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tf^u Hope Now Stalks the Base Paths, Where Many a Hope Lies Dead ???S??Tblames loss of trip ON THE PHILLIES ifd Sox Presideni De dares Ho Was Willing 1 lo Finance Project. USEBALL MEN LA^ PLANS FOR FUTl Rl I, Four Months. Sayi HlfT) ?JparrOW, W? \K i 11 Be Packing l_'p for Savannah. i, most! hi vi nr. mmMa R,d Sox, in ? - ? ' ? ? a and ? ? ? ? ... ? ? ? ? I . || - HI - <; - Superba? have r? ?? ; ?* taren *" i er. an --. . I ? - ? ?* ? ? r:can The League ? . .icon-_. ?tand ' ' ' i root 1 ' . the ? ? last ?>ono and rough - Brannick, ?:..?' - manager of *. ?isures m thai : eai ? ' ?*?- ?ill i ix1 Bun gJ* _*?">? "v- - Krannick r*-t?tt?ting B?r; . eft the ****>?? Star?. '''*''?'?* *he world'? m .';?:<lr't r" he said ? to see ? : those na ! wanted ? t? it ball ?- . He and Jjaw? . 3_T?!. .ot ,her'* ? trip. You wJlAA ___ ?._" ' . h city l ? ct to ? ' " ? ring . . . | mm?t "V .'' P? ?nd l_H__ _' Mart? *..',, **' ideville. en said '?-A. A I Le? af"'"'!? ?et. Probably, though, WESTPORT IVilN. TMt CORRtCT CUT-a-WAV SHAPe WQllioJ/ars ?'*0t?r !???.,>_*_! ,"**?l' IK _M_M|___ MRS BAKGF.R WALT.ACH WINS Captare? Woatea"? nil?' in r?.re?>t Hill? Championship. th? worn ? i ? - ? " I, ? d, with ?? top f,?rm - BO, In the ? " Mr? ill her cun ? ?? stehe? i neer F '.*. ???*.?? \ Pope, who nd 1 ' asa i ly in ? re of I ?? ? SOME SHOTS OFF THE FIRST TEE ? ;?? ? sf avers, th? na ampion, ami . ? ? ' : .; ?peci?tl;?t, ?rsld K i k ? ? ? . ire gel ? ? tei ai the i -? on the rraity i ? f Aai ra. take th? Na : ? from cvei in vi ? the I ske k tiolf ? one-di rom? wi] ?ather Monday, -- a man ein putt >t"ih real ? ? for the ! W, Tipper ran n th? - . ? - .4T BALTUSROL Records a Two in Loner iole in Woollen Golf? ers' Tourney. ,' W Newklrk furniihed a aensation yeaterday ? ? Golf A moat on the links of th? ' S'ewk rk holed i seventy vai and recorded a 2. It v 2i ever have Newkirk, howeter, was unahle t. ? Isl sad n th? pris? Georg- m the gross tro? while the presiden'.'-. cup. o? ?? Strong, th-* -, was taken J.Wilson, 1 '. was the best net of the field. More than s.xty i .avers teed up, pro ? ! this association orgsi IStil i,, lar* Three classes were arranged, and in f th? ' no man cou! : ? ? ? one troi . I h. plications 1 ' The ?' t, ????'. the two mi n? I, follows: ?? ? ' r?' 11 Ft??r- ?? , ? . A ? ? , - I' ."??-;-. ? 11 1 ' , After the day on the links the mi'inti i naei 'he Haltus rol clubhot. - follow: ? Nam? ? . . I'llllami 11 .. . ?7? r?r ... ? B Klrkt .. . ?2 LMll ' ..-???? .IOS ? n II Bui ? . ? a : - : . II ?a?-) I){ K J N - ? loi \\ K llriv???. Jr . III M. ' 11 "- rdf ink n . ? a ? ?? It I. . Ta a. H. stui -i !?; i i ? . ',. -,- ?1 Pfl ? . 101 H A W?t. ?.?? 1 .??.-? - H II Vi'ilkii .107 i - ? . .109 .' w Sftsi ri ?8- ? .....111 n ; - .? ? . ? ? | M ? ,- I? S.v.? t t H lil M 1' M?1 < ' ' I. M H -'a-r !.? m .' H M ? II.?-- . Batel ' ? H ?' <>r i.' t 11 II? -pi Il f H. a 4' ' A l> Si H i ' t n Il J II I'. t V. .?? Il A Ha- . AI.' .....Il? 1 A Tra , H D. K. Crut ,.. ,- . .....Il? K A *-?? i > '.' } I .' .Il? B i l I h Tram ta . t .. i ? . r ?? r ' : ? St. Paul's Schooi Beats South Side The BOeOnd team of St l'iiin'? Sri.p."! ?yed good knowledge of the open sama Ib defeating the South Sida Ugh School ?liven n* GardOB I it'.. LoBg :. reatorday, by a .??-ore of tl to a. rol-wat.; | gS '.e.i much gtound for St. Paol'a, while It also was successful in breaking tip the majority at similar p,:?'. - ,.* '. ?' pled h', its i Good g? ns were made in the South Side defence, with Johnson anil b-bo den making big ran?. Jokasoa, Birch ?nd Speiden each ?cored a touchdown, w! ie Pl ctor -k'.el the South Suie boy? from a starolosa defeat In the BOCOBd ?juarter Johnson intercepted a forward pas? for a run of sixty yards. but the whistle ?topped play with the ball on the five-yard line. Star Virginia Tackle Out of Harvard Game ?"harlotteeville. Va., Oct. IS, In it? game to-morrow with Harvard. Vir? ginia will be without th? aerrioaa of Stuart, who?* work ;-?*? taskla m? a feature in the defeat of Yale two week? ?go. He i? out of the game with l?v? erai broker ?aast bones ?? ? re*ult of ?crlmrn?ze work Jpor?i?h? ^^ ?y Grant lana Rice I he Bivouac of the Dope. aal o? The? dore ? H: ti uffle? oheer't dull roen- has bent t?o /: ? .-? >? ? '? ? taffoa; Vo ???,?>>. i<;i,??. '/-?- ?porft-ip *?. f. ' (As /.'"'' SCOT? hold? nview; On Fonte'? bloc, ?? ?*. camping ground? then ftath no balm of ht Il .ne Ifmfrr guards, _.f_ loZcmn round, the Bivouac of the Dope. ,\ .1 .-./>>?<?>- of "/'\. Leonardo? tun>" now briaps fhe Bugland thrill! .v.i f-.roh_.fi0 thoii,;h'a thai houni or barn n'_er< / i Hi. /, A o ri,?i?)n o/ fo-?iorro'/-'.s ttrift u' ,. ????r (As green turfed mit; ,\'o cheer or jeer forever rif? n? Gt ? <l to bat. Long had the doubtful contlir' waged "Vr nil the PhU'y jilnin: /?',,. .,,.7. ?? fiercer ffpaf fca?/ ti_..._ > .. vengeful blood of Spain"; i >'?/, trnuw.i where th? path wa? rough, th* ? .* ? *? >??, '/.// Lewi* pilfered Heeler's stu? and "hit .,r when ' hey a r_e neighing Bug, the bunt veil played, the bleaeher*? ttirring bla ' The .*._/, the Hooper cannonade, the din avd thout are pat*; \'or Cady'p pep nor Speaker'? vinel- ?hall thrill with Here? accj?hn Dull breafiis. till April pother* hark Hie Glory of tie t',,;rvr. Some one must have put the Sheik's Curse \ B 'on a? a world ser .'y The old town ha? won only four of then1 If There Had Been Trickery. The honesty of baseball, as the game Id, doesn't ne !? fend ng Any one who believes that in any way there is a touch -? dr.ess in baaeball play is to?? eriwv to be involved in a sane discussic Hut for the benefit of those who desire B good, BOand p lai to support argument along this line the following might be The last three world series have been played in n limit o? fourteen games five in 1?U3, four in 1.14 and five in It... The limit for these thre. the number of gixmes that might have been played a BBS. If the had been any trickery seven more game? might have been crowded I i.l_ alone. Each of these bvoi ? "?es thnt wi in cash. The entire seven cost 1-50,000 in cash. Baaeball, as n financial p.r.. , BBS paid small di. di the last year or so. Which hasn't prevented at ' ; :*i three yea | turned hark to the fans solely becau-e each came was pinye?! strict on the level, without regard to cost. Alexander is a fine pitcher, but he Isn't "an-.- ? -or " _.< 'her BI else. After Alexander has drawn his world series we are yearning to see Walt? Johnson get his chance. Johnson is going back? Well, with a ciub that finish?: fourth in place of first he won seven more games 'han any ?ingle member < the Red Sox staff. If this be "going back" kindly assist us with a si I The Gnashional, as F. P. A. Calls It, I .-?a^ue. The National League has wor one world lerii ? I .:' of th ? lis starts. It has a world series average of .144 the rig? i reaTS ago Isn't it about time the older circuit ?? ng somethifl except the short end of box seaiesl Shows You Should See. Twin Reds by Alexander and Ciavath. i .. Bab) Daffy Lewis. I'nder Fire by Eppa J. Rixey. "Ho you think tha' you have given Eddie Bun . ? ; tine catchini through the series"" writes a Philly fan. Very feu ? BOBS O? heg ging Eddie's pardon as we reach tor the lai I >.t hand. II ?" the stars. When Mr. Keelor suggested that en ' ... should "hit. 'em wher. they ain't" he had never seen an outfield eompe ed a! 1 I I -, Speaker ?ru -?? lie would have i? \ised his in, - I I read, "" ' '?-*'i OUt o the state." Having cornered the world championship m In-, . ? ,'t an\ one to go out p.nd gather the football champion . ton, Ma! an Enwright, King, Snuey and perhaps eight 01 aevei teen I :. . ,? case \'?r> You don't hear Yale and Princeton Joining those who are ?cofling at th? Phllllea for not winning a game in Boston. Both Y?le and Princeton ?till have games to play In th'e ?ame town. An Alibi Via Cravath. Please pan us not when, tMrough fatigue. We /*_?_ down in the li'in'.r /.?'<._.,? I'Siase jeer un not when in th* /. Our xtuff is very muehly bu*h; For if ue slip, remember, pit llefore you brand M. M S cheese, That in a very recent drive Biff (laivy lut ,126, Such are the operation? of fame. A world series was to make Alexander the most famous name in the land. Yet with the populace at large how much I up the Mill of BOBOWB he would be to-day if the Phillies had finished -ecoi.d and some other unlucky bloke had been thrust in his place before Boston bats. The one thing that wa? to make his fame snduring look away part of the fame, in two days, that he had collected through six month?. How about the dope now? In the advance forecasts we figured thai Baa? ton had the edge In outfielders, pitching, batting and at ?econd at-.d third, giv? ing Philadelpb.ii the edge at first and short, dur innate modeaty forbids any fuitber comment. "To settle a bet," writes M. II. K., "who was the pitching star of the recent The Red Bes outfield, as Jimmy McAl? .ir hack as Itlt. Montclair Academy Defeats Batten High Moatolair. N. J., Oct. IS, Moatclair Academy defeated the Hatten High School eleven t.?-re this afternoon in a , uas i'>' a score of tS to 0, ! ' i pace -iv. heal esuaed looae play? injj on both ?idos, bal In tin Baal <iuar t.-i MoBtclali bit ?'- ?trida ami played all around the high school hoys. Long forward pa-??-.-, b) Hasel tu .'? netted two tSBShdSWBS, and in the la-t minute of play Captain Haiel later 1 a forward pa?? and raced forty yards for a ?core. The line-up follow?. a ? ? . I'oa B.uin H I k r. . I-a. -et HT . . I! I . li '. . ? l". ....... ? 1 .. V ' 1 7 I. I. \ Ma I, s K II II 1. 11 II ttaaj 1 11 e - s?| if I p ... 1 I ?' UfWMU 1 n ; I ?,?? ? ??'.?-. .1 . 4 a ' 4| ; . . HS? la ..? ?i i 4\ra;?5?n rites at *sui. I .-- isttiiifJav Stuyvesant Soccer Team Wins Easily Btajrvosaat High defsatod Boraca Mann at ?.??-cer at Van CortlsBdt Park pin b] ? -core of 71 goal? to n At half ? led hy 2 to 1, the result of a good ibot by Harnnlin arid a p? 'h. In the second half Captain Mezoghoni ?cored from another pooalty. The line-up follow ? : ?aai <t> r ? i? -s - Ma -. ? ? .? ? . a . n r. . i it . a LI .i' . it i. I : ?> i. \ IP-IT I H ' . ? 1 L .. I. ? M r : B I - . ?? ..4..8J.U Tun? Ha.?.. < . ? MORAN PUTTING ON LAST TOUCHES FOR COFFEY TILT Confident1 of His Ability to Defeat Roscom iiion Giant. Prai - ' p ?? burgh boo?, ove? with .Hm ? h?.\ing ar Ma.) -..n Square Gardes "n Tuesday nigh?. '. fr eada at I U rday af'"rnoon. Moran sdi lit thsl hi .... sad i'i. that '..? will ? hip the Ro? commi wi I, h ? Went ??<> fur a? to declare ?eren round? would he about all that - ? saabl? fan could hope t.. ? i II I win""' Moran laughed when of tl .-"tning "Say, I can boat that I ? bs, I rollei .-?ir- or He hai about as much me as a German Would IB trench, "le" ?r as ,r.", and can hit hard. ' ' I er, I have had ;? of e> i this, if nothing e!?e, .. sy the balance. He ha- I ?OB dubbing around, lighting third rater?. Hi ? i to wl pa ?Mod man. I have ? ?-. all, .t fas*, as they would ? ?? hsa ?hewn that he cannot .' punch. If I ?TO? got him hack way Al Reich h.ul him ? to have him bach ob : ? le of a fi 4 thi .' ty to Bilats ? i ow i oil el ha* more - ! which we pr" Bro? ium, in Twenty-third A'.enue, ?rill ?ooa he ? in Monda? l'.r .wn will n n Dur? *?i\th neai Cei P? rk B ?at. A m-"! ri nil has beer, .:: - tailed ? ? CI ha I i" en ' n ? Browfl -iuring ti r. The wra'h of th? boxing enthu liait? te ! upofl .1"! r ny Kil .?ht champ?" no im i i him of being : I '. ?y, in the < f tl I who fair. Delaney, incidentally, wai K! iparriag partner when the cham? pion first iaraded th? i i Aa1 da boy, will j ! laly in tea rouad? at 'lie Hai ?em, ob Monday A Bg pretty ?i. ... fot Daly ha? ? i ? ' ? .,- K. ii sad .Johnny .-n. The cam; . ilish boxing man ..;. Baker la waging in fsr?ofl '? . msy bs fait la thu try 1 toal Baker has just .. thai any An. box? : "g to Au-* i... a irill have to loar? their manager? boh ad ? II be as follows: Kn! Taylor es. Kn. ?-Kout Kggers, at the Brosdwsj Sporl ng Club; Huck Crouso 4-, New Al Mi'i .;.. si the Fairmont A c.; H.?i? North ?a. Jo?. Stanley, at the A ('.. and Young Ahearn I. ? I an mont A. C. WIDENER HOST AT LYNNEWOOD F.4RM Horse Lovers Will l'ave a Day's Racing at Elkins Park. .lo-ei h h. W i lener will throw open of hi? estate at Lynnewood Perm, Elkiaa Park, l'.-nn.. tala sfter I race meet l .i eu itom m past years, IB? sent our, ? ' .ver of a horse will ba Wol? ? are on the card, and the number and class of th? horaes ?atorad it will prove to BUltoar meetings Liberal purse-, sad Die p?ate will Le the prize* for the winners. Chief n.tereit centre! in the running of the Collgay Steeplechase, for four yoar-olda and apward, at about two and a half miles. rifteoB jumpers, includ? ing ti- BoBsie Laddie, Syos? River, Weldship ?nd Swiah ? i.Hined to start. There will be tw? toeplochasoBi one foi aaaldsa th?reo?year?olda? a high weight handicap al ix, and a half fur sad '?" longer raeei for the .aai aid? aad .."waid which par? '. th? Bat M ' 1 un CALI KB Pl.A-.i: HAN i .-i a i ail fur? . ? '.'.'? Vim? ?ft ?7 .-rlnolln* .U. ?nt . . ..., . .Ill ' ? ! . 11] ,...11? ' . .lut) ? 1 HAM ? H ? smtta.I? ??? ? ... n: ? . 13J n RAC . Kg Ml. '---.-un.! O ar 1 .; ?a p ! "?' .141 ..... ' Metal . 13: . r.VNNi '? ? lit. ? - ? ? - ? .4 I ! : - - P : . ... i?4 : lade . :?? -phant . M 1?. i?: Val? : -- i?. ? ?:\ ; n Rat. a-THl *.:;.; , . HANI ? ?? . M ?. il its? ? ' - '".t I '144 ? ? lai h I ? ?? > 131 Boston Boxers Coming Soon. Word w?s recel ? I from Colonel .-?? I! Hilling?, of the tioston Ath I ? ? * er lap, bj rVsaV retary?treasaro? \ A? Un that five of the best la ?rid around B will i.e -???? bora ob October M and .'?o !-'. Ballivs . Bosiag Toarasmoat at las *i 4in A I :.t A. C. gymna? siums. MRS. FAITH ON GAME AT SIWANOY LINKS Carries Off Honori in Women's (joif Tourney with a 94. Bj go I ,' 1*1 BI I 'he link* of 'he - i .. mil ft v. ? . ; . ? Mrs. William ?! Faith ruled aupreme in ?? ?(U of the -Vomei ?lolf \ score WS| i '. Lut H. is eustoB-sry m such ca?. tl I -? with *a' only tha gro ? s? i ? set prise .<? tween M re. \ S Ho nturv, aid '?! ? ng Brown, ?>: Hawortn, 106 '?? 16, but tl named a an agreed apoi ? xt Mr?. Faith began her round with a 7 and finished srl1 at thi I ? ? tha Wykmgj] woman did well to return a 94. SI i Bs it \. at preaenl i length of ai i B :i. trapping ha- been coni?.Ii ted it will he ? i ?e. r" a fit as any golfer ? s : ? ? * ' ? ? I There were h good manv ?tar! the th and - - ! ? l . _ il.- .( ... ? Mn A. a B?. ? ? . j ? - Mr I ? . V ? ?? ' . ? 14 li? ve. ... PLAY ONLY TV/0 MATCHES lew Playera <?n Caarta at Borough Park. ? >? ' mal n 'he worn? tal ib I .-ugh Park I.awn Mia? Ma and Mrs. I rial round tei i - - ?ated by a I '?'? Igner, firm, r national IBM? -*!'1i A. J Ostei 1 too past a pair for Mia? Fo tin i?.-. I Edward Bintin, who w_r? defeated by a score of 6 I, I AMORY BEATS EMERY ON BROOKLINE LINKS fall [ourney Brings io^elher Field f,f New EagUuHl Qolftrt. Bn i? . 'i ?? . I ? '< ne? ? ? ? a ? the( ..-? : - ?. If. Al ry in I f I' Ebboit, hath af the home c':b, ? In tl H Hovev. Fir ?'?!?! J H - ? . ? ... . . ?. H I . ?? ? . ?? .. I ..!?_ ? ? . ? v >? tern. ? . I _ ?TURKISH JCARETTE IN i ?i 11/ ni 11/ im im i < Listen again, please! W i^Bf _?.N ?f HY do so many men smoke about half of ?} their cigarette, and throw the rest away I Because most cigarettes taste fine when they're just lighted?but by the time they're smoked half-way through, they begin to lose their goodness. They go flat. NOT SO WITH MTJRADS. One of the very greatest thing* about a MURAD is that its "LIFE" and FRESHNESS last down to the very end. As one enthusiastic MURAD smoker said: "A MURAD b perfection rtihen yon light rt, and ? gets better as *?ou ?moke __ " Every MURAD smoker knows how true this fcs. Ma**P> M Jeer? of the Highest Crade TorM and Egyptian Clgaretta tn the World wiwrttH ** ?, CENTS