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Save your ?yes by reading -in a bright, steady clear light from Eciieon Mazda L?arnps, Agencies now at Mker-Hegeui Stores in Manhattan, Harlem and the Bronx. vote ef con;'.ii*nc* waa a?k*d by th> Mtaiatry, and the Chambo? ?? ;. -t Monday. Mill Battling for Hill?. - ? ?'atement <-1 ,v War Office :? a? fellow?: ? . at over th? ai *? ? I progroi wn and forfrVs* of Seinen ? aatarda*? - ? ?- ; .al . ' ? .nth of Belgrs ? ha Peril "MaV.tiV cor '. th t?.?graphs toa , ?- tatet sad re! ? ath ?id** ha? he ? ? *? ? re?r*.t* foi ?hr*e day*." os The Borb? | ? i.-e again thli g, when sxeoll? ' roe? th? '?? rasai ? had ?' ':'. agrade called Vratcher ??here a '".erce struggle still The British naval brigade re: , themselves. and tad great less? - -..-.s and succeeded in lin) ng I -, tht Danube, At Ram the Ight ? ; -., with the loi* of four l?vera mi bo gu ?:.ber? of civilian* and Jew had t.iker, refuge in grada churches a::d synagogue? ? th? ruin? when Teuton ? rey? ! th? butldii a-?. N? ?T churches -a? re si ?red, th. ipoi deal sas? ? - -?? h to Cot Ni?h Rail??a>. Two attacki marked the beginning . Diger?an invasion of Serbia -, in the short neck of B? ) tiriten separating Bulgarin gary, ar.d Kadlbogar, threat sning 1 ?kul railway, are th? - ??rst threatened by Klag 1 I ? ova Velikiisvor, ai it is ? has a double objesi inking of tht Serbian troops de ? g th* Orient Railway, the main artery *o'ir.or >, at which both Bulgarians and Germant are ttriking, ? p atting of the line from the vhich now unites K I . ?' ,vt JEgeai Spb. ? ? h?? rt te ksolet? Rumania is The MOTOR .SHOP Broadway at Ninth Special?to Owners of Car? FURS are going up at a scandal ou? speed. The demand for fur? for the trimming of women's suits and dresses, ai well as coals, is enor? mous Our motoring fur coats ?sere ordered long ago, and will be sold on the basis of their cos) with our usual profit. Racoon Coats $105 to $275 These are the skin? of Northern r.coons, hardy, durable. The coats are well cut and properly made. We might pull these rt and sell the t-kins for double the profit; hut ?our customers require service. Motorist? wishing to own one of these coats at the pnres quoted are advued to buy now. ? ? ? Plush Robes 74 inches long; finely mercemed cotton plush, faced both sides; warm, but not heavy; gray, taupe, and mottled gray; $22.50. $25. ? ? a Leather Vests Just in from London. Of calfskin. I,At. soft, warm; Ml -leeres; modeled after the old-time outrider's coat. $22.30. World'sSeries BASEBALL A direct wire con? nect? The Man'? Store aril Baseball Park. ? h- ? Playa bt i'inou'..e.l 1-4 a. sa mad?, Fourth Avsv ? ?- (ceater) ? iBBtBfl all ?lletin bosta i: id dow. Burl:; ?.ton Ar.ide | , \ew pj?j John Wanamakcr I upon a* mor? ?U-'-'flcant tl ' ?tie ch: ' ' vers ead I i ii?re ?rt* ? run m ? noplo * - the 01 sat o*-' - ? ? . ? being lai dt t * tratsp' !??? i : . ? I . d of t Borblaai Hulgar Cabinet RecoStStrUCtad. Klsh. th* caritsl of Berl ? ? net I og of tnt a t ?"?v. ir. ... ? ?. re the Bfl ? tlexinst aa all ? ? . ? ?was! - ' . - - Bulgarian Miniitrj hai 1er Ra - " ... ,..,-.?? . . ' who h ? . chief ' !, retir?"? 7 r ? ? W?? Ml ? ? ?f. the -.lisp?-cor of art . * st the M ' ? : t to the * f or ci | arar. V - t . | 11 . - garian frontil eompi . the Serbia lude, tl I an ul' ? ? ligarla, demanding an II (he ce:.*i Id have ? ,iple Enter 7. ??: nal dlsorri' ? "Bulgaria Is resolved to defer 1 1 -, nt:d tl In c General JeVofT ?a that any a'tacks th? Quad* tet 'p powers might make I .-?an or I*i be of < tl tlt'nstui only to pro i '1 ? T< t ?? circles WO ? | be Inlll : y such mo? "a d. "Berlin? ? ' f, presid? ? the Bulgarii ?. in tl Bska reel I "Since the A, irisn sr German troop? an ?or ? which are C ? us, Bu gar a fl lUBt d< Austr a !!>:? garjf Bu i '?? '?'? ... . it it la in? I occupy th??. ton BRITISH TENANTS FIGHT LANDLORDS League Formed to Resist Rent Raising anil to Take ('ases Into Court. IP; Ca . ? V . London, Oct. 12 "The Tenant! Rent League" Is the latest war organ! zatlon which has riser? in England The cause of Its forrr.atior. throughout England r.r..i Scot landlords have made the war and thi increased income tSS : ' 1 rai1 lng ron! ns oc curred only am rest tenan cies, but a- ' raise mean: to th-. - cent, which add? I to airea creat-cd co?- irder almost uni riving ten fury. Glasgow, Liverpool Birmingham sa? London, the four most thickly popu - of the Br t ? are th? ones eh efly afT. U toat eau?' ' whenca eomi tht majority of army ? In T'o/ing, a ?i rking c'a-? ? .' . r ?? r f I : rj a* I IBOS, t ne of whosi ting the Gsi mans, rai*?": the rent per cent Other euit, Tht Ren! Leai i nel< meet* re in 1 succeeded in eompi isndon mer.t of th? * 1 he I rents and ? -?i for them . on the thev argue tliat it Is gri . ' ? ? every recr:. ting necessary. The leai: M '.ends this week to urt,e upon tl ernment tne dt ter t h e - It i? urged that the men io far re? ? ? belong mal? .... >n al * and those whose sa? - ioallj untouch'-.i with d? ? a ?e|-arn-; ra -elesj, the ?. an! ? ? men were r? homes would be ?:. ? inda, riait material is -pond to the cal: DANIELS WILL URGE 100 NEW SUBMARINES lAtetatetnttlOfl'l Pft>?granoie to Provide Also fur 20 Rig Unit*-. Washington, Oct. 12. Fifteen to gating ?hip* of aba Dread? nought anrl'bhttle cruiser type, w th a proportionate number of BOSgoing ?ub marine?, cotast, smut crui? er?, destroyer? and SBXilteriet enough to mi.k?i i. new American fleet ;? con templatod b. Boeratarj Daniel? for recommendation a* a five-year building programme for the United State.? Navy. 1'res.dent Wilson and Socreteiy Dan? iel? are of opinion that th? t ?trength of tat flee?, mus* be .. td in the ?. ? ? . aart TI i ? 4 np m rati?. : ... Board i - r? ? ? ? ? An ? ? ? .J.-a petWal. I FRENCH WEAKEN GERMANS' WEDGE SOUTH OF TAHURE Claim Progress in Thrust to Straighten Front in Champagne. TEUTON GUNS SHELL ADVANCED POSITIONS Violent Bombardment Around Sonchei and Mastlgfl. II Maintained. London, Oct. If. While the heavy of tha ll?-.r..n? are ?aekn g to build a wall Of f.r. Ifl front of their areaheaed positions In Artoi. and ' I amps^r.e tbs French are stra'ghten :? .??.Me-,-? und Inn. enlng wedges in both sectori before they attempt new advance?. In Champa..-, e, where the German.? hold a stron,. position projecting Into the French front between Tahure and the MalaaSM de Champagne Joffr?'? pa are posh -g on. Parle report? ? | ,-ie?s I. the direction of the gaily of I.a Goutte, south of the sillage af 1 ' -;r. and bordering on the German s alient In Artel? Berlin talk, of strong at? tack? by the enemy from the northeast of Souchei to the east of N'eu\ lie, when another sallsat, with it? apex at Hill 110, exisis. Here the French are apparently trying to advanca their front north and south of the hill before a new thrust is launched at Vimy and tbi railway to Pens. Meanwhile the Germans continu? a violent bombardment of the advanced French positions Heavy firing by Par,.? In tne Hi < hampagr.a and r.or'h of Massiges in i ham; ? _ ll I f .voi!c_e_, ?hat th.? French ... -i ? GERMAN OFFICIAL. The statement given out by German Am,y Headquarters said*. North of Arras ths French con? tinued their attack.. Two locsl at? tacks made against the trenches which we recaptured to ths south ? of I.oos on October 8 were re? pulsed. Strong atacks against our front from the northeast of .Souchei to the east of Neuville broke dowa in place.? with severe I OBI to the enemy. Only at places did the French reach our ? line. In the Chum pagne French attacrts on both sides of Tahure ended In a serious setbaek for the enemy. In .pite of strong artillery prep? aration the eaen yoeterday after* noon nowhere succeeded In gaining ground. An attempt made by hi-i earlv this morning to breab thro-.;-!. at tne .?.- SO failed. FRENCH OFFICIAL The statement issued at Paris this I igl :.ued last right along the I (hat we conquered yes ? of Souchez and on tha - ? Igl I of La Folie. The number of pris? ?era in cur ? ? ? : ported from i ?.der of the front is a rio? ? boi bardment, In which both -. part, in tha Lorraine dis? trict, not far from Reillon and Anoerviller. The statement Issued to-night said: The enemy this aft. rnoon very vio ? barded the trenches which by our action of to tne northeast of Bou? i he number of prii I ???' I Bl inUon Was of which three were officers '. ?van. have suffered heavy It ?d by In? ?? I lity OB both sides, ha.- been going . th" south of the Somme, in the regii y and Pleases, and on A : s fron? on -.he plateau of NouvrOB. The enemy having again aa, VI re . nst his tret.ches i.i.ti . gn. our progr??., con tinu? direction i ? the gully of La G . .?/?.""_ we dominate ?o eat on a somewhat extended front. - ..emy resumed the bombard Bl In tbs dine of " Cham] 'i -- , S :; I.".* ?. ' the Pont .!>? M ?: ?i" i< Istel) id b gas, afttr at. intet s. w?. the prieit to ?., oi Pells? tidrii the i'-at problem of bit life ?the let ret of that ltrar.|re, n. | I terioui mission that broi.sht him ? Nan V? rk II iw Father Cruse r.- , -.i hirn ?i t_.d in th? thiiliing, 11. keasy novel) FELIX O'DAY By F. HOPKINSOlfSMITH lllu.trote.ct ?1 *5 n.r,- po.ti0m.rtr. CHARLES SCRIMNER'SSONS bnmbard.nant with shells of sll calibres, a violent Infantry attack was delivered against our poi I at Linge und I chratimani.ele, but was completely repulsed. So.? group? which had taken foot in or.e of our trenches were dri?-?"i out by an Imm?diate eeoator attach. The Belgian official communication reads: After a quiet night and morning the enemy artillery displayed ?.. tivlty in cannonading Finies, OUI trenches in tha outskirts el DM mude and Oostksrke, as well as Nleu? palls There has been sn engagemet.t with bombs In the direction of the "Ferryman's Hoaaa." In addition to i our aaaweriag aad laatalaad retnl _ tory fire, we d.rected our fire OB Severn! 0. the SBCmy works GERMAN BASE IN INDIES? British Investigate A?*1lvltl??_ of Ships Operating In South. Washington, Oct. 12. British agent. ::re lovestigatiag op?ration? of certain I, wl.irh they inspect hava he.'i f.r are being outfitted for use against ships carrying oil from Mexico fi British navy. Red ?it reports of the attack on a h tanker bound from Ttixpe-n. in ? .- .lex.can oil fields, strengths ? of th* agents that the atta - ?_? maanad by Germans and car ' ? ! ?ne gun. The agents also hi?\ ?? reported that they have Information that a small ship manned by Germans and out'itted like a warship' left Pea sacola. FIS., on October 4. Threi Otl el small ships recently disappeared from the Galf af California. Charges that certain officers of th two Interned German auxiliary eral *?rs at Not'oik weie eOOBaatad B.1 Itflttiag of the ship which left Penaaeola are being Investigate i Another phase of the investigation COBCeraS allegations that bases for na V',1 stores for such ships have been established in the West Indies one somewhere on the coast of ilayti. Th? plaa is said to contemplate aending small ?hips from American ports and outfitting them at the bas?e. HAS NEW TASK FOR WILSON "Frankfurter Zeitung" Suggests That He Guard Greek Neutralitv, London, Oet It, "The Dnilv Mall" suvs that the "Frankfurter Zeisaag," ironical invit?t.on to Wilson to ?* Greece again.t *he Allies' --\. iation of her neu'raiity,'' declares: "Perhaps the Pre ident of the Halted Btatei Brill come to the relief of the ?ion fn which Greece finds _? I ,-"nn to Us that the qq? whether England and France have I right to threaten a country- which I ? desires to remain neutral Is well worth Pr. WiNon's serious s';-.i?\-. ''1 ms question appears aven mor? - to us than the " teal on Of the ?? of American eitissai in T a reference to Armenian Outrage! ? s '.??.?.. ?i Europe ref ins from ?ring in the treatment which a metes out to negroes and Indians." BRITISH WIN IN KAMERUN Wumblagas Captured After Engage? ment Lasting Thirty Hours. I-or success for h arms in th? Kamerun, a (,?? colony in ireetera equatorial \ where AMI"?] troops have I.??:; ?.,_ ? ermans for several moi.:! lly announced to day. The Itat? Wumblagaa, ir. the Kamerun, was iter a -. The ? arable nu bars Is I g eaerg The last previous Brrish report on ? ,:n ir, the Kamerun srai I, whei s Gen ? IS reported. The I re? ? ALLIED AVIATORS FIRE ALL HANGARS AT GHENT . liman Destroys "Sausage" Bailloon in Fourth At tempt?I wo Fliers, Wounded in Air Fight, Guide 'Plane to .S.ifety. Pari?, Oc? 12 During the aerial , came ?rl tat? rsnevred .?.???tern front thrill? flBtt have been performed fur ?:.? fields of battle. The Alll-vd , , ?-, have bested tht Ger? mai.? In the majority it thOfjduots. Amsterdf bss ?t?te that a I rani of A'lied aviaton on (?hortt and the ne.,- Bg 1 Si OeatTSd? ?us ?o successful that not a s Bg*? | on the l.rr.ti*:. ?vistiOB k'roun'l.? wa* left Standing All of them. w.ti their contents, were burned by tn inbs. Ten houses aleo were burned. The destruction of Lieutenant-, of the aviation corpi, in the Cham? pagne of a (ierman captive balloon of . pe known as "?SlUagS** :- de elarsd to have hern a particularlv ??:t and difficult feat, for the?e balloon? always are carei'i, a ! od to cot I oft balloon, b? moai i o! vhicl ?? ? i ? ? . t ex with fire \\ ? SB b? whs convinced I ? I ? . ? ' -'.ir the at? The aej..] .'.i.e.- guardias the bniloor, ? ? l lad the Gormen ?ere 10 i Igilsnt tha' the heu ir timos b '.re he ? helloes '?n thp down in a ? gbt Of i'l,ll"0 feel and jilaotd hi? miullet aoouratil/ be? r r the balloon could bo hauled ?Iow:i In dropping hi* fire be ? frenen ma:, earn? rear ein.:?K'n to Berth ' In full r^'ige of Gormas antiaircraft gun?, but he managed to rt** ?afel. SB - . ? pen i t irrieaae of Larat i: ? ?arspael A battle between a French aeroplane loadei: wi'h n.r.'*y rr.:'.!!rr and a fast d ? WS? "71? ? ? ;; th? Champea i i. ? ? ? ? ? . Prend bo had it as! itray a railroad bacl of th? G I.- ? ? when the German craii emerge i , fioin a rioud The air battle began Immediately Almost ?a it ?tai ted I chine suri on the French aer Jam mea. "Dise! Dive!" ihouted the observer i tc the pilot Tne machine plunged In a ???rift cur\e, bu*. the German, no leis prompt, BSd to By around the Proi eh mach I no, :...?! i ? ? we?' ? the I '.ibs After firing hi? m ? ?,, Uie French ol | |si ? i th? ? I ombs. He ?et about taking nu' the fuse? ann ha I '?? ? eben a : 1 a moment ? t was hit eye by a pise? of th? propeller, which had bee i bullet, .fag led a. the abdon ?-i , sad fainted Then Ufa ob?er ? sad i*i ltd the machine into the J-'ieucl. *r?.riches. i!.,':, th? observer *rd th? rilo* be*? ? : ?.'.??ir wounda, and the ot b.:h have been proposed for tlu Legion of Henos, CZAR'S FORCES PIERCE TEUTON LINE ON STRIPA Take 2,000 Prisoners in New Thrust in Oalkia. DRIVE HACK ENEMY FROM DVINSK ROADS I at pit Position*; Won by the Russians Cover the City and Its f'.nvirons. a? (___ t Ttn Tr1tj.ii? J LoadOB, ".-t. 1? With von Illnden burg_l thrust at I?v1nsk he'ted and In some sectors of the northern front pushed back, til? RUBSiani have carried the:r counter drive In (?'.Mela far Into "h y 's linea Petiogii.d reporta that the Cxar's fotc?s have piei<? **'l ? .e _.BBtro?Qarn_BB lins o: the fitrlpa Rl more than 2,00u : wi?h four guns and ten r..- - rer. . This forn ' : sivo in Galicia, bagan when the Teutona started the campaign against Serbia, is being pressed vigorously. The attack Is le ing made north of th?. Rumanian bor? der, and may have been undertak-n with a view to the political eifect on the Balkan i i rho Strips ' sr is a branch of tho Dniester, ? i g to the north, west of Tarnopol. The Russians, in n counter attack on a front twelve miles long from Gar? bounovka to L.. . won a da? succesi. (;..rl_)unovka la nin. miles wesr. of Dvinsk, on thd I from Dvlfl P ?"??? . I ? :* zessghey is ot. the River Lauksa, eight mile, southwest of Dvinsk, close to Novo Alexaadrovak. The Germans were eompelled te evacuate the torri -,.i an ind from Dvinsk .vsk. The Genera! Stall regards the blow Brad ta the (I .mar., in this dis? trict us a ssrioui atenace to the tlon of their forces between No. o Alexaadrovak and the railway from Dviaak to I'yr.lviexh. Simultaneously a strong movement of the Russians southeast of Dvinsk, between the Dvina and Lake BogBBsky, has pre_sed ths Germsns to the natural defences formed by the line of lakes. Pressing them westward from Yld_y, Russian cavalry occupied the v'.llago of Os'ie, on the west bank of Lake Hogeneky. Thus the Germans have been driven >-r from tbs I ?? sup of high? ways and t: . .- to them. The new position! ,- ! by the ins around Dvinsk fully cover ths city and Its en-. . the taking Bp of the nan neutralized GERMAN OFFICIAL. Tha ' '-nient Irsu.d by the Berlin Wai I " s snys: i p of Pleld hfaraha] von Hin denbur^: On our wes*?.'rn front at Dvinsk our a ? up to the storming of an enemy posittoa west of IllooKSt over a front two and ? ha!' . Bstrsa 1J miles wide. Three officers and were taken prisoners, and one machine VICTORY DEPENDS ON BALKAN MOVE ( aa__BM . from pa?. 1 tlon of their principal national aspira? tions. '1 he e<|u: by mutual sac. ' de by I a lid have bee the I bb! guaran? tee oi ? s peace - have to ? ns were ala , er four - ???rbia, to whom . . .. 1 re eeivs i "As | iirnwn ? ? ? : Partial Su?-'--?? (n n.i m a ni?. "Ou. efforts with B ? re par? saaful B pie of ' ? mar.i ot an? . . ; 1 -? ? Aus> mania knew, mr, ?? only ? I "In their , give the Bulgarian people satiafBCtloa in ? powers cf the i I M - l?tate to ' \ b hi ? I such a ?i. ... pi their attacameat to e made ? . !? that th? iple pow? give . . Accord Signed with Turk*?. "The equivocal attitude of the Hul ? va g | ? - ? i . ready tO in.. . un ac . -n.elf . "T.. |uestion as to his ,? Aa< Bulf ? tha C .UStro lierman OB th : ? ... ?.'?? i united action i. , res .ce of thii attitude we immediately declared Bull and v? | ? i..i.aatag ? and guan ? inCOd we wer.- !? 'i 11 il gana, and wo have resumed wit) I other Balkaa States i . I them, On ; . .whose '.Mee ?...<?<. liva gloriout war? have not had U?a ?U.ct of di spa. we? c.ptured. Rniilan eonnter attack- WOT? rei/jlsed ,..,,; of Princ* Leopold "f K* ; hors ii nothing t* report ' rea l.'nv,,. , v ?avalrf haea evacuated a i I aeas ?Testerea . The positlea SB regard? the uer? troop? belonging to the army of ?ral < ou?t Hothm?r la -?? thai ged. Says Russian Losses Have Been Terrific London, Oct. 12 The enormou. graVl on Russl.'s ?nnply of men and the financia; ?train on the country are I . ?s:t?d by "Th* Tim?*'*" ituealan oorraepoadeat in a review of th* ?itua ? th* East. Ku*?la. h* ?ays, never axp-eted th* war to last longer than six month*. IBS had auttVient money, an ,.' sadaaes of aballa and a taperdeltp ti i ?B fo? tOSh a war, but wa? BO? PW ,,... i fot so prolonged and itrOBBOUl ?. itruggle. "She ?tree? hard," th* correspondent ? moot th? dsmaada for am tion, but -he possesses neither the nl background, the ???i**?'1 ?or the Industrial mobility to rt her army adequately. Bh? end on outside help, from .tupa... the United State, or elsewhere. problem become* largely ?'?l" a a ?V. a .V. "D shonld be remembered that the Ruaalan ruble ha* deproelatad 40 per e*nt, that Ku?*la raises nothing by tf*e ?al* of ?pin's and scarcely anything by her tariff on imports and that she al?o ha* grentfr dlfflsulty in borrowing in America. "fot th? Cm* being she continues to hold h?r OWB. Soldiers' waiz?', and army hills are paid with admirable punctuality, and there Is a feeling that 'all tupplie? will be obtained easily I once tht Dardar.o'.les are taken. But . knew the true Inwardness of i, know how much financial .?and, In the way of Russia msking up lost ground and entering upon a vigorous offensive.' Taking up Russia's enormous losses in men, the corresp.m lent ?ays they . itedly are much irreater than .- -upposed. No lists are pub ?' loess? in the ranks, ar.d It la lit to i/auge the entent of daily *lc?. "There was dre*>iful* In the Japaasse war." th? write? de? clares, "but everj'thiia. I" this war ^an in a ?eels tiv" times as lar?e. moui numbers of young men wr.o ? whose par red tl II "ere iaimune now sis beiag traiaed Tln act ef calling tenised ?rltb Emperor ll'l :,-sumption of commsr.a and In a way, a further example of holeaesrt? dntei and d?ter? min?t ion to cast everything cm the al tar of th? nation." AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL. The Austrian communication ?ay?: |g r.o ehangS. In the region . h of Huranow Fast Galicia) we thrift Russtaa attack?. We rcpi; tod I fourth attack which was It a front of from two to metres 1 24 to LM ? mili ?* Kormln and north of Rafa lowka, or. th? Btyr, the enemy mado uniuccessful attacks. COAL RIOTS THREATE??a.D French Restive Under High Prices Im po?e?l by Retailers. Tari?. Oet 12. -The Socialist depu? ties of the Department of the Seine i have writtOfl Premier Vivian! request? ing that immeiiiate measures be taken itirain??. the charging of excessive prices food and fuel. The high prices, the Deputies ?ay, have cruised .protests and created dis ? turbanees between retail merchants '.. and the public. Speculators and whole i ? M er? are he'..! responsible for ?he high cost of provisions and of coal i.n?i wo 'd, ar.d the Deputies say that if BCtloa on their request Is not taken promptly it is their intention to inter ?? the government on th? subject I in the ( 'number of Deputlei. ? mln?8hing its courage, lilently pre? pared to meet upon two fronte the rtod attacks of Berlin, Vienna arid Softs. Allies Must Aid Serbia. "From a moral standpoint and from . ndpoint of military consequences 'ild not accept the isolation cf Serbia and the rupture of nor com cations with our ally and friend "<>ur action must be energetic in or? der to meet the efforts of our enemiea, nre dominated on the western front, Chocked on the eastern front, and who now try to obtain on a new ?he aid of Balgaria, a iuc thui :'.ir impossible to realize -anee or Russie "In order to aaeser the Serbians we ma?t I ' lUeh Sal?nica, arid from th?.- ou'set of th? I.uigartun mobi'.lza - - ve conducted negotiation? towsrd that end with the President of ? ancil at Athens. Thes?. iii.fc-utia . ll, in v.ew of th" ts treaty concluded betwoei rows after the s?.?ond Balkan \\..r, ::i the event of bulgarhtn aggres? sion. ?. lay," eoattaaed M. Vtrlaal, "thai re ira tting the 1 of On? is, ?<? ; to C? t:*.pa*-e our setion to tl atine tha aeal rality of : aiiuring her slgaatar? a Ing that bo '- ri into Ore - . . we wont to Sal?nica, the con r< d ut r r -1, the ?? - ? tafles to dorn? - "<>f theso accusu Dut? Tragte, hut Simple. "''"his erergatic ?rtion Great Britata il I with their al bavt undertaken. They have ? i tht Ii '.?-.'?'..??. Our pi ? Btion is the defence of our front, the liberation of oar toi B | ? ?Torts, to whieb neo r? the ? ? ? sd] I n upon our ii 'he valorous support of our heroic alii*?, with our forces, sacr?U-? and our blood. No government - irwist In a duty ?o traglo, but to without wia?.e.,!ng our front we have the furtf-r *njk of fu ii which our : our hur.or .< upon us. U'e , ? : , (all accord ?> the genst of 'he French t I. The m lei || ii ! ? between 1 rernmoati .- Britain and to, and I cannot he*ter ?i H thsfl Is the following form. Prom BOW Fr mce and Bag ( land, in accord with their allies, aro Itslv a/r.ed to go to the aid of ? to the extent ehe has a?k?d our Sad to asture. to the profit of .-. r : Remania, respect for of Hueiiares?, of whi<*h w? are 'lie ?uar-intor Raeets Will Aid Serhla. "The Hritish government and the ? .* -i.: sceei ? d ' -i i of afl el ?. >? conforta? ... : ??? o? ?heir militar] sa? I. nais rai decided te jom ? te help the Serbian peo? ple, snd ?.' rrow her troops will ftght lldt of ours." Viviaal spoke for just twenty tea, applause ireauentty Intsrrupt It Th.- Russtaa and Dalian smbaBsaders j"ineil in the ap The moment the Premier, ton ., M. Kloti, M-MiaiBtei of the !: tarier, la behaif of Bamsroua depu I I for an adjourn ment of the ?it'ing until te-merrew, 10 'hat the t ?mbei might itudj tbt [overnmoat'j ont sa l pelici This ? si a*.-?c. to and the Chamber adjourn??! ? A change for the better at a normal cost \o mutter u here yon m r. I'?* ate . now, when??* more into the ,V|iii--ble Iluil diriR you will fly it a change f?t 'I1*' better, be.nus?' in ^'crrm. sj.eft whereby the desirability of a Imildin? b judged, the Equitable is superior to anything else in th?* commerejal skyline yet the cost of locating in this greatest of all buildings and en? joying its at-V-inta^rs is absolutely normal. Equitable Building (Corporation 120 Broadway %m.mUnq$:(&iAA. *i_-r at* coo _.. - -QififthA*. ruur. ?%** a? _? __? ?r? _? CxcluJwCHi(lu.en/ CHIC HATS for all manner of day -time u.<?ar as -uella-TbeautifulTTvtllirxery For formal & m formal occa^A xons onqmal frei\c\\?e .riqiw dupl?cate^ and exclusive deAqns~\\*w e very day by our oum oy'?nc\\ &t4mcricanLnrhcrt_riul\oj,.and p r c-era m c n H n \ K e d e _n _} r\ i n q of /marl* MiL\urioii_rn\il(mcftj BRITISH E-BOATS RAID IN BALTIC Sink Five German Ships Off Sweden, According to Danish Paper. Copenhagen, Oct. 12, The "Politi? ken" says that British submarines in , the Baltic Sea aro causing the German mercantile flc??t great losses. "Fiva steamers are now known to have been sunk," says the newspaper. "How many British submarines have ?rot through the Barrow si and is not known, out it is evident that C.rmany was too late In laying the Baltic mine Melds." Traffic aero, s the Baltic, the "Politi? ken" add_, is disorganized. London, Oct. 12. Reports from n to-day con:.rm to a la-. l.ree the rtatement made ir. the ? ; hagren "Politiken" that British marines have been active against Ger? man merchant in the 1.:i!r:c S-a. A diapatc say. the 4,-ill-ton HumLurg-American iteamer Kicomsdia WBI .-_-'_ in the Baltic posterdap bp the Britiah sub marlri? LI'.', one oj El undersea raiders. Another .'iispatch. from Tr.lleborg. reposta ofl M.lard, Swede!-., y a British Sub ?nurino of the Ha rg-Amer can , Liier Gntrana. Th? Nlcomedia aras carrying a c??rg. of 6,800 tons of - , i.h po.c Co Hamburg ? ,-t.nk off the southern point ( I ' Swediah island, which Kalmar , SPECIAL . PILLOW CASES ~ ? Irish Linea, H.audts?ee. Hand Embroidsred Pillea ? Caaes. 72% a3-ia?_eepar 1 pair i 3.00 BLANKST. -BSD B-MAOS COM- ONTABLCS BHCCTB PILLOWB CAB? McGIBBON A CO. LINENS -DECORATIONS ..7th St. W e.tN ear 5t_A?s. VTSM uttoni P.r.? n_! (?rrcting Csrdi for Christinas should be ordered nori-. Specimens for wlee* ras coartan book tfoss, ii: nrth a?***. separates from the BMr_al__A g ers of the crew w*rs sUo*ri" ..s tu take to ths bosta. I?? at they all Isr.dsd **'*?{ The Br.tish steamer Haluons. IP ? ?ross, has alio bean sob*. B' ?->-. w was s.. 1 ?s a -fVaEW?-^.1 ?'-* * urn Ir-a< ? I ! ] A.: ; I,-1! ?m*9 - iJ9*. -*i%_m-4 ? .. ?g ' ? ?~^L ? Al i . -^ ' .' '?l -Bg in the center of tne commercial district The Wool worth Building is probably the most central point in New York's commercial district. It faces City Hall Park, a short distance from the East River, the North River and the Financial Section. Out of Mr. Woolworth's desire to see the Irving National Bank properly housed grew his idea o? constructing the Woolworth Build? ing so successfully located in the center of the commercial district. IRVING NATIONAL BANK Strictly a Cimmer.tal Bank -Capital ar.d Surplus $7,000,000 WOOLWORTH BUILDING NKW YORK