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..SKt*.*.!" ? H mmmmpwmrmAmmmmmmmmmmtmr. JtJVK* m H1TI?V/M1M Mi.oil Pr. Common Sense $_,.? ftirrt lB\.i**?ri nnd citharrir?. ...*.?. more corfr.p.?''?" n than i ? NI JOL i, ??'?. ? treatmen. for . N a medicine, bal a (?.A * ? ?**?? The longer taken the g-g . . , ji ? * ??? i -S-Ma ITANDARD OH CO. . \ ? Biroitnc Nr" FORTS ON CAPE HENRY NEEDED, SAYS SHERLEY ytshlagtori mi I hestpetkf Baj Ne?d Protection. - ? i. " i , . c alone aaid after . ?'. ' - - i ? ? - ? - 11 - CZAR ?AMES JEWS" FRIEND Appoints Vol. in to 11..|\ . \nod IV.sf? Other -'ah im-t ( Impend. steh to "The ? t? the acw Procai ? -v.e head of Bt of the ' sad is erf : .... . the recen tip i.opt.- itatoti ? ? Jews. are immi --. ? I and i.rid Con ?rsDer General ? ire .ill re - - -hoir .' g tnarle alt ??or.dsry f< \ SOLDO MAT JOIN CABINET l/ndns Barker I'.perted 1o Succeed Upt__i ( a?l?? in Parliament. London, Oet. "o a re ?* ::. tatet Parliami atarp ? wood division of | ? ? tain Ilarolti ( l-sderie. Holden, Interest of th? ...... Cabinel I srard Holden is - n f ty _ " '? - i , h loan ' B DRY." FAVOR CONSTITUTION "!??.* Fair Field ta Moral Reform," Pav? Anderson. ? ?:, S .ate Puper ? th? Anti-Saloon Leagua. reatordap adhrla? I I .'ion. on Bxpreaa ? ? er 2 "In cur .., "the Leai ? : nforma |o w<li favor of _' l*?**-:? ' t if d? feated St Pa..:. To Be Kept Dark, Bclallp . . ? : would arh COMMONS PASS BILL AUTHORIZING ALLIES'U.S.LOAN British Legislators Unani? mous in Approval of Measure. M'KENNA DEFENDS RATE OF INTERES1 Points Out It II Only One-Half of One Pit Cent More tha . Merkel Rale. The bill au*hor:r 000 ? _n which has 'n the United States ? * ice? iTt the Roana of The Hous'- af Lord? ala;. ai d the hill t. .-?.- ?? I he i ? ...|-.iito thorea.1 itrodueed bp Reginald ? o? the T-Xchequer. '.as fair and rea terms of the loan arranged He ?aid the true I thes? n could 1 ? ng them with the n this i intry. .? ae? tareat, ho re ? ?_ t'_ per cent loan ? . Ai the American ? ? '-. t!-. ioan ? ' . v ? ai ? Hrit_;n was merely paying '. | ' : b1 more thnn the market In Pay Rrllish Peht. ? " said Mr. MoKonnu, "1? ? purpose of paying our trade ? i r our exchanga in th.- Vi Oar . aporte from largely increased af th.- war, and our [exports have diminished. The i.icroa?e ? months of ? ? .- ^'.verntnrnt supplies BCluded in the customs returns, ? .,600,000 .12__.600.000 . the reduction in exports during the ? i . was ?12,000,000, thus mak ..v.r., balance 170,000,000 me .?-lief for thi? balance against .. - coun? try. I '???.?;,. oh source, hut of ?T-t. "We should not be doing our duty," ? ued Mr. .McKcnna, "?I we n??.. ii of maintain? ing the normal level of exchange. I am sure the H?usc will de.iie to ex thanl w the eommiasion. Its meml" I ; liah? ; ? r ta.-k with cess. "The Americaa people are n t accus tometl to large external loans, and 1 be? lieve " Ural O? any magnitude in th? whol? history of th^ United We muM not overlook the fact that there are many cross-cur.-?-. ? " of ...i in that coun' ?ransaction was purely . - . .... red, no little opposition partial whose sym . ~ were not ot. the side of the I hope the existence of these not be oTerlookod during ? :>ato, and that care will he taken ? of (,r,y language that ted by a hostile element t| advantage and to the detriment . A i!:e.. "The ir'_n is a trade transaction, it terms are fair and reasonable, and I confidently recommend its acceptance by the House." Mr. McKcnna hdr'o i that when the ed that higher inter? I ? rally paid in America, the trrni^ loan are not more onerous than could n asonably have been expactad, foi when i country is nt war it cannot . borrow in a neutral country on SI ?a-;. as at home. K\|>n-o* Fallacious Argument. He pointed out that the argument ti at the freedom of 'he loan from the - lulvalent to paying an eeat is fallacious. Put? ? Bl (?rent Britain owes :} o United States today for tiade en-? gagamente at $_'..,00..0?.i., the amount Could only be jiiii.l by the export of capital, presumably American . tcuri ties. "Hut." he added, "we said to our American creditors, 'Allow us to defer payment, upon such terms as can be arranged.' They agreed, and we were thereb; ens Btalo 160,000,000 of which we must otherwise have tod, and when we retan that capl ? gal ti.,- Income tax an the divi? dends fron i ?; ;. ng to criticisms, Mr. McKenna ? HOUS! hud received the pro? posal more favorably than he had ??. ation to pay h per ?r an Aaglo Preach loan _? any tune ?..s startling, but when the mem? bers remember?.: the circumstances he thought they would agree that the com? na r non had done extremi "It hai been said," he continued, "that the American! have obtained an rood bargain, bul they ? 1 double * ? and they would nol ?nk<- it. Tried in Vain I?. Let Morn. "\v> laid Mr Mrk, :..,,. --t.> -h? n ?160,000,000, then i, r. .! ??... could no1 ?vet more 10,000. 1 he i ? nd Bg out of Grande Maison de Blsnc "The Trouvait Houst of America" SPECIALTY DEPARTMENTS ir it h price? no higher than cliarged tbiuhtre ^ Table Linens Lunch Sets Bed Linens Lace Cloths Bed Spreads Handkerchiefs Comfortables Neckwear Blankets Towel? Hosiery Novelties Lingerie Negligees Blouses Sweaters Layettes Children'? Wear FIFTH AVENUE, 44th and 45th STREETS A3 Stewart Edward White has writ? ten a remarkable story of three gene? rations in California life. It is called "The Tide." Also, if you have won? dered whether com? mission governments are successful, you will want to read "Running a Modern Town", a de? scription of what Dayton has accomplished since the Ohio flood?both in this week's issue of c S& a copy Qi?l?f*. TUE 1SA710NAL V.EBKI.Y ??min. . . thinf but th? Aral tep in the to obtain an .* . H t made to }],:? . ? but tht SB ' ilfl r t C could i ? ' '? up- of ;i mere ? . ? rhei rat? of in PEARY IN PERIL ON FIRST AIR TRIP Hying Boat Up 1.200 Feet ?is Engine Fails?Vol? planes to Water. "IT WAS GREAT/' SAYS RKAK ADMIRAL Santos D?mon. Rides in and ' and?-. Curtiss Craft Woman. 1,0. at Pnsi'?. Aerial Party. Far ? it h Ufe, Rear ? ? -.1 Hoher*. E. Peary buord?''. r>7*. ,v ?'arterl to .?.-d ? ? ? -'? ? v :7 n -? . ng Ialsnd Jhertly thereafter, far ? the Curtis* t ? h the ?Moi Pole *ia i the craft vel ? i??-r- "' sn inlet '.'. r tewsd ignominionaly ro ?hore. Deep iva? the ebsfrin of rruman HT. f th? - BC Ine, who had planned a flyinp* party ivhieh ?rat to in, and hnd invited a PKARY READY 1DH HIS FIRST All. JAUXT. Rear Admiral in flying boal thai was disabled 1,200 fee! in air. tereal than ? ? t the commission, he added, because found it impo sible to mak. arrai men'. ...? mch b rate of inter? I as felt justified in presenting *p B In the course of the deba ? on bill ti.< ;?? irai some critici ra of tiie . of interest. John Dillon, :? the terms, declared the success of loan was an Index of pOpulai sei ment '.ti America toward the Allies. "It waa a business t ran. action, more than that," he said, "ami ft, 7 < p. : eenl would nol have saec leded obtaining the mon? y If 't lia.I nol b for a deep wave of sympathy America in favor of the A 11 therefore I i loan, to which we are now commit! _? ij the people of the Unll had tak? n advantage <>f our i.trp? tiea." ? ritlc Defends Himself. Sir Henry .lamm Dalsiel t; Dillon'i inti rpretatioB of ei ? ? ?an unj ..s-.:.< .i "We are nil or?, in o>,;r ssntimei toward the Araeriean people,'1 he sa an boa? and lm?e.l on financial eoaaiderati. A large majoi ty of the ?asmbe gt?ve the bill then- un^uai.:..- ' . upp?. u- d il w... .* v. It is bo1 believed bore that the pa ?age of tiie lour, bill will hu ?. an u ?? effeci on th.- rate of jxchan?; In fact, it is believed the gov.rnmc will have to come Into tbs aurh I soil axchaags before ibj irjnounc or parmaaent improvement c IB '.>e u tainetl. To-day's iicw6 from Sea Yoi that the British financial _>e_a_ieel? was discussing the exchange proble and th? establishment oi a *_rtl? ?redit had a ?light harden,ne B'Toct t i the rate. PARIS JOURNALS PROTEST NewBpap?'ra Coming Into France Cor tain Newa ('rnaore-d In Parla. Paris. Oct. 12. The pro?. | Association of I'or.s NewBpapel against the suppression of newspaper I on account of violations of 01 : 1 the censor prohibiting tha publicatioi I of certa.n ar^iciei COmplaiaS that fur eigt. newspapers of neighboring coun 'tries, both allied und .. eut ral, cumin. int.. Praaeo c..n'?.in nawa held bad from ths Pans Bowapapara by the cen? sor. *'Th?- French ) 11 - the protest, "is COaaciOBI of ha\!iig. since the be? gin!.,!.,: of the arar, taken up the de MBCfl '?: the meet ?acred national la? teraati it bai !?"' merited the epi? thets hurled daily at it and mani? fests its reaolation t?. submit no long er to the violeaea Impeeed by those who sheltei behlad the arbitrary measur? - ol th? ?B p..wir " The pro-e^t i- signed bj .lean Dupuy, Arthur Mag? Foreu- ?'' Bin end .-<? d other eatable maaagera si the Paris press. I numbrr of guest? ts take hori tripi with h -? pilot, Prank II. Ilm ? Snll. rno?t of theae had fron?? aloft be fur? Tht- flying hoar's magneto [?-ave out sad ? ? J?, thl rr ,r admiral, who war mnrofino?! on the waters of the inle! for a quarter of an hour before tower to ?horc, announced on Isndlngi "ll , was great!" Mr? W??am H. Bus?, ?ix'y year* t old, was a passenger In the first flitrhi i of the afterr.fion. With B pink scarl wrapped tightly ahout her head. Mr? !.. rr.1 ahorari!, WS? ?Wept 081 Bcroai the inlet to the roar of the 100 horsepower ermine and a nun . and then WSI carried up into tht fair !?:x haadied feet. A* thi? height ?ho ciaft ?ailed a mile down th? -hnr? ?>f the Wreck Lead and returned. ??It. wai a deli| ation," Mr? Blisi . a her retara, "but th?. made it hard for m? to br? Alb? D a | Boer in ssroni i ties, was Mi Bui ?. ? ? in ?rs? ?r th? insgi the i erafl il re tun*. Then Rear Admiral Pear* ' CJ?p palled l"v?n about hi? ear* and an inflated yellow life pr?server trapped areand his ehest, ?tapped sbaard the foi rst reat? ase latS the r:r Th? ? . .. wh'.ch ha?! beer, mai il . after? noon, balked. Mr. Peel ? ' Bg Bl tab? land |n itaga, b bile Mr. B rat .- ? n -.4 : ? ? eraab for a full ten mil ? without result. Then tht owner him? self took the place of the pilot ?nd turned sad tamed uatil at last th. I latS lift and trie pro ' pellor whirred and d ippeai. . The I took hi? sett arain and the craft from tl sie, risiag and elimbiag to tht heich*. of 1.200 feet. It had pope dowa the inlet ar.d was -? begin! Bg the return journey when the mapneto fatle?! and th* en ? - rent seed? Buraside ?fa? over land at the time. bul he mad? .i pretty spiral volplane and laad? d, IB the face of the wind, far out oi the ? tel '?'??. Bt or?re more atruggled with ( ra ei giaa tl i breere puihed tht flyiag boat fsrthei nnu furthei sway from beau A he go? rei keel paned him s ll . ?". i towed him back to the land? ing ?tace, with the rear admiral stand inp up IB his seat, leg- ? !| -arm? locked behind, a pipe th BB I thl ?;n.i troubliriia' bit gfoel ? itacl "It wn? great," ht announced on' landing from hi? impromptu quarter ?ieck. "I did not know tint th? engine had brokiri down until w* lit .ind the pilot told me. I thought the valplaaing wa? liSBplj ? part si 'he programme. ll ems ? weaderfel saparteaea. "i oui.I you pet to the pole ir. one of: the??, machines?" he ?rat sabed "Why, las," h* replied. "Ii th? mm-1 met hell rut laag BW Igl I I I Arctic l believe ji.-i eaald " Beary A Wise Wood, a member of Secretary Daaii I _d Boar . .?:: Invsatii ? ? _.ue?t I Ml Poet, commet '.-.1 on th? deal "I* la only another pr? "'ha* In *.?'? I , BIBSt be multipl?. H this I n I ,.....? , r ..A,, 1>r , ?,, ,. ,,r a, n | ? '.gin. s, all except one of WB oh free natil nc,>.|?.i era ?. ho were present st th? pn:-;, were Alan I'. Hawley, t.r. BO _OI ? . I America : a aad I an ling K Te? WILSON ACCEPTS FRYE PROPOSALS Agrees to Indemnity Plan and Arbitration for 1828 Treaty. ;f*~t t_? tv' .. i am, > '?V_ih.ngtr.:\ ? ?c* 12 Ir? the note on the sinking of the William !' I seal te daj the Stati Depa agre"? t.. Germaay'a proposals ?? the amouBt . :" indemnity throe hoard of two expert?, one named "'? each partv, and to refer the qui of the interpretation o,' the '-> 182. to ...hit ral ?on. Pending the decision of tne arbitra? tion court, Germany ia permit.? destroy American veesels h. late eoatraband to ha ng tl ?? are ".ained and their pas? sengers and crew . removed to a pi '..-e of lafety, It is o\p*. ! th it ?his condition cannot '>? fulfilled n?( re? ly by allowing them ?.cape .n th" small '.'.:,? ,,- tiie va ? A? Germaajr- Bttach oa eommefce are ma?le almost entirely by subma? .... eh a I unable to acconimo date extra passengers, the Air : "concession" -,1 no? regarded as vers valuable from a German poit-l of - I In the last note on the !?>? ? ? Herman government ?as ited ' ?' ?ng arbitration the l'n, should 'he deStlUC! ."'1 Oi ?el . The State Department, whil? nominally granting the point, has rounded it with eondil 01 - thai - it practically inn ? G. to take advaataga af the . I'nle the urvivor? ran be I adrift in ?mall boa?:, then no ?ay for German I i *.. sink contraband earrl? ? - wii laising a BClloua is.tie with tin- try. U. S. Shifts Ils Vic?, Surpris?- was BXproBBOd ? '. niii.iv quarter? to da] al ti i idminiatrati m'_ return '" the doctrine thai 11 ...? places of safety within ? ho meaning of International iaw-. In iho . ? !.?: taaia note P sa 'I dearly that subi |y could not comply with International law in attacking a merchantman, and referred to "leaving her crew and .It on board af her t?. the merej of tl ? i- ' Bull bOBl l" a ;'. - ...... law, hi the last Luaitania note, however, tated that submarines had demon? ? d their anility to obey the law, Several submariaea had, in fact, halted merchantmen with I Iflftre, but made no provision for the lafet) ireWI beyond allowing them to get in the boat-. Many oficiala frank!.ifc I thai the stipulation in to-day's no!.- ?a lin? kable in the light of lili- i"ii OB, and they prophesy a reji f the j toposa! i.-. Germany. The Prye ease, il ia believed, haa no in.mediate signiticance. No attacks have been made on American merchant? mea recently, am! there aie to few earryiag absolute contraband in trani a'lantic commerce that it is not thought another case will nn?e. The State De partment. however, ;s BBXioua to have tiie treaty of 1H_. interpreted and hones Cermaay arlll accept to-day'a note. Although the treaty expressly pro? that when oae of 1 engasad m a war the -!np- of the neu hall a' i." tune be liable I atructiOB or detention l>y the bell , ent, even when they carry eoatraband, Germany defended the sinking af the F'rye and insisted that the State l>e , partirent was reading the treaty too literally. The state Departmenl i 11 ?taken the attitude thai the ?rea!, intended to cover just such ra . - that "f the F'rye. Means More Indemnities. i The deeiaion af tne court of arbiti tioa, if favorable to th,. United v..-. . 'will ci-.-.- this government the right t?, elaim Bad exact punitive damagea for Violation of the treat;., .n addition to the Indemnitiea paid to the owners of the vessel, which will he determined by the board of experts. It is expected also to have a pr?> , found effect on the whole question of "military neeeaalty." Germany's con teatioa that the literal construction of j the treaty SBBBOt be applied in extreme eases i- a familiar argument in all war? where belligerent, ?'lid themaelvea I 1 an-pered in the pre ? ligua by treat) obligationa. The couii "f ?n'nitration, therefore, -s ex pec'cii t., furnish an inter? ting coi in- :.? on the claim of justification for ions. YUAN WOULD ACCEPT THRONE FROM PEOPLE Hu? (iovernment .Must Re Consti tutional. He Declares. ? mg, Get !.'. In u mandate laal nigh; Preaideal Yuan Si. wledgea the receipt t. pros me-- af the 1 R . . pel m real tioi monarchy. II" st:..te- emphatically that .... ,. the leatioi ' thai a: v ehaaga a - ia sccordaace with the eoastltatieaal eompaet The people's real wishes will be fol? lowed, I're- dent Yuan 81 He ordere th? to! of the eleetioi to srrj it t in accorda. ( ?? law. !? learned official Assembly will r . md thai r fon ? meal ;s d< 11 ?? _"*" ? ? ? enal. lideat Yaai statei thai he Wi.l .. cal form of . ? || .1 declared f..i Ir. -.i. pie. S-Ss^Buy Lamps, Lighting Fiitures, Oil Heaters THAT WE MAKE "Milli-r" Imiiii? i?,,! tl.ttire?. IJrilri. (,.?? ami 1)11 are in<t<l- (rom l?r.l,n . In _ \.,rl-l. ?t >'?i . .ii.l BS- \? 171 I BSStats See "MILLER" Fixtures ,4MILLERM HEATERS ..rr rmiK ii \ "*\ii _MOKRl.r__ II liiMHK \l I . K\ I IN?, I I ?III II Tbr "Miller" il Ike Beit Oil Heater !___<? \?_ Daalaaa f?>r Miiir. lamp. _n?i Woaisss, _dw-rd Miller <_. Co., New York. SI Ani II l-Brk V., -tot \Noo.-_*tta b.a RESERVE BOARD REJECTS M'ADOO PLAN FOR BANKS Objects to Pioneer Work by Central System in Latin America. PRESIDENT WILSON ?SAVE HIS APPROVAL Federal lAatiricrs Favor a;i Ameiuinirnt to Lau to If fed Purpose S0U?ght. ? " lahingt ad com P the Tream the Fed Board to - comn*. ??? | I, bank-. ? ihould work in , ? lead to a I . in most of would i.i ml |eet to ? Piona? : tmtsrican ;ld be I ? membei ban I the I ideral . and ? th thia end In ... port to an sn ? vhii*h woul I ei the i ? -n banks. Secretar*. MeAdoo Coacuit ...... \ ment -. end ? d? nt Wilio c and then la the R tary, that the p!?in he ? 1 .liai not ? ,: I ?V. P. G. H ? ?TI ?.. board . ght to - I ? F? d? ral Reservt I ? t joint ? com | b 01 del I i facilita*-- ? t !'? etter in favor of UcAdi o'- plan, which considered low : ??[ In'.. !? ad intereal ? ..... ? ? - ?Franklin Simon ?s Co. fifth Avenue, ?New York yfcr>\< l?irrisnirg Shop i /en's ?SAoo Shop 16 Weit 38th St. 4 Weit 38th St. ?"TF'ARAIF. SH0{ MfSMATi .-.HP .-I .**?''*??*? /rcim I t'lh .It' /I .*? '? B /'(/> I /i/'**, .'-.?ntte Men's Shirts Men's , , Franklin 5.00 I ? Iu?ive rhirttng. ot hn? r;u?l?ty I r?; ? ?nd Madras. Ma.i? ?i; -<?'?. and ?jf?./"10C rosiatd ?> Franklin tin r. *,- O/iULo | mi aaa -, :-v?n?v ?? * ???ir?>? ..??/-? th st i I , ; .an. I . "?7:.y I ? .,:.-? It t .*..*?'. ..... lid I ????*. pare) In dlscuiiing tn? 'be corr ? ?-. ii ... ? ? ted by th ? "The report reminded the honni o for general t| .: ft go? err.* of E? fotelg :'ie!il?. except that they hoi .. . ' ? ? ... tion, In tl - . m il '?? :? toi the eomn ; .... ,*- ? l when normal condit red joint af orresp indent . 1 to ad Deposit Hank? Pionier?. **>?? siso ?vi. !?-?i .*?? | ? .? i ? say ?in r . bank . or brai ? i i- ? An ei ? sneer work, an.: ? ? ? | I ? to 1 eld to ha a ?deal In order t. v bai bed ? lion? an? i ma .he ab ? ? i condition,-eouk not . .? . fully in tl ? ?'..1 he thi'-r ?' r power I ter the Lai *? "The con! I the 1 '?* It" ... I. ? \ reeriea a primai ? in pi \ ';.- ? it thav Bg tO '??'"? : ? ire will I??' maten.?'. ? ?:?: ?he Europea i . nnd prob? ably I a | ? ? ?' itfc the Am? .1 eon ll?'lp from I'eiervfM. the Federal Keservt bank? ? ii' ??. the development -if Amer, can banking by *? ??t;?l>l *?-'?-. :.?r dirscl c? I. ? ? Am? - can eountriea tal Bg discourt ? >? thil k:-ip| H \.. .'.[ h?, in ? ? ,. ..?? ? ..?: ,..' th? eomm tk proper function of Federa, h ??? I to make it? rt early in Novemn m . sfter ihall ha? a l en r ? ? i eonferenee .-rn<? r - ? ? | i ?:? >i ,! i;?.-? rve bank . i saapalis ea O - * Old Acrobat Star a Suicidr , Com Art! ir brothel ?re than a i ? * . ? .? r j Assisting Worid Trade Th! ; Oir.par.y, .i?utej in th* ?.r^rt of tho world's financial cooler, it 4?j?;*.* ?:-.. rdli g actfvs BSBUttaOCS t* t**.e world's fa?!*, by BrrangioBj banking ?.tetaiis oonoactad with haportattoti and .4 -ratio:* Let BS help r. .1*.* your ?WSaflfl exchange problems. T lephooa j | i Rector < call a*. it. W? II Bt, RANKK.KS TRUST COMPANY R?-sourcrs, ?T-r $2-5,OOO,OC0 AMONG the many wonderful things worth seeing at the Panama / \ Pacific iixposition, which President Hadley of Yale has de / \ scribed as " the most beautifbl and inspiring exposition ihe world has ever seen," the Transcontinental demonstration of the Bell System has won distinction and has been awarded the G: and Prize o? Electrical Methods of (-ommunication. For the first time, perhaps, thousands who have visited the Bel! Telephone Exhibit have realized what the wonderful long distance development of the BeO System means to them personally ; how it links thatx. to their hom, interests no matter where they art end in? creases the range of their social and business activities. In New York City, this week, a practical demonstration of trans? continental t?l?phona service is being given at the Grand Central Palace as a tenure of the Electrical Exposition and Motor Show. The construction of the ?WOO-mile telephone line is shown by motion pictures, and conventions -ire (tarried on between NewYorl_ and Sitn?FraBC-8Co. Whan you une your Bell Taiephoma, you dcrnonetrota tha efficiency of a eyatem that make* a neighborhood of m nation. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY i i sa. si bib iaaB__sni ii ____________