Newspaper Page Text
TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET fUri .venu? Stock Gets Dividends Whitridge Made Possible. HARD FIOHT TO SAVE THE EARLY PROFITS Steel ?t Ne? High ? strtel Hears Schweb Hti . .'.x.inia Stool. ' letal ?? tren?, aarket si ^?^^?^??^??aBa__B__B_B__B__B_B__B_r.' ___________________________?"'' ? I ? ? ? ? '?? 7- ? ' ? ? I bc;n, latea he enemy -.fort" from " lenl ^n I neiplainrd Sale. ' ? - | ?od deal * about tr.t i?iei ? n vsi an un .. , , ma,|e \ KisUke Paid Far. the Anglo I .- t have been , haakei m I ? ? | railroad bond ? -- I ?ease i*., as ? ethiag to be '???d of ;_ him, a irai ? ? ? share of ,. polite i ote. in ?us proportion of i,-. but ??J *???? bo I foi hlat To make ? ad to go out in , hendl They -.ts. -_aa_el_f the War. ancial a who is now act j.** eae ? ges. . ^'Mr' *.ish people a day _J**BC? th: - ? I h? a |f<-ncrous ,- Cien' Bl *?? '? or $_,000,000, ? ****** r.injure - s.-cure.i ?? ?un? i? large ? ,'?'*> Bl pectiTO el |.er:?l? ia d Mr. a ?<? save mor?-. ?. A' I they 1 -, means ? abroad as well a- si J*s aether ?__. ?? a<jd t J"**? i" to i reductioa. It ??*l B' v follow the pro jj~m* ' i| her. there may * mar.. ,. , ? | hl ?v,, jm. ?Tr ?r'"* the Unit? _? well '?? .t the Brit _,;?l*op.. lrt , , ,? ej,?nr< The " '* * H f??ld U. Trading Kiplained. \t *A*r* *,Tr ' ' ?: ? "r<- .-mal! trader? tk * ?''*?>'. tl.... there aie now. So Uti,r- thllahed bv J'-,7i u?. * ( "? ' ? -." i? ** . 7 ?? ?". .? ??? ghtenlag As special tlBit. t '?U' " "' r"V' h,d ?PP?r" ?*..'_ ob**rvl"K bow little is K'" *?'_-u , *r' "lj?'*t the Buchii i?t?__ a ******** Their booklet i? JT**M. therefore, I el the an ?.Tir""7 n,f^**ry surrounding the .?W *"* M lil | ..' ai than unit <*, ' L,U'rk. ai plain to ?ny *k v?? . i'->,e?',' ? "St what hap ?i to A' '" ?'- an k ven to them ? sia ?u?! _u_ ,wi brokers. PO.VD SALES OX THE STOCK EXCHANGE FRIDAY, OCTOREE ir.. inn rradlaf In bond? on Hie New *l ork St?*! I ?'.??? linn se trida? nmnnnled to IS.679.itt?, ???'n?? |6,eet,eM laaraaay, ?n.i f?.t.ini.i>oo ?, ,,.-,?, ,.,..? (st<?-k Ei? ? ?< II i-'" retel iront J.inii. it 1 I,, Bat?, *,,,, .......himi, ?sain-l | in 1914. ,,.i\ i BNMEN r BONOS i ?r. ?... . ? . i .?? ?s ? - ? I ? ? Rep I? S ,-.,- , ?. ; a-, ' ?. '??? f di I. Bin ??i n .? :,? f. f?'? , ? Ml m? IPAI am? M .TK BONDS, us, ?. ? . mo. i - M . ,. ?i ? ?. ??.? ? ? RAH w M AM> MSI El LANEOUS 4 -. '.? . Itl ft? * * i ont If ,| ?? ?*U a '1 . . 'a 1. A 4 101 t <! ?a l?\ at L i m A a ?? . ? i. ? ? a r, ?ii? I ? ? . y |a |.,| I ? . ?1 .7 ? - ?'S a ? ?? ' ? r'_ trait ? ^_\ ? ?8 ? 8 I I 4 -l ' ? * d<? ?1 1. P * N fts 4 ' | U . 4 1* 1st ?a r.noo . io.', .. i I '??? | a St I * ?? M '. .-. . . sE-aaaaaaaaaaaT^^^^ 2. no? ___________ \: ^^^ ; ? M pd - I !?*. 4, a '? f - - i no? ? ? _J . , i ... ? r,r. ?, ?! \ . . -, ? ?, -? , ? ? - - ?8 *? IS It __________________________^^^M ?aaaaaaaw. ? ? . St 1 M ? a II - ??mm-T^^^^ ? ?' ?7 ft? . ? " ?a Cutsi A:n U l< *-. ? 4 1 I I. . rfl ?. ' in ' < : p * ...__m 4* ' i I'fp'i 71'-, r . g*| *. ? ,? ? ' ? ' .1 _ . . ? '? ? ? - .. ?3's ? ? ? ? a ' - _mu i."? _ia????? . s ? " ? . 7 ? ??aaaaaaaW. : ^^^^^^^^ mis ? 'lat^aaaaa . Ter*? R R A?an of ! ? 4 U . ? _ ? 1 ?a ?'. < ? Si - - ; i n ? ' ? : ?? t ? . > ? 4 ? 4 " - ? . ? '*' 7!? ?t 5? ? '? ? ? " ? 4p . 4 _____________________________________l "H ?.????> .102 ? 4 . 'I - . - ? ?? . ' 1 IS ? ? :'.'..? ..... - ? ?.-. ? * ' I ' ? ... t;\ N 1 i a ? ? 5? ? ?. - - ?-. . . . Il O? I . Ii IKS ?? ?8 ? ? ??'?: 11 piOO _ . 4Ss rrts ? .? ? 4? 1P4? ? i ai * M?. IS ? ? ? t - Pub s of : ?? ?om . Ci ('op ts 7<1'4 n_U_ -. 10. 17? _H . ---, lui B Tr rff 5s 11 . Hot Msr 4',? . . ?7 15.000 15 ?'.' . .- W ??? ?? |o ?nul coclis ' 'a ? -, ? - . -' .- g-. ? ?? s?r B Int T '? ;ppi!? i ? ' ? ?Laaa^ f".', ________________ a",. Ksp . Ipt Pr. 5s _______________ IT?. - "?? ^' ::.up 1918. ?4 ^^^^^^" ? . . . '? K ? T -m 4* a? :?? 10 '?'.O ?? ?. ?? p r a i.. M Pu? ' si u ? -?a ''4 P : ? ' ? f ' 14 || 101 1. < \ - -4 ? - *-. do et' .'* r.-ls full ' - M ' '?'?'?'?. ...Ill .141 14'-. Ulli _tVla ' ??? ?? ?ajTajJBRa : Pi ?lI? ijaaa,^^^^^^ - ? GOVERNMENT BONDt?. . r*. ij PI ursdsy. \ i. Bid.Aiked _ ?TH 2s rer- I P*?0 . l.wio ... ; ,,, |p30 ,C,H> "??-.4'4:i- r? .?oia e9p, I? r? e 1925 up 1926. a. 100% 109 Il :<': 96 ? - 110 Pan '??: reg 9 P ? ':;-' reg. 0 ? - !?? ., '.;i reg lOOtt ? : :?- Psj ? ' ?? op.lOOVJ 100**, 100% 1 .. 109-r, '...'p M 1004 100', M 110 COTTON PRICES SHOW FAIR GAIP Bullish Weather and Crop . ports Rout _iea,-s Market Up Eleven Points. Barly advance on bullish west] and ctop reports was followed by BS la the c ?ttea mnrket yesterd with the close ?.*?ady at a net advar ?f 7 t.. II points. After gelling on the opening, December ? ?o ICH. and closed at 12... with these fluctuation? illustr?t ng t genaral eaane of prices. Prospecta that the rains repoH and forecasted in th? weaten In Weald be followed by ano'h. ? r< spell seemed to be largelv *-esponsih for the early firmness. The openn wa* somewhat irrrgulnr. tir?? prie being 1 point lower to II points high? but prices almost immediately firm up und active months ??old 19 to points above Thursday's clo* ing prie during the middle of the The Gilei report, indicating that 62 pi cent of the crop had been ginned I Oc! bet '.', compare?! w:th a ten-yei average of 47 per cent to October 1 and -i other particular? re?ding i line with small estimates of the ywl doabtlesi contributed to the buyin ma*?ment, while baillai w? also encouraged bj reparti of B DOttl ? demand in the BoUtkweal Th demand tapered off around IS January, however, arid later fluctua tioaa were more or leal irregular, wit prices showing a tendency to ens. '?: under realizing or selling for a rear tion. Probably the failur?? of the ba crop news to create a more general a aggressive demand in itself provide. encouragement for reartiorai; salea, but there was little or no tali ? hedge celling and there t-eem.d m indication of any pressure fron Trading, indeed, was compara .?i.t ..*-, i the aarly flurry al ad, and the news coining in fren the South iseaia '<? eaeeerag. standing long latetoat t.? main' aven ii II deal iot aggressive I ?v.t.g. aa prices approach the 13-cent level foi Jan_ar> The advice? from ti.e Southwest in dicating a better export demand sug geated that the buying waa .omini largels from Japanese source? I.oca: spot brokers reported that d< i ?pinners Were still buying in I limited way. if at all, ?r:i) '?' by some authorities that, demeetic ap aaera ha*.? s<> far Ised V ? very little o? tbe c.tu-u th?y hair? bought on call, although they have ;? Iced for prompt ihipments. exporta for the weeh were 162,042 bales, ' 88. ?"" ? Spinners' . ? Wl re : - a ' ? .'i 1,707 '-.-t year, and the visible suppl) o? American eotton I at the end o? the week wa 8.574 .18, .1,126 - . ' ?r:.r. Southern ? eta, aa officially reported, .? ' to 12 pointa i The weel . ? b1 Bgnrei ? New York Col inge follow: port receipts, '_'7r;.t?.7 bales, againai 202,257 last year; overland to milla ami I anada, 264)13, against 11,601 last year; Southern mill takings, ,--timated. 1,000 la-* yeai. of stocks at interior town) .,_ ? al 116,83- last year; broughl into I * for the week, 469,261, againai 415,096 ? . 1 move ment Poil receipts, 1,618,61- 1,071 added New Orleaaa), against 119,633 last ><?:.r; overland to mill* and Canada. -*...*._.. again l ??-' 186 las' year; Southern mill takings, 520,000, *. .?.'.--7 in-* year; stock at la? 1 towns in esceai of -MBgae. 1. 861,704, agaiaat 406361 h_sl J*at\ brought late s*pht f .r the icasaa, '-', 541,458, against 1,662,611 la I year 1: inge of price.' : -.. nirh _m I 1' ? ? t ? .? ( i ? : - ... SO M l . - I ? Mai h .... ll A; rl. I J. : M l'l 04 luna i i . r. 1 110S I 11.15 1 I II?? 1 ? ? i-. : Il M ... 1 . ; .. ... 1 _m.l ? \ ltd upli . . Ion ?I ? Hex ? lit; I il III . \ . t 1 Mar Api . is. . . ? Mai - ... ,. ? tie for 1 1 - . . ? ,- I . ? . . ' . ?? . I ll? ?___ ? .f. ! ? i- I I S.? "?? ??. ??_.....>?? . IS bale ? . ?- ?? . - ?4fan:nn ?her at 13 . -i r* ? ,?.,) It*? :? . . I -. ' ,'S.r . ? . - -in Ma? ? . ? -?.-',. "ir i -?? ?- |_.. n > . <?< . i-,; ? ? ? << < | ?, ? ? i ? < ? - . - ? ???1 ? -< ? ?? 1'. II ? . ? - ? . - - ? I . . ? - . _!,____ . la.??* H_.ll- 111.?.? ?I..?? PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Dardanelles ?Situation Ad? vances Wheat?Cora Market Higher. GENERAL -NAUR BIPORT. ? - > 1 - ... p; WHIAT ? - ' m t* ?a* ates ???*. is* s an i ? . -i . ... : . -., . ? ? ?.-*... ? - - . a ... ... ? . tar ?i ral i ? si, ?(?I.s at ttaa ?' a . . ? ? .... * '? ' CORN. - ? - ??? . Its . . i . . -. ? s . ! OAT?. ? ? ' " ?' ?' ? . ? a ? RYE. II Now NEW YORK Pn:i . I i s? * . " CHICAGO PBI ?tr? I Op. HI* ! ?. I '. . . ... ? 1. . I . a . . " ? . 'I ?J . ? ? ' ? ' a -? . . ' ? 1.1 - I ?LO'HI AMI MEAL. - II . | II * ' . rln* t* . . ? ' ? ''*'?? : e 1 ? . , ? ? I I. f ? . |5 4 ???!'? ? , , . ? ? I . ? 4 - ?a 0OU1 i < ? , | S i PROVISIONS. - . .. ? a sol . . . I. . ? M s * ? -. 4 ? ? . . i nu . . II lb, 1?S?-; . .- . ? i - ? :??.?? I " . u ? ' It 7 1 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. ; ?? 0 Hist I- ?' ! i ? - ? I I lu it 411 A? ? 7g " ' ? Ml I.? 1'?5 ?Il t ?"^ 9 70 Path: 14 75 14 "' 1? 77 1? n - Ja..uarjr ... 17 71 . - [AN COIFEE. ? ?. ...r? l?-t?r. smour.Un. lo ( ? . ? in, '? . ? and Ir.nsfoi I I* IUUDI posttlot.s. ai. 1 " a: 1 111? f.r I ;. |J i ..!'.."- ' I sic?'!)' slid ..lot ?.I' I 4. ?- ? I" ? ? \ ? - , . - a 1 ? M SJ..1 ?s sl 8 i'O.-. ?s ?1 ? 8 ? , I U 1% Rio T. I ? : In?. Tl? Bl . - ?? a a iber In 8a ? ' u ... ? " ? u,.| '...??'? II , ? . M mttt "n l etU? Hl ? ? . ' ' i ???r ";-? lll.h. 1er? i ?? ? .a. - _ -- , i ? . su * si e.? i . ? ? **. ? 1 ?.3.1 ? ? 44 ? ?.4T I.4T 147 1.4?A4 47 41 ..... ? . ?Si! ? ST 6?.' t ?? lUtat . t ? I ?M . ?err ??a ?.?il f?s.*4.?9 ??7, . ? ' 1.71 -S ? 75 RUlaAR FUTURES. Afior opon I r.? PUeOf ???'???.. 1 to 5 polr.t. ? ? ... Bn i :? " ri-i--r-? .i? Paatf ?*? I ? I. Wail r ? i.pora It I . up a(.li ai i lb? in. ? ' ? * i-rl o?, 1 M?. Op??. Hitii i/o? Cierna, ?is? ? ? . 17 si; ft. 105 3 15 3 0', ' t . ? os : r>? \ ? . t C*p * ?'? n M Msj . 1.0? .?1? 3.01 ' | | . 1? . SI. S 19 - 17 4 . ? . ? I? 3.1 or COTTONSEEO OIL. 7-4 . .??-.#?! i ? a ? ? ? 1 ? ?or? ??'?,' ? - ? 1 '? ?*-* ? a | , til* I jo to . ?... - i?r ' a: p. .11 line frota I a . -, 41 ?as I ' a . ? -4 . ? .? ' '? - . ' Tai ? Upo. Ill*h la? ? -.- ? ? ? ? ... ? . - ." ? ? ' '? - - - - - . .-. ???? - ??, t ?t : ?? ? ? Is 05 ? u -?-.-.?? 7 17 111 : 97 . It J! ? OtTNTBY PRODUCE MVKKF.T. N?t? Yrr':. ?i-trtwr 15. 1113. BUTTER. | . . ? '.14 ? - ' ? - ' ? ? ? . ' ,...-. -I , '? r | - ? ?.? ?'-.?' - ? - I -? . ' . . ' Dusks. r tfpAm, II Imi satas? Ropoipf? f?d?jr MM ii?. ?rai taa* o' th? B, . . . ? *. ! I* n->r ?or, ?,-ti.s ' - ? ... .,. - froth fl ?- i ? :? . ? .????. .' . 1?\ ?. . ara ?-...??-> ?? - ?In. ? ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? . . * ?* ? It . l ' Efafal. ? | . - -a, I ?atoa Vtarm WppStm In ? ?.:??. a ? ?i .. ... ?.a?? ? -.?? .- ? m ?- a um ...... , . ? .... ? a '? a . <? a 1 .-|-- .. "- ? I at ??11 irr??u < . ? r . ? rsiic? ? I . r . . . . . a pfXlfrr. 1J-I..'-? , I' . a'. I :.??. , !i -..l.?f, ?tutasa, QBf lo lau. j. US'etv. ardla ajj U> a ?.. H ?... ta i ?<?? 4 STRAW - I 111 I , i . A 1*1 L' W ? ! . ? I. - il i ' ? , . , > . ? ? 1 * ? < ,, . ' I . .. .?? i Mil M 1,1 I . I I Ml RK * ' ? ? , ? . . ( |. POTATO! ?I I VEfiETARl I s . . - > Tot - i . -.- ' . ' I t ? ? ? i I - .?. : ? . - ? : ? < ? - ? . ' I ? ' I ? ... ? ?risAi . ? Ii I.TVESTOI R MARKI I r ork. 0 ?.??*,. ? - ? ? ? ? - . *. i < ? . . -. SHIFP AND LAMOS. -a - i atock offer? . ? . ? - HOGS - * 7 . ' . LAMM B THK WOOL MARKST. . I ... . I mo-t ? ... - values, and in o ... a ? future. - are: . . i ? - V \ ? ? " . l r?, -; ( . -, ... -?-. ? - i Kandahar, I ; . . ? ? ? ? :. ... ? ' ;? ? THIRD AVENUE DIVIDEND Dirertiirs Declara Initial Payment of 1 Per Cent. Directors of the Third Avenue Rail? way Company yesterday declared an liai dividend of 1 per cent on the company's stock, in accordance with the recommendation of the-special commit tec appelated ;o report aa the queation of the advisability ai dividead pair* meata. The disbursement is payable January 1 to hold, rs of record . r 1 ?'. liter the meeting Vice-President and General Manager F. A. Maker an? nounce! that the stock had be?n placed permanently on _ 4 per cent basis. He alee itated thai .-."-",.on 4 per cent bonds recently authorized by the Pub? lic Service l ? Ion had been sold to the Ceatral Trust Company at h'h la -ellini. the bonds the company re I aerved the right to repurchase them from the bank at any time at .0 und seemed lnt< Mr. Maher said that for the present there would be no ehaage in the de preeiatiea allowance, which calls for ttiag a- de o? a eertaifl amen?t o? ? . . ach month. It totala In the nually. ANIMAL AND BIRD STORE ON 5TH AVE. Songsters Will Be Displayed with Scenic Effects. An animal and bird store is to be on Fifth av. it will he in the Diaamore Building, being built at the aerthweet comer of '.1st -t. Lawreacc C, Helden, bird a:.d aaiaud dealer, far tea year? SB '?',.,. |6d it ati'l fei twenty years I n l OUsly on Sixth av., will eC ? I it. iit. haa leased the store, through ..., Lee _ Green, from Harry and .e rental for the tei m e 1160,000. ? Is to serpasa anything ever attempted in this hue ai hn laeas, : - -of the list st. ?how treat ; . i gardai I rail aad eleetrie fountain aquariums, with the various birds display? sffecl . their natural homes. New Tobacco Combine. Papers were i'.le.i '..???!.lay in Dela? ware Incorporating 'ho Mutual Tobacco ? : -a..r Mrs I !: Millar A I .... (.f New Toi _ ? i I Dunning, ai l'a-. . N J , and 'h. i ampbcil Tobacco Swarts, ... -i that negotl ? ander w.?v f.-r the in? clusion of several Oth?M uni . rtant to beece laten ?? The paur '.a:-.... ..f the new company's stock La $1". which B ? o_ offered for public lubacription. A ? I ihariag coupon will he a feature of the merchandising methods. Mr. Swart] denied rumors that the Schulte Store :t.teres*? were back of tha t ew c . *.i[ any. ?-1 New "Katy" Committee. A protective cemi for 'he hoi 1 ers of the H ?-? Bit, Kat.-a- ? Tesas lien .'? per cent ? ,r i ledi hai bata formed, con I if John W Platten, chairman; Frederich 11 Ecker ai d J ha H. Mason, ?s of the bond? will not be re led until the committee deems it ,?ry. -__ More Gold from Abroad ... * - ; ' n gold ar ? ?. ? i ? From abroad ??can. . ..... from I th? 1 . . i ? 1 to . -? i BB-paaj _ad th? Irving Nailtaal bank. BIG LEASE IN THEATRE ZONE Triangle Film Corpora (Ion i o f.e renanti of Brokaw Building. _ WILL OCCUPY 11 TH AND 12TH FLOORS _ i ar l:** Volamc <?f Brokerage Business Feature of Day's Trading. One of the largest theatrical hi.? i-. . of upper lir. I : way ? yesterday betweea Brokaw Brol i rs, a:.'I W. tot th? Ti I orporation, ? entiro el? l .... I a vei The fact tha. - still ? I appoii ted re 1 rga il .?n in md ' : torsi *'or . ? ? part or tilms to Europe, A- .1 _ tionp.1 publicity rtment apace for a I player. I I ? an o .ten vi ting . for the Thomas II [nee i town. .. -... no oihnr 61m eon Wlth (Bees 1 ? ? th" country. The corpora I r the | outside oi fee . '.er, in _ In Phi ? ' ? ? be at York. Mat-.- | prepei were rep? The fieri ... 0 and 542 West ! 12th . the Wilmoi ? ? ' . \ ? Wise, tmenl I ? re ' : ? ?, -it 156 W.s I a foui loi 21 l .r tue : -. I, With of I U s v. I I I ' - 1914, from -t. alpha - l om Alexander . olkin has sold for Orn teii ?.- tl -l Intervale av . ?? two story fram? feet. The buyer ii a builder who will erect a flvs story apartment house with stores. The AlJerton Realty Company, com . of James S. Cuahman and Will? lam II. Silk, has bought ''rom John J. Hearn the three dwellings at 146 to 14? Fast _9th st., between Lexington a id Third av?., r,:ixi?s.i? feet. The site will be improved with a nine story apart* ment house, the operation representing an outlay of _bout 1200,000. The same company recently built the twelve -lory bachelor apartment house at :;i; Les* i r _ ___? * ? > r; av., ?outheast comer of ."-.h st. The Nasea Realty ( i ?npany has re? sold to E. N< uman, 106 west U4tl a _Ve story flat, or, plot 31x100 feat, lo? cated 161 feel wed of Leaos av. M. Salmon araa 'h.- broker. The silling conipanv acquired the house last month from Martha Goldman and Florence Biachoff. Robert H Bernateln has purchased from Mrs. Lillian H. Dyer, of Provi dence, R. I., 119 Manhattan av., louth . orner of 106th -*., B ' dwelling, on lot 17.7_76 feet Charles S. Kohlet was ?he broker. Through <;. Rej noldi Gibbona, a*? brokor, a client of Riehard S. Elliott has purchased 157 Weal 15th it., a 1 itory and I ssemsnl dwelling, on lot I i_j_ fact, between Sixth and Ses enth svB, it adjoin? tl-.?- ree ory Greene leb Preabyl i I he : is the IfcManaa E tats, which ha- owned the parea! for half a century. The V a B iron R? altv ? on pany, re? cently '? d, '? its. En 1 V Sor? genfrei, Patrieh .!. ihr] ? ad 0. (liehl. aas purehaaed tl i I eoraei of Van Buren s*, aad Herri? Park av.. a plot 100x105 feet, and will ?Tect im? mediately two five ?tory apartmeBt houses. William Peten <t Co. were the broken la I ttioa. t'hurles s. Kohler has sold for Mrs. Lillian 1!. Dyer t.. Reher? H. Bui n d< tho three story Queen Anne dwelling ,.: |ei it 7x75, s! ?" W I 106th st., ? " . av. The Huff 6 Brown Compaay ha? sold for Martin (Jagrieh the vacant plot .-. i ? x l ? o feet, ... ? th Bids of 176th feet eas! t. Niel - av. Jeme i Kyle 6 I hive -old for Mary May!.- I nt for occupancy ? ssement private ? g, 304 Eait 66th it . H H Weil Ce m pa n v has sold for Margaret M. Weil to John C. Por? it? r the four itory tenem? nl hoaae al 402 Weal 11 i1 ? adjoining ihe - weal eeraer of 64th it and '.'th av. on a lot 20x100 :? - ' TO PATTERN AFTER AST0R Robert W. Coelet Says He Will Build Public Market in I'ark Avenue. A puhi.c food market will likely be built ire by Robert W. ths I'ark av. apartment colony, when I ? tea rent from | to 616,000 a year. He J ?'-'erdav vis? ited the Astor merket, a*. 16th st. and Broadway, which will be opened to? day, aad a*- he was leaving the prem ' hia intention of : a such a structure in Hark av. He feels certain that an improvement of this type would be a most desirable one for the avenue. Ra tit] that the G market will be it the northeast corner irk a-. , a i loi fronting 108.9 f??'' an the ?m-i:u? and 12... feet ? - _- ? - OFFICES TO BE APARTMENTS Building Bought by I'laza < ompany Will He Fxelusively For Bachelors. The level I ?rj afflce building at 5 We.t 66th it., which wa- recently bought ly thi . . . i; ?-rating Com? pany *'. rothers, is to be made; It will be I similar to ths bach? '.or apartmeat at 66 irehaaeo last year by I ass Ii.???? people from the A V\ -. A- S? ns were the1 _. -?t.. ib l_e ?al? wi 6 West .au ?U ' REAL KST.TK AT AI'CTION, REAL EST ATI -1 ?I'CTION. rm-*r_~--.,..r ?. . ? ? ?^m. r? , ?? as. 'mmmmm?m.??mm*o?*mmm?mmmmm_?mmn Only 12 Years Ago -n,? hardly i bou? Br ?ad ?* ? r?f 110th St. The value? from $7,000 to $10,000 each. iO-U3y Broadway is all ?.idly built up to L82nd St. Lots are worth |2!5,000 to $75,000 each. Side Streets have increased in the ianM proportion. The growth of the City North? ward and the Subway did it, Ownen made very large pronta. TMS?listi O? il tn i ? v short years, b ton you realise it, property around 1 i -.'J8tl Street subway station will be as solidly built up bi around I81si St. itation r? ?-?lay. Rxamine the Dash property. Ruildings have already been started opposite. V^'ucs will ?ufanee 300, 400 or 500%. Then you'll wake up. n d wish you had invested a few doll 329 Lots AT ABSOLUTELY UNRESTRK ["ED/ CTION For Whatever YouWiil Pay for Them at Broadway, 236th, 237th, 238th and 210th Sis. iss and i ? ofih? Bowie Bash Esiate TUESDAY, OCT. 26TH at Exchange IslaSfOOl. 1*1 VV?-y S? , N. V. 70rr on mortgage. Title? ,11.411. oil irre *0 J. Clarence, 149th St <S? 3d Av?. Joseph P. Day, 31 Nats?.? St., N. Y. Agents and Aurt'opeer?. -1 AMERICAN BEAD CO. TO WOVE Leases Floor in Rogers Peet Building at $200 000 for Term. Ii- ?.?-o B Ell * Co. have ren". ? ' . ? list at. and 1 - ? ? . ? ? . int la tli can B? ;.?I . i'.i OsdWB] I ? ? ? ? ? si ? i tots [eu and J ?? - rara a Fred : i? k Pos I ?ho I.'.ir... i ompany tin- eighth loft, nitag 10,000 ; inai ?* *'? ??* of tpaea, ? j ta u ?Tost .'>"th it, for a tanB of years. The I.ur:?' Company SIS th? ?asecasara to Gus I.une & <n., now ?o i- ? he northeast corner of tSth ?t. and Rroa'lv ./. Goo'tule. Patty & Darlgfct h i???* rent "il th.- third loft at il Ba t lTtl ?o BsaJamla STohl, who asa rspri ?d by Hail ft Stern. BofBsrd WurteBlberg ha? Isaaed I 'ft I S'-v.nth ;.v. to ' ? ??? W . ? :. Work?, at ISl ?Vsst to th?* Rennen Compsajr, si - -77 Broadway ?o th? '? Compai ;?. at 109 Had n ? ?? to R ?hal & I.a'ner, at 510 sad ? Mas B. I p.!.'.. ai : West ZSi ?t. to th? Bilttaora Company, si IM ts 110 Bevtath av. to the Arthur Braadtaat? 12 to 16 East 22d st ta Mrax Pollas I ? .p . ?? 17 and II Eaal to th? I). Hack Compaai sad to Fred? i . sad at I '. si it. t.* tri?* Bock Haaafacturiag Com paay, The I'nited f'ipar IfaaafaCtur II ?. . mil gsaersl offies? tor a tons of ira loor in th?* I it 119 to U9 Wost M h ?? to M i to 11- '.'?'??? n it ' comprise? 14,000 -? ? t n. teat si I ? rate rental I? 1150,000, M. I I. .'. ? ' I. l'i ' ;.:'. .1 th? ll l ;-' Pop? & BrO. have leaaod fai Rol i .'. slllaa the prosaist* 11 ] -t., a four ?tory basement frOBt and rear building, to A. Ar.u"a for a term of yaars, TRADING IN BROOKLYN Market Found for New Two Story More in .\rhany Avenue. I.oui? Gold ha? ?old to Victor Fi?h buch the two ?tory and ?tore brick ' nild?Bg at ISO Albany av., just com I Also the private dwelling st it 14th ??.. to N. Jacob* The American Exportiag anJ Import? ing Corporation ha? bought the four ?tory ?rarohoasa T9 Furmin st. from the a ? -? ,???, ?vhich ha? owned it for more than half a century. The vrsrsaoosa la jus? south of Paltaa at, and opposite ?".oam-'hip line? rBBalBg to South America, where the company 1? now engace?! in getting trad- fof American concern?. The Aleo Building Company ha? ?old the one family dwelling at 2127 rt?th it. to Mrs. Sadie Goldstein. Month 4 May have leased for a term *o the Richmond food Market th* ?tores of the two bu'ldngs just eniu plste?I si 2711-9119 Jsrasics st., Rich? mond Hill, comprising about 7,.'>0') .?'luare feet. * ? BR0CKH0LST SALE TO-DAY Property at llempntead, !.. !_, I? Owned by Mr?. Oliver II. I?. Belmont. BrOCkholat, Hempstead, Long Island, the property of Mrs. Oli-rSI H I'. Bel? mont. la t.? he sold at aucfon at noon io-i!u> by Joseph P. I'ay. The ?ale will be held on the pre*nises. I premises comprise thirty acre? of land, a mansion and furnishing?, i-.r;ti(e and outbuilding?. Tin? is one : th? ?how plaosa on Long Island and ? the ?StatO? of muny prominent . ' The furni*hing? of the maniion will ba sfforod lor ?ale immediately after the ?ale of the realty. Suburban Land Company Sales. Tha New York Suburban,I I ? ', it? trr.ct la the 4'h Ward. BofOBgh of lju?'?-n?, a p'ot 90s ? t. on Preaident av.. to M Hick?, Bad it p!"i 20x100 feet, ?.n l'aik si L Hill. 41 ...t".!.....!. N J , a plot, 20x100 i ? to C i lot. 2jxla?ij feet, on Third av., i. L. Mitts, Kl _L ESTAI I I OU _AI 1, m.- : (i i i.i M-M 1 : -I 1 ? - I - ' a ? wl y "ar. 1 ? th?. I ? I ON?. I- ? \M>. FREEP?RT. N. Y. BAYVI.W SECT?0. -? i . . : I i . i ?? - ? V? 11.L A t, ? ? ? ? i _ I-. I. I S -NT ? ?>. \ i a. mart i:r_. C?u-t . Hif. Inra-malian tr?? ?a prt.p^-rrt. ?my. an? I. ran ?*?ll. -._-?? A?. .-.?:. .' w ..: - ?; T.i <-lUal I M lI'MSHtii .PARTMENTSTOJ.ET 21] w .? Hal st a-1 ."? w. .5. St I ?? Mel.u . . i ', . i mi i? uai < ??a. J. R. HEGEMAN IN $1,000,000 TRADE Buy. 79th Street Apartment, Oiviag Helghte Mouse ?n Deal. A million dollar eichai .7?? hn? been I ? orii ?ianr, for the E.'hold the . . . tumbas . ? ni _ p..? 62x11 ? the l*te?t ?rtruetit O? three and four rootr iboat a _? ?00 a year. 1 i ?? huye. Is Job . R M'-geman, pre?i Lifc in ur 1 ompaay, -1 .part ment house known u- Maie?tlc ?t aatheast ? i eh? las av. B".?l I46tfa ' . . r:<l covering a plot l83.9V.xl? ixlOl . I by tJeo'ge Daikvr about twenty years ago. Wright Company Organize?. The the Wright iiiv, of w: . B, Thomp factor. organixed th e following officer? ??lii etora: President. T. Frank Man ?' H W ivill? Com ? - j. i. ' urer, lit of the Liberty V?*.o:.b! Bank. In addition I i a. proal? ?l"tit of the Bubmai in? tion. Other dir?-.-' i . im : ortai t interval *.. th from time to time, it wa? an IlOUtii-ed. . New Building Plani. The Itroni. HARLEM R.VER 'ral :-? . i . |-<?v NT AV.' i ? " .. ' ?? \ I ptj : . , . \ . .? K- a.lj Co. a rr. it i a? ____?_?. it?see. ai.TKK-T.ons. The Bronx. IT ANN'S AV ?11. _ a I ?It art *?_?_? ?si?. -i 4.1 .a*-. tS?.J_ p.. eemier. . H _ I S - HOD .1 ti - 1 14??h at. _r_>l < CITY ISIA.O AV. ?l. t_ A I _ I<> ttAM* ? t .-- II . I ' . a a? I Sales _t Auction. At 14 V._. ,t a? ii?_r? _aa ?? MURRAY ST .1 H.KJ ?1 ?I. ? . . , - I IPRI .(. IT. US-lit, a a t? ? ..??-.. a?, IT It ? I t tat Mam 1 . -. 1 . LEWI! ST _? ?a ?, . , 41 ? Il 1 h. j 11 l I20TM ST. ->? I _ ... I IT AV . .j, ? <? 1 Out) IN AV. - , ?? . I ?... i,M| _.. .. ?_.___ A__v_r_._ M _ _.?, U,