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Dropping One Over from the ^OTard Line Gives the_ Thrill of a Homer Calcium Now Turned On Football Fields Virginia Comes North Again. Hoping t<> Beat1 Harvard, as It Did ^i ale. PLENTY or GOOD GAMES aSCHEDULl D Test for Army anil N.iw I cams This Afti rn.">n Union l<> Play N i \ .'rk i leven Here, Ii4 m RBER1 ... ? ? ? ? defeu The ? to take 1 ' .* r a d - ?re if ? corded, nior.- pari - ... . - . - ,? i ? ? ? ? : . I ?.-?.. ? ; I.a i a nothing ? after n? Irons ? ?? an.l sraiTifs ??. bur. i. throuf ? ? ?11 de ?uch '? men will basa rassin - ptnen ' af the IS tail . ; ? ? ? ? ..?.?'fa: l ilvi?: - MB SO ! ? ?tr. too. when the r am- i . Th. thon . . ? Th? gain' ?? ? ca? e ? ? I'artmouth be-. ii yoai s| ?hilo gama ? at Pi - .?' A a p<- Fred 1 '??'?:? ?? I from all ? ? ugh adrai booa i A n. ? ? r V4 .1 ? in the f?.t Broa far ta- n this ? ? College < lodged Um t?ame matched a real ?g? at a ?core of ?< to n, and ??'..... lag up to I ?. to turn iba tal Pordham, ?aten tata! CoUeg? i Amtierst Drills for Trinity Garre 7-.' i,. ] IjjV *???'.? IS.?A heavy W_ ? ?'?".ti.all W The te?m ?pent ?n hour ?tari ? ii ? ? COLUMBIA SHOWS WELL IN SCRIMMAGE Battle for an Hour Against Some Former Football Stars. .n-,b:a work? long after dark ting . rrub raced th? ... eon m il for a tnigh! ? rg and Paul Wit! i ? Ike Ti _ Piaher, Jin ';mson nf the ? ? ? Itmt ? ? eh the stop. - . with ? ' t for a ! ?. nevei .... . . . . 11. ? i .1 | | ? ade a back o? the 1* waa or defenahre play, however, rail Itei ? - ? ?:. and ?? folloWl th? ? ? ? r the - ? < : earl oi every - never far , ... ttle ! ? ? of the playa rected at the c< f the line ?_?rkies. I ? erthalOBI bit ? ip the few paaa playa 1 the scrub at? el and Btovai each had a whirl a' ? -is looming every dny lie 1? ? '?' ? -. . . . . ah litj to -. ball Manabaeh, Littauer ? ? , rest of ' -ie .... ne was decidedly en ? It -rday *>ractice fame will be played this afternoon Captain ? | ?:de lines, and i te get in the line? ase of a heavy haa Be] off the team for more than a week. Navy Meets Quakers with Crippled Squad, . Am -. Oct. 16 A crippled fa re of a num men to approach lust sea madi neeeessry an I I the Naval elevi ? ? gsma B| inia to-mor ? The Navy coach?-. are expecting to ?ee more ;,f the old fighting spirit of avy than in previous game ., and are hopeful that a . ? v: will be n Lieut ,ram announced the e-up : I,.ft end rthy; lef1 'nckle, Holt Jon? guard, Smith, riL'ht tackli, ? ? ? end, Blod aptaii ..? Martin; right halfback, West not. la a new comer on the team. ? ? new .n their perienc of the former BVing been in the hacklieli:. .,? end. Broadfool and Ken ? rthy have had but a! ,-'- I BXpi rience on th?- Aral team. Seventy-five Penn en will be the i f the for the game, und 'he which will follow. The Penn? sylvania iquad remained in Haltimore . ht, and will come to Anna] to-morrow. _ Dartmouth Coaches Make More Changes . H? Nasrai _*?___>TUB? - Hanover, N. H., fi<? |fi With 'he game sj,'ain*t Vermont to-morrow the Dartmouth football t?-iii will make It? ?: M um ni Oval until ovember 18 sha) 1 ? Raid in the line-up to morrow are Injuries to -. ? ?? mill. In the practice this sfternoon the lied the ?-quad 01 . ? G . - . ? held U" The eoacl I ' inclined to take . I mon! ? ' I, and both d !' will bi irterl a I niel excha ? eld. The pi i ' ? - end; M ?-An M err I ? - - Duhamel, fullback i ? i .yler and ??Id. .. ?u Brown, of B. A A . referee; ? Harvard, ampin; Larkln, nesman. Lacrosse League to Meet The United States Inter-Collegiate Lac roas? I ? ?_.-??? a a meeting at ..???:?? Hotel this afternoon at 2 o'clock to arrange for it.? annual meet. ? ? COMMERCE AND EAST ORANGE ELEVENS READY Game One of Many Treats on .Scholastic Football Card To-day. The High School of Commer? i face ?? ? teSB of El High Schoo . arl 11 ba? been bis i I broad tl tbl." ' thi? fear-on, on l.rnox Oral, U BOS Ave iCiernoon. ?rams ?rill : at 2 Ml ?very sign carries i ? ?rill be fought. This is only one eourM in the which i ' ??"? of port. Manual v. m eagaga the from N?w York Military Atjadem? Hall High . | face l!i?\ Killte at Weil "?..-.i. Mon ind De Witl ton a ? ettls of th? l i ? Commerce Orange will marl? the reoj betw? sn the ? on the on in ?907, ? the to 0 aftor a tot , ? mere? ba? n wealth of material for thii year'i team and the boyi hav? ?hown of ability. Aftei ? limp? ing ?tart again?,; Stuyvcsant the team wa? wl ?B] .? i by Pawling, bat camo back splendidly against Boy*' High and won convincingly. It is ready for the gaata and confident, too. The great weahaoM displayed In the Commerce team thus far has been a luck of tactic-, and foot been ralle?! p.i 'p. their strategic ral is. Th? a 1 ? laek of certainty In 'he pla. . Boys' il , . CBOOl. Great reform? hava booa worked dar? the last week and great reform? will have to be worked If victory is to be won againil th? Jereey lads Ea Oraagi : "??I ?lr111**?! in the mentals, witl i itrong defence and a vers.-.t.if, forceful sttscs. It has crushed sll ? thtt? fsi Bad I? '?nt of victory to-tlay. Manual Training will have it? hands I - ith the team from New- York Military Ac? Sd teams arc tra? il at th? Cornwall ?ehool, and ? la no exception. Hen? der?.'ii, the iinaational quarterback, is Bg from the team, hut other men have. ?? to his place, and tho s not too ?eve*-**?, Th? Broohlya ihowed their worth In no uncer? tain manner again?' Commercial "n 1 leadsy. It II a well rounded, power? ful team *hnt play.? BOBfld, aggressive f?.o?ball thronghooL Last year the won by a ?core of 20 to 0.' Boya' High School, which i? looked upon as the Joe Grim of the griiliron, will tack!? Adelphi Academy at Adelphi Field. In the flush of enthusiasm and * ? lene? inaplred by thai tone'1 * Commerce, the Boy?' eleven may tear loose and experience the tl rill of ?rinning a name for the ftrat time since 1912 lome time. There .- littl? likelihood t.t" this, of course, for Adelphi ha? :i team quite up to the Bl lal lard, Tb? fur will fly when Erasmna Hall and Bay Ridge clash al We?; End Oval. Eraimni hai been working out with mbia during the last several days, and has gained much through associa? tion with the college men. Bay Ridge th" tandard of last year'? team, bat ?t atill for? I ? ei agh to eojM with almost any ?itustion thai . -. Loughlin Lyceum in Church League ' B| Lyceum, of Greenpoint, tted ns a member o? I i Athletic League al the annual eetii f the organization al th? etic Club last sight. Four? teen clubs were represented bj dele? gate?. Frederic,. J. V. Delaasy, of the st. ? lob, wa- unaaii ? ? ? " . year. ?' th? Grace Athletic 1 11 II-'-' again i ? ?rie? pn ?ideal and s.-cr. ' ' ely. It ? II .''?'! 'hat the annual BBtrj . I ampion il Ip run would ? l on December 11, the eon? ? ? I three-man bowling and ? ?nal! ehampionah ip ? ai agreed to be awarded. Penn State Primed for Gettysburg Lleven PeBi . . '.-? 18 I'.'* ?. ? ? ? I im? with Getty? bni g to morros linemen had a thorough drill to ? blocking and breaking 1 ?rough, ? ich of the ? . . ? ?? c eonteat, but if '.'? ...'J and hi< mate? obi ? i? probsbl? thai ? nd itring ? ? Conway Wins in 48 Innings. ' ai i i| 90 played eon Ifl ? ?? .- Bg Krank a gBB ? "? th? hai th.*?-;-. three cushion billiard tourna .'? raiflg Ida Billiard '? nighl y s ??? ir? I fort? eight inn ray hariBg high nji I ? Harvard Awaits Invasion S of Eleven from Virginia Coaches Hope to Put Strong? er Team on Field than in Game Against Carlisle Indians. Oel 16 The ? . . ?r.ned i gam? ti BMrrew, em ?. I an several problems team ?ill not be up to Harvai ? - ? . >,. troncei thai which I Indians a ?_?. k age Tht ii an ?r.d Tar-.u at t??-_!i , lis I -the substitutes, tak i-( I H;,r*f aid Sour?. Will 1 i ? rsr, and with Taylor I Da Imun, e of th? ? expected to ? than it di<! Bg ? i ,'. .... who will run the . a ' ? except on of . i e tal ? defenc? that '.'- h - in and Kin?_ will ? ha beekfleld, and Hai . game iheuld he i ? ??. ? ? . n any ? Haughton was not on the field led to New- York, are < ?? i I ran I - ?? . ?.aching - . ?ed by l?" who i i.n to be a .ii .. ractiee for the real f the year. The Nine and a Half Tee By BRIGGS Big Football Teams Must Face Hard Tests in To-days Game Yale Will Try New Backfielt Combination Against Eleven of Springfield Y. M. C. A. Bi Pi ****** '? the Tr:>ur.e ) New Haven, Oct. |g. Vale will try I new backheld combination in the gam against the Springfield Training Sehoo to-morrow. ?'aptain Alec Wilson wil make his initial appearance this seasoi a* i;uarterback, am! i.e Gore will star at fullback for the first time. Mai >co v : will play left halfback, and e.the Smith or Neville will plav the othe half. A new man in the line-up to-morrov will be Von Holt, who played in severa of the ill?-,:, si-a-on game? la?t year, bu ha- i.o' had a chaiuv :ti a game thi season. He will play at guard. Thi line-up of the team, according to th? coaches, will be: Lett end, Me left tu.-kle, ?'. Sheldon; left guard, Voi Holt; cii.tie. War; rijrnl guard,.!. She! ? .?n' tackle, Batea; right end Allen; quarterback. WilsOB; left half back, Seovil: right halfback, Smith 01 Neville; fullback, I.e Core. Way's return to entre was necessi tated by an injury to ?'nrl White, whr has been playing the position regular ly. White twisted hii right fool badlj in scrimmage yesterday un.! WBI m crutches to-day. He will not he able t( play for several days Way, however is considered as rood a playei a? White Neville, who may play in the back sa pro.lue' of la-.* year'i fresh man eleven. Hill Savage, who took Wilson's place yesterday at quarter back, will gal a chance at that position to-morrow, onleaa thinga g<> too badly m which ?a-.- Wilson will probably rur th?- team throughout the gani>\ Savage - a brol :.. i ?.; I i Sa ..?? who played on Ted Coy's team, Thai Wh? IB l'."1'. ti:?- la.-t Yale ; the Springfield V. M. ? . A. Traininjj School, On 1 easion Vale woi I ? . o acora Such B result is not expected to-mor? row, although it it believed that th? rill win. 1 daring th? few d lyi the _ a le I rk ha?* ? ??.. arai practically a reel for the m?-r. |if| ? nal practice and ., I ? rill in tackling 'leak:!.g through being the only work. In addition, ?everal of the men an 'he Val I i i v.- i individual talks on their fault? and merits. Tad Jon? itar and now coach at Exeter, wa oi the field this ? md watehi : drill, hut took ne part it. tl foacl g Re i? here with th.. Exetei team, to-morri w. Cornell Has a Blackboard Talk [Bi H ?am ? ? i. ? T IthacH. N. V . Od II ' rnell's final preparation 'hi- afternoon for the ted o ? a blaeh ird talk, ! a red by a inappy I a I a I drill. irpe announced tonight that arsit) line | .ce the Pennsylvania team to-morrow, son, the tackle, a I ,n the n hie ] tion. At least half of the '-. enter the game after .? continued ? During 'he Ias1 week B ? tl rerieh sad th?- and . Shi Iton at. . dor, were in none of the W ? .',.? ?here i5 a COI ?mount of eoi i the ( lornell head* rtei I 1 th? l! ?? ' *?? mor ree 'l game, Hue..- to put BI a good f.ght and give the !'.? White ele- test? worth than in any former ? The Bo? I ? teai igei 165 t leaat ten | r than i'ornell, hut with I ' hacks Buckaell will pr aaahe up f??r this defieit Bucknell irrived last night and wer* tl lighl praci ??? th - afteraoen Army Faces Colgate in First Real Test '111 IMlM ?? ? m I - ! West Point, N V, Oet 16 The first real test for the Armv eleven la prom laed for to-morrow, when the eadeti will lin'.-up against Colgate la their annual clash. West Point h?d its work out thi? evening. when the coaches drove it Ihr?.ugh a half hour's hard signal drill and supplemented it Leading Football Games of the Day Sprint;field ??. \ .tic See. ll.iw-n Lafayette ??. rrin?-e??.n. Princeton \ ir.lnl.i \?. ll.irtur.l ? aiiilirlil?? Calaste is, Wen i'"int MTeal PatM leriin.iit ,. I 'art m.iiit h. llBBQTff r?llll?4 I Vlllll.l T?. VllllH |ilill? *illll..|ll?li? William? ??. Ilrottu I'ruvltlenr* Hahleabers re. Bals?n n.? BMaewtch I nion ??. Net? "...ri. lait. llhl?. liel.l Km i.i.f-11 re. ' "....'it .... . nim. j CarUale re. Ftttatargfc Ftttabarsrh Irliiit? \?. Xmlier.f. Iliirtloril H?, i. i rot* t?. ptfit- testa?, aran eat a? I'fiiii. Mute ??. ?.rttt ?loir*.Mat' < "H?*e I iirilli.ini ?? f ?nui. \?*l?-..l"rflhiini 1'iel.l s.riiiiit?. t? llo? heater S| ri?. u?e Desrgetaaa ra? v ? iir<?iinii..Va?ii?nfi<.n ??trTeti? if i.. ??. Baesffacd Bsaohn t.. Ilot?.loin M I.I'll, to?, n i rsiiui? ?a, swartaaaeee ? ..iirgetiiie with a lengthy SMSiOfl at the blocking ami tackling dummiM, All ' llsri s m BA hand and the eoachei ??.'?? everj sa? a chance to get into rhe lignai play. So many shift? have been mad? in the 'varsity? make-up this week that it la ImBOIll l?le tO lay just Who th? coaches will BM to-morrow at th? out let of tl ?? game The most probable liae-up is the way the men were used in ?he signal drill to sight, ???? h eh ws? with big McEwsn St ?entre; O'Hare, right gaard; Parksr, right tackle; Redlield. right end; Meacham. left guard; Captain Weyand, left tackle; Ollphsnt, loft em!; Nay? land, quarterback; Ford, right half? back; Mitchell, left halfback, and ? ' . fullback Mea? ?-.'?. I.mise may keep him . at of the fray, i . ' -horten his itay, and il t Joi -il get in at guard. MurnM will alten at? with .*-.'?> la nd si Bd Colo, the : ? ' rill prob iblj got a ehsneo durini ? ig? ' : th? '?"'..'? ' ' play a* I ilfbaek Tl e A hai great prowess, sad rr.e ? " to wiri to tnoi row - gam. .' ? id with ? margin ri? Lafayette Primed to /Meet Tigers 7 . ' let It?, I.a . :.*.ion? to-.lav foi th? i'i ittle. There WBI - . ' ' ':?'?'. the piav? *" be . . ? the Tisera ..... ho*h ? r and running down ? ? real ? il and the : ? JCC'.-s | ? ? ? team pia. Priael The teen ????-. ! na ap ng-. aat Priaeo? Is, Low? snd bon ? klos, ' iad Ryon ; ? Gulick; centre. ! ? irterbael ' ? ?? r ; hall It; I ' :. ? . toi N. Y. U. Waiting for Union Lleven i York Hai i ?? rslty ?' tl II g" drill sei I . ?? ? ? Union itoin, Erwig ? ! itil 01 '-elient cor i for 1 EgBB pritctised ?onie drop ???nd hleki Caaa'a long ?o play a large ? la>. Th.- for the game w-ith I'mon foil.-t- BTaldaiai tackle; Zmimerle, .- lai Sokolowor, centre; Hoii-e, right guard; > ? ght uckI*; Egai . ? en?l: Mar?!ey, quarterback; ? sna, loft halfback; Erwig, right half? back, and Bernstein, fullback. Colgate Eleven Off for West Point Hami!*on, N Y. ??et l.V The Col? gate football team left thli moraiag for West Pohtt, where they will fac ? the ?'rung Armv team t" morrow. Tl... team ha. been handicapped this week Cornell Squad Gathers al Blackboard on Eve of Contest with Men from Bucknell. I... an unusually large hospital list. La ? week Horning and Grady ware ? ired, and have only been able fo serimmage once. As a result I ' Rocheater game Captain Abell, ? eer and Anderson were injured -? the) have had s rest I reeh i ??> broke h snkl? nmage last Thursday and will be out of the game for the remainder of the y? Carrol!, who played tackle against Reeheater, a '? be al ei : ti-.. to moi - row. Horning, right tackl.-. haa beOJ shift? d to guard Wee1 will he at left tackle and Captain Abel: and ? will play right tackle and guard, re ipectively, Stewart and Neilson are inly available ends, In the back Seid, Anderson b1 quarter, Gille i! and Hubbell end Roberts at halfi will andoubtedly be the ehe i. Fordham 'Varsity Has Tussle with Scrub The Fordham Varsity eleven had _ twenty-minute scrimmage with the scrub yesterday. Treanor, centre, Morcaldi, quarterback, were not on ?he and / ;- do ii.-ful whether they will gel lato te-day*a game agaiaat tl a Connecticut "Aggies," which marks the opening of Poraham'fl home Bcasoa. . Special stteation wai given yester? day to the kicking, Dr. Cuaack tak'n. g? of this department. The asm i'oo'h-1.. hleaeh? rs, leal ing i ,000, ar i finished. Millhouse to Do Brown's Punting i?, Maarasa t_ t - T> Providence, Oct. 18. Brown had a long drill on signal formal BI -; - afternoOB in preparation for the gam?? with William- to-morrow afternoon. The eoaehes, ticipating a c ? ?ame, did nol " ork the men bar I the majority or' the time In drui to them. IIillhouae t.Ive I ? of attention in the kicking de pa.ant, and go! away half a ?losen long punts. The eoachea who have been watching W11 ?. i thai thi open itjle .ame will be lerabl) Outsidi of Bi see and ' tain Andrew-, who receivi : slight injuries m the practice during the w<. ?. the -'i lad I n good pi line-up for to-morrow afternoon will be : Weel right end; Farnum, right tack'.- .well, right tre; Wad.. _ Purdy, quart illback; ! Millhouse. left halfback. Penn Coaches Still on Fence - : ? ? ' lelphia " ? II rhe Uaiver ? .m ran . - roi I ? game with th?. .cad? t Am ' I ?-mor? row, tted, but ? ,-- . which all th? igain -t ere reheai lad r Baltimore to ? ght, and will compi- irney in the _ ineerta expect againat the Middiea. Th i - tal, but that al ? ? i ? f the ? ? a ill v a p?.r - Phej H gura that '??? ima ?s a better fullback than Deei are in to Tighe and v\ elsl is half . big d egation of ? 11 ac eon pany the team il train. The hau a ! aea iai ited to be the . . the Naval Aeudemv for luncheon. Sophomores Win Again. Continuing their recent lucceasei ty College aophomorea defeat?.?! the freshman yesterday m a '< country dual meet by B score of M tO _.'. S. Cohen, 'IX, came aero--, ner in the good time of 17:44 for the 1 1%-mila course. TIGERS READY FOR HARD TEST Rush Still Uncertain About Team That Will Face Lafayette. ;n. T?>?r?rh tetta* i ? | Prince'on, N. .1 , Oet 16. Princeton will have a chance to show tiie results of the pas*, week's offensive coaching to-morrow, when 'he Lafayette team I to town. -Iiee.v Rush hopes to win the game, but expect? *? tough fight, in spite of the fact tnat I.afaye** lost both of its gamei so far this All of Princeton's games so far been with heavy, line rushing team? and in Laiayettc It mee! ?? of play 'liiere was no scrimmage this after? noon, bur the prart: < WBS full of ted ? ? pretty for individual faults, and in a v scrimmage of an hour the ' . ! m. ths off? asivs almost 'ime. It was not certain to-nigh*: just what the line-up would be for to-morrow, The tackle? and halfback.- are the poei .. hich are itill in doubt It . and Brown will ?tar! at ths ends, hut the latter .s ao! ? 11 be replaced by Wilson. Mc Lean will be one of the tackle.-, but it i- problematical whether Halaey or KaufTman will star* on thi oppoaite side of the line Kaufman hat been in good shape all week, but Mal - v. ry ?t.-?:;. lio.rg and N tackle, and Gennert, centre, will com the line. Captain Click will he at quarterback . - a! fullback. Shea ?rill play bul ' has not been d? ike the other. Tibbott, who ??cored all P i points in the 1.?-'. te a games, ? in eond l may be 'hat Eddy ?t Charles will .- shown up - th? moat of the ' ?ro, but ' lharie - li aim? M ? t., _,-<??. in before the game ie 01 > 1 Entries for To-day at Laurel Track ? . ? VVl in :,.?? I A. ' 'I I ? ? ? I * * ,. fot | . ?? (? t > rom? ? ? . I -?? Una; for all ?? ... Il-' - . I, ?Hiimlll : - n.........1 ..: ...... , ., ' ? ? ll \*. I '.*i :?. :??? - , . - ...i i ? ? ? ?4 I . Han?. ? IM ... ||? . ?Apprentice all? ne? claim?. Rutgers Ready for Muhlenberg Lleven New Braaawiek, N. J., Oct. i.v George I iter Sanford put Rutgers through light practice this afternoon m anticipation of the gams with Muhlen barg to-morrow. The backrield con liated of Taiman, Bracher. Elliott and Scarr. Wittpenn may start, but he i? bothered by a bad kr.eo. The return uf Miller, the husky rentre, who ha? been ou. of the game , ,-t two Weeks, will probably ' . ? m shifting Mason to guard. ,'t will pay the other guard posi? tion. Nash and Uendell are slated for i tackles and Kockafeller BB_ Austin | lor end?. NOUREDDIN AN EASY WINNER AT LAUREL TRAa .Springs Surprise in Mile Hand ?tap, Beating Some Good Ones. Laurel, Md . Oet is. \,>ort?(llp trhich u?ed to run with I ? ? ,.,. v. hen h* wa? owr.ed by F. T. W.i?.. jr., handily defea-e ? H ?-,?? j o( onea, i r'- i ling a forn ,.^ Montresor, an.) H c RsUesatjSjn Blue Thistle, in the one-mil? handi?-*? ??as the fea* .-<? ? the card h?r ?.. lay ?* ? has bat a ?reer ?;r,c* h. op? rase from ?**??;. immei -.'mort. Shortly after -to M.rt. tvas elaln ' ?r.ofj... '?* J H. (;o???itli It *??>* ? -??ting. another ? ? ? . Kta-,? ? . ? e rae? i ?>r trie] g is l'a - ?ad a ?...** ?ir-f.14? 7.C* J.? ton ihowe I fh? <>,. * \-, . ?fit OTW from England a? a yearling. It ???. - . and wh'.:? taW '*'?*. a Am. '? it hit bet*. After Fred? flllt, V.f. gima M.. ???? ai id .r onj a:Ti..- .- ''or >ul ? IB* wt, H. C, B*tV II ?? another run-up in th? lir '?'? en Cor?ic? for R ?\ ???a? booit? : from MOO t? ',;. W, !' B ireh, and wai It. ?o his form.. Th?- trap - v from tai rain of ye?i ibtfal if \ . ? '?' 1er will itsrt Kiamer in the p ?nee George '? it ae rr... I i? i? ?t 111 pouods. The summarie? f ! ? ' ,-'..?.,-', ?-, ar -,. ... ? ; m r,. ? ' Ha p. :?~m .a . :- la, . in B-'l ? -? ? I " t f ' ! pu? Us?. Hart ?? . .-? ? ? l ? ??...? a r ' -si?. I Tin.? I ai ' ... .?-. ** 44ar' a a .Ta, laljjjr ifir. ?'r*i|!.t II -t p..? M ?t. ) . . '. IhaT? 114; , .a , . f-r -? ???? . ,-p-, m t'a- ! ?:-. .? Urs.-. '- ? - M l^rsoUl ? ? ? a , . 7? ' llall T ?-,. - t ? f.- ? *. t-tp. .r meal ?l i.n .-a . Two dollar -nia*va ?sl.l I . S. I a - Il 4'/ ?Mn 1.-1?. ? . ?? La* . ? t . ?. I I.?? s? ???. I > s?* I ? ? : ' I r , l'a.. Ma'. . . " .. - T7s* ' ~ar '. ?? ... a Tas? . , 4 > , ,i l'I M \ . . I ?I ? r ... - a a? >'?.? ??-.-?? ; . u .'al.--. ..? . . - ? I a 4-pa'.;p/ }?? '? - ; , ? * 18- III | third I te* wllla. far ?hit .? ? ??a - ? ., ' r ? a ? . ? ? a < ' T MrTtfCtr? BU* Iff * . . - ? .- : ?' ? ?li a .-a ,1- < I H ,.: Metier, us.? I ? ? ' K ? 1 . Stevens Rests Before Meeting Haverford For the Aral * ?..I -te*k! th? I the r unifo- -, tne h*?l coach, decided r n . r. h*.? ? ihr. of ri?-? ' .- H?verf?rd this afternoon at Hob. ??????. and tit voted an hour or - luring them. The rest was c?: ? .*om? t* the 'varsity liai I them ??"? not in good ih .pe, . wNbb, that lomo ?< ? 11 W mob In the lin? to-n ? ? M?r?hil!. who ha? been j md ?1! m? ?on, . his i I ? Hopk I hardware] Ha.d wear - that's ^ one feature of our suits of * fore? fathers' (loth." We've reproduced as nearly as possible the cloth of I62U substantial stuff and might)' h.iud>ome. Butternut brown, olive green and grey the color? worn by the Puritans. ^"Scotch Mist" overcoats ?re bigger than the weather. They're smart Fall coats? and they're also raincoats. Everything men and boy? wear. ?aestotereS Tr??i? M?rk Kix.tks Pr.KT Company Broadway Broad*?-? at 13th St. "The at 34th si Four ? . Broadway Corner*- Fifth A*? at Warren at?*-*