Newspaper Page Text
3fot. Senfe UtHuntr i ir-i i. i - ratai N>????MHeetala ? \. . * . BtB. I I.II. 44 n? !? I?. 11 I ? A - '. S A ' ? ? ? A I ' 4 ? ?4 ' 4 I - 4 * a - ? I a . ?OU in THI ? il dl?a 111! , , 4 ? h??-?? , ?lUlIl .! the a 1 ? <-rt:-a - An Admir.' S rvice. ? to R;II Bl - * .... ' ? ? .????.' ? - ? ? ? e, un f this I Registt r! ? - : I thou - ? ? ? i I , n the ?question of Assei f the ? d, will l I ? ?ment that coi County the ? rhether ? ? ? ? ? How to Stop Dumping Goods. ' ? favor In thin ? ... . . ? ? ? ? ? ? labout il 6 1 I must ?1'iu-kix rame ? '? vy u, i-.iitinue the sugar ? I ' May, un.I .. ty section, r Ctw? ? which vv< ?*f conrmuTi','. If Oeogi to th? tarif! ?air. ' ? ihe war ? a|e 0* '.'li \sill Ik? amana ? ' a?.ni.n* .. : -.4 ? . , The : , . Uriff . indus try against ? . n raid ampia, ettt I ? ? ? ? for making criminals : sod s 8. Armenia. There re tl at has c t ? ? ? : ? ? f the i V. I of the i1 - . ? . . who turn: I the world l or. w ? the 1 Catholi i ? ? i hich fall :. Low Cou world hs with i ? the yellow : much the ] Christian ai murde If tl periority ov? the G ' ' ; cting in s ? ? iction of i in bulk, not i?; ' 1 vain. The offending of the ? live and to livi r.wti ways i ? inn. h. ? ? ? aim ? ... et to 1 ll'.tllO. mply b. ? report ? Belgium ? ? the 1 .e Tcutoi ation, wit ? ? children hav< i by Germai t the ] ' ?Mowing th ? . hinj ? ? any ha i done ii the w ' ? ? jury to a a mi re thrust of s . han paper promises and r : but s minor detail What ?? is to bring ua iry bach t<> the ? tioni lien to s - rt the d I onor i not i'.? iolatc '. soldiery to t? rrorin in.].u'.ation. Shi lorize? proclaim on the high ses ;?. doctrine no pirate svei ;.d the bodies of women am ? n over the i et i s they hap I t ' come between her and s pu i The German phenomenon which ha? t,lie?! the world for more than a year noa i r othing but ote ' -tion ?>f thi lolenee th. warrantai a nal which ha- gone forth to C< world All crimei have ? ts of hero ; rformed I civilization, hun ?pment, re have ? epealc ? oldier embarked upon his for en pire. Th srribls page of mo !? . which i- unfolding i m story, the central Uve, who man Incursion Into Bel. I im ? i ago. That was the determining ? at was the ligna] to Turk and Kurd; to-morrow it will light the tire- in ih? Baikal Bulgai soldiers may the ready imit?t 1 of ] B? ? .' the Gern pon civilization. Whatever be the between natl ' ' t in the I German violence and crime, it ii ear for < IvOization that I British, the Itallai ? . . , -, ?;., lighting in Europe t _j i q ?? I for a ? a ?U i i eetabliah? ? . ' ?ven women children have no rigl ? to life or to armed ? . bi it dy? a tk ? ** I : ?fill ' ears. But in this j will fa ? bear the real ? yet in thii recognition of wha .*; su v would mean, ?what Germas ? i--, to tho general - thai ! ' i tho r i \ i 1 ; 7 a 11 o 11 that ? i? fors have labored , , . ... ? ' ? perceive the Bl unity thai the to the ? ; ?marica h fully ? i llrit.'iin It i- If ? the ? itile whining of '? ? for * reak am! th?- bys? test of th.' timid will have no ? ? ?n the ? hose tit n and th?' target - r"r .'. ? ? - ? ? ? ghtful ?. -v lav. 1' : '.'?' 'i war . ?' ?.... si o B It ? . ; . T. Civili know it < Is at 1 he Allied I es ai?* the rara? tects not ir own na ? srorld from more Ar? men i Belgium*, .'? peace, nor : i ition, as our an ? inder things; there can be no liberty, i .americana of all cron lave understood liberty and free? until the German purpose ? the German idea omet a ? d. Armenia, ?Belgium the? i ?re ndmarks, details in German progress d her tram end. What Germany <li<! day in Flanders sin* would do to? il Massachusetts if the descend of those who foupht at Concord Bridge dared to follow the example of I :?:nl leave tho plough for ing lino. thing u ore humiliating, .? breeds bitterness more swiftly, li mned to sil belplea and while such ci ?mes ai those that ly has perpetrated in Belgium and . and condoned in Armenia po :. All that some of us love, hold livini for and worth dying for is try, which has pro? claim"'! il championship of those thing? ? loudly, suffers their injury lenst ro? ll it too much to hope that BWakeni g will como in time to save u COS of o'ir blindness? Where O-.positiori Helps. William 1 ? ? ted for the final ' ? of the new constitution that i-, ho ? , have il submitted for the electors' f the ' ' pro Republican ' ' I orai Republl i to vote for thn con anything, it meana that party arc agai : ing in that It t the kind of ition mm of the t. II too modern, too ? in Ita ideas. It does not coi ? I *-? rearti inary pro?. : ? Ice by 'lie state, it provide A' an extension of the social service programme. It has ... ..... ich will restrict ag? .?' I'm political boss sg ? ?? ? i in this state are ? : ? , -' gaid with thorough favor anything that Mr. Barnes and hia fol' wr-ra are agaimt. Tho opposition o? ? ingert to the new* consti? tution furnishes to thi Ot I IM I for eh.. The ' || attack of '. >e 1 a vote. Organized Elements for Suffrage. ? S i : It is a mistake to take f?,r granted, d i, that the woman HUtTraire ? ,1 by the votan I In ? ? ? -.'.,,..' 4>k, ?feit the vote I power a hieh they hope it will lecure for them, there are l?verai or? te the smendment must be taken lato sc They m ; b? c?a I i d as follow? : The ' pi ce party, who are con ? woman1 political influence ?ill be '. in the Intel i liiarmament or] sa isa tien?, whose ra believe thst the votes of {0,000 ? era will be of material a-.? itanee ffl for salary In bitioi |ard nal liberty i mai? ? tet their n quirements. The ? ity to farther their raune by sab for I family a.? the eist lit ; sdded to th<- foregoing ... | sot wit t aignil I B ,W. New York, Oet 5, 1911. A Place to Save. ef v er y BBxioU? of the properly own eity. Why? I? it ?or the very ? Bois?t aervias remlei-ed to ?tal The Street Cleaning Pe? au ay my a?hea robbish except the employes receive ? l' hai bow been sat for I aigu Of it i I Bg remove.I. P, ? in i'iin.1 in th. ? ,,...l eutota? ' Bl : <i" BOthiag for ?era b be me ? In.Hey car? i ?? lah If tha city i.? loekiag to reduce ! couhl tin ?i plenty of room ?n ?part A TAXPAYER '.. 4 York, Oct. ??, 1911. Beams in the Clerical Eye. T" I I Th.- Tribaaa. ......... ? rea in The inder the tule "Fiad i ? weald seem thai IB to pi ?uilar sir.- only. ? i sa ta h? dictatorial sad ! notoriety. ' ' Ol incline to fall > we ha , ?ii l.H 3 A WARD. '? I. H? 15. WILL BEAR CLOSE WATCHI Politics and Prcjudi 8 of the P dits B.foggin? Education .r ? ? ? ? ? g'a Tribune n in the ? will beai ther 1 .... tion does reata from tarn ing to the i 1 clear ?n,1 anpi ' ' ? ?? of Mr W ? frnnk Bttitnde of tl we are , nr_ cert? .???. ? ? '. ? fad makea it polll ? ? .: th? pundits ii ? i? . ?i-.,' children nn.l taxpayera of th?- i any lighl or virtue in a new and r One Beads ei pian, ?-incp the ob ' ing hnr.l to m -'.?????d th" : . d to p] '.?(?s of til?' i.nry td0| I Ion 0 ? ? B Of 1 . ... arriva opening ths eoi I? renes on thi Garj plan. A I attended a ' ird <>f E cation meeting on the on? occaaion Mr V, allowed to ? ure that it 1? implicit that he S son nil. -? : eritieisms put forwi 1 Ineerely hop? Major will throw the me n to c\r rly 1 TAXPAYER ? Vor'.:, Oct. 6, KM'?. The Sailor's Spare Time. To the I ? > 1 ine. S r: While ths U. S. A- is considering I large problem of nsval "prepared while argnmenti in favor ?.:' adding a f mor?* thousands of the country's boys to r.uvy's enliated pcr-onn. ! arc before it, mi| the eonntry not find .t timely ? . ? r problem) s?n _'.l mpariaon, yet not 1."-' I problem that of tl '.i A menean p??i I i'iir-e j ?nthc, being American very capable ?,f I? , ? pointedly, sa i ? said do so far ? ni of an open -m'.: d? . 1 he follow!) | i ? letter written by s bl n |a? I sa I thii morning: "Newport ? _n sa fol , 'ice. ''I have been relief 1 boat, ar re tl ? r night l m - . two vaudeville and the place! ? ? ' " ' i : :inc? ?? i Hiver or P . ? ? .?once it |0 p i ? r at il :80 r la. to gel ? ? ? | o1 oel seat i "I- a =.-iilor K't-i rlrunK in '.???? .... as? V drinka enough, 1 areaae. : Brooklyn, <?.-t. ... l.l... That Question of Numbers. r- -he Editor of T!>? Tribune. Sin Large banner-- ars being erect s etten _?" i" ng i ?reni?t? l ?. eg ?o r cnt of the women do net i re t e power by "indii i hy Indirect combined, thej ,. t of the men to voto ? r f _ frage, ? ' .i goo ! money and < i.' it wl eh they bi lieve eann place, While the right of every eitizen to n vo e ? ? .'.tr. cted b tlie number who want it, tl ict thi ? the vol ? ? t they ' New York, Of. ". ibis. From a Belgian Stamp Collector. 'Translate.I.' To the Kditor of The Tribune. Sir: I am ask if you will hav the Roorlne I ; ?. a small notice in you asking f??r old postaga stamps for col lections. I am the adjatant of ths 11th Beg) Belgian i ne, at present it.'or:'".! a 119 Hue da la Station, Ermelo, Holland. Daring the loni; whiter evening? that ar now beginning the stamps will provida m With B little distraction, the more no as will be able to make little collections a-. I ?< them for the benefit of the Belgian worl being done : I hope, Mr. Kditor, that you will not refui n? this little rennest, und I thank yoi '?. in ad? anee. B BI RBUTO. tlo, B .. Sept 7, 1911 A Valuable Map. To the F-.litor of The Tribune. Sir: I beg to _<?. . map in thia morning's laaua sat ':>'d "Th. ." which I | from a sector of the French or. lid he an added pleasure te mapi of thia type in your columns CO .... Les E ? i II and H irtawnn . ? pen insets sf Gellipol such aseas can see .,! th? official report* which jou' | m da. BELD? . I \' ?N Now York, Oct. 1, 1911. "The Poltroon." ? ; ? . ???,.. . . M tea < ?Saturday. Mora sf that kind el i ? ? ?? headline? .-? 1 I f year i k ra. CRYSTAL EA8TMAJ. Bl. Nsw York, Bept IT, 1911, One Reason. To the Editor of The Tribune. 1 ? i Presi?ei I sad 'he Oeveraen ? ?on be thinking sf their 1 ?proc!;.': "... ' Iggest that as r, a it tl g ia thi ? T !.. Presiden: of th A KINDERHOOKEB. r.. N'. Y., (.it :', 1911 "Lead Me To It." ' The Tribune, s r: Glancing at the list ? ifl th? vernacular, that many in Una would ad I, "< >i. lea,I me to it' " A RE \\ New York, Oct. _, 1P15. THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE. STILL MORE COMMENT BY SUPER-EDITORS. ; he S " P/S <>l I ribune R ?clers on a \ ariety of Vital Questions, from International Politics and Woman .Suffrage to the Pull Dinner Pail ?nrl iKr? Calories of Nature. ? Keii'"r of '1 ; e Tribune. try to gafa live! rk, but who ?lo n ? ? labor to of a d .-ut at Id to be the econom ? Her? he? the , I ?? SJ ? - ' Hare, to , neat of tn ('.'" ere to be II the ng of the po? : , good t h the a Inrementa < ... ?,. | . ? towing the . and incidentally just wreekifl - ; :ve?. and lodgment," in tV : -,".,'? ? tors whic ? ? .? where they si of thi (led s oar poor? ? :i!4. ... ,r,>r eiti? ' ... reslly en I 1 ? . . ? . ,;.. , ? doll, mono*..tiiMi tears tin* 1 the young ami ira till tl ' anything t tj to do things. It doobl I OUld he an excellent plaa i the can,lull*' i foi would become ac ts as the, exist ia thai tive d tl let i, i.nd try then to do pome a? outside of shout iag "the full dinn? r pail" sad "the working Aad ?urely the sutfrnge part .*. ! williagly lend a helping hand to I stta | ? , lor thi? is the plat ? hieb our women fight. JOHN J. GRAPER, Jr. The Bronx, Oct. L', 1916. Against All Atrocities. f The Tribune. D 'hi? morning en rwing Turkey throttlini ? and Gern any ?hrottliiig thi ? .. ? : ' human itarian \ tmeriean aad a? a lover i>: humanity, I feel my whole soul sad body re volt st ati ibj Bstioa? against weakei astioas. However, tho cartoon i? incomplete. I sug add ?'? p.cure of Greai I, Eg) !?' and th? a it raatii g th of the i ? a of the i ledicia? .- rVrmeaia; a pictari M robbiog Pelos oi their liben ng ?!'.<? Fiaalsh govern ment, and la ft serai, giving tlieir vast ?nJ , wonderful peopl?. * government that Is i h and a crime. And, I i.'ld, ? picture of American in admiaiktering the water cure tu mer? lynching negroe.. :??? I am intensely ? laatry mean? ? ' rime? that are com ! in her nan.- Ai .1 my human;! || ;jn crime? against humanity, ?whether committed by Germaas, or Rassiaos, 'or Belgians, or in. SWB people. atrocities against peo? ple? Then must ??enounce the official foven meat I the people > of all the coun? tries now at war, w: :. r(-,.k arit-l If you contine your the er miaals, then you mr.eutral. MORRIS WILLIAMS . 0 L 2, 1911. Nature's Treagnres in The Bronx. I Editai ' The Tribune. Sir! To . .... si te a section of The Breas that : sa a? many treasures u ild no? be sarpassad by all hia A'!}-. M ?? found gei h. ?J al a rabies, golden i fearhery topa.-., starry amethyst and th? ; darker garnet, sa ?ell a? jade aad emerald. And, peeping from 'heir hiding places, the; lit'i.' fairy ring mu-hroom* ! The ch ?s and lively grasshoppers add?'d music and movement to the picture. A- my companion scampered ar.d bounced over bashes and brambles in pursuit of an imaginary eottontail he called: "Missus, I thmk this must be Michigan, where ws a d to lies in the woods nearly all the 'round." We earns home with an armful of th;s gor . and my companion pro'.: liy car? ried a huge branch of scarlet and brown hued ? his trophy from the hUBt Ws have spent the d:?y in Nature's moving . i theatre at a cost of 10 cv.?r<. It is well worth it, and the days of it? dotation are all too short. B. COLUN8. New York, Oct. 3, 1915. Vote Pledging. To the Kditor of The Tribune. Sir: Since when is It a precedent in Ameri? can politics to besiege and importune the of our Federal government for a' prom i ?>? of 1 port ' ?' last Is not B man's vote his own personal bu? is not tfi" request for a pledge the1 forbidden ground of purchaeed votes and in-i timidatioa <>f voters? The suffi!..- I of working for votes and exact'.r.,' pledgSI from men la like the contest at a cl. .rch fair in voting for a prize to be won by tiio most popular lady. Nothing could be more remote from the ideals of American government. How often must the President, when ap? proached for "tho Federal amendment," as frreigners petition a king, tell the suffragists tha? _utfrago is not a Federal but a state, laaBO. lie can go to his own state and cast] one vote, which is his own personal bosiBSBS. Whs can believe that "no harm" will result' from a body of voters so ignorant or regard? less of the fundamental principles of repre-! sentative, not ?socialistic, American govern-: ment? Senator Hoot truly said, "Woman suffrage would be a d'-aster to women and t.. I ite." Worn ? o ? ? ? . ?ou. The .-'. atol ' vital to the nation if : weald take ap the question of nation,.! ".-fence with their Reprc antative. 'n Coa* . . sad give t" thi il country half the de? votion given to their personal vote. AMERICAN WOMAN. New York, Oct. 4, 1911. Don't Shop on Holidays. To the Fditor of The Tribal I Celembaa Day commemorates ore of the greater? events it. history. It eOBMa at a delightful time of year, an?l should be unt vorsally observed and enjoyed by all. The employe, of many retail ?IstshllshaSSBtS are deprived of this and other holidays on ac-| count of the seltlsh practice of deferring our ihoppiag BBtil those occasions. I raber, every puicha-e made on a holi . a very strong teBdeaey to preveat the from closing on futur.- ?im'>. and il _? injuatiee to the hard working emp'. if you me oiY on Tussdsy. Octobei 1_. Columbus Day, you will lind some of the .tores open, but in the name of justice and humanity HO.VT BHOPI CONSIDERATE SlIorPKR. New York, Oct. 4, li. 15. Regards to the Lawyers. To ths Editor of The Tribune. S.r: Would you not feel it a benefit to the public to start a movement for a bastases _d* miaistration in this city? The joke is carried far enough now by the fact that no business maa wants a lawyer with'n a hundred miles of him or his business, while he puts the same class in power to make laws and .pend hi- good money. Bewspepsn , ?>? any amount of fie. ising to Mr. Mo.?", while the bu heU es which advertise in dailiei could Hot get a line except for cash. Why i* it PRANI ?' OALLAGBBR 1 New York, Oct _, Itll. To the Editor of The Tribune. W*s hear much of the 'power of 1 in America. Why dor | you give SB ?xample of It hv itopping ?M Kurop? wart You have shown that you Bis ' M Bad not hound by the "vest your artaeks on rich patent rr.e.iicine ? ccrns and fake advert I ' you ta tho lend, probabl) many of the other I papers won!,i follow. I have been pro? .errnan, bit even if 0? many i? light, I surely do not wart any rae Eaglisha ??? Rassises snd Serbian.? : alone Frenchmen, whom we a'l killed To piers f) it snd I do not belie ?hat other Americans, who sre pro-Ally, they bat ?toy te cor.-ider the gh. I it all, want more German? or Austria killed to prove that the Allies arc- r As long as the Germans were winnli many pro-Ally American?! profeeaed to b lieve peace proposals from pro (?..rmar.i 1 ?iticere and unneutral, but no'-' that I Allies are winning, I suppo?e they may b lisva that we whs mak? such proposal? I honest in our ii??:re I ? sliught and waste of valuable live?. Vou h?v? splendid rhar.ce to be of t? humsnit New York, Sept A. M. The "Burden" of the Ballot. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: P.eading the IsttOt by Mrs. Podgi ' this morning's Tribune, I am amazed to leu that beting ii a "burden." I wonder If ?i President regards it s burden when he com? all the way from Washington to vote tn th primary. If voting is s "burden" It ihould be tiki off the men and placed upon the women, ils? their duty of bearing and rearing child? affords them an opportunity to read and ka? informed while men's work prevent! thei from having such eppsits Women who have sn latee? ?t in their eit and State ? . ? the intel ligones to do Fo even if they are not p?> ?aly "burden which will hinder them lartag ?" ? r.g of th ballot. Employers have to lose a whole dsy o employai nnd men work:;.', by the d?: te v ?'f. Wora.i tandeo the home" only i few mit.utes to v Biaee asaay ?romea have no children sn. thee? Wb? h?ve have an average of two oi three in Bfty year? sf their matan li.-'.!-11' ., (hey ??re more ov?*r . i than nun who buvo to earn s livini for the whole family. WHO HAfl VOTED EHR FORT. YE.\1'>. New ?fork, Se; t. 2.', ; Doubling Majorities. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Woman suiTrago will doubli en?-*?? majorities. City governments will be taot directly affected. (?wing to ? large foreign populsfon e-r sjrs s.i(i:> ?tlsge*. fas "?"?* ignorant MEN can rots and \\ || er? ? usa ige bel] Nl,: t,. It will merely double the majority? ?J which the ignorant men SBBtrol the cities, ?n ?make a bad ma*'cr worse. Instead of enfranchising all the worn*- w I ought to disfraachise a good many m*"? AUSTIN K. WARDWKLL. ?A illiamstown, Maas., Oct. .1. 1915 His Highest Compliment. 'To the Editai of tht Trffcu S.r: I r.-a.l .?ith great later??! the num-r !ou? letters in your valuab:, ,?.?--?'>" "Is Nature Nrfsttl * l.od never elaimed perfection in Hi* wer ? The 1 "Ai d i!. that he had mad-, SI d. b. : ?I ?. '? *** ** good." lien, i, IL .... You have an ?scellent eertoen i? to-c?. Tribun.* "II- Rastel ' ?**'? you no to the iUir.iitnt.le "I'unch " -'KKlTAN Long Islaad City, <>ct. \, I9ih\