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,,1'ARANTEE Your Mo?| Hack U You Want It. Nm $<. tk _ awiwttf WEATHER ran mm in __M-___m.i t<? MOaS-OK \ . ?t?r,l ,- ? I. it, . II ? .,,.,. I if. ' ..-i > First to Last the Truth: /Yeas - Editorials - Advertisements I "1.? right. IBIS, n, Th-,. A.?,, intion i WEDNESDAY. 0< TOBEH 18, 1915. ? ? .... . , , ..... In ? II, af B? v. I rl N ? .-_ I"" > ? " -?'?'* H"?v?ke_. PRK I. <>\ K CEN I .?? ? ? ht? BOSTON DEALS PHILLIES ONE WORE BLOW Wins Third Straight tome and by Same Old Score. SHORI HOLDS FORT FOR SOX Duffy Lewis Again Prives Home Winning Run and Cuts Down Hits. rv 0-U*TLANB Rl r Mb esa i .... boat ? three ? Speaker, amftt ? . - ?aas?mjt ? mow They "San - -.nient nore bos*? - be o?d, . ' ir this ?. the flus aaed PI ? ?rilling tc di.epo-^ I ? I ?T one ?' - ? ? The I .-ht. -e ob irass 1 ? ? ??? . ?? iadinff ? ? ? . itaUs tat n ate tan -- ' ? ? - ' Alex * ne of I - r " to 1 on a V*. ? But, '??'-. :'. ABJStl 6 9 1 ' BSj, W? ? hi htr? c ? ? ? thi itad the ??;. . ? ? triple v biir *?: ??? . it| t? rsv? ?1 ? . *.:r? ??. Do?* Doon -?? . PhllHea. So, by ?- . -.?rinK ed ball ' tho?? ? '?It?; m not ??in of r?. ? ... i.... ,*. i n'.t am ?? ?se?*?* ?? cannon -? er.ouph tr> 7*tr,-? ? ? ....... eir Vit; .. ,H?**??? I ? ? at ? ry the 54*-'--' '? ? ro of each ?"l" time. '"' r . . -Hark _ ' - ? _ ? '? ? ?? ?t-d ?, " ' ' ?'a, .A " T,t..j'r * P. ..I * 'S Ulf*y ? ?*. _ Maybe It . ., *Jj ? . ... -:? ? - ?ad bv J . ..." . BBBjBa aa?*M k -t?a? ? ' ":' ? ? ? ?BBSaJsL* ' Cr%r #lr" '.' ' ravala. ?is? ... A" ' ?oit.aV bv?u' hmsZ ???'. s. **t,r,;w; h?v? Mi Ui, V ' ?** ?..!.'? : ? *?"'?' ? ?? tk? p, -.. ... nn ***** *r h ??* t.,: ' *M"??*? ?? ?mat ii, ?alum? i Ford's First Backer Resigns; Views on Peace Disgusted Him Jam? Couzent, Vice-president. Collected $1,000 to Start Motor Compam??.oth Made Fortunes Within Period of Thirteen Tears. h ?-?-' U T*i? ttu -i reit, Oct. 12. Jame? ?Tou/en?, ? irte, th.- Por. thirteei years a?.?, has re I? a1 aad v .-. in bacas ?i . \? t. Mr 1-"r.r- pub -i ? with reference to war . .'iier SObJeetl of Hie statements on I me." .. Mr. him a p eleae en t WO 11 I drive a carriage. That ? 'ousens scraped -?. ... eoold Bad ? ? I In a bai k, ?ino he (rot froai ..nil a friend loaned f.."'1'" rt the Kord Company. "U was through my efforts that the f was bail! BJ) i one man I!? ?-.ry Ford." hi Bi that ha. e ex* I for years have hee . Our di SB| r<-rr-ients ? ra violent. led that I would not ,- on that kind of a kite. er li ray life worked for any man. whefl I was a car checker, rs ..?'". I had Be boss; bul I day willing to work I w.ic \v;;?::.c; fa work with Henry Ford, but I refuse to work ' v-:m. MW1 7,1 has to say is con many to he of wide impor I tance, because the business of the Ford j Motor Company has beer, built up to such magnitude that the public eye is ? on him. "The world is perhaps interested in the fart that I have reaigaad from the Fold Motor Coaipaay, because the con '?? rt m . apies ' n- Ii ii posil i'.n in ihe l'usine?? world. Concerning the prrson;.i diff?rai e< n Mr. Ford and myself, they OUght not to be of public inter?s? " Mr. CoBSens will remain a member of 7he board o: dir. etora n simply km sa up a i k in direct? ing the affairs of th?. plant. Tl s Btatemeal wai made to nighl by Mr. Ford, whc said there wa bo bitterness in the break between i.ini . bis ganara] maaacer. Mr. Ford said he knew of no reason rt<r Mr. Coaaoaa'i actioa, Farther than that Mr. Couaeos had * tendering his realgBBtiOB, thai Mr. Ford', public utterances were tho cause of the breach. "I do not know what, specific utter ?;.oe Mr CoUXSni ineant." laid Mr. Ford, "but I presume he referred to my announced intention to tipp'?*'" piling up a big armam?IB| in the coun? try and to my disapproval of the Anglo-French loan. "We still friendly, and I believe ? his action wai baaed wholly on our difference of ?.pinion as to the ex .on of mv ideas. 1 do not hc ' lievc bis feeling toward me has rl.nnped in any respect.' Mr CouSOBS'l name ha-s seldom ap? peared in print, although his par' in 'he man.H-cment of the Ford Company and his personality v.?--. second ooly to those .?f Mr. Ford. The pro! ? .? ? Ian ..!? ; ted by the compon 1 t art!;, arrs . ? Isa, 7 HURT IN LATEST DU PONT^ BLAST Mysterious Explosion Is Third V thin Three Weeks Men Hurled Twelve Feet. ? v-- .' Oi *. 12. Serei ? "?? feel rid burned this afternoon in an explosion the third .'.hin three weeks at the BBt of the ?. I. du Pont de ? ."der Company, eight miles from this This is the fifth time: of the European ber-n killed or' I at the works, and despite tho ? 'on-, is at work in three i day, and armed the buildings, tin .?naintnine.! ; . * OB WBI be? ' O? fulmiaata of mercury : caused this No one was in ?it the time, and which I mystery. It crept to the to an adjoiaing struc* mei were at work ? of. and 'the for ? ? ? | rew them a distance i B1 I faces, -e to the two ' ? r. rat extinguished by . zu. Ige one man I plant when ! ? i ploded. Eleven I hurt in this I IS tar. Two ; ? I l died wh( i 11 10k less powder in s drying room. On | March i ie killed in the _ : Febi aarj three . bull dines were wrecked and throe em- j POETRY IN SUPREME COURT - Unites] States Coaaaal Treat? Ju_tire_ (o Prolagae and Quotations. ? i. isaa ? -' A prologue to ?? m the United States Supreme Court and one which quotes poetry was . -BBietanl Attorney (_en ? . ren to-day. "Bel I | the argument on Mr, Warren, whose . :.spued in him a love ?na, "counsel for eehrea thai ? OUl In the character of i ? fa 't." under these circum iid Mr. Warrea a little fur cou, t aril] ?he tears of all the angels .rd out,' i iword of justice to ,: improperly in i aaasqaeradiag . _.' " a case which the ROB : [n the 1'orto Kican courts ?ors of a lottery. ? - ??? FIND TALIAFERROS BODY I>iver-> Locate Arm. \\iator Killed In San PiagB Hay. <? -. 12. After twen . body "f \\ alt? i R, 1 ..'..Hierro, the toi wl o fi death ?i San ? ? ? -..r So. SO, ??? ' I from the ' the pilot's .1 _? MONTCLAIR TO SELL CATS U-U-Sg-B-Ored a-alaaala Will Bring $i Each far yi-iaactlaa Parpaaaa? .. .i . ?i.-?. 12.?Wl trel a...l ' ? ??-?? ... .. rat tasks a ,?? a census of a I dog .... i amassa Coua , icted ?.n ordiaaaoi i ro u wall us .iogs, ... ... cat* : unredeemed . college, which has ase them 'or . ? |1 apiece Nearly 20. ? that the animal ?arden would um" ? found ?rand? . , re -'''lr.;- Irt , .... ?o which williasss was appointed. 30.000.000 BOYS AT WAR l>r. Mntt. Hack from Tour, Tells Sunday School jlssocIstisOa. A dinner in honor of llishop Jos? P. Bsrtsell, the Rev. John R. Mot! a the Rev. S. M, Zwstser was given li night by the World's Sunday Bch? ation in the RoW I A .-tor. I>r. Mott, who ha? just retal a trip around the world, spoke of t araal draia on the jroutfa of Euro Ceased by the war. He :;?;d that ? ? ? more than 80.000.0tM bojr? ? now under arma, and advoca'.-,! f geaeration ; precept? of peace. -? PRINCESS HAS APPENDICIT Niese of King GsorgB Indergoes (Ipc at ion?Condi lion Satisfactory. London, Oct. 13. Prance?? Arthur Connaupht underwent ?rl operation f acute appendicitis last Sunday. H condition is satisfactory. The princess is a niece of Kir Geerge, being the daaehteT of tl Royal, widow ei the Dakt ? . WILSON WEDDING DAT! KNOWN TO NONE YE' Rumors of Honeymoon in th West Receive a Quietus. ?Fr'.rr. T:.- ft p ?? BoiMtl ] Washington, Oct. 12. The date c Preaidtnt Wilson's marriage to Mr ( ?rill he announced well in advanc of the even!, it was unofficially* stAted a the White House to-day. This ar nouncement. It vas hoped, would ?hi otT the .-peculation ?>f the last few da> which had been very displeasiag to th Pr?sid?e t. Poasibly in fear of some Irak in *c cial information, a new order was il sued at. t! I White House to-day cln? ir.p the usual channel for i.uch new :.r:d making Secretary Tumulty ita sol dispenser. One possible sidelight on the honey moon plans developed during the dsj ending the talk i.f a trip to th? l'a rific I'oHst. <7. A. Pavidson. prOflidSB of the San DiSCa Kxp sition, called oi the President to invite him to I the exposition, hut arai told that i tvould be impossible to do so tin.- aria tor. MAIDS IN LIFT TRAP SAVED BY MRS. KLING Firemen Free Two Imprisonec for Hours at Home. Mrs. ( harlrs Potter Klin?, daughter Of ex Senator William A. Clark, ye torday assisted tiremen and patrolmen in the rescue of two servan*.-? who had becoais imprisoned in an elevator in bei bono, ~ Esst Fifty first Street of th.-ni. Belma Margeae, area to hu\? met Mis Klini: downtown to aid h. r in a shopping tour, and when th? did net appear the BsisttSBN tolophonod te her borne. When ?he received no answer she re? ttinieii, but was unable to get into thu . SI she had BO key. She eallod Patrolrnan Malloy, who was in front Of St. Patrick's Cathedral, a:,?l he ?as ; a hook and laddof compel Aromes entered the hease bj extern i and found Selms ur?.l .Minna Kose .n the ?mall elevi.tur b. tWOOa the third and fourth Hoots. They cut a bole in the ear r. sx? - ? , ib 'he servante from the eleVator unconscious. Mr*. Kling sdminietered lirst aid. but they became hysterical a few moments later. On the sides of the ear were mes? sages written hv the ??rvants, who feared they would di* before they could be freed. 2 HURT; DUCK*SEASON OPENS S. rtsaaaa Mmi in Breas? and PrlessTi Hand Torn Off. i ht '??? -? .-i laaltj of " a dach i.'in1 n g s? ?.son around New York occurred i,;T Osaining early >? I arning, wl.eii William Isatis sad Edward Robert? rowed out la the Hadseo near the Prank Vaaaerlip ?statt te pel fow fewL Juatia va? fui hit ?hotgaa, whoa il exploded, tearing otT h:s right hum!, and giving I: th?- fall charge is tht Priseaora la Sins injured men's cries, but before B pelt) eould put out fro? I ? Sshenaaa to??- i th? around home, where they Were tit I irvme. of Pi"-i" el Rospital. It is , red that Roberts'* lungs ?re pu:.r I tured. ANTHRAX VIOT WEAKENS; SERUi TOO LATE, IS FEA High Fever Clouds Mor mji's Hopes?Second Injection Given SNAKE VENOM CURE OFFERED BY FACTO. Antitoxin Found Sua. ss Leather Linn Sufferer Again Asks Score. R? ports 'r, ?-. the bed le af Goa ?Pol? i - ; t nil . ? Riverhead, Long l land, the attach Dr. K. M, B 276 Madison _ ? Mr. Stacke le'i physician, i nuttetl that tl - not fav able when he left tbl hi 10:1. p. m. -i?"raid We did not receive t ' ? ? ' early enoug said Dr. Silver. "Mi Si ickpole'i te peratui .- r and he she I 'eat -. , \- ... o'clock Hi. U ; the highest point bus reached. He was sinking into comatose condition. The r. perature and the anthrax ..-,:? I ? , '. - : ? ? from t tny, of Cs ?i., offei ing ?i- tanc . I ?? lag Mr. \ said t h.-y bad In ? ? i. ser m Km... ? ... four days. In ? ? . flirren* ut the Both employ? of 1 ?: ??'??<' ?? I '?? ...s .:. haadlii red, Dr. S informed, it is u- .!. : stood a that "!. lOBth Aniei ii and j rep.tied i.y Dr. Mulford, a PI : delphia chetn ?si e Leathi Company offered to lead their phyi i ?th complete equipment to u: ? I serum OB Mr. Stack] A second injection of the gOVerBfl__1 serum, which ?' I _for tl ... -, hu? BBS givi to the ag? d patient yesterda hope t! . I check t!. ? -lent of the infer- .... I i Silver was very hopeful of Mr. StBCl pole's ro.uhtion yesterday morning. Po' ?? J noon 'he patient con I . (his thTOa ii'.d i, hasty consultation m which Dr. Silver, Dr, Goon F. O'Hanlon, sup?. of Bell) vue, I.r. Robert I' '?'. . .i!,.i ;ir. Heorj B. i1 . .' ?.:..? th? Bl staff, took part. They decided to r< t to 1 ? _ 'tar th . tickpo! droop? ful ileep of s> . eral hours. Henderson Sure of Cure. John D. Bend to I1' '? ry of the Department of Agricul ture, who .... .., Wu |.-nt that th.- patient woi spond fai orably to I ? ei...-. i treat ? ? ??[ arill oae in an: amount tl Stacl pole sur * h?, ,,i - i -?.. second i-. ? . required to give tin serum t proper test. I hare note. I -.i:br;:.i from anthrax and they base re-i JBlt | ?'. t'> the secoiu injection." No human be.i ,- ' - BB known tc live mor,, than IIve days with th. 2 to 1 phi -. ill Friday fact that h< i tared hit fifth . . ? . ?! Mamad to be i inted b his f..-.or. I?r. Wadhams said I I ,,; || anthi In human ? All of Bl ?resist of hi. rum"..i i I tution. . ' Physii ins ?? Iseussed the a.!-. la bility of using the ultra-viol? ? ? I *he ?. . on of the ' ? I ? ? liate his fai ? Asks Again l??r Scares. Judg ' !" I I e.l up in a-, ehi Bould ? talk, but manag? ? tOe now f who.. ?n',. with !. m. I i tas? morn read 1 ? I fm lurk? ing anthrax ba. ? i paper - Continue?! '?'? PBge B SBtBBBB ? Allies Unite to Save Serbia, Czar Sends Army,Say s Vi?iani; Bulgar Invaders Thrown Back TO THE RESCUE OF SERBIA. Hete la interpstiner proof that the Allies .ire joininij force- to save ?Serbia and block the roavd b i tantinople. Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia la shown on the left, and Admiral Trowiiriilpe, commanding *he British :?? .?iti'iiwiry force, on the riirh:. They an sai?l to be "at a point in Serbia." If the my.-'erious state? ment of Premier Viviani of France is to he taken literally, Russian troops, will soon be lightir-.g n.le by Bid? with French ami British troops in the Balkans. VICTORY BEPEN1 ON BALKAN MOV VMANI ASSERT I Allies in Perfect Accoi French Premier Tells Deputies. Pari?, Ort. IS. Prom n moral sta point and from the itsndpoint of m tnry eonaetjuenee? the Alliot must ? Bg the Teutonic r Vivlsnl told the Chs l.r-r of Depatiea to-day. To give tl | succor, he said, the Allb's, incltidi Russia, have united. The Crar's troo he deelare?rl, will tight to-morrow w th ? British and French to defe Serbia. "(????ntlemen, we hav? done our du toward our ally," was the Premie concluding r-ernence. "Never has i accord hern mON direct and more cor p?ete between allies and never have ? had greater confidence in a comme victor;. ." In reiponse to resolutions adopted V th? Aaaaet committee ?rid the Soclali group ur|?'inc f^f BOCOSSity of a con plots ot.'i Immediate explanation by th government, Premier Viviani outline the situation in th- Balkan States. Crave Kventta Taking Place. "The country, owing "? th? grav -?.!?:. Premier, rmed, and th 'unity ti tuatiori ani ilkao ejaestios area raiso.l a' ? tion of ti:e a ? . - ?,'. aund beat tb irninga. Seit ? ? i ol ? and to the - "f the un ttflal ?ad upon ? . ? ' i-, the Allied gov ? into accoutit th? dangen ? reined ?? : bell ? - pro a*en ? r.e at? ? Britain, Rusais and Italy, a li ti i it.? r i.. Blecfced I'nion. ?\V- have ?'.temple,i t?a re establish tan pcoplea a in accord with 'hem -???-'< th? r ( nntluu?d ou p*|? ?. column .'. Francis W. Hirst, EditO! of "The London El onomi.t, i, a on l.nglish ..conomics. but an authority on international finance as well, for the two have been ?Meparable Hm views _? these unsettled times are especially valuable?and his views are ?being cabled regularly t<> I he Tribune. There*! en article from ben to-day. Turn to it? on Page I 0. Hhc Ctritmne Viral to last?the truth: \.\*. s?ldiiorlnls?Ad. ertlsements END OF HELLENISM, SAYS VENIZELOS, IF BULGARIA IS TRIUMPHANT Paris, Oct. 12.?In reply to a statement by Premier Zaimis in the Greek Chamber to-day that the future policy of the country would be armed neutrality. ex-Premier Venizelos declared that Greece must enter the war to prevent Bulgaria from crushing Serbia in order to attauk Greece with all her forces. The triumph of Bulgaria, he added, would mean the end of Hellenism. "No one,could wish to create internal difficulties in the country in view of the present extremely critical situation." M. Venizelos declared. "The Chamber will give its support to the government a.- long as the govern:r.ent policy does not alter the principles of my policy, upon which the Chamber already has given its vote. Even if there exsted no treaty with Serbia our interest would oblige us to depart from neu? trality, as Rnother state wishes to aggrandize itself at our expense. "The question is not whether we ought to make war or not, but when we ought to enter the war. In any case we ought not to allow Bulgaria to crush Serbia in order that she then rmy attack us with all her forces. The national soul says it is to the interest of Greece that Bulgaria should be crushed. If Bulgaria should triumph Hellenism would be completely vanquished." CENSORSHIP'S CRITIC RETURNS TO ATTACK British Minister Sorry if His Colleagues Disagreed with Him. London, Ost A The Karl of S.l bome, president of the Hoard of Agri? culture, in an address in the House of I/Ords to-day, referring to his speech at York last week, in which he strong ! hjr atta.-_e.i th?. censorship, said the Pr?s. Bureas was sol reapoaaibla for the excision from the article of the ' correspondent of "The Tin-..'." of ui ravery of the Genaaaol , la the re..??:? 6ga tiag la l ranea. The BXCisiOB, Ford Sell) - had b.-er. a a-1.*- by military autl i but whether In England or in Fraae He believed, how ever, the authority was given in - on. ..... . r i.'- made 'he ment in the name of the government, ?h? earl su.d that he had not consult-! sd his eol eagaee, but ?hat he would be sorry to learn that any of th.-rn' disagreed with him. fall of g?rizia Sear, says report Italians Said To He Bonihardin.: Town from Five Points. Austrian elty tw? mile* nor* I ? I of Trt< its, it to fall, sa to a telegram received here to-day, from ?rasela. The Italiana, the Btch says, have brought up many savy guns snd are bombar.fing the : : :T'- r- ?. ? p. ii - - At the same time the Italians are attacking the inner defenec? ,,f Tol mino, while on the Carae *he Austrian.? been forced to aban? es. I the ? arnie Alps are rted to have buried the A. gun position- .i. deep dl " U-BOAT BASE IN GREECE Found by British Agent?Athens (.or. eminent Seiies Supplies. M IBS, Ott It A British agent has rered a labasariae I aae la the Gulf of Mauplia, Southeastern Greece, f'orn which it is bl I I hi rr ?he sub? msrin.s which recently sank Allied transports ha-..- raceived th?.r supplies. _ Th? discovrry -_s regarte. I? authoritiaa, who immediately sei.ed a large quantity of petroleum snd other supplies at the basa. ! 3ULGARIA SETS JAPAN THINKING OF FUTURE Tokio Again Discussing What Course to Follow. Tokio, Oct. IS. Bulgaria4? participa? tion :a th? war and sdvleot leCoivod here from Loadoa that British opinion, in some quarter* at least, favors the ?ending of Japanese troops to the Bal? kans have suddenly reopened the qui itioa m Tokio of what Japan's fut irse will bp. Thors :- a strong impreiilon h.-r? that the rotara from Paria to-de? of Haron Kikujiro Ishll, recently appel?t? ?d Ifiaistei "f Persiga Atru:*?*, and Bsly Ambassador to Prance, ii likely to be followed by a full recon lidl ration of the international situa? tion, i ? r. -.-i. t?, Japaa's policy for the preservation of her BWB ? Another i sg dl <ru? thia ?ubjcet is th? urn Hu ? i '? ROUX, editor o? the t.." who. slthough without official - -.. I'ort.e-, ' ? Bl let ? m. and th? approba? tion <?f, the Pn t.: 1; Poreign M ? ? liona wil sent .!.....:? ? ? I :. . 4 ? i min? ing whether *1 I itost fustifj m ?? :'?? ;ti Japai . i.ut to send an arm;, to a: I bei ut d the likelihood ' * dlspatchiag I to the P.. r..?n '.'.-a!re. -. VON PAPEN MAY BE IGNORED Mes-age? Can't He lleciphered. So \r tlon Against Cental I*? Inlikely. ?Vashiagtoa, Oct. It. in.1,cation? to ^ieialt weis that no action was likely in the ? ? it I ?ptain von Papen, tin* (?crman military attach? here, who intrusted to . JtBBM s Archibald communications to hi* government nlong with those which eaased 'he re? ail of Dr. Constantin Dumbs, the Auatriea Ambas:,.lor. ?...I bees aaahlo Is decipher vi n Papen'? mei ..?'??. and it waa ? 1 that rm attention was pad to hia letter to hi? wife m arate "Hl'.i.tlC 1 I Oficiala ?oui?: bo! - i the ? e had ?rril ? tundea! le require hi? recall, but the 1 intimation w?.a 'hat. although *? j amiaatloa had not I eea i. 1 ?ucb actiou was contemplated. | Teutons Take Se? me ne! r?a, on Way to Capital. KAISER VISITS SERB FRONT Nish Reports Bulgarians Repulsed ai Two Points Near Railroad. SOFIA CABINET SHIFT Ferdinand's War Minister, Of. for Field. Condemns Allies. . > C?*.. ?_ T>_ T-lbqn.1 London, Oei U? Bulgaria ha? fina?y laonchad bar invasion of Ser Lia ami th? Teutonic plan for the crashing of Kin.. Pater's army h?. twaen hro fronts \s in open_tio__? Tw.? Bttaeka in the d reet-on i f the Nish Belgl .-.? an.I one ..f us branch li- a made last . Um Bari Ian I. ration an ?t l.oth, i? as-.-rts, were vol y r?| 111 ? Immediately Um B i'.'iirian Min? ister to I,<itnliin wm hended his pass ports and diplomatie Qalat-ona he t'.v.-..n Groat Hr - ? : Bode an am ? off. Both th. ? i fogtra Semendria. -.. th?- Mi River Valley, up which Uaa the ? to Nish a'ui Constantinople, ire the banda O? the Al ? 'i.-rman in va_ara, according t<? to-nighft "i' - ial anno. ? ' t the Berlin and Vienna war office.. Th?' advance is continning alone tha entire front, ? I ? ? The I... ? ?.:? arrived -<-.-<!.u- at trie par. ra of Parid Marahal von Mackenaen, mj i Cop haggQ __?* patcfa to "The Daily N?srg." Berlin i- re . oil Ml the vi.-it a. proof that an early vie ?-. er the Serb* is certain and that un frill frset King Ferdinand when the German and Bolg__r?__?__? unit?-. That ?ho Alliaa ira In complete ac c< rd on their Balkan policy Pl-__log Vivian! annoancad In nej in tho r'r?'n?'h Chamber of Deptiti?-.. All ware agreed on the nocoasity of sup portinp Serbia. Plenty of troops were available for this purpose, the Premier said, without ereakening i any front B?sala la Fight Huigsria. An Angl.i-I-'.. i. known to be landing In Saloniki, hut there i. considerable speculation as to 1; .?ia will antat the Balkan conflict. It is report?.1 that <.r_nd Duke Nicholas is to command 'he gn Balkan army, which it is _0> liev?>.l In military circles here wou'd make the Bulgarian people lees will? ing to fight againat Ku-sia, there ' a ?k-?-!' ?aneration f rT"_g the Bulgarian peneanta for the Kmperor* 0? Russia end bis family. It is andar?..1 that Italy has de? cided not to eo op?rate with the Alli?e in the Balkans', the Italian ?? of the opinion that troops cannot b? -, ured fot any cam? paign Other man that in Trentino an<! Ti No., that Austria and <l< rmany hav? their Balhaa <r.terpri_e, which .- as the lial step toward ai ? ea -" secure a (lerman empire in the near esst, there <--*.*7 I '?' a, but th* Allies ho;..? ?hat s rana offen? sive hot!-, on lbs I ? '.vest they will be able at '?? | * rant <he sending of any ? m.nts . -'.?en. The ? to be a very -? -r terete. but for the who' I It i? ? it 1 lag eerj t*Vtf losses ho*h on the Aus? tro Gent-ana and Bulgarians, but with i their army of about a quarter of a million they are believed to havs lit? tle chance of making; any prolongad \ resistance against three or four hun dr.d thousand Austro-(;erm?ns and probably tara hundred thousand llul gars. They already are arranging for the transfer of the capital to Monastir, in the extreme southwestern corner of the klnii'lom. ?he attack on her ally, has decided to soatlaae arased neutral? ity. Premier _____ ? BSJMWCSd USlg policy to the Chamber of Peputies, whlcb aea ? m lay. Be was ? ipport. ? aier Vob W? ?? - lid uphold .-??n? ? lin let i"n a, and of Bulgaria | n-e-iit ti__ ._'..t._'..u_ _i EUUoalsaL No