Newspaper Page Text
MAY EXACT FULL DUTY ON SUGAF Administration to Mec Financial Need- by Re tain in i* Old Tax. REVENUE WOULD B! DOUBLED BY CHANGE R ?prirent alive Glass Declares Appropriations Could Met Be Met b> Proposed Measure. ... . ef the ai ? * y the s ?min? ..t tii.anfia. - f ; ? d thai ? I have the ?1 e - ' ' ? - bei It 4? M ? : iff? ? * nen< I ll "lu. -, ? ? ? I ? - ? "it .... ?'," he ret? ' I be eii.1 <, ? mor? ?? ? i 'put1. _iwra_iji mu i _i___g_____r_B_a?a_-i 5 A Are You Going? It's the biggest Motoring Event in years. Surely you'll be there?but, come first to this splendidly equipped Motor Apparel Shop. right in the heart of the Motor District, and lind anything and even-thing that is good in Motor Clothes tor yourself or your chauffeur. Warm, --mart apparel that will give you com? fort in your car or in the grandstand. Men's Motor Coats $25 to $60 i wide variety of smart, warm fabri roomy and splendidly mad? Warm Fur-lined Coats ? 1 ur Outside C <> its in l,ir_;p van $40, $50, $75, $85 AND $90. Lap Robes, $5 to $35 And a splendid assortment of \\, Sweaters, Gloves, Gauntlet-, ( apa, and Chauffeurs' Outfits $43.50 In. hiding Overcoat, Suit and C ,?p to match ? il $57.50, $75.00 and $125.00 f?$20 and $22 Motor Apparel Catalogue Mailed on Requeit Quit eQzUkilW BROADWAY at 49th ST. Hello ! Hello ? Who is it ? OK I! Sure, you must go To the Llectr\c ?Show, Reca.use today there will bo ?Kowrt T1, ? Transcontinental Telephone. \ ore you will hear the people talk_ Fron. San Franc i<_>co I. to New y?wls_( And while they tell L What's domg at the fair. You'll see the pictures of it- here Just as it happens there1 '_? a-li WhAt 7 Hello \ .Sure, that's at the Show I Oh. .say It s Telephone Day ! What s that ? Hello ! X_ Ta Awn^ht You'll find the .Show on d.iy and mint II G* 'JL ?20. ELECTRICAL EXPOSITION AMOMOTOR SHOW . CftANDCCMTnUPAlACE-. , II AM " IIP M Xuittr ??fK(j BETHLEHEM NEX IN MERGER F?E! Jump o? 49 Points in S(< Cnnscs Reports TIki Combine Is Near. WAI I- ST. WATCHES SCHWABS MOV ( ontrol of Pennsylvania Si Co. Sought, Is Belief Won Be ? rust's Biggest Ri\al. ? peni ? \ ? : : ?? ' i . - i ? ? . ? orey-l ?nterpi ? . *. on of the Bl ; to th? con A i that t; \\ Gates, Dai m Moore i of Their time on priv ??1 plu . fui.uious ?rie I iiroom coi II .i'i \Riin a lent nil Figure. again the a ii n ? ? '. ? m in II ? its ? ? e? bi r? thi Unit? ! to i tarer i , obtnin ir ' ' ? rab' He ic ? i "thi ? . H j - " which m - ? con or in t ii. disc . I ? Issas .v< ? - in steel trade h? ' I ? ? ? . ? ? ras curren .. . ?? ? ..',;, tO thi' ..... ..'... . lUt in lines of munitio: ?? to which rno?t ereden ? til?- Bethlehe ? office have b< "the P?'n . and th? fact of :i ; ania Steel ?'on ? ? ? lie tak, up in a Bethlehem men imply t? Shipbuilding Plants Important. '?The properties of I are an impoi I the tid? building ? ?4j , become ,rr hipbnil? ? Unite try up. .- m the expoi tiade. "So far uu products go, tho ?. ei ;. i ? I ? . . ?, ? ? ? give th? 1!. ,- - and ? i ' ? ? ? Pennsj ivani : ' ? farnac y.',.r. . . re a.iulitiini of opei ? . ? i . i , ? ? ' i- ? i i ? ? at tin par va ? 11 ? i \- *? 1 ? ? ? ?? r. the new si ? . I the l I ' si ? ? red prii upr,'u II intr. in the v for ri??- ii on ii . nnually. ? ?' ? only ? ?lock i 441)10', reel ? . .u. . . . . ... u Can, \%\ Ami A | I Cola? . T '?, : lir Repablie .' ?. sad v. i- tiaghoase, Says Scrutiny A\v?iits New Steel ?Combination ? Bar? Ii ... i ... ? ? . ? legal, ? ? that I ? i . i ? ? ' "1! ' |SS : of th? ?quenees thai 1 ? 1 to tl . . ? . Let ?In WANTS $5,000,000 FOR NAVY TESTS Daniel. Will Ask Appro priation tn Build Big Laboratory. EDISON IS ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF BOARD Outlines Plan for Research, lit? eluding Work on Sob? iinrinos. ? . ? . W r ? ? ? ! t o '. ;.,y of tha I SW Coasnltinc H^tr. Baerstai7 Dai aril] recommend ta I i gresi tl .* I ?. . reoea..h and e t\ ". i'iien'al lab ny similar institi world Thomas A. Edison, who was sleet? -man of the b?oard, of fered oat li were unanitnou?!'. embsi !? || plai r'' I to l ihr insti? tution 01 I aar an? ogll ?.. ? to insure ? ipp! >' nd 1 '? ' It will p for sxporli leht in ?von pi lei ' ?1 nn 1 ..- ,.f experimental lubmarines is large a? any DO? In eommissiOB ?n the ? ? ^ocTicy will he carefully provided for. The building will 1? iniTOttnde 1 by a h:?..h fence, and visitors will not be admitted at any time. A naval of of high rank will be placed in charge, t'nrier him iHH bo naval of of broad esportones in labora '? da, :.nd staffs of civilian c) emiati and ' > ? **'1" bo aboliahed aa f;.r a? po^hle, giving .l.irly mimlifri of the c on ? ? ? rictl >n. "Tima ihould be tha ei lenca of th>' .? eon ?1 v.'i'.l capacity at all time-.; two, and pei hap? t h roe, llaon'i r"*:matc, t h?? en-; 01 mail si : a jrea r. Seer tarj Daniela believes. er, 1 ? ? : arill be Mved many tira? ? ov? ? by the Increased ?-f ? eney n sghout the t.avy. Amoaf the foatares t.? he incorpo ? I 1 li v. ?11 have ; es g and ins working models to destruction?'' A A pattern ?hop. H A ' n iry. 1 a east Iron sad fast steel D .achine shops for larfro and' . heel met..! 1 F f 11 ?nd large a c, Marin. .rire enough to bul ? ? of l,6C. ? Wo. hop. I .1 K ; : ? de| irtraent, L?Motlo ture dcv.lopint. and printing department, M Compli ' ' g rooms. N?Electi ratory and 0 Mi laboratory and ? ?.'?.:. i' 1 ? 'r'ory, sepa main laboi The hoard vote ' to lubdivids into fourt? en eommitteea, to he ap ted later, which will have chai work, inch ? ' commui i . -'ion. etc. ?ted, beside? Mr Ed r Hewitt of New ? a in; v.. I lam ,T. P?a i. x. .i, Roh ? ? ??". 1 . If. B. I . . - latant . ' PUDE THIEF RETURNS GEMS I eels A?ham<'d When Scolded and .??.irn. Wossaa T?> lie Careful. Be " r of 8 new ' When the housewife told him be ed 1 homo of , , '.. He returned the ? H as leav? ing ?>. here 1 be? m rhl fu'.l : rielar, In a I CO Pet. ey, of 'he Long 1 ? I 1 ."y Detectiv< ?1rs. Theo V .0. of this itorj I a deserip : the intrudei to the 1 ..'.ice. Il it eh the Aa Mri. Cook op? loor to her room on ays, a QUITE REMARKABLE? I * Thl? ?? a ' ?. ? ? . \ ? ? 1 . .... ? t _, ' '* ?__. ? 1 WWi ?:-.,'. k I 1.' ?.faction ,.f ? \a '?? ? ? I I . H. METHCT X? ? :9 W. 34th .St., - '^f Nt* York City. . ?I .... ... I II ? barglai ? a? ? ?abarra laed '? ?**? . i'a art u?- h i ? h ?? ? i ?? '? ? ?! so b ta tha lool ? ?* Why, n ? , tO oa, therefor? ? rel n?-, t? tei i Ib .': i n s?- Slag aad i on . ? ? ? eviag a | MUNITIONS MAKERS SEE DEFENCE NEEDS Westlflghottse, Announcing War Orders, Sa\s Manufacturers Mum Be Ready to Help. In a statement to itoekhelders, H H \\ r tingboase, i i ssidi : ? si the '?'? ? ' iflghoBSS Air ftrake l'i.mpsny, ?ays the ny ha.? ac ! ihrapael, complete, i propellnnt pouvier. nml ftdd eartridgs eaaes smountlng to $17,930, 000 "Ville the term? BIS favorable, with ample guarantee? sgsiast eentingen? ?ie?.'' says Mr. We ? nghoase, or'lrr? have aeeeaaitated s heavy ex? penditara for ipecia] raaehlaerr i d for :? itiea in temporary, thouRh ?ui.?-.,?? boildlags, t.i the end that th? i in output i I th? rompu- might n"t ,, Bilden revival of the ra raj "It pected that ,.i tl ipecia aad the building? not svsilsble for future ass shall haue been charged "if. the set r< -ult will re] * iiitiat but. not an unusual mannfacturiag profit on th?- m leant Im ol ? ed." Mr. Westinghouse said the factor ?tin? influence?! the company to und?r ? this ?pecial line ol work was the arable outlook for the railway supply business an.! the desire to pre? vent s repetition of th? hardship-; en dared by the ?TOrklag force lust winter through luck of employment. "There is, liouvi ver, another eonaid erstion ?rhieh ihoala be mentioned,M sd?la 'he company's head, "namely, tha ? ? ? ma si noy i nnexampled conflict r,ouv raging In En come fi of oaf larger mannfsctaring concern-; to ; i? pan ??, bj tha Installa? by the acqui ? teel : meehaaleal experience ? ? ? lacking, i i Stat? - Government ? oantry ?hoald such u contingency aria?." The company reported for the fiscal endea July .'il riet earning? of $1^76339, s failing off of ll^07,15tk 582,137, equal t., :? : - pei . ? "u 119,638,467 ?-toclc, ired uvith 17.7!! per cent earnerl in 1914 I)?? it to-day! Register] if you do not reei-ter. yofl cannot vote ?in Kler linn l'a?. If >?sti ?In not register, you ?anm.t earolL If ><iu '!'? n?it enroll, ynu ?anu??! take pint in next \ear'? primarle?. I??(ti?ter ami Unroll. BELGIAN COOK BOOK Edited by MRS. BRIAN LUCK Issued undei the patronage ??? the Qu*een <>l England and the Princess of Belgium ai all BsMksteree. |1 M nf*t. L. P. DUTTON * CO.. 681 Sib Ave., N. Y THE STRODD PIANO "IN TONE AND ACTION A MUSICIAN'S PIANO" PRICE $285 ? MORIZ ROSENTHAL, concert pianist of world's fame and one of the ?greatest modern masters of technique, says of the Stroud? "The Stroud Upright Piano has a clear, sound tone, a quick and correct action and I feel astonished you can sell such a good in.strument at such a comparatively low price." For tho^o persons of discriminating musical taste who tor one reason or another cannot invest $500 or $600 ?n .1 pianoforte, the Stroud is the ideal instrument. Pnce is its one moderate feature. THE AEOLIAX COMPANY AEOLIAN HALL 29-33 \V. 42nd St. "liaren [cf t:.* AmUett-Veeeti ?> ene tht fetenas Fiea la th* it'teit amaajfetOSfem if e-.-ia.ii mstrntntnti in th* :a ?.'!'. Tht Slrnud, the famous Stack and t h e magnificent Weher pianos are on sale in New York City only at Aeolian Hall. J, Tht A' .tan Ct, ______ r l__? ____^*> ?___^g ftj?j? 5?r ?ear ^n* *^v^i_S5 &. \.? ' ? ?_ . yrA^rrrm-m..~mtrrff. ?', TSii. HK3? '/??' ;-?*_? <_?A,i'____i;^?J?i_S_.r_*.?_._ t55TO_.--?;_"4.-*lB, ,, ___-_r^^^^* <-__**? .. .;.?4..,yi t _ .BUb'A:?ii^fl Jp w't.. .; ->_ - i J a I _ _ _ * V^?t&.p *" " *?* c*'*^iT*s*?y> * .> ';-*.!;?f?? 8TA?.Daj:?C0._: y.?-._____ :________?__?__ i. he Sign ofa Rel?ableDeauer andthsVorlds Best Gasoline caution The Red, White Bloc SOCONY si.^nis displayed by _H _e_l eri tutfaorized to sell ?SOCONY ?Motor Gas (.lint*. Bet. _!'*_* of mis representation. If it isn't S?COaWit isn't the Standaid Oil Com? pany of New York's ( iusoline. Look for the weekly Bulletins con taininglistofSOCONY dealer.? Gasologue No. 3 "Ever have any trouble startingP" "No, never. Well, hardly ever." "What do you mean, 'hardly everP,M "Well, sometimes when ray tank is low?" "What difference does that make? You say you always insist upon high gravity gasoline. ' "Yes, I do, but-" "Ever hear of homogeneity PM "No, isthat-?" "That's what's the matter with your gasoline.*' "I see, too much homo?" ".No, too little. Your gasoline is light at the top and heavy at the bottom. It's probably a mix? ture of a very light fuel with a neavy fuel. The average gives you what passes for a high gravity gasoline, but that doesn't do you much good when you've used up all the light stuff and are trying to run on something that's a first cousin to kerosene. Good gasoline is a straight distilled product, the same right through?top, bottom, and in the middle." "But how am I to be sure I get itP" "Just ask for SOCONY Motor Gasoline. It's homogeneous ?every drop the same as every other drop?and every gallon the same as every other gallon, whenever and wherever you buy it." "But suppose I do ask for SOCONY Motor Gasoline?how do I know whether I'm getting what I ask for?" "Look for the red, white and blue SOCONY' sign on the garage or supply station. It means the same thing as 'Safety First* when it comes to gasoline buying." STANDARD OIL CO. OF NBW YORK Priaeipol Otic?* New York Buffalo AJbany Boston