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Ket? Doth TrrtKntf. !.. I??t-?he irull **?*<????Editorial* ?Ad?er,Uem?t t?. 8.\n i*:>?\ ??? rOBKB 1? iPi-i * ? SV?! AT. ?? ' ????- fa". ?'???'? 1Mb a ' I ?' TT*T '? ' l *' 4- I '."' -, ? ? ; ' 1 . r !..*?? intr.-h..nflii?e a?l? ?rtlmxl . , , esc?late safety?loe t- m .tn> ... <? nu. M .* lan ?i? ?a to i i bbs?wj I i-.-. m. ?|ulh i he ad ? et run It--. Future o? A?; d Arms and .. icy in til Balkan?. ? a milil ' . ? ? ? ? . ' -?illy incou; ??ave us at) l?eforc . .- ?. - ? a-riag a ? :? ? - ? ? ? Vor '' ' ' ? ? liplomacy . iae - . ? ..?? , . ? 'iitary *, the op ning of . ? . eoald bound - ad. ? d the v ar| just re victoi ? f-inter? , ? nd perrnan? ? ?-..? ? ?-ally I.nvt-r 1'aehaV Gorman of the ' ? - ; u'l ?? redp? [ti v ?rith her Trip.. ? . it the 1 If Turl ? ? ? ? * have '? ? eat at I bj the ? I ? where i Per th?- Allies ? ? ? ? ? It I point, I ? ? de . taken Ka herald have ? * (1 Kul . Joined th? R ? .re t.f ever, '.??nv'ly tin- V'.i? BBjBJBell : to Ore? that ah?, ,?i\?. up Kavala ?ad Drama in re-turn. t',.r prc.sjHrtive gains in A ., notably Bfl Rara <;?..-?? bsSkad. VeaWai was ?riDiaf, lu* Kim,? ? ? .? . ? ... n, not Venir..:,,. Ml; th."?- ?a? ? panas h ta atecttoa In tin.? pi . ??. Mlied ' ' i ' Um IijikIh '" otitk tim ? ? that they ?ronld ? army, triad and . . w,.r(, i pen? Mt 1 ' kly has Idol - Italia* ? ? laa, to ? I fi . Bol B .. K ? h!. 1 I''. . ! Sorbiai! and ?M Hulear ianiis bUj.._i ta* at. B, having- fought , ? ip ha?f ? ? ? . west ii ' ? : Bulgaria is i i. ? thinka. ? ? inia Rossi ? ? ? ? ? ths Hn'k ? ????:? ?auction , ,., I ? r Riimnr i I tha ri.k ? ? ? ? fui ' i r eom] cate?! '? toi ? ? . ring ail thi ?m? the w - i . t tha Nl'Tll? ? the st ru ?..- had ha] ? ? ? i ' ? r i ? any data . to Bol] erbian Maced?n! er enea misad to ?uence : . -, Kavals i i for B_ a wat abla v? promis*. Gr?a : tha Agaan Islands, baeaa ere in the possession of Italy ? as . for Bulgi a and :. lined tl d "hnt ;i vi Germany s pal Bucharai B ilgaria wa. pn misad by Ge many all thai she had asked of th?- Allii ? ; ? ! J i. - t0 givt . K' ? ' Garman prsasure Turkey yislcU _ of the Maritza, gare Bo garia I am Xgas 1 rks also dismantlad tl anople forts and mads pi i N'ot unnatural]; old in the best market };-; an! se might have bas rases, bat il faile ? ai the rr tic. into the Bal ng army and thei ai ribly from the! faillir. ' feet, ? ? . asked Greece, practically un a, l'u Turki Germany, with onl ? * ? and :i ft a c h and British troops in addition, priae can there b ?lined. Wh; to Imitats AJber ,t hour? ik. Hi be ? I the ild ?in. He 11 ? would gel he ? . ?;; in di th? ? ? m in Mi?- Near Eaa . ? Thi the ? ? i price ! ? ? . <! t.h? hob i ill? . : If Bll ? \ It 1 elieve thai b . n the Neai i . ? Brmiet ? - had ? and . : ' ? .porta a up th? 'ordingly. Bui rince ould not ? tap? the battle and t it, i to the I ' lef -:it. ham!, it i ' RIBg nto ? ? ? I The war will .. , ... The conqui I and the o] of the Berlin-, nstai nople rail th< tion. Kapoleon wenl to 1 the Britii h Em] > ... n for! un. ; *. b dra? matic, absorbingly - ,- rident, ? . torn of cri'i i m Al? lied diplomatic disastsr baa e. ked in ? atural, but ft it no ?sors i a dozen similar ? I War. Every time rthera r<??i mandar *":ii'?- i ? i?-- tho Nortl and poHtkiai ms rosal. I .... ,-1' Bapidai to Cold Harbor prom (sad t.? bisara D< noeratk victory ?n the ? : but H did n ithiag of th. IF, the r >S Bl . . . , (t i| j,r,,. ? ' n expected, prep iratioB ? ? ? Ian it haw been an snormoui advan _ : M ?M A...Ia, bot as they have i.i\er poaaasai t the; ? I I . ? . ? . a subsidiary field. Tamnnny Want? No RalutUsatA. X : . t Albany i i ? .-???: t- . ? the rai g fa . N rw i harnl ? I with this <:? 'Vota for Swann for Diitrkt Attoi ? Nu Mora Raformara." Th - worth) ' ( "Tom" I ?? ??;-. ??? trict tl banne: ?rar.---, and ? ? I Judf 'A - ? I? i- . ?? i v hathor such .. ?am] aig . b much o? an h, ti rot? i oui ? ? many Hall. 'To He',1 with Reform," ? tto of nal A ? Bird Qardin? i, th?* l?asl Tam ? ? ipied the post of I'is ? Attorney, and he w from soon after he ma'i?* UN ape? ? ??? wn? the keynote Tammany .?je:,.- "... ban remained unchanged fa the ? an in which the public baa the Ti| ? :-'?' ? : '"' ??? "??? pi work. Tammany ?ranta nothing I with reformi and reformai - 11 ? ?tatomanl of thia banner ought to be isnt win rar." :or every atmighl . .' voting f'?r Mr. Pe He hi sen ' i ; I ?und to ire up to th?- full requin tnei I to ability and Integrity. Not a Partisan Constitution. ? 'I be World" titution a partisan document. Our :.. ghboi would find it har.l t? ate ih.-.r opi lion from the recorda of the Constitutional Convention. There ?..??as one out-;:...: it ; i tiaaa division in the voting on the article! of the new eon ntitlltkin that or, the apportionment pro viasion. It ib true that twenty-eight Dem?crata*. voted against th? d draft, ?rhereaa only fifteen Demi rata voted for it. B all the ImpoTrtanl articlea were approved. iot i ::!>? bj a majority of the Repul : the convention, but by ?. ma jority if rbe Democrats a- well. Demo voted for the department reorganl ration-short ballot provision, ? to 15. Democrat) voted f<?r the executive bud? get, 86 to 2. Demi i ?? 1 for the home rule provision, 1 B t?> 16. Dem ?rated for the judiciary article, 82 to ?'. Mr. Root in adjourning the convi ? pointed out thai twelve amendmenta bad idopted unanimously, twelve by a rity of more ?ban 10 U? 1. two by nvre than 7 to l. two by more than i to 1. tw<> by moro than 8 to l. and m ?!.? than 2 to I. It happen? that Republicana were in numerical control of the CO I which fram d the new rronatitution. Thai '.va-, however, singularly free from | i san politics or parti an action. Thai fact ? atly i" its credit Whatever faults or ominga "Th? World" may And do ument, it should not saddle on it one which : ? not belong th? re. Limit the Street Bands! Street band - ? particularly 'he little an bands ? . ? cialty ia "l lie ? am Rhein," ero nol quite bo vo they were at the begin il the i ui inner. Ne?, ertl , their .' .?'?? n. i\a that ?i.. would be a happier place to livi ? esl ricted. The ?tation as '" th? tin* ? ace at which these itinerant "muakians" may dis : ? ?? their concord of "sweet sounds." Street organs are limited to the period be? ll a. in. and ?"? p. m. 'i er? earthly reason why the ?treel ''and.- should any advantage over their e in thii respect. Then is now pending be ? he Aldermen an amendn ? ? ? I ordina i i trictii tl 'r I ? ? street organa are now limited. Ii ? . . ? b many tl of n""ii citizena it thii amendment were adopted. Such a change would be a worthy part of the city'a general ? .? ' ? ? a Me/ ?lIi!H-i.',*:? to pat 1 Secre? tary "I" 'he ? . Comi mast atand out * r ht- iit.bli?? lacles of sell K 11 ? ne of Greece miu-ht ? ? ri ht." Greece and Belgium. one. man I or? if ei ?ob Jsgow' by Oa r : f the Allies' tree] - through i pressai i si I ? I : efaddliag, la ?rB eh ? ig so si .-'.'.'?. '.. ' make .man vei i t th? ? had I.n allie?, ? Great Britain had threaten? Prance ftrsl r.rn! n> lavad? !'?? Ig bb nest, ar.u if, in*.ia. Bad inati ted ob i.;?', iag her ai B . | p ? *..... ? ? Sriti.h ?a, a e auld then have ? 1 paru'.:.'! to 1 ' ?u.Ki.ii betweeB th? Central Paarenaad Bai? larla, ?'?i the one baad, and Greeee, * und the Allies, on the i>*h*r How, ? ? sf Boaamos n .t*?jtow pn I iahe the world believe that the Allies' pre.ent ?trtion wit!, re-prct to Grease dupli? cate* Genaaay'a aaadad toward Belgium passes all iatelHgeal naderstaadiag. Of SOBISe, (?i . .-??? farre of "protesting" whil? . landing of the Allies' troops. Th? ?'*. ?OB JagOU err:; lites 1 "protest ? that I . mpty forssalit) a '" "-nutn dlpl Gerau iti .-?? ''"??:;. purpose of fur; ?rltil a flimsy pretext foi ? I I jugglery. ADAM R08ENBEBG New York, Oct. 14, 1916. ?ARMENIA" |i re Pleasant Words On g Recent Tribuns Editorial. ?;?? 'i on ? our editorial on '.a" la yi i af ? ... - tl I I ha left thai ' ' -,.-??.? t of ? ? ? and of tba . ? ., ? :? -?? | | | || all on r as that re? ad ta f titudi T' ?' mere Bot for them, ai that they ?p?-tk fer h i ? ... .. .;. .. ho ll . W their api roval by , : i raadlas and pas. in?_r ..round. ?nt - ted to inspect thi I man I? | i ? d from this n_* ifl Bow ? Ink of Chrl-t b? lesi than r? man! . T RABGIOVE fork, Oet 11. Itll 'Sooner or Later. ' ? r ditoi af The Triliunr. Sir: Tant aditarial an "Arn_ei la" '? ?l < ..n of what we ate f tor, and why it seema *(? imperative thai I '??aid rnn^'c ottisehrea on th?- lid? the V.lir.. Then :? a? ; :e?tion hut fhiit ?unrnT r latst ?f .hall hare to aaalat, und I do ? ? b?liers that if wa anderatood tl -anee of th- tant ' ' ' I .n vain for the nee''. ?I. o'ir papers ar.<! perlodtcala, un?1. ? ...t our wellaigfl atter I I am liriag in i? university cen're m ? .???-. t r. I ion and mei lo aoi anse th? tlon a .re?.. I .- '. i s h. fei > o ., " ho .1" m ?' and t ? I ? ? ' .-? ? r. ut?, t-. intcr?ir.' for lu Iti real . ..t ?..,-?'? ? Idc n .????? ? : ? t r. (_* u? to pli ? 1th honer mir jmrt in ?hi? world-wide read letmenl ' th? forces ? 'iiorrow. MARGARET F HUNT. i Arn Albor, Mlrh , Oet 12, l?ll Our Future Sovereign. To the Editor of Th?. Tribune. Fir: It i. Idle to specalats," layi The ? , -n- ? _ ti ? sad '. ? af allied tear* -, . : it II the ' ai dore, Gorman de .? n..ide bj Gerfl_aa*F_i con ,,, :, roi n | ?? n- tponed beyond th* . 0? I'.'l''-" Th?- sentimeBl eertaialy deserves 'he an? s? of .? ? ' ? - ? an But, unfortt tint?-'.--. ? - editoria ? ? ? :. drawn doe? not rej res? al ? ? i ?' | ? - r ?? ?" numbei and .. ranee of wealth a I ' I f which has bo?r American ; taue of tha m - I : d in the anaalfl of The ... , ? ? i f the King James Ven ion 1611 ??' fold were ? ? nt Toai : ?? r US." ? ... ii In thi tree n tho ? ?? '?:?. ? i w . aim a ill b I ?? i" paling tho great ? ementa cf ill 1 intri? ? . ?'i-.;., at the tread of the world-domi '?.??' not a courage, nnmber? or a i rill the outcon ?? l" .i--'- I , : f the Teul peration of ? ? fact that Gre? ? ? anee, bend ; tervet of th? gi eal '?'. ? e cannot change il ! Th?- ; the Brit ?: ?? tide of Teul ? .rlil behold? ? ?th hor ment th? nevitabl? .... ;e the goo - - - - I... I - u.. i . aid t?i be the father o l i ? matter ??? bitl rly our judg ? I . ir B th? riblc truth! Son _re not t rmai i eisilised people?" ? il ? ? do with th? blii d and un the au ' True, th.* G? i i noble ai luenci .- lultanl nom ition; 1 ? ? ? -;.?ru--il reo? I ? I ?>? ad ... ril al ??-... ? ? ? i.l) af : our Amei nn.l _ ill enta ? ? Iming i ? ' I the world* If so, it is ? |. perci I rea ? concile ourselve : Biplaeentl '' Bl arhicl a ill be ? 11 of tl tru rope! -LBE1 J EL VOGAN \,.-.\ ' . ? ; Delusions of Grandeur. Of Tl !. bUB? . ? : ? ? the a*ay, a . tad I aw n. Btati ? there's i othei treteh g, _w.?iin_ and itraiaiag ? ? ... ? ghbor and protector, till iplit a ia. When, thai ? . ? \ ? \.pr ? ??"'? t 1 Preach cail e dei t ao isst i be I .i litt ?; ay, at tha*. ? ? of all K i? court? b? i pr?tai ??"?il of ?tome recent ,>iir ... ,? the expense of hi? "country" * . the reward ? - I ,-.i tl . tin ea th? "Pohl I'oh!" No! for long, HENRI DE I -i-' ' OLE. ? York, Oct. ., 1911. The Small Pacifist Nation. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: V. _ are buy diecaasli si _n. ? ??lating the BOBtra Ity af i'ireece. i? as ? ..- Gerasaay ?? riolatiai the neutra' I us the out rheli thi?: t BBSs u ? ? ttitude ? ' . af a atroag military ? Il of honor. Greece h_- _ i h?* laggastsd that ih? Is "dial r Heljrium could have ?ior.e it If ?he had wished. HIRAM K. MODERWELL N.w .ork, Oet, 10, lbl-. NOTHING BUT SMELL. A PACIFIST PLAY Analyzed rind Denounced .is Abounding in Feministic (font. To the Editor of Th? Tribune. Beulah ',;--'- play "Moloch" may aot the reviewer la "The Tlmea" ?ays. "the ui ?**?" but I find it ;... d o'er ?rlth th? ?- i ... tie eant that eau wd Jase Ad *.. make her fat tiing Idler I and drink. I? n tha' ?orno ?.(.irer: but tho Colonel of "Moloch," n gentleman, hed arrav officer and a Venic m? - ? ? I *** turr.o.i out the d? ol the authoi hai ? .? ?. ti ? ?! to paint him, "eomn ? I ibordi ?.. ': ?ti the commill mont to cover hil own eraving. To paint n drunker- col? ? typical I? no more true than it would bo to pain! all tn bored ? oung a omen leekit I was delighted to have the reviewi r in The ?Tribun? fr i plaj tl ? work of i? sentimental propagand It ma; be wiae, a to hat i play? written which portray the horrors of war ? ? r than th? n ere bugle playing and flag - hot arhile the old faahloned war playi may hav? doi ? harm yet the; never wer tak? lerioualy, aa a play of thi? apt to be! moreover, in tearing away .?met1. I ? ?. fi oat," to tear away all reverence for valor, all acki owl? dgmei ? of . i < -.-ur ? ? ? i pern i admiration of .?' eipline. Somehow, not be. inc a femii t, 1 rtu? - ' ? '- ind d-> I tu be the iole onei ??? or??? ?a? mt: from the ?erap heap. Some <>f the ere man, ;.s exempli;;, d il nd my higheat admiration. It a ? .m when the ad of pity, get tlei i are the onlj 01 aria respect Already Am?-) from a f?minisation of ideals. Sterner .tutT is to inflict pain when ? c -ary, the power to place reason above emotion and to l?x t ia the ay* Shorn of all _hat d'> WB . ?? " 1 ?.. t.? ihow tho de? terioration wrought by war on men. The ?if?-, gasiag al h.-r I "OBly ? ! v ra of war can do! " She i- too lint I ma him. Oh, ? ? ihrii ? ? tor. I conf. ne I could rn crying ?loud For was 'hr.t not typical ?.f the femin it I.?? the ei | to ;.? utterly al.? failed-' I ?? many in the great audience refuaed to ? d and realised th it the : eal de ? -tion was Buffered by I ? . . of loekiag dowa upon him him1 Her id 'lone hi? dutj toirard his coun llad ihe'.' Her I r? r? the traitors m hli army, who tion with the enemy. The rturi ?!. Ha ?<> th? ? nami Ha ' ?? ? iver im ? ? ? osases (,?: th. ? ? -, ? ?to ho '? ? ? 'haraetei ? ?? ? n, ,|,.r a the strs ras a itel . I | ? |. to get up aad cheer. Won . .0 tp?, ??' '?" a ? ih? had !; ' B to an America! and . may aevei Uli 'he truth aben! a vomaa The palaful ipeetaelo of th? : youth I goai i Jaunt to tl queat net agaiaal war sa mue ??r ? thoul prepara! en "Mol . m'irh i i wai g r,..- ?? be ? Ib thai I take off my ' ' reeti of the mea ace "'*'"" ?lplcBB uader a Hi. .?moat a the j ** -11- I al i eouatry ? v.a* "plnv." al a i ntenr.c the lista agi ? . .. ..... that make? a busines? of war." By th? way, i fier thai ?eel ' n futile for the auth' ?" claim thst ?he ha?! no one eoui I mind! Th? iln ? the country g ing '? . ?..'.' ? - enemy. 1 ? to mm homo th? author ?rani ialy gor when I ? wi ever - . . ? ?? f mie.? before the ??? ? could have lieen dry? T i ihow tl ? ? - - .. limpie -i ta dertaken by Mr. Gal worthy ? .'.".r. There one ?aw I . . . | B :? : arai futile? It may be horrible; if may he ur ? ? y be ter ble, deati tory it ia si ANNIE N ??THAN MEYER. Y ??'? . 0 ?? ?. : Mr. Redfield's Theories. T" ?' lor of Th? Ti I une. "'!'?? War'i Effect or Foreign Cora petition," : Redfteld. I have jut . tl article with the for?1 going heeding In 1 ley' Trihues ami I si ele? IbIo which tl \ ad ? ? ???? -" ?Bt? a writer a? Mr. R< I Held. Having put their free trade theory ?nl present Imii .? ? n.'?-? out ? is ot her theoi I? r up th? erime. Thej m ist "whip th ?i vil around the stamp." ?? 11?(? Sen York Times" in sa editorial re cently ssserted that the United States wa ? market in the world. Wha- make i -.'? or ?? nditioBi largely, with no lael ? il i?, politicisBI ami philsi tl rop it ;nl the cause of labor,' labor r ? wage? and works th? fewest hour : "'urn. Street eornet oraton sod plutocratic yel low newapaper tell ai moaey is kiag tl ?.* our bloati rj capitalista rule as. Nob ? ??' Labor i at? a? with bb iron t threateningly over our head? from dawa til dewy eve sad hack again. Any Btaaufaet prominence la our fair land ha I leep d urbed I ;. th? ? ighl taare <>f labe II Ii as the eold tweat froB his forehead h<* gasps, "What will they ds irand Bex! ?" \\'.' doB'l ?lare nu.ko B law without consult ing th? Ii bor rot? Origii all) ws had a pro ? I.? i labor ? me to tin ?? ladi. ?lu tl labor : - ? d up ':" Igb to tart aew iadaitri? ? mploy men labor. W? took th? aj country on earth un? ?' mee to eara a better liviaf e could si . . let him do ? ? d. Inoid. ii *?.:: . th? Halted rich, the woadei ef th? It wa? fenced is with a pro! ?m S '? ? .? to keep eut the ? i botase "i unfair eompel Hob, i id our labor was arm.'' r Bggressioa, bul for defence. ? ? '?? -i ist - sad BBBBtoera g??' ? d ?? Proteel toa ???? ia a I arraag, i With two whoop? and a hurrah they hroki dowa the feaee, beeause it would be .-o muet : ' r foi ". - te elub the wild SOT ? - * them OUl thafl to keep the fence up, and ?B* lom? of "ii -' million' might g?1 trampled sa. The feaee bad ? ? time, but already th? b Id bom*? were trampliag Bot our million? bul our small manufacturen end I ropl ?? trhen, preetol came the war. Aad "hen the war is over'' n rotary Red ; i] i ea faagl? d elub si I gi st tbs huBgrj i " pu*, the feaee baa k would : s tnple Still, who knew?, before the war end? WS ? enough to ase bellota foi club? who snows? A. H r. New York, Get 11, Itli. An Anti-Suffragist Doubts. To the Editor of Th.* Trihune. Sir: I doubt that the demonstration being aaads by the "?ufTs" at th.? regiatratioB B ill aid their CBBSe. thoil out of-phti-4- ne.? Wh p'iipre* ? Th? "cp?lorf,l geatlemafl in the woodpile" in this, woman suffrage agita' on is "larger representation in the commercial field " Th.? craze for the limelight nnd a "career" ill h?' come? woman, young* or old. 1 Uli.1.1 AM ('. PKAR.SON. New York, Oct. 11, 1916. FEMININE LOfiin Held To Be So Bad M to Unfit Women for Vot. ? . ? ef The Ti * -ir to ra tl a: ?? f?rc: _a ?t B fa vorab' ' rotera o? into qu , ?? the nur.?* ?i?-r. Il ?- ?ven with 1 - . ? . of t ??? . '? ??" lirecl myself, 1 ? or eai . Wi -< it ?l te IU af ... ;..r.ce. In sa; thai ' ' h(re ...ttut ,?, con _>.' Wj ? ,r- of CIO" Only th. ? ' haJ *r' n-,-.- exp?n ? .i. IB ? . of m ... Henry *. wn? eonnl ' ' of *r'r laying: ...Hl. tannia .hat ii proud?. BOB? '"'' V* tentin " ""J; X*V__ Every country should have a right to tM wave .." I commend that to you. Ml ' '? for ? int piece of " u?TmK Can you 1 ' ' proh '/."' 01 country sngBg ,! . n . " tul pursuil f II *'or t-nff1*"*' "*? eordiag U this fomii ' ? '? P0,?*,? a virile navy ' ' "f*"" enetiios from ?Hi ' '?' * < * a ""* ? Hag to the lame ii '. : ; Germany to msl i ? ?, f we are ehe ' A, 'm I!. ' "A* make a present of ' iVV t0 Kaisei . .i.? So much for tho mental | ' ' ? : MS. New fork, Ost *\ lil* Boone vs. Williams. Both candidat? l true one beCBUB? ? have ? ? ' ? re'lCioU* ,., (el Who we.e BOI ? ? ? . r . ? ?-? belie! . /?- th? queatisa ? I " tcB. hsvt b"n ildered. . , _ , v.. n.ncroit.