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NAnON OBSERVES REEY'S BIRTHDAY icr Poet rendered Banquet b\ Noted Men ol l elters. ?UBNDS BESIEGE ?J.TDIANAPOI IS HOME amnaatsV >ur In from Ml Parts ?fCoantn and from \mcr - . i honor ? ? - , ? i- ?al ... . ? ? - - - - " ? ? ? Flood of I ?.ten for Poet. - - ? .- ? ' frost i ? ? ski j Aun' ?e?ho.. ? ? ' VO'l " ? .gh for : want - ?' - - ? ? . ? 5_r_YF.a\R T.M. iSTEWART -?4-.0-442 WEST Slat ST. DG? CARPET CLEANSING inf.?! FIRE PROOF STORAGE 1 ? N i lV5!,67 COLUMBUS Save The Baby Use the reliablo HORLICKS ORIGINAL Malted Milk t?*d>?v?'7 part -?f the body efficiently. n^L**^ l7 I anda at PbyMciana, 2? ! ' "' v,e **ot*<i ?vmt '**" . - -'4. nurwi me ?avoria o lUn ? - ;. , , ( . rtntiir/ ?????nient, no c. Una, r r al.'.itlonal "*^'**?-??*<t Siuir. y dissolve ill water. **??*? ??.,,-, . .. f,? m ,f.rn fc^ 2* 're?. HORLICKS. Rocina. Jet ia. ^^??ubetltut? (?".ustaeCood" ?? HORUCK'S, tha Origine.? BjpT HLEAMS?NG *??? hj*" reps , ,,i,,, ,,,,,u, ,?>..?,f ,,r '??tails,, ' ,,"'M* -""' '?" si < m nt "J " ? ..',..(. a?.,, r li I li to rUS?. :?E,TH0S.'j. STEWART CO. C AR PET LUI WILLIAMS UH W r.oi l,MBOS. tat 'S;i ANINC 353 W. 54th St ***???* tort , - I UOOSIKH POET HONORED BY NATION. r~-???????-^-???????.___^^^^^_^^^_^___^_^_^^^^_____^___ .'? ' ;;,.' ? ? ' econd birthday was celebrated ? r.'.ay in schools throughout tho country, and who was li"1 red i Indianapolis. Il ,,'. ? ?. . ? . telegram from Herbert Hu? ? ? < racorni . ?Mr, Riley of'the love oi ?? Old Fricada llonm Mr. Kile i. itreaai ? H<Mre? From all over '???-' \ , ? -. ere] t ta ? ? icon ? -n'.ayed. In ? ' ten utter th? Riley," ncing ipi ? * ?? direction In th< the thi -i*re 44? re W .: ?am Alien Wr Dr. John H. Fini r? dith N I Edm I ?? I I for 'norninp bef .?? ? ? ??. - ? : ? , the bi ? ?? ? the (? ttli i the poet. ? ? th 1 white i red, 44.. Mr. Ii i le?, la Serenaded. ? ?? li ? ? Ril? a aen rcle, am ? ber air that the m? ? ol "Loi ? ??, ned hou .".*.. and t . ? ? ? . had be .- ? ? . i .i ?" I 1 ont t lu? midnight caller?, r ruf,1 ti, - - e with hi ? time, and thej thi y left Lot eriiie Street i?- silently a- ? come. The hotel room where ?he han?iu in Mr. Riley'i honor was held te nlgl v ? > l?a,,* fully decorated in pin ?I te aad i?'d, the poet'? favorite hue y for tl adorned I I'nde Ina? i" d aelectioi ema. In hi? addreii at thi banquet M . ?aid: "Everywhere the faeei of friend genei me mark?* . - thought . , eetioi ?orne simply gla ril of th ? - idly to I"- owne ? friend red ..... ? ne "r from abroad hearl ? ? ent in th friei ? dear be worth i? | ? ; ? beautiful throng of friend I .4 ? h are to be missed 01 ' 4 ? . ,. the ? yet, like then friend greatly ? ?1 warm, tender, brave an irons nd a -? Bg like ?ery boy or, lint ? S ? . * ? derly a ho*,t o ft? i und eont'nuou ? | Ith, like word? I daffodils, un?' i, pseodo-p ' ? lid * "i but be jray smpai v." ?I'. |, ... ... who ha? been b!e??e of ?. em - sad B ?OB ? I I .r>, the brilliant ?-a*- erioi berl? i which have b.'?i .... u:.?:i\ of thO?? wno have emory insistent .... ri .? radian! face? ?bou Bight gl ? till more ra , . ?. the faeaa thai long sine? bav? faded from our rea visioi fast Kerall? Old Scenes. Mr Riley then mentioned ?-imilni aeenea In which Thomai A Hennck?, . i..... ., M '..m 1'ir.kney ? ,? ' ? ?Ysltei i. ? .,'UM'd. Ind th? . ??*?* ''!' al" *' ' hue." he rontwiU?d, "from the fire! !? . .f Jovial eharaetei te ..:..-. - company to nig.'.t the .aith the like pleasure And i" th-.s presea;? here I make my glad obaissaea, aad my " .,? ?? a.? well, t" thass frisada IB ?lien ?luarter? ?1 o ha*?' *-" kindly ?aa1 th? r ?sorda of cheer sad gadspeed, whils ?he ,- lished gaeata who have ?por.? n u tribute here may be ??? "' ,T1> most "And may i sspress partleelar sjipr? nation for the ?sard? <*f the Pr?sider.? of OUI I.?loved country, who be? four, I epportaaity In th? ?trae? and worn ?f the ? ? timei te rea ember and U> houur u? with hi? paiu.ijv?'-. y In the sp : I our. And no le? i.r?' we all grateful for ?he meaaaga r Mr. H.,w? Ils. our maater of letter- tli t.. loved, ai ; belovc SI worthy. "T" him, 1 . to all of yon an every one i thai h . on m Cratch l ua, evei j one!1 " . RE-ELECTS MRS. ROOSEVEI/ Men . ? *k State Mothers! .ssesabli Na..?.'. Other Officers .gala. i . - ? , N \ . ? let. 7. Mrs ? Yr.r. M othei '...<? ! Hoi i :? '? ' ' Mra. Bv.rett < letcalf, Weatn ? 1, Mi . hoi C. Kni? ? ? _ ecretary, Mra, B, I Ithaca; trees irer, Mrs. F. W. Sh >nrood, Hon : ? Bailey, n, Mr-. Edward luatii ? ?. v.- i- York; honorary president, d O M? ara, i dee. Mas. GEN SCRIVEN IN BERKSHIRE? Fall "Briaga Throag ?.t Toariata ;,,u| House; Gneal ? Stocl .?? '? Oct ?' Mn Brown and M ra. I . Har .-?.? ? oi Mi ..."la.-. Washington, at Red Lion Mr- Jeremiah I'. Robinson ii visit ' tchiua ai Red 1. ; o n : Arriving by motor si the Inn were !? . Dr. William H. \ ?Mi J ? tV ? ' on, of ? W. - U ?. ?> lid?. ??:' New ? the Ini are General George P, Scriven, V S, _., sr.d Mra. Scriven; lr. Alexander 1 Hettie ; " ' . Mil Eleanor and Frai cia Tornea, <>t' New Two Freed in Liebo.vitz Case Julius W?"..r and Solomon Mel , . ? fei lant otRciali ?; akera1 union, oi on a charge ,,;' mnrdorlng Hyman Liebowitx, a itrike breaker, were or dered acquitted !?> Joatiee Tompkin. vi terday. Ths fastiee directed the Jury to find ? verdiet for the two men without leaving their aeate. !.. order ng the acquittal the jnstice instracted the Jury that his action wai not t., t>? taken a? showing hia opinion as to th< other five. Th?- taking ol evidence wai completed yesterday and th? ' l egin at 9iS0 thia moi nil | Daager! If jrOS put ?>(T r.KMerins nnlil io-nn.rri.w, yos ma\ regret it. M.inv thint.?? ma> pr?vint ?our ri?i* Iration to-morrow, ?hi? h it, pooltlvel) 1h?' lasl da>. I??? it to-day. Bootha open 1 rom S:M I?? 10:..0 B. in. BISHOP CODWAN DIES ON CRUISE Militant Head of Maine Diocese Stricken on Honeymoon Trip. Of PIONEER STOCK; BEGAN AS LAWYER Zeal for Episcopal (reed Led to I ihel Suit Rich, He Sup ported Missions. Bo ? ? Del " |*h< Right Rev. Robert ? odman, Bi il op of the ' ? ': . I at s hen iad been .?i lays uro. Biahop I odi tan i of the beat 1 ichuaetti Bay colony, ?? I ? of Robert ' odman, a prominent Boston i Bos1 - ? ? ? and we - . : i..'o Harvard Co ISi _ Hai mil! Lan rae fol owed, with . , , . ticed 1 on with aucceaa In 1891 1 i foi ook ' ? ?? iw f theological en nd in 1898 wa ? ordained ad? n 1894 a prieat I imrch. aconat? : '. si Ml \ mont '?'? . and John'a ? Then ? man of live ool, ? .n.-iii of 1 . ? \' a- gi . t in Roxba? the end of I! 00 ? . , eptai ??? ? ? tioi . Bishop o< thi ,ne. II. ? a con crat? d Bishop of land I ?? II.? His m fore Ion* _ hat : "it a ' hu? ' i? ? ? 11 1 ... a anil for i bi ?. which, however. ? He .!:.l a "?? il the Protes? tant ' ? Church in Maine, a state con 1 ng fewi r ' han a core of pariahi ' ? ? . he pe? lo num bei of m ?? and greatly aided the ? I! shop ? ?dman remain? d unn until late ;n life. In Auguat last en* nouncemeni was made ?>;' his en| ?. ? ". Miai Margaret Biddls I'orter. a daught? . of the late Colonel and Mr . .lohn Hid.lie Porter, of Philadel ind Washington, and ?hr- mar? riage took plaes at Bar llarhnr on s, ptember 16. Biahop I odman ai d I bride '.ver-' cmiaiag In hia jraehl I met n on their wedding trip when bo wa takei ill. Marion Od.ll in Mother's Care. Marion Od. p,r\ ... '? i -, ? - had 'ii ^ap: ? from her hon e, 123 West waa plaeed I euat? yeaterday by Justice Collins in I < hildrtn'a Court, Bhe eras remand. I until Jai lai i te await setion I - ? Jo lui Beamiaeh, who on a charg luctioi Woman Suffrage Patty. 1 P. M.-' ?..???,' ? - .. v ? . ? 1 Wsll M 2 1? 5 P. HI.?"" ? ' ? ?? ? .-, ? M Mtnl.tttan r r. ? i > Li . - i p. a.?s nth a ? . ? i ... -?..-? '.??? i ? ar | i. t? io:.0 p. at.?? ?_?_ *.? ?'?? ?? Um ? ? . T ? i..-" t. ri. te? ll S P. M.?I'.a-. ,r met' :.g f' I..f la ?n 1 Wot' Im * l.'.?n i Otj M:... ('. M.?".?? ail ..:? ?' . ai Broa-lwa. ar._ ? ?0 P. M? OuUVM* m.-'!? .'. '.' Il ?? ?? 1 Brot ..?>. Wensea. Political Ualoa. .2 ?Moo?.?"-.'.I M ? a. MU ?' a 1 Ute a? ._ P. M.?'.',? : r m?rtl_| at llP'h m ? 1 ar R P. M.?..?.?:? r mnrtlaa ?. H"h ?t ? 1 I! P. M. ?M-.' ( a? tloilrg ?' ; S . : ' B 11 P. M.?"l'.'.r m??' '. a- ? : ,? a-, t ? P. M ? ?-?"? i ? ? ?9?,1? ? V"- V - " I m+& Look for the Sunshine Btteait Rack at Your Dealer's will buy Sunshine Lemon Snaps Thev have the flavo? of lemon?. Sweetened with pure suRar, o:.,! a? brittle under the tooth. Takhoma Biscuit Thi? rr.?p. flakv ?oda biscuit la If beraten any iin.e. || b'eaks evenly In the muidle, spreads no crumbs and is equally satisfactory as a sard ark h or wit!, soup. Sunshine Oyster Crackerettes So (?ood with sea food that it's almost impossible to pick up one at a time. YOB take IWO <">r tl -er be BOSS you know yon ?rill eat them aiL Biscuits To o se Wiles -?iscurr (ompant Hakers tat Sunshine Hlstuits Bay Stale's Mill Cities Offer Field for Suffrage Problem! <?t Workeri Present Appeal foi Possible So? lution ?Through \ otos l<?r wofnen? Partisan! Now indifforcnt. lu I.MM \ HI i,(?I | rt. 4. 1 r ' ? Laowell, ] lod 1 ?.u. i, . | ? ,? ? I ! ? ..... . , roui ? h? r ? 4. :ir ,? ?.. . ... ? ... . . ' I ? brist!? ? ? ?? "to " ? ? ' the sei : ? ? ?? ?,. mi or i t j : ? ? t, Bl prominent Repub ii. ? i . ? . ? : l '.... " hen ? ? i ? . " v I thi na ? Mori of then ? ? - Por ? . ? . ? i - ? Politician? i4?nii> Prejadi? i - "Don't i thins; the ai iffrag? We Mel When I i?'"', a man g ""1 ? I wsnt him to, I don't : on say ? ? I ?ay '1 in d bi ? ? ?? i hi pol sas of Msasacl generally believe thai iffrag? to be brate kaow anythini is for the i f Laa .- -.???. the dia st all. In the first place, set .,?" : he op"- ?' ... ? ? . ? .i i-.-i peak English, a hi No I ? ir of "VI ? 11 \ ?ile. '?No. Ma - id ? ' ' isa'1 ?'"raid of the m , ?>?? rhose fi sr? pratl ?? ?. ? ,?o j.'.". sro ? becoming natoralii i l N'o, we ? much ' ?? ? sfl ? rhil? W ? iual aren't paying :i?'..?? attention to ? , becBuae we Bave tro iblei of oui ? Do? :; a- ' Sd of ElMX Street, watching hii people a~ they pour through the mill Kate.? to then llei and loon -. ii Fathsr Kilaaase, ,. Italian'church. He it was who : on the church step? daring thi ? ?? boB t.. be pa tient a r? .art ta violence. H? know? their nee?ii to daj bettei I 'i,.. |, ? When l lugge ? ???.ed. ad, ' aid 1 i . "lii'. ? ' ? ' ? ' te? among 1 "Lab ? ? ? ? ? ildn't bi i ? a te ? ? ? ?te. Mai the new 1 on the 1 Phey ? ? . Betid > ? an*?- Just. ?? ?a . laboi ? ? ? ? iitic? ? ? ? en't ? ? i ? nearest to oui "How he. ?.elf" "1?h." he i? ighed, " e tl 'ir.'a,;: i!. | 'he uiea of ? omen s i .- to thi and mix with i l,, inn ... ,h,- La arenes litual ? ' . i if th ' dear I unpli ? But the luffrag I ? ?? ? ' ... ting _ltl ...... Ifragial in 1 foi iixty-1 rs, though Anna Ho? ? ? 212 mem \ ? i ork The i ? not ? nee, too, ? ... oi them, ' in half a block. One wa ." r "or . . who i 1 a. "Wi mai ["he othei "Wi ai ? rill h? .red." GRAVEURE MAY CANCEL DATE Reseats Rampas mrr D.iuihitt and Deal?** He's the Misent star. Louia 1 lenisi be ? Wilfi ? ??! Doul ? oper i ? horn h? m gre eeterda? ? ? ihn ? ' tion hy mi "I'l..' Lilac Dom ino" . Mr. Douthit; was the itar, Monaieur Graveara ??;" I he would ,. , ? ich proposal, "1 h::sa b? en made a fool of don't li'r..- it." was the way Monsieur l...m ??ir.,' t t) yeoterda? apartment at 12. West Sevent) thh ; troet. "I ""i not Wilfi d Douthitt ? ! i ?. hy I ihbuld be to | pi, now. i ... ift? ? all.'" BODANSKY TO CUT LONG OPERAS New German Conductor of Metropolitan Arrives on the Noordam. trtbai the aes Herman Opera : r red Ofl 'he hfoordSB. -, ??? rope, where li ara ? ? Royal l ': ? r-., A ? otT hi? ?hip hv a Bl I pen th'* v??-,el wa? ' ? lingly happy to have the oppor : ,* si the Metr?poli? ten, bat regret t a? we .:<! he un? able this season to study under Mr. roecaniai. The new conductor re?em ? .- . ? ? Gasta? 't.?hier. i wa ? ,. lo I ?hall become a citizen rlodansK) 'i se i. i u if. neriai luctor, as I love the operas ,,<-,,,.. . i. thing I Cammeyer Stamped on a Shoe means Standard ?/Merit _?h A*e ?t 20th St 381 Fifth Aft Heve in, ?,-d that la in sata If th? . ?,f a Wage? - * drama hor's ? ? ? : be eat, and i la ' ' r;ts w || i??' made r 'he a ??- mv ??irrc tnn. disappointed ?hat Mr ? t?, be la New York .. ? I had looked forward to ?tu'ly - " m. for he ia ? ?rreat mas'er." Otto v. ? Metropolitan staff. ?< eompanired Mr. Pod?- I voy Mr, Weil said that the hatred of both England and ca wa? i. I n Germa: Her .? - rt wh i I e they -. English-epeaking race? ?gainst Japan. llr. Weil haa b?M representative h Germa v rrin. and has h?id fall ehargO tan'a connect le. i wit tas Two Friends & i-4*.. N MmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBm N ?mi' Came Into The ^1 iPS <d?Ma^ CORSET SHOP y One said: "Just help me pick out a corset that I think will Ht. I won't bother to be fitted " But the other, who had been here be? fore, spoke up: "Why it's no bother here. And once you are fitted you will be so satisfied you will surely come again are the standard of corset fashion, and the acme of corset comfort, at prices to fit any purse. S3 to $25 The Redfern Cor-et Shop 510 Fifth Avenue ... , .,c vjty ! jcrrrs?^ " ..a ' * ?f*.: ? ;A^;A\v Adams on Window-Bait I Was your eye ever caught by a window display? Did you pause, hesitate and go inside?only to find that for some reason you couldn't buy what was in the window? r - . ; .Mr. Adams's weekly business article next Sunday deals with that type of merchant who trims his windows to trim his customers. Me made an obstinate tour, everywhere insisting on buying "the gd one in the window"?and he acquired some remarkably good j|| i merchandise. Your newsdealer can unquestionably deliver this m story to you with the rest of Sunday's features?unquestionably, that j^ i *: is, if he knows you want it. Tell him. || ?l|. ?hitu_at| Wtibtme | First to Last?The Truth: I News Editorials?Advertisements B