb?r i? 127 Rtvlnstea et....-. Barter :?? IM N'ortolk ??. l'art?-r r>T;i ,44.-i:vii!,t di'trI'T F; D lai l'Ion. Occur'?" '? i fi? Vt Mth ?t. I ??'- - : ?'.' I?tta ? ?. ? :?? \v Mth ?t. ' ? Ml 1MB n??. - r ? . 4 a? v. Mth ?t. ' . - ? ? v. rth ??. ...?. ? ???. ! ? ? ? W .'"h ?t.Und? . - - Il Mth ?t.... U ? \4 4."h s?. ?I .?'1 ?V .4-h Kt. P . F r ? ? - ??. t?ho ? .I'M? i? IM 'I'd .'.f*.Une? ta??' v i : .??. a - ? ' -?. nothing a tri ??h a?,.i.?:i?r lOTir A<4SFMnr.T T>I?-TRir*T jr p . ? .? 1 35 RMrl Is? ?'. ' . ? ?*. i : . r " isten ?t.... B ? . : . T. ? ? . : :?t ?r.,..i. . i : m R. ?th ?t. . I r ? ?? . ?t. m . * u me ii.! : ' Si Ml ??.'? ?'' - 13 N lit an . 0*nta' F'i-- I i? M. It h n.t'n? II 41. ! "'!? ?t. : " ?.? - , ? . Bari ?r i: I?: .i 14 UI E '" . ?t. Talior i? .?? r I I . ?t.. .Har..r Zt 145 i: 12?h at.B*rb?r .1 211 1st ave_.??oni?c*.lon?r-T lint naaaatavt vi^rmcr. e r> teeaMem occupu-i a*. 1 ?17 ?' 4.1-d ?I_.,.Ctpat A ??? 'i *:6 lOfh av?. Awnlrs? S ?'27 ft"*. ??? . '"* :???? ? 324 W 44th ?t_'. Tall -* B fiflo ??h ?%??.ru?j BMat? fl ?t'4 O'h av? ,.,.B?rt?r 7 en ft"', sv?.Otar? m Ml loth us.r?e?'? fl (U'O \V 4Trh at. Krul'? 1" IIS W 47*h at.i- .? 11 ?V.S Hith art.Camay , i .-.,? in,?, av#.t*arl?i ?S Si iv? . ii? ? ?? 14 ItS ?th iv? .-..faS? in ?:.:. *v ?sth ?t. I? ft? " i ' It .Un?? 17 rW I ?. . H?rt??-r .Barbar .14.rl ?r Hit it .Tailor .'1 a '.' 4041*1 at.t'nf!?r?fiker ?? a " ??: ? ?t .t'r.lf-r'.War W ' -t . T .11 - .4 7'.? ??? .B?r' ?r 28 res m . ii l.TM .4?-UM It I.y r>r9TRi?7r 1 Oeci* It '. 1 164 Avenu? A . P! im? r 1' ? ?. ? it-M .H?t ' ', '. A vana? l-.Restaurant 4 'UK i?tn ?t.R??' 11? li' -t. Cad ?'. '.'.. 4 : ? B . 1?..* - 7 '.''1 Av-I :? A. Pr?? ' . : 9 II I :i t.Ph .n . I" r : ? ? . I. ii :- . ' sv? . . . n i:t .'?* :?? iv? . i' 14 " ? ?* . I* . : Aven ? C. I : ? ? .I it ra '.'? ; ???. H??i li ?44 i?t eve. m 140 2n?t ?v? ., . ? ." TT V? ?V? .l*ri ?i a?? k .-.?t ?t. '-".? 3.1.1 K %%i nt . fT^n,?*.?-. lriTIl AS-'I.MM.T tiT-TTU'T I I I., itl.n Ocupl??? a?. I r\"7 w .**.l-f at. . ' t.'--. av?. ?'. - lOlh ?v?..Il.rrve 4 SOI Nth IV,.Bart.or ? j loth air . H''"' ''. m 1'it'i ..??.? PtrAy 7 - I ? av? .lUiUa-r N -..' ?th a?? .-R??l *>??'?? :> ?I? |0th ?ve.Bart???* 10 4 .? \\ at.'},*"?' n net i??;'. ???* .?*2*? 13 MJIlthav?.i\lt71l i ; pre ?th av?. JrA 11 .4 i' ! imbua av?. ' I 10 ?4 Ams'-rUm ?v? !?! :<il \V ??1?! ft .I1?r"r 17 K4 .*, lumlu? av?. L'*?" lis ;.t .MiiiifMam ???. ". ?'?. ". ?Bl I ?I.. JO ?1 A mat. r?a.-n av?.'" H - 21 ?"? W 'lM'l ??. K.s'.'irai* S3 IM Wee? Ki.t ??*?.I'M j: FK *>4 67th si.- I U "|[ \aSmaa\nVi DaVHUCT. T. v Omen ?? i ?? 1 ;?*?:.: Jnh at. liara? ? TU? (.-?! a.. .F.?i" ' ; :-'< I . ."i t. 4 ?'?? . ? .Re?i It?* -'. -.'a: ? .7: Ii st.w. Tallm . -: . . ? ' ?51 . .1 .. ! - i" : ? . II ?an .| ?..- . . . .1?-ar? 13 4i'J . ? . ?'!?? s ? ? ? . . 14? : ?I 1? ?101 ai ?. '. M.Uauiartaskae