Newspaper Page Text
The Conning Tower "T"""" ?-? for the lean Wl ? bar?aj afternoon and. art Should rither have the " .r? t.? Mi Morgan. oAoi ??the pen that : r?ird at Utoi erdsy; the 4C a whi ?? ' hnsj The M B g a S I a S Manner MY 01D KENTUCKY HOME. By STEPHEN COLLINS FOSTER, - rence ...underwood. ,t' - a. mir publication ?>f "The Night Ha* thrilled if? Uhe Wr. luster's .?i the passionate yearning of the coamoa toceatratei In lt.?Editor HcSure'a Magazine.] I LI** * / 'The ?wn shines bright in our 1$*'* old Kentu ky home. > vN/'^, Summer, the darkeys *"* * - ^A"* arc gay; I ' r and the ;. low*! in the bloom IU.IM'M *_S, dfe? - an While the bird make music all th' 3S day The young folks roll on the ZjhV? little cabin floor, ?7 \ All merry, all happy, all ? - -I ill M. FOLKS" By 'm by hard times comes a-knockin' at the door Then, my old Kentucky home, good nightl "EENTtCK. HOME" "ffpnomore. rny lady; O weep no more to-day *'.MY LADY" >I tpif1 ijj I We'll sing one song for the old Kentucky ?orne. rr. : a?,a<? ak ... i rr^??7^ I ^or our ?^c* Kentucky home, far away. "ONE IONC LSEXT MONTH!!! In the Christmas number, out Nov. 3, w? sha?! publish Ben Jorssan's great Passion poem, "Drink to Me On.y with ?Ud m the greatest ?ptica! dithy rtOlbever ritten, 'et aione printed. ? .''?res, it i? doubtful whether the ??hu more r perhaps, in crediting the tressured Times that October 12 v\as (Alumhus's birthday. The '"J**" ' uaA Trii.ur.e, under "What Is Going On ? m eoaanraenioratk>n of the anni? v,ri4r-v " ' ? ? hriatopher CcJuu?hm." ??Cf. ? CLASSIFICATION IS VEXATION. pting <-ias?itif-ation <.f my wee library after . ....? i reiy puzzled. The Hihle presents : are at once with legend and mythology. ' *n with respect to the honk containing the family pri mise by patting it now with history, fiow b? ' I have deeMed this fall to put on the irportlng to teil how to play tennis. AltimiTfftsW ? ar In ] ..'e and window glas?, has a-.-igi.fd, * ' tha-i n. in a n. IHK KKMIMNK UNBE8T. T ? T. P.'. Weekly ; ^ *' ,,lrU setk CoeSl , sVOeN like letter? trr,-n ]|ve *nd* :? <V rd J !" Brohe, wh?. spoke in Parliament Thurs *>^t> terribly like a ?-nation of -Charlea H. ?Heart DICTATED BUT NOT READ. UrrAS. u " ? let MI WMITOOMI R1L.K1 Ja1 *,. Indianapolis, Ind.. jn*r ' | yoUM "f ?v. "i ??ate ^HU, *_ d"'tat"i I"" Av would state %1H* ?*? note hereunto penned. * dicta? Not POe,nS "*ry "infr!e day' Thark"* C",r)l']iiUiX' believe us, la our .Aim. Wl a ?" r'hM ,;,v"r>. ayag. eoutia. of saune, ?I ?Alige ?j forth f? P. A. MBS H. STEARNS T0BEBRIDEN0V.3 Will Be Married to Lyall Dean, in St. George's, Stuyvesanl Square. MRS. R. w. JOHNSON TO WED J. W. DENNIS Win Rhoda Van Bibber lanncr Oirei Bridal Party Dinner at Rii/.i arito?. Mias II len Stearn?, daushUr of Mr "Ml M? !"' - Bl ara , ail] ho mar ",d ,0 Lyall Kan. son of Mn * ***??* E Bigelow, of IB] Wen Be. ?ntj second Str,-,-*, at 4 oVl?(.k ? ' ? ? bet B, m St > Church, Stujrveeanl . r? I be ceremony will be followed by a ? informal reception _*. th? | ? "' '?'?' bride'i paranU, 82. v. ,nt> Mra. Weld '? '? > ol the bnde, win - n of honor, and the oth* tendant? will be Mrs. Le Hoy k I Mereedei do ?_aldo, Misa i>orothy '? - and Mi?. Derotay Bigelow. Emeraoa Bigelow will be tho be?t man, and thr ushers will be Prank E 7.1, Allan LefferU, George B. 1 ? ' -? David P. Goodnow. v.., , . ,"?? ' i. an I Job? ph _ Hook .. , | Martf? rd, ? onn. After their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs will make their homo In i Blnam Manor. Rob? rt Wood J? hnson, of 375 ? venu- and New Brunswick, N. J., J H be - larried to John W. Dem ! Kei lington, London, a ! . u I. on Wadm id er 8. Mra, Johnson was Evange trong h he ha : reline H., Bewar ?] I Mr. Johnaon died ago. Mr. Den '?? ? el '.'? ti *?? : >.!'.! an officer <.f the L_?? n i Honor. Misi l:ho?!a Van Bibber Tanner, who1 il t?. marry Pelis D. Do .'? ? dit on Tuesday, gave ? dina? i i1 i _h1 at srlton for I H< . I - - -. Il ...:?; oer, tt A Low ? lb]l day, I: r., Ge rge I ' ? |i . i In t M. ram Dillon Ripiey and Douglai Gibbons. Mrs. William Armstrong, of 10 Waal .; ? -, . -. :.... ai nouneed th ? nent of her daughter, 1 ?th Stillman Kendl I, to CeorK i ? Forman, on of Mrs. G< orpe L Forman, of 10 West Forty third Btreel M - Kendl I'l father WBI the late 'A ?lliam It. Kendall, jr. Ina I.eland, of fil Fast Fifty eighth Street, Will he married tu ? i A. i in:-, ?On of Mr. and Mrs. I v. Orvls, this afternoon h esds Episcopal < hurrh, Saratoga The eeremony will be fol lowed by a reception at the home of aunt, ttie Leland. Mathilde nifrelow, who. i? to irr!? ? Herbert i Pell, jr., on ? . ? iber 8, In the Church of the nly Hr.t, if 'be- gueal over the ? tune.-', parent l, Mr and Mrs. Herber) C. Pell, at T Mis? Bigelow and her mother. Mr? Edward M. Padelford, and Mr. Padel ford arrived in ?own a few weeks avr. from Har Harbor. They have an ? men! al the Bt RegU. Mrs. F.. T. Btotoabary and her i ? Oliver E. Cromwell, are at the Riti Carltoa. Mr. and Mr?. John Cads ? ' arrived in town from P and are u- t>.<- Hotel Vai I? Dr. and Mrs. Prest?.n P. BatUr have a bouse part; o ? their country placl Meek, ?Long l-'.at.'l. Then Mrs. A. Syd . v.:- Diaston Mn ? n and her daughUr will ? ? tei In X' w York, >...? I I ? an apartmeat at tha n. Mr. and Mr?. Oliver de ros? ter will return to the c;ty from Tana fly, N. J , on November IS. Miss Madeleine DahlgTen, daughter of Mrs. I>rexil DahlgTen, ha? gOBB U Devon, Pena., whore ihe Is the sues*. of her aunt, Mi? Bingham Penroee. Mr and Mr-. Joseph F Wid? I will hold B private race meet ?':.'- at" country place, I.ynne woo l '!. near Ogonl Peni jr will g?v? a largo dinner . M PotUr Palmer, ?Ho ?as _t th ? RiU-Carlton, with Mrs. Frederick Den! ...... i, i ? ?aUi Mr BBd Mrs. J. Frei I'ier?on, j-., v ?.., :, ? iraed U the c i from New por'. ^_ F. S. CRAWFORD IN NEW PLACE (,<?.s from The Tribune BUfl to I??-"?nie Becretar) ta Carporatlea Caaaasl ; ir Hardy, the new I baa lelected F. Stui of *rie staff of The '1 I ; ... v Mr. ' raw ford ?? ? t .? dutil s y? sUrday. Th> ? ? ? taiy lad been connected wit! une for eighteen reara and Is oi the I I iaa most popular ? n,. B in New York. II. Il a Ni w Tors State man and a graduaU .... lega. !? m,- v.i.. b Mayor Mil hi Mitchel " and Mrs. Hard} made i ?i ?, n. the Panama Caaal a | ' ?, .' the pr?s?;.- Coill I fon ,-,i a t i m friend hip with i ? a? toi it. -? - what is GOING ON TO-DAY. i ?-. ? ....... ? r?! ill in Uuhiii f a -, ?ii ?I Park. Vn Tot I .. . .. . . ? i i.. ? ?? : a ,1 M ?! ? I I On I i . ? . ? | - llt|l ' ? - ? ? m ? . n'UMtn Win Tl a ? , i - , . ? N ? .. ? orl : i ? .. ...... \ . \: ... - ? I * . .. | :? l .?? i A . A ? . l -, m Mu ?Hi ' i. . I A SeV \ I ! ? i . ? i - - - | ?,r. * lira i _??? . ?- i r?a _. al ? a ii..i?i_ : - l ******* bU**' TO BE SEEN IN FILMS. Anna Held, who signed a contract yesterday with the ICoroeeo Photo plny Company. ARTHUR IDYLS POSED FOR CRIPPLED CHILD? Rubin's Nttl Hone at Irvin Rca?/cs More than $1,00 The most brilliant latTHir of the Ma was th? i ? last i ?n the Irviagtofl To-ara Hull for \f t, n hom erippled ehildr? n from San York, than |1 realised The hell beaut if sted with foliado palms, ami the entire Stag? was ba with nutumn leave? and hydran Th.* pregramine eoasisted af 1 pictures from legend? of Kini?' Arl arranged and j>osed by Mi<<3 Elisa Fisher. ? el Ii .1 .'.'.in l_. Brown nppe a?; Arthur, and Frank I of Ed ? I th? child Art Can posad sa ?Tg? Mrs. Edwsi i S. Jslfray, ?i? th? Lai ? Ptowor Robin -? Marion lleckei the Lady of ih?- Lake. Other? who took part were Mrs, aeph Beattie, Mis? Alice I haml ? sttersoa, M Miss Catherine Black, Mrs. W II . i<:-. :.. Mis? Mary Muir?, I Madge Rowaa, Mrs. Walstoa H. Bit Mi ? H* en - ties, Mrs. Rafas Sf? Mrs Ralph -en, M ins II Brotraiag, ^ ' ""mi.? I'unn lolph Kllswo ' ... a? Parsoaa i Willian i .' ' During the < terl I flowsn ; 11 - ing, Hoi e Bu . ' , -1 n, Mar : . ? ? I and Mi Hotter I ? ' '.V ,t lucky number dance and a hwJ. t n per. Nahan Franko*! orchestra f The Bat committee ? Mrs. i ' irroll, Mrs, John Archbold, Mr?. Edwin Gould, M Reginald II Jaffray, Mrs. Kenyon . Mr?, llp'nry V. D. Blsck a Mr?. John F. I'lumniT. Tl. | tl e-^f-s iacluded Mr- \'. in I ockel lar, Mrb. ntia Gay Snurh. Mrs. Jarr Ppeyer, Mr? Henry Villard, Mrs.Ed? Il West ? ?.':- \ ?- Bbaw, H W, I -ii Parsoas, Mrs P. Plswell ,irri'!l Iiunhum, M D. Estabrook, Mrs, Maitland Mr?. Hear] Gran , jr., M John II Hall, Mr- V. : am R. Harr '.Ir- I Do] ?? 'r- -. Mrs. s. Milieu ?.i .1 aearlj all the Had Rh colony. ? NEW ORLEANS OPERA G01N \Vr?r and Hiirrlc.ine CofBBtatJd Han rupt Noted French I'xmpan?. i, . let. irp Piaaacial di ? t traceable <i ? . ? . ' ? .' p| 70 '1 damage doac bj I coast hu ? aaat bs treat Opera A I th? hial era House her ? ? ? ? ? l or many lb? Pi ach Opei ragarded a? a landmai ?Btre of the city . i, The main part of th build ? reetasd about ISO yeai ??Ttart of tlif w_ . I ' ' ? ? i BItistS. Tho M^r.ii (?ras ball ... Wk? .-:.. pe: fonBBBCI eontinui te inability t ? ? ',t?n for .? ? ? . .ft-re aaab : . p sad wer? ? I ta pay th i ui.ii ? ' lr tba eton ? | ropert: rrn. HOUSE LEAVES WASHINGTON? Frcraident's Friend llelieted to Km.? Ua*e af Wedding. ? i \\ : ? .?? ' r*. |i ? "i' Ilous? returned t-i Ntra fork '.?-day, aft.-r ? ?? vtait in the White BetaBB. it ?i prstt) eertaia that n? r..rr:..i away with him tki atari th? we,?ding day ? ? . !'r. lidenl ar d Mrs. Hi rmaa Salt It i? ... | ., .,.,. .,..,1 Mr i ..... the BaaeaacesBeat . ? fora it ii i...:. i at large. A :.n ed with ? ?? Prest? - ?.. hit? Has [ht, Mr? (??.it ? . ?? ? '. prei ? '?? ? ? : i :"?.' .r? r ? ? i ?rision. Miss HeU .'.?.a been ???i .?I many >?? i ? i she ha? r th? sst ''-.-??? months, and th* alisaei Smith are ihariag the I bardsa? NEWS OF FLAYS AND PLAYERS Anna field Succumbs to Lure of the Movie Can-era. Oliver M? M pod i'. j . ' ahead of a ii v.cre BUnding ;n !.'.? o .'? ids thi ?? i day, and -. e? ededfi Anna Ueld'i eyes for three -. picture i :r.. i.... actna? annel in New -. ' ' Thai daj aft? i aa i eighteen month?, during which ii. ? n dogi .., bomb ? m Par -i !?? ot' tin loi practice, I :!? id found .? 1.-. - Held, of course, will receive "the largest aver paid," ate. ! i. in a ... arill ho a prit ate ear 1 I,os Angeles, a i an h? Hoi ad. Al hi r hot el ye iUi day Mis- Held - l. .-. 1 : ?? t- 1 ? ovember ?"?. The forthcoming venture will be Miss I!?.:..' la as? pa -(i| that "l'a. ...?.?? dei 1.1 her best vehicle, will i, 1 ?.. be filmed. The prt n ? re of "Alone at Last," an nour.c- : night at tl Theatre, has 1.??,?:. pOBt| I . next Tut--dav. Victor Herbert will throw th? W? ' era Hoi , ? ? ?. it of i ane? by leavini .? I -.<? Pa? cific < oast Although travelling ... ??a pl< asui. tie ad lib. eondueting ??t thi and othei i . ain ?topa. "H d?. on's Choice," a eomedy of Eng lUh provineUI life by Harold house, was unveiled in Poughk? l,?st night, andel F. Ray l management, The cast include? Pearson, BVbit rd Kane a. G. Aa? lt a s, Viola Roa? '.'? ?lmot Davis, New Vor., -ill see the play at an early dut _. Frankly?. Ar le'.l has been engaged as h- i en? d ???. i.r the Hau? i Friml opera, "ka-ir?a" Mr. ?eap- fi .im trage Ij U eom? appeared recent!) fa "SUlea Orders." "The Battle t ry of I.ace" was - before ? Regl met 7 ,-. l.: - . . ' aighl J. s.uart l!..?<_*..r., I. I ?.. ? ? .... before, eai Lgain la the audience. Anna <?rr and Jack Hasard ure re - ng with "Very <)>. ..i. I ddie," corn lag to the Priaeesa, Hoatrice Miller, an Fng'.ish ?crp??, . the original oroduc tom ?..' . trie ? ?:? b.'. m "Mi?. BolUy'i DaughUi - " Bett] Ka!!.-h, last ?n'A in New York in " The ?.a .. I be produced at the Gaiety N Job He,!.-- ? t addil - I i the st 1 ? ? Brady. 1 i..- req BceesaiUtei the _tn..>_ bo held Oet Word from London has it th Herbert B< erb? hm Tn -it for Amerii md that hii .11 be :an. $10.000 GEMS STOLEN WHILE DRAPERS DINE Thieves Trail Couple from Hall Game t'> Milton Home. MiltoB, M IS. The theft of ? ? ??? from the ? J Bomner Di I ? ? B /Monday evening Mr. and Mn. I U were a1 from a I floor. The 1 rkeat Mr. and Mn. 1 ?, b Moi that tha i ... an nutot! It i .... welry , but il ley that th? . monda _??* aa aatique cameo pm valu? *:\e u- ? _...--. r:u__. aad * _--_:_... GAY WEEK AHEAD FOR WHITE HOUSE Sayre :\^^ McAdoo Young? sters Will Mike Merry' Before President BALTIMORE MAKING GALT TROUSSEAU Mr. Wilson*. Nancee Suggesting Changi s In Interior of Ex? ? .ulive Mansion. Waehlngton, Oel 11 "Hello! ' i ? '. rth six hundn r-th ?ix tbr-r-i ?? eh lino Is busy." So often has I m the tel? ?raton al *? . aro g tl let in words ? ? ? ?? ... t ? fiai ..? A re?a? Mrs. ? week. Th r - o'cl ick , ' ?? took i midni* I that t? l? The o,,rps of ? i a on a 11 - only sue.-. ...... <?li" wai changed to an unliatod num? ber to t I,anee. In White House. .king n answering phone call?, is taki) gasting i urn ment .'! ??? Exi ? ' I i Mill Marga ret Wilsoi _ will be two you - i ,-? re and ! Pilson MeAd o. ?' e nation' and to ??? his call." *. a 1 o has nc children of In the babrei nistra ? I int's step Lee and id con ? i i and I to r the 1 ot'i Bpproa? h ing marris Mrs. GsH'b Tioaaaaaa. Mrs. Gait Ii buying a large p< rl of her Uon Two ? .on frocks, a tr.i ?ral rriv.d in Washington from a fashion? able ? ' week two or three friends of Mrs. Gait a helping her in ? " her to Baltimon t?< suit which it is undentoo I Mn. ., ? . ? on I trip ; . del in ?lui! ; duvet y n wii r and of bea ' ?t ii .i rath? r < - . tour yardi and a bottoi ? . . d? wn the front th a . Frocks Made in Baltimore Tho prettier ?if the two afternoon ;h Baltimon i i contril to the trouaaeau la a modal In i I rich. dull green aa tl , mit. The model . - ? ci u n .... of ? - G ly embroid I ? an iheer . is a com . Georgette rown. Then - a ?ery -- . 1 rown si ? -n ??t laten ais abo ? i I hi m. To ft Ii model al w I t, . ?ni n ? ? i with thread, of i Ivei and i'"!!. _ho band . tl _lrt are all i and gold. ii. Gait's ti..u-. .?m an largely modeli of cr?pi 11? f?-n and b-.e sad an igaed for noon wear. J. SJiELTON WILLIAMS ENTEKTAINS BRYAN Arrivals ?n Capital Include V.'-s. R. S. McCornick and Mrs. Joe Leiter. ? i II Mrs. B . i i ? l ? ? Bring car for un all ? r and t th? Yorl ? I P ?? gen - - i i time K ; Fn "hah, - " U. of I i early In r of ! I . ib left Wa tot tali Dui g hii Ul .<?.!. Mrs. J ton Williama : n the ? ' ? . 7 . Of ran. Among tho Mn. ( .' .: i . . ? . ? ? , ; : ? ? again ... G. !>' _r< v Thon v. ? ' I oadon, i? lr ? - teme ? Hot ;.<nt the autumn. : it Maaaachu lae rotun l to day '' ?? no *.? h?r . . Vir that aha and ? r boma I atar, as they s.iall son?, Jo? seph ai.a Thomas Leitor, la the coun Iteg. ACTORS MAY STRIKE White Rata ?Till A t If Protean Are L'aavalllag. A miet:i?T of ? Hg*ain?t *he I of ?mall ? ? i ?? n a-:d ag?*nrs - Rata' Wit ! I ':... a VBBd? I are n"'. ," I ould atTecl about 1 . a . in and ar iBl ' I V ? n aaee, i* was ?tat failare at ap te .ta,!"* 'ir- ? I t li a t ae?s are fr?-i, . ? n theatre? an?! I ? ' It is too lute to secure SBOt - Harry Meaatford, a theatrical "labor .r move | ... i Praak P? | I . - '.' . r red N'iblo, BERKSHIRE SOCIETY DOINGS Mr?. Eartee J. Coalll EateetefaM at Parewatl Tea. [II? T? ? .-. .; ? : Lenox, Oet II Mrs. Eartee J. Conlll gave a tat* Club 1 ft? I . n -? aber ia , V,' Sander? and the a M. and l- itelle I'. Baa? der?, who ha.I !.?? *- r-. a* HsBtOB Hall, St.pckbri.ii?'''. have tune to Philadelphia. -."..?in of the .. Praaehise Laagae, of Berkshire, tal ; art la a sutfragu . ? Mr. and Mrs. Gtrsud Foster and Mr. and Mr?. Samuel Prothiflghsai were host? at (?i'.rir partis? tor. .ght. Mr Harold Godwia and Godwia, "'' New York, are at Major Goasral an?l Mrs William P. Red Lion Inn, . . tor Philadelphia. Mr--. A. mi PI alpa Stokei ii in the city for a few day? Mr. an I Mrs. .1. F-cderick Kernochan si si th? Leaos Club. ASKS FOR SUFFRAGE HOLIDAY Jersey Leader Meg? Wilson to Let | Nathe Son? \ ??te at Home. Tn rlaw of the fact that I'r"?id'?nt. Wllaofl will go to Princeton Tues.lar ?e for woman suffrage for Mew Jerser, * hai : lain L Riley, presl lent or i th? Mi ! a? for Woman Suffrage baa ivrlttea te the ??? aeklag that all kov ernment official? hailing from thai lllotrsd laaVS Sf absence to 1 vote at the ?pecial elee tlOB. '? \ - COnititUtiOBSl amendments of nt to the peopie of New are to l.e voted upon Tue? ths massage reads, "I respecr nk that :??' a Issae an order ...v.- of sbseace on that ?lay a? of .'?>''?? Jersey employe'! ? . government in ? riet of Columbia.11 TEA DANCE AT BARNARD Fete Held hy Religious and Philan? thropic llodies. R.-ligiou? ami philanthropic organiza? tions of i College gave a larpe tea dance In Karl Hall yesterday. Ml ? Mary .-'.. 1'atchin, social director of Bar? U Carol Lorenz, undergradu ste presideat; Misa Beatrice Lowndea, ? the Barnard brunch of the p kill ' ia At - Mtiatiofl irnsrd; Misa Cathsriaa MeEnte? ?art, presid? at of the I rsigl? I lob, sad thy Hall, president of the ? t lui?, reeelv? '. Among those present were the . . Ki.'hrvn Trnwhridge, Gertrude Dunphy, Martha D?via?. Gertrud? Geer, ? Mary Lindsay, B? McDonald, Margaret Slmmona, Eleaaor Franklin, f'arolyn v. Dorothy Feet and Dorothy I iMISS BEALE WEDS NOV. 3 Will Recome ??liver K. ?rom well's Bride at ( hurch Ceremony. ; Philadelphia, <>.-*. Ii. Invit.?* were ?eat eut to-day for the wed.ling ? Reale, daughter Edward F. Beale, and Eaton Cromwsl . sea of Mm. Edward T. Stote bury. TV..' eereatoay take | ?. Ofl November :t at St. l I I irch, and will be fol : by ? brsakfaat at the home of -. reate. Hiss Aim?? Hutchinsfin will be maid of hoai ' th? bridesateids will be ?a K'-l 10 l 'aaaatt, M ss El? ?SBor deG. Curler, Misa Mary Wood - Harriet Q. R. Gerelin, !':-..I Munter, of Providence, R. I., and Mi.-s Grace 1). Pierce, of ? I Hay. James EL R. Cromwell I in it man. HUNTER FUNERAL SUNDAY The Re?. Henry Mottet to Conduct Service for Fducator. ai lervieaa for Dr. Thomai i. pre ideal of Normal College for ?anj reara, will 1"' held to-n. "f St. John livin? rhe Rev. ll'-nry M t< I : of th? ?hurch of the Holy Com? OB, ? :?t'<.long friend of Dr. Hub? ? , assisted by Dean W. I i ? i Th? psllbearsra will be Alrick H. 1 ?0 --lon?r of Fducation; 1 'h< n i '. presideat of the Dr. George F. ? ? ? ? of Hunter I ' ' . r<. fn?. of its ti . as. Lswis Psyrre Burcbsrd, I Lyd? eksr and membera of the ? i Hunter A ocistioa. COL. H T. LECHERT DEAD Lawyse, Vetoraa Bad Peaaagtvaala Mi? litia ??Hier Dial Suddenly. [Dy T- ?<?, - ; Phil ' IB. Colonel Ilf>nry BjtBay year? an of fUard, lawyer a*.d i. American War, I igbt at his home m in this the ?on of ? rt, a leader of the Phila I? "? wa? graduated ? - ?-. of Psaaaj Ivai ia Law School in 1881. B? ??- aa officer of the i'. : ? . i Natioi si Guard at sak ft' ?he Spaaish-Amerieaa v. tr. - rod the aer? lates with h Ii ragt? meat D \ 1 u be was m eoat? - of infantry in the D?j . ? East. ? e-| by hi* wife, Mr? \ Deehert, ami two Robert if??! Philip Pechert. a AM1RKW RADF.L. Bridgeport, < i.r.n.. Oct. 15. Andrew Rade!, |.r. T? usurer of the <?> ?it ompaar, was found d?*ud ? ... bathroom at his home to-day. Death was due to apoplexy. Mr. Radel was tiny three year, old ar..l Was bora IB Newark, N. J. He built the tractioa ?ysteai in city, which later keeaaM a part of the I ?it Railway and Ughtiag Coat? paay. Re had boob letercated m the development sf th? Newark and South Ora ? '? -i . itreot railway lines and the r?sultiag eoasolidatioa of the bg n l.y liaos which now ? cover. Northern New Jer.ey. Ii? waa ? ,| ,... . the ? ' ' Sout h ? ee-preet ? ? sny. pvrn f. i oi.f. Washlagl ' ' ' r'",'r F .' " e ?',' | | * ' cerebral He I ivee r *< **if? and three mi:. UJCf L ? I _L__fD_JE-_ - rt Hale t ' ? < han ; ? day a- '?'? .'Tim . home, aoar I HIK \M I \IH) SPENI FK. ???*.? Spei r, r, ; ? DIFD. !, G, EL Edgar, I : tlloa Gallagher, Mary, i Joseph. I RAWFORD "7: Oet i ?'. ?t _*e re?..I nee, 1 eh av., Brooklyn, I ?ford, . i1 ? of the : D'Camp Crawford and Holi Cell? ge of the < f New York Ba -d Company, 7th Rei?.n it, N G '? F.? mem) or R kiai d I ? Ige, I- ? . M . ?lkr. ? Bl h S '"neo, Batui ISIS, at 11 a. m. ?'? OOd lawn Cemetery. It ?? 7. il no flowers he s ? nt. At a special BMBtiag of the Hoard of I !erald Childroa'a Ho: her I., I91S, tl on the death of Ml ? rewford was _ : .- *i ! : "k is with d'T regie, that wo learn of tl a<socia'e, Gilbert Holn i ? ' i ????? f ?ri, who haa been tiom the beginim..; of its work a friend, aupporter and ad r of the ? Herald Chll dr. n's Home. In hia ee-ojpentioa u- Hs a member <.f the Board of Trust?e? bs had won our i teem ?nd affect.. B by h - genial, ? heip We deplore this ?.veraneo of our cordial and hapr. aad ixpnsi aur hi .?? I a pathy ? ? | .. -, : v v. o com? fort of Him who ? and la wl ?? , la which our brother has so ably Bl I ? . on." For the Hoard, ARTHUR H. H?WLAND, Secretary EDOAI Daaiel, son af the late Daniel M. and Julia I.orillnrd Edgar, at Greeai art, L L, ob i letehei i i, Funeral pi F0WLK1 Thomas Powell Fowler, af , at residence, "Bolalr, Warwick, NY, on Monday, October 11, la the 84th year ! at St. Jam?--'.- Chareb Madisos a? and '1st at., Saturday, 0? 12 asan, interment at conveai? of family. GALLAGHER Mr?. Mary Galla in her >_.?_ year, after a ted. me in ', l hursday, i '.*? , r 11 .._? had lu en for . Ban I devoted and faith! I la th? family of General E. A. M _. Funeral - ,-. St A l| Cha l'1 a. m ment in "-t. Auguatia CemeUry. HUNTER Octebet it. ISIS, at his n - donee, 107- Fifth ?? . 1 Hunter, ?.I.. It., pnaidant ?? Hunier i Normal ? |< fa, I year. Funeral seniee at the ' a thedral of St. John the I . Am lUrdam a-.-, aad 11 I at I :M p. m. Thi ? - af Grammar Beh? ter . Normal | I ingly invited. A* a meetiag of the Executive Cam mitt? elation, held this d ly, the fel miauu ?? ? Wheraaa, i God to remove from our i K?eat educator I : her of this a- c l Huuter, whose pel il trail charaetor hat '? _tr wob admiration and W ? edgBMBt of their value and power; . he it ?? !, That in th? death of Thomas Hunter we r. a ise a gnat ? to ed _ad of a mar. ar.d eitiSSB of '? great com? monwealth who?, charaetor wh< be l raproech an.! Integrity; whose a w_* pointed toward t?-.?- nobl? it ideali ihe possession of kn< upbuilding of BMahood la truthful Beee and honor. Membon of the Thoaua Hunter As? sociation of Grammar School Ne If are Invited to our late beloved Dr, i hon. i H from Cathedral Bl J Amsterdam A .- and 1121 afternoon, ? >? ? tr,' ,?: ; ". n ] |0 . Please sssemble at Synod Hajl, Amster? dam nv. a;: I 110th ?t , at _ o'cl? THEODORE H. BENEDICT, President PUD, R. FORTMEYER, Secretary. NEWTON Ob Tuesday. October 12, at PaotingfU, ? h:t.a, (irace, youngest ,!a:i_v. -r ?if the late Frederick W. NewtoB, af Sooth Oraage, N. J. NEWTON Ob Friday, Ostsbsg 15, ISIS, la this city, G iee i 'ark., wife of Richard Newton, jr., and ?!.... of Faany K. aad Thomas B. (iarke. private. , P<?.T At Hrookline, Mas?., (1rtrih?r IS, Mary A ? rfl P t, widow of BOl La-- " daughtor ??f Wl Ham Ben \ and Ran i laUrmeBt la '?'. II. RODIEI OB Friday. October 15, 1915, L. Joaei .mella C Kodier, at hi- lab Moffatt it, Brooklyn. Notice of fu? neral her MANHATTAN AND THF HRONX. GUNN, Pitriek, 71 , uv., Octo? ber IS. Funeral to-day. KELLY, Delia, MS Wool ISth ?t., Octo? ber t_ Panerai i? day. M'AI LIFFE. Catharine, 129 Perry ?t., i o ? ;... i ::. Fuaeral to-day. MAI.I.ON. Elisabeth, tM Central Park Wast, October 12. Funeral Vo-?iuy. BROOKLYN. KNAPP. Warren. ITS Uh ?t., October 1 .. Funeral to-day. Mt-ONNELL, Richard. 5.r?n Henry ?t., Oeteber It- Funeral Monday. MULVEY, Tiloma., Hfl Crsfssy av., Oeteber 11 Funeral Monday. RASMUBSEN, Charlotte. US Park p!, Octebet If. Fai sral SQUIRE Loal ta, 65? 2d st., October 14. Funeral U d.y. TROSTEL, I i ad . '.cy ?t, 0 c tob. ? NEW JERSEY. LANCHENAUER, Gustav, Newark, Oc tobei IS. 1 as ii... . .1 .iisauna. THr. ?(Hinutts I SliniMW ; 111! -I. H/ ll_iir.ii I: ?in ?u. i>* trolla?. 1 l__t( et .:..*.. alar tot ?_!_.