Newspaper Page Text
'Boston Red Sox Now Hold Whip Hand Over the Flustered Phillies Boston Deals Phillies One More Blow and Wins Third Straight Game by Same Old Score C-?itln'"'d frtwn pa?' I I ' * ' , re? 1 ? *?' . mahl * , . - h?ve ira'? I ? ? - ? ??? thei ' ?' . I ace m ? rnal. - I won I same make much ? -.a In .-' _e_ ? -'-.ore, And i, Hooper ? ? . another ? ie ?B? 7k.? ? ' Rr-. fRn'ie eaught -v foot of the f< i t-ue? away. In ? - low -'..r-T in a .- ?. the eight ? over --. eral n TH'i-e SI ' -'-r-r'.y c-.o . '.. but -rfc.t ? ?? -i rif<** of *\ Shore PHehaa Qee_ Game. Sket* pttche?- ? v'-'."r ?.atr.e, so far ,. ? - I *.-red, on __.*? r.-rprea ?_t ?SBfi ' ' ? s in .- ? ? bad only tripled in . :_? oned his third ?_'? ' The other -, apart lay ?s ?' ? ? ? u*. we'.l to The x to a ! .ke .ayinjr, e. that all ? ? ,000 188 te Harry. Cady'r ? eel se and la the i.x'.h Bobbj ":.?? ?- him ? was pood ring to . count. to beat a ' as soon let a .r.'-ghn .* waan't ? ' ?.ce thun the 0er___s I_ . land, or <;<>?.... Hardly a -.- sa ta Phil? I ? di-.r:. | r_ c .... - upon _? Red Bos k'Ood, ? . and it ai : i ''.?e ? ' _*tine it gen 1 I I i V ? lugging stock. ? ? BBarked ? i ? Le* ... .1 5<*?l,'r t* an be done. ? ? . I then 'T . ' ? I aleetrieity, ? * . T___na_ PHILADELPHIA FANS STILL LIVE IN HOPE Crjunt ' Ar to Repel I SO! To*day. Record break ? ? *hc world's r_iH ln ! .... the ? . ... * ' .n.. h the *ur aaa ?imo.t 1i. appolnt -ible on the tnCwt score wire .t.'.l hopeful ? a .even hits '?' , . I" Poit*., ? m'"to-day 'a "_. ' **nd pi?""? ? ? check the ,- : ., to be M?.? ; *-ti.(? ... ..., ?ii.ioiiK Phil i of th.- gaais has ?? ? <'i.|rr<?'. a '. con '? ' .?? hard ? ig at sad ?? ? i' in line ??.Ao!_W '"' h"r* to-night *>Z': tha Red Bas XA-rf.r,A <? betting on ? r, to . am reald w.u. Brv n Wiwr Polo Four Wins . irst Matcli ? Bryn . I the Aiken ti. 0 ?y h ?"""? of : goali ta I la a??til, ' r *'' "lh"i l?n? ^i?tr ,.' ' ? Barelay Me ur0r(j' , ? aeven iroals Die Tigare Ur. ?"p . ale bv handicap. ***); (>.. ' ?...'-;. ?cored f? Ed?.. ? '*' ' ***** ? Of Port (heiter, ' . S. ^lo. immini? Swim AND DIVING I I .1.1 l-ru_trl. I., 11'., ?.... ?*??*.? School. 19 W. 44 St One of the Many Close Plays in the World's Series Game - ????'?*'?? ?."?-?.??.'.. . ... .:-. ... ? ... . Vl&XfXC""/....'..?..7~. ???""*"- - Bancroft stealing second hase when Harry, in blocking him off the bag, dropped the ball in Boston yeaterda y. How Red Sox and Phillies Battled Through Nine Innings Lewis Plays Outfield Like a Shortstop, and Robs Stock of a Two-Bagger in First. By JEROMK BEATTY. P.-ton. Oct 12. Here's the ntrra tlv?, play by play, of another one of those games that the Red Sox, superb ?n defence, won fr?re the Phillies. Beta's the ????. thla 2 to i battl? wst fough*. eritl Chalmers pitching hlm lell into hole? and out again, and defeated by Alexander on Fri? day, ? sad ?trote, heating the ? .h to the punch every lime they ?weag. First Inning. Philadelphia Away wl'h a rush, the i - 'eemod to have adopted new i; for once they abandoned their eoBssrvative came. Stock tried hunt? ing on Bl rs, i il missed two, then shot a ?ingle over third. With almost any left fe'i?ir other than Lawls, whohaa? file? (?round hau- ritl if- ??kill of a tatop, it woalfi have been a two t., e hit. Steck triad for leeond and wr.? slnin there by Scott, whe took s :*?;ck three from Lewis. Bancroft whs hard to pitch to, and waited anil walked With Paakert up, Hancroft tor?- oal for ? th the count 2 and 2. The I'lil'y shortstop would have been a i?ure out, hut h? ?lid hard into the bap and marie Barry drop Cady's perfeel throw. Patkeii ??truck out. Cravath tried too hard and also fanned, while th? crowd yelled. ?i. ''halmere made a strong i ? eonfidoBOS into the ?? rs Hooper sad T-.-otr atraek out Chalmera triad ill out of Bpeak thai Tri? got a base ofl w tl F Mil ?ell up, Hums ?Iff Balled foi a pitch oui ai d gui right. Speaker tried te ?teal second and was thrown out. Bare? to Niehoff. Srrond Inning. lafislphlfi Ladera! startle,! the Boston fan* with h ?tafia re rig, first of three thi.t he mude to fiaj. Laderas took Bseoad ss vVhltted ?ae rifleed to Hoblitsell, Harry eo? first. N ehofl popped SB easy foul to fatly. Burns wan walked purposely Sad Chalmers came up. He fanned. Cafi? catching a foul tip for the third itrihe. Boston It was quickly over Chal? mera had three balls sad one Itlikl on Hi thaa ?traes him out. | Yells free ted Daffy Lstris, the hero sf World's Series Baseball Facts F.iunl? game fur world's baseball championship, pht>t.l at' Plaid, Boatoa, ysaterdej : Red Bei, American I ennui-, 2; Phillies. Na? tional I ea.ue, 1. Standin. now reads: Red Sox, 8; Thill.?.. 1. Fifth game in Philadelphia this afternoon. 1'robable pitchers: Fos? ter for Hoston, Alexander f??r Phila? delphia. Official paid attendance yesterday, 41,096. Total receipts, $Si,04 6.50, dividid as follow a: Playera .$44,..0.',.? 1 i., h ?tub. i-.:_...: Natlaatal rommls.lon. S,201.65 Olli ial paid attendance for four gam?--?, 12.101"?. Total receipts, $2_.....-2..r?0, divided as follows: Players .S14."?.899.5.*? Ka. li club . .-?2.299.85 National ( <?m:n?. sinn tSJASSJM ??".?r.lay's fume, when he came to the pate. A grounder to ("halmers was his <>*.> rial ' ; r_n. r BJ?*_ te Psakerl Third Inning. Ph|] . Thll WBI one ? ?? Inning ' eh the ?i?-' ; ?rented from maki- . run. OBl. (?ai-.:- ? litsell. Bancroft .hew hie aeeond bast- on In Pi.-_.-." Bad his ha' on h:j ? wa'ched a third atrikf- paaa. Cravath liked the ball and leaned airain, t it. Lew: (.laying Bl far from the p'.ate as th aid feaee at the Polo Gro ? id to turn and i tack to eateli Cravata' nighty ?lrive Bo< a hit* aad ? m. be ? ' run 17, . i he pa's W*\ ? I ?(hit- -? up. Cady, ??i - aal a hanl . have beea ..ut had anj Phill. thought to cover: . a n NiehoiT. I ? ? ? ras going te i through the Pin pitcher, I.u raanlag In on the hunt and leaf.Bg thi bas. Score of Fourth Game for The World's Championship BOSTON. AB. R. H- ?B. SB. BK. SB. SB. BB. SO. TO. A. at . aaiSSSSSSlSS-l H?1"'' rt. o o o o ?> ? o o i t i o tmt_ ". . o i o o o o o i o l ?' " J LaBB^aOBBBsl nano ?aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV ? Hnhlittell. lb. ? lasarte, If Cannier. SI. * Harr?. .1' . * | 0 1 0 a shore. P._ Total? ** < ?.?I.? . c . BSa^aaOSl I 1 0 0 PHI I \I>U.IHI? AH H II BBS, HR. SU SB. HH. M?. I'll. 0 a ? StocJa. 8b . ? Bjaaasefia, ?? * l'aalaerl. ai . * I rta???b, rf ? * >?hi??e.i. if. ?B ?i ? J J j 0 ? 0 a o o o ???k,T* ,f . o o o o o o o i u ai M.I...IT. ?b ........ O | ( o . . ? , , , , Burn?, c. . . (| ? ? ? | u 1 0 4 t hausses, p. ? 0 0 ( 0 0 0 i o o <> u '??SJBP . 0 0 o 0 o u t o 0 I? 0 ._t 9^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _SI ?0101 Total* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -^i-ZTtor I.uSeru. In ?l?e elfhlh Inulna. .Hatted (or (baln.rr. In ?l.e ninth Inning. ? 0 Hoaton ._, p rhllis.leli>bla rbnaale.|,n... ? , ??.,?,, .. .?lllhlr ?,.,^-s.,.,, ... Barr, ta Hoh r*'?*ir?n^-m:* ,. u?. ?h...???. U? ?m -amas ??? IM> g ?"?'" ?? ?**" ^VT?tale I.???-., ?n I'-?? Rider; .cf. flr.,1. O'* rl.h. |i?8tun. 7. imi?!?-'?-%I "m* ' Mi Hl??? Time? ?HO?. ! Shore, Beaten by Alexanc on Friday, Proves Stead} ft] d Strong?Luderus Makes Three Hite. for. When ('halt. of 1 I ' -,.. a ?era' I bunt ('halm. .i as if to pitch, sad ! ? umpire, ealled a ha a runners t., advanee. I I ?'. and Rvana i Bigler, .who was umpiring the br.s I IS no balk. ? I arry l and (a Shore laid down a na t.-.- and wa_ out, sto.k ??> Lader With ]' ti i., ..i _] Ird sa . i sdy oa ?? I ond and the int.. . close . Hooper smashed a tough Ofle OB t hound to XT eh of?. It was ?? p i. i1 : Xiehoff to handio an.i went as a h Barry srorin.. the first run of t Came. t'a.!-,- iran? to third Whitt , made a neat running caf?'h of Scot ? _ ' :! and held the runner Chalmers ?). . ? ,? 7. who feeli d the Best < on ' he fifth, refus: ? . ?.ut, he groanded to Luderua. Fourth Inning. Phtladelpl la Chalasen failed to g him.clf a run when he ?aiiid SB ?B pinch in the 9t-cond innir.j?. In tl fourth be fa< ' .1 a - milar litual tritd hard, but ?harp Beldiag kepi bi from di a. Lb v. bitted '"i-.t*?.! a foul, until he bad three balls -? d In ? it, Scott to Bol '? ? ?? ried 1 ? a fou!. Irai! ll ... !? Hum. singled 'o righ Cha?nai ? -iie first Bitch a' Beo1 '. wt Held ell . and threw to <; ? Nichofl. lalmera was in a tight _ I saft Hoblltzell drove a sir entre ? ? bslmen ? . Ml boll ted (printed ir. and ,;.._.;? Gaitl-or* fly. Hoblltzell '. i I for thl ?: _ the crack of the hat, and srramb!-* bad ' ? ... 1 n- Whlt1 quick Il ? ?? tft getti called his : Miehoi a?. X? Barr; ?lied ' Fifth Inning. Philadelphia Shore pitched onlj Beven t.,.IN. Learia playing dose, tor? in sad eaaahl <>? h - - "* topi Stoel '? for a Texai Leaner over short Bai ?ft a - ? three 1 - ?'??? ' ??dy and (,i i cor. I. ' ??. _n?l and producer! i, - ,i ?- Two ?tr._e_ were called )_ to Hooper. Lewi eaugbt Paakert'i .easy fly. !'. ,.'..?. i .. |y apeaed with a sin?U to centre Shore triad to bunt a thlK itrike und failed. Hopper and Scott both sent high flies to Pa?kert. Sixth Inning. Philadelphia Excellent fielding foiled Crasath u?;.;i He Mat one ?mg lag to deep centre, but Speaker, who had h??-- playing fm eat, wer.? back ami eauigbt -.t Laderas singled to centre, past Scott ?'udy went almost to the pitcher's box to take Whitted'i pop Ntehoff lifted one to Lewi? Hoston This was where the Rad So? ripped off a liagle and a double and scon-.! the run that won. Speaker was diapoaed of. v- bofl to Luderus. Hobht.'.eil singled over Bancroft. Lewis, who bite in tne crise-, ?r-ia-hed the bill over Stock. It was out of Whitted'? reach and rolled to the fence, scorint? !' For Lewi, it was a double. !.? IB-deal excuse to play "Tessie." Lea - periehed on sec . >_r, lia. to Pa.kert utoi (. halmers threw out Barry. Seventh Inning. Philadelphia The band played *? . "Star Spar:*r*i'd Hanner" and everybody Mee. In tail iaaing the concrete wall In front of the first bees boxes male an assist that stopped the Philly at? tack It was this way: Scott threw out Burn.? ? haIn-.ers looped a Texaa L.htrurr over Sott Stock bit a roller to Scott, who tnrew to Barry, forcing Chalmers at ..cond. Tryu.? for a double play, Barry threw, to Hoblltaell, who let the ball fla-h through h*a hands. Stock kept right or. runmne and would have made aecond on the I nlav under ordinary I The 'Lall hit the concrete, however, and. Balls Pitched In Fourth Game The folio?? ing table shows the number of halls pitched by Shore and Chalmers in tin? fourth game of the wnrld's serl.-*? Inning. Chalmer?. Shore. 1 . 16 21 2 . in lfi S .-. 20 II 4 ._. !?> II 5 ._. 1? II 6 . II 7 7 . II 9 8 . 11 17 H . ? 3 Totals .118 119 bounded half ?ay buck to Hoblitzell who threw to Barry, sad Stock ?ras an easy out. era was working harder than aver, ; i ? ins to hoi in the hop reo Id get I i ruas. Ha fsnn p| ? udv and I Sto? k mi d? ? good ;>lav or: Hooper's grounder BB ! him out. Eighth Inning. ..- a ? d far in. ' vath ?, so th? Phillies : H.i.i Speaker :.i have . I Lewis and Pi ikerl p< pped to Gardner - ? I I ? i and bounded '.irr his head. Before Hooper r> *ri"vf*d it. i I < third an.l hri'l OBI ? hit el the Mti?l Loderai -in shoal I Il Saeaker mSBSged to iad hold I. i ? . I? ?.-ri? into' ? iad bsll pit to vVhltted h* -?ole ?eeoniL Barn dropped the throw, bat the ol ? ?cor? is r? i ; ? re r. "?'? .' '? th? run SI t Whit! do was tO I bSCh to Shore, art it al :irsr. '.'?? tOB i ? .* ??*!*,! with BBI of ?h?* soot perfectly executed pla* the ?ei e? Bto ?'?. thr?-w sol Scotl hoi han - ??: ? | third ? in a -rue.?, trying to keep Lewi i from hittlag a loa? (Ij in a row and th* baies, with one i. . smssh- limera, who . Born? estchlng Gardner ar : i . ? Ninth Inning. I'1-Ts'I-iphia - The ?*nd Fame qui Si.?>r- eing called five t ?11. Bui ??. ent far hi?. - ?l.ird to ma - - latted tor I ha rs and ? sd? I all ??. Ith <? 11 to Leeds, M'DERMOTT WINS A LAWN TENNIS TITLE Beats Bottsford in Final Round of Harlem Club Tourney. John IfcDenaett, SB 'h* scratch mark, defeated VYi?iard Bottsford, the Eagliah schoolboy, rated at, minus IS, for the singles champion?hip of the Hal tm TenSis Club, In the final round of the handicap fall tournament, which ended fSBterdap, The first set ?..< eofl rather easily at H 2, while Bottjford put up a harr, fight before he wai beaten in the second let by 8 ?? In the earlier roundi played fiatiag the atfetnopir Bottsford defeated dou. who had thortly before won by de? fault from Manchnter. ????t year? titl? holder, sickne?j preventing him from defending. MeDeiias.? Bested E. Bry, minu* 15, in the ?emi-final round, ?asily, t y ? seers of fi S, I l. 1 ".'?!.? <-ere complete?! ?n the acrat.h double?, l'hi?.pi and'.berg defeatir.k,' Goold an.1 l.arr.e I. I I. imeaschein and Botttford beating t.. Bry *rtd Samar, G 4. I 4; raith r.r : S.iber winning fr"-*i I.. f'ry sad Al ?, ' issel and ' I'r.acs sad Me? Derm? tt, i imeaach? and !? | Um rater I defeating Galhraith ar.d outer, 7 ?, ?J? I. 0 . Ten Thousand Get in Jam At Gates of Braves Field Facilities for Handling Holi? day Rush Prove Inadequate ?Street Car Company Also in Trouble. By IttOMl HATTY. Hoston, Oct. 12 The attendance to? day was ilfitrS, mor.? than l.OOd leas than yesterday. Ral the crowd ?*?? harder to handle. Thousands of per aons who arrived at Braves' Field half an hour before the gam. started reached their seats about an hour later. Gaffney Street, in front of the en? trance to the field, at 1 o'clock was jammed full of more than 10,000 hot, Irritated B-BB and women. At 1:20 a megaphone man announced are - ? -.i >re i1 nding room, ! :- the Crowd did not give way. i? un? Columbea Day, a h !?'!_> h.-re, and it loomed as if sll Re had come out to stand in front of th. SCS to the park and block th ticket holders. Pe_eo_| who got with? in inn yards of the eBtrsBcc a* 1:11 ? I at by |:S0 they had advanced not more thnn flee ya.dl The ri>??-- '.ere entire'-, inadequate -h?- aaddea ruah l o make ....... . ,'n.?i, ..r tried to k***' crowd an,| -topped, un - :"?t one Of 'he side ? The b0 >*?-nt and $1 stands were filled te capacity at 10 o'clock a. m. In the dollar stands were 600 mail carriers. with a hand that played from 10 o'clock on, while the crowd amused itself by stnging "Sweet Adeline" and "Teasle." The congestion was unbelievable. X ten-car subway train has about the same number of entrances as Braves' Field, and thirty thousand personi tried to pass through them in half an boar. Tea thousand persons, who did no? want to get in or out, itood in the war, jus* for the fun of watching th. mob. .[::!. s'andee? refused to be stand-?? ;i- i perched ?n top of th.? twenty-foot wall far out in centre field Th.-y W( ?? far from the rlate as the man who used tc si? on ?op the sema nhore ?mt bcyor.d the elevated at th Polo (?rounds. The Itreetear company had the same trouble to-day as yesterday in hand? ling the crowd after the game. There were what appeared to be a picked _quad of subway guards, export In the flying wedge, to trample upon and discourage eager fans who tried to board cars that already were filled to twice their capacity. Befara te day'i i-nma a Philadelphia man bet $l,100to .2.0u0 that the Phil ?,??1 would win th.? series. Back to Philadelphia the battling club? and their followers are moving to-night.; bach PI lilla*' park, fencea arc :?hor_ and faces are long; bach to a Held where, mnybi, a f'ravath home run ?rill be a Cravath horn.? rua, and not just a "fl. Lew!?, nJin went deep and made a iparkllng catch If Philadelphia irlas to morrow th? elubi will more back to Bravea Fl?'?I for th?. lixth game. Should the wir. the next two games ?this comes under the head of unneccsnr. Informa ? tossed coin will select the i the leventh ?trnggl.. If you should B '. h 'o ?.-'.- | r..d Six or Phillv player for Informatii.-i as to why folks aren't going to baseball ir, ?var your runni.t? ?-1-,. r - for as will shaae you sea* ary distance Bp to aix miles. Th.- r'ayers nre r*irough sharing in the proceeda, Tkay get in on ..?nly the imea, fifoe the elub oaraara ti profit much to ?he diagaat of be st er trh d to gel out of ? l the Bravea' park than an hour. The first four gam?-? ..7* this year's - hare drawn m ire ; eraoaa than !a?t yearn fruir games between the Bravea and Athletlea. The total st-l tendance thai fat is 12S,045, while last the total was ah. The 1914 were 226,739 To date i Dutch Leonard Gave Up Music to Pitch ?San Franrlani, Oct. 12.?Dut.h Leonard, who pitched the Boston Red S?t to victory on Monday In a world'? ?erle? gnme, forsook mu ? ir a.? a means of livelihood to play bmeball. Sii year? ago the Leonard family lived In Fresno, Cal., and *?i known for Its musical ability. Dutch ?as a trap drummer. I'ntll hla sorre?* as a pltrher altered hi* plans he ?a.? considering taking up proies si.,nal orchestra work. th? public has paid fZeSJeSS to watch tha Red Sox take three oat of four. It win reported here that BoetOfl fans carried mirrors to reflect the IBB Into tha ape? of th? Philadelphia pitchers. If they fil ' " i a re dlaapp i ?"? <1. for the sun came rig '? I, an I there was BO .?'at on the fiel 1 iro'ii ? a man with a r*:.rr?ir ?- ? lid sent a reflection into the pitchers' ??;,.'? \ , u 1er aras tha oaly <*ooi ?nan on i ;. bench through In d:iv'< ?'...-'? atrip in fror.' of " while the other unemployed Phillies ?rendered nervously from on? uncom? fortable position to another. PHILLIES AND SOX TO PLAY^AT FAIR National Commission Consents to Tour for Champion Teams. Boston, Oct. 12. The National COSB , mission, at a meeting here to-day, de? cided to allow the Hed Hot and Phil? lies to go on a tour to the Pacific Coast immediately after the clos* of the present senos. Games will be played at Chicago. Omaha, Denver and other ?Testera ?['.<?*. It is alsaaed to have the team* play in San francisco on th* last Bet? unlay Ib October. Detall? will b? Honed OOt within the next few days, accor'ling to President Tener of th* Natimia: League. William Lang, representing the ex? position, s.u.l the arrangement? were mad? with some difficulty, but that finally all objection? hu.i been met, In? cluding the question of finances. The teams will take all the men who had been reserved for the world's ?enes, und the trip virtually will be a con? tinuation ot the struggle Ifl the Bast, with the exception that there ail] be no title at slake. Al the fiat? "f the closing gam* of In ii nbt, no time could be Aatad for rn* itart ta Cal ?ago, nor could the dates be set for tl?e game? en root? to the Coast, opening game nt the axpoaitiofl ?rill be played on Oct bei ? i rst ot a series of from seven to nine BOB? test rwo ' ties will be Loi Angel ? in .San Diego. ?n j laved on the s ly ha ????. All games aill be under or" the Nal anal Commtaaloa, sad B D Mi-Roy trill repraseat that srganisa tion. Two ampirSS, one from 'he Amerieas an?! sas from the National ae, will accompany the team?. W. R. COE NOT TO GET a 1 ART ENGLISH COLT My Ronald Fails to Pass Fx aminatlon of Veterinary. W, R. Cos, who races sadsr I name of the ShoahoB? Btal ils to add My Rons' ! I but more or !<? ?? unlucky El three-year-old. to his ?*i .Mr. ? f:;7, ROO about six weeks BgO, ?abject to examl r a vet a ? yesterday rec ".'"1 rord I of Dark Ronal.l would not BS si p??? Hiich an axaminatloBj and. es qaently, would nol | Duffy Lewis Star Slugger of World's Series Games The faB-BeeHc Maie et the four ?ame? plaint ??tmeen the Kr,l %?y* and I'hillieg, slint.lliK the liBll.l.K and tl. Ml,?? ****** .??lige?, foil.,??: HOSKI \ i AMKKK AN I . AM I... ______ llatllng lag r, .11 K 11 .11. .11. HH. Ill -II "I A.-. l?> I I lie ||.?>|.er. rf . I Ml i 4 I ? ? I ? I JM I ?> ?. IBM Uralt, M ,... 1 13 ?. I 0 o I 1 ? 0 .?T. | in I) LSSS .,?.,..., ? ?' * IS "? * ? I S 0 0 0 .;?'.; : i? o ..i h,.i,..., m, ib. ii". i i ? ? ? ? i i ma ?>* i i era [__>WU. If . 4 1? 0 7 I 0 0 S 1 (. ...? !.. I I) '????, Gardner, IB . 114 _?????_"? JM s u | i.i II,, :;, . 4 11 t ? ? S I ? 0 S .IM ? ? 1 .'?IT. ,,,,.., . 8 . 0 ? I? (? I > I O .In? I i .1 ?I | .?.ni I,,,,,, M , . 1 . 0 (l 0 0 il 11 0 0 .(.nil (1 0 ?i I .? l.., ??. I I I I ? ? 0 ?. II ? ..??m I I. | l.niio S|llir,, ,, ... o i i? o o i i n ..???i o . i iKuth . I I I " " " " " " " """ " " " ?""" ,. . .i.n,n. t ? '? I 0 0 0 0 .1 .? .mil) II 0 0 .(?(?Mi I ,,.,,, ,,. I 4 ? _ 1 II 0 4 U <? .7..M S 0 0 I.IHMI i ,,, . . , . 1 . u 0 o ?i n o 'i o .i...? h it o Lees I ii?ri i? . i 3 o o o o o i? o o ."<?<> <? i it i.inH) r?tale .4 l? i si * i on 7 i 4MS IM M s .oao . .,1 f..r ( ady In llr.i fame and S.-olt In wr nid ?Unite, fur 99__eB In Hr?( gaine. ,...,o fnr Thomas lu the ?rtrnlh lulling "' ?e? ?,n?l gain, I'tlllADKI 1*111 . .NATION II. I.Hhl t.. Fletd lliiltlna lag O. AB. R. Il Ut. ta II K. TB. "Il ?"M A?e. KO. A. 1. Ive. .ImU. Sb . 1 14 I ? I I. I) ? I I. Ill I ; 0 I ..o,. B..n,r..f(. ?t . 4 11 I 3 I? 0 | 3 1 ? ..MU 10 4 0 I ?MX? l',??_erl ? f. * 18 I I 0 ?> H I ?? 0 .'??"I 14 U O | l'Oi) ? rf . 4 13 ? ? 1 1 ?? | 1 0 l.'.l 4 0 II 1 i?ii.? I.ii.ler:??. Ib. 4 U 0 .'? 1 0 0 *i 0 (I :?7>T 17 | | .967 |\ lulled. K. lb.4 II ?? I n u I, | | 1 ..SI i ; u u i.iMHi ..?hoff, ?h . ... 4 il 9 o o ?? 9 o 9 o JOS aso Leas Urn?, r . 9 II 1 2 I i? ?i 1 9 ? .1??7 ... *, 1 .867 ________ p. ? *? o 1 0 9 0 1 1 U .-00 | 8 0 l.OOO ?Beer, i?. I I I I o u o o o o .000 1 3 0 1.000 ? halnier*. P. 1 3 0 1 ? I | 1 9 1? JM 0 4 0 1.00?) ?Huge.. I o 9 ?? 0 0 0 0 0 I .OOO 0 0 0 .00?) ??B.rne. I 1 0 0 11 u 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 ..??_) He. ixet, it . 1 ?I 0 o o o 9 o 9 9 ?XX. 0 0 0 .?)??<) T..(_l. 4 11 6 IS 3 l o ... 5 9 4M l"4 40 | ,9a? ?I-, ni fur ludern? In fourth game. ??Halted for ? halm. r. In fourth ?am.. II.i- .?I run????IT ... .__<l<-r. fir?? game. r_n. I. hi?.. A; ?hlrd gamr, run?. 1, hit?, 9| SR Maes. Hr.( game run?. ., hit?, || fourth gai ,e run?, I, hil?. 7; off Ma?rr. ?e. o.iil _ une. run?, ., lilt?, lu, off Leonard, third game. run?. I, hit?, 1: off Malar, asaead .am- run?, I lilt?. ?, ?IT ? Intimera, fourth game. runa. .'. hit?, a. Mrmk ??I?By Alejan.1er, 10 ill?.,per, ..utt, I r _ I? el?, Harry, lad?, . Cor rlgun, Leonard!; by "hure, S I Melmff, Burn*. I halinert. travalh. P___rrt il.l? hj? ?afar, ? (-_eaa_S 19), leeM, Leash) .'?. Bang, l__9art| *r Leonard, e (CBeeaSM Indern. ?S.. Mrliuff. Mr,ander; ?,, Kn.ter. a (Bancroft It). Craralb (1., I uderii?. MehofT, Hum? Ma. er i i bj Chalmers, * Hooper, Mc-tt. Hoblltaall. lady, f?hor?t it.i. Haar? ?hi hall??Off lleiaiider 4 , ?? pe__er (1). (arrlgan.; off .hure. ? Iltuuroft .? . I'a.Uert, ? rarulh. Uhlltrd, Mrhuff. Burn?. | off t i Hoopor ( 11 ? | ,.ff ? halmer?. _ Speaker, lewia. Harry.. Flrsl >???? ?>n error??Philadelphia, 1| Ho.I.m I. left ?o ha?r? ? Philadelphia. |g| Boelon. ?? t-kM-t-lllr. !.. ?Hnbll? tell. I?,oil,le play??Hum. tu Hun? ruft to lu,lern?; _eolt lo Barry (o lloblltiell tu Barry; ( Inline?? (u Bum? to .Undid. I mplrei? Klgler and Klem. \a!tonal League; II I nughlln ai?.I I.?un. Iiiirri, an I ragua. HARTFORD JUST LOVES GIANTS AND YANKEES Fans ?Scoff at What They Call a Farce, but the Giants Win. players cut grass beforf: the game Later Have Trouble In Finding, the Ball, and Two Home Run? ' Add to the Joy of It. '...-. Hartford, Conn, Oet '. I ' ?'??mli'i* Day was fittingly *nd thoroughly He*"" p'ratepl in the presence of twelve h M dre.? gullible baseball ft.ri?. who I s.iok their position? before the *or..i'i ?COrehoerds IS be "entert* e by 'he \ .??.?. York 'liant* and the New fork Yankees pius German) , a: ?. BS?B BOd "'1 the : Averj? ground? for sbout II sad a hall\ collecting I I I ?? - after nine innings hid been ii''.!, and th* ?core ?to.,1: (aiants, ?i; Yannesi, 8. In the entire farce -for fare* it ws? only one man, Perrit, in the fifth inning, struck oat. l'iual'.y the flnt ball lobbed over tha plate ?t? lifted into an outfielder'! handa. Three pitched balls sufficed for *om* of th* naif innings, which laated shout thr*s minutes ?soh. To sdd to the confusion of tho*? who looke?! o Schaeffer laslsted in his fool Ish pantomime, even after the groan* and hisses of the indignant spectator* had Buhsldsd to an e. and after many had left the -'a:.?it. Left? High was playing on hi* old ground*, a:..! the crowd d. man.le.i to know why ha didn't th* Yankee* up to play the Hartford < Leaguers, who won the pennsnt. EveSJ Bill Deaevaa "brazened" th* eity that msile him s ball player, and, succeeding Pi*h In the box in th* eighth Inning, forced in a run by pass iag Sttoud, B .ases full. 1hs next ball pitched brought in an ava? lanche of four run?, Buraa getting a home run when Pieh and High eltasff couldn't or wouldn't Und th* bal! gras?, which the tu o tOSSM cut with lawn mowers for BSOFels? pravieas to ?he game, and while the worl.i'? *erl*( bulletin! were being announced. Halloa alio travelled the circuit In ?he fourth, when Burn? also loat th* ball in th* gra?s. ",:'- all o\er"* yelled S?*haf ffer on th? last 1 i" '? ?pectator rs iponded fervently i "Than? *h. Lord." The ?cere, f"r tliote who <*>.re to read if, f( '.low s : N Y O?'? - M T TA*k.'_.< . > s ' l , in s ? I, If.. I 7 1 S 0 0 Il'.th <*\y tit ? Of : ; ' -r If ? M ? ? '? ! I- '?? 88 . ?II - ? * I ! i 'II i : : '. * t . l.l?'. 'rill? loo I St ! , . - . -, , , ,. , . i ? a s o a s s ? ? ? o * t -e .. . Hulls. II ?- ! ? ? ? I ??troui 1. " !'? >?? . 1 81 . I - ' \ a 'I ' TIE FOR FIRST AT N Y. U. \r'-? B>fi Science School? S,-.ire Same Number of l'oints in Meel. In the ii . ? '1 !>?? f Nee York i'? .. ?- tj ori Ohio ! g "f ? fOI t.t ' ?!.'? ?it*. Many aid tVaogfa Hti.rrei for the Ap t and : . .. .. the Col? \. - -irmmarle* follow: ( - Ma .. Ar , - ? N ? '. . I 4 - ? ?' ?: > 'l'uis A:. - It a s v . i a ? . . ' - wrfl J PLAYERS TO DIVIDE ALMOST $145,000 Their Profits. Howevtrs Will Not Fqua! Those (.f 1911 and 1912. let 12 To day's gam* bs : S,i< and PhTlie? wit! i e. ceiBts will be A total of eon among th* ?. . rill receive $88,? ? at ?he total. Ai ?I? tt eipch team sr? th? aerie?, th* amount to $3. BSCh, if the division ii equal. le how th* money ihell he dlspo *d of. They may rerluce the sllowsnee to utility men who have figured little in th* activities of the . a or of the leriei by vote. To the lo?. rs will go $07,959.80, or twenty-three shar?.? ?>f $J,fil'.t 12 esch, ? The pi lyer?' profits thi! yesr are not . of 1911 and 1912, the record crowda at th? two gamei played on Brevet Field failing to otTiet the re . 1 attendance at the Philadelphia park. Deal Golf and Country Club. Membera of th* Deal Golf and Country Club wound up their eeaeon yeiterday with a ipecial Colonrtbu* I?ay handicap. (?. A Burd mat the Sr, with a card of 81 10 71 II. H. Parker defeated Pierre A. Proa! hv *j up and 1 to play in .the Una! match for ?*? fee ? ' are <"?a Following are th? handicap x'ori'i: Of a, H .p "a I A TUM . ?J I* j' A I'f'.a? . *? O J Mas r . 17? I' *.'. K? la. \? B ' ? ? '? . *' K A ? -?? .Ill '? j i Otaa ...... Ill H ?? (,?>?*? 1' "mlir. . r / Am 1 . I! W ill.. Yountakah Country Club. A one class medal plsy handle..'' .. ? the holiday attraction at the Yoeata kah Country Club y**t*rday, an t t I reiult v.* a i a tie involving A K. Carr and W. A. Ladew, with respective ?corn of 96 20 76 and V0 14 V?.