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[f}-FCTI'^ NOT'" ? _? ' and W?e1 STth M Je th* I I ' - a"? * ' . a . .'??"' ? ' . ?genal ? a a ? ... ?n?5 ? ' , . ,^infe\ .. ? ? * * ? . . _L__"?**: _ g diagonal Un? A " . .* ? ?*., , ?nd We?l ES i ' ? .. ? w - ? ?I ? ?**___ *"?'?.? " * ' ?< r* ? . ' ? ? al?. _A ?. ' ? ! ? A' - *Zi*" ? - ? -A' J?L .? ^ ' ' ' . . 'a !? "?. '"' __>* *? \ T***-*' ', .'**'. - ? .. ' . a AV? f flnct li -, "*" , - f-om t; ? . i ark at*:".'., and ? ISBBS*;* , .? . . .t la - -v. . nt St. ro ?'* ??i?. * ?S *** ___,, ? i bound?. ? ... ? ? '"" , , ? froi ?___ **? ?! ^ ' ... ? _ " * , >. ?'? A. - S let riel 1? _! A. _*?_?_____,. V ?. a ' ?*? ._;??'? ? * - j'A? ..... . ?????? B A-* ? ?* _n_ C_,_m M., ?? -i." ? - l !? bound? '._????. ' * ??? s; '"*?'* ? \ J ' - i,-? ^"_. ,- M?n ???Y* I'ark '. -a - ' ?' ' I AVI ? . . ? , ? ? 's ??..T CENT" -, BB eaetlen fliaaa >.?? . ? ?? " ? ? . ,. , ? ? nded I . . Av? ? ? Kast A ? . Kk?t . ? -, .?? ? A . East ? - ? ... ? - Ave . I ? r,_ ' - ? '? .? . . . - ? i:: ?. ? ? ? M Bru k?f ' ' ..-??? ' _._. l"- - ' *? : r '?'?' ' ' - ' r tir. > '? ? - _ ? " ?-?* . e '." ? \ - . A ? . r ' ' . - a a ? - ? It. It a - "? *B_Heat I ' :? 1? *?? ? * ? i. at ?V1 >,., '--A.A. . - ' " ... S Baa l ? ? ?. M .? '?? ?. UK -s. . ^ -.i B , ?'??,. ? L?. ! A ' , ? . ? : . s ? ... '- I ? ' . ' ' T % ... -? A ? ' ?'.,'"' ! ' a: 1 West *' . ?d by - ? ? _*fai *_. ' ' ?? ? . >-i. A. 's I ?<j by Ave , | ? ' '__ " " C.?bh V.. " ' "?'" __A" > . Av?.. ? il?e . V*** A.? An ' ' led by ? , ? A . rf. s b ? A?e. Aie ? . I I I ?lit .a I.. A ? I " i? bounded eadwa.. ?'??--... a Va*?'-? ' ,' * is bounded \"*?i .:>,? . ? An.sterda.n .,'**? * ? ?i ?V abounded - '" '"''-_? __!?_*? a.,,,.!,'?.11'" an -_?_>*)?? '?'?'? ??? ?? ? t I? funded ? ? _ la. .' I* l.unded I __? __ ? ?;?*? _K__a ___?_?. A,, ??? I ?.. n__,:: ?**??" ^ ?***? V_ I'? Is ?".nded j-LtjCTION NOTICE. ..'.?_. ? ' " - ' cm o-h. com? "'", ' '? 1?? A?, t? I "-OI,.1W,4 ' * ? ? W e?t 114th Si ' ? ? ... Re?t mth ,t a ? tnd within Wat Re a I ? . ? ? i 111 r from th? ? ' eretde Parti as ' . ? Rlvaralde Drive tl r. *s - moi 4 e va iva ?4 We?; l Rtvei ??e- -4 ?, .-,-,-. ,;. .,,?? ,j|itr1rt ?. Il '*-:?? T4 .?t IT > 4 . j.. ??? ?Mb St a Una i mi tag il ???? or.t Av? . ?'.?. 1 '??? I and IS. 1. ??r?' la Drive Ihn ' ' ! !?. er ' " ' -1 *l? III B <*.str:r' Is bo! ... statt IM? M Broedwai v ?., : lam alactton dlstrtci ? ? Waal 1| -ve., West lllet 8l ?ni v d 14-, ? ?V ?' * "?? - -? : rtrl t la bow . . . ? Av? Lawrence - ' - iva. M a ? . ih 8t. a * n waal toi B< 4-..,r .... --'s-. atar) il ?. i >?? ? ?? ? v ? ? ..... tlecll .... ?Jam Av? v ? ' St.. Mon aid? Av, . . ?? ? , ? ? ? - - trlct ta bo?:?. . Veat 4>? a :. .annal ?niai iv, i: f We? -? Broad? ? ? ? . ? e ' 4 s ? ? t r ,1 \\e?: |? ? * ?Ci . i th? ?? ?? ? Weel ' ' - - ? * ??? '?-.i A-, a ... . . In a d?ne- al Une f ? nar of Hr..a ;??, ?? t 44 Ira. ei ? ' n there over to t h? ? ? F Mol '.'. r?: . ? ' it SI m Aie., Wi 1 ? - ???-?-? !h boni ? ? .. it St.. Morn! lid? ?- - raid? Perk ?; R Ava., set s' ? Tark ?r \\ e?i Bl a dial ' *n the corner of tasslde I ? ? -a a .... - . . , ? ; . ?. - 14 .. fth 1 * ?? th a a ? - . n ? corner ?'? ? A ? . ' ? of h Bt. and Mori \-l ?Ave Istf * 1? bound , ? a from 1 v ?? ?. a e ?.?'. - ? . Maahat lai Av? Mai ? attan a ? Il p-Ke T'ri. ? ...... '?oi district rat ill ? ? Weel Bt. and a ? ? eighth e ? eia? Ave . '.' . r %ve - . ? election dli iseaa ? ' th* .f IVl - ?, ? .... ?th m. 1 Ighl Iva., 1 ..... ... r ?.. ... snd a. ? ?? c- Mai ? llltfa Bt . Eighth ? f-<-,m ??? |hth Ave nnd W? . ... i ... ... and West 11? * ?aide ... . , ? In a diagon? ? I Pf West ? <? Elgl '1 Ave to |l ' ? nd a dlasoai n? 1 r*o?n t ? - f ft?, vent I Ire. and ' ? - ? 'K'..'; Av -. an 1 4" gl - ' - m nd ? eetl - I. '* by ? n a dlagoni Ine from a. and Weal ... -. . 14 . ~ t ? . ????... - to th? . ? - : w??'. iiith r of Weat 1131 ? , \\>?t 112th B1 ? ? of R'e 11 ?an A *. ? . Mai ? v? * ' ? ? e ? '. ? from the ''orne .-. . ? nth Ave ... ? at rner I ? - Ira. and Wesi I ... |ghi a fon '? - ? - - llatrlet la I - - fr? ....... . ? 1 Ava. ai tha .,-, th? ? ' .......... I . ?? ? Av. ad br and wlthl Weat HOt 1 Bt, Fifth Av? ... Fifth Av? ? . - tVe?1 - ? . ... . nnlni from W< t< entrai 1 ? ? Transver?? I entra ' i a .:-.?' 4 ; 1 Brat elect I? ? A re. ... action dlatrlct la I Ithln Baal 7i t.. Third Av? ,- ? 1 V ? - . ? . I ? ? bl ?? ? v .. ... ? 4 . , ? 1 , Pirat A ve ? ' ' and wll strict Is'bounded 1 it "Mh St. a ? -t aad I.-4 * * ? ? : i ? I?. ? I. ? .4 ? AV?. .... . llago ..I line ' Av? a te .... 1.. Baal ? ? ..... - - strict !? beui a- ? a a " II ,- ? ? EBal Rlvei ? ? - ... ? a and aast Baal i,r n rtrai Ava - tw? rtl si? II 'n district is bounded ?y , ?? - ? <"**? ne from th? - A end El.? St. and First Av? ? Av? tl st ....?? Baal ? ? - ... ? e ? I I I la > ' ' * ' .-.. A .? ?r i ' I Av*. ai , ....... all I ? ? <n a dlago .... ' ? ' ..,?.*? ? Eaat Hal !-? . i-irii Av? atad 1 II ...... ...:-..? MH A B rtrl ? ve e ........ ? B_?t 1',14-r. ? 4 . . ' . Eatl 11 d ?*?. 4vrr:u? A. - ,1 si and rir?; Ave ? ' 1 -' , 1 :??' ? ? and Second Av l I? bounded a wlihle East Mad 8t, SeceMI Av? 1 diagonal lire f?urn la" ? Ave to Mm ?r ol - ? an ; > Ave . 1 hlrd Aie , . . v ., .r.-,.- ? ....... thin a dlago? ' 1 4 eleitloi ... ? , - ' Av? r??l t|?i Sl to Ih? . ' B . irrtor Av? l/f4lr:?ron Av' ' . . ., ..A. ...",, ... Baal aard Si oud Ava, ?East 8-iiv; It and Third Av?. i i i? l ion NOTICE. Tarnet > mu? y dibtwct ? ,? ? . - ???, i,? aad Wei -, Ave., W??t ? ? ? n|?l ? ? ? to ?r. led bi ? ?. .,. . ' " , ? II ' 'A " ? " ? > ' , ?' ? ... ..... S? le' I dt*M st N'lcbolai * - of BTi.Ih Bl s. ' . ? ?? ' ? Mornlngoidi Av?. and - - ? ? n ,-.. ? -....; ?? ia bound? ? ' 1 ? tl ?? St Nicho;.. '.'. ent \?? -' a e'" . . ?? ? ' ?-? ?, houndld 1 ? h Avi Wool . ? ' ,, ' l e i itith ? li bounded h? HI .? t " ? o,,rner o? ? ? thence a diagonal lino to the - . ? ?? ... . ? lalnOI ? e V ? ... . ..... b?.|r^, . bv and within Weal Plfth An . B ??' ih fii an ?? from 'he rome .?.????? , .? ?,.,. t,-..., jj7ta K-. ,o the ..... ? ? w,.' 19th ct The ell th I I II hounded by and O ? ' ? ? . llth Bl . a Hi.genal lire * th? eornei of Lernet A ? and Weal I f - orner of Fifth A?? at I ?Pelt 1 llth St ?rd s? ? ? Ave Th? ? .... ,t:-..r!,t !? lrfiiind?d ' ? Seventh A?e w. ?? Util , i ? . the corner of W? ? i ? to the . orn ?i of BTeel ?Aie . -, ? ? llitrl ? '? bounded ? I ?n.l within B 11 '71?' s- , Seventh Ave to the correr of We.; I1l:h Bl Ihetl ? ? d!a* on?! lir.e i? th? of W< ?' ISMh Bt . ' <"? . ?a- I (Eighth A' ? The ? ..... ...... hounded by s' n thll v.,?- Iflfl Bt te-no. A??., ?th ?I ?' 1 Sevcr-'h Av? iwell ?I tlon .1l?tr1ct 1? hounded ind wli B -t lteth Bt Plfth M e . , ' ?!- ",e ,,,"ier of We. Plfth Aim to l?-e ?. -..? of West l?lth Bl ind I ?nm Aie, ?nd \/ct\o\ Ave - ???-i ion district I? bound? I Itagonal line from the oi ? - . ' IV? ? ' ? ,.. ! I ?: ... .ve to f v ? ' t. and Flfll ' ' ? th ?t., and I en? ? a- ? ' ? ? list rid '? beul * ? We.t i .VI Bt . Fifth \f. .... from Ihe ' orner of 1 Fifth Av- to the ' - ? ? | ! I f- . A ? | - ' V, c ? "..-' ?. ?? hounded ' - ? Und Bt., Ave, Weit inn Bi at ! ' Ig! ih Avi Th? ilxt? nil ?- II?trie! !? hounded h-, .nd within We?' rd Bl Eighth Av? . Weil 1101 ? nd Bl NI ?holai Av?. Th? ?? -? '?- ?- tlot list? ' Is ho'fl ? ' ? Ihm West lKIrl Pt . a diagonal ' ' the o rnei al s>i?rth An and ?Veil ..... th, ,-omer o' I,enn* Ave and Weil " l ? . We?-. :i: .. st. and I ,-... ?V. The eighteenth election WMrlel i? bound. ed by ? ? . v..?- 114th St. Beventh a-.. Weal lllr. Bl ?rl Bl BMcholaa I - :>? nlnetee. h ?lection dlstrlcl is ? led within Weil Itith St. I.?no* A??. t.? front the c.'tier ? f ' ' ' '' a' ! I.enor Ave to th? corn?: Of ? . ? Beventl ' ? ?ud Bev? , -t ". A. o - ??.?-? t| . . , ,. .' ?? ? i. t-.ounded bv and wlthll Wo- ' Ave , ? ?. Lesnoi Av? Th? . Brst election dlitrlei I? I _l igoi Ine from the oorr?r ' I Wesl ? ? ' e _,? ? Will Ultl 8t. Wesl . ' in. and Wen tilth Bl ? r.-'r ??.ond ?I? ? '? '-!.- ?s ?. by and within n dlagoni if mer of Bevel ... v . ?, fr.y Ave. I,, no. Ave. a diagonal !1n? ; ? : i | v? * ? ? Wesl ... -?..; .. ?. \ . ? tlstrl t !? bound Weai i" st . Seventh It.., ?? ' Bi Nicholas Av?. th al? lion dlstrlcl I? Ithln w mi lllth s? to Ave., "hence a diagonal !'.n? ?o -h? corner of Beventh Ave nr.i Weal ...... A?. The twent (Iftl Iriet ti bound HT? it I4r"h Bl . Kl|h"h A?? , West 11 Av? The :?.,??? alxtl ? . 'ion !!?'r|ot Is bound ?1 ? rltl In '>'.'? ?: lllth Bt . Beventh Ave, Weal lllth St and Kir'.Mi Ave The twenty-seventh election district I? t 110th Bl . . e\ - Elgl The Iwenty-eighth election lisinet I? bounded I gonal line from and nichth A?? l" the comer of Weal 141.-?* St. aad nth Av? rnth Av? an ! W?st llith tlon dletrtet i? Weil lllei Pt , a Of Seventh , B. ?o 'he oo-rer of 140th Bl . West linth - \ ' " 'Ion dlstrlcl I? ; Amsterdam a- ? . Weil rirent Ave., W< n ?. 81 Nicholas Ave., Weal tilth St., Convent A' Am-terdam n. and Broadway first election dlstrti ? !? bounded . B'eil 134th St. Convent Ave. Mcholai A-.?, Weal Bi in 1 Am?"?rdam Av?. . ?? ... on ] ..... ...... ,' itrld !? ?hin W*e?t l.14th St Am stei ? ? . Wi it lllr ' 81 ?. 1 Hudson 1 thll ?:?ctlon dlitrlct Is bound el >c f,r, 1 v.'- ', W??t tilth !?' . \m?ter dam .ve W? ? ' r,h Bt., Convent Ave. . Broadway, rtb ??'? ' ' n dle'rlct !. hounded Ithli B i fl ISSth Bl ! and Hu In n River riet li 1 ound I -. ?: line fi?.m the I nd Wen in'ii si ti and 1 W? ? ? ?i- 'ound ? i West lllth 81 i . , from the .-orner of li? ?t l w.- ? 137th 81 lo We t 131th ( .i i nd Hu laa . I ?!i election ?!!<. rt.-t I? ?..". :. .!lau?.nal line from nd wi M h 81 in th? . rn< ?' Hamilton Plaoi , I W. ? th Bl . Amsterdam Av.- . ' district Is rlthin Weal III?? St . Coi - . ? diaconal Im . I'.'li St and Mam f Wi ; ?? ? . Broodwaj TI . Ihlrtj ? .. t l? bnuni . u, I within Wool ni?; bi . Broadway, W? ' t. and Hud on lilvrr. v - . ?? i. issi:mbi_t dis TI!? (TI i riet la I 'e,i > a ? I.?. Saal i t :? hounded i , Avene A, A ? e. The thll election i i' md?d by , Eaat I ?r. East .e A Tl.. 1? bounded by at ? ' .? II II Bi Baal End ?A. ? "\ ' ?? lion dlatrii : Il bounded by r Edit s: Bt., Easl End av.. ? ? , i . ? it SBrd Bi I 11 und Vie ? I I .n led i ? from < It 841 ? ? ' f I ,? luth " .. .1 A venue \. a Piral Ave ? ? ? I ISth Bl., First A . ? i. ....... ? - f Eaat 14th .-'. ana s?, ,r. l Ale. r. ?el la boeadi - I ? ii o, .? ?. t. s: and Beeond Ave, a diagonal ?it.? from the corner of Ave. and Eaat S4th Bt. la the cor i ?. . f r..?" ? k d Baal SSrd ? ? . . ? : h r.? Ave ? ? ? nii - ? ? ?eased i fl' ?! v. ? * .''H ?h? co t -r ? Third Ave ' I ? . ' l| ?f.(! S?, onrt Ave .Second I I -r.!i st. and i ,1 r : A - a ?. I.? ? I I ?? M Ive und'.l l .'?t Aie . . dlagoi ..i i ne fro i i . ? SStl Bl and Beeend A?e t i t I ' ' ?i : 1 !. r . ? ?leetlOl ulatr'rt I? hounded ? Eael 161 h Bt, Avenue A ? . ' e cornu . f Bai? ? - ".?i ,.* ? i I '.et' dlltl ? i , . Eaat Ml t? I . ? 151 h ? aad Av? . fourteenth election dlitrlct t? 1 , ed b) ainl ?? Il I '.t. .a ?l'n:... I . th? corner "f Avenue A and Re . .mer of h'*?? i .d Ave l.??t h 'th It, Kalt Sth 81 and Avenu. A The Bfie? i - elt* ?ion dliti .-t i? ?d bj and within a diagonal lin?. Of lint A v r. and ?at Il a erner ef 1 ?1' fc?> 1 Bl ... ,i v .?t;.?.- a, Av? '? -e a Baal - ? Ave n,? ?.v - - - ? ? ? '? ind within i .... eornei I , ? . ion ?i ? ? ? ?n i . I lr?t vr ?ai i Bl .,.???.IIOI " * Ihla Baal Sth : . .i agoi 1 .i: I7tb Bt sur? b?C-i*i Ave. n th? ELECTION NOT!? E. corner of Has' Mil II 1 Third Ava. and Third A* ? Th? ?!?h???n'ri -' I ?"'s'rl.-t It Mad hi and wli Eaat 1Mb at., a ?(agonal Iln? ? rn?i of seat Mth Bt. sad ? ?? e a i ? ?- f ri-a 4 ? aad ? ..?? iTth Si i ??i ?tm. rii ?no i 44. . ... .... ,,...., I, '? ' snd Av*., East II I Av? Th? t??: eiatrlci ? d' - 4 ? ? ios A, East SI i sad urst A4?. .,..???-? , dtatrte? n ????"n?l?d by and within a dlagonel Una from lbs eeraei of Avenue l aad East aaib fit. to ?h? eeraei of r.aat End Aie ?? 7 l.s.' ?Ith s: . a 'Ilsgor.a' lin? from lb- mrn?r of Kan Mth Bt a-"! Eaat Hnd 4'? r? the rornei of l'as' ITth Bl and Av*nn* A. ?r.d Ava? ? 4 i 'is tarea?] ??? ? * election dlstrli ? i? ?i?d i and within Bart ?2nd Bt., Ea?> River, K??: Mth St., ? diagonal Una fr -, ? ' ? , an ?? ' ' : .i ? V:-.e. a?? sad K.??t 4?'h H' to :he .orner of Aven>ie A and East sut?, si . Basi Mth St sad n-?t ?v The twee f tl'.t. dl?trl?-t |? bn'inded b] and within East ?XIth St. rir?t Ave . E.isr ?Stl Bl I '. re and 4 v The tweni fouri ? ? ? district i? be - ? by it Bt.. I Ire? a- ? i ??? | ??. gi gnd ? ind * ? TWENTT-THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 1 ' ? flt?t election Slat I kt Is 1 II Sd and ?? Ithln West ISTth Bl . '- ?nos iva. w??t ISSth ? ?n,i s?. rnth \ Ih? ??, ,.n I eieiilon dls'ilc I? ; . b] ?nd within a disc ont f i corner of Weat ISM h Si ..... ? to ti,. , o,n..: of Weat 111 - I Ler.i Av*., I,er., a \-,. nreal IS! ? I Seventh Ave. Th? t? ::d e'?. i ,r dtati I :- boundM r, ?? '? wltl m a diagonal I I the ear r.e: of \\-at ,, i, a, ,- ? gavcatB Ave lo Ih* com?! . ; ? ',.,- i , , ?,,,| i.eno? Ave., L-nox Ave ., dial nal lin? from Ih? corner of West r ? snd I.enm Av? t" Ih?. corner ' Wen ISSth St and ?? ?: a renth av?. The fourth election dl?'rl-t is bounded by ?id ?rltl '.'..??? ? |at fit., I dl ISO? Bl Una from th- rornrr of We?) ill?' St. and I.-I1..S A ?. to the .-..r ? ? of Weal 140th snd I .??? 4 . . we The ' ' (lection district i? by ?:.'l v Ithln W-?t I4?I 1 -' I SBOI A? . W ?ri H1m BL, ?i ?v. The ?Irth ?|e?i|o.| dlslrlcl Is botl 1'i I - ?r d ?? III In a di.'k - ' hi th? '-.? r ' ' t ? ml.. \-.e and West Ml?* BL to Ih* cornet of I ? ? ?'i I W*a? l?2nd St . West 142M : ! Seventh Ave. and We?i 141st g? ;>? aere?is ?'?rtion disin-t it ?oind-d by ?nd within W??t lia-.l SI . ? dingona, Iln- from the corner of W?-.; M.'Ird B? Bad St anth ? v e to is : Wee? i?2r.i B? ?nd Eighth Ave. ?? ?r I? a ?lagonal liras from th? rornsr of Wart I42ntl Bt ?ri I Eight! Av? io th? crnsr of W??r 14J?t Bl a*id ?Mg'.-omb? Av?. Edgarornb? Av? ?r.d H kdhural Av? Th* *|ghl . ?:? ?ion dl?trlr*t !? I^und-d by ?nd within i? diagonal lia* from ti? rnei of W?s* 14?-id St ?nd Eighth Av? to the aoraer of W**i iivi m Beventh Av*., ??venth Ave end R ??? I 1 The ninth ?lection d:?* i ? li hoiimlM ?? an ' ndin a diagonal II:.' from lb* ?-orner of 5-?v?nth Ave and Weal 143d Bl to th* - ' I??r. i 4v? ?? I W**t H'.'d S? . Wril ? snd Be? enth Iv? The tenl ? ? ?? t<.?nd?! ??? and within a dlag from Ih* eornei . f \' ev i |S| I M. and Sa A? I to the . .rr.?r .' Weal 144' Bl I L*ao, A'-. Le?os Ave ?nd ?? ?from ?he ? ner of 1 ?? . Av*. S In I 142a i SI Ih? . ..? nei OI ?4 ??i w V . ? ?'eventh ?ie ? ? -, bounded by *? ItblS W?M1 1" ' ? - 4 ?. ? . diaronai ?in? from lb* rne? f Lei a * '.* a. ,, - ? -r.r ,.f mjtti ? ? ' -4>v. nil 4 .? -,d .-?? enth a-.? ?' -i district ie I ...'.de,| by ?r, : within We?, mil ? Be rnth Ave. '.'?-? i I ? Av? Th? *' ' ?. ? llatrl t Is b '. and ?? "in Weal 146th Bt., a diagonal , . ? : ? . ? <? - . i ?? ? -? ml Av? an ' We*l 144". .: We ? 144th ?l . Eighth Av? . \< est !?.- '. Bl Sfl ' I' ? ' It,? Av? rh? f lurteenth el? ? it bo inded Within R'i ?? I 14th Bl . Se- -nth Ave ? d'an val i::., from th? f fia 4 ? ii.d W.?' 144tr? M lo th? "???st 14.V. Ft. .,:, i I Igl ?? 4v a;, ! Ave Th? Bffntl ?'? ? ? led by ?r.d within a dlsc-i al lira from th* Com*r of W.?* i IT' j n*i f We*? M and Seventh Ave Be? ?nth Ave Weal ISSi I St., !'.??? ;' West M?"i St., Lei i Ava. W? IM and Elrhtli ? ? ' ? - ? '. I ? '? I Iln* from ?hi "f iv??i it-th Bl and Elghtl ?... - I -r af Wa*? I4TM1 Bl and Seventh Ave. Beventl ? I diagonal ilne from the cor ner of Wi ?t UBth Bl and Seventh av? to the corner of Weal il7:h St. and El-ht'i A v- , and ElPb'h 4 if The ?<?? enteath electli n district l? bounded by and wli " 1st ?nth Ave., ... ???. ,:,..?? : ... , ., ?? ?? . ? II : | ? nd Eighth Av< eighteenth el-cl ' . n '*'? ? 17.1 ? h- . Eighth Av? . *,????? |<isth 81. i ' -? ? Th* alna-trenl t hv ?-.i ?.-. itl In >?'?'? ? 1.1 it ?nth Av- , W??t IS1*I .- ? Av?. The '?? entlei ... by tad within We ? |SS?h 81 . Marier?, I \v.?t 153rd Bt., < ,. ?waj '.i Sr?'l a . T ? tweaty fir..? ?lection district i? bounded ? - .?:id wit? In R'ei : 1.'.? '?-<'. 81 , Bra ,4' ? . tVe.f ISSU Bl Eicht V' - . \*. e-1 St. ?nd Colonial Parkway. ? twenty-? - ::striet i? ....r.ded bv arid wir! In We-; Iffth St. Hrtad hur?i Ave , - ,ll?t .-t ?nd Bt. Nicholas A ?, ih? twenty third elect loa dinriet is li ! by anl wlthll '.'..??:? Nlrholoa? Ave. w?-- lllai .-? Conrenl At*., '.'. '?t 1421 ' SI ' . A e. The ?wenty-t ? ? ? i -? ? ed br and wlthl ? ? ' ? ? ? Ave . R'ert I41sl Bt. si d II id on Rlvei IJie tvvent4-flfrh election dlstri't i? i i ?. and " Ithln W? -? l4Jrd -? . Am tterdsm A.? . v. ??-; 142nd SI River. . t ? ant] ?:??: al? rtlen dlatrtcl I* bounded by and ?ithln .4 144? ? Am aterdam Ave \\ ,-t icrd st snd Hr ?sdway Th- iwmty-asventh . ectl n dl trici i? bounded by ?:,'! -a ohm \4 ??' 143th Bl Am H.r.lun, Av.-, W?M1 Hl'l, St an,. Hr .ad W..V. e twenty-elshtb *l*< let I? bounded hi aiad althln Weal i |in? fr, .j, m ? comer of Bmad* ?' and w ? u i ??'.? Bl to tha corner of Amatar m v i . ? " rat l?,-n Bl W< I Si KroMwaj \\ ? .?t li: rd Bl an i 11 III ei. .' ?le.-tton di?'rl ?" k loi.ihled bv ? I ? ' ' ?' , ,4'e \\ .?? : lit h Bt. and a dl? llm- from th? corner .,f ',Ve?t 143th 81 ltd A ma tarda m a?., to lha i mar f i.i"-d a uv an i Weal Mfiiii B1 The ttilr'ifli ?lection dlatrlcl I? bounded ? i ihli st.. Colonial ? -r Ht.. SI NI ??oia? A v e ? I",..' e Ti.e thlrti I * I*; ? AV e. 4\ ? - I" J W AV* ; i. t ? ? ? ? : boon.le St.. Ani Ai I U ? a . 11 ilsun ...... dl?'rl t |a h0..-^.a bv ?ni within Weal l??i). St . Ain?t?r,lam \v- 44??! 147th -' ?li " ;'! on Hlv*r. ... t - fouri ' ? ' d>.rl t 1? i.'. n!".ln W**l MMh rat-. Am ,... |aln A' ? ? '?'. I?"" Bl SBd H ? . e thirty Bfl e ?rtlen a!:?'rl'-t 1? bounded ?cnveiit ,-? Ave. ? ... a t I? ed and within V ...... ?. ? i River . ? * . ? ?. ? ' it.rUam Ave.. 1 a A?? IVei Pi ?. ? ...". r?i 14? . . isTtotee uam A?? . ..,,.-,. -.. hola. 4 * ?. 4 . - ? m Ave . U*-'. ... ni M. ''AVf.-?i:'''' ' " ? ' ? * ? , - 4 msta ? A-.e Weal ' |w." r i ? * bv and within w* U??' ! i- I ?i e ; ? S* v . ?'...'. ? ? ?. ' ":?' ?... Wael i- ? I 81 - I H ? Rlvar. Th* rorty-feurtl electl ' -? .. ? within Weal iMtl Bt a ? ,..,-?- lam a ?: j went . ,:,.r .- m, si hala* Av* t.. Weat IMth 8? . the ?see : Weal Th* 1 ' ' * ? ? . ? er ol " and Weat I? i. . , ? Ta* l-.rtv tilth ? - ounded . ??M UMh M snd m rae f*ny-a*v*Bih ? i - . |ad by and ?HhlB Weat Ml ?R ?I M ',,... 44.. Wesi HRh Bl '? - -I" ????>? Weai M7?h Bl an B The foi - r ? ' * '"inded ?. ?ni althli -' KB*^a? Ave w??t : ?". B ?: BroMwei rh? forty-nlm U "! " 1" '' " ?*' t, ,?,. ,,?: . v ?- -.?. SI . *<l M? hol?? A-.e 14 rat MMh St. a Bl .???.? ?m ? ' ?' '?'?*'c'" v. . o,. ? -? ?. .. I ' I si ?n i II . ? ? ?? lllv? The liflv ni?. ... II..-I Main. I I? ' . ?ithln \\ - ? II -? ? ?idarn U? , Wm li ? Bra ' laraj . .... . Hat net I? bc.inded ?part ??.. ?s??t lead Bt., Um -. --? w* ELECTION NOTICB. ? rrfl ISRI S: ? rd An ??. . Th. ? |a bound?. , .... -?'??' .? bound? . by and , ? I ..... ?? . !? lwind?d ?.Icho.?? ". Ml IM1 > ' ? TV??' ? Th? '* ? llatrlct li bounded Hi a Rlvir, 'I??! U.?l Hid Si . Colonial Park? in. An,?'enlain Ave. ? ' ft] nth i i dietrli t i? be ... i?d by and wlthi Ameterdr ?v. , \s..: ],-.. .. .nionisl Parkwai B'eai .:. itei laa i ? WeM ISBh s- . St. Nlcl ? vc? ? an | p.,,? I VSl The " ? ,? ? .. t|M ^leirl-t 1? bounded by and '?" -? Bl . liar:???! Rl? er. Wool ItBth Colonial Parkway, Worn |<Tth Bl aad tadnben a.? n ? ? ft -, Iletrtet I? hound??! by and wtthln B"< I I71M St., Bt, Nlrholai A- ? . Wesl l?oil II nd Au luhon Av? ? -?? tarn / ?? B m lieth Bi . st Klcholral A??-. B'eal lint?. St an I II 11 ?..n Rtnr The alvt ?", flectlOl .?atri. t I? hounded by ?r.d will.It, We?' 17 ? ?? St. Auduhon Av? . We?t 17?nd St., Amaterdon- Ave., Weel '.7r''h ii ???, ih- - .-?. ? ? . dlitrlct la i o .nded . \.;;?'erd?tn n A' e . Will ? . ? ? ? t? bound? i ? ? 1| 'A ,-> ir,??,.-! Ilarl? m III??, '.' Il . \m ... o Ai? . B'< ?ti ni Ave, ? slity-thlrd el. rl I li ?nd ?? Itl . ? W ishlngtoo Il f 'en I.-. .? ? . ? ...,..-? M?. West ITSth Bl AlldUbon Ave. Weat Ave , P e.t 171?'. 8'. and Hu i ?.'. i ? r The flxty-fourth id ttoa iBitrlct !? bounded I ? a-id within We?- |*7th Bl \ ' m AVI \?e?t r- ta s- .., ! v. ideworth ? HM llxtv-flfth election .ilstr'.. ? I led by end wit n B'eai 177th Bt-, Amaterdam Ave '.? ..-.? m Bl . ? id iboa > ? Th? ? ? ,- ? ??? I. funded .", .-? . Am-ier lam In . \\. ..? - .udtll o? Ave . anJ ? ' ? , orner of \uduhon I '? ! V e?' 171th St 10 th? CO I e; ,.f SI . ? ? ? '.' ? |7| kl-.l | ?ever,.!, ill II IlltrlCl Is led by ?nd within a diagonal tin? from '"? rtiT of W?st . ' ut ! g| NlcholJ? \ ? to th? earaei M STaet ITSth Bt ?nd in tve., Audahoa Ave., BTeat ITTth Bt, M 1 -o.?? Av? Ighi eli tlon dtstrt-t is bounded 1 ?> .... ..?, ?, g] Mcholii Ave.. West 171 ? ! Proa lwav The i-U". - ?. loi dlitrlei ? bounded An ?'eat ! : ? ' Bt . H?ojdw?;.. :;,?:, Bt, sr.d l'|n?hur?t Av?. ? aoven ? ? Hoe lletrl ? I? bounded by ?nd wlihln s lino ?'ros. Kort Waihlngton Psr'a it West II'?. st . West Hilt Bl . I'H.? hurst Av? , Will IMth Bl Fort Wa?hlngton av? . "e.- rath Bl PlaehnrM Ave., ?'??! ITTth St. DmOI LAOO. a line |Cro_a Pott Wi?' ingion lark ?n i Hudson River Th? ieven"v first eleotlon dlitrlct U bounded bj and within S. Hin St., Broadway B ?el :-r,?i Si and Pine . at Av? The ?event) Mcond election .n?tri?t li ? in w??. tretl st Bread. ? ?.? nid s- , jr. NI in., ?Ant - orth \" e . B est ITSth Bl si, I Kort B'aahlngtofl Ave Th? leventy-thlrd ei? 'ion dtairtd i? i '? led by an ! wltl In W. ? n Itte*. II in ? \ ?? .' . ' Ai?, (Veet IMth si tin. si Mcholai I - ?i be se', ml. fnui ih e M let is bounded bj i ..... Audu? hon Ave. W?.t |!2d Bt., Amsterdam A'.e. BTeel lllrt SI and 1 ?| he seventy Bftb ? ? . ? I? hound ei i and within Weal i^"- Bi Harlem i "... im 81 Amsterdam Av? Wee Ave., BTeel II I Bl 81 a .'. ? ?? lllth St and A A.? II ? ??? er ? ?'. ?'??tlon d'.a'r1 ind within w??- IMth s? \ I Ion Ave., West l?'?h ?t., Bl Nlcholaa iva., ? ? ?? ' . .?o-t>i Ave ? ? ?'. ?Il ? Ion district t? BTeel ?vth Bl . H?r l?m River. B* ?? lllth Bt., Audubon Ave., ". it ? nth s? m i l ? NI* notai Ave .-? -h diction district Is ?? libia I" k8H n Bl . Har? lem l!lv?r. West ??7". St and Bl Nicholas Aie The aonety ninth ei.-c'lon <!!?trlct I? bounded b) uni within iP'lstde av.. . Bl . We ? lllth st W ideworth Av and Weal 114th S. and Broadway. I Th- eighth ? ? lletrl I I? boun led i - Ithln Dyehman Bi . ii.:;-i le Ave . ,. Weal lllth st . Wadeworth Ave , ". ? ? ... i .-? . Bi adway, Waal 111? st., _ line ?,.,,. r.." Washington Park to Had. ?on Rlvei an I Hudson River. Thi ?Ighty-flr ? ?. tlon dlstrlcl !? bounded by an.i within Weal lllth st.. Harlem River, D ? ' i Sherman A?e. The eighty OlCOnd eIe?-tlon district 1? Uld "I'hln West 211'h St. Am ???? '.m i.?. Bheraaan Ave-, Dyckaana st ?i i in .... I? ay The elghtj -h!r1 eie. ?ion district Is bound? ed by and within Bpaytea Duyvll i rook, i la-, m tth er. Weal lllth s-. Broadway, : .... TWF.vrv K"i RTH ASSKMfil.Y DIBTRICT The first ?lection district I.? hounded by I: : nil II ai llth Bl . Second Ave , Kasl llth S' .... : _e_lngtoi Awe. Th? .?.n 1 llectlon dlitrlct I? hounded by and ??? ? '?""'? ?'?* ? S<. nd An . )- ..? ?"? . -? ind TI ird Av? The t.iir; ... t'.on dlitrlct is bounded v? ?? i '.??.? hin a diagonal ?inn fro?n the corner of l'_>. '.'?? Bl II I I.oxlni'on Av? to th? corner of Baal Nth Bt and Third Ave. 1 I., vlnjton Ave The fourth al? I n list, let I bounded b? ! Bl . S.v on ! Av? , Kas: -, Plrsl Ave. Kb.: I1M St, Second Ave., K-.s; 10th 81 . I diagonal line from the of Third \ ?? and Eaat Mth Bt. to ' Lexington Ave and Kast list Bi Bast flat Bl and Third A*. The fifth ele,'ion .lsirloi I? bounded by ?ni within List llrd Bt., Pirat Ave., Ka?t ?4th Bl . Baal River. Kaet 9?n 1 St an! S?. on i Aw . ?Ixth ?;.>? tlon dlitrlct 1* bounded by ?nd within 17?. t Slth St. Klrst Ave. Kast '.?'.rd Bl aad Third Av?. The seventh flection district I? bounded bj I withti Baal llth Bl s... a? ! An., En? III h : ? I :.. ? i: ?? ?. Kast '.?th St and Third An The "ighth election district li bounded by end An., Ban ISih Bl an 1 Thiid v Th. ? - - . ? [Ion IlltrlCl Is 1 o .nd?d by and, wl! ??'?.. 1. , ,? !'.. ., r Ka.r .- ?. ond I??? . Ban ITth Bt and v.? 11... iet th ?:??.-tlon dlitrlct li bounded bv ml Within K..?' l'.'"i ? ?' River, Kaet i Lexington Ai? ..lection .iis.riot is bounded Ithln La?! l"l -t Bl . Last Hive; . I. . Bl an ! I.e .in??on Ave l'h? twelfth election district !? bounded : -' 112nd St., So _t. 1 ..??? , ?? le Thi district li bounded : I Si , l/exlngton Ave.. 1 Park An Th? ' ?ctlon .listrl. t I? bou? led ' bv un '. '1 St . Th!-1 Av . ! fl 102 Bt., Lexington Ave., Bart lu.?r ! ' in - fifteenth election district 1? bounded within !'..,?? IMth Bt . Third Av? . I ni '.it'll Bt., Park Av?. Kast 10. * h Bt a-, l Le- IngtOn Ave The sixteenth flection dlitrlct is bounded bv and within a diagonal line fro.i th? Of Baal IMth Bt and Third A.? to the omet ol Las' 114th st and Second ?- n '. Avi. Bail ISSad Bt and Third A- ? Thi ?evfnieenth ? trlct li bound Bt., Berond ? -? '"1st Bl . B ?:?'. A ? Said a! lire nom ? I '4'.i ,.. T.VKNTV ill -"I H ASSKMltLV DIBTRICT i first ? ? beuaded by larlea Bt . W it i'h Bt , I'hr!?. to|,her ? ind Bl? Kcr Bt. The ?. ..i ????!,:. dlitrlct i? baaaddd by ?n.J within Were llth s: . iwn ith St, ? Btee --- s The thll ? ' ? ' i I nded 1 an i within Ligluh Aie. Writ 12th .-?? . ta Bt., Bteecker bi an i a ?, The ' ?ctlon dll ? : . i . . A'.e . Jar. Bl . < ? ? : Well flection !? 1 i > .... ; ? ? ... . .... . . . ' ? Pia ? ' ??? Bt ?:. ! B lit I'n M The ? . ' '. . - t. '..'.?- ??. P.ace, a .s ihi corner of <"hari?? St. ? ; v,. ??.. i- i e ? the ?"? 'i Perry s Av . .'. - - rl '.opher ? '.'. | .e- . Pi? ? ? I Ith Ave. I Weet 4th Bl Th? ?iicht: . ?? - .?? '?. .~: . L'ni I B'eat, W??h Ing S.| N.rth. \\ ? I Wa-htigton Pia - .: . The ainta ? " bounded by in 1 ??'ni'. We?t Washlngtan !*.?? ?, Waab Ingtoa Bq Brit, B'asblngton Bg North, ?it) Pia e, Ith si Broadway, __?t "i A ?- . 1 .fav-tte St , ?ireat a Th- tenl ? ? ?d bl? ind Wltl a ? East IBS St., 'IV East ? , ! Av? Thi bounded !.. and ... s ? - i> Place, La?! ?lit. si. Kifih An, I IU th s ? ... ? I by ? ." v - ? ?-? ...... .. \\ | ? i- , . ___k ... a__ .:??_?:._ Are. ELECTION NOTICE. Th? t'.ir'?.: t ileetion Heurt n lo I ? - ?nd I? mi 1? t., -? ? ? ? ? ? Mea' I-? AV* Jan? H ? - ? ? di?:.-|. t :? I ? - ??? in w?.f I4th st , r.??t m t alv*rrti a - i n.r i.'h st . Weal I ? ?? t -?- ?th Avi - , . . . , it, tnd *ven< v ? ? ? . a' ? . - ?? ?|. ?' ? d'?"! t I* b 1?1 It, I if'h A s , !.??? Ie??l.lgl m Av? . II?' ? I ' Mllngtoe Ave ?rd F??t ? ?i-?m?r > /'.ire- to Irving lia . Irvine Pleno, f-i?t M BlSth A e ? . .... ., te,- ?!,.?? '? ' l r ie 1. ?nd wltMa 17??' 1Mb BL, ("bird Av*., ..... ,.. Irving riac? "a* eighteenth *l*e(lon district Is haul '?' '? ?r,d -vi' *??? J-d St. Third Ava, ?kal IMS SI. Irving !"!'??. a Un? I ?' ? ? . ?rey Park 'o LexlBgtos Ave a:i1 Ka?t ."Hi Bl ?til r^-.lnr'o:: Av? ? -inrt.-'t!, election .'i?'rt.-f '? lour'el Iv ar. 1 a Ithln "'?* ?d St.. ?f*ri?n 4 e ; ??: ftb st. Leilngtoa a ?. 17??: I? -* The t.?? ? e ?? n d'?'r' I '. I ' ml wlthla '.'. ??.? """I St. Fifth A'?. '.' , ,- :|.? 4., WA Oa). ,, ?(, 4v? ? tirent* f*)r?r ?laetlOfl dletrl ' Is bo ;? '? 1 bj nnl ?Ithln a d .i/conal line from tie .-r?- o' We?i Urd -? and Eighth A-e ? th- -on er of '?' ? ? ??> -? ia I -'? 4 ? Seventh Av? . Weat "*nd St. ?nd Elghrh Av? ... -? ?? ., gaajj ,.<??? dlstricl '* ? * * ?...-'.4. ith gi ? ? s diagonal line fi the ? as ? *. Seventh Ave ?,*.?? ?2d -? in! ngl.'h v - Th* inr.niv tMr ' el* ? n dt*ti - iHted by end withl t 2Mb St., Plith 4- ? . Waal ' ? Fifth Av* '?"?a' :3rd Bl ar '. -' en I ? ? a ..... trlct la bounded by and within W?.,i 4 ?. ',> ...i nd Si ftl a- ? and Hr.??d ? ?raj "*:---' Bfl election llatrlcl - * ind*d *-?? and v.i".ir, Esst Mth s? Fourth Av?, '? '?' St , T.ea'r gti ? a .... ESSl ??'.,.. i i. ai ' A?e . WENTT sixth ? The flr?l . ? and ? Ithln i I I of Le? I ng i iv? .... corn? -, ? II sn ! U III ?*??- Av? ?| he ?e? i,n I elect I m llairl t la ? IthlB Ban '? ? BL, Third Ava, * diagonal Un* h *r of Third Ava a- ! ;*.,?t Mrd s* i, th* corner of I*.??- Mtl Bl sad ;??iingf, :-, Av? and Laslnston Av? - ? third sbctlon lletrl I la b< nd .and within h*.?' Mtl M bird A? Fast Mth Bl ?', i Laslagton ? ? The f ??:. ?i. ?' n liatrl t la h naiad B] ?nd -? ? v.. ? SWttl Bl raexll - ? ' ? I"??' '-?: Bl ?*d Par'. Ave '. *-? fifth ?le.-tlon di-r,.|... la bounded hv and within Bast Ml '-? ton Ave, Eaat Mth sr and M? llaon Ava Tho ?i4th election district l? 'ond?d by snd wlthla Be?? ??? Bl . Madison Ave., EBrt Mil : *ad Fifth Ar* ? teventh election dlrtrlct i* b :nd?i by with? Ehai Mth sr . park a??, Baa? ? i I Mall? m Av* Th? eighth eletlon dl?rr1 ? 1? ho:- led by ?? I ?Ithln Kant 101?t Bt . T**rW ? ? BSSl ' Ie??lngtnn Ave? BBM -<?* M. S A? e The ninth 'l?o.t|on dlatrlc? la '< :? 1?d by at w1t*-ln Fait MM Sr . a fro? th? orr:er of \-.*ft injr- Bl Snd Mai l?on Av? to th? corn?r of y. ? ' Pare A\?. r?rk a.?. f>?* loiai -- sad Firth Av? Tna (?nth rtoctJon di.Ti-t ?? bounded kg id within a diag'.nal Un* fr m the ?rn?r ? Fifth a*? ?n? Ban With ?mer of Bart iMth Si ?nd M? ? i ? Madlaon Ave., Baal ' **r '. Bt an 1 Fif 4 ? ? . ??-? ?nth e .--'or. liatrl t la 1 n i I ' ? : and nl'htn r??* lOSfb Bl Park Ava., - ??--?? ? I '? Il e -orner of Pa-i- .4- ? .ir..; i.-.i?. i02nd B? te the corn** or e?h? M Msdlt nj| Av- and Msdl n 4 The I? ?'??' i strict la boun I? I Bl * altl In i*.,.?* ! "? , Bt . Park A I n Ava, Baal ? ? ? n Are., Th? fhirtoen'.h el? ||on district is lo'in'a'. by and Mil.!:: Baal l?7th Bt, Madlaon Av?. Bart I?M1 S'f . Tira Ave. E.i?* issth St., ??ri ? diagonal iln? from the corner ..f Eaat , . Ms Ilsen Av? to th? rnei of BBS) ' '" sr sM Fifth A-.? The fourteenth election dlatrtet I? bound?d b.- ?nd within East MMIi St., Madlaon Ave , Real teeth Bl ?nd Fifth Av? The fifteenth election dlatrtet 1? bounded by and artthln Kant 110?h ?" , Park Av?. Eaat io?iih sr . Madlaon A-..*, K?-' |?M1 , Sr and Fifth A'.? Th? ?li?e?r.'h ?le-t!?,n Tlstrt-t I? bounded 1. ?nd ?It!.In Fas*, lit'h 3?. Park Av? . Fart 110th St ?nd Madlaon Ave Th? Mver.teenth .icrion dlatrtet 1? ? : by and within Ot*? 11Mb St., Mad? l?.,n Av? . !?.-' UMh St nr,d Flf'h Av? 'i'h? eigvteenth slectl?m dlttrl-t la hi ?il In Fn:?t 114th Bl Ma II? n Ave . ?I snd Fifth \v Th? nineteenth election dl??rl?' 1? bounded Rd vl'hln a diagonal Un- from tl:e : of ??:.??? Illth Bt .." : M., limn A ... ornar of Fa r HE) I A V* . Pari Av?- i.,., iisth SI snd Madlaon A'?. The I?! ? I? ! oan IM i bv ?rd Mithin Bart IHth St.. Msdtson Ave, r.'uit 114th Bl snd Fifth Ave Tha twent) Rrel el* Han district '? boundM bv ?nd wttl.ln a diagonal l:ne from th* ? ,me: Of rtaat U7th :* an I Ma ll?on Av? to the corn?r Of East llltl M BBd Park Av? l"irk Ave . a dlaronnl llr? fr?n th? o,>rn?r Of P?rk Av? ?nd Bart ll.'.rh M to the r-orner of F.??t lldth Bl ?nd Madison Ave., and ' Mrttrtson a ? Tha twant] aecond (lcetten di?trlct I? boundod I v ?nd within ? diagonal Iln* ' th* ira ? r f Baal IIBth Bl ?? I Flflh Av? to tie , "rn-r of Ka*.t 117th St tnd M *." , Madison .?,...., Baal 11?!h St tnd Elftl Ava The tw?ntv third ?I? H n dlatrtet It *d bv and wli In Bart ll.lth St.. Madlaon A?**., iiast Iisth Bi llaa nal Iln* from th* mer of Bt ? ll?tl s- tad Park I fie eorner of R ia? i ITth sr an I Msdl 4v?, thence a diagonal line from th* ' Fi" 117th S; and Msdleon -V? I I .rner of ?ul 1181 J* sM Fifth Ave. an I Fifth Ave. Th* tnentv four": ?!e,'t|. n d:s'r|,*t 1? ! .lei I? and valthln Fast P.'lfii Sr . Park ? ? Eael ii*"' Bl and Madlaon Av? Th.- twenty Bfth election rtUtrlcl la to ed by ?ni ?.mm Eaa? F''" Bt M II Eaat MR I ' Fifth Av* TWEXTT sicvuNTii 4s.-4i:miu,v ni?Tni.^r The Ilrsl e|e-tlon ilslrbt I? bounded b) ?nd i Ithln West 4 lt., .*?'? renth Ar* . W?*t .;??:, - ? .nd High? * Tl ? m M el ?'-.- * ' ind wli Veat 43rd 81 B*venth Av ?urh HI ?v. T:,^ third aU I :. Ilarti le? i- ta?ada i ' ?? and within w?-t 4?1 B i Av*., Wan ind Kiel ' Iv? ? ? ? ... election -mi r is ?<v.!n led ? ? . : within '???-? io- -* Rmrenlb Av* ". . ? Mth M and Eighth Ave Tb- Ilflh e|r..|nn dlstricl I? ' ",ind?d by ?ni ? ithln Wert Bard Sr . ?-.."itii a e? West Blghl v The clatl 'it,-t I? boue : I wli ? ?? 3711 ? . Seventh Ava . W**| 4 ? trlct I* bounded 171 - Ith Av*., a d M from th? ? er if We*? ' ' Mh Av*. to th* - ' ' it 34th ftl ? - ...nth Av?, and sV-.?n:!- 4? The ei?i:'h election dletrl I I? boui ... Ithln a dlagi nal II m from t?.. 44 -? 34th 81 ? il B*v*nth A??. * ? rner of Wert Mrd s* ?M Blgth Ave . \ ? \4.-i lOib *?i and Seventh A-e. t.. t i? boun led , ?ni win i- We-; tm ?'?' 4- ? ??* it 41 St .u. i *-? v*ntb Av?. ?? ??.?.. | a*r!ct la hounded tv uni wltiiln Weat 47t> St. ilih A - .......... .. of li-,- ?!? c sn 1 S?h A? e to Ih* ' "?' *' I ? renth Ave , ?rd Seventh 4 ?van i ? ? I ????:? |t nded Il 'i ? diagonal Iln* from th* ? a | Si .: ' -?".'?*.th Av?. to tha ? IV? ' 44-I: M ?nd ?;h Av? . ?th At? , . , . ? ? ? t e rner ef We*i a,.-. ?v^ : , t: e c ?.;.- ? "\. ? ' 4 .- . ,',*h Ave , West nth .-'? II i ... A- ? ? 44- ft?. ?'* ties dis'r' i ? bounded ran.l arltbta w ??t 3"ih || Fifth Ave.. W*st BtXth A?. We?t ?Tlrh St. and Av . r:ilrt?enth electl-n d!-'rl ? I .;?! Wllhln W?tt 3'.* A - A'eai 9th M un ! Beveni Iv? 'Ihe fourt**nth el?.-: n :.??-: i I? ho,.n :ed Fifth Av*., l*on Av*.. East Mth St., ?? . ft ,-l . ' ' Av ?. , Afteel i ithln I7as; 17th *t., L net ?? '? ? irtb rid I s A?.-. I **nl M Third Av*., ,?? '?? ?rid I/*?1ng'?>n Ave ? . . . .-.-r... . , ? ? rlthli I Ave.. ., ? . 4 . , ? ? ? 'rl ? althla a d..i?on*l line ironi tne - of llf.h Ave. sad Kaa: ?I the corner of Madlaon Ave. and ? HI ::*.t Mth BL, ?yxlngi.r. A I a .- '?? A.e . -. i.?-?? ill ?' n ?: dletrl ? . ; ?. IthlB ? 'i:?iv ? III ?Il ,, w .?? f'.. BL and Av*. to th? -? a . r a .i-?onal In? ir. m the f . : i :flli A4? ? U ~ ,...-,' , -. ?r. i Math A?, aad Btsi av. . ?,? ???!.-1-1*1 ?? e U ? '. ?nd ? ?'?I ??: St., Fifth Av?. a. .1 Un? from Iba . ,r:,T ?' '. . . -: an 1 Fifth Ave. to the corner Oat West a-- st ?nd Slith Av?. ?nd s:?(h Ave. I'h? tw*nty?Brsl *l*ctl*n ilstnt 1? bound ? : , v aad arkbm Baal Mtl , av*., .?.??I i?ih St Park A ? . Ea*1 I -? |/v ?r ?? n Av* I .?'.?'? .-? . ? . from the comer of East 4 .1 MM ? Av* la the ? rr -: o' .. ,.?? , , : ?.? and lw? ? ... . i -?:.?? i- ?t. and bill Iv*. to Ave. Fifi i A ? East Mtl .-- >'.., . , 4 ? . Meal V* a' ?n : - - :. 4v r*h* t?en'y-t|,ird >l? I I -i i. gad wlthla u??t .,7:ri si East 57th Park \ it lai?t ? ?:?, St.. Fifi i Av? . ? aU-auu^. .lia? froiu 'I, corner M ?\ ELECTION NOTIi 1 F" ind PU I. tO ad "en Mth V e Thi I .-?!? Ington . ? - l ' \ ...... by and \ ? -. t . . > ? A ?? \ e ? ' . Ave - iAn, rm \ t. and A. nd. s ? ? ? nd wll Eaat 1121 I I Av? . ?nd Par. A'? Th? ifi.t... ?.?? -; ? i? ? ?uaded by ?, i within i" ? Leilngt? v - a .? . ? ? ... ?...a- itath Bl iad -? . ixlngi th St. and i'?'* > ? ? [ton Ave . ? l_t . ? ? ? . - ? ? A '1 ? ? ? . . Itl -' . '?'?- > Rl? or. Fast HM -" ? ' ' ? I ? ? ........ , ... ....... ? Kill Hl ? I? f First A Baal and Thirl A.e - ? I ? The f ' tlon dlitrlct !? houi led ?vac* 11 "i st . Third ? Bail 11 I. i i'ark ?lie The SI itrl '? bounded r >? and wll econd a- ? . rast ? ? Bait HMh "t ?m * e . t n r" n A ? ? . ^'.-.,. ?lectio? .,,..... ,, funded e- ? ?- ? 1 Ml tilth Bl . Third Av? Rait u""- - . Lexington An., r_.?t ll?tt. St in? Part? Ave The leventeent) flectl n !l?tr!-t '? bourd . ' ' ?? __fl HI | Ave , Kast * Park An Bt "V NINTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT r?..c Brit electl ?. ? ?? ? ' aad nd entrai Part Went, Mt. a nd ? ? The ?? bounded by ?ad with li ntra Par ' eal . * ' * Th? third ? riot U boui did hy ?nd " I Bl Central Para ' ?? .? Ave The I ...... mde . b) a id ' Bl . Seventh Av , Weal Mi -i. ? v? Th? flf'h .s bounded *v and wll ? ? - St., .?-ver.''. Av? Weit .'.71 I ! In ... riet ?? bounded by a ? lb S II it h Ai Weil Ih An nded ? ? , ,\ .-a- .* ith Bl . Rait SStl Pert An., E w ?t .-.7th l VI dlitrlei '? boaadod bv ind ?? Ithln Ban SOI . ? Park A Al?, L??' "? St. Park A.?. La?" .".'.?'h S?, ind Mad Is ' Thi ninth election district :? hounded bv a ? ieth s? . Third Av?. Earn A'.e. The ?- ? tlon dlatrlet i? bounded by a: within Baal S4th Bl rhlrd Av? . E??t B9tli S" and Lexington A? ? Thi ?lei nth ?I? flrlrt Is bound ,? "?duoi A\e. Essi Bird s-. Part in., Beat SJnd s?. Lexington vi?, Eaat Slat BL, Part av. , Baal >."h Bt., Madison Ave., Ka? BSth II an l Plftl I? ? The t? ?If! ?riel I? boun led by and within Bail Sdth Bt, M_,li?on Av?, Baal 87th Bt., Lexington Avi., Fait 83nd Bl . Park Av? I Ird Bt . Madl aon Ave, L.?? 62nd St. and Plfth Av?. The thirteenth election district Is bound? ed i y and wltl In Baal BSth Bt., Third Av?, ?'.;? Bi an i Lexington An, The fourteenth election dlatriet .? bounded bj and Within a lln? running rh W< It and Will 7?1'h St. I Plfth Av? In., E lot 7'.'n : ? igonal lln? fro n I .?t 12nd St . . v . ,rk v.?? and Kast 7 Ird Bl Eut 7.1.. St., I.'?.:.' '. Av?. Lasi ?*,7- Bl . Ml - in., Ll I M b Bt Fifth _v? ? t. and i tral Park Wool The Bfteenth election district is bounded ?,i and within Baal 71th st., Third Ave.. L..?- 7""' -? and Lexington av? T!i? ilxteenth ?1 litrlet li bound ? ' East TSth Bt., I.??ington ?-.'-? , diagonal Ihn fr m Last i S' and F'.rk Av? to Madiion r3l I Bl . Last 7_:,d 8' and , ? Fifth Av?. seventeenth election dlrtriet is ? ?.! by and within a Uni running from i West and MOO! BSth St. tl W? . Fifth Av*. i 7_... Mth M . Mauleon in., Bart ISth St. Lexington. 'irie running from ? '? h .w?. to Central I . ? " and ?'entrai Pai i W ??'?? ??? i riel I? bound ?d bl '' i "' BM 4 Bj ? I'*r'* i avi , Eaat Btal ? ? ngl ?n A?? . Er. t : . St., if ad ' ? ? ' BMh St. and Fifth w?. Th? nineteenth el -? ! ? la tour.ded M i llron Av*.. Eaat Bet St., ? Ifl ? e bound?. \. ngton Ave . i . . ,- ai ' ' ' ' i ' Mta Bl \ ? ? *|< - ' il riet I? ! ound?d Fart An Eaai . . ?i district 1? . Mth -? hfadt -? Park A? v . ? ? ? m th. .va to r of East I - ? ing'on '. ? el lourth el rlct Is hound \ \ A ' ' Hth St and -I ? ? e ' ? ? -? , Lexington Part v ' ? ? - : bound ad I i ' ?' 1 Bt . la'linstoil ? ? lt.. Paik Av? . Eut >.tti !M. tl ?on v ? ' ? ? ? ? ; Fifth V e ?.it ?:?, tlon dl-t- ? ? Bat Nth Bl . I'ark ?? Fifth at ' ? ??tlon dlst" ? as- Mth st. |.?x I. and I art V . ? - .... Pai _ . g Flflh Ave.. I ? ? ?n"??l ? .?in: .'ii il \-sKMin.v DIBTRICT lie. llatrlct la boaadod I I | Hartem itiier .. ? ?t ! i h at an i ?:|of |? boun :.<! ! I Ir? Ave , Best ? (ver. H I ? The ' g !?! v . | ? Ave I . ' ?- keeadad by ? it ? i ? , . In rh t Is bounded ?.y ? Dit St.. 1 Int a.? !. ?." v IIrid i? houn.le.l 1! Harlem R and i ? ? ? cornir of I'leai I ll'Jth II i?' ; ? ' Il - i . ,n I I i ' . ? 1.4 th St Harlem .. I First a i ... u. t .? boon led t.. ' ?? . Bl . Lirai Avi . East _? e liarti t M be uMh ?'? k ami within . liarlem River. linst 1241 nd An . iirict !? bound?. by and wlthla Baal 132nd Bt, Harlem Rlvir i ' ? no tram I Second Av? I We . rhlrd ? 120 Xho i ' ? ? ?? ' Iiitrtei by end will ?th SI ?: av? ? '. : .... llitrii'1 I e.t I ? . ? ?? > - \ !.. ? ? I ?V? ,..??'.'? a... r- . \ - ELECTION N'dTl?E. ho I ,-, diel riel le bound '' ' ?nd ? n Rail l?lrd 81. Second I ,?? 1 .'?? -? , . r-'-d Ar? ? flft.e . ? ??-??t tl bound??. ??? It , Third bul 's ??.?-,. ?V? I lilt. .? -? !? b-?und?d and Ithln K? ..' r I St I. flngt-n A .? . . ?? . ,r | parl< ? . Th? i*v< ?. ? .?ctlon dlitrlct is ?o.rd'd ..;. and i ??>!., Kail '..2nd B' ?'ark Ave . -? ar I Mid:?' 1 ? tin IMtli t '% bound I ?? :??h St pirk ad Si ?n : M?id?c,n An Th? I - ? ? n dlrtrtet !? be .- I and ?'???'.???. ? ?- .-n th - co-n?r f i .? I2?th-*S| ma p??i, A ? (ho oorn*r f Eaat ISSth St ar.d I?. r ' Avi 1. x!-g:-r. \ve. East st ?nfl Park Av? Tt? iweatlcth ?:.-'!nn dlitrlct i? boat I s ?.?,. ue;?, at L?ilr.v ton Ave. i a? ? .m? from th? corn? ?f 1"??' at and Lexlagtea A?e I? ' >? it. end Bark An ?nd fart A ? The t.ii.t. -ftr?* ??otlon dlitrlct !? !??>..?d bv ?nd wlthla East 120th Bt ' Ave.. Bait 1 li ?r. ? \.? . ? ? s ? .... ? .| ?>ett.r. .l?tr!et !l and within East h Bt Baal ill?' 8" :_x!-?'oi, Are || ? ... ;?,.. ^ u1 pf,h AT# rh? ?-?:..? tbtH ?? tlon distn.t la hounded by an1 within East ill?' Bt . ?on Ivi., Kaat n:r.d fl? . Lss.ngton But ISlit St. r?rk Av? E*t: iV*_ Bt and - * - ??? * rtl ?'??<??? d!??r1et 'I F*..i "llrd Bt . Bin n_.d Bt., M?dt?->-? V ? . Ell? 131 ?t St ar.d Fifth A- ? '?. twonty.gfth ?>c?!on .???riet ? led > ? md wlthli r.a?t ISSth Bt . em I ?r. r??f 1_?rd Bt md Plf'h A ? be ????? ??_?? ?i???ton ... ? , -, Basai? > " ?gonal Um from th? corner o' Wool II -? ?-. |?n?t An. to ' - rr.r of .?.?,. laa-th ?t and Fifth Ave, Fifth Ave. ai The t?-n: ... mth ?i?-'ton diairtet u Isd and ?Ithla 'Vf.: u<Ph St a m the wner of w*??t iMt An. ta the ? of *<?'e?t . ? '_?-.? An xv. ....... ..,._,. ,|, ,,,n us,ri . ?. ? itn a dlagona In* fw t ? ne ?? ' ind Lens? A?? I ? md Fifth ? ? Flfl A ? lattl I. and letnei A ?. ? ?????-?? n|P..w, ?>,..|on .tistrl .t !? .v,nd *' and within ? Hi? from th? comer Of Weal LMtb Ft ind Lenox An to M ' "? '40th tl in: Plfth Av? Fifth Av? i ?sc nx! :tr.? from th? tmrWH of ' "?? '''?? M and Fifth A-? to the ror-,?r of Wei? 11?? S- -, ; :.?roi A??, srd 1er"? A?? ? thirtieth ?!??t!on dlotrtrt 1? bounded by end within Wert -in. ?. Har'.em River, Fifth An., a dial r?, ?!r? f r _n the comer o? Weal l?Btl St ?nd I"l'"h M t? th? corner of W.?t 7??h St. ind T_?nox Av?. and lytiox A'.?. Th? thirty-flrtt ??'Ion S!??r1ct I? rounded hv ind within Ms? em Rtnr E?it lllth St. an- Fifth A?? THIRTT riRST ABSEMBLT r>ISTRt<~? -?? first ?le-tf.n " ''I?! !? hound?! hy ? rd with In Wort lllth Bt, Plfth Av?, w??. M a?. 1 S?ve- -h A?? Ih? ?eco? ? ?>ction ?.n-rt?. l? bounded by and within ? diagonal lln? f>om the ?orr.?r of Wort lllth .-? ind 1-en ? An to the ornei of _ m St. and Plfth Ana ? Ave. a- I B'ort 1 The thi: i ? le ?? lad by ?id wt'hin Wert 112th ?t a diagonal I!-? from th? corner of .'. M ?nd P!7li Ai?, to the corne- of V?,t lll'h St. in; 1. '10X Ave., aad l/ec.ox A ? . ? fourth el.-tlon d'.s?.. t tl boundfd by ?nd ?i"h'.n a diagonal .:n? from thi Mvaof ? ' W.fl 11?th Bl ?nd I_?r.oi Av? to th? " ?r of Wist HMh St. and Plfth Av? . Ftfth Av? ani Wort H7th St. The Sftfe flection dlstrici !? boaadod Kv ani wit'.ln B'eei 11B -' ? dlaw-.rial line from th? .orner of Wert IMth Bt and Fifth A? the cornel I Vert ILBh M ai i I - - ? ? and I.? no* A ? Th? sixth ?I? 'l.n HstrtCt l? t.undel M I ' . ? Weit lit I An WSM Uli -? .-,? ?. ' no. A'.? ? i? ", distti t u hoaaded by And wltnln Wort 114th .-'! . I^nox Ave otaj Av? itrlct li t..und?d by ? st, Leaoa av? . w??t lllth St uni Se^ei'l v - The iitn'?i e. trlet ts bounded by at. i ...tlon V.'-st 114th ?I . -'. MlebaMl Av?. .._..,[..... ,. v ? Th| tentl ? '? ' on llitrl I I? be md? ! I ' and within West 11 th M Lan OB a ?. wag. 1141 B1 and Seventh Av?. ... mtrl ' Is I ? i i diagonal lln? from ?! ? . ner of Lenol An an I West 117.?', St to -h? corner of K.tttl Ave .n I Weft UBI 1 st . v>?? 114th PI and :.? ? iv? 1 Th? twelfth ,i?tion d'.s'rlot !? bounded bl an! wlihln W.-st l?.fth Bt, Fifth A'.?.. In' ?i diagonal ! M fr ni ?h? ?orn.r of Plftf Ave an! W??' lltth St to the corner I r.?-.ox Al ? ... ! Wort UMh Sr thirteenth ?leetl - llitrl ? Is ?so .nd?4 hv anl wlthll Wffrt BSth M Plfth A?e. a .- mth Bl .i Leu x in Th? four?e?rith rlectlon lUtrlet la bound? 1 by ?nd within Wirt H'*, -t. f,en ?x A'?. Wool UMh >? aad Bonath Aea ' "he flfeenth el?. 'In llitrl I '? bounded by and within W'??t UTth Bt. !.. nox Av? . W?st ll'th St ant Se en?. A'? Th? ilxteenth ? lection dlitrlct I? boundel hv ?nd wlthla Wert UTth Bt, Plfth Av-, Wofl llftfe and I? I x A- e The seventeenth ileetlou Mrtrtct li bound ?d hy an1 wl'hlr. a lie.? fresa ?1' comer of Seventh Ave and v. fl r.'th st 10 th? emir of !?T,o_ Aie. and WoM UB ~i from thence a diagonal line to II ner f Plftl An and Wert 117th s? . and Weal UTth Bt The eighteenth election dletrtet i? hounded hv and within W ?t Llth St , Fifth A?e _ ,.-.. line from ? ',- . ? rnar of '" fl Av? ?ni West ll.'th St '?? the ? ,u M ?' 1,-n >x Av? en! West lllth St a nineteenth ele 'ton district is hour, e ; i y and wltl In ? d:?ior.?l IP.? from tie ...iner of WetOfcJth Si _n1 LMtta ? to the corner of tv?i? ll.t?, Bl ir. " \ Plfl A' ? and We?t lllth St ? ? h ilecl ?. Iliti '. t !? bound? ' by an! within B '1-gonsl line from the ? n?r of 'Ve.t IMth St ani lesnox Av? thi corn?, of Wart UMh S" ?nd Flftj from th.-nc? a .'.lagxinal !lrc to 'he ..f West llHh St and Ie-nox Ira, an! ' ?i ox ire The twenty *1r?t election dlatrlct i. ' , ?! hy and wl'hln V??t HMh Bl . Leaoa ' ? i ?tagoaal Hm fron thi noraor K t, m . I Wert llfcl Bl ?o ??-? '-orn?r of Beventh Av? ani West UTth St, w??t UTt s? . st ! ? '?'? ?" UMh st aad Be? ? th A?? ','.? twenty ??--ond ?Il tlon dlitrlei is wi'?'n we nah at, -*?. ? ? |?re. Weit ll?"> ?? ?n ! Eighth Av? ? twent] third ? lection rllrtrlrt li boun ! thin a ilaa ? from thi ? ?* r, ."an A'.e ?ni W?4M st 'o th? corner of Rtghth Ave an' u?? ? ? N| , ? rtrh" Av? v? ? " ,- Ave. ? fourtl ? ' - ".-. ? a " '?? "'? ?'??'?.. ? .... --? ' ?? ? an 1 S? N Hb. I. ? 1 i'hi twenty if"- ?le tlon dlrtrl i ? . .... ? mer of W< ?? 12?d s? an ?... ?o ?he c,rn?r of W?st 1_l?t St ?n.; 1> Vie, I^r'X Av? . V. ??' l..'h <t ?".1 s. A ? The twenty-alxth election distrtc i? ??ou. ? ?d ?. ar ! Within Want USrd Bt *>!? Morr'? ... t\.s- 124th "?? ?o Flf'h Av? a line th-ough Ml M' '!? Park to th? corner of ? and Fifth A'? 1 (f'h Ave . a . . Uns front ihs .o-n?r of vi*??t iii'h , | Plfth In to the coon?- ?,f We.t ? ?' s, and 1-enox a e ? lynox Av?. ? a v?, -n'h ?le. ?ion district I? houadod ??? and within B'sot :.?? ? . . ? diagoaal Hae froto f w?,> ? at ?ti.' Leaoa An 1 ? ..? ' ?.'.enth A'?, li.. \. ? . h? teen'y tight ? '. ? n ! ??? HI In a diagonal III?. . If Right ' - W? M -tier .,f We?- ? v ? a || enth Ave., Se,?n'h ^ ?? t diagonal lino ftoin thi o::?r of Seventh \-.. anl We.? Mr of !.:;>*h An and Vest 1 The twenty-ninth election Itetrtd 1? bound el t ani wtti.'n a diagonal in? from ' ? :ner of W?.-. irtnd 8t and Eighth I ? ? ? mer of W'-' 121 et Bt .? '. J?vev v s?v?nth ive, Weal IMth ** ?ni Eighth v.? Th? thirtieth election dlrtrl t i? ' i tan Ave. I. - ?. . . . . ? ? ir,.m the ' ? . - ibth Ave. le llfth si and \U:ih?t:ai? ? M an Ave ? ? || ! ' ?? ?|K |0n ?s'tl ? ?.. bo.nd?d . B*. -t lTJrd Bt ' :.'h Ave . We?- '.. , lag?.na! line from th* cor nei of w st LCn.l -t ?n.l 8l Nicholas Ave. of Weit Li?? Bt and Manhit. tan Av.. . Manhat'it. Ave. Weit i_vth St and Mornlnneide K\t. Ea?t. . rty-second e?.tl.,n district I? bo.nd ed ly wl.hln .'?( I74th St , Seventh Vi? a .iiagunal Une from the corner ef West I3rd St an_ *?.vonth An to the aar? ? i of WOAt 1 nd S' and L'.ghth Av?. ?nd The Ihlrtv thlrj ?'.- tlon district Is bount .... I within \V??t !" ? ?' Fifth A' e Weal l.l'l. St.. Mt Mrl. Ave , B'e,t 1 it., I.nox Ave. \\ I l?'h M Bad Klgh-.h Th thlrtj fojr'ii . . ? on dtstrl ? i? ?siun ! ? I !i ind wtlbln West i; !, St. S?v_nih Av? B'esl 1 lb Bt. and Ftghth Ave Tie Ihlrty-nfth ?;?, it,.n dlatrtcl 1? bound?! w ??> ., !,?nox Ave \v.'?t i-'h M and -.??-nth V e , . .,.,... ,tx,, el. ..,,,, ?sound M"h .w? . II. ?nd I a nui lieft ? '? M? 1! ? f > i III m Morris P?rg ' ?? . fit. v, ? - '? M V \! > ?'.< \ ! !\ IV.lJ.'N 'ou ... i:or_ -?s .....