Newspaper Page Text
0fth CALLS PEACE FANTASY Tall. San Francis?.' * ?n *!?*. That It Will Sever Come, MOTHER DENOU1N JAPAN'S AMB!TIO?> y(a Her PlsturtVr ol -W dornen Plead tot Cessation of Preparo d n ? ? - *? in U. S ?a- f"' ??Tchf-*. ? {?Lice ?- ' ' ? .,? p*?c? CoBgreai hen 1 * ? .JttT* ? ' . ... ' ' ? ' ? M *?'*r. the fio-'- r ?ai?L ?ra? c ? . floats ehich, it Bjati ?A11 npl on*v I?-*-"**1'**^ ?? *t. .*itroy*d her ideal* of peace. aal tt ?7?:>d Jit??*- the distur tit 5??<7* ?? " China Pre,.*rina for War. as a.v, t'r ttd S'stes wer* an un ?jMgssi it ????ild **** bettor than r\\Tt a*, ?h? : I w?'rld pew m," bt ?* I ' learned her .'.tit.* atases, si ? -. o:' the itate and ii ? rce ?Jiya? I? thi f th? ff&fO I r.'t r'r ? ssaeat ~i"*rT :?? ha* in her**lf lb* ftri ?arlir. .' Rr'l 'be navy i am of Eij.s- i* bound .Ml" Itlflihaili, .' jour BTSaBfl ?ad I r? partly re ? ? . tz: .'tit ! ri u i, R lect .Ttl Oaf tl .-:*?? delegi Women I re?" \\ -rid Peace. ??I -?- 11 - ? . ?? fif the ,.' Peace 'tititrti' ' ' b F Merrill *.*?? progl ?mif? i lead, au -. : il : It ? I fsRtn'i Ptao* Party, and Mr?. Pcbfrt .' Isi?stt?, ? at sad ? . ;" a decision tl ? ? -aorld." Mrs. Mui ?aid "T . !ettle lit qutr. i :r. tht ??-- seam* has) ?aatiaa en BMt or. ?sslosivei re. or ?af.:?r Se ... i aevr pol f, mesen wei .1 aave "''?'?' - smamt Euro;? ?? ? .t*d to s -soi . "AH Bttrtati ? ? ; rrparedr.en, but rti! prtptrtdre.? foi What ???? i??- ailiti ? demanda, if awted, ?ill tip i t?or. ievBasrd, ai mess the end of'i moral leader?.* Mil! Shontr Speak?. ?V?' *ht ?' --.tin! eandl ''?'c' "?* -:' .vered Ja??CrM' ?n 'i Glory ??rHtrtv.-r. " All the w ? to ?ee whether "' l>' f'*" 'Amer ea ii ?fo proud IS fight vear? ?' ?? g for war, ??war if.? hai *e are tho?e ? v Of :rer;Ci '??? ' ? ? .ample. usa Bitate 1 *** t* i*?,? for ah? ? uture ? ??vi ?at ? .,. ? nm ol to world?" .'"?'? pati T' f^'- Khan, __* _*.?*' f?? of i Lega '"? ?J "??hing .'. ' He taaid: ,a ' (-' ' the crea'.'.on ,..' * seed oa a .i con ^ '' I the dirnen ,?7' ? ? ? rellrieii "jaaaaity Such Id in t_y* -r'"' '???? "nd 2Tva * and *?<?"?, bit* the !.. irt V ' religioi ?a.? a" *' ' ?a! ? *?' ' ?.7 *' ?'? ? tie* of the ? ? ' ca as the ? hoien I.v ral r **?? .?** "? ? ? ' ' ?M tht ?-. ..-?. Curr?M_-U nothtne but g.oi/i thtt? 1S70. Ftrtyfiii ytan a/ itnstant imprtt imtnt. Ladies with Birthdays 11../ . _. r. ts tnerttorariJurrt ami km. il ? ft* ?>'?.. i-.if.?- ara?ad mt\sra ****** tyei mili me u. lias Fielder"-either in washable cape or ?oft velvety ??cha, a *_.iderful!y beautiful, ___. a**W*\ C**V??? "" It had ? iv?,rv, tan. jrrey, and other colors, UM |?v. P?' ^ ??teUence for waikinK at general _hemoOB wear ? *\**** "THe Roberta"?[at warns formal utcss-iata; ? ??l"vcoi *rn' wn** -hue kid most exquisitely decorated with ?lel.cate piping, b'ndmgs, and embroideries in a considerable ctMMl t_ Wat- ??* llketamaUteet?, t^f "? y"( '?'"""' ""/ S _Mi Um tut brauitiuih iUm?lt>wltn1 <****?_. Sp*>o*l Value. .1 the Counter, on the Second Floor. /?a _?-_ _-? _. ()n* tioor 296 Fifth Ave. ?ss CEV. EST SI . , : \.;k HAT. Bita Hill, in headfrear trimm?, d In preen, white and purple, f the Woman's Political Union, to he worn in the RufTrapre parade ? 28. TEACHERS PREPARE TO ANSWER CRITICS Publicity Bureau Formed to Stop Attacks and Clear In itructorfi Before Public. Te rnmhiit ?fecks on the New York ichooi Bystem which arc termed "?m i nd unworthy," the Federa? tion of Ai :isl ooa ha? or ?.-, t... 11 it i pabliclt** ba? ? lus Johni ? it tell who had In? -, it w.-i? learned from >r Prendernat'i recent r? ? ? th? --'?. ? * cle* which newspaper* will ?1 to know wh" is be " RIMll Mi?! "Alm(.?t every newspaper ha* - about teacher-' rhar ,r,g, for we Now Bl g* I W? believe the pi . ratend? ? Mis? Jone? ?I 'client I nm Informed ?: ?? ? loi mad?. ? to sot tha ? ? c federation's bulletin the pu*" erihed to he ? our school BjfBtaSI from the ' unworthy attacha aew ? i ten th? ? .in to ? - children in w Ulan .1. Mc ' . ; ? ? .-.; si. 'if 2681 Brlgg? Ave? nue. " ???-??? new -.. will receive articles and which cor.- t? Tient!? _ answer. 11:30 ?. m. A fn* ? I "'W? -???t. . . I ? . ? . la ? - . Ws'.i ' ? ? . iaj m ?. Portia - ! a. - ... I 1 - .(? I t? ' i ' l'< In I he I ? I ...'' ' ? - . B| PSBJ 1 a ? ' ? A?. , - *. Ardan ? ??? 4. : - ? -irosi. ? t) P. r- . ? ft p. ? " '?'?'* - . : , - "h r-tr??* and f* ??!*.'. | *1 ?'alii Btraxn ^d I ? * i -' r? tl ? B?| i Uli \ v . ? Ma-? 1 1 nlen. K01r Misa lud S* *?> a'trr a ?? ? a ??r-?t ?r.d M?l ? ? ? ? a* 1 flitj I " d Mraart tiA > -?-? S.-.1 I - I .. I Third i ?0 * f- - ?a '?' t s? M-.str > ' SOCIETY DOINGS IN THE CAPIT. Secretary of Commerce To Dinner Host to the Fedem Reserve Hoard. ? IB ? Mi rein ] Wsshlngten, Oat It The . cere res will give the firs' 1. offleia] ?; nner of the leasen tumor night, when he will ente.tain the I erul Reserve Hoard at his home Massachusetts Avenue. Mrs. Redf will leave to-morrow morning f?.r I V'.rk, ard Brill he with her daugh Mrs. I'rury, far a few days. The Beeretary of the Navy and . Daniels returned to-day from Nc ? 'nrolina. ? ho* Ambassador arid . eoantesi ?'hinda will leave to-mon for New fork for two 01 thre,. aavi The Chinese Min,"ter, Kni Fu SB lefl to r.i.'r.t for Nea York, and morrow wiil go to _ aterson. N. J., apeak a? the 'iinner of the Silk We ere' eonvaatlon. Mr. an?! Mrs. Frederic H. Pro have o;i?-:el their house f"r the w ti r, f.'"t...- spending the summer m Ni qaltt. Mass. lira. Alfred F. Ba1 - of Mrs. Hrooks, Is in her apa meat ?t the Coaaeetlcat for the s Hra. Hates has ni a guest 1 iW.or daughter, Mrs. Frederick Rr ?, of New fork. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Lincoln hi again l?-:.-c- i the residence in N BtW owned by Mrs. Hates. They will coi here earl] in November. Th.- Minister of Switzerland has h Washington for the Pacific Coast . will represent his country at the S Praaciaeo Exposition. Mine. Rittet i Baled him. Mrs, Harriet Rlaine Real left Wu ington today, accompanied hy Mi Katherine McClintock, for Fan Fra ... where they will rcma.n un before Thanksgiving Day. Mia. I.yman Tiffany and her gran tar, Miss Balea Parker, ha ?i Washington, and .? ing to open the home of Mrs . nnec il A-, i n it-. HOLIDAY GAY AT TUXEDO Many Automobile Parties visit tl Cluh f??r Liinrhe-on. I "???? . -n II ? MfcBBS ] Tuxe.l.? Park, N. J., Oct. 12. Perfe weather to-iiav braaghl oat a lar. numh?r for the holldaj hy motor fro to lurch at the cluh nnd man parties ear-sag the cottagers te ' the day. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer a ? he i lah foi the aatama, an ' ra Wiihum Lawrence Greet of Paris, ? the Smith ? m \v? i ke Road Among those who entertained lunch dub ail ???: .Mr. an \ ? | Ki , r, Colonel a. d V1 ? Mrs Joat a. naar, Rol Mr. and Mi-. 7- Q Mol | . : ? ,1 J 1 .,-' Mr. an ; Mrs W. E Desala, Pare* F ? ? jr., Mr. ai i i .' Deveaa. Leeds Johp ? ? ai 'i Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Have ..ther !nt? arrtvala to da. Helea Brawar, Goarge I . Mi aad Mrs B. E Attei ? i Mis. Arnol.l hiagtOB, Mr h d Mrs. Mom nhagen; A McLeod and Allan Mai I.arpe preparationa are being m,.d. for the '1 ??. : i ,,;'li 'he end of thli month. The committee 'n charge 'n .ludes Joaepk Karle Stevens, chairman: .- W-'._ierdir,g, Forsvth Wick.? ! ewis Spencer Morris and Pierre Lord lard, Jr. The Tuxedo Lake Yacht Cluh had a: excitiag ruce to-day on Tasada Lake ?? were ais startati I. P. Tarn ? Frederic F'o'te:- second Gordon Pellowea third sad P. 0, Sped fi arth._ WIDE PAGES HURT EYES (irulist Bajra Newspaper Column Is Ke?t for Reading. ! r.\ Tf ri-?p?i la l_a IM -ir.? ] Philadelphia. Oct. 12. "The white, atarehod dre?ses which your baby wears are harmful to his sight. Rahy . lothiag ahoold he of r.etural tints, so ? ?-ye-strain may he avoided." Thus ? 1 ni A Woil, of Columbia Univei ? the eoavaattaa of the ?in Optical Society, held to ... the Adelphla Roof Gar "Civilised man works at ?hort range," - , d Profeaaor Woll "His lasas ?re B s ghl distases from the eye. ? the optoi ti I i - of illumination, color of w_u? BBlTOUadlagS and '.he print of looks, newspapers and the like." .. width of Bid .?-es ..... foi ... idemnstion. "The usual newspaper column is far the a ,ith of books," de? clared the profe I ***** ?- B_B1 v eya read It Thrae loa. ? ? ne of tyi>e in o. e eolu nn, bi be all that is raejaired from l i.iu a?'s ejes." 1 VOTES BANDITS RAG) "L" LINES Oo Through Trains incl Slick L'p Guards at Point of Pamphlet Guns. OATEMEN CRY "YF.S": TICKET CHOPPERS* TOO Robbers, as Passengers Cowtr, Sein Promises and Escape? "Anti" Detectives on Case. In gay dlrSfaisea of oranjre and black. ?vith miisk-i of a similar color, and -' I? he .ring the ? for ?Veaea," Leeiala Dock, the ' ..p n*n?li? Bold, and a dozen la ? I sallied forth last Bifhl t?i bol I up every nii.??.rman, guard, lichel chopper and ticket seller ob all th.. ? ?,' . their vietlm nur,- arith sal ?? ?vhimper, they rewai led him r. ,! when he ehe ?f ??,? or ,ij.. Inter? ?rely I.ed n? him sorrowfully, a? much I * "IbbI ii too b Pro? | wsywomen terminal ;.r South r fierce d ? ? d pi' rkin?/ ? they all lofl ? . . ; fie p|nr< il ? .. rs ? broke up ?:o that n'rl? cfnilfl j?". in each line. Margaret Hincho*/, the Ir.?h . ""? r, fell aeld meet a many of h"r eoaatryaioa on the Ninth Avenne division, ho she took tha? route with two helper . Hiss Pork took 'he Sixth Avenu.* mute and a third de? tachment travelled over the Third Ave? nue line. Ai a late hour last night several of th? bandit? telephoned in and said that their raidi h d met ? itt flsttering sue cess, and that the) e\ru(-t the "I," bejra to tur', ont b hsndsem? majority for go. Among <ho?e who wore dlagui??? wer" M : ?h Watfon, Mis? Cot nein. Sa nnertoa. Mis? I.avinia Pork, Mrs. Kstl i In? witherow, Mrs. s M nan R ? - ' \ ? Harriet -? o NEW YORK UNVEILS GEN. WEBB STATUE Whitman Pays Tribute to Union Commander at Gettysburg. Gettysburg, Perm.. Oct. 12. The he role statue la brOBSS erected at the "Blood) Angle1 to the memory of Ma? jor Goners Alexander S. Webb w*3 dedicated to .:..?. by lurvivora of the regimei I fin ?v id .?nil the Xew York State Mooument? <ommi??ion, with Governor Charlea s ?Thittaan and hi? oil it ipeeial enaste. Bat tery K. 8d united i I fired th? major general'? ?ahite follow? ing the unveil ng, wh eh ??? done by Mill Anne R I ?? '? granddaugh ter of th? commander, A<ldr<-?*es were made by Governor Whitman, ?ion.-nil .1 k in r-* w. Latta, of Iphla; I ? ? 'or:*-1 Andrew Cowan, of Kentucky, snd Dr. -h O. R. Miller, i7i ? ? ral Horatio C King* read hii poem "Gettysburg." "General tVebb," Oovernor Whitman laid "vu? th? lOB of a ?oldler and the grandson of a loldier. Nit grand? father we? wounded in the battle of Banker HilL Against a ssvan foe on our then we?'?rn frontier hi? father defended the flau ami liberty, the civ? ilization snd th" c7:!;:-' .which the flag SBBbodieS and rcnre?ents. "He wa? true to his inheritance, loyal ?o the eountry'a rr;nl ? oi ? snd institu? tions. He realised the rain? of all that the nation ard the flat. ?.???od for. Un? recognized the peri! to both, and he came to their defence wl?hout hesite? ? an and withoul t of personal danger, aa did the hosts vho followed him. "The noble qualities which he poi -e BBBSaaL The espsrfty for the ate I heroic affort played by all in thia terrible conflict I ? f ?1 the Americas name and is the common heritage of the American peo? ple. "I am not of those who helies-e that ?v.e qualities of patrtotisai and heroism have departed rro?B the youth of our The ?plendid trai*? of th? noble ' i h we here tio honor ure p ' ? men North and South and . MWa bobo] serserroa when we do honor ?? tea aJ th?- past." GIRL SLAYER TO SEE MOTHER Kva The .Mil Meet Uer at ln?|ue?t, Ural lir-ie .-inre hilling. Eva The. th? thirteen year-eld Ci I girl, who Brill* 1 i.-r father a? he was ehoking I n ma bsr, baa not ?een h-r ... 1 will nie.-t I.or fot th? first true th-dav ?t the Coronel Hot six vear old brother. ?.? - ?*:<. ?rill al.?o I bead, *? the onlv Other witness of the set Eva did not at'erid her father'? fu r.f ral V? iterdar, but her ? The Rev. A " ? :' miniater. pert -? Burial w,.? la i mton Cemetery. loti? ?ato free from Benzoato of Sods You may cat it with perfect sp^ safety and enjoyment. It's as pure a.?? it's delicious. The relish with the fresh tomato flavor. One of the 57>**? *.mi?.?i. iiii.i. 69?ts. CARPET & HUG CLEANSING Sao? fro?, aurfaarr ?an./. l?Ut l?fuufho?! ihr fulirii .. ?. ?fe ?1 ttsattl * IB Altarmt BlUlf, ?Laym? K.i? ?**? n? an? ......r.i.a ?.an u.atir,? and ???? I ' ' *>'??' "J 'the c. H. BROWN CO.. i 209-211 Eait ??-"tb Sl. M. Y. I Learn to Play, Vice Crusader Advises Wearied Grown-Ups !>r. Anna Dwyaf, leader in anti-Ties eroaada in Chicago and only woman ? 111 ?er of the .Morals Commission there, i. -lud?, ing conditions in New York. Dr. Anna Dwyer, one of the two women members of the Chicago Vice Commission founded in 1910, and the only woman member of the Morals Commission, an off-shoot of the Vice Commission, believes that grown peo? ple should be taught to play. "The principal business of lifa," said Dr. I.wyer yesterday in her apartments at the Botel M. A?pin, "seems to he growiflg old. People Rhould realize that to remain young mean i to have a clean mind and a healthy body. "People who go wrong do not Intend breakingtha Bixtk Commandment ?vnen they start out. They want recreation, ?uni !' il bard for them to plav with dangering their souls. We want t . giva 'hem places where they ean play. W? have started in Chicago twenty-four schools, acting as social centres, and there games are played, pageants are formed and daaeOS are held We mean to es'ahlish more cen? tres of this sort, both for the young and old. "I have no criticism to make In New York I am here to study the condi? tions of recreations and to take hack to Chicago what New York has to teach her. I must admit that condition, are better than they are the-,. Lasl night I wen' to the 'great white way' with Mrs. lohn B. Trough, pn -Ment of the Tost, Parliament Club, and saw nothing objectionable in tho danc.s at tho eaoaretS I looked in at. nor in the cheap vaudevilles I SBW. Your city is most | d on ??? I).-. Darjrer aras the guest las* night of the Gamut Club, and will eonfei with I?r. Katharine B. Davll to-day. WAR ESTIMATES TO BE DELAYED New Preparedness Policy Leads to Technical Violation of Law. [-T?wn Th. Trlhiin? u'ir?iu 1 Washington, Oct. 12. Ho sweeping is tli" chingo in the policy and organiza? tion of the I'nited States army contem? plated by Beere tar. Garrison that it will be a physical impossibility to com? plete the estimates for submission to the Treasury Department next Friday, as required by statute. Secretary Gar* rieOB is n?,t in Washington, but the War Department is working night and day under instructions which he left here two weeks ago. "it will be a violation of the law," an officisi of the department admitted to-day, "but there is no help for it. We have had to make a thorough overhaul of the -.\h, 'e army system, :u,d despite our best efforts the estim?t? cannot be completed before Secretary Garrison returns next Monday." The Secretary has not divulged the nature of the changes he expects to make'. He decided on a pol'cy of stric*. secrecy because he believed a piece? meal discussion of his recommenda ?:o-.s WOeld give a false impression of the plan as a whole. It is known, however, that Mr. Gar? rison wants an army organization ca? pable of immediate expansion In case of war. He believes this is practically impossible with the present army. To make it more elastic he will ask Con? gres, to provide a reserve of trained me.-, who can be utilized at a mo ment'l notice. B a II also ask large appropriation* for aircraft. Last year Congress al lowod the army only $3110,00(1 Conse quentlj the ' altad States, which gave ?he a?roplane to the world, is far be? hind the smallest of the Kuropean bel? li thil arm to-day. Con itive estimates of the amount Mr. iia,",-on will a-k this year place it at ? '00. Heavy artillery for tho mobile army is another known featui. of the S.crc taiy'i programme. At present the : field piece in use cames a fi-mch pro jectile, and most of the guns arc smaller. The Huroau of Ordnance is perfecting plans for huge rifles and BOWitsers to be mounted on railway flat cars. Their principal use, ac? cording ?o strategists, will be to pro? vide a s'-condary line of defence for tie eo. While Secre?ary Daniels's plans are mu.h further advanced ?ban thoae of the War Department and have been approved in the main r_v President Wilson, n was learned to-.lay that the fini.hing touches have not been given them. Two recent BVentS have delayed the Secretary the naval war game and the return from Kurope of Naval Con? structor Lewis B,, who has been studying the work of the various navies in the present war. Captain McBride spent some time In London, where he familiarised himself with some of the measures u?ed by the British against submarine attacks, and ? sports to >' cretary Daniei - furnished valuable hints for the build? ing programme. The success of the attacking fleet la the recent war game demonstrated the necessity for fu^t scout jhips. This problem will be disCBSSSd at the Naval War College, at Newport, this week, and Secreten Daniels hopes tho delib? erations of t-ie experts will a^-ist him in moulding his programme. Tho Sec? retary is already convinced of the for fast ships to seek out the ?. and Rpeed will be a prominent feat? ure of the vessels to be recommended this year. Bank Cashier Sent to Prison. Flmer I. Fmerson, cashier of the Na? tional Hank of Montgomery ... Y., since its satblishmeat, in It .lav pleaded guilty to a charge of mis? application of the fund-. He was sen? tenced to six years' imprisonment ifl the Atlanta penitentiary hy J . !. Sheppard in the Peder?] Court. Era er? SOB : as a wife and two children. II I iter is now a waitress at VaSSBI to pay her tuition and his ?on is word? ing on a farm u; -- One of our customers recently said: "Five of my friends have come to the Redfern CcrSart Shop to be fitted; and now they are sending their friends." We try to deserve such courtesy?hy our skill and our effort to please; but m a!! justice we must give most of the credit to ? ? -' sas? a m^? *? v?A ^a^t. They are correct in point of fashion of course; but they are equally com? fortable, and they keep their shape $3 to $25 If'hereter htrh class ?trieftarestiel'er at The Redfern Corset Shop 510 Fifth Avenue (Juw iSo.? ?2nd Sircen _r v? fycftvn- ^?t__e^ 19X5 GREATEST SUFFRAGE YEAR National Association Says It Is Significant of Early Triumph. HUNDREDS EXPECTED AT CONVENTION Call Is Issued for Big Delega? tions to December Meeting in Washington. T_? T-lb-i .? . ir... 1 -.aahlagtaa, Oat 12. Th? official call for the forty-seventh annual con? vention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, issued to imj, lay? emphasis on the progreis of the cause, the great campaigns now drawihg to a close and the victorious , tott? 1" ing made or to bo made. The I .'ion will meet here December 14 ? and is BKpeStod to di_v. big <!"i. - ? s, especially from the states which will vote on suffrage "his fall. "In the long years of work for equal suffrage no yar has been so crowded with ?elf-sacriticing labor for the cause as this, and no year so significant of larly ultimate triumph of woman . -r ._?," says the call. "As we issue this call four great |BI I ' equal suffrage are in progress la four Lastern stat"_. Thou - of WOBtea are working indefatig i.hly with voice and pen and tens of thousands are contributing in time and money to win political freedom for women in these states. Other states are rapidly prepsring for active cim I .ngng in 1916. At the same time th* national association is putting forth the strongest effort to win nation-wide .- i'ial suffrage through the passage of i's historic national amendment to the Constitution of the Cnited States. "We shall come together at this, our forty seventh annual convention, larger in numbers, more united in spirit and effort and more assured of early suc ceaa for nation-wide suffrage than ever before. We urge our affiliated mem? ber associations to send full delega? tions to the convention, that we may learn from each others' experiences, be inspired by the curage, .ympathy and counsel of fellow workers and that our mutual plans and work may be guided by conclusions reached in full and free eoafereaee a? to their wisdom und efficiency, "The National American Woman Suf? fi age Association is a democratic body, governed by the vote of the representa? tives of all of Its affiliated associatlona. At its annual convention the work of 'he last year will be fully reported, ?he plan? and policie? for the eoi i i year agreed upon and the l**-i*r* of ?? l national association choaen for "? ?g y? a." " The !? lig-ned by Dr. Anna How. *H Shaw, Mr* Stanl*y M^'ormii-f ?? I Dr Kathariae B. Da?*;*, of New Vor?. Mr?. H?nry W?1? Rog*r*. of Seer Ha vea; Mr* Sjsan w riUgerald, of Boston; Mr? orter, H Clark, of Miitht? iun; Mr?. Walter MeNab Miller, of ? .ri, and Mr*, atsdill M.-Cormlck, of Chicago. PAY ENVELOPE* MAOIC BARED t.lving Wife Wage* and Borrowing Them Away SfoppaM by Judr* Pa**alc, N. J. Oct. 12. A plan to turn ovar to "friend wife" an unop??.?. salary envelop* on Saturday at noon and be in pos?es?ion of the content? by 1 o'clock trie tarn* night was explain?! to City Court Judge T. P Coatello ?h:? ? g hy Michael I^**o, of ?1 Third St?? si L??ko .. ,?i arraigned on complaint of BOB-aepaert made by bia wits Sh* ??''! her husband ??ways t ?C'l over r.i? envelop* on Saturday, bet % ed that he invariably got away + '.% V ?easy iat?r. \ "How is that*" the Judge a?k? laOskO. ?*,. hv.** he answered. "I give her thi eavelaps when I get horn* from work That BBSkos BOB happy Then, ?ral ?he i? happy. I begin t? borrow. Pr?t" | -? on I have it all h?.-k Mrs. Leske explained that when sh? ? 1 the "loan?" her husband would ? ner. Judge ?"ostello put Lesko under bond to pay his wife lfi.50 a Break, a? CANAL SLIDE BLOCKS ORE Upsets Srh??artz's Plan* for Obtaining ( Milan Prodnrt. ! H? T????r?ph la> T?ia? IHBBBI ) Pethlehem, IVnn.. Oct. !.. The clos? ing of the Panama ?'anal fat SB i' ? ? ttme li likely to canee eonal I? ?rable delay in the plam -f rharle? M. Schwab for obtaining Chilian ore for the blast furnaces at Rethlehem Before the alide the Bethlehem-Chili Company had landed two cargo?.* of Chillas ote at the new dock? which ?h* Lehigh Valley Railroad Is constructing for the handling of thi* busmen at Bavonne. The?* dock?, row 300 faot long, are about half flnlsh?d. While thi Chilean deposit ii nid to be the richest known, it it itated that It will not pay to ihlp the or* around ("ape Horn, and that transportation of thi? or* must cease until the canal ha* been reopened. It li saderstood that mining will not be interrupted, the plan being to ?tore the ore until it can be sent through the ranal. - - ? - LUXEMBURG PREMIER DEAD M. E.Nii-hen Gave Life to Maintaining 1. rand Duchy'? Fr?fd??m. I/Ondon. ?'et. IS. Premier ByBChOS of the (irand Iluchv of Luxemburg .lie?! in Luxemburg last night, aacordiag to *n Asasterdaai disse tell to the central New? Agency. M. Kv-rhen hr?d direct.',! the foreign affair* of his country and also h?ld the portfolios of Minister of Justice and Minl??er of Agriculture. Royal BAKING POWDER Absolutely Puro Made from Cream of Tartar No Alum?No Phosphate -The *M<&loht* wtose_!iW^?.a*J'* Presents for a Brief Engagement rankRRoberson The Worltft Greatest Travelet, at CARNEGIE HALL In an Interesting Series of ?TRAVELOGUES? Graphically Illustrated With Motion Pictures and Beautifully Colored Views. TO-NIGHT "CALIFORNIA AND THE EXPOSITION" A. pileta re-tour In the homeland from the oreet of the Rockies to the Pa?, fio?featuring recently taken viewe of the San Fraueteco Fair -the first ahown In Now York. SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAMME EACH EVENING, 7 JO TO 8.30, by The Caldwell Trio and an organ recital by E. R. Caldwell. Coming Travelogfuei ! PRICES? ?ft ___^____!____P. ******* ?K'lWft.-. ??? *_.?__?? C-Upon .a th? Elrat . if. at _.t E-*e.-'*Er.tl___ " Th# Olob' ?nn _>?-?' ???."?any an. IB? I ' .- ' I Bos OrTte?. lentfl? Bi : *?.?_ II Moa. Et?.?"Italy " ? ? _ _ ' T u> It to P M Sally BM r??M. Et?.?'*PY?n<_?." m_ii -VM E??.? 'Th. __;_a__.'* IVu#r. 0p^ , ?