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STARTER'S B?GLE RALLIES SOCIETY Second Day of Piping Rock Racing Draws Blaf Crowd. PROMENADE IN BOXES I.IKE FASHION PARADE !? arid Suburb*? Send Thronrs. ' I uncheon Partit?; Make C'ubhouie Gay. ?? ? ?? ? iftrs**? gt\;rrr:rg of ?or. - irdsyfor tbeseooad rl?v < ' I ? the 1 a, st I tatest Valla* 4a I g oveat ? ? ? ' ' ? l . H an i ? ? - w . 4 ' ?** ii Delan 4 ? '.' ?he warm. SB OB ?tyl? ? .. . I rue? * . ? boat ... ire in K Van? ? ? -I... n de i a v\ hitnoy, ?* Burden, ? i , i Hitchcock, snd Mr?. La? rgan, Mr. Da Lnncey I || i? ? ? P. Satter ?? Mr. and <j. ?il. L. ???? re and Bloomer, ! ?'.-. and Mrs. Philip Liver Grace, Winthrop, ?. jr., If is? ? d Mrs. W. 1th Madden, in, Mr. and Mrs. Ifisi Looni? lortiner L. me? A. Roosevelt, Mi-s .lean l Ml and Mrs. J. Herbert Mr? W. Armstrong Greer. \: .. ton and M is.- .To NocL ? re ?l"o Mr. and Mrs Anth ..| BtddHt, jr., Mr. and a g ai B. Daks, Mr, and Mr?. dr ?*-??! Mrs i". Oliver ' - - Ernest Iselln Mr. .. 'Ar'-. Saat? d Mrs. J. M i Virginia Alex BE. <"owdin. Mr, snd Mrs. ' Ran Dolaa, Cap'ain .- ? Joaepl E \l Idener. Mr. D. i ravath, Miss Veri Mr? i": nrlf'S Devallo Lathrop, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Brokaw, Mr. *nd ? ? ikaw, Mr. snd Mrs. Ifiei Marcare* Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Engen? Van Mrs. 1 : Hrvce, <ier ?nce C. Pell, Mrs. John M. L. Ruther MIbi Ang? les Breara, Miss Evelyn Da? Id Dovrs, Mis? - i.:.d Miss Le Brun ? Marie I nuise Rodewald, Mr. Mrs Joseph Sampson Stevens, Ifn '?' Ham Woodward, Mr. '.'. sodward . Mrs. rd Whartoa, eorth, Henry S. ? 'at I la, M r. SI d Mrs. - Ralph Isham, Mr and Mrs. F. SI ? '? ? '", Mrs. Mm ' ? I ? Hi.c?a . ?andei Clay, of I Mun .*.i Mr- Harry La MoBtajme, ! i mci.?-:. Mrs. r. ai d Mr?. F. AmbroM K (, Bill? : doi I'rel, Mrs jr., Bchaylsr L. Par ? . Sands Willart, V. R. K? ; and r bldrod, Mis? Ainu Loe, ?"? ' a?. M Is? Maud Kahn, '?? Hilan P. Philips, W. Searle Bar and Mn s I. Schoon? Mr a i d Mr*. ? ? ? -, C, Gray, ' harlei 1 r* ? *. Mr. A Win ? Ann* Sande, Willisn H anda, Joan pp, M r - ?*? Rhii elandei r., Mr. an?! - ? ?.'. i h a i ' e s -**> *\ Sale of Silks It .MatUm I? thinkm? ?f nuik lng~or of havlrig n?a??!?- -?? prettj till dresi at Othet cat f?>r r'.iH sCGaake* tbla Sale of Si. Velvets should greatly intrrr-t her. Id? priesa nrr ai the fabrk*? nTr hrauti'ul. I plsi ' - - '? ?< !*c. ?????? a . ?-.? >?*??? ?fir. ? " v?:.,, ?. BgJS, The Sale It for ___ me. k S?mnaai?iS ? -r ,?' Lei ,? a ,( _____ I 4. ,|, sa < ?I SOCIETY .VOMKN AT I'lPING ROCK RACES T* J Ha: . ?** ? . __. nim S?r.V? Miss Murlal Oakcs and Mrs. John Rutherfurd. Schwartz, Mr?. Archibald Alexander.' ! II. Hart. y, .1 df. ' <? ? Sage. Mr. and Mra. Hai rj 1. P le i, Mr. and ; Mrs, tv. White? i -!.- u a ?. Oi bon . ? ? . Mra _i lei 1 McMbbb, Samuel ... ". i tea, Henry W. ? . i harlei Cherry, Mr.. Hin , Jol Wiag. GEM LOSS REVEALED IN SUIT H?.tel Denles Responsibility for Mr?. Cbatllloa'a ?2...oo .le?*.cl?. Jawala valaed at ._.'" 0 irera lost by Mrs. Dorothy 1'nlmer Chatillon, aecord ? g t.. an B] 'he Appel by the Hotel Badicott Corapaav from a decision by Justice . ich. Chai ? lo I '. er *.-wel. while m hei r''. Mr. sad Mrs. ! . it the hotel in ? ".?l ;. T1 e Je w? i ... threi nd and tapphire ria| i B| ami a gold She sue.: -o ri cover their value. Mrs. Chai I ?-he vas requested by tl enl to permit her effects to b( I ; from one room to another \ - . :..- re? moval, she says, she missed the jewel?. The hotel company maintained that Mra Chatillon was negligent In failing to have her valuabl? - In the ? -afe. Mrs. Chatillon'. demurter IBtic? (Ik ger:ch. 0 - ANTHRAX VICTIM STILL HOPEFUL ? ?in.lniiril from ima<* 1 before, but during the afternoon he asked them ti find out the score in the world's series and let h;rn know. He is a Red Sox rooter. A telephone call re? sulted in the information that the score stood 2 to 1 in favor ?if the Red Soa at the end of the eighth inning. When his ton went back to him with ??ore he found his father asleep. I They had administered the second treatment of the serum in the mean? time. The Rev. William P. Harmon, pas? tor ?>f the First Congregational ? ireh, at !; rerhead, which the judge attended, spent most of yesterday with i friend. Looking at the minis t. r, with a twinkle In his eves, as he BBl by his bed, he whispered: "When I was much yoangai 1 was examined by a ph.ennlog's* After I the bumps on my head, he in? form? d me that I had a strong grip fe, Bad If ever I came to a place I death faced me there would be SB awfully hard struggle. Ile was a ? phrenologist." ambara of the Btackpals family and lbs patient are at a loss to tell a he contracted the disease Be has no livestock at ?Is Riverhead boma The saggostitfl eras made that ?he dreaded germ may have been in a she i ? an old trunk ? kepi hia v|ntei .mier-wear, to which he cV . I I eforc he whs ta.;, n sick. The ; BBS said the anthrax germ was very tenacious of life, sad had bees k:?o-v., to survive a sol eren after a treated. Tl atari--.i sa the de of the patiOBl : <-ek. Ileal'h Inspectors visited the .tack pole home yesterday and took away a. 1 burned h's clothing and bedding' me of the furniture with which ; ! come late cot:tuet recently. A careful Inspection is be'r.g made of the horse* and cows of the town and tboae which come In from other parts of SutrVik County. There are practi? cally no sheen, among which the dia eime is most prevalent. In that part of Long IslaadL Henry D. Sayer, secretary of the New York State Departmen* of Labor, Divlsto? ..f In-testnal Hygiene, issu-i a balletin yeaterday, warning workers ?be hai He bldei horsehair, wool, goat hall and goat skins that the ? si si raaioa sf *via skin ?hou'd get Immediate attention. He said raaay eases of an'hrsx appear aarly *-* * *?'? ' k'1 ? Inf ttlon. Ti., bolle? ras issued in view of the -everal ? reported during the last few I sad about -Ils city. FIRE RECORD .--. .. M Km ?_*?". t.lfllrii > I? 11 . I 1 f.r_#? ' I SB?it Wad ????. iv_ finir. -' ?"I ?t A ' ? .' - ???- -, ??*? -, . -, V| . . fip) ? ??? \? ? ? I ... - t****em 1? ' I N ' sit : . ? UP**? ,'lfht. I ?*?_>?.?? , 'j..i 1 ?' S? ?'. I ? -IftlDf ? mil . A- er I ? ?? . ? ? . , . f _ . , . . A I ....... (JO? ' "'?1 t ti?A? .'.win ft 7. _>,?, _> ... ? 1.5 mat tu nm **.. __-_i *_*?__.. __?_a CHURCH BEGINS RICHMOND TRIAL - Militant Philadelphia Re.." Charged with Violation of Ordination Vows, m. MasNS-la T?? Mtaaal PI iladelphla, Oet 12. The long de trial of the Bar. Dr. (.rorg. r-i Richmond, fee.or of F?. .lohn's Protestant Episcopal Church, on charge, of violating his ordination vows and showing unbecoming conduct, was begun this afternoon in tho bail? ment of the Church of Bt Luke and 'he Epiphany, before ( hancellor Henry Rudd. Refusal on the part of Chancellor ?o admit to evidence two letters . Bit to the prosecution and cer? tain testimony by t harles A. Rrown, of Glenside, a complainant, has greatly gthened Dr. Richmond's caso, in the opinion of his friends. Defending Dr. Richmond is V. dgar Newbold Black. Church Advocate Louis B. Runk, as i.y Walter C. Douglas, jr., is con ; ? cation. The thrre trien tho Rev. J. Ken? nedy Moorehoase, of Calvan church. Conshi lei Rev. S, M. Holden, liri^to!, and the Rev. A. R. Vaameter, of AH Saints' Church, Torrcsdale were sworn in after chancellor Budd had warned them that In him was vested the power to throw out any testimony or evidence he deemed wise, and that they must follow only that which he chose to ac? cept. The chnncellor of the church, when sitting, is invested with more power than any Judge in a civil court. Dr. Richmond will have two separate trials, the second being on a charge of blackmail, through an alleged effort to secure $10,000 irom the late Bishop Mackay-Smith, of Peaoflylvaala. Dr. Richmond's trial was originally set for January 1?, 1916, On May fi of this year he was dismissed from St. John's Church, Philadelphia, by Bishop Rhinelan.ler, sad Immediately appealed the case, defying the Bishop to oust him. A temporary preacher was sent to the church by Bishop Rhinelander, but Dr Richmond barred him from the church doors. For a decade Dr. Richmond has been in the limelight as a denunciator. A stormy career, begun at Northampton, Mass., was carried on in S:amford, Conn., Syracuse, Boehoster, New YorK City and recently in Philadelphia. The objects of his violent attacks have in? cluded Bishop Creer, of New York, whom he denounced as the tool of capitalist?; Colonel John Jacob Astor, whom he assailed, for his marriage with Madeleine Foire; Bishop Walker, of Western New York; Bishop Mackav Smiih, of Western Pennsylvania; John D. Rockefeller and K : : George, He has assailed Yale 1'irvei-. ity for _N "Morgani_ed," and has called the I edral of St. John the Divine, i. a "monument to corrupt money po\? er." Last year Dr. Richmond demande?! in the pulpit several times that the United States break Its "damnable" neutra!i?y and send its army and BBVy to and Europe to end the two wars. FOUR ESCAPE IN PAJAMAS Boy Witneaee? Leat-e Black* ell's Inland in Night Attire. Four bovs held :n the Metropolitan Hospital, on Blackarell'i Island, a? witnesses escaped last night m s row boat, wear ng only their pajamas. Tak? ing advantuire of the ?lack tide at 8 o'clo'-k, they cro-sed the East River to ?he Manhattan shore, at Eighty-fourth Street, sad disappeared According to the police, the bovs are Leo Michaels, fourteen. 2.1 D::?rK'' Avenue. Brook!vn; George Hare, four? teen, lpfi Driggs Avenue; Herman Ro? senberg, fifteen. ?H East 1H2d Street, Manhattan, and Frank Buowavollant... thirteen, of 611 Grand Avenue. Brook? lyn. A general alarm was sent out for thera. BTBKAM?HYAMB. Miss Sophia .Vo.-s H?ansa was mar? ried to Mervya St.-eam las' e\enir.g at the Hotel Gotham by the Rev I; | Grossman, of the Lexington Avenue Temple. The bride is a n SCS el SI Judge and Mr? Her ry W I'r.ger. Her bert Maaa I ages aras b. it sua, a- d ( he.-,t? r C La? re? ? . : Iniag R. Levy were ushers. Miss Flor? nee But teaarleeer was maid of honor. imbiaa medallions were dlstrlb ?ited as favors t.. the guests, among1 whom were Judge and Mrs Wauhope Lynn. Dr. and Mrs. J. Morgenstern, Mr and Mrs. i.e.rge l! Peyser, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Strauss, Monroe C. Lawrence and Charlea Frederiok Warner. TRAIN SAVES FOX IN SOCIETY HUNT Hits Long Island Ties Un HI Pack Is Called Off to Avoid Accident LIVELY CHASE THINS OUTPURSUINO PARTY Hundred Start, but Only Those nn Hunters Survive Jumps and Grilllag Wim Westbery, Long Island, Oct 11 Db ? !?r ideal ?reatbof con.lit ions and with ?h? ground ?rood for trailing in the early day, a record breaking crowd sf ninety paeplo, ??ii? have bean ?pet.?ling the week end at the e? l?ea In tin? vicinity, t'irned out this incrriiftft? to rake part In the fos hunt which wai hold ?ritB twenty i ?riesn fox heaads. I ? ' ' "rn turned out. which c, . rowd a Kiipi.) gallop for tWO I 001 ' On every ?rnii" : of a horse tha peopl? cam? te iba < bureh, The read ?ra? b half mil? .-hour a hai l;.s arul Hai tie 1.1 \ when the hound? ?rsi* rust. Within a minute a fr??ll ?rail was ?truck two nils? , ? roa ? rcled and set a ] a all ? thus? Bteanted ob hunter? ebaa?. la a ?bort lia?? 'he ...? went to ground sad a fresh cast was mail? near Svosset. After b run about Syosset ?he fox went toward the railrond track, and trhen be ? ; ny hounds he run between the rail?, hoping by th'a 1: ten ?he pack at fault, t. it they ?tack H'.d would him had nut an B] . train com? pelled Iluntuman Allison to call the pack otT. A.? the wind had risen, It w?s d? eidsd to call farther hunt1.*,* . day. . h.? run had been a goo arid jumping m .ich en ! manas;'"! to keep up ?vito the :-- d eere Mr. and Mra. H.I. ! : ' ?nd Mrs, rhotna I Hitcl Thon.. Ha ' nd W. L. '?? 1 and Mis. J. P. ' 1 I'.ihv, Mr, ?? d Mr. and M n .1 1 Davis, Mr. and Mis B. A. W, Bal tassi, Mr ai d Mi R H Ell 1, J. C. Cooley, Gras Vanderbilt, H. P. Whlt d Mr?. Phillip Steven ion, M Mist vsi ' A. M. Tinker. P. s. Von Stade, Doaglas? < Baseball, Ed? s-erton Winthrop, Samuel V Mi?? Virginia Ah Alea andre, Mli 1 Vera A. H. Crsvstl ai d Mrs, Ds I DoWS, Mr?. Thomas Hast:.'.. 1rs. ( I I Huntamsi 1 >aa Allison and thu two v. hipa CONGRESS TOLLED ON DEFENCE PLAN Result Indicate! Large Majority for Increase In Army and Navy. ?B. ? :- - r ? ?* 1 Chicago, Oct. 12. "The Chicago -t" this publ the roBult . "' ? poll ? iken ai hers of Congrei toward adequate nal ion ?'? Indicate? that I lin*.?* an overwhelming majoi . ? Th? quest ?d s 1 Do yon lavor an il in th? ar: . One inn..:'ci and Binety-four mem? hon of the Hou 1 ered these l.eing divided aa follow?: Ai. .. *?'? Republicans, 69 Democrat-, I ri . ? lives; total, 140. Absolutely bo 2 Republicans, 10 Democrat ; total, ! ' Ves, with resorvstiOBB S Republi? can!, 9 Democrsta; total. IS. Navy, bul boi srmj ! Democrats. N'on-cornmirta! 13 Republicans, 9 Dsmocrat , ? Among Senat n the response! were: Absolute!;, 19 Republicana, r? I>emocrnU ; t<p-.:?!, 31. No ] Dsmocrat, Navy, ? army ? Democrat Non-committal 1 Republican, The proportion favoi Dg adequate de? fence wa? In 1 on tt-.i pioj;r..mme for army and BBVy in would be sdopted l.y a trem? jority. Th? enouk.ii vote? sire? ?vithou*. regarding thoa? 1 who did not reply, to pas? th? law?. New York's members answering all voted "Yea," ai ? ?*??. 11'Gormai ,?:'.' , ?ives Ogleabv Da a , Pratt Mott 1 Ren, 1, Bi Hep. 1. Biege! ? . Row? Conry Deo I?em. !. Hui OUI ' 1 Rep. 1, Banford Griffin 1 liarles Rasp, Rap. ! CITY OFFICIALS SPLIT ON HOME RULE BILL .Majority of Committee Favor Proposed Ann ndment Al(.nriy, Oct II I .rporation Conn ?? -\rt: ar L. Andrea 1 msdi ri-^ht "lie re; Oil of th? Itee of th? tato Confer? ? other 1 "? * ' home rule amendment in the pr ?titut a Andrews < tbst tl ?? ?... ? :y of tb? thought th?. homo 1 moat .'.a, 4 .. ? cities and thai a snia.. thought that ? -.?as no better than th"*? I mu The majoi while the home J "net our en thu ...? it arortl a 1b tne Hag ?peci? ty af? "a rs by th? ' -? ' of th..ii r or aot the smsndm? material Im] ? ? ? the mo I ritastioB ? tua I expei Tit t? r or Bot tl ? : ? ire svaili ? powei ? ' ? ? ? ? rhieb th? ecurti ' ' ? a matter ?.?' ? ? eeaeea? to President mayor? that it was the intention ?pf tha con? vention to I ? a . .? ... ? hune rule and thai the convention to understood It wh.-n the | amendment wai ado?\it*i. BISROf DAVIE8 ENTERTAI? CaaiBlBlasa Del?gales Hla .ueet?> I,#n?.t Club la Give Dance. T ? MssssaB ?? Isa *a___a i *.?,.,, .?r? 1_ < h .?les I.BIiler. M m., (torga I. l.irnnre. Mrs. Ail? i. I-, . Mise Iroae l'urnur?, Mrs ' *** **&** . ?,, Ipswlrh. Mass dinner and danre Bf I . ClBb for IU i.i-t.ihers will 1 ' ' !"r'Uv . ri , ? R?t Th'-mas 1 Davis (hop of Western .'lass. .. ...nHl?ed .fiy ?-elagstss I rocatioa a( luncheoa tbieafte :,,?,.. M,.,,,, and li?ronos? BbrK . ,. ! (heir ch idren left LaM ? ,r New York. . : Mfs char!?? . . Mellen wl r.?,.i ?he winter at Cotjocll Hill, i Mr and Mrs Thorns:? Shields ( lar. -o Fernbrooke at the end < "rx*- " ' '? ..... _r ., Virginia Loaraey Is visiting m [n Henry l1"1" 'er Vm<*. Mr. and Mrs. Hsyden ChaaaiBB **r 1 at dinner to-day at \ alls 'r-, Oeorga H Morgan and Mr Frank F.. Kernoch.-i. were luncheo ? -es to day STEVE AND TONY LOST ALL NIGHT Refuse To Be Parted from Thci Dog at the Children's Society. Mi i. the story of stodgy BtOVl :lv.', and his black and tan d?i and name unknown a tale thi ? . in a dark doorway in Fir? ?-, mm on through a mixture t ? bsj crackers and milk in police s'atior. atol rica served at t. Iron's Society baildiag, and end with the conven i lonal happy **amtiy r? union. Tony, broths* tt Steve and tw ? his senior, is introduce 1 ^uit t plate the triangle often cal.ed s? ? ?I to any story. While trying doors elor.g First Av? nue earlv yssterday morning, Patro! man .'adder, foind 'he trio huddled tc gethor in a doorway near Nlnetle: Street. ? Don't you wake my brother. led the older youngster. "Tie asleep there with tho dog." Wit following clos, at his heels, th ?i.?a carried S?eve and the do ... East Eighty eignth Street St. "We're lost, sir," Tony told List 'enant V?a!*h. "I'm 6even and Steve i live. Yes, sir, I go to school; I'm i i,rade "A. Mother's name :s Mary ar r*a is Tony Sikoakl, just lik , | B*t know where we live. W ?,,,,'. -he dog out for a wslk, and SI walked and walked until S'eve go . and wa sat down In the door I teats soon stopped flowin ' aatoaaal Walsk sent out fo orne ? con Bad milk, which th d upon sharing with th .. lieutenant told Padden : ? ' ? the rj-O.ns of the So the Prevention of Cruelty t I ourth Avenue and Twenty "I'll take cars of the do are find their parents," .dded th ? ant. "No, you don't, please, sir," sobbe "If I go tne dog's got to g ?, too. Why csn't 1 take 'he dog I!? won't hurt anybody." Steve wo; the arg'iment. be ei.rountered fresh opposltioi at the Children's Society building, be a .-. no accommodatons had been en I In advance for the dog. Stev eried so "good and loud" that it wa agreed that the dog should sleep at tin of bis bad. This time it was : bowl of rice and milk that chased thi lean away. All the while he was e _t ing Steve shifted his glance iron ilman Padden to the dog and bad .igain. As soon as Steve was soum en Padden took the dog in a rov Basket to the East Twen'y-seeon. SB. Shortly before noon the boy?' fat. e . to 'he Children's Society roorr s the young.-ters and took then . r home, at ._ East 114th Stre.r . -eve was worrying about his dot when he end Tony faced tho earner? man OB the roof yesterday afternoon In all other napocts hla reflections or his experience were serene. "They pal ma in a white bed and give me sotn? r.ce to eat," he said. "Yes, 'he rice was awful good.' sighed Tony. __? _. TARIFF BOARD IS PERKINS'S PANACEA Permanent Commission, He Thinks. Will Stave Off In? dustrial Disaster. I Mss at Is-BeTI -n-1 Indianapolis, (?c. IS. "No sane, rsofl any longer <v>. that are are aajinpared wat," area the burden of an ad red by George w. Perkins te day before the' A.socia "!? is my daliberata opinion," he added, "that we are as unprepared for ; sea ai we are for war; that, further. '. e ara taking no stop? to prepare our lelvea, ar. i that are might very easily inch steps. "Dnril g the last few months we have irga poreoataga of our idle i .t to work on what we call 'war -.' Some day the war will cease - iddeals as it l... ai.l oui men will no longer have this We will then BBVC k v. i v Iar?-e Eai opes go. 1; Europe will ? . make every p., ' lb that gold, and ?he will find eaeieat way in 'act, almost her ealy iiiv will lie in the diree ? ng us BBBBafaetarad goods ?a enough to win back the gold she has lost. -.?1 require her to use men in her factories at low wages, but those a 11 Bot consider it a hard-l.-p ?o ' .?' ths Tenches, where they have m ?rkiag for a few cents a .iav. on ' '??? ??' -, f>.r factories whet. ' i tter wagoa, bads te s!e..p on, then On the other hand, our men here ' 'a hardship ?o give up I Igaa they aro BOW .. ,* war material? and ace pi ?- - for making materials need . ,: Europe will be ei ? gold. We will have ? get it will he by sead ? ufaetared good? a* prises ? fei back that gol?., and eat do Ban ? ! ?' par.- ou. selves against bar ??evasion! It seemi to me I I BS way to de it, and tha' ng from our Congress i.-. It ?rill create a non eienl nent tai OB, whir h will he in COI ikiBg up the taritT item by n gai i. to wl..- ? . i be high or low, but purely on ?,.'. ils sad right ; . . ' ? ebaeeraed and proper ? rlth ?tne. eoaati i reference to an American mer ? arise he said: >'. .? must have ram who will go to gteai and to our gr.u from a spirit of ?? ?? .?.id patriotism. You men hon ?'. IBB and men in othei ? ta pau?e and think a r _* | an much money you are l g and a little more about the - ad at country you are making. Will >ou not do it, and do it now?" I ALDERMAN FIGHT, am BIG ISSUE Redistricting Advantage and Fate of Fusion Gov? ernment Hang on Result. BOARD NOW BELIEVED SAFE FROM TAMMANY Tlgef and Republican leaders (let Orders to Klect Candi? dates at Any Cost. Thl? year, for the Ars* time in the politioal history of th- city, the candi dl ?e f"? sldsrssaa Is lent Tha As? sembly district leader In both the Republican and the Democratic parties has been told 'o spar? no effort toe'ert hi? cand il.-ite or candidate? for in Mini? Assembly district* there are two ppi thiee r.lpicrmanlc district? for the Board ofjildermea. Although little in? terest bas been aroused in the general eampalgB, a dospernt* fight is in prog ? ,i ?very aldermanic district to win in the aldermani; battle. There er? two most Importun? rea son? for this. In thr? fltet place, under the constitu? tion it ?j> relees apea tha aldermen to redistricf the Assembly district* In this city next year. It deperwls upon the political complexion of that hoard whether the new Aisembly diitrict lines arc, in the main, favorable to the Republican or the Democratic party. The lecond reason I? that It is of the BtBsOSt importance to the fusion ad? ministration to have a friendly Roard of Aldermen for th* lait two yean of Its term. Few people realize what a vital part tn the operation of the city gov an ?tent I? played by the aldermen. In many wayi they have the power of con iiirrence of veto on acts of the Board of Kstimate. When both bodlea are working In harmony tho dependence of one rhe other i? not noticed. Bu* if one nf.atd shppuM fall into the hands of a hostilo pur'y, tho checking of mun nicipal activities, due to a lack of co ?' "'?lii be most mar lied, Tammany I? anxi'.'i? to get control of the boa-?1 so as to hold up the good work of th? Administration and prevent eceompflahmonta in the lust two year.! that would he a powerful argument for rh-> election of armther ant'-Tammany government. To clieckmate such a pro? gramme and to enable the fusion ad | ministraticfl te carry out its pro? gramme ti the end and make the elec? tion of ar.other business administration sesy, the Repablleaa party is doing its Btmoat to keep the Board of Aldermen f tin hends if the Democrat?. Those who are familiar with the pro? ceedings of the Constitutional Cor.ven * '?:. kr..-iv.- what a debt the Democrats maiie to get a new basil for reappor tiomnent, one that would give this city a greater number of Repr?sentative? in ily. They.loit this light. Bat, leaving the ba?ii the lame, changes in district linea and the cart? ing out of new district! under the press?t reapportionment mean? a tre ir.endou! lot to the Repuhlican and Democratic partiel, it is conceivable ?lia*, tho redfstrieting could be done in , such a way as to determine the com i plexion of the Assembly in close years, and, it follows r.aturaily, determine th? political destiny of the state for the following yeiir. The redistricting of Senate districts is done by the Senate, but th* local au? thorities have the power of making new Assembly apportionment and dis? trict lines. Lnder the constitution the Roard of Aldermen in this city must meet on the second Tuesday in June in every tenth year following 18i?5 and iliviiie each county into new Assembly ? riett, I'nder the present constitution the entire Bo*rd of Aldermen, including the president and the borough presi? dents, would act together in the re apportioning and redistricting in th?? five counties In this city. If the new constitution were adopted, the members elected from each burough or county would meet and redistrict the Assembly d itrictl in their own territory. The president of the board and the bor? ough pr?sidants would have no hand in the proceeding. This change was put into the new constitution at the In? stance of the Brooklyn memhers, who are sure of electing a majority of Aldermen whether the entire board is Republican or Democratic. The present Roard of Aldermen is fusion by a substantial majority. I'p to within a few days many of the I es dort were rather doubtful of their ?-, to keep the board from falling ir to the clutches of Tammany Hall St the coming election. However, ?rithlfl v days those who have been directing fhe campaign for the fusion forces h'tve received report* that en c. urage them to believe th?y will be successful. THE WEATHER REPORT Forecast? and Record* of the Last T?*ent>-four Hour*. ?? ' .. I'ah pr??siar? .-enilr u?* lr> ? it-a ?n.l tl>? ioa??r Ilka rrgon. ?:tl . .1-ar w? hui BM a MMMaTtbt* ? r* r.urmsl eeOdlUoa* ' ?' ' ? ?? si!'] pernal? In ..^7 - Il slsn aomsahal I met - ' ? ? . ? '-r ??: ? W?-: r ?ra - 1 Mial W??t !??ir?ss!. n that ? ?? : Ofclat ?M W-a:?rn ? -, th? ??a1, rn p*ftt*M of Kansas au. t ? 1 . ?I ,,.., aaajj pasaa. ., . :i Tliare a**l ill* .?i .: -?...?-rs 'n th? ' .???e, ?, ... .--, 1 u:, a ,?. ? ?r? id?r? w-r? r.?ai) U Ottatt sh'men *??* '?'? .- la I? ?a ?...i:r? ?? sdpltsl -, ?pi aor-n? tight 4l i.'srs In th? . ?, ????? ,1 J rs n o:, ? " ??' ? :..l?rj-.'..?-? ar? l,l|li?r '.? p aim ?urt. an I 'nara .? _\ . ' ?? ? .a, !?.|J?.i in KfatuM. Ok .... n.a and > T*?t*a a . ,4-ri IVtitisa* . , ? ? n.urs la? in r: - ? ? tuiast, sni -*n ? ? r and w?,t?rn * ' 1 I "a . fall *eal,.?r a ttis m'JJl? V . - a.- -I - ' ?? - . 's.r 44?,|ri?.Js> nil T?m-'rar. - . .-- h* ,1? ' ?? If W-?lr??.|ay ... . ' m [wirt'ctu of tl.? ..,: lull *?*? ? A ? ; mOmtttSt sflsrth sni ? a ? ? .. ? 1? '..,i:l.?a?'.. -. ' ???.. It ? ? ?.t Oulf ,.. -a . . ? i* ra > -tm n. tirata rite faix. < -,f a-l'htr ? .-???a' far Sp.cltl Lotalllls? -Maw York, fajr ?? da, aad *rtb*bl, fo-morro* '?? l*-ia-t \?4 Jsriay. PannaTlran'a 'h? 7' er ?? ' . H 's Mar>ianf|. Tll?lllll W>?t ? ? lr- . ? ? Okltbofoa u,1 T?as? fslr lo lar tad --. L?f?l Of*. Isl ??.?ni Th? f|BSBtB| ma -lai r?e * i ? w?8"?r n.i .??? ,h*. >h? nanam in ? . ? ri ? - ' ? e M a?'-. ' '.r h.'Uf-l Ut '< d*t* il ait >..r un i?u 1S15 . -, 1 il l r m ?? 1? ?an ?- . |, rn ?Jit M ?im *? ?;11 p m H '.; d? 12 p. m .. ? i, m ..... Il H Ida ??t tarnr*rari.r? ymterAtf. *i d?t*??? <?t 2 10 p m ' '???'.. t? Ata?? ?I ! 00 ? ml. ?taras? pnsestm '* tana t?r .-orr??po? ?tin* ! i\*'o last )isr M ?Tara*, f f .?rraaper.illtif Ulo aal II trlr-Dirr? l'tn II BLU Humidity. Ia.m.?l 1 p m SOIIpra 61 Ssaacssl fur Ta d?, fslr ?n4 p- bal-'T to ?-. -r I IW. as .. r U) j. .. a^ ?'.la. ?talif Shipping Information and Marine News of the tyu Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. M_____ff_i _____!*__ AAir.rli?, H .?. rin*?_ 8 |5, BMBB ?'?? I IT. roor.ft I At?. $ ?.Kill WATT? AM r M S.n.v H-iS . .1 IS 41 1! ft r..rrerr,nr-? l'Uni. 11 02 H 41 ?nil ?;?'? .,.., IS -B 1 I_ wuiri.Fxs stpoirm T_* ?"tlifomla r*r-->r???1 i. ?'1 rpl__ ???* rf s.i.uT II... .' : I tri A m r_>r.i.. If ??{>*!*?. '. I < o!, f -?noon. INCOMING .STEAMERS. Tu r?AT V...-' I - 7i Ur.? T?-- ? R-_ ?? 'metro Bmt It I. _ li .. '. <-?,? i.rt . A ? ? L< l-? ' ? B?p?; 21 Fib?? *<,-.y.<_, .?l, |n?r. ?>t S. ?II.'? ? II.?... ? "?? | . ???: t OWI9*. *eit M (I?.?. ? . I,!r?0. . ?I. '. .t I...... ill" < *' ' i ? I . ., ?<? n I, .re? ?-? ??..?? V.r. .... : ... I? - ? . . j? . . . :a ' irt? Kl Vslls ? .,?,.?.o.. ?.et r s, .? . nu rsi?av ooroBga h ? ; .IA U- ' I Air.'r ?i ,y w : l.l. -i 0 ' Whit? St.r ?'... ?r n . I.?la ,', ."14 _? An. An ?i.'liin, H- T. nil. iff* A ifiMtye ?l*l..'|.|? lA. ?,,... *. .r-tl r, h ? f.- .: (M I ' F < I III A.i>..rM?l. S N....I-?, KaPi _J . A_! II?. \ ? , . . , ? ?. ? ?) So p., A-?|.?i... .1.. ???.I ,1.-. <J<1 U ? ,M Khll'AV, ?.'T'lHEB IV ?It. . 1?rr R ?'. r!_m. >?<-t . IIV A _ La ?'Ampin* _.*-?r.?_i. Ser* ?? [___n cita Haws, <-?*t 1., J.,n .on. cut ! San I? '__> '?? MSUa, BU II . ?? \( Of 'go?,"!-? s???ijn__, '.? .1 ?, BMfl OI'TG OING STEAMER.. Tf. LAY MaIIa I ..' Vasal T" lias -? ? UirA-Slb*. C'ui.'in, R_l D . I 10 AID 11 il n . o J--rs. Booth . a no ab? :. - '/.iif.pA, ?sna. tr r ?pa. ?* i. ira (i Matara, -.-?nul* Trlr.M? - 11 M ?a. '.. ';0 m (VIDAI -?!.-_?._ M.lUxr. 1 1" pm ...min.h?. J?. kmmrlll.. CirSe - 1 I uro THUR9.AT. ?V T OBER 14 r? i ' .r .-..??.._- s _ lo o? m ...-?? _l??!-n HlfA_l V.A. I ?9 AB) 12 OS I? tioa.._A. T.rKi !?!_... _:._?. 11 10 ?m i M ?ai a . a Cristobal, Pi.-.iir.i 11 M ta 3 vi ;r, OUI of _ ATAn_A_. BA.AnnAh. Sa? ? - 1 fo p?_ mil.AT OCTOBKR IS ri'iraiatrifffor ., BihiA. Nor Am I 0. pm 3 M ptr Pr.niT H-c artk. Hint. RDVH li 1. pm I C. prr. M.hAsrk. lirkwm?.:'.?. ?_/_? , ? 1 H pre TRANSPACIFIC MAILfe. CIom . T A .1 p T, J?p_. Rot.? c_?,_a tri? .?.??? THa_ 0?t 14 ..?pin, *{??-.1 ChlnA <rtA B?Ait'_l. Akt Mahi Oct 14 lliwiii ,ii Fin Fr?n?r_coi Wlllialmlt.s .. Oet 13 ??will .Up?n. KortA Ctl I, -_fllee___ (?la Sin FriaeUco?. T?r.yo MAn 0?? 1? It..?.il. .Sit..o?i) bltnl, Aui.rallA. Mrw /-?Iind . .tA Sao, VtmturS . Ot "1 Hiwill irla Bat? rr_n<-t?ro). Mino?. Ot :i s'niTKb V-f) Birth ?aaa *| I * m, n _^ I ' :??? _,A ^^gjB "- ??%9M ?^?aVlJ I'"-** I'? '.??-, a?, * . _ ^"?BS lail 4 ???>, ?* *"???:? ? ' ? ??'?? I Ht I la *. - * A ' ' *"? - a** ?te|A' ?? ?. ? .- f. ,: ?_, pm _ _ "t ? Sln?.'.l "a. '?I'llO?!-,. ^ ??.i? ''.'l'ri'Hl a? "?'?? "??l??tSi ' ????* r_-i*i WV' r"?lu,?l'l ? lasat f>,\ ?^ ?Ha rliNaaa-l ' ' '* ' '?''' Ua? h, a 1 .-.o, \T.*a J ^* ?sj|_ ir? n? ? r-iavh BaHaa o? i ?, _ ? *" rv*M Vllf ,f If?.*? ?*? ? ' s.? ,r, s,,,..,, rUrilH t* ? ? ?i,? ">?aa ? ?f.rai 1 ?a- 1 ' *?' ?????, ,/>? R ? - ?- Bar .at.! ?? "? ?aasZ'.aSa ? 'a ?r ;? ?? , ?^?*?aSB ? ? ? i* ? ? * "-?T > ?? ?*? -1* h *-_.. i ? ? ' ' ?t^^laU a lar a' l? ,Tn^ ??L ill?. .?? ?. I ' ? ml?! ?AllJtD ' Mt? '? 4/,-a f.? r'?fB?T8-. il- ? - B ft>M*'? Asia a wS ?? *??*, Sar.Ms.7 l'-" . fi UrutT**9' ?'aal. ?ft ??? fj_Z i-"i ? ? Iv??iT^S^**j F ?: a n- . :..-.-4 *?fT*?l ?aras |^| STEAMERS AT 10REIGX ftna] Aiii-nr.i? ? ' *' - ? '*> 'Brl. <aa*t>. ?. ?? ,, **a- mm ?'.'! K.-.l?ja* lr) ?sas ? . ' ' ? ki <, k i . ? Klrk? i . .'.'"s Dis;. Sa, las. ?a?, T?, Brlihi sitas?? iBrt. M?, t.. ^* >?? Otfra'.'ar 0?rt 11 J R A .f (??s? ]w. ? Vor? .?*? 8?' j!, _\ Us?i>.o. ? ? flr . y?, r*t Mil r.Li ?????u^j^a?N Hsr.uat. Ou 11- A ? ??r?r. N?a t?*,; _A Vor) 'from Ntw *f?% fis ? Lttai ? twirn* ^ rt -, i Oc. ?I a\--!*<waa 'Sri "a, T? Boy Football Player Zi_tL Decatur, C . . ' 12.- D? :i fta-, hers, sevei I ? o! 1, h?lfbael* ?? high ichool footl '*sm. ?m Ir?j here to-day ir ? gam* wltk Mir. t Ci lege. His skull wat fr.i-*'.urt?i in ?,c ri mmagc. ARMY AND NA VY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHB fr-.m The T. (vm- !._??__.] WH-Sagaa <??. __?r it ARMY M BARRY L. Rr>;ims r?ll??>?. IBBB .ncr la _? fl . q M ?>n Ool l.-WAHIl A. MIIJ.F.R rrom M ne'.a Art Jin. I. m f R at..I report t? Genen' West tXTt. Toi <l.?iBO_ W VAN IH.KN. S. IV'.l Art . trAn.ium.1 U> 21 11- ; A.--, ?an. S. 1_1 ill. '- ? . ?n Frs-i-l..-" Des I, for Minus, ta pH ..<;,...... ,,-, a| ,? - Irt. .'?rr?l On .l._,o.l.l?A? of M Dt?, following of_< en M-! r, rp? will prorw<1 to _U_0_1 _Mt__at_ in! refer, to ..mi_|. Uni 9_k_fl for t?i?p_.-i_7 .Hi'! Ms) <LYI'E S K.iRI?. lar , B l-. ii?) i-.ii_.iam N nisi'HAM ??._ ?a? Doua ?lu nrti i>.* si n . B. Bjumod. Jr.. ism ES Noaai-i ' A M I'M ELL Ktv.i IB Inf SB ir_.?ai m f' H lu Arm/ Ser? ?.boot. Fort Le.? .. * r". Follcmlug cha?an J--. Mr l Core? ?*ol Rl rl.lD B _ III' l_. U? proper .titton rift WILLIAM F. HAM. (? IIAr Int.-, T.i First Lieut. HEKMAN ., MAUL, !o Diuglai. Ariz. Fini* I_..t HENRY T Rl LT, .-a? from ?*om?.l I'nl? . No? 5, to regiment to which i*i!_rie 1 Firs? LUut SHERMAN MILE.. sltscha. ... M nsU Art . on t-lug r?ll???.1 from rr?i?" - ti??. .tin. 4 to C M. in. jo'n that nSHMOl FlrM U._(. ALBERT W. MET. AJ.F. Jr. Mel Ho? forpi, from Army MM. I. ?__.!.. Brash.; ? ? '. ? - First Us?l JOHM C H. USB, Oorp? Eng on ir ri'il tn C 8 ? on ??, ?- ??' - -??- to W__*U_i W. .. Eire I.leu?. MAItTTV I. RRfTT NUI I" SB ' ,,lnn . . na'i.iiiAl _?_.._?-.. Join reglmri:? F'.r ? Uaut, 8LDNF.T H ?'.Tlli'lE, oast a. . fr_i <"ei?' Ar? ri-, -r- Tin V ?_ __ I 'o s,.?,- Iff !.. . >,?"_. Flit Licit SD WARD - WOOOICST, M \ ? ? it'Tei -4 S4 mi a- - Ft m _ ;_ u Bra. lar eo'?r?e _??.?? -hABlAl A!.'.'A J HK.STU) C_S _ or.? _p .:-. .losa I (?RIMF8 *. inf, ?.??> _ . (d -__? F M'.Rif Ml . ;. ?. ucir.MS I..-.- ' ,. WILLIAM F I-: .'tVlAN'l an? or.? m-ijth from " ? .' ''??? ''it!. fl?* IN?;. M?_ ? o-p? . It, iip? 1.<>W_M. __l 11A. H ... ?L IAM K KE- Dill? _ :??? : ' .1-. to J?, Mir-h J A PR-MMINR | i-?? ? rf^r?4 BS Movncc it t_H___a 0--t 1 fror - ? It I i? i . Hsb XMbftll-, i- i ? i *-? w.,?-__ mi* bUq'le 1' ?CM O 11 W. ??? < ! ?e Pa-_U, BBS 111 i' ?'? (?.-?_ Ti_b ...... , ? 1 ASM.? .\...r_r- r>- _r ?' ?t.. !? i ! MuM?ati . An . ?i N ipe?4_ h una O ? 1" -V?r>". A .? ' ? ..lAtSBBB* I Erl?. '.. ?i'? l_> it ? M s y Y i. l x '! (IBA \?1J?1 Nippes?. ?l?T t'?- ?'" >??*> Newport. Ainrit?' s'ilr. - _ 'r *i*mp*t A Fell ni?er. Eig> l ? .? . '.r OvtW? Den??!r. Sir. Ers. ?:? o ' ? Mi .*! SU? !-?i .. Siuiil -o r r . l'n . H?-, ta? f r Mir ? I v ? . f? ko H.a.: Su. I>i Pi ...| W 1rt,l B^e N.Y-ALB?NY-TROY S.S."TROJAN"& "RENSSELAER" Leave Pier 32 N. R?, Foot Cantal St., 5t30P. M.; W. 132d St., 6:00 P. M. S.S. "C. w. Morse" "Berkshire" Leave Pier 32 N. R? 7.00 P. M.,- W. 132d St.,' 7.30 P. M $2.oo , $1.00 On? i a/m 50 n AmsaA TYip $3-50 muni ??a tid Tr* Bit, *rr'.' t moo ???? immn l' ? Trip. ?V-r'1 HUDSON NAVIGATION CO FRENCH LINE ?omittftal? Oeuerale Tntnaatlaotln ?? roeTAit ??! Sailings for BORDEAUX CHICAGO..Oct. i 6, 3 P. M. LA TOURAINE, - - Oct. 23. 3 P. M. ESPAGNE,.Oct. 30. 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU, - - Nov. 6, 3 P. M. THE *EW QU.ADRUPLE SCREW S. S. LAFAYETTE Maiden Trip from N. Y. No*. 13 FOR (NroHIIATlON APPLT COMPANY'S OFFICE, rUTtk'te CUNARD Kstehllthett lili EUROPE via LIVERPOOL ?TUSCANIA, Fri, Oct. 29, 5 P. M. ?*sl*?H? i.l'.l't \.\ fKl xov ., t r M HAT BJOV. 10, 10 k. IL ?P7n Roui* lo QlacfO? NEW YORK to LONDON 'PANMIXIA ...SAT. NOV U, 10 A. U. COMB Pa***n|er* only. Kiiivii rue HuKin tocbs. Tbtll..*:i f?ooSl p to all principal ports of !!is ?orlfl COMPANY 6 '.MiCf 21 -24 ?TATl ST.. N. V. DCti nil" I IMC >'<?*? " ?'""* -?'? ??*?*-? neu if Line BiNit, i" ? si N?--? F. r Pert* lli.u ''?r... A VsiiviimI* PHII Al'I I llliA '"l .-?'AHA. AS. Km I MAUA' AlliO 0(1 1-ZI LIA ?>rt. IT Basatet aestnaaSsaam B?J tssanana lu.i-s i.tLLirrr a i'o. o??. M*ri 1 '.. : ? ' . ' lia.. ?TI t. Wa.l Straat mom *T*?l?ti,?a tlr*tt %< " . .Ist 1?.M ff*?l?ti.?? Ot'TM.iK ??T .T?7KOOM*?. ?l.ue. Il.iil. in. In.lina Suii'U? i w itj*i p??? i* s a ?'*><"<? aras ?II, Tl.*?? O*?.? ?H *?r<.?aaaj. -^ -,, ?? Tl?l?. IV?? B-a?8 ?id ?Sd Bn s ?il snd lh? ?*??? ?*o?i? of KA ata I la. S vil Ai3?rl a r?a Bs : ?d ? uoro sBA?L?Va?r^/e-*^ *?' n. v. um r?*??'ianraiat ia_._r**?"**--_3 Up the Hudson By Daylight All tortio* Pall? *****tg'j? Hr., ? l: . I to at. PS""' Lire. I Ral a . - a M I,ire. I Kan ' ?' ' _"* .., - --*? .1 e IV. ?" - - '* *.*?_ . . r___ ?n_ A b-_ Sets V"*V Kostauraa .-? j.,... ?? ?a*hingt.?? lr?ln? - *'~J ?H,?.1rl._ 11,'l-n"- K?;'.-"./-1;*, __.e_.ro_.e_ e ? > ^ k.. Um '.' ?' ' ??*____ , ? m "___,e_A_, ?In- l?_? ?...fine? "? P "lh'?"'1** Imrgh or ???.<??( H??".. Daflln?l .. ._ ___i *onut 11 .?, r?s 4141 ?en* For An Weal Vacation To _ .*?.__ ' ? ' - V-r3 Twin Screw "Bennudisn For An Weal Vacation BEriMUDl .?__ ?,,. n. e m y*!*t* FALL RIVER U* TO BOSTON V54.0v . _ ?_ rsit-w B |ira. I?. F"?r 1? ?? .; " d.U.- at S?o f M V?..?. ?i Now Londo? ?,nV ..?.or-?.. ???'"' f? Houiton St. ???*** "?i tttt *; to a K ft e \\*~*\p7a.\\ _,_?? H_?ru Hue itr '';?). (a' ft Calbarln? ft-, *"* itr! m* * m. r;.r is. ? R "dSt-,H'-.i?5 Br,?laetM?rt line.?****J?fm 'I** * Pier -7 V: It ' I '? A. M ? r ??d St. H ?' | - ^A?~ TIM^MM M SHSSB4 -| B 0 S T 0 N *t;Z PROVIDENCE A * aoc_D rmir. ?r? Colonial U*4lt Tint <-????? ??",; " ,;' , P'*>r _?___?* saya at ii? ? "?.^A tpaa**J**m B__#?^*-**i ?????_? Sight-Se-Ing Ysdkt?, _??. SAtt-O Fiw. ?e ? .LfoclAS. '*J> TO SANOV MOOK ??? TMI 0V .?*" r?tt-w^T-w"*?