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?ternal Vigilance Is the Price of Many a Football Game as of Safety Y^?Men See Their Football Team Work alhuates Parade to Peid and Sing and Cheer Taraugh Practice. TEMPORARY CHANOl S IN nil LINE-UP Baker and l.alin -Take Hp!ida> M4P?3 n Princeton ? li ? .,? the ai ap ? ' . We? ? Bsvm Tal? *' . ?? ' . , p-" - ' i . . . flMtJa open to - - pM ' * . ? - at of ?*. tak rary up to-day. liiKB cor.' - .arter made up: -.tea; '? hite; . a ? -. * -eovil. ffighle) Shows Well at End for Tigers ?lobcy '?-day,' :. . tir*-. : , plav They es, and ernoon in ' ,; drop I tatfot th?*m - ? ? | The - he.i ? t'i on o." . and takj ? - prac '? ? - ? ' :" - ? ? rtce riag ' ?? fielj ? . : ovins n . the ball. t i ?? ' '' ' - ,1; Ha: i.Uhi'?; .ruar.i: , tit end; s, full falder Back ai End ? ,. on Columbia Eleven I BB tha . I ? ? ra ; and it hatfa'' ' >** ?ho L regular .?rt pr?c*.. ? . regvlsr * ? that he ^ moral? 'r cap ace at a? injured - ? ?i.. .- lit the opi Penn*ylvania Eleven ??Gruelling Practice ?... - , '? ? r?, .' ' ?sjj^T,,*1 "?-? Nfc I*.'. 'V ? lignai drill, 2?' ?itkaat *-3k b0jt *? .. the; a-.9** ? a ? ? ? ???Jfaaani ? '""' ' Two ?'re Beared r. ___*?X?? ??' *?* >??<-? M ?"^illtd to uks . ...jrnal S-1 the aid al electric II? : iced at i .ron. ? ? announced that tl I( - I " ? l aver. B '. 1 ?ate in the aft ?he quarterback, a ? ' . ? . ii i ,. . aad '? Ha practised .i. >. . ? >' it - deal arta ai i the Na\ v. Harvard 'Varsity Boats Scrub by field Go; tl- The Hi ? theii sa, '??, ment of t 1 : > ? afternoon, 1 tr.ey were .orce,! to WOth har. dun i refalar ati : ?? -, Planer. *A ht? elose Vanity teaa ? - ? ro?ad, wen ? Inter, when t?,.- . . ? i ici lib, i ? ads a* . ? .rs Virginia on Satard; and every e'Tort will b? made streaffthe ??> defsaaive rlay of t Dartmouth 'Varsity Beaten by Scru . ? N li , ? let, 12. After i hour's - : m mags between ?1 \ars:tv and the necor ? goal in -? on for the so '. over a drop kn Irom the ..>-_ard line. This ?vas tl ? afternoon. * . '. (.err.s there a/ere no outatan.i . i Vanity, u oi. m hii appearance <.t i impression, his em ?? ? ?? let, Mcl.o: :-.:id Baxter are ? Gil? took Baxter Thielscher and Barrov? ? a Ibaek position open to i'ool isisteat _ane ther xception of the ends, who? ii il .. weak, :!., Vanity lia 1 considerably, breaking throug ralising it? opponent.-, p.a-. lei way, ? ... ?_< rrill and iioo. . guard positon, hu Lehman at right hal ng two long run.?. He ? a to-morrow the secret pnctic .ast until 5 o'clock, when the cate . De thrown open to the .luden body. Bob Neyland Back at Quarter on Army Tean lux _.:*?_?.-> to _*_? Tn: aai ; Weal Peiat, N. T., Oct. 12.?Th Army eleven got in an hour's scrim mage '.o-__v, the first the team ha ?:nce the Gettysburg game. On dotra came after a lengths ses eion at plugging the line. Mitchel ..1 over and Oiiphan -toa!. ? r. did work in the 'var sity backfleld wag a feature of th .it. Bob Neyland drove t! ? "moon at quarter. It wa appearance aince th. .?ame. ? togs, but watched th. ? de lines. Britton, wh< was hurt time weeks ago, also re . get in the game thi: Meacham waa alightly injure? to-day and gave up his place to Jonc: I few moments' play. Further Changes Made in Williams Line-Up :??.-??? 10 _ iMtaaa] W.'.hamstown, .Mass., Oct. 12. Fur ther changes in the line-up and a radi cal cl marked th. the Williami College elever afternoon. La Plante, who hai halfback and end alreadj boefl once more I to qai I of Jones. Cap tala Tomkini is again in the fullbaci? positio:., '?verton and Pollard playing th halves. H B. Wright has replaced J. B V, right at centre and Brown and Welch ? ? exd aged positions, the formn the (attar tackle Hubbell - again in his old position ai right ? I nion Getting Ready for Game with N. Y. U. ... ; ? ? eaeetady, N ?. Oct 12. t'nion ? ? .? Batarday*a game Hem York l ..?ver.lty SS one of .ant ol the 1 oison. So far thil year the tenm hf.s not been I on. ? 'varsity played a gruel! Il g fort?? th the scrah this . nder Field Prod , ]? \ <?? , head coach, has been de ? new formations | of these tailed for - maa, who had experi ?? jas with soccer foot? ed Into a charging de m i His work on the scrub wall us thsrl of l io a fr..?hman on the othei age. hal'back, end Dubois, ase again after aad Will star?, the ? >rame. V Y. U. 'Varsity Defeats Scrub Before Big Crowd \>w York University's 'vanity foot? ball ?earn defeated the ccrub in a real football game yesterday before Btl ?ta gathered at Ohio Kie!(i 1 . Arate University Day. The - This began the hard work I ' 'OS the \ lolet eleven In onler to get it la trim for Union on VU'.' 1 I and Krw.g. the 'var rarhad with the scrub ?rat parted of the fama. ima'a left ?*?"?. .J* ... and Somen, rigbt ?ved powerfully on the do . .. g, by biS Clever dodging iimilr a If. yard run for a touch, owm ]? ?he second period of play the OB irBiit-j teamworhed tefathar, with .., n - ' ai ?? aad Eaaa ??cored ? liaatea at plaj Brown Varsity Finds Si rub Eleven Weak _ 'i .. ,., . , . ,, .- 1 I Bnwn ?*****'* _ liria The LTSS tSet ? .cored thru liaei latter ' ' **** mn.3 *?* '? ********* m'r Ited BBS 1 '' , , ___n ?,?.. ?/ The hrst team had the ball most of ,he time and irai.?'?? ??f^JfgSa' . .bowed up ?A\br .bV no an* of t'.e other m?-r. out .'or the po *-'n ..row I _"a tad to use against Brown In .at Uiday's gams. SAFETY WINS FOR WaANUAL ELEVEN IN FAST GAM? Commercial Bows Whei Pass Goes Awry inflo*? ing Minutes of Play. The football teams -f rommerria and Maaaal Training Hlgt ichool ? " B i -her to a B| ornrnf.roii,l rield reaUrda? . but '']rk -?roh? with ' won by a ,cor,. ?f j . minute? !,r.f?r^ the final wl Hard dr.-... ? | | iwerfal, we I ceued attack, the I ommercial nnally t.n.p-,.,1 ,t, j,, ow? . line and recovered the ball . "te:;-, ?he Commorclsl eentn. thei eeeded to ci.* i?0*8 with a hectic [.n to Frugonc Fa.- over the head of th. Bra ting back it ?ailed, and with | ? hope* of i omi nercisl f. .. a brave attempt to run it 1... - FirschiBg, the Vanua on him in back of the line f?,r ?, The score and all that mnv I her., v r fully <:. thrills experienced by the .-even 01 eipht thousand ipectator? who ; tie -tand. The j-nme WSS frauirf ? tens? momi'ii'-. There ?rat tacular open play, th. ?ms attack, the thrilline ran and . heroic stands on the two-yam that had the crowd on It? feet el hysterically or biting wa? wai*e,] f,.r bol BOVOI Right In the early moment? of the Manosl took the ball doa field with Berry and Tim? crunching o'T the i n h until two ihort ited the leather from six* evet : ? ' - 1 .'. those two ?trido? were as two leagues, it waa ? down, bat thai gray lias, wh'e had beei rea i at ,? ow be .nttiiied with ;? lighting spirit that ? ? riet ?.? bit i ding. Four time? the Blae backs launched forward in furiou.? attach, an?! four time.? they werf turned bm-k, beaten, baffled sad confused. And then it wa? Commercial's turn. On down the f.eld sh.* march? yard?, 7en yr.r.1? at a clip, until within striking distance; then a forwai . WS? attempted, bat I ., free sad fumbled, and the ball w,. brought back. And ?o it continued. First one and then the other took command of the titnation. It waa attack, cour.:.- a' tack and attack airain, with little to choose nntil luck played it? i * The score follow*-: Manual It] I - . L. E. ' . I? T. i . L. O. 1 ? ' I ._.. C. Bel . R. Q. . - HT ?batman . R K. ' Ti'.ilai. Q B .... ? ?' ? B?-. LUI; tart?o HUB > r a Bate') -Fnijr s Ml ' ' . for T...'.?r. Tl. l?r fot .'?:;.. latlM '?? r I ? ?? i - K Loth I tf-r \ -?'-.' Ral It Limitent A I ? - S M A I'll.:- r? l'a? ; i ?Id ''?ir a tin Ht??1 ?- I ?' -? - Cornell Regulars Kept Ont of the ?Scrimmage [Ft? Nteraei to Tt?? TrBMB* 1 Ithaca. N. Y., Oct. 12. Contrary to expectation:- most of the reculara on the Cornell football squad had BO hard scrlmmape this afternoon. Most of the first teiim were out, but wh?n scrim mace time camo the only 'varsity men who took part were Rekle)-, Fhelton ai '. Zander, the ends. The second team line-up this after? noon included the first substitutes in each case, and was as follows: Shel ten, left end; Jowett, left tackle; Me Cormick, left puard; Brown, c Bard, right guard; HcKeeg, tackle] i.cklev. right end; Schorh. quarterback; Schlichter, left half; l'onedict, right half; Uoehrs, full? back. Muller wa! in the scrimmage for a short time after which he v.:? placed bv Reabra. Rarelv have two a been more evenll I than th? two teams. In third eleven came out vtetoriooi Johnny Lewis, the quartor-miler. went over for a touchdown. I , . ,.-,.:. ., Bm ? ?Bin tion or or fenaive work and has OBI . politl?n than loft halfback on rd combination. Sneed. who played quarterback for ? >a ?third?," rece-A.-! much fsvorsbls comment from the conch**. A new man who appeared thii noon wai K?'.:.'-. RfJ Va? Oman thinks he hai the making of a rood fin!. SCHOOLBOY SOCCER TEAMS IN DEADLOCK Manual and Clinton Lleven. Hattle tn lie at One (joal All. The soccer team of Manual Training and the I... .'. ,-- . Procpcct ? ? etter ?. . .' OBI _??.. : in favor of Da iB, iv 1 roal * 0, Pal hall down the backs aad the. lanaal eual ?.-. In the s< . "? ??._. . le i tifgotiat? ? : II. i i the ball, but. ? aas ovi i earn? . ? aro?e In th? -' ? . I ;.? a tin. i entinasteis and Brooklyn .. the referee a?i to his dec '??..- :?? Witt ? UM ', II a . ,n . IB i . .. H II Aj.r ... ? I ;: Bant? Va ? K i a i it ? i . ? ? ? - , it* - [??_.- ? . * >lle? ?_ h Columbia Oval Wins at Soccer 'i he .i ?vi 1 soccer foetball . ? sei of ?? goal - "l i On li i i, . . D \< . I. n ?i ?. . !. n li .. it IB l- ' ' 17 B U. Alejen 0. I ? ' ? Refer? -M . I ' - .... , 0 games in the high - :hoo] - .,., be Crotona 1 | , aad ha twees Boi Si| eck. . Stamford High School Defeats Fordham Prep. . Conn., Oct. 12. Fordham t gai of the ? day. The ?' oi ?? i win? ning 1 : :? .'.Horn, : ' : . ' when Captain Prisch to.,k a 20-yard fron W .? i sml spiin'ed for a touchdown. Collotn kicked a Sold goal for Stamford from 0 yard lir.e in the second period, unfurl H. S. (9 !.. .I_ T. - .. l.r? !j.' .it 11. . .u. i. . b .? .... B ... : u H ' II i li li.-r.ii__ it?nil Goal _roi ? Hi .... | Carlson, l- '- ' B ( i I ?. I ? re?Mu i ? More Changes in Navy Back field ?I! r .?fr.i'?i -o T! . Tribun- J Annapolis, Md.. Oct. It, " . ei m the backfleld of the i Academy team th ? afternoon indi? I eat? i tl..' the eoachai still wen far from settling upon the < which will .tart the game BgS : Quakers on Saturday. teat ded Orr after he was bei ? Pittsburgh ? urda-.. . work, Bad retained in his p men, Mullinix and Davis, arare tried at h .If back. The combination preved ?h to score once on a Strong ? ? ? nein of plaj '. ? who had bee . .?"!' rat '?am men, and for a part of the afternoon Harawlek, Bream aad H. L. .. . ? i . Morning Practice for Fordham Team On account of the holiday yesterday the F. dh m Val i ..-actice in th. ?? <!r 11 a-o? lignai prac : '??.. McNeil, u -;itute .???- | ? '. . rea. ? tie at bbI? e will ha : i ii ;!.r..ii lag t., day. Joy for Boys. High Eleven In Defeat by Commerce Scores a Touchdown in Lai Quarter, When Opponents Eajie Up with Game Well in Hand. Hoys' High School emerged from tr val? of ?c?rele?? ?aasoi - sad rej lehdown again at the High of ('omninrc'. a* Commereia Field, ><? terday afternoon, rhia feat, whi? has been accomplished by a Hoys' tea once before since MS, filled to over flowing the cup of joy of its fo'lower That a defeat by the good round scor of 21 to ? wa* suffcrei mattered littl? that the touchdown was m??<ie atrai'-.s s substitut.- tfiirii was lost the mad delirium of .ioy Boys' Iligi ?cored, arid j. mu.i si.ukc ganee fei lowed the game. It may nv ? Ktart of a tr.umphant march thai wil end only when the Hed and Black re gaini its former position In th? i-chool world. Hoys' High School scored la'e In t?*.? ? quur'ci . hftOT C< DABiei failed to gain in a taVBfe SI salt ?? the end* and taeklss, Qanniaon ; well seal midfield A baffling oj. ti.rk tent th? Com ser???'? territory, am! Bai faky i ; i - - . II..11, the negro i ? bo Blared a brilliant game for hi? team. Kost?-- brought Hall to eartr. with a thud; bol wsi penalized for un ?.. ne -, a n?! the '? r? -'cd on 'hei. ?' .1 !:n*. A crisscross play ended In a pas? from Hall to Smith plnr.'d the bi the goal UBS Th. . . 1 wa! That touchdown thl I - afar out of the rack and ruin of a team ... hi.' crump:.- it' an as?aul? which admitted of ? aiBtaace. I went into that gam? grimly detcnalaed to wipe out the Pewliag revarae 1 r two :? the team ; treaf, cor.vmri*.. football. Two touchdown? were male after two ?tirring advance? down th* field I Link \Vi!?on tore over the line for the ?core on a plunge off tSckle Harry Foster eaught a pa?-? over the - a -n.-. iitrter tl ut Boys', back into the ll tute i ? the kn-'_ aad, wl Oui 'he kicker, fell on the ball for a touchdown. It. each instance the un : toe of Wilson added the point. The power indicated in the Com? merce team In carter games revealed Hut !t was a pow?r u . aaaed arhen victory was assured. Th.- Individual ???r of the fame i u treble Bi .. rce centre. Brian Three . - : ? and once he I from brea, I *. line ...?id playing a wo: lerl ? : .-: the ? i tein wa* .. ;? line, ?- ? playa ai '**' ? ? : . sent at i. Diel rrei * how | ! Attle m?n can be. ? - Th? ... i, ? ? ??** .: r ? I . R > i I? .... ? ? t * M ? -? _. A' , I *t II i -? YONKERS TEAM PROVES SPEEDY IN NEWARK RUN Bronx Church House Gets -Second Place ? Giorgio Wins Individual Honors. The athletic e.-.thutiast! of Newark who are to eoadttCt the national I and field ch.mpion?,hips r.ext year ?? an in.lieation of their inttn?* Interest m ?port yesterd**., when thofl Bed I to watch one ha di I and sixty runner* co: Brizos in an op.-.'. bsadi? an road by 'he Ne-v Jaraey Athlet The spr-?*a'.ors ahowed a keen later? ? ?-.'. Sght for ? prl t?. went to the Tooker? Young ?'ian A??.. ? ch House, .'. ith 71 ; ."?ark Young Men's I ..i, with '.'-. beaol ? * ? to J ' it Atl t ?ub, ? II . ?. ho had a hatnlicap of . can- i yard? ?h he had ?? ' ? thoxtwo a v.r the minutes 84 Berl ab'-th Y. M. C. A : group, l; ? ? n.aking B tiripp ? and Kick I '????' \ ?! ' tie ? tab, ?.id Hugh Honahi i ? The ?ummarv fo Pa v . a . .... ? ?- E. II ? A - ? . ...?-: ? ? i i If ? A ? , ? ,1 ll.l I 4 'i linn i C. II M . A a A ? - I II. . . Il a. A I.I.I? A I '. ? ? a " . . M ? A .11 . " 4 . IS?1 . .? ? ' .? in i ? a ? 4 \ ' r. m c. ? i ,, ,.;.?.- a . a. Mi,ha? ?. i j. ? . m. ? - p?t?? . . ^ . > . ? i ? ?.?, . ' u A A . I .'? | -, '? \- i 8 S . ' ? itti hcd . . ? . POINT >' 0 . >l i- A ? ? {] Brni.i ? I 48 ,. 1 ? 19 A. .... U : - .. < ti ' ? A c , u . - :? ; ' < ? : ' Tjejporili?hi SGnntJana Wee ?here ho? been lome gossip from time to tima aa to the make-up of the greatest ball r!?l, thai ever played. A certain number of rotes have been cas* for the aid BoetOB machins of 1-.?". where Tennay, Lowe, Lor.g ar.d Col ' *? compose! the II " eld "'her VOtCS have been east for the old Orioles, and th? talent has also provide,) heavy backing *ln the dope for the Cub? of If and the Mackmen of la'er leaae. s. The grea'e?' ..<-iring machine of them all wa? ?he Mackmen, with the oil Baker-Collins Mi-!- ?< ar*:'!ery. This club was the hardest club of ther bold in check as s run g_a__.BC array. Bat 'he Red Sox, while not as great s club as some others in pa t hi'tory, u- : a? one of the greate?? ?? c l ?. 11 of *he gome, if b?SI the greatest *har ever played Red Sox Alone. There may have beer, a greater dofOBOive e!_b than the Red Sox at their best when one? keyed up- but wo doubt it. N'o o'her club ha. been ? ?uppllod with every detail of dofoBelve etuT. They have three firs* en In Thomaa, Cady and < arrigan. Bevor.,1 the ca'ching -here are three trerchea upon defence the pitohiBf, the laflsld and the ou'field. The Mackmen had a better infield, but the Mackmen ..ever had five pitchers like Wood. I - - . hore Leonard and Ruth. Aad the Mackmen never had sn outfield to comparo With Speaker, Lewie and Ho- >er. Th* closest approach to the Red Sox defence was exhibited by the Cabs of former years, when ?hey hid Kling and Archer catching; Brown, Overall, Pfister, pitching; F.vers, Tinker and Stein feldi for th* infield, with Bcho te il >fman and Shaekard for th* outfield. iic Red Sox of 1.1. are - ,. .. great ? ball c!':b a? the Cubs of 1.1'V They don't know aa much baaeball and lack the all-around keenness of that oid Cub array. Hut as a dofOBslvo elai I fully as good if not a whit For there !-n't a break it. * li :?' Il a defence at any point. Two Runs Enough. people, " remarked Eddie Collins after Monday's game against to scor? on - I B li IB club. Runs are t to make against this machine than'any ball club I have ever SMB. If er get. to hitting th" ? '? often, you'v? still pot the : to pasa, and if you g. . ?? ?till got that outiield, which -. ir more ground tha- "Id I have ever aeen. The Red Sox are not any wonders upon atta. arc not the beat run-getters thu 1 Hut they don'' I with 'hat defence. About two runs, as a rule, ore enough. And a goo.i part of the time one is aufficient. Weilman, of -, pitched three gamei against the Red Sox and held them to one games by the .core of 1 to 0." Consistency Counts. -It laa'l so n aeh B matter of a few games," continued Calilas. "It ii the consiste! cy of the Roston defence that wins the prize. In a four game series the opposing club ge's Shore, Foster, Ruth and Leonard. All atara and all hard to hit. You can n?-ver figure that you'll get a weak pitcher to-morrow And in addition to this steady pitching, always good, you are always up against the rest of the club, especially that outfield, which has cut oft* more basehits than any other ou7tield in the game. Scoring runs against Hoston is about the toughest job In baseball. At least, the toughest one that I ever tackled." A Welcome Change. It is at least a welcome change to get a varie';,- of world ?cries stuff. For the last few seasons that attack has always been featured, especially where the Mackmen were concerned. But this season we are getting a chance to itady 'he rare value of defence, fully as important a feature of baseball al ti.? attack. The Tigers had tha best attacking club in the gam*, but the beat defensive club beat them out. HAL BOY VICTOR IN MATCH RACE FOR RICH PURSE Beats Judge Ormonde in Thrilling Duel?Three Winning! forGeers. I Ky, " ?? If.?Hal Roy. I ne g v 'cher, of Ir d?a:.a;.ol?*, . ' ? ?ullion, o**-*.-l imbas. (?hio. 'i ma*ch rac? at th? Grand ? sg hers to-da?. I. ?I. ! ? . la, back? I th?? 'A lemb?s, <>hio, wa* ?? ;p th* money for ? '. on Jucig Th* ??, with the n .. ?ver w:t toB trad The Bret I ? BSJ f"r Hsl Boy. who won by s length, but 'n the ?*? on?! i ? front after ' Only the judge* ? the fourth t Jude? meado i mh : ? an?l b?l?J B hen* it.ii t . over? . at th? |] -ran.*?? flag ?, .?. n which 1 by S hesd at th? rered hi? own . heat by thrc* quar*. - ? i -? time I for foor-yeai pacii.. J:OJ. - rea O-.M, at ? , . . .. *he three oaar? ? ?iimmari?1? follow I liai g 1 1 I I Is ? i : i i . -, - ? : or-,. :? lOTTI!.? J' M* I ? 0??**) 1 I 1 . .* 1 1 .15 ? r ? I'rl ; . ... r Hstl .lit 5 S t f t | ? i .1? Allsrtl t dt -. ' '. TH' r. IMS -1 HBatl IV KIM". ' ! Fl ? I '? 'tsman .... I 1 1 Harn ?. blk h ' -. i < . I t i ' . . !'-. . I > ? . I i t .... i i s Haul Lai s " ' ? 41* . . '. i 'S PAiiN?) 7' N '1.A-S r.'-.i IN TIIHF.B P! RBI. K*fWs**B lilrspt, el. :, Hal? Dlrsx* ? , - ?taker. ! . . I ... I I ?'. turki: YiAH old Tii'.r two HI TTmrr - PI '!.?.. t De Rn. ?. \ .-?- t i,?areI 1 I N. "..?. Spirit. '. ' . i '-. I I . ? Sill* ' . I ! ] ? IPOM - ? .81. .,. I i ,. I ?I . . ' ' . ? ? 'tis 1*4 - 'a Ml ? 1 ?*. -f* ' 1 L* *? ? __. f ? ___!??_ __?? ____.. ? v ? &_?___ fw /w4 M kK___r ****?**-* t . _/4_l *t?_-\ ***a*\pp**\****W * the national joy smoke f Miii m^S-Pf&r _ir?r^.ii3aVM_^j?Dr__Lik^ ? .Ac national joy smoke is such good tobacco you feel like you could just eat the smoke! Yes, sir. P. A. puts a razor edge on your smoke-appetite-divis.on that's nobby enough to be photographed! No other pipe and ciga? rette tobacco can be like Prince Albert, because no other tobacco can be made like Prince Albert. The patented process fixes that?and removes the tongue-bite and throat parch! Let that digest ! And that line of conver? sation is 24 kt, whether you play P. A. in your old jimmy pipe or roll it _ into a makin's cigarette. For you can put your little old blue-pencil O. K. right here that Prince Albert is a regular double-header for a single admission ? as joy'us to your tongue and taste one way as the other! Will the "rollers" kindly step forward for a spell and get some of this listen into their systems? Because Prince Albert certain and sure jams more joy into a makin's paper than ever before was figured up on two hands ! In the plain language of the hills, you can't any more resist such makin's tobacco than a bullfrog can pass up a piece of red flannel! Because P. A. hands to you everything any cigarette roller ever dreamed-out- rare flavor, and aroma, and mildness, and body; absolutely the best bet ? the best smoke -____? The toppy red bag, 5c you or any other man ever did roll and put the tire to ! Men, we tell you to wise up. P. A. is crimp cut and stays put ? which means rolling P. A. is as easy as falling off a log. And it's good to remember P. A. is put up in the toppy red bag especially for you "rollers." Sells for the price of a jitney ride, 5c. Now, will the "pipers" kindly open both ears? Here's tobacco that has made it possible for three men to smoke pipes where one smoked before! Any way you hook it up, Prince Albert is tobacco insurance ! Yes, sir, it guarantees your future as well as your present smok? ings ! And just makes your tongue so jimmy pipe joy'us that your smoke appetite grows whopping big. You men who "dassn't," we say you go to P. A., natural-like! Because there isn't a bite in a barrel of this national joy smoke. Unlimber your old jim? my pipe ! Dig it out of the dark corner, jam it brimful of P. A. And make fire with a match ! Me-o-my ! You get acquainted with Prince Albert in the toppy red bag, Sc ; CAT tidy red tm, 10c, but for the double back-action-joy, you buy a cry ?Iat glatp pound humidor. And then you're ?et! You **e, it ha* the ?ponge ?motAtener top and keep? P. A. at the htghett top-notch point of perfection. Prince Albert i* alto ?old m pound and half-pound tin humidor*. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston - SeJecn, N. C. C_p,r1,_l III t. K J H?rno.41 I _._???.?. The tidy red tin, 10c