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pHiHies and Red Sox Mount Their Big Guns for World's Series y? Football Gates Soon to Swing Open Ueflts Will Have Chance mm Squad at Work \,\! \\Ol*K. -HfRANS RETURN TO 10R OLD POSITIONS I : ?" [yvotinj: Defies Slipperj * iold" Hucfi rim? to pgrvtr. !'.' There ? ramee ches made ? ? com ' _ pe ? .?.lorn- | ? ? end. ? , . < ?I ? ? r. nek. rieht ? lis of a new teal ?. e bet ? ? " ? day. ?? .* cen ? :...*. 8 - that ? of de i i latter * to put ... '? ., rj |n Busy Themselves with Syracuse Plays 7ac*.ice for l i off a on treacherous ? ? rain e I h. |h] ? ? toan ? ? ball - '. ???am. None - in the . tit ute l ? i fe|-, be ihowed up well. ? ? ?econd forward ? time ard fron a BBSS ? t . a 1 ? " ? ?' :? clares racuse , ? W*. c. - ? r ? *??'?*- rain on 1 - , uad, ?. but a __v or 4 ?v was -WPati"- - ??.'?.? '"-day, ?cd up left ? alasj, ? end; T?b on, half ''?***, ba fullback. ^tins Makes I.on? Run for Harvard - ******* There luite ee rk of the ? i'urday. : through ? ? ....... ? . . : . With i ? *aGOTHIC" ARROW kOLLAR' *?WcuvS auvAT ""?^ ^n ??._ * 2 tor 06c .**?oov4co h ',' ' ? Al ., H.,,,a?<J A I'ool _m ? ?.?...?, Sanara <?''W develop;-e late Harvard's best ! ? i ti 17 guai ? far the "v:. ? .-. however, and both t. i ettei than ' 'ou* ? ear. Fordhatn Prep ?Shows Well Against 'Varsi ? ? the Ui ???.?.. ; ? ? ... the aei ...... or,i,. t, aad 1 tonchdo? were re?.-, .tered a??ai' .ter?. Joa Vi'il'.:... ? v .. Fordh prep line-Hi Fuaeh ' and O'Gra line thi .- -, plenty of et well, the p lads bn ? . fbaek waa ? ...... apraia i The * > chenecti thia aft? Fourth Class Alan Star of Navy Dri IT-.- ?.J Ann,-,- S Orr. n little ci: ?irth cl. squad tO the Nhvv football ? weak? we I r of the pra ? ? on the *:.rst kick-off ?n,i rai live y.? ?own. Captain 2. ? r.vpd fr. quarter to ha a th? other fii team bark? * .? ? ? \?. ." r.d rOH I :<".::;b',ri:. ( ?rr .,' . iburg are both i ? men, si. . who are playini Smith, guar? ; Gil? . " ? re of *hc;? t the 1 ? ? irday. The ? 'ins aft? noon was In the I ? . gru? .? ng port However, 1 t? progri ? I ? It arill i Army Team Has Out and Indoor Dri .... - , V eleven ? ' thai sent ind ... ... P the hoi pita! ? row the eoachei plai ?ration for I . ? n lay. Williams Eleven Off to Meet (.orne! [Bl Teiecren ' ' W . m ? ' : . da 7. Th .?-??? ... ? '.. Y., where it will pi ? . Junior Republic ? ornell will cele brate Saturday, par?:" with the form.i a stadium. to-da I ligaal dril The acrub had a scrimmage with th ? . ':,,,'. . ? ? and < ? on It ? The -? men will mak< . .. Bubbell, .lone., Mol tin, fi . ' ' . Welch, H. B. v- ? ?_'. ?, j. \. Wright '17; Bn er, I I, Irwin, Pollard -. . Barrett, th. er; Flynt, the manager, and Mer ? Dartmouth Tries Out New Formations N. H , <ic?. 7. Light prac Darl ? ?. football aquad. Boca tea of 1 multitud.' ? ' ? : lliei it il ?' t best to take no chances unti aft? . the Tuft? game on Saturday None of the iajaiTea are aeriou are just troublesome enoiifh to man OUt af 'he came for n week ? \ ??-<?' ' line-up for Saturday's gam., th? '.c. r ai the Injuriai ssakii i* certain. In place of .crimmspe the teamt ai ? through ?ipnal drill and new i..: nations. 1 -.| hft'l a long, hard drill, oi ? ' .! <?! 0| kicks out yard line by Barrowa Thii faat a u . ? rourajrinR because oi ttei * of the ? . loam. At I rate of ii ent In the mar future rl should Hgurs In some of the Itl I ' t !.. . Columbia Squad Has Signal Prill Columbia1 aaaad an |oj ^d n ] i k ht ?oi out ai a real mai | af the da} he'.ui \. [etca ? had '..1 ?nd put ? _.-. . ? ?. .? through a long drill in ? ma, followed by a re - varal of the men ? *' the hard W01 k i a ' ra '*>? pt sa I i '.es. Heals retornad ift.r ? ivio da? '.ion at loft omore, was i.p i.< ? put m a* ci-."].', repl ? . a I o held the posil C 'lie injury to Bullwiakle as ' B-aBebarh'i ana recovered sulHeiently to permit I . o ?.t right halfback, The rest of the I ? 61 BSd up BS thev , |aal Sat arday. Colder, left K ? ? -.eland. IOB, right tackle; I liier, qaai half, and l.ittauer, fullba ? , . It vai >t;?te?l In "T; Columl ? that there ? . 'h the N< W ... futura, to d teal It ? ... mbatitution eon .... umbia wi,s anable t?. ,i mooting a th thi \ fall. Stevens Eleven Starts for Middlebury To-day Practica f". t11 Btoai ai laatltul :: team *,eBterda*t* coi ? ... ? ' on the ? Mountin i lyei foi Middlebury, ) , where it will mool sbury < ol? ?morrow. ? araad "f eighteen m.'.i Will make game 1 . , ??..'? football, ' ?_. .. ?sal - v ?edition vf la. "? ?? a I Gryrfli 11 . Is, en t ottei , . 1 ? Brown Football Squad ?n Hard Scrimmagi i Oct 11 ? ? of th \ ? ?;? ? ? ttle betwee j ? i? ting fall? sn houi ? ? t ime ' eery man of th B ho t Urin ,, ? .hv! ?ce ko I ' am A, the 'van itj. cor? I agatnil ? B, botl ie moi! back. ,litnm: tiled off :i ieni al mal 60 > an ? nip- t< am. Hilll ' ? ? ' ? ? ? V4 ?.i 1. ol ' he v ai -:*;. raen a the stai ? ws? rathe' ettled ??own sni ? N. Y. U. 'Varsity Scores 10 Touchdowns on Senil. Exct ; r: ? :? ? ?r,irei ee ca? blned a itl tho ?[" ed ? "? ?. si lbs backfleld en sbled the Ne?? Tort University "Varal ty eleven to roll 'ip ten tfi11rhdr.4v.11 sgsln?! ' ? yesterday afternoon in th? niaafa preparatory U ? ? ?' garni ??. it h i iiiin Iton i" raorr -??? Cana, Bernstein and K^ii,: ?rorkiai ui.ler the generalship of Hanley an,: sided by ers, VViillarai and s o n ? ? - lower through th? tecon 1 ?a .e, Th?* clever running of Erwig b i ? feature of the *??* rimniac*. Three he ra'-e,| throiiijh a hinken fiel?! for fifty yards ami a touchdown. I passe? (?inn to Egsn also netted large train?. John Parroy Mitrhel. Mayor of tag city; Dooglai Mathewson, bs !ent of The Bronx, and thirty other Brans ofleiali har? besa in*ril to attend the opening home (ana ?1 ? ? ? 'I he I "' ambis In ?. footbsll iqasd al-o i? expected to at tend. Mayor Mitchel has been a^k..! to make the first k ... c:T Lehigh Linc-Up tor Yale Game Undecided ? ..'....? i ? - * i Bethl? '.em. Prim., Oct. 7. a regiment of saldiere, here to take pa I i j psrsde, ? a: go? ing through man?uvre ? l ? lower gridiron ..? I ylor stadium, Kesdy, nui coach, took three fo? 11 to the upper (?eld for ? ? In pi epsi ??' ion for the Yale - irday. I\.ad) made ihifti continual! ? ' line? up he ?rill -end sgsinst the Bina. It ? of Green npd 11?, ends: Richard-1 anil TstS, ? .ml,nek, or Pont, inn! Os? trum, guarde; Scruggs, centre; Cheno 44-eth or Hnllowell. quarterback; Cs? . halfbacks, ui;,l Magia? m-, fallback. A ?quad of t\?*enty-three men will ?n to New Haven, leaving here to-morrow ami ?topping over night in New York. In to-day i praetie? I i forward paai receive?! much attention, Heuer, Chenoweth and Cahall hurling tbc ball with reasonably accurate aim, and speed. Tlie new formations had a thorough try-out, too. Yale Basketball Ten m Honors Taft New Haven, Oct. 7. ?harlo- P. Taft, iccond ion of former President Will? iam H, Taft, wai elected c?ptala of the Vale i ? ? ' ba kel ball team I i ? . . ? vas a guard OB hip five. AERIAL THRILLS IN PLACE OF SPEED TRIAL! Domenjos Delights Crow When Rain Keeps Autos Indoors. , i. ib| plen enter? * peed trial? ft thi ??StoT ' ui' i , B, s, t for vesterda over the B? Motor Speedway, were postpoaed on a? and will b< held 'hi? si ? ei p. i m'? ' ng A dose .-;u -. m imed to ti,.> lest 11 eond, a4vnj ? ? 11111111'',. to ths inimhe of ",<H " or mou-, wire ,;.?appointed i the poatUoni ?. ?: of '., ' trial?, the were more than repaid by the feats o a modern Am-;, it: the person of Jua Domenjos, the s?:--? sviatar. With rain falling ?ad ?he win ?. belter ?kelte ' ? es he drove his Hlerio slot'. ?iif-. ? g pocket? an, all tl". .,* ? 1 . ? - a'tendant upo v. sad ? leel 1 Bed the spec 1 a mad suceessisa of tai I StBBi ' ? 'l"4vn side othi r varietie* of tlitrhts. i' acular loop .-:.,! ' ?- ? Domen jo? mounted te an altitude o - 1,000 feet, and whan la s pai position shut his moto: ? i like h plummet. Foi perhai . : he plunged towarr f of ndmirn ?i"ii changed to on? o;" appreheaaioi I.?* righted his plane and -*ar'i''i th? motor again, A ipontaaiaa? liur*? si sppls ted this perfonaaaee, an 1. > on tl)?' wings of h"- gresl birdi to leek the h?*ight ?1 ore. Whil? tiie plsne tilted and plunged t Lou' in the rarying air current? Domeajo? turned a beautiful hack som ersaalt, and then proceeded to finish ti;.' : by turning a front ?om ? d 1 lie marehiae up as on? ?id? nii'l flaw sloag, and then d right over backward, to flv for . upside dowa. V. : ?h . rcl Bg off to the north of '.he track, Domenjoi rose ta a height of ?orne l 500 f? < : or mora, and darted [hi line. As he neared the <'tid of the inelosure he ?topped hi? power, and prepared for a headlong ? ? tilled 'lie machine downward, one sf the guns at the Ssndj Hook prosving groaada roared Orel the bay, anii the plana dropped as if shot. It ?a-, a touch whieb, if not ?m the programme, was none the lesa sppl .-:.*.. lb th? pectators, A cheer from th?S|crowd, and one man, whose rich brogue '?'?..- elOOBSBt evi ? . ? tonality, ?aid: "Bring on ' our /ei'i'i lias, He gorry, we'll sh?? Th.'in up." ? i ?, s few ears were out on tiie track 1st sfteraooa. Wild Bob Mur nian made a couple of laps at pretty high speed, but he skidded badly on one Of tiie turn? and decided to wait until condition? were more favorable. Ralph Malford'i bow Peugeot car arrived at the track yestent..-. eft? rnOOB ano he v ill attempt to ?jualify it in the trial? this afternoon. Ralph Da l'aima haa ? iv decided te ?tari a .Stutz car m thr lac Hil Men-.Mir? refused point blank ta I U to r? aeon. Eddie I'ullen has decidid 10 drue a Maxwell car. Harry Grant Dies as Result of Auto Burns Winner of Two Vanderbi Cups Fails to Recover from Injuries at Sheepshead Bay. Harr) l Grant, the vet? ?. aha ??? r. i ? ?? ? . ? for the Aal Cup . ac over th? Sheej hi i ?'.. Speedv . raber ! ill i. ght In t] ; ' II. ? ? became critical ? Monday, when he was wised with ?? af biccougha, which the bospit ? lid riot check. At tl requeat of Mr.-, (?rant, who has be? intlj ??? her hu.lmrd's bodai? h?' wa? injured, outside phyl . - were coin ulted, but it WBI m t.!?. t.? relieve the sufferer. burned rich had bc^un to pc ?.IT of his legs and arms, and it WI ai "" keep him "?? much as po: . in a bath si soothing oil. wi, not in the ."! he suffered ltiterr.-t ! aad wi ? mo ? af the time aneonscioa It ?... - feared hv the physicians thi ... ild ' "? be kept ..hv? <>n Wednei ?l:iy night, and yesterday he failed t improve. In th.- afternoon he boga ".. - ':k rapidly and pa.-s.-d away at 1:2 .'clo.k lust night as his faithful wif : a" by his bed. This is tiie flrat trapedy of the bi .the A- *"r Cap rac will be run i ..-morrow at nuon. 11 h t r y tirant was a member of th Maxwell racing team entend by th Indianapolii Speedway Raciiag Toai Company, a corporation ereated fa ?racing purpoa? and controlled l'y Car . . 'ni lu.i,ai.. | ? dwaj. W ' !. (.r..- ' \'.., luiiitift up In* ca on tl.?' apoodwajf on the afternoon o ?? ora than h thou ? at era ??? etching, i i ,;., . and tiiv Ignite? ? | ."..?? H. t paaaed '.ha prandatan. and waa going at ti-?- rate of m?.u than ninel ? an houi around n in" awn a tie low. r bah., of th? 'A I ' .? ha ?< !: the biasing gaso ? wrap b ? ici'- ai.d the lower part of his body he wa- high up on th( board ' h riaoa twenty ?five feel dge. Ile km r that 1 hia lying car from this turning it over upon himself ?.?..l hia mechanic. He also knew tha? mate Riekenbaeher ai il athei driven wha wars on the track ut th.. tune ware o i behind lu.n. ami that to 'urn from Ins course would probablj wreck them. With tha blasa covering him and blowing int.? hii ?yes, he hold his ma ?., t: . curva and allowed it to iu:i at a wide aii|?'le to the bottom ? | tii?. bi Worl happened to be near ran to mee aad he araa lifted out, vvi'i. all hi? clothin?: on tire. The ?a,,- extinguiehed with ?and by . i ha v**.? raahad to the ( oney lalaad Hoapital, Grant arai oas of the most daring of American drivers and twice captured ? ?, . Vanderbilt ?'up. in 1909 and 1910. He cai ag drii er as hi I of th? Ale?, I ?i? aaa Of these cars thai he to victory in the 1909 Vender. !.. race ??' .an on Long island .... ., twenty-?wo-lap co'jrse. -,. . . at ? "run. !a-t fall hit . r.r tank ca Igl I an 5l_ alter he , ? .. a wheel, aad he had a nar ? . . cap? Whli driving .. Btuta in a . . lerbilt Cup raco ii. ?'alifor- ' .... entail) filled , . _ t the mil talM elimlaated painful bum?. him from the race. Grant was about lb i ? -. :.. i year? of age. RAIN CUTS SHORT LAWN TENNIS TILT .Miss Handy and Miss Wagner Win in Tourney at Montclair. Ills? Marion Va-.deihoef. Miss Kdith Handy. M:.?s Marie \\ and Mr?. Robert A. Pops are left in the semi final roaad Bf a rasait of yesterday'? play in the warnen'? lavitatien lawn tenni? .- ? ' tourney, at the Mon? ciair Athletic Club courts in Mont ??lair, .'*.'. .!. Only two BMtcbea were played a? M '? ? ?? sdvaaeed m ihe semi-final ob Wedneaday, while Mrs. Pops di ?*. ?? by?- in tiie first round and climbed on s default by Mis? Molla BJBI '?? It, the national champion. Bath Miaa Haady and Ills? Wagaer played some tine lawn tennis, although tliey had to fiai h their matches in th?j rain. Il tl Wagner, of the Hamilton (?range Lawn Tennis flub, el:m:r ..*?? : Misi Polly Sheldon, the Montclair cljb star, St B 0, 7 .'.. Miss Handy ?vs.? forced to go thre. set? to down Miss Jane Rowson, of I'as-Hic, N. J.. at I I, ?". .'t. I :'. Mi: ? Wagner and G I.. U yeth came withir. a game of reacbiag tie .-?mi-final la the mixed doubles, but a downpour o" ram forced them t.. quit when they had a lead ova? Mr?. William H. Pouch ii'l Otto H i nek, a! t ?'.. ?'. 1, I 4. Tne match will be completed to-morrow. VI ? . 4 ..'.. I . a . ?8 Illa? I ? ? Miss ?. ? ? ?- Miss Marl? ? a. ?: i 4P, 4 , . ' a I 'i.i ? , " ?. * : ?? l l ?.liarle? M. 1 . - ? . . ? ? ?.. I . ? . r. II? Moor? 4 .14 I ? .. . Hlact ? t i : '. ? Da h la dajrl H?*gi?ier: If >?.u do ii'.i register, rag eaaaal tata ??" Dae? linn Ila4. If ?ou du mil rrgi'ler. >ou .annul enroll. If >ou do not enroll, ?on innnot take pari in ne\t ?carV primam?. Registe? and Knroll. ' WOMEN GOLFERS SHOW WAY AT SHAWNEE Mrs. Krug Qualities in First Sixteen in Invita? tion Tourney. in? Mtani i ?! iTn ?? | S__ .Vtiee-on-I'el.",' ?i'e, I "?- T. T , Ocl I., women ? ompeted in the invitation golf tournament it the Shawnee Country ?lui? h?'re to-da) They were Mrs. Florian Krug, of En glewood, and Mi?? Marion Scott, from the Onwentala Club, near Chicago, and Mr?. Krag, with a ser,. (,t 106, quali? fied m the first sixteen. Incidentally, aha had a bettei total than her hus? band. The best sco.,; in the eighteen-hole I qualifying round wa? an *?_. credited to James C. l'an; -h, jr., th? New York golfer, who repreaenti the National Links, l'arrish, playing with Edward I II. Worthington, of ?he home clin. k,'"t awny to a poor start, taking twenty one stroke? f,?r the trat four hole-. Thereafter hu did w?-11 enou.h. ? out in 1-'. than:.s ?... a I at the short eighth, where h?- hol? ,| quite a putt. l'p to that point the honors easily reated with Worthington, who tad gone out, in _9. Coming bmk, however, tha local golfer get into difflcultiei at two holes, and could do no bettei- than an H total, which gave him second place, l'arrish would have had an mi <,i better had he not misned serai short putts eoming back. His card follows: ? . .'?irlil. ,'r " Mail | ?I'll ..?,?,?. -, ?4] I '?? 4 4 I " ' Although more than forty playera ".ni...I, there were a. many withdraw als that the l.eld was materiell! i"< ?iuced when tin- draw for mutch play Was made. Eight golfers from the met? ropolitan district qualitied ?n the first sixteen, and leven more in the second. Joseph v.. Byrae, ;'?,.' veteran who re ... 11 * 1 y -.vol. ttie "Over-the-Llne" tourna? ment for Deal Golf and Country Club members of tif'y ?.ears or more. Bal not on his game, but his son, Joeeph Byrae, jr., qualified easily enough in the first flipht with a IS. Interest m the match piny to-morrov is eapociall) keen beeauee of the fact that handicap c.mdil ion* will prevail, and also hern.-, of th? presence of, Mrs. Krug an?! Miai Scott. The foil w: III,?! ?. \ . i n ! . I'irrlsh Jr . Ni' '.'- -il ? . Il vfort I t - . ?? ? Irr l'luh .... '1 a.? . ?.I i ? ? try ? '. n B. 8. SI?? ? ' , .. ?? '? Il M i i, i .. ?: ? ? - 14 ? .. . ,: 4. ' .. , ; U 1. I *7 4s .?nu, v ' IT 11 , n i . . ?: ? rranl -i Bhel ?. -ii?-?-.?.' i' < ? Huit, n ' M . |? i- , . K ! ?'?> il 111 i W S l"r. .-. l'iiil? lelphi? Cri.-..-t ??lub . M ?B It I. Son!. H: - Il II 10. | Vlr? I'! -lu: Kr-:_ I t ..-?! 11 ? W S \ I',..!. t 11 . ' r '.. "1 ? l"'. .?-i.? ..M' sixnaof. i .1 V M?ehan. Ni.r'ri Hill?.. t.: I"1 , i I _____ l M -r VI. .-. a;r '".! ? Jn.pli Vf le n ? -- . I?"*! .....M l'r K...rle- lv:'t_ EOfl*-OOd "?". Ill I ?,?, W I mi: i ..?'.. r. !.. u Tun. ." ub 111 VUri" - .... -la . ? . IM Il It II!'. \> _ 111 r? ?'. ; 1 H V?. S . . Il II I ? ' ? 1 ' ? B. \\ ?..-?. Bail U 1X1 ? W Shn??.. Kll?* - ' ?11.. e~ ? i .- .. \ .-?!. Hllli ? y Breltlneer, PI ??;?:?- '?? C*rl?*K Ctab _; ' p s.,.,- w,r?!m?i<? ** ' i ' ? . ^2Jportfi?kt ?yGrant Jar?a Wee i he va.? ?o,,,i nf gnssip attending the warld terie? prelimiaarle? ? asar. Iiiough laagaag? ha? been spilt to bring aboi.r two war? o? ta m mpl. *e a library but after ill there Will b? more packed within the confinen, of one small, common looking boa core than in all the tl ' word? that have gona bef?re. Ihr (Conjecture Brigade. XSl i' ll the i.nturp ?,f most human, to dl CBSa, ? ? ?i ?. *o guess, to' argue anil ta debata. Al?o to prophesy. And to many of these any shred of dope || sCCSptablS ! od, i ?ha? :* might' prodtiea a huneh or furnish an advance tip. Nie have in mind a certain big league r.itci ? r wh? I fot Alexaader and who has batted against Kniest Share. Hare la kla opinion: "(?ranting that Alexander is the greate-t pitcher of the year which he 1 lie will have t ?e hardest battle of his life when it come? t,, east Bg Shoie f ' a 111 ira n ?taris the tall boy against tiie Philly ?tar. "And for these reasons; 1. Alexander m a law ha!! pr.-i-.r ar.d ?,*. least tour of the P.ed Sox can murder a low ball th BaSldesI ball in the ??ame to hit. '1. There i a only one way to hit Shore effectively and that i? to itaad up in front of the box and smash The ball lie'.'? r. I i ?gin? ta sail ot brenk. Hut the tivo best batter? on ?he Philly 'earn stand in the back "i the box and slug. To i bit Shore properly they would have to change their entire method?. If Shore pitches Bgslast rUexsadsr In three tame? I would be greatly lurpaiied ts taa A1"X win more than one.." Another Dope Yarn. Then WS bumped into another ?Spart who had -"';>'? ist and the following was unravelled: "The Phillies are sure to win tl r seven games. They :'could win through getting such a jump a? the Brave? got last year. They not' only hav? the sdvaatage of Alexander to pul them sway in front. Put in both games played at Philadelphia they have a b.;r edvSBtagO in that the fact BoitDfl outfield will have no chance to cover ground ? ? tlter? leal Bay great amount to be covered. Speaker, Lewit and Ho'.prr upon defoace will not be a bit more' useful than Whitted, Paskert and ( ravat'n. Bal Cravata and I.udorus, having tb? range of th? shorter wall , will ho far more valuable on attack than any three Red Sox. So in the first two fiimc- in three of the first fire ?ame.s, the Phillies have a big advantage on both offence and defence an advantage latgS enough to put them safely through." Still More Experting. Her? - -.ill another opinion launched by ? class itudeal of form: "Ten days ago I thought, the P.ed Sox i4ould win in five came-.. Now I be? lieve the Phillies will win in six game?. For the Red Sox hav fallen lat fame slump that caught the Mackmen last year. ? irrigan gave Share, : and Leonard in turn a final workout and none of them looked to be upon the edge That Rudolph ar.d James were last fall. At b it the P.ed Sox have boBB list less for a ?veek, batting lightly against both Waahiagtoi .. 'd Now York pitch era. They were aadoubtedly tryiag their best, yut they wen eot i itching nor' battiag up to past form. They haven't been | .. : good ball for ten day? j SI the Phillies have, and I don'" believe they ?rill play as food ball through the ( serie?." Is Boston Due? "Do you know why I am picking the Phillies?'1 remarked another ui-ider - j If there be any such thing as an insider where th? ruvulvtag dope is concerned. ; "I'll tip you off. Hoston ha? never lost a world series. She won with the Red Sox in IMI against Pittsburgh; with th? Red Sox in Ifl2 against the (iiants, and with the Brave? in 1914 Sgsiast the Athletics. This makes three wins out of three starts. So no4v she \- ?lue just as the Mackmen were due and all others in sport who hang around for a ?ufldant period. Al?o this is the year of many upset? those ?rho have been winning in the past have ha?l a tough time of it. The psychology la all against Bastan and don': forget that the psychol? ogy of the occasion is. a big part of the business." ANOTHER GOOD BAY AT LAUREL FOR MUDLARKS Republican Wins Howard Selling Stakes After a Driving Finish. T - ' i . in . 'M.. bet 7, At...- n - ain??or;n made con.:.' 01 ? rr ruf but pleasant ,'iere t.-?lay. ? ?? :. .:??!.? He rd g stakes at aai ' ? bro ich I sb excellent contes ". rv for .lohn 0, Talbo""'. Republican aver Captain K. B. Cai Sr?'a: ! .hi SThalaa'a 1' i Aft? r tha i Sherman is ? -, , to ?!..'"o. b it he area protect ... for tha - ? ' ? ? t tl v race in a ? . iel ii '.* . ? "?-. f'.r a'ter II C. Hauen'?,. ly'a Choice ! r.-.ce h? ! for tatM ? ? ' the ai ? l to I la proti ? ? ? ? K?ls? - , ? . .. un. Minn Allen. I : I ' v n?_ i -i ? ? ... -Is _1 ? I lltl? I I : . . J ' ' JOHN L. GETS HIS DIAMOND BELT BACK Chicago? Oct. .. i diamond bolt presented to .lohn L Bal iivan by fr?en Is in I*>v7, an?1 later left by him m ? ? as SI ?urity for a Sl.oi.O loan, is ag n in the possession of the veteran heav. - i weight, it known t?> day. Sullivan redeemed it from a jewelr Ins foaterday, paying ...,:.... Th celebrated trophy ii made up af .I...mon is and fourteen pounds of gob" Tha former champion regarded the t?. [as his nio.?' cherished poaaeaaioB u.r.i shortly after he waa defeated by Cor bett in New dri?.ins in 1*>.'_?. r CONSOLATION FOR THE LOVE LORN ARRABELLA AND I GOT AS FA? AS FIGURING OUT HOW MUCH THE FURNITURE WOULD COST WHEN SHE CHANGED HER MIND. INSTEAD OF GETTING MAD AND ARGUING WITH HER, I SAT DOWN AND SMOKE-DA ?*_*?_ __? 1 ? J