Newspaper Page Text
Yanikees~^Vir^"Giants Win, but Words Carry a Dull, Hollow Sound I Weeping Skies Fail To Dampen Ardor of World Series Fans Hundreds Brave Drizzling Rain and Pass Nigh, at dates of Park. LITTLEBETTINO WADE, SO FAR ON RESULT' Supporters Refuse Even Money on .Series, bit. Offer Odds on I ir*?t Game. ! I '.' aasohall I i Ol <lefr*t. Btri I ? ? .... 8 { ' . ? ? ' the minds of i s ?'eftciy esrly sfterr.oon, continue.; sii t ?nd the forseaet for Fi i floidy ar.d ur.s Hefore thi? steady f the - the Ns'.io* si Con and far.? were I ! only alt about and ' ? Prei . could be made rnorn tagj when 1 ..... tlonsl League Park .-? ff.r i ? Tener ?n OptlBalst 'Kvery e*ort 4vi!l : the opening ;? Pre? ,. badly .--?? the tor? '? ren?e? that the * ?at tl Phillies the : n The ? : ? ? eaavas, bat th? A eld we] d were ? ? char: : .... g th? . ? i-nthu ? ? ' ? \on*i hud eoi ' tant the o] 11 s ti o b regai ? rsation in the ? ? there ? a? ET on the resal! ! hack- , ? '.:n the ? ? ?lonal ? - - the Philli? ? ? ? . . rtual ? richtri Specaiaton Bas* tors | ? for r< ?rved * ? PI ; ? league ? ? ' .-.f tieketi I ? - ? ? ? ? ? - : of protect!' imbrell,* ? .-,.?.. nit 1 their ... g ? had agi for th? enrice a hen ?hi ? chance thru they could sell the'.r plan . 4vet ? ? ? ? i nti ? ? er posai! ich i: ? bundles o? ? N?. Practice ror ."Mille?. weli in aeclueion during the e4*eniniJ with I ? rrired from r?e?* ? l ?? ? ? IB?, re ? The "Roj " aith th? nnii reperl fame ? noru?, T?sele," will until to-morr? th? ils of 1 on hand esrly ,," the Nstlonsl I . ,-:.., aii'l Gsrry Herrmiiim, chairman ? . B. B. Johnson ar on I ?T train. ' ? - . \4-0llld 1er To ? ? ched t be : ...... the last fee r esson. \'. ? bought ? 44 ; ? h ? pping. n? re ? bot'-i team- ? .'?, or ?? 1er for the ? ? Beneroft,??; t, ; Bun pin ational . ? Hoop? I ? p. Umpli ighlin an?! I Carrigan Mum on Pitcher As He Starts for "Front" Hv JEROME BEATT1 i ? 1 ? | ' ? ? ? ? ? a Emi? Shore .'adcl I |. ? ? ha? V I adv - B hardly probal Ie, I eOBBI I 1 ? ? ? . like? to ... itch i ' "he y. i *? tna?A Red ro, ti\?\) ea ?ritl ? ana ? thi. a of ? did n.-7 f | .-**n*d to . . ? rumos, i. ra the* fiead a. re rerr-j I ?h:rl\ three Sj.ea.ker gath? r hita ?SI '4. hnii Hooper, hernldc,| a? s craat ssaa I gel failed 1 Date) Leonard pit- * aaingi on Meada) ? M? rai ?.a? s'?. a mi|:' t - nrd in " | Since Bhc ? ? the ? ? ? ? ? th? ; ' . Csrrigai have Hettinf? in Ne? York y terds] ... ... , ? ? ? , 'i individual COI ? the pit?] ? ? ? Men ? more Wt !" r-i? e* ? .?? I, The uninitiated ob 0 he a a.. Can.? :. fi'r ' v ? ? n doe?.. He -??' Bl alway? hi*? tti..: ?- B, on ; ? hand, act? a? if h. id not a cr i o ?-Tiran ? ?? - ping for evei ? ? ? lorai ' the blufl an he ? H Per MONTH ON PLEDGE ) OF PERSONAL PROPERTY III! PROVIDEN1 ?LOAN SOCII I. OF NEW YORK MAMMATTA!? iik??*?\. fourth Avenue, cor : = 'h Vrrr: ' ' "h St' .....?:. 4 A ,9,hS( u . . ... ? . . Av. 1 a ?*?A INS REI a ? - Eues SI y m% rWO WEEK .Tl - By BRIGGS Trying To Be Neutral - ? ? ?__?__;_!_ _?i-" _ i Giants Beat the Braves I in a Baseball Burlesque Larry Doyle Uses Occasio to Hammer His Way to Top of League in Batting. . !.. Te'-?r..:. 'o It. T..'._..e ] Itea, Oet 7. The Gianta closi their season here to-day hv trouncir the Braves. The score vv.,g 15 to I _r*y Poyle mail, so many hita thi lag te unofficial average, he ha hammered hli way to the front of trt Leagui batten, passing Fn . of the Phillies, with a ??rci pitching on hoth uMes was ir el den na. er exertr rea. Il waa the laal gama t - depended and only on? : eraona were | players hippodrome ? ? ? 11 '.v.-re eonatanl t was the ?horte? on, be ? hour ati'l two m!n I v. ry batter . . ? -n?' by Irving to catch me I v Itopplng t" '! Ink abou ?? ? battci ;? gh1 I ( ? .lad. troud vi-as McGraw'i ? Icher, v-hil ? ? ? . .... jroung tna . , . ? ? far and wide. batted BO hard from ih ita.he .core was 'i to fi Bt th ? ? The Giant i three In 'Le aixth, "ne in th ai d " ' e tn the ninth. Th rere I ended a eooi ? of run Robertaon, Doyle ?rd K'.rV.e ., ... ? who heij.eii the)I ? ?. ?! .- :.;? threi i ?? wore ? [g. George K?- ? the t':.-,'.. Dyer ?ra? ih ? lot ...?-.,.. ? McGraw left hia Hi ? ? . leen men Into th? ? ?eon Set ei i of hi? aabal * n11 were gatera, arl <? eama out of th? ? | I I a1 that wi wai played la the National League There arai obIj aae itrikn?ont I fanned PbvIs in the aecond, an? ? ?as sorry Giant nelderi ? lagi d bettei hn?ehall in the last five Innintr? ' ?1 ered thai than 1 et it go ? .IW YORK (N. L.i BOSTON .N. 1.1 ah r .. ?a a ? ab r h pa a f Burn?. It 14 4 7 0" Meran. rf I 0 0 0 0 C Roben rf H ? 3 2 0 ?? ( (...noil, rf 4 I ) 0 n (I I'Ol!? 2b ?14.20 I.-a. II ' I a .' i '? M-.i ? lb 5 I '7 I n I 8'an'n. :?? 2 I n I 10 ( let er s? 2 0 0 fl o I C o ? p".,e If 11 1 6 0 1 Hier tl 3 113 2 0 Ma|>? ib i 0 0 n n P I? ?fe'?, rl ? 0 I 2 10 le- M 4 I I 2 I 0 Br frrt 31 t i 2 i 4 0S?lth (b 10 . 0 00 K|r??f c 3 J 4 I 10 f|?n .b*lb 4 1 3 I 2 II ' p 4 0 7 . 0 0 roll!??. If 112 7 10 Biraav. ?? n o 2 o o M Sfcati nutO 0 4 3 1 *?????? i .i I 0 0 0 r I I 0 I ? 0 i 4 17 0 0. T?tal? 4? 1124 27 MO Total? 43 1 17 27 tl j S..r..? 0024100 13?15 Beiton 2022000 0 2?1 T?? bai? hlti ? Smith Merkl? 17 v Br?ln?rrl Burn?. C?lllni. Three bai? hit?--Burn?. K?-h?. _r <_???.Ill Lo*-. Horn? run ?Com?'?n. ? ? .-. I ?? Bl ' ' ?s, rl? - II? ? !?? ? ? M? na Double pl?i ?1. Suni.n. ln Bltckksir? on fe?m In v.r? in. v I i-?! i .?? on error? ?,?? Y?rk t. Btr... ||1 B, ?-'re. I 1. Ulllril KI?HS and ? a, li LAVENDER BLA?NKS WHITE SOX TEAM (iibs ..ven Up Score in City Se? ries Victory in Second (iam t\ i i eago, *'.".. 7. The National Leagas evened up th? ? i ritl I .mi League opponenti bare te day .. ? F 4 te 'he iecon.1 Rime for th .. The pitching of Lavender was the de r Only one af l ? Murphy reached thli : aai in the . ? ii I ? r. I 1 I I I " r. , , . 0 ? | . 4 : ' ?? A- ?? I ,: _, ilotu u.\ B_ir ROYAL ROOTERS OFF TO CHEER RED SOS They Had a Hand, Too, ant 'Tessle" Was Song They Sang. Iioston, Oct. 7 With the Roya Rooters and other baseball enthusiasti on the way to Philadelphia to brinjf : cheerinf? -void to the Ked Sox from th? city which they represent, the rent oi local faniii'in to-tnj-'ht sat back ant waited for the opening of the world'i series to-ii.urrow. Red Sot followers have not -eer their '?< :'i i action for more than t week, but faith m their aaceaas w-s; generally strong in ?pite of ur, uncer? tainty repar.I.n? the ability of the Hos ton men to overcome A J'r- I ?. : .? i.aiiiiin of the ! | ? ? ra of hi? family and if] led the : ecial train, : the club, .... ,,r th? ? - la until the ?.'. ?i - personal spplieatioB had ' - (?n the train with the rooter wer?, a h? i h -core of singers versed in the i!c*:iil ,,' "1 en le," the MBg credited with having brought ? ?rorld'i el ??mpion. ihip to Bo ? ? Pittsburgh ?er*?? of r.?".'i ?,. ?use oi -, deasoralisii .. on th? had beard in every seri, m in which 1 Bei 'I left b? ? ? of the ? --.*? for I ited it the spe< ? . -??:.' M'PHAIL WINS ON ESSEX CLUB LINKS Eastern Trade Golfers Out in .-"orce at fall Tourney. One of the hire? ?' tournament? ever held by the Eastern Trade Galf A??o .- ? ? ;, r.-ter.iay on 'he links of *? . n :? ?'. ?'our.try ' . More than fifty ?on.bei ? I par: in t:.e variad programme. The ehief prize of the dej araa u cup of fared ay James M He? for the eighteen-hole medal play hai W. A Mci'ha M !."' 71. Y'.. S. Aitkin took the second net sward w,th M 11 72, while ick '.:.? third with !'8 22 76". McPhail alto led the Asid in the match i ..;. ..'.;.. t bogey, I ?? e up, Lut the rale aysi ca? Tal.? two i risei depri?el bin of t>>f ? '.'? ! A.thin, each of whom ..?.I m:1 iquare, were therefore brought u tie. hut Aitkin'? pre? vious kucccss left. Lasher the winner. Entries for To-day at Laurel Track I ? r<w three ??a- a**- aj 1 ? - _ ut *' i ? ?i i ,,4 . , . ....... ftm -,?,,? ? if *'a- ? ' as a ?Tod | .,- m ? ? . arc?, . r?t ?..*?-?? ???? o;j? s.-.a ? . ' . ' ? l.-B? '?' : 'A a . ... Ill I . ? .?a r. ?, , ? ? ? ces ? ? . . -, ' . 107 J'llTI! ' a .? ,,a.- - ?. fi,, a 1 ? . .- . " ' ft ? " ii nut eng - a 1 - ' a , . a ? ? " -a ?" 1 a, ?Aiprw.Uas t^roir.r? ..aland j Facts for the Fans on World's Series Struggle WFATHER?Daasttlaatj but with chances In favor of the game being plsjad DATES I OR THE GAMES?In Philadelphia, on Friday and Saturday, October S and 9. In Boston, on Monday and Tuesday, October 11 and 12. After the first four games the battleground will change dally until one club wins four times, except that If a seventh contest Is necessary the diamond upon which it is played will he decided by the toss of a coin. IMisriMINEMFN'TS AM) TIE GAMES?In case a game Is postponed on scci.unt <?f rain, or if for some other renson a legal game Is not played, the teams will remain in the cfty where the postponement occurred until a legal game is completed. A tie game will not be played off in the city where it occurred, but the teams will move to the other city, except, of course, In ?-a?.?' a tie game is played upon Friday, October 8, or Monday, October 11. TIM!! POS CALLING (.AMES?Two o'clock. I MPIRFS FOR THE SERIES?National League, Willlsm Klem and Charles Rigler. American League, William Evans and Silk OT.oughlin. BEATING CAPACITY (estimate?!)? Braves' Field, Boston, .,0,000. Na? tional league Park, Philadelphia, 20,000. DISTRIBUTION OF RK( EIPTS?National Commission. IS per cent of grn-s r?'ceipts. Players share in first four games, taking 60 per cent of the remainder, ??hile the o?? ners receive 10 per rent. Of the players' share, GO per ?eut goes to the ?lui? that wins the rierii's and 40 per cent to the losers. After the fourth game the owni'rs take all the receipts, less the National CsBtatlssIaa's 10 per rent. FIGUBES FOE It!I fiasVIal paid attendance for series of four games, 111,0???. Receipts, $226,739, divided a? follows: National Commission, $22,573; each rlub owner, $40.i;.'!2..'?S; players, $121,900.94. The Braves, with twenty-seven players eligible, divided the winners' ? hare of $73,140.56, making $2,70*i.90 for each man. The Athletics, with taentylive men to ?hare the I4S.760.38 prire money that went to the losers, had to be content with $1,950.41 each. Players eligible for the series: Phillies?Catchers: Moran, Klllifer, Burns and Adams; pitchers: Alex? ander, Demarre, Mayer, Mcljuillen, Chalmers, Tincup, Rixey and Baumgart - ner; inlielders: I.uderus, Niehoff, Bancroft, Byrne, Stork and Dugey; out tielders: < ravath, Be? ker, Whitted, Paskert and Weiser. Red Sox?Catchers: Carrigan, ( ady and Thomas; pitcher,: Wood, Leon? ard, Collins, Shore, Ruth, Mays. Foster and (iregg; inlielders: Hoblitzell, (?ainer, Barry, Scott. Janvrin, Wagner, McNally an?! Gardner; outfielders: Speaker, Hooper, I.evsis and Henriksen. BOSTON (AMERICAN LEAGUE!. ' PHILADELPHIA 'NATIONAL L(AOUt). TEAM BATTING. TEAM BATTINO. Gin?. A B. 14. H. 8. B. IM. A?f?r. Cm??. A. B. R H. S. S. S. H. Avar. IM 5 021 Ml 1.407 125 2M .2*0 IN 4.915 sil 1.217 121 is? .247 TEAM FIELDING. TEAM FIELDING. T.UI T#,? gatas, P n- * ?*"? aSaSUB A?w. Gms?. P.O. A. t. chsnee?. Asar 154 ?.216 I'M 221 t*M .W7 153 4.107 1.154 217 ? :sa ?.?aj RAINCOAT CAPTURES ST. LEGER STAKES ?ville, Oct. 7. Favored by an ? a* ntne'y pourds. Raincoat, C Straus' three pear-old I'ink 1'oat-Blark Sleeves geldlag, won the twenty-second ? i ! ? Iget Mai dlcap at Churchill Downs, to-day, setting a new I ? ? ! for the two miles and a quarter. Raineoat'i tiaas was .:."."., clipping 4*4 seconds from the record he.i years ago hy Hiniioo. Hodge, W, J. Webster, entry la th.? , rent, found his burden of , 128 pounda, top weight in the race, too much and r'nished second, a length half back of the winner. Hodge e/ai favorite in the betting. \V. J. IT? ? i ".."?- W?1 ' fairly well ?? lengths hack of Hodge for I t third plica. J. C. Mllam's Embroidery saved her itako by running fourth. ... W. Schorr's Lindenthal, and J. II. Hawkins' Hank O'Day, the only other * tarter?. Baiahed in the arder named. At the rise of the barrier Hank O'Day rushed to the fore and led for a mile and a quarter than retil from contention. Raincoat araa liri.l off the early pace, but began running n earne .t after th? lirst mile. At the and ?v quarter h?.? sprinted to rvaa t?-rms with Hank O'Day and had a lead af a length and a half at the turn into ?he homestretch, which he ro'ained to the end. Hodge, under strong re? straint for the '". rst mile and a half, responded gnmelv in the stretch when ealled on, but could not quite get up to the flying Raincoat. The race was worth $1,820 to the winner. Raincoat wa-? regarded lightly iti the pari-mu'ii'.' betting and win Ding $'_ tickets paid *A6M, Final Standing of Teams in ihe National and American Leagues v vi ion II i r\(.\ _ ?' I T of OAKS naTSBDAT. ? - : 1 1 , : - ?.a ' 3 . -MFItirw i RAOCm RF?I IT ... OAKS I ? ? ?t 14 III .' . I...4* lllllt it Horn v ?? 4 li I j " - - - a f ->'.?-. . .. -? i. . ? ????...-.. ?.*::.. I.?! | II '.. 1". 10 17 1. 1* || ' ; loo * i ? ? :? . ? ? . ? ? ? . 50 J! ?1 .? 87, .1 ,o. 1 ?.,, | 1 ONE MORE PRIZE FOR PETER SCOTT Captures the Transylvania Stakes at Lexington Trotting Meet. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 7.?Peter Scott, the Peter the Great- Jenny Scott ital lion, driven by Thomas W. Murphy, won the 18,00. Transylvania Stakea, ' the chief attraction of the Grand Cir? cuit card hero to-day, in straight heats. Worthy Prince waa a close contender in the first two heats and Lizzie Brown | in the third, but the winner waa not j extended and won apparently as Mur i phy pleased. In winning the Tenessee Stake, un? finished yesterday, Veteran Pop Geers drove Napoleon Direct to a victory that , broko the world's record for the fifth i heat iri a five-heat pacing race, finish 1 ing the mile in 2:01*_. The heat was easy for Napoleon Direct. Peter Stev? ens, which won two heats yesterday, took second money. The 2:19 pace, carried over from yes tfriiny, after four heats, proved the longeai ami hardest fought contest of the meeting, but BBS finally won by Barlight, which won the first heat yes i ter,lay, and the sixth and seventh to? day, Pern Hal paSBS?. the winner stub? bornly in the last heat, and the finish teas eloso. MacPheraoa was t .ken out ! (n the seventh heat and Kogarty drove Porn Hal. llenera! To,Id, the George Todd Miss I honater eol . owaed by H. B. Kea, of Pittsburgh, won the pacing division of the Kentucky Futurity for thrc-year olds In Straight heats from I.ady Au br? v, Bad Th?vights and Arkaneello, the ; horses finishing in the onler given In .ach heat. John K. Madden announced that he ! had sold Walnut Tree to II. H. Schles .-, of Milwaukee. No price was , hut it was aaid it was in excess Of . ?1,000. The ?ummaries follow: thi" TENXirnflEi stake- PAfivr, Tintn. n I'lVK ?.i i .??l It HEATH WKDNi;. PAY Kapelenn T>1re... eb ?. . '? t WlltMl ..- ? 1 1 I I 1 k 1, , t-r l'e4?r .._> U ?i - - ?ber) .14 111 ?>???- I' ,-., > 1 h 'l^ii '_ .1 i 3 i Dir ? b s h (EMI 4.414 r- - ill S 11%, - ? ''_ I B., : '?'."? il? im, im ?i.A s-? Tiini ???? in rivi n oo? . K... H hl AT". W KIlNEHDAl i ? .? le, i. by liai gart Mans 114 8 111 .?.-?? V , | , . ? tUom -'.? '? 2 112 114 I ' ? II... - Otad Hal III fart. 4 T 3 1 I I I Ir?- < Peleh Ir I, . I.y Til* Patch? H.? ICoi 7 .1 1 ? 4 4 I Tim? ....... . r, _ : is : 07',, loi?,, : S9.. pacm. -? n clam masa in mrg nass ? I/'!?- ' r h . ?.j H-rt I 1 I I 1 1 J?, i. . vi. a. I. . by I J !" 5 I 1 I I I . !?> [>: ? !? -i . >. \ r p. 1 3 4 5 4 I i i . i i : m ?t'.!. I r '. . ? ? s : ru I? i >?. our, bi i. il? l". Wll 3 5 5 I n? Pi I M . I | T * .1 T m ' b in. ' Muelo - M ' >m 1.1(1] Venus, bl A 7 7 4 rI _ V. V . : IT. i n'i IK I'ltA'.sVI '. ?MA . 0? ( I.A?? ... .1 - . ! 1 1 , ?. i ; ? i I . ?r. . S I 4 a. . Barril . T ? S . 4 4 . r a vi i..T"t ,...14 I 1 . _r ?< ?9 II I .'.?' ? 171 m iT M II? III ?'?. I Ml?. Tl OTT. v- ,iv.? I. THRKB J Res? n . ?s i a . li v . II lu?.. I I 1... . II . . IS . II ? all . ? .. . ? 7 . a !r PACING DIVISION KKNTl-L'Kl H HRITT ."H . , VEAlt ..l.D> rWO IS TllltKK I i ? . -?-.!' -i ! iKawi '? ? ' a A . . 4 .-._ ? : id ? RsgtsUr! RecisUr? Register'"' lln. is n? \t l?> ihr last d,i\ lor lagis trat loa. Liki- n.> ?hau.?'s. If i?ur name is 11..1 mi the I????..?, yet it ?in to? day. Baatttf open Ir.nii ...0 to 10:.0 p. m. YANKEES WdT IN LAST GAME OF THE SEASON Defeat Red Sox, Thanksh fie i me Wagner, Who Is No Outfielder. New York'? basebell ??,,,? , gm hats p? ., 'T "? ?' "-?? ? Far <??? ,-trs th? I*- . ?? ?-. r '?r ?' '" "' ' *T, ?nd beeaaei ^ ? - '. rsn's men in ff .. , ,_.? w..n ^ ^^ won s- - ? . ?**?* i ?iitees m?n ?-. It vas s 2 ? BnC :' sad pltiZl ' arrigan's : ?? liesteaasi am the ?2 and he ar*r*.?rj-p.rt ? .. ^? The ico?*re itood 3 ??, *) ,<,,, * * ?It as;. of the i i ot 'em over te left," or??r?aj g. Donovan. Hendrya ?ent ? '.one *j that W. would r.ave gathered in withes? S 1h" hail bounded ??at Wtrntr a? wasn't Uklng th? gam? ter-i??. .?? to doff hii b;g* meter m Hendrys made t-vo baiei Wi?? .v. ?*inning run or. tec nd, M Ile? *'.****>. one to left Helni? took on? ana m the ?pher?, ?a-.v that he eosUal Ban, it, and tamed ?*".*i ran toward thedS house a? Hendryx romned acre? % plato with the ras that wot Grem. pitche?! *-e ?,?, tarts (.?tj for Boston, sr.d Kay I olllas l?!^ the contest. When 'i.e gtmt at?.? Tarry and Haley, * recru*t eit^,, were th* i nly R.*d Sot or the feld ???* had been there r.'.r.e inning?. < urn.-nu . iriitin, iron the game. All he w?nt#d aw , chance to give his men s worko? i* fore they left S'ew York for P_*lie*?, t hia ?i- T | ?? (hi I),?;., front last right. YesUrday4! wu*li last practice the R*d Soi ?rill b.* before they t*Ke the field this t?*.? r-OOn. Carrigan won't attemot U .... morning prac:,** to-day. It was ? ? rt cf last diy of lei?* for the Red Sox, The-,- beamed tm everybody, even had kind words for i, umpire?, W'he*-. ( arrigan told Stetttr in the fifth that he eoul. *? home as soon ?? h? had flni?hed is ting, Tris ran up '0 the plate, itCM out jovo'.rlv ?r.d with a whooa ?iltali through the pitcher"! box to cttm field, picked ud his glove sr.d piiiaiK to the exit. It WS? a had contest for tkt eloci er?, who were out to look cv?r tu American League chsmpiont. Th? **? was dark and damp, sr.d th* ger.t? idea was to flnlsh *.h? gam? tr.? pt away from there. It waa r.o *..m? ? get a line on l'o?ton. Why anyone should be bsppy In lie? ir.g the Yankee? to me?t th? Phllli? 1.? a nuzzle, bat when the Red 3*i left tnetr hotel last r.ight they etn chattering like a colleee gle* ?id starting out on a Chr.ntmis trip. King I'rady, the vour.gster from Dll? las, started pitching for the Yute? In three Inning? the Red Sox mtd? m hits and three run?. R. Dtizle Vita followed Brady. Shawkey pitched th? last two rounds. NEW YORK A LI BOSTON (A. L si- ... ?? sanei; Hl|*i. If. J00 100 H???w. rl . Ill III Per-lns'h. ?* ?00 I 4 0 C?lll?l. I I}'}1 Boon?. It 4 0 0 0 0 0 l'.**W II ... 111 11 Plpra lb 111 100 J??vH?. M III II Mulls?. Ik 100 J 0? S|?a??r. ?'??? I]} !?' Btumann. Ik 4 0 I 2 I I ?i*?rti? ?? III | H??dr>K. et- '21 2 00 H??Hti?ll II. Ill ?? Mills?, rt 30 1 3 00 Gslnsr Ik III ?| Schwsrt. 0.211 400 If III I ?ALsandw . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 V??|sw. If I 11 ? ? Waltsrs. e 000 4 0 0 nimittr. -?.'*'?!' Br?dy. * 109010 BcNslly. tt III ? V?nc?. t I 0 I 0 I 0 8?m. ?? ? ??? I!! ? Nun?mak?r I0l OOOHslsy. ? 4!,i!. IBrs.n 0 00 ?OO-mi. I _. i??7al griavskey. ?.000010 Hinrlki?*, rf. I?? IM T.t?l. SO 4. 2110 TttaJ* . HIM??' " ?B?tt?d fw BtBOTrt i? aaamnt mm ?B?tt*d fer Vinca In ??? ?s????? mSta, mi 1?r Nusamalef In t?? ????st? Insist. |kWi?a ?h?fl ?lnnln| nan -s? s. ??*?* New Y.fH. M i ! i ! !IO BcHt.n I 0 ? ??II?!-? Earn?? run?? gsUss, 4: Nu? JWfc ?- JJ bas? hit??Sa-riwirt. Mante?, Hs* ItlllL ?w b?M hit?PIPS. Vrl*^ MT-BIII?r. LaS? b?l?s-Bo?t.n. 7; N?w rwk ?. 09**?? J?n?rl? B?rt> ?nd Gslifr B?ss? B aTM Br.d) J, ??*?' f?r?tl 2 ?ff Cllkl? l-O9! ?ut-By eraajy. 2. b, Vasc^ I l> a???a*2? by Grtsjl 1 by cilllni 4 44lid I1'**"** P?.,?d .?nr>-ach?srt. Hslsy. ????^??I**i 6 l-i I Innlnll. ?C V?nc?. I In 4 >*"*? * Sh.w.fry I In 7 Innlnj. s? Ml MJ ?ff l?|a: ?ff C?liln?. 7 In S InsI?*? !???? mil ?lathi. Umpl-r???N?llln ?nd DIRECT TO CATES OF WORLD'S SERIES in Philadelphia New Jersey Central Trains at 0 50. 10.50, 1150 A. ** -g West ;?rd St. Terminal. ?? ^ 11 A. M. and ia Noun ^om Lirt St Terminal. ?M fah Make special stop? it H^Mt^; sut:,,:. Immediatel) i-lJO?*?Bl ' Philadelphia - **J*U' On October Sth ind 9th ?b. ?? ** ot postponad m : ta m-'-<$ 1 Hour 52 MinuW Liberty Street to th? Ball Ground? Dining Can on lo.SO 11.00 * **1 ta? h J? : I raasa? Other Train. Erery Hour o? I Hour from Liberty St. ^^.'?"st) of the hour from W?*t *},a 7.00 A. Hi to 10.00 P. Nl* ?^ farlor Cars on all TrtnAs Special Return Servie? se* ?C Leave Hu i ' 'A ? g A ' ? ttmA? ?UUali'l Cm aliau-li?.! r?e?aJ?r r??a? ?raa*^|^IB