Newspaper Page Text
N. H. DIRECTORS ON TRIAL TO-DAY FOR CONSPIRACY U. S. Expects to Present ?Sensational New Evi? dence by Mellen 100 WITNESSES Ml ST TESTIFY Selectioi of Jur> Will Take Several Daya Case toaj 1 asi fp*r Months. ' ? ? ' ? ' ' - ? ' r?i sep ? ? ' ' ? ' ? ? ? ? * ? ? ' ' ' ' ' . ? - .... ' - - - I ? ' K ? METHODISTS TO INSPECT SING SING CONDITIONS at Efficiency < oni ei n, \. ? pt I ?talion. ? ? i . i ' ' Il .'ici ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ; ? to 11 r i k< ' ' ? K gsbury, ' ' ? ? ? ' IN CELL. SENDS FOR OSBORNE Alleged I'u I ;..,. k.-t Writ,-, Warden, w ho \|.|...iu m Hi? Behalf. Ward ? ? n of ? ? ? el ? i*t i t | j ? , ? nested re, ? ?a- 11 h i -ano hud written to Warden Os ' - 1 ?? gu^eitv* 14th Street, mnr Fourth Avenue. C!" H?U Vliniqu. *-* "THI (l I-? S TIUND ROOF GARDEN . ? v ' ? V . Ul*J A tsiint?. I OF I lAl.lDA III'. M TIES <>\ KIRST VISIT TO METROPOLIS. Left to ri. ht. M M r Lea House, Mis? Uiidyt Thornton and Misi l le Ruth Snow. BIG CITY CHARMS 5 FLORIDA BELLE! I 1rs! Visit to Neu York SpT Seeing Sights and Posing in Movie Play. ??*\. t it ell it Ah'm itrong fosh th ? ? i ere spohei ? ? ? . ? ? ? isul ? f..r th? II Nl'W "i A \ ? teal Irene M ? ? ? il ? ? . . ai 'i ? ? ? n man ?inticd ? ? sou? th? world from - thcal : ? H , c . ' . and pr "Hut m* ore crazy about New Yawk," ' urn delicloua!" exclaimed ? . odn? alan ? yea-all -to th at I i 'ea ta Jacl ?lana - -.' luxurious! All BO well ? xions! No morrow the young ladies m^et ? Mitchel. Pall ?' ?heir time ? I .If." Bny Drops 100 Fett Down Cliff. ?r Gal* 1 ? h a ould ? ? I fell t down th? ; Hospital, . UH. 'CONSCIENCE CAPTURES THII Paperhaagi r \\ l.<> Stole si.'?on in lews Retaras Them?locked Up, \ conscience stricken paperhaagi ?f Jewel.) fro ? \?> | Ma\ W i' reme I ',-ir* Jaatic? Hartow ; r ? (?party yes'e' bed up in the m ... grand lai Louii Holt, tn l!o'T was doing som ? ? ? ? t Friday, a I he was ill. Lai - ? ,- : that a bag con ewelry, most Yeaterda . Misa Weeks r cei 1 ed ?. tell call fron Holt, thai ..... fth Street he would retun Aecomn 11 ed bj ? ?1> '?-c ? ? .',... , i i . bag, a i aretel ...ind or the man' ; ? ll(.tr .aid that after the 'heft he be m . decide? ? GUARD CHURCHES; FEAR BOMB PLOT Detective! at St. Patrick's Ready to Foil Outbreak of Ferrer Followers. ?n plain clothes from the Second .ranch Kureau wire . watch St ? athe dral, ' ; ' Avenue and Fiftieth Street, from 10 ?. m. laat tn?rht until 1 a. m. th-- ' Behind this pre? caution i- to be the linking ? i n the cathe? dral !a. t March with the anniversary of the execul of Francisco Feirer, - Inv? by The Tribune i 1!, (i few eBBC two, del tiv? '7 ifl duty at | i cally all the large church?.s in the i ,t appears, i ? ehui lad at the ? Fathers, Fiftj . ? ? .? then came men had : . to, the ? lies. The ? ? | ? ranch g about i-uch an order, ' '???? men planted the ?.inch at n ? thing, thai ? tacoted Oeti I i , i.;, m dar O? the Spanish ? neat. Mother's Body Borne to Prison For Convict Son's Farewell Barred by Riley'a Order from Leaving Sing Sing to Attend Funeral, He Gets Look at Parent Through Ossborne'i Kindness. .?????.;.*? ? I PrlBoaa ! lemptonly dl : Il .1 ; ST? minion to a Sing 1 ar to home m Hi"..?.. ? ? . r lay ?lead. Warden Tl ? ? I ? . Holy I metery, .- ? ? ?? - lid the have ? ? j thai ? chance '? his ?!? ?. great d? raj I t'l all ther. l"r or 1 i ? v's war op ? . ? ? ? "' .1 to leavi .pi un 'i?-r guard on similar rr. ? I ?ar ' Ward? the ? ? ?. . ? I had . - ? ? ? ? and u ?n the ? ... i-i??!? Lcaid* th? warii?n triad |*>j make him take a more optimist ;.-??;. bat h? ted 'rint he A night message proved thai s righl ?r men have Cnn't Jusl md I'll trouble ? and mine. n doubl'- irons il You'll ? A i ten ex ? ? . -- l;:-!-" I I I ' ? ? M try it," ; the wardei [ don't want to i f th? .... So s t to Mr. Rile; irmn ? ... "N,." int- contint Hodaon? Mutual .Ti " \\ I i . I ' ? am the body here"" h<* aril! be -.??m l ... . , ... ? ... ? ? ? _ riginall ? Mr. Osl taken th? rtakei ta ? ' I th? ai > ner aras ]ef?. Bates, and i re tu rood i iuin;l>- left tat _?.--?i<.a ?.th ta. _e*ij. i AUTO PLUNGES IN CROWD; IDEAD Man Hurt When Forced Under T rol ley as the .Machine .Swerves. To avoid ?'"?lining with a tti ej ear, Andrew li'i ? ' iwerved ? .11 ; to < int.. a erowd oi ?b ob the plank road in NewsrI ? injurini?' two Eis ws? Brtested and held peadiag I the in? jurie-. Chai Giles, I rl live, of 277 Am horal " .'?pe. arai taken to S< Jsmi a th hotl IT b? loa ? he kneei He died lut?* last nigh) John O'Mars, of 61 < land Street, Montelsir, la m the institution .? compound ? re of the skull nnd internal la? ir ? (ailes and 0*Mara were member crowd of two ' ' re eleeti e to board a eai their homi taatboaad trolley approached and ?lowed dos n Bear the groas i I I were tw? itoi ? :: Ural of which ihol lato the middle of theread iray n1- the ear itopp? I eond, driven by Huh, bl I " the work? men. The two victimi were hur'. neath I eai Warren l i ine, twenty foar yean old, of 279 V4 Magnolia Avenue, J raei City, wa? killed sarly resteras) motorcycle, on ashicfa ? Leslie Prlaulz, twenty, of ISS Bower? Street, collided with an automobile on ?he . . ? ar !?? aeon A- ? noe. ?'? la in ?he Jersey I ij li.. pita! with concussion of the brain and lac? Jol ' of 77 Baldwin Aveaoa, s psisenger in the tovring PERKINS GETS MOSS AIDS Three Who Carried Districts In I'ri inari?-* Join l'riiscoutor. Herman W. Beyer, the new Republi e llth Ai lembly Dis rho .-?I n?-.) M for Frsnk Hosa in the n of th? ?,.,.,? ? . ... " ll.p. rein .:. this county, . "demon Perk n- if arty fi Diatriel ,tl ley. Our diatriel will give him a i rouiingvot? , Ci "II Woodward, leader of the 23d district, and John J. Lyom, loader of; the Slal I them for . ' ? P force i, ao the rg at <>n is workii r togethei ?el ?a sf ' . ? : ? ? : n. '. In Riming t" reproduce the iturdy iabrics our Forefatahers wore ive wenl to the ( ounty o? Norfolk. EngMIld, for the same native wools. Result ! Our new suits of ??Forefathers'Cloth" ( ! ) stand foi servi, e, ai w?*ll ?is style and originality. '?Forefathers' ( loth" comes in butternut brown, olive g n and g] ay. If you want i <oft lutt tli it weighs ahout as much as an ogi/ shell, we have it .it $4. Ii you pr?ter ?i flexible Derby to conform comfortably to your bumps oi knowledge hen's tin' "Stetson .A'1? i.i!" the pride of the Stetson shops, which we alone nave in New York. ]{' ??.I ?*? I'l || C??M l'AN'V Broadway at 13th St. Broadway at 34tl: St. The Four Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave a- Warren at 41st St. DIEDLING MAKES SING SING SCEN Commissioner Complaii Osborne Refused League Records. ALSO WISHED TO SEE PRISONERS IN SECRE -.(?curds, Osborne Savs, A (mu?' Did V-t Ask To Sec Convicts. I" Rudol* ['.'??. of tl ? ... ained to D \\ ? . ' ? ilr. Osl Mr. I ' onri wi . Ellhu ? ? i ' joining ? and a .?>; ? ed for . V. , ! ? rda?" 1 . .1 -h- s ard? a, "the" "May 1 list," ? \ . May I si : . era a one ?" . i . '?? . He 1 .bet. Oi ? , from the him: "Mind, I have rot refused you pe; ? I reply, I the docto i." liage, P ? ?., i.. ? . 'i - , a to get 1 ha\e got him j-i I ?There : he declared. "I am nol ? ? ; . ? ii-home s?.*-? \'o RefaeaL In ' ? ; ing l 'i Di? ? t AI y Weeas, to . ?. ? if 1 ? ... M r. W? i-...-.-, i er 1 'Verd?n O? borne to s? had not been i he eould '. i-':'.:' i League reeoi d to i ? ?bod? , b< i ii.- n .1 In ..?.? a here they are. t he wai the warden "war? the < I reeordi of th.? Tl ?? e ban ?? d 1 do not thin! th.-ie u.i- anything in them of -.alue *i .i-.; bo Ij 11 ??." : .' 4otlb1 thai one o ? ing that an -i I serse investigation nncht be made prompt it tl r? out < That is the aal ii I thing to sup "Dledling did not n->k to pe,1 r... ed h n nothing I could a ? It ?? it in the pr-'on th-.l eordi of the ..'? ? From h i erttea In .t Dr D edl . that he pro? of P Rill ..: d -tl ?ry. "When I a?ked y.r. o b? rne tc let r-o : ?Here em.' ! . :. . etor, - ? . i stock ? ? ' ?. I. Cum ? Mutua1 _ ? League ad weia . Sing, 11 ? f ,?-. \ ? - \>r Di? "As I look B< the Diedling lay-? il b? fore me, i offbai nyii*," be WHITE WEDDING IS PROGRESSIV Not Socialistic Ceremon Say. Bridegroom <'-t jersey Affair. KISSES HOLD PLACE IN NEWEST RITUA Ulltll Death !>o Cart Section Omitted as Paper Rose Leave Drop on Pair. U"i al Booeh W\ ite, paator of * Of I he 8 ???My e _." to? ? nd hi id ta, ;? ? - i. n upon them from I - .;. T hi n In the room kissed the . L Johi I Kiliai ? . wh<. the wedding took place. I ited up for the o? on. Th.- fou , mpa in th eovei : i : ?'??:'?? ?? upon the crayon portra on, th .'< order bbI The ehareoal .Ii-.-iw:ii_8 <m th ?rail of, Niagara Falla, (?reenwoo i !em . aad train at ful draan by Mr. Johaaoi ? ?,. ? ' ',. keep ? ? out o: ei . The OS hud been cover.* ? with .. .Jus wher. ? it 1 ' ? : : I I . . It '.' the r ?'?..? . t I, iiicluiiln-. t that leath :ii do part' I is left .ut of it, - takini - Do vou know *v what it means to live the "noble" life? I. e n h a m i tried it, and the story of his adventures ,?his love for Amanda and his wanderings? makes one of ihe finest novels H.G.Wellf has ever written, (iet a copy of this ? new Wells novel now. THE RESEARCH MAGNIFICENT I ?.. U.M. THE MA.VIILLAN CO.. Pub. N V i MU .??Kl?--. ITAIHM. THEATRES 1N?> M ? ? ESSK8. EMPIRE ' '" S ? WM. GILLETTE ?t*-^ , A LIMITED BUMBCB h ? " SHERLOCK HOLMES LYCEUM ,. ? ' ? | a ; i BIGHTS i .' MATIN tLV MARIE TEMPEST IN I M l'Ai. '. : - ROSALIND rm m ,<.( DI Milu RABKIt. TLLSDAV OCT. IS?SCATS TO MOItK'IW. ETHEL BARRYM?ftc ^Mfr SEE '"0AB1 OF LAUOMTCB."?MwsM. 99?am-.-.m-. fc??- COHAN'S ' MATiM-r TODAY POP. PRICES. ELSIE JAMS ? ? I (SIT HANSE Ut FOLLIES ZIEGFELD FROLIC * ' T .'iitr.D - BELASCO ' IHKtL ALTS OF COOO FIN - ? ? . THE B COM ER A.? G "YOUNG AMERICA" 252 'VtjmiOB AS TOR' ?" *? ? ? T?-t -?? MATINEE TODAY! $1 & $1.50 GAIETY MATINEE TODAY $i&$i.? HUDSON "Ona VAm Play REMAINS"?Only One f? ' II APHIS AJvlERICAN FARCE. ?3? PU :[?mi>7A< ?.a**. ;t V.M. G tHTLNAT. W I - ?7? ?I ' .4 _'!' p.'AT FULTON ' |"AMi? ? MI'll " ????????????????????????????????^k-A CANDLER MATINEE TODAY , 51 & $1.50 I'B.RTY Twin l?al i i:? . Ki | j .iflPI D. W. GRIFFITHS REPUBLIC si At- SILLIM, I *i(U* AHEAD A BIGGER SUCCESS (^?!!:TI'aT Vl^l I MAN ? ?1J1-..K. <?a| 'ON TRIAL', w a R y BVAB ORCHESTRA SEATS, $1.50 and $2.00 50? FIRST BALC. 50c, 75c, $1 GLOBE a A ,A*': . v* MONrGOMEKY&STO.NE LCHH,^ #_ r? ?\ T mil i Llifl I ? PRINCESS PAT m A- , I I |1 . V - ''I ? 3_. * -I *H LEXINGTON THE SHOW SHOP" Wei rwir. . ! ? . . . H 6BAB0 ...i R? to PA.LuV. A I Mil HlAi HALL. I . ? it | S'liW uV HAI.I M STANDARD A A ?A FULL HOUSE" CREATORE VT.D V I ? -.Mr i un.-. i M I_J 'TWIN BIDS", ? \kmi.ii BALL. Bal \f?. i?, i. SS _t i Polish Victims' Relief Fund Pi-DHHEWSXI .1.-1 r .1,1 l?.l l\ll, I- \- I \SI? I'll f .-1 S I rollo? rd I.? KM IT 11 ?>l ? llwlis ?. Ml -I? ? .? ? VllAC.KAPM. U.i- A ?I V TWICE TO DAY _ I . 1 .. rHAHLFb RICHMAN H I -,..... AA ,' 11 , lOLuM.iiA i I irlssaas. Mal t ?. Ed. Ln Wrot.f A ili'i?j Blll> W-t?.n. j _ \ui rt-4 _uia ?_A__ C0LUM.1I Ed ___-. time by the foroloeh SO far a? pomible pi .; ? i " COB? erned divorce ito i teetifi '?_ oa abundance that a marriage wh"-,i ? sacrale, oaly by exterior eel? brat h an?! not by sp ritual ratea i? ... marriage, hut 1? * moehory.** sat.I i ? | ? ?' .... 'il',. V l?e i. i quite ? paper, and now ?nl then i- - t the br do. --vh'> -orr, ? : lomotimi < a' ? > ? I all. White earried out fhe Socialistic ln?*k rif convention in h i. ministerial II?. wore a loft ?. H and a I and a l.?-' ?'J.I "1 elothea. H? I "I expr?s? trrat tude to a coup!? wfio 1 ,-. ?'?,,. ideal. '?> to <?" ?he re, i for - ? ''reedom in marriage and the cojr ? ? carry it o I Later Mr. Kiliaa told reporters: "I .- . t tO OB recorr? I .... rressi-. marriage. I want to criticise Bouck Wh its for laying 11 marrio.-. H I a I t and I and re are bot ta. I tha ceremony and tl ? .? ;_I is*--? a- I don't II?. ? to ?? in nnd bridesiBS "Oh, that's all rot!" Hi' a la<:. ed the del led: ? I'i going to ill i7 '' ih Pi r f... ? itoi I Job 1 . laetfy I |'b going tO Bg ' A- : . . j . - ?'.. It'l Mr . ? 'i is twenty-fine old ai ??'<,, won rail ?rard Probat, The bridesi ? ? ?' i Aaaa Thompeoa and M is Bell, who was th?- r - group She at 160 Eaat Eigl live ?r. Jersey * ?ty, th? y said. ke ws I ? ? itiofls. the lower ? -. ? '.rown and the upper fm,. . rr.p thai hu!:tf above ? i! ?r. yellow tissue paper. $24,000,000 ^** A MYTH, SATSj.? Bark from Trip, ?)^ Oave Himlrou^ ?"?^ BMis??^1 ? which .-A1*' and his fath.r nat? ? a^***' *?-*. '?'?? H.f. ?..'i tr.p ?^ ?n h? itntm^t^* .<?_ Vork he di??.?-^ ?r had ta___4_^ ; r. ..ent._H_\ ? ' ' '' *h? ISaBBh - short VU*% I if my ?a-Lt' * h thai stc.<" iv* ' m* of it A ? pap.r storr'*' '" '?katea fer of : ? ,, m.tem?A only 4 4| ?*" Mr. ifa., ' 'tieiUj V^? rado ?? * 'ae* **%% ?L?* tikes oii2? ?itei b. .???1 ,-sms iwti* i ' ? __t _?7 "1 wart t _-.'_ yon forT' . ' -< ?he iprn, '.'erhsdCv p*woBe at?v! I r i bb> ?sa r. me. ' ? i the .ji-ii ik?yM ?'? by r.^JJ _d -i_.i*_ms, "' '" "* *H_| h? replied. % ' id A " -? ; up some very inurut-a ' forma' iBf??. fifis a^sac ?[-!??. a.i4r?r ^T<????M I Furnishings #/ Distinctive % Men's ?"'?xi? S?ft IB ?3 The well-dressed man will always find what he 1% wants at iVlcCutcheons. Our present assort ? merit includes the latest and best in? 5J Shirts?Plaited or Plant "Senliner Shirts; with launder?*, ?-ri or French eutfs. $1.50 t<> 3.00 each. Tuxedo Shirtt, B Plaited B-osotns, $2.00 to 5.00 each. Dress Shirti, ?itj_ *s nr plain Bosoms. $1.00 to 5.00 ^ Seckwear Our selections arc exceptionally attractm. 3 and values unusually good. At $1.00, 1 "'? to 2.50 e?tc*t ?^ Snrrial value?, at flOe each. & M Gloves? F nr Street and Drei? Wear at $1.?50, 200 ?ad 3 '-'."?O per pair. Special I.idirs' and Men'? U ??-hable Cipe _2 -?loves. .*i*'l..")0 per pair. as" I IE ?Sneai??rs, Etc. -Golf Sweaters, hand knitted, of B pure Srnteli Wool, at $6.50, 7.50 to 10.00 each. 9 Imported Wool Reefers, $1.50 to 5J0 each. l>ajamas? h ahric* tor I'all tcear at $1.50, 2 00 to 4.50 each /W t9sl*%, $7.50, 10.50 to 18.00 let Special i oiton Pongee, pUin colors, $1.00 p<*r suit. Bath Robes -Importer! Dretting Gownt, .*? 10.50 to IsJ 50.00 each. Terrg Cloth or Blanket Uol ? ?. $5.00 to 10.00 __ eaeli. Hraty Weight llannel Robot, $9."'<> tack i ?? ?. nderwear I atom Saits and txeo-pieee darmenti it )? Dr. Deteel's Linen Mesh. Natural W'l-'l. Silk and Wool, -S Merino. Balbriggan, Cotton and Pure Silk, all mod??rttfIr r?j| jirired H lien's //a// //ose Black Lisle or Cotton. 25c to ?3. $1.50 p?T pair. Rla.'k or colored Silk. 50c to $t no per pair. ^ Light weight Wool. 50C to $2-00 per pur. Fifth Ave., 34th & 33d Streets HIPPODROME ? o EBLl - I'll LtNOfl IM Ew . ? ?? ? i' t'? _ A?: $1.50 >' $1.1 -1.500 _<M?.?d S-it? 53c?? FLIRTING at U ST. MORITZ I S 0 U S A BAND H II Bl _..*_>_ Y SOUSA' 'NICHTS ni - .1 II IRR..1 I. M.rlni' UKI.I.I - ?R ?IMltl Ml \ I I l I \ \ ?. K K I 1 A I G0D0WSKY TRIANCLE PLAYS __, ? -. I h,, o . Mi. --QIJ HtldcHKr. |. . EJdl? F.? AI.. . ? "T.- C.w??_ ...... .? '. ?.?__ ... "> i -1 ?- il ? |? ?i ?.. . ..' Il KNICKERBOCKER THEAlRE,B**Ay si 38tk H I' Ki.iril- FALL ? ASMIO?. CICCOLIBI Ai ? r? IT IASHION Ed? Ab.lM 4 LALL SHOW Co. L.b?_?_i " B'wai u. r k.-. i a i a l...... lin. f? Il .- H SB -*. v, - .. POL?NUL , Ml. i'. | . . ? AM IV] LIAN H ELL, Unir. r..e., Ss il ??,? |i, t |:l| Bai n 1 ?? -?i SWINBURNE LONQACRE w ?- H , . ., ? M.?? r,? nw a s.. - THE GIRL WHO SMI1 I.oew'i American Roof \ A SYLVESTER SCHAFFER ViaJ?W. 10? OTHEH FEATURES-.- 25, UVIflG PLACE THEATRE !_____.'? ____.. *?_. M-L L _? 1?t.:. !__..' WINTER GARDEN-?! Hi.Mv. a wVORLDfl ro.aoaaow ^gfif?ffl 48TH ST. S 0 ' I 50 MATINEE TO-OO. ?la r.ff t. P>-'OADMUR|TI HE* n?A. WHAT MONEY CAM" II . ?. CCORCI fA*CITT. J THE UNCH?STENED W0? COME.V " -' ?*-?*_?___ ?A THEBARfifl BOOTH *!..:_ ^'"**fi3 S SOTHERN '*H PLAYHOUSE _..J^*?' S w.TNEE TODA*. J'?-g GRACE GE0K? THF NEW YORK id?"} Lvaic. '*-._. _J_.___.__I TWOISC0.M.V 1 ' i THE BLUE PARADISE ? SYMPHON1 TOWN TOPE A MLS.CAL COBia? ?25 it? II Sal. I ?* !? ?"?**? CPALDIN ?*-*? \_,v,.. sj? ...;? .dei^sSjB ..,_ , ..?., i?? ***** "rZtnVt B..OUOA _ ??? '''"A/TrtfS-r** WASHINGTON SQ.PLA^',.