Newspaper Page Text
Ms?O? (fompmiij The "Personal TrustM and nur Banking I tepartment For yaw s we per? ( ) r i ' and the nel cd cur Directorate, have brought alth nee for the . per? lt ? *.'. . yen I or ... . . ! e _s::r ire man aftng, are in our vaults for f__t?'_ ? Is not the confidence which thoughtful peopl?- im? post, in us in leaving -. post-mortcit*. affairs to our management the . ;ro:7i--st reason why your active banking account should be here? Trustee for Personal Trusts . . Deposit Vauttl P1FTH AVENUE C_* MTN STREET NEW YOKK Buy as few shares as you wish?pay as you are able T HOf. AN7 S At p._p!? of ?:??.?.: r.c__o it? incraae Ir.a t! ? ? ?- M 7 v : _ ? _r._ tor,_? on the Par --_ fajiaaai pun. you can ',.y a* low no OB? ttiare or as S.OC bead, and , ?:- for ? -i - * ,_?:<??? - ,? 1r.forrr.i- I I ?- - ?? prevtSed bj cur I'KI.I.: Write phc"-- OS <??'? ?or am ? - ?? X-S "Th? l'_rt_.l raynient Plan." ?3e | ? . . ' __v :.a ea_ lavaatmeai 'HELDON. MORGAN I AMD COMPANY I I IS Broadway. N'" 1 ? Odd Lot Orders We have just issued a booklet entitled "Odd Loi Orders." It gives clearly and fully, the rules covering the purchase and sale of Odd Lots. |( you don't understand e_ I aitly how such order* ,.rr exe? cuted, send for jirok'e' HM, "Odd Lot Orden.0 John Muir S (a ?. _5t_n .mm. h* Odd Lots Merntier. Htm \ ? r I. ?to, I. Ii'liange. Va'v r.rr. ? I ' I N V 4-4 ..SI- ' 'x-. _ A, . 1 '? 1 Short ?erm Notes Secured by Collateral To net from 5% to 6% The^c s a read k.t, i ? near approach to maturity, arc not - in price. Wc reenest, Bigelow & Company STANDARD H *!___ __ Y O ?2 WILL SFLL .? .,. y??? tr,?.i. a m __?_*?__ ma?lbm I ? -vaMvoaaea' a 7' S (i. et ( ?li?er-i? H ^?/ F^lnlri L_ . a I (_ K?_ CARLK.P---OR2HEIMER_.Ca ! IENSKOIF, 1A0N & CO. - Member? illlr ? I ??: I s I) New Street New York Mu?vale st.ri (.?iif Mal? Mfrl I _.lrm ?Ir.l I'-mi'l.? Mrrl FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. ' ' " ? 1 *M *-.???, .,.rk CURB STOCKS ****** '??' Horkt ? 1.11, EDWARD E. EPP \ C0 , m in U' niKii 1 (inn '.?,,.,* M llr,._.| Mrni Kea *,,,._, "TEUTON FUNDS NEAR THE END" ? rancis W. Hirst Says Austro German Finan, e Is .Moribund. GOVERNMENT FIRM DESPITE ATTACKS in Public and Private l xpenditures Urged as War Measure. in FRANCIS W. HIRST, Ku.ti.r i?f Th?- Eeoaomlel ? . - ? . ?? ? I : ? _ Lond? -i, net. I bief topic ? presa i ?'?. . ... ? ?. ai '1 noa nly mil -7. .. ?'..? Mr. Lloyd licurgo. Much wi.ith ;s cx . . a Da '?''. war map. The newspaper pri ensorship. Sir Johi ttei real responsihili'y to be so much dis iti d that no particular per?. n ran I e fairly blamed for all the mil tnkes that are made. The present wave of pessimism, though largely artificial, may lead to ; . ? , pmenta a* home, but most of the London press critics are ? -. und too much discredited to .hake the government unlees 11 ??. their clamor for dan-.erou-> and unpopular n,ensures. The north? ern provincial press keeps a ckar lead, and the financial and economic Mtuntion is now coming to he better understood. German and Austrian war finance rannot last much longer, and cur policy should therefore be to limit our obligations by the practice of the severest economy both in public and in private expenditure. Economy is difficult for military officers, also for individuals who are making money fast, and for working earning high wages. The war profit* tax will, howover, have a salutary effect upon the private ex? penditures of war contractors whom it oblige? to think of future taxes as well a? pre. er.t profits. Farsighted criticB continue to urge further taxation upon luxurious ex? penditure of all kinds because the floating of new loans before new money has been saved must mean an i- dation of prices. Luckily for the working cln*.-e^ the world's harvest statistics point t^ cheaper bread. The embargo on cotton goods indi? cates the official belief here that Germany lacks clothing. ENGLAND SENDS MORE GOLD HERE ?710.000 Shipped Yesterday Improvement in Exchange Awaits Sanction of Loan. LendOB, Oct. 12 The money market *xnt r.ot affected hv the war ln_n call Involving $160,000,000. Tunda were plentiful. I ?i. counts were barely main? tained. - of a further dlsCBSsiOB ,n Amen?,! to bolster ?terlinic rates raufd ?. harden. It is considered that tit- t?te will improve .oar. receive? the aanction Boasa of Common., hut the g-u eral belie. 1. that a materia! improve? ment mav not be looked for until the ? ;cnt .?11s exchange. ?ock Kxchniifre the favorable ewi from the Western and Rni ? imparted fr.rthei cheerful? ness, hut bus?ness did not expand. The war loan, Japanese bonds and Rasais I were good. Seme .ecuritie. were n cline.l to harden Americans wer?- qui? 1er owias to i marks! close i .liifhtlv <-,. .regular. gland ?" day shipped 0 ,.i -OYereigni t" the I'n.ted Mon'y loaned at from ??'; to 4 per rat? ihort b. 11 s. 4S pe? three i aths, 411-16 , ; . ? . | ? Gold premium at Llahoa was : " Paris, Oet 12, -radins: *si . i." on the Booraa to-day. Three pri clo ed unchanged, a- I - i ? ue on Loadoi ? ? ' 'cea. I ONDON CLOSING PRICE3. N ^ ?. . h ' . -. ?1 ? ' ' . . _ s ? ? - ? ' ?? ? . < f. ? '? ? '?'? ? 1 f.-?'" B_l Manhattan Building Record. The .Vhnhatt..ii baiidtai ??. for the week endini October B wi | follows: Plan? t-.., ,1 for aea I ?at of nev, - ? ne filed for ah ? rationa, $21 ad aa anea. : ? . IOS; \ olation ? i | forerai -?-_ Exchange Chooses Ofioen for the ei led as four lenl ? ? te 1 ? - Mais It and to Laurel Place BRITISH BAN ALI. COTTON Will Prohibit Esperta t?> Reach Neu? tral? Contlgaaa? t?i Teataaa. ' ; ? ment still | ton to | ? 1 I Fo relg Vt ? ?, ? ? i ? tend? the 1 , ? ... .... ? ? ? _ b tbs i ? . ? , a BANK TILLS 5TH AVE.'fi PAST Booktet ol Fortieth kaalverserj First llitor. ;:?rr l-?ucd. I i *..??:. Bai - et fort ? ? ? ? i ? .. hfsr? . . ? ? . ? ' i ?? i. ? 1319,000. ?'? .... ? ? ? the msp, ? ta a si ? I in _variou ? ? ? ? f the ato. LIGHT FIXTURE CO. RENTS SPACE Cassid) & Son To Be Oround Floor Tenants in Architects Building. Bwing, Bacon & Henry I for a long tei A- So:. the oli ... - ?u gai and electr:. the ? i'.try, ..ound floor ? 1 p The I m ,. : -ipany has leaaed ipaee in the 1 i it 1 116 ray to Paul Clen to B. J. Clancy, for the I Thirty-Bint ? ? - i to P, Sandei for th? 4il el H on, and additional the 1 ng at 2, -l and 8 West 47th ? to Les d , Ltd., of London, for a term of yes . foi tha Iriterstate Lan 1 Holding I ompany. Pease ?. Elliman have leaaed for L. F. Cook the tirs' Broadway to the frown Hat Manufacturing Com pany Daniel Bndr-ali A Co. have rented for Alexander M. Powell tp. th? <?. S. Grasa Company the ?tor? bsaet I and tub ?it at 77 Warren -*. for a term Uso, -'."re and bssement at 74 W? '? ?' to Joseph Kaufman, i ?a * 14th ?? . 7.. Sehaumer; fourth Toft a: 21 Hou-ton it., to Lunin <v Silverman; second floor at :o7 Broadway, to Brewer Brothers; ?trre ?' Greenwich st., to Pace & 'th loft at 60 and 62 Lis- . , te the Bozner Compon] , fourth loft at 71 Franklin ?1 . ',. '.V. Sturaburg, Schell 4 Co., and -.t at 60 Leonar I st., to the Nathan *. Cohen ('ompany. TO LIVE ON THE DRIVE R. S. Kdson Francs Suite In the Cam? bridge Hall Apartment Hi.use an have rented for B Crystal ?.. Son bb apartment In Cam bridge Hall, a? 466 I: vei de Drive, t.. R. B. Edson; i ? rtment in 114 Essl s.ith it. ' Bel A II' rzog to Jo C. Bordon; In 815 West 116th st. to B. W ttner; ?.ne in 146 I- ? Smith; 22 Fort ' . av. to Dr. Wi Bei 'Tit in RP East 27th Bt to Mrs. Helen Ilamp 116 East 68th st. to Di lui ? A, Neil . ? israe brokers have siso made the following renewal? of at In 104 Bast 4f'th ? ? i mi - I Phillips, in (S29 Park av., to N. W. Bench; in SOI Ma av. to H. (?. Stephens; in 6.?. Fast 74th ?a; in 11? Eaat 17*1 hi. to ??eorge S. Lewi?; in lo4 Est 4'Ub al , t., L. W. Lewis, and in 144 th Bt to Arthur H. Flower. '?: ? I " have leaser! ige the Psyaon McL. Merrill com panv an apartment te Mrs. Anna I BI .'.''?? 'h st. Chemical Company to Build. A -wo story ar.d basement building for the W. Becker? Al 'hem to be at Eighty Street .ii..l I1.'mars Avenue, Broi kljm. It wil forced con crate construction throughout, the ?: drawn b\ Benjamin Drii ? rchiti The building ?.11 be tn>7.r. feet. I* will be erected by the lurner Con? I .?v. Taxpayers' Meeting To-morrow. Am ? g of the West ? de I ; i eld tc .-lit at Hi ineibund Hall, 267 IrVeat 84th I -LIVESTOCK MARKET. ' a ? . . . B C C V I? .... _.. 4 : ? : thole? natii? s1flf*a. CALVtS. I ? ".-?!!? a ' . ' ? s ? alt ? . SHtlP ASP LA?'H? ? - ' M 1 ?'?. a -k > .-?;, * : ; no rrt I . 1- r lb. ill a || H0G8. M ' " ?? ?11' a car *a ?air Ma-. -? lim tr. . , . Bt |S M " . - v ' ? ' ?? ? - . alj ?i ... I ? 1 I .... ? , | ... . a ! ? . , , a I . .. ' ? ' ? . hea ? 4 '. .?.??. ? ? ? - ... ? , . - I 4 ..... a --<? Executor . ,n_n Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company No;.. IG, 18. 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York, RDOI, |0 Ooekspnt P*.. ?. W.? 2P O'-i Bread Btreet, fcfl TAKK. -11 BoaleraH Haaaamaaa BBULII, 56 Uni i dee Liadea. K aT. 7 Tr.-vflir.' Letten of Credit, Foreign Exchange, Administrator Guardian DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Male (?ABOI M '. IM> l AHM UAN?. - - ? - I ? l I hemme A \ ' ' A-:- M ? . i piil ' , .... ? ? ? , T 1 I II . ?... M A. '. .? 17 .I, ? ? .- . i ?. Boor. - ? I. Ml i ?VO_k_H Kmiii-ii An_ ? SI MMONS. . m . v. yol K lli'HI . ' ? ?ill RI. a ? Ulu i 1 Defend OVE NA M Kl ant r ou .??? -i ? _ . . . ,i .?? ? up ?n lie? . ? ? ! cms? of r fallar? ' r th? relief ....... . p ? ? ? S'*w Tork i ' l '!?.. PP1 ?API MBKHI .?Cil . : i ! . ?- ? DEMPKRI? ?, 'I HE AB. -\ K |. DEPEND* i . il li i ? ? I . ? ? ? - .. rt of tba -'_t- ..f Nr.. rork, I ? ? ? . ... In ?hr ...I.-? ?if .h? ' '.??._ of ? _ at the Coum ' H'.r. >US i. i f Va: ... ? ? a i?th day of Hep? ? I>. N*? ? tork, Sepie.r.b.'r :.-h. I'.I? ISIDOK K SCHI.ESINGER Attorney ? . i- ,..-.?.? s P. O. Ad?reM I ,:ivay, N.? York City, Manhattan BURROG MKS NOTICES. , PURSUANCE ??r AN ORDER OF n ,. orato - John i ? ? - * 8ui :_uai. i . . r ! ? '. ? here- | ? ... _iv< to ail - eie..ii_ havlni ? . itat? ' ?'. ri? Clinton ;,t_ ..( the ? I r 7s. m ; ^ 0. i( . ;?reaant 1 ?un , ? to th? Mb? ni. r? a? .... Uni -. the nui. I , ;. ? ' Hobl ? .'.? lt. .... their : Broadwi ItanbatUa. , of Now Tora, loro the ? ' Dated, Now 1 ik, tl.e I3tb ?la> of April, . QEDDES BATCHBUUia. RED p W. SEAMAN, ,1.1. W. RUSSELL. ?".i?-_!or_ QIPPORD IIOHBS A BEAKI?. A-lorr...-.? for Kxicutor?. ?0 Broadway. .\?* fork _._ g Ol CHARLES W*( >OD M? Mill I of an ordoi of I(? ?.? - fohi r - ? i ite of tha of Ne? v r?, aoi ? ?'.. , ... alma aai . Wood .'?' Murtry. lata I f 'h. Horn _, ???? I. to present ?h ron lier? thereof to th. ? .., .- at p.a.-- r,f tranaa, tina bUalnoaa, kdway, m Tba City .'f Now V?.rk. on or let ,re tlie tttb il.y of J_n ? xt DatOd. N?** York, ?he 18th ?la-.- of July, lili EDWARD P. Me-fURTKY, a .i ilnlatrator SIMPSON, TH.. lin", ? BARTLETT? Attl meya for > . Il ?'ciar Now Tork Cl . CHANGE OF NaME. MOTOR TRUCK CO "F N V . IN?' Notice '?? here, y ?Ivon tha? th- STERN? OR ! RU?*K ' " OF N V . ? h poratlon ? i Ita ?. ... oflli - In -ii- ' 'Itj of New -oi _. ? 'ountj of No? i and Sta1 I apply to lha Supremo ? ? a r-n'e t No? Y..i,. a' ? oof m bo Im Id a( County ir. th* City of toi ? ?li? : '.'h ?lay of ? ' ? da? or .?? s-ion th, '-after .-? ? ?ii f.,i aii ord-i ? uthor? ?; . a to ebenso it- mr oora I th? 8 riCRLINa Ml rT? ?R I I'.f K CO '"'7' N V IN. Dalod, Now *. ork Oet. bot 5ih. 1.1?. STERNBER?. MOTOR TRUCK CO OF N T , IN'- By W P, HELD Prealdont. I TO BUILD ON THE CONCOURSE Structure Planned for Site Near 187th Street for Oldsmobile Co. A baildiai for the OH. mobile < om :, Ii t.. be sreeted b> lieLeraoa Brothers oa ? loi _.'._fi. feel ob the . . di of the (?rar.d Boal "? Brd a...l adjoining the pretal ? the aoutheaat eoraer of i>7th st. satlj bi W. v.. . v. I Rrown, \lo improved property ? be m charge of Edward Kehoe, Pi nn I ?_ ol? bl *? speculator? -*ory apartoienl house. ring the I el " r ?. n t. 200x100 feet, , ? tide Of ProepOCt av.. be? tween 160th a_.i I67tti ate., the buyer giving in part paymeal seven lei the noith si.le of 146th .? . between Fifth end I.? nos srs. Hugo Wal ?Id f ?r a client n two >tory dwelling, 26x100 feet, on i ? ? laie av.. .ira. the 180th -'. labway 1 ne property is .Scribed a. ? lot 1.5 of th? " - late. ! ? .- R? alt] I - ?' iatei bava sold on the property of the Ifltereonnty i Company, .?? Ridgewood, Queena, lixty m?, [ol on th? ? ? ? i r .*? ? iL, between Ra I lad ? : the 1 >ng Islai I Railroad. i i-,. -.:.?? Inelud xlOO ' -. r MMsIOO !??? ? Iti e Johi i a . ' he broker De .. u I I o bave leased, furn. t?r. far W. H_\ tting, 1 dwelling at 1-4 I aai ? lisi N'.-.nrv Craig ? ?" Lenox, M i v ? Co. have leased for Clara K. Worlei the dwelliog ..- tt W t I I ? ? sqatre Dsvia. aa bonghl frr.n. the eatate a plot, 60x1 feel Merkel L. Pat? ? .i i n leratloa ii ige of $1..''"" . : ???..' .1 pi lee for Pat? i ;'. fran.e l.uililirik, he propertj \m1! probably he r. l,\ modera ?.'i-_i-'uie- by tha i'iircha.-fr, who i. intereated in i n eaterprieea. Will Enlarge Eagle Works Plant. i ha Ragle Worka plaat of the Stead* ard Oil Cesapaay af New Jersey Is te he eiilarged by s tara? . hila batid iaa ai reiaforeod eoaerete, ikelel bellow tile sad certain -. I'he contract for the erection of the building haa been awarded to the Taxaer -....-'.-?.?..?.i. Company. GALEN HALL lim il im? SAM ?TORM M. \ 11 , M i? t'ITa*. Jf. ?fa always bu*? d foi ? ?ml ... for a Ion k oi ? ? Il ..?;?., Mur III! IIADIM, HIMIk; HflTfl Of TUf WO'lft ii!]arii;C??ii5ii^ V l"l A \ I I? ? Il Y. *?. .1. OWa(SON?* vnii-iisisr ?OSI?H WHITE A SONS COMPANY Metiopolitan HoTa !..,. N ' Open *ar i .? , ? l i HOTEL CPAMATAN L/.WUENCE l?MiK.BI/ONXVILLF. N. Y. s,,r. ?ml K ?"' Our.rtg l'ail Ma? Winter T RAY .MO RE ______ STORAUl NOTICES. Il \HfM \ Wr? Knickerbocker Storage Warehouse Co., (Inc.) ?. h-l'l IIKll *?l . MM rOaWL er I ? I To Mr I* A ' M.iy I.??ter, Ms: l*r. Mr? 17. P. Ilarr.arl. Sam Ep ?? P Da IK ? ? - ' Has -????"? .. I. Van im? ? ' ? ding '- i ? ? hi Pi rtoi III? I Walter K Bharot, I ? ... .'. Harr- Either, Mr o Ii j. Bakal i i. I'lfn....... Qua Ml 1er, ft ,.. pat ell h Ba*i r 'ha 0"Bi lea, Jot i | ? ,?. 1*1 E ? ? ; ?S !'. .I"..- \\ ?? a tr. Charle* Ton and ...... f oui lian opon !< - : ii -i ba? ins . ? * . ;?? : Household fun..- ?, pe? . ?? ' I , : - '? ? -? stored in ' in- : I.- ? ? iii.rin'? , Knlrk? ai ? '? ? or in ? a .4 hieb s ou tereet ), I ? ? Ion, i I the al In su ? ?-. I. I? rii II Bl . N ?.. ? orh .' ',. or 1KI DAlf, <?< rOBER ttrad, ISM, al II a. i ?n.l if U. i f la ? ???i:i b* contl [*.'.*??? on a?r-h an,| ?vary Fri? day th?r?ali?r. lifglnn'.ng at II SO a. in . 1.? are ro./i II ?HTM ?nv?. KMt'KEKBOCKEB vroH M.I. l\ .Kl Hoi SE ? n.. IV? . Harlem Storage Warehouse Co., I c 711 71.1 I- MIT lliiitli SI KM.I . !<?] to '....:??? Toi -. H ? . ' Brl? n, Btta Mercer, I F*ln*t*ln, A T Anderson, ( Mr Ol " ? -. .1 M Ullll?*, ! ' K.? rl<-r Coleman, M Lauffr, Frank W..<??:? ; White, Ros* Koach U ft it* ?'.?II ??-?' a".'.., N J J.;.- ? *? Po - ? P I.- Il ht, M K 9hli P Cohei I Parlotr, i B*rn*tcln, J 1 Ahram'.w.'7. H Lenofaky, A I'e Fed r|. is, , i rha? ' irtha Allan, 11 I ?nil Mr - 1.1 m ' ? roo i ? ? i ? ich ef , ..... j , | here-I ? Il r .I'l? ' hereof had been si ? "? '? on ! muse roch property, to i h ? f* in Hi?- Harlem sinra*.? Warehouse Co. Wareti : . ?? rdlns I in *uch ci * and I . UM RADA. ??< I ? ?It 1 I? ?mli. IBIS, it 10:1? a. I ; ? ' ? . . .?-?..? ? ? ? ... ? ? .-. ..pp.l til a ? ? . HARLEM STORAI'pF WABEMOUSC. CO.. INC. W. C C.ILBf RT PRESIDENT. COLONIAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE, INC. ?? ? . '...i -h. ass, 141 .'?' rata .-'? ? W lJi-'h Bl N?s *?.irk. Oeiober (tl .n:. Mr .if.tin H ' * '?' lo'-.n . W h Dresale? Mr? ? :. Katherin? McWlltlams, Mr*, g a Parrell Mr* tl Don Un tog and ?a<*h of ? a an hereby notiflfp] ihar rh? tlm* tot Ihs psjrmenl nt mir Hen upon ? property hereinafter dseeilb? t bavins aspired, if?* ? th?r?nf had ? ? v. :,: . aus? ? ; . ;. ... ? ii . ii,...,'- i ... ion* ITeci? ? Marl a? STORED IM I 11 I < i'l <>M \l -lniiM.l M \l:i H?H ?EH, \T lit WEST iiiiii BT. ?M? ???>? ui*?r l.'iirii BT? ? , ? ., f.. I ... i . ? .... .-'ir i to th* ?tut* I th? Harlem nit i?-ii\,. <?< ro? ui H Slat IBIS, A r III V M . ai ?1 ?( rha aal* thsreol tied ?? th* um? p i m hi and ? d tt.???-?ft.-r. ? ns un'II III the ? ? , . i . ? ?. ? ? ORA?! ' ' ' ' ' . | ? ' ' -1 1 - . ? LEGAL NOTICES. HOME IMll MMI . < OMI'W v. I "n 7 1 *( u,? ?ns'iranr? of .-.. ... for* wa, th? ? ? as of full r ?a p ... ? '? ? - I St least BBS "f us km of i :. Mai? el N? * fork, .!o :'.....ii? ft\ 1 pubHsh no?te? i I ??ur in- ! i'i.':.' form a . t Ina irana-* : coiporaiixn to traai ,.??,, ?t ? .,. . ii> and ?uretj .. . ? un :?r 1 B 4 of I f tl ;r;?ri. a I ? ? ; , I* HOME INDEMNI . . i OM1 a *. *.' , ta m be T.4 0 : Hu . ! ?? 1 K,fl> Th ?i. ! 'I- Doll? , : I .. ? | of ' ? ?To ; 1S! ? UEOROE C CA? i.p.. e's I ?1 ?*. lOU I* WAKD. A D M A KENNEDY CHILD OUB TAV l."MI'i:i. r ? ?i tRLES i-, u , .. I I HORVl -.1 .!! Al.FHI.l? V WOUI c A I OMMEL M i yt,, FORTH. JOStt-H DENK. LEGAL MOI l''P. Th? N>4\ Hav? ?.. ittaeal n?i.w le ?*?.i m tri?* cttj et New Havsa la th? ?-*'?* "f ' nt. I* ? ilaa it? ?ffair. All not* bolder* a . ?Hora of t|,# ? ? are I n itlflad to prsesal ?avs astea i I alma fot paymant !? O BTODDAPn Pr?*sldSBt Date?! Auqosi .*. tata SHERIFFS AICTION SALES. ? II ; OBI EJiW ?i.!' ? ?- . aa n .,i?,r~~ -..'.'. I II A M , si HT Ka ? 1 . ? . . I IrtT.l?? ' Kiamrea. and all Ustt ar.?p H,l . - ni mu i ?i : n ?.j t Agents Appointed. William D. BI?'Op|k*.??! | ?',.., i^.., have been api-ointcii BftOBt? tor th? tve ?tory hailding si 7". Ea 7 I I5tl Street, ? the | roperty at 111 Ka?t tifty iourLh Su*au We Own and Offer ' $1,700,000 E.I.du PONTde NEMOURS& COMPANY 6% Cumulative Debenture Stock AMOUNT OF PRESENT ISSUE: $60,000,000. pjVIDtNDS PAYABLE QUARTERLY, JANUARY, APPII IULY a:- BCt. The Company will have no bonded or other fixed interest-bearing debt, and the \ benture Stock will' be ? first claim on earnings as well as on assets in case of diisol^, of the Company. We estimate th_t the earnings this year will amount to no les. than 90' oa ^ Debenture Stock, and 1916 will show a larger percentage earned. In December, 1914, assets amounted to $82,000,000, since which time many ^ ions have been expended in new plants and enlarging the old ones, which improve?^ are being rapidly amortized out of earnings. Present assets are well in exteei * $120,000,000. The Common Stock, selling at about $380 per share, gives an equity back of j? Debenture Stock of more than $225;000,00?. Price 103, to yield 5.80%. Circular mi TeatUSt. Dominick & Dominick, Laird & Company, 115 Broadway, New York. Wilmington, Del. _ INSTRUCTION._ .MV . (>*IK ?Manhattan. The Barnard School ol HOUSEHOLD ARTS COOKING: ; ' ;? A A " ?'"A Inj ..-,.. Arl ii : > ... r - . i. i ?!? ?_ 226 West 79th St. BERKELEY SCHOOL : *nd Street _n<! We.t Knd Ave. Praparea Bora foi II Collogoa and : r .,. School? Pi par] aad Junl i : " pan i The Semple School 241 Central Park Weit, Cor. 84th St. B. _i i.-.. .. i Da? 7- haol ??'?? ? Pr< para .. t ?.?'! Kp?' ?? Coui ?? ?pana <). t .;-]i IRVING SCHOOL L. D. RAY, 35 WEST 84TH ST. (JOTA I K"M ? T" N IU, Dl ?PABTWl ST . r . ?.? The Berlitz School ot Languages, t' _d-iO WEST J4th STREET.S.J TUr ? m llr? ( '? i _. . . Brookli:. llr?.- I ' ptao _t rhUad-lcnU- Uth * l..r?tjiu( __. .Inker B: _| ? , .. -. ...i I'nfit? Lew ? liai and Evtntna GYMNASIUM Cla ?ei for WOMB. \M? ?.IRI.s. BEtRK-.TION CENTER. V. \\. .. .%.. ?HIN -HI .:. _-I U 44th st V .W .(>*;K?Allaben. THE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL ? .?.. -,..oo 'i ? ?i- la th. Cat-kn ... Proaan. I . : - paraton ? ? ? 19 (Kiidoor and _lnt<_ ?port! DISTINCTIVE FEATURE. .;. .. - : tpUatlon; Tralnl _ i Hi lual H<l| i ..?-. ? . . P.tKMiaUU L.T.I?i>ro.ii( i nlq .- ? I effectif. Li. I .: I . I !as ?_ liiii.u.s .a ll. M 1? .. l'.r i r A...I. N V BUSINESS S( HOOI... ACCOUNTANCY Buiminess Administration \ AdiHtiorinl A-^iixaV ' ' Prw*0M-' ' '''' I J'l l"l *rO**oltte* ??' .?re ".'. vS^_l _/_/ Bookkeeping fo'imnij >5____?J*^ '' rr'/uirr^ BVBNINO COURSES Par Inform-?- Mota ? -. ?. 11 or writ? Mfred K. Itejall. Ill W ltd Bt-, N Y s. Tutti?- ii u < P Brooklyn l'tli-e _ Tine, . Bt Koa VTk Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Serre tari_1, Typewriting, Civil Servio ? n'l .tenol' |i?- Department!. B-V and _?enl_r ?-.?(?__?. Call or write for .ata.ogru*. M Aoi_\\_$ l_a_SL?(-t___ A.e ALL BUSINESS T?bTeCTS " ., SUM I -? Bad Tea? Miase.-001 \ | , CaUlai Kf? 1-T-X1 ? ??o?i Are ?uid :3rd 81. SCHOOL?62 W_( ?th St. Ii iirtd ..l Ii -?rii.ti^n dar. , ,.? | , si Mthai.. ' . . | -..,- ?dp, a ! ? '."? ? ?'?? i i?w( mo. PRATT oaoaoi w waixacb 8 CLABBBB i ? ? it I'A.s. IN.; MM. i a At ?? tad C M- D_ ,%. i atal ?fua niatlad I . |. 11 ?. ? ?:; . I _ Ilro_l?ay DANCING GARNI. M. A S _. aa aad Baa. 1 ? ? - I i '??? Oraad ( .., i . , g |.. .-? . .? um Mtl. ?i entraaca, Na LI.uor Sold. MUSICAL IN8TB?CTI; N. THE VON CNDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC. 44 W. _5th St.. _. t. SCHOOL AGENCIES. aaaavteaa ami Pacalaa reaehera* _(ene. .? 8upp;>s l'iofes?.,:?. T*>ar.i?ra. Tutora, , . .... e*o . t,? Coliegea. ?choola and Famlllea App'y to Mra M. J. TuL'NtJ PUI TON 7?3 l.i.ton ? luera BUSINESS CARDS. BOOKBINDING " V,r'^"; _. ? *i '.'r _?; N r laKKMl. ( AKPFT t'l_.a.sI.ST, ?.(?.?Claaoa _f ,oi_'.rr tot KB, ?'?"? baud ?r on <i _r l)l| Broad.a? I.! Kasi is.n .1 CUR * HUASiir III, Ut'LtlGRAI'-l T?. PVWRITTHV ~ i.KTT. R8 W Ii r-o leN 117.*,. t? ??lu n '.'.l ATI!, ill .'III' I.I lliti.l??, >_..llabla Blda I l: : . . Keetor 4 I 7-:.? ron_ . aiu'i i n.iiNiMi ...iuta ?ii.',.. l.arj',-.. Mi?; Mod.r.? lis. HI?; ITOVCN ntOM OLD "Altri.TA. I't-.f-. Bau .le s?i.d lo? ( Ir, .lar T.l HM to', i Kiiui 4.7 Ii? W.-i ?_lb 1H IIOISKS FOR SALE OK RENT. GENTLEMAN'S HOME At Fordham Heights, West Bronx. ...s\, mi sr to si BWA. aad IUVARD 14 I _. I.?-?? plot H-.'.'ir.u rf.l.lentUI ,.,-tl_n. i _nial_d . iu (urulalH i Partk-lara E. OSBORNE SMITH, Burnside & Jerome Aves. PURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. mi. Mi W__t n,|h ._., [_____~m~m aatUAla: t_,-.?l__ ?atari _._? Uftt_ ?li.nri.iw 090?se.???-ae-ee^ee?ee#oe^oe?ee?e*#oe<?a?oa#eaftee#aa4aa4oej?a??sBae^ew4oe4aee X Statement oi condition I X .'a V OK 11'? #t, X Franklin Tru.s? Company *j?. .*. September 2 ?, 1915 I X RESOl'RCT.S I ?{? Chah S Mrh*** l? V T Damaa. Loam . 1,--,1,27:7 2- ? X T ?SB? Loans . ..i.--.?-- ,*.j. ?{? Bills Purchased :,.!',,V"1 74 '\ X State tni Municipal X !? Sec'iritirs . 1,154,?;- r4 I ? R-tndt aru. Stockt. 5,518.2S r ?,4 y X RsbI Umm 5^.?' X X B ok tm) Mortgass? l* 106, X y i .-? Ben' I. il ity on y V ACCeptUKM ajJatTa*)"** X X Accrae?! Intereit i?i, ,i: ?7 ?f. y $ii,ito,ii< ,j? v x -x .*. UAHLITIE! *} V Cat*:*il. I r. MjOOOaOOT Z S ir; ha i. 00,00? - I ,*, .{. (??:??- 1 Profit?, ?{? |t* b irfcel n .** i:-,r,." ?? J ... Des? h? i'?.*?-.:'. 4- ?J. y A?.iepranc?s, secure: \ y V iiiHaliiil . ?37,639.80 Y X Reserved for Tatet 1,1:9.1: A y Accrued Interest Risible 140,621. fj ?f X J--? i**9,2to. ;i ,-, .*. ____^?_? .*. S A'fiav r.r?l OraT.-f .? ^-6 H.i: Sinai ?{? .''. Brocl.\n ) 166 Montigue ?*???rt A L?? . ; I ?fo PajhataStfsai */ k~>xk-w***x-X'**,x-x~?**4-?*-?h-:~!' All WALL STREET reads DOW, JONES BULLETINS & TICKERS Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO LET NEW JKKSEV. FORTIFY YOUR HOME i ? la* u :.?.- ?!?.? til ?? *.. | "?r property V ? - ;.. -i ni?.? in R .:;t4 a:: ! Northern .**.'>? a Jersei r?.i tatst? Our eneranU ? ?? ? (.ro?*?. bl* ii, setmeai IrVi t* for H ?let n . : \nrtli Jersei I ?lie li, a Co., H . ..-.-, k N .1 S *i r: : G LI XX l\ I'ABVBB, II B*w*l ATTI<A''T!V?: BAKOAJN8 IN MODERN m- family ho.usa an! cholc* Lulldlna lot* , *t |.ru?ue aale, a larga number fron ? ... ! ? Tin: BANKING DEPABTMKNT, STATE 01- NaSW rORK, to fi'il<-k!> clos? th? btial? ass* of t*?>. traen tlon* oBTera these prop? re:-? a' gl-o:;- 5'i ; ..f formar prices. Th.". ai" ...r?i .,- Qraattrood, Pa -1 I* M? r??m?rs snd Lsools, Nati Jersey ?oppo- | - ? . :.; 4. Tomb), within twenty-five r-l.. ut*a of Manhattan An Inspection of Ib*** proper''?? will eonvli - rou ihn' th?*>- are unusual har ?atea Liberal terms. Title Guarani?, rol? la tree, !?'. r further rtetaiis rat. 1 terms, addreaa BENJ ' HAIOHT, SpsclsJ Defat] Bapt Sf H.;-.rt?. ear* of lianklns Department. ?51 Breadway, Hots \or\ City, H??l'??l (.11 OK IIHOOKI.YX. Dahls Bungalows $5,250 " : ? n> ttll Its ':i' '* lei* ' B 'r tarage 1 ft* fr"ci ?*h i? is ? . .: Ml Mat ? . Manhattan? raotanltot to B? i a*. UaJata ?i , ? '.. s* . t-?i "? A? K a:..i K' ... . -? ? bfrteh him??. Hi i: IMft ?t . i.esr ; a? J station, iirigh'.on i. i. LONG IMAM). I'tllTA';? I SU ,-?:'... II 1 \?. ater'-" ? mm a llrlgl.i.48'?'. I. I ? ? ? 1' a -? || T H A? KEBSOX CO I B ?? ??:. .-? v *| ( 01 Mill rnill-KKTi. Csuntr? H?ir.? Ir.termatUn 1rs? ?? ?'?-,?? n?? *?</ ?rs Usl ?o.i-r? fleM ? a '? write N s?e- t? ??.? Coufilra ll*ra? Ser?!.-? 39 W ?Wl at Tel. :?*1 Mai I Ml RMSHE1) HOUSES TO LET. HOKOK.H Of MV*?H\r..W 16 East 75th Street F? nr a'.fry '?>??? !.. .? ISllM f. ? f'.r la..?.i r U ' irtllsl ? ! rot I t(f '?,???, p uml ? ? Boon '?'? laort ?? . ... , - I and t : t'sua - ??.?, MIN II K\ POST COLLINS, ??r,*rley .tjj. I n e?t Jllh St. 2101 FIFTH AVE. lour a'nry a . i t D, ?lo let. II I.!.:. I tell I.I.KVEN Uii.iMS AMI I'.ATIl n.. ? . a l''?"8?' a' CRUIKSHANK COMPANY. 141 bread.a. WW?t Miir. 73 WEST 92D ST PRIVATE H0U*st BLOCK. 8 Large Room?, $60.00 H?aMatait] ' -?' ?P?. ? ->! st? i*lk IS ? -- ' paw? . ? , <r 'rs I'a.-a 1st ? m p*ea 4 KEMPE&C0. "'A',^r IIS We.? 311? ?I. ??< 22? W. ?? 8t .,? Sir**? ' > ' - l ?W " ? I Mi ? ; aj r:.*,f *?? ! Ha.. IL .- . . 1 ' ?' I.llhL?. SpawOMUU ..r J-?-5t> i: ? ? ? Batfh. ?ra-aaaa l'*20 lo 11.200 .?' ? : uiu K?ST SIDF-. M FIFTH AVE ?ac.ond floor Apartment lo .et I rooma an?l t-ath ii?. ' raaeeaaSli Ria.ator st?.- i. l'.p?sa?aion a? on? ? LttLilaatLL.\& COStPAUX. 1*1 ?Brsadwar. We Specialize Common & Prefer?. on the New York? Slattery & Co. In??.iin.nt _ee?B__a 40 Exchange Place. Ne? Y? I I I B . Anglo-French 5% Loan We have prepared ? hand? book giving in brief __ concia form an hiatohcai sketch of the finance! ?I England and France, a de? scription of their reKw.ta and of the out?tai_ka. bonded indebtedness. Copio may be had on app?catiot Atl for Bind Best Ha ?tt Harvey Fisk ?Sons !'? tier? in Governmentama\ 62 Cedar Street New Ta FAVORABLE FACTO? may he ,. . n in the turn . ! the U. a Submarine Boat Inter. Mer. Marine Hall Switch _ Maoal Car Lighting A Power Tha ? _rr*m numbar At ?ur W**t\ . ?>p alai ?*_r V***\ ? e --?? ir4??l ?a 1 C.VV. HARRIS & Cd 50 CROUD ST., I.?. JStb !cti:mtoi__?^ American Gai 4 Electri. American Li?ht ?St Tract*? Drigga-Seabury Republic Railway ft Li?ht . T.nneaie? Ry. Lt. & Po?*-**/ I H?F!McCbNNE?L4fl ?. . . I*ln. >(.. Te\ ? ???_ J?hn. "*?"? '* W.N.COLER&Ci . I aiu.i. H_i> in. Investment Bankert 13 C'fclMK >l NKW lOSa CfTt New Tork ?*l(> Bioaa *>? ??J^ Wm.A.Read&C? New York Chic??. Phila-Jelphu Boll?n L** The Mechanics & MeW? National Bank ad the t it, ..f *->? ***** to >a.?wu ?treel. . Capital. Surplu. and Trofll?. W**** \ I Modern I rust Company*^1"'1 ' Metropolitan TrustX* of the City of New Vw* ?coiR** C. Van Tuyl. Jr. *lt***** 49 WAfX SIM-Cf 1. Ill? t? ?J -?g"KWt