With the Conventional t<> Riley. ?. / the steam gil i ba? Ii in the p : _ . ? | j la into j r boi s and sa rammer days; ?,?, _ -.1? - _ bran m s - I ,'. ati *i kind o' stripes, I lota o' ft w . ,.-< ? 'ark in the p pea ter o* i n the pipi .- thai the fl arlee Wai ?aid *? ? es Whit ml? rriter more . wrtih the v*hisl e-cui . f work a the .'??'' - ay. If the Firmly Refuses to Leave Schooner in Flamee, Because of Paternal Command. BY FELICIA HEMANS. St?- . to herd the wi those who told him t. ? ' uro.d to of ' ' ??' ;n* early this moi The bi ? ? refused I ordered . : A peris! ? .... . . ... U, FOI RFLUSHTNG. ? ? a - ? ? ? ? for ta ri h' nuai ce a wi ? I MU? Et the ? ? ? ? ? m? . i NOTE, ITLE. J. W. G. got I ".-?. ther day which, if ? : ' " .-? rulers. "Dear * your ?(?. tn th? U.S. new I i.mplete I rtter Wrilter. ? levant! ? ? ?? amall for an seventeen ion? | ' etnroi i call about that 1 l* hen I am i ut I am an ? ad f you woul . would onlj ' ? t actor, I would I to act ii iad a lot, it rill write to me and : any really ?hem all. I - r PI r ou reel f. I we hope the cir efforl " ? 's Tower, nmbia '? ? ? I^ui* Patei i*. Blaeprlnt nf W. H. Davlee. "Spring Pong of a *-uper-l'lake." ? " ' toy ? things :?ellow satlr:. She worn a black velvet hat faced with yellow BBii cnrrlen y? How roses. There were two ?lower girl?, cou-1: i of tho bride, Mia? Hsrriel und lilsj : -. of Mr. an 1 : Joyd W. :>: . ? ... . ? ? - ?i. and they CS1 (lowers. Non, r Mundi \. Have:: ? .... .... a ore iiiac'i ' ? :.? '.or,! 1-'.. intl? lits. -,. Mr Tobil '?? b? ' man, i . -, ? , ? . ::.? ?.' ... .-... The wedd:*:g of Miss Ma'v ' : Idiaon, son <- ' . M r? Char : of Ii- ???' Hudson, wil 4 o'clock, in St. Barnabaa'a Church, Irv The ceremonj ?rill be followed b) .. ?mall i i shirr ..'?.'? . ?: I I ' :ll Will of honor h. I -? > . of i Is? 1!. liatch. ol St Louis, will be , . ; ihe ushers ' '?'. . jr.. H. i'. .-'?!. 41 i K. Beltzhoove:, .-?,:. : \\ ell? !.. 1: ley a*. : T. Kei this rity, snd VI a ? . ?? .f the lata 1 ? ? t-General Hen ; ;. < . < orbin. ? V ?,* Romeyn, daugh ? i Ernst Wot ? - !..;-, ? letob? '- Church. The cere ? ? 10? .'... ' ? ? ? treel :?:?',. ..i will be her sister's maid of ?? :. Mr-. rVila I, jr., will bo nia'ron o? ,'-. of thi? \: ? ?? \;. ? , , I I !?. ' ? . Misa Doi McMillan, of Dc trou ; .'?' ? .r Howell, of philsde,? Mary B. Trowbridg?, v Haven. S*uar? I., l'ittman will be best man. ?. II be ,'ohn II. Stewart, Rsdeliffe Rom? ? ? bi .'.?-; ."i' ? ildii .- 1 i'i-4... Stei il? ;. Meacham i>r. snd Mi-'. Alexander Hamilton 1 rere married Weil: i ? ?-i for a wei Hi . ? . ???? her- Mr . 1::,- ? throughout the yea ? ? 44 :1 j^'o to I a::f.,r' i irk. Mr. and Mrs. Guy K Tripp. of ... have announce th< ? daughtei. I lifford Hemphill, son of Sir. nnii Mi ? ? ? lei .1. Hemp East Sixty Binth Street. Mi a gradaste "f u ;; : '! i. - Mr. and Mrs W. K. Vanderbilt will return to town from Jericho, L I , ami open their ?...use 6M Fifth Avenue, for ?, r i letob? r Mr. and Mi??. MonTaigu I.a Me returned to New York yestei Hot Springs, Va Mr. I.. . ? ill sail for Europe to row, ... Mi La Montagu? i i turn to Hot Springs next week Mrs, Gouverneur Kortrigh* has re ter fron ort .1. Henry Alexandre and her ?or. ., will return te ?'mm Short I ? r 3. Robert Lefferta motoied inta try pis ?? si 1 !., and I Hot I bilt. .lame? ,T. \'an Alen hai gone I Va , 4> bore be will be joined : ' 1 : ? Mr. and Mrs, Marcel Bteiabi .,-..? ... -!.\\ 'i and aie ai '. '. treel ? Leash i.nds White House Joy of Snooktiiiis. Dapper Mascot ? i i ii-t. 7. "Saooh ? ? ' who bar:,. ? 'A h i te Hou?? from h . rat, ran orl to odd ? ? i ? Boston bull, si ? " air as nos ?? '?' ft. i hsi ? - pirita, hi t th? ? of a ficer of the law. i ,,.,. of th? ? ':? - ?? ''?'r? saiil th -t ' ..re a ?ecre*. .:. ' te make his ,'i.iv ?m the Mayflower, that ong. .- feeling that the Marriage *o Mr? it sons ? . . , | eaass whoa f the i .'?> be to S V, belle I rai iferred I .,:, eajoy an aal . NATION OFFERS HEI. (.non WISHES. A recent photograph ??f Mrs. Ldith Boiling Gait, future "Firsl I ..?rly of the Land. WILSON HERE TO BUY THE RIN ' ..?ill.????, tram pac? i bal the wedding woold oeevf ... to morr?n, folios ing ? i'r- dent Tvler. 1 :.'?? taken Into ir.s roi l'i ? denl Tl !er marr .,;' New York. YV. hi 1? ft the White House for New Y? the si ightost Intimati wedding would occur for a , and ?? II '? he led his hr: I in the Church of the Ase? hole country m as surpris I..leasing at Wedding Date. Anothei report merely ehanged ? ''.*? rom la'a to early De mber. / to this, the marriage would i ? '.? .?ays before the apeai ..:' Congre i, or just sftoi it had m ? emben of ? ?? ? i,,. arodd ng will .'irf arj "f the T .'.-.?n and Mr McAdo. i . return from th? r three it ??, t Pacific Coast, for which the) will lea on Tuesday, and other memb? oi I family will be here. It is thought a date in early l>cc. . lid i"' inconvenient, as Co gress will meet on December 6 ai ? ike op measures ?n whi. the President iq deeply intoreated. ? . thai tO nut the date alio aas, o. just before 'ongre leavei foi U I .1 Idas vaeat ion. eon be giving the President only a iho before I he oi I? ?s presumed th th? Pr< II hold the nanal Ne ption. sjx thonaand great whl ? hemnmi :.ro bell guard? lied to It bl ?sso te House | - ''"r -on They m'ght i ? ona for the .linn? which the President annually gives i of the Csbinet, snd which ge. n December, <>r they woul tally fitting wedding ?leo. were u?ed ' White ??ou e draw ii' when Mi--. Je ? H il ion or i married to Francia Houes Sayra ta : ?. nment to h.> given 1? ' IW York to-morro' of many ? hleh are planne for the President and his fiancee. Thei ready arrange ? ? ? wedding will delay 'h ' abinel In making thei ,! plana for the winter. ?i v Ithont ' ? ubmit ?? o the "?'?-? lad) of th ' It ii not believed that ?).? aea n - Bo ?? will mak. any gre-.'er change? in the social ar 'ementa than ?o give all ?nt. rtain there a l.'cnl rathei than a aa air. i ??d of < hurrh Work. for i aran bi i ? th loi ..1 sbaril I and ii fond of the work in her church i ?? ? ? ? iha was chairman of th? Rector*! Aid Societ) of St, Thomaa'i Rice noa Alls, by Mr?. Joseph E. Thropp. ?Sha . ' er 1 ? 11 .c? and ai p . . the birthplaces o*" the Preald n. and his bride-to Cat mil i preadly if ? m Mra. i - plac White H through hi i . . ? ? are many ?? I ati ?ti.: the .mo'..' .??? ii of Virginia, I? ; theae who traced hia aneea] to that eon . marriage followed the Brit . \\ ..rM of which ?.a r. eord Siegel Painting: Sells for $450. \ ;. . f the 1 ass of Kox , ? Ponrbns, brought top pi '??? reaterda*# at the -. Siegel tale ? the Bn i la irrt ' lories, Ile Broadway. It arai sold "? An , ? ., , m coaaodi went to a fo.. < ? |4S0 and a painting bv I ?;. whs sold for 1280 ,.n ?as $?.'_'_". Miss Dita Otis Very Low. i ,. ? r the leeevsry Oi , the well known ? -een here in "A ! ?., ?' She I? infferiag frem neuritis ?t her apartment la the Si I'?? ll Hotel, Columbas Avenue and ?Last sight she ?as re- j ? , v. iv ill Her mother and ; .ian are always at her bedside. NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS John Drew Will Appear in Comedy by Horace A. Vacheil. .lohn Drew, who is one of York institutions listed by B well worth th?- Stat ii?- of l bort and ? ho "I." curve at 110th Stre I fonnd a play. Po IOS tl Frohman Company aa* be? ? ., ? ? ? | a bit oi to Mr. Dren - taleat . and _uguatu i l ? w_- about read) to give i ?, the arch and order lomething from h? Pi il I"' ke) -Charlea W. .Idard Pia) ufad A few ? ago, howi me one .11 the Frohi a that Hora? i Annealey V*i bad written a comed) ?hat would tit Mr. Drew neai ly ai in? elothes. Ye ?? rday the actor came to town from I.is summei bom. Eaathampton, lo? r ed th? scqais iced Reh? begin at once. Apparently th? about the author, Horace \ Yachell, is that he Ii the m in ?? written the play ?? ? cl John Drew a ill appear this tea i i. ? been elected foi [| || i:;.|er-'.i ?? I 'I bornai will aeli I one of tho ? eaide.I by A. H. Wood new Potash ?md Perl m itter play, lag that they ? II thu wide choice. Sir Jofaniton Forb? Robert H h Sot h ? "The Two \ irtui ?" il :. laal ni;.'; i. Sii Johi l in will leave to-day t". Richn I. ? I . gin the thi ni h Im? i ? ? \\ el| toui i ?i. 'o- diaplayed ?1 week, eati mated a o'clock Wedn? ?day night, ? SI,un..,on', when i R inga ley gait work foi the d King le) will be ?] and will tak? eral anta if A World of F . . N night, Sei ? aita! ed th? -, t it. onen - M el v i 111 El lia, bei nighl ? ' . ? Midnight 1 | b? ?.!? 'I he ? ? ' ? old BrigJ 11 .... A- ,i, ? ' i Roa (.liver Wilraoi Day -, Ha.. v. will ? . .. . . ? ? ? .ry DJeli, th? W ? ? ng a n ?? ? \\ II \T IS GOI ?' , i - ?,?? ,a?i ? a. mill I I ? - I > ' a ?? ? . 1. ANNUAL FESTIVAL FOR WORCESTER Chorus Repeat! Wolf Fer rari's "Vita Ntiova" with Fine Effect. i'llll ADELPHIA MEN IN ORCHESTRA PIT Beethoven's "Choral Fountains" Shares Programme Pierne's "Crusade'' Suns'. n? it ??:. ki;! iimn ter. M I he tion ?? ? ? ? auipi '?'. ? tere?! .. ' ' ' ?lit) ? . ? ? .? ? : - ' ? ? ? - ? ? Oi' its ? - ? , ? ; - y I ? ? . ?;, in .. ven's ! Fo ... ? ? ?- had '?'? t won ?AS' .?? a ? ? ? mon I? ? rviflg ?rh - h i am . ? i form of ar* t now for il h?n - e in the n . ? live, ? musl ke< p il ????? an in ... r. ? it IS si ? ? . ' ? ' ? to delict iriel Butperhapi mood . an only b? cult conditioi which the illy, are all vir of the highi m? "imy "f *he pres? et or? drawn from Boaton. mltabla band aot . Dr. Milla and the l'esti menl enliated ?Isty mer, Orel Very ' ut '*'.r in role? i- nol ?o euphonious their Bo;' n . ? ? ?mer in the concert field wa? Mr. P ovaadri, ?rho sag the ?: ilt baryl me ?olo? very ? i. |i i ? eleome acquisi ?? * . I'.ee'iio i'.'- "FaBtaila" baa dropped ' audi !? ua" perform' d bei? In 1886 ami (Val a feature of Mr. Walter Dam '?.,.'. n featii al u*. New Vim k a few : ea i - ago, or. i | ?n it acquired an hlatorieal ligniAeaace bi brought into Juxtaposition with inch, in a the inspi rat ion, Except in the audience who could In it the germi of the eo? ; which ,' gave must trite snd old-fi hioned the .vielle', e of thi pel form Harold Bauei pi ?. ed the pisnofi rte psrt snd opea? the exalt i ! rh ipaodie spirit ? .ii,;.- mu it ns i the eompo r played time ? ? ? ' real eoneerl bich the i ? ? : ? honi? I their (Irsl per? il:.-.* S .? ., . " Eli; abeth ? > John ? pbell, Geoi I and Li : My. max of tiati? ten ? the perfoi mai ce of i ? : II be . - i ? . usual par-. : t, bo? th th? ? . ?-. have done much, for the end culture ? th? nunity, ? ?? ... ? with I ? " Bui people . 1 a his guns Opera -? t with Idition . eernii . ? . . ? .... u tistic . ? welcomed tl ?? this the ;.'*ip of the ? ..?:... ?. , i ? ? hai i.e.-.i festiva .. ? to ' i :* later reparini ii . ? ttenda I I ight the ... the lal eptei m y ? | ' '?' ,. ? ? unio:,, and looked upo:. ?heart i inageaaoal ? ms or not. ? -, brought from Phila? delphia ..re trade? BBIoaistB, and BBS of their engagement beside? be ? i r,* lairaasa sf sheet 11,00. h I management, was an addi ' 1 - ? || ? lie til to !"? abai , ? the dii ?? ? ind '. ? ? ? i ?limir feet 1 I' . ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? . ange I ? ? th? '? rhen Mi ? ? ? ?? ?;. mpethy of all ?.,... of th? ? i.e general lack of ha!. ? ! ? :. ?. ??? ??? This he cas0 in 'he c called "Th? I oi e'.',." ., aieed) : ? . ? it . Pi. rne'i for per' fa at i val ? : ? i R?e?, iborer for 1 ? ? together ? iiinat ? I" . a mat teroal I t wai r th? ? ? iblic school children was Its if It a i an aaao? ation b<-' . . . t? r apon ? to be . ??. a and much good '? from ?he ?ucc i the efforti o* the little c Igfa it. wa? ?n __? .? with that achieved r.ali, wh? tl ilnging children v as beea u:. object of .-.' pride for a generation. To help him in h:s cultural work ? ?? laded ?he aehool board permit him to make *he music of ' . ' . '?;.! ? of ?': ,. rri: j ar ?' during the last year, ami the re ??'?I'd that the action was a tal pride is an exeell n citiea which cultivate choral m from a financial as well aa an art: ? of view. Compared arltb some o?her perfo I have heard, that of Rg ii spontan and poetic atmosphere. Yet it was leworth; . ? spirit aloahre II is no" aa either performers or liai ? lughl the c ? on is in dai | ? ??nous, In spite of its beaut', o-1 ayi labor an tl ?? OBI I of the C ] .BOT and exact? eorn ? ? 'n ? ko Iletener u leaa all the i moms in the performance are lit into the ited atmoaphora of ; fection l bo leloa wer?' sun? in v ?ditai fai by Mme. tnita 1 Mra. Mal... Sharpe Herdien, P tee, Ar'hur Middleton and f lingers, Mmea. Minnie "iahe; B, MaeGewea, Bd th Woodcock and Lotta M. Smith. work was received with many si of appreciation. SUFFRAGE REVVAR1 TO BE WEDDING GIF New York Women Decide Send "Something" to Presi dent and Bride. When the news of Prooideal VftlaO engagement to Mrs. Norman G reached the various suffrage headi'i. ters in New York yesterday, right the heels of his announcement that would vote for woman ?suffrage. I workers for freedom cast a ballot rig swap, and it was in faVOI of giving t President and his bride S alee WSddi True, Charles Hallm..n, pre chairman Of the National Woman Si fraga Association, objected that II Wilaon might consider such action the par of the inffragiata a bit intr aive. But the women pooh-poohed th . .. my own feelinga, I kne nobod) could thniK a wedding aaid M isa El nor Byi n . la > : and BCtiVS worker for the ball? MB) all mean', let us send - very pretty to the White HoOM to 1 th? PreeltioBt know how wa appr?cia the boost he has givCB HS. !l" cat; ;? for as at ths psychologic moment Made sai sooner, his a ement 1 luflraga would leas I . et before I ?etober 19. ?he di of the . ' ????'? Jei ?' '? The peop ? him foi what 'hey CI ira all arong lie ha? besa ?ei ? i i thiah we cm da no la ii appree at ion <>n his we ding day " of ?he suffragist. doubt? ? they'd bava any money to bi . )?'? teat if tll?^ President takei , lace, as announced, It weald be too ?oon, ?h? after the financial stress of tl ." "Well, in 'hat ca--e we'll send M ." "r? Norm h ? - ? I'., v. .i.?. house, .. ? i of tr . . ? i ?' ' . .::i Commlttu id. "|.'< ara mach nice: I anvho ? ? ttai taste" ? an ?' ? hapman Catt, chan ? ..- campaign ? omen coula elFoi ,i to ion ... t thil fa.I. I i a," -.loi m ? . head "' the ?? ampaig. Rogara, r Polil L'nioi . and v.. bo, tl ..??i to convince Pr< l '?'? ? bal ? ha Democrat . * ijorit) a the g ? ri nment ti the Fodi ral ea actmei I - .? "I that he ha? g iffi ..?. itati ?", itate, i he en M At te ge any further ? . moved te s,.n. him a wedding piasen" Her fei gi ? ?.- ?? ear i- n ,'??.) m ti:.- window ?>f th. Ige ? hop, ot. Fifth Avenue. ard tuotei ? ? Wilaon'i 'hat he "' . :;.. timi tl id t h'' pr:'. liege : adds : "That time came, Mr. President, t ' Family of Eight Need Help. The Brooklyn Bureau of i'har"es ?','? Sehermerborn Street, appeal help fei the B. family, "l'ntil ren dore.i almost blind by trachoma," layi , . "Mi B, was able to ,]? p. it a go, d home f,.r his wife Hud . n chi'dren. The mother ?eep? an excel ? .? i laal I? to do ?my out yoeag rhil .ii I' I I I I '.-!.Mk. Interment private. Train ??rand ? entrai Terminal :?:"?"> a m RULSAPP1 E-Oi "? ' !! Hulssppl? Servies? at thi ireh ?loin?'. l'L',1 ??. an?l Ar.--.r . Member? of th? i Ep ?? i .... ? *......... MADI80N At hi? hat I I Montclair, N ?'. on October .'. 1911, K.i".ard Madl ion, in hia 65th Funeral een lee al ? First Meta ? N. J., on Friday. October **. at t:th p. m. Interment Mount Hebroa ? fm ? ? POTTER A* Edgewead, Tsriftewa, N \ . . Margare? Lilllaa, age ten mohtho, daughter of John A. and Eatelle Smith Potter Fun?'..: si tl ? home of h.'r paren'? Friday, 0 I I, at I e'eloe? PUTNAM ?I Harrison, K. V, M r 7, John ?,. F'al mer and Victorine H the I ' ' irai later VALENTINE At ?HttmOgnO, October <*. Mabel T., beloved nits of I?aae R. Valentine. Funeral a? her Ute root? dene?-, Fa-1! Mai -*.. Saturday, Octo bei '.'. at 11 : -to a. m. Interment at tVadiag River, 4 p. m. V7ARREN At hi, late reaidenre, or. Thursday. October ,*. 1916, - P beloved basbaad at Jeanne tVsrrea. Funeral from Grace ?'hurch, Ilroad ? ,y aad 1 tl ?t., Saturday, the 9th mat., at 10:80 a. m Relative? and friend? invited te attend. MANHATTAN AND flRONX. BTRNE8, Michael, 170 East Tetk st., ?ic .'il lay. rJEIDMAN, Catherine. ??'> w?ter st., i i.t ,'i Funeral to ?lay. PBIT? n \i:n. Rei ah. 107 Ka?t ci.th . I ' ? ral te lay. o'VFIl I . M . .- irot II ? BROOKLYN ALLGEO, ,' ??.. ? 141 I ?tl sat av , fie? RAKER ?? . 'irt. ?t BRADLE. iffd ?v (?or r> Fuuera to dap. COLVIN, Barak, HI Tei ?h ???, .ic?. ?*, Fun?: DECKER, I leai ! n.oln pi.. ?>. HOLLOWAY, Francis. MIA 14th st., Oct. i'. Fuaeral t" ?!. ? KRAFT, Her'ha. Ml N"?trand av , '?c*. ?'.. I- unera! to day. LEDWITH, Peter, 71! ?Taahiagtaa .? . Oct. ?. Funeral to ?lay. Mil.i ER, Rath, HAS NrboM ?v . Oct s Funeral M WATSON, l-.i.-.?a. lit Batearligs ?t.. ? ? a- T >',. r unera! to day \FW IBRSE1 ( iiiiKK. .lohn. J . '.. Oct. 3. Funers I I .> GR ?.. Bb ' r-? .. p . ? ? RAGA! J?ra?y City, Oc*. ?*. ? I Ml ir.KISA. Titr. vsixini ui4 i i .rrr.Rt 111.1 M l4y .? I i ?il, s : lay .'reliar. a 4,.s of a a ?is? tor aal?. pmea. t? Et-M 114 St.. N. *f.