Newspaper Page Text
ft, ipMlin Simon Rea Fifth .venue, New Vork _??_?_?____ ' *>.... __.i?fo______-J - || WetJ W ' Men's Scarfs A/e;j,s - .50 ? Bani Shoes 7.00 ?????ON KISSED syf:*: : : * : Oleara s Presidenl Changed i oa i Stand England. ? - . --. ?i- ???? .. .... - - a ' a piker H .... ?? | ? a :i uuti : ? .. . -. ? ? :-? < tittd ton ? 4 || . ? a?ias Wahl low 1 tt r.vf. i. ? ? Mitch. I \ - ' ? ? ' t the . ? ? ? ' ? -ed. '.' ? ?.:? o*" -e are ' ? . ' ' ? Tl rodore u*'? -'?? ' ?? the ? f_ C?": '? . nown ?n.hii .lo? rn." ? Deceased (j.riiin Banks "' Loan to Allies CJJa bank? ar? ? ? .? ? - |i"???? at Ilrall- ' .. . . LEFT NGI-F?lK FOR LONG CRUISE ;!i/s Officers Had Prepared Yachl for Sea Voyage. ? ?-. voy ? ? ? I o. and ?-.i the ? ? turned her nose .-? of the ? ? - -. n the ho] European por* r way . - offi I ? had Bol been : - ? trip in tl pot ? that 1 ? I them 1 t was s t mattet I But ? g ci ? ms. he ? ? ? - . ' I ? : ... r i>- - ? ? irmed guns .in the . i - News - re 1 ? ? held up ben \ th? . ? i ' ' ' enve of nb lerman aux ?i and ? ? k Navy . aatial ctorily ? era | for theii crews ? and i: shore rab til . ? ? ' ? -.tii it CHOLERA CHECKED AT KIEL \?> Danger >?f Epidemic at (.crinan Natal Bus?-, S:i\>- Berlin. Per * _ se? rious ? f ? Is 1 aging ?t ? ? ??. ? I . 5.r*-^u___.r^_^. / m? . .: - ? J Correct fashion, exclusive design, and \ superior workmanship are things you Vk * have a right to expect when buying L B clothes. ^ No combination of any two of these es- If 2 scntial qualities can be sufficient. All must ' ** evenly balanced, each must be present. ? For without all, clothes are not what they A i should be. ?.., i Our showing of Fall suits and overcoats em- ? . Mies all the foregoing essentials?plus value. } Brokaw Brothers p J Astor Place & Huirth Av. :u:< ^! St__B?Bft St.itw.n .. 1 '?- I ALUES WILL CH4?N MOR CREDITS H? I ord Reading, S?^ l oan Agreement, pects Other Advanci SUBSCRIBERS TAK1 HALF OF$500,00( Distln^ished Qatherlig in Kan Office as Documei l*? Signed. The ?prepmen* formally earn] %1 0-1 r. .;rh loi ? n the hoard room of -1 I' ' ' ... of a n th.* membi th? \ . French ? ? :? :? '.tus. ?d '" the h ?a of Lord R. ? ? ' .: the British JOY? ? t.-.vf hobib< rg sod Erne?! Mall? . .1 P, Mora ii ?? ? ? 'i under** i I ho i ttached their ???il F nd George H <...i I P ' ? ft Co. ; A Cut ? ?1 ?t? legs! sdvi \ . i'h Commi , of the Bi ury. The loan agreement, or what I? known ;.?? 'he bond contrae also bear the iiffniitureg of the nich a lork flnancial ?natltutlona. ( to the physical Impossibility of ol 1 ? i< - ignatarea ** Ins the toi mill 1 ty of obta .: i i carried oui to-da;., ai possible, As eats BaBBagOl*? m , copy of to? agreement the ? ? ei \t ill ha in exi p - ?lu- member? of tlie A n"?i the ?ynd nl, J. I'. M? ? .??it- :. aboi t apsx the credit for the -ucresp? of the to hi? . the ?ynd 'i I an proceed? d t!.? otrsct, following which ? i, few v?!l aolected wi Morpan arni Rcntlemen W( ? ? ere I tem?os ?m un hiai igned a ' loan. I psrs ? without t< ich "4'' urc indebttd to you ii this in;.' - ?? YV<. 01 '.-? ' p -t thi wa? oa rrj tud? f theri , ... voted co-operation by :?'?,!, from Messrs. Morgan A ? ? om all their aaaociatea m ? B | had nothing ? ? ? i tan c .. ? . . i * Il ? ? , gratitud? i. ha? not 1 k, and, on the ? ICCOUnt the m i. ? . ?- been \ Eapeciallv ai we have i ? mh by the ?late origin nt "ii the li'Pi nay Bot ha? beeo the ? ntended, bul we liavp got ?! due tu the w ? ? . perforr . ' '?. and you ? ted with them, and bj I organ ?I- Co., whi? irking .?ay and Big) I adi! ;?'.?p,,;er obseiVSt . ? nk will be of interest to public at lai sfter I ? . ? ? sfter having m; ? .7h the diltlc action, in a eo i" ? ? it familiar at ??. the adviea piven u? v ? ?? . ?.. offered, i ?inly in the i ? -* tereal o? our o it, we believe, in the b ? the L'nited Octave Homb? rg, i behalf of t ? nment, mad? a - ;?<?? eh o thai the ui derwrit? to make the loan flo ? rmsl talk to t-onrifct ... ??.;?? I, 1 - ii .1 Read) thai the matter of ? il en ' hew France is being d to to im-.lie- what form thea? ? ? clear that th ons. Tl i- ?? bees goi rmallv . banker? her? i tod ? ? ? vo. deeided until v 1 . m< ? - re got?i? Ided "To nt.ii rs M Homheri? * II ?? BW ? ? , irepn ! " . irj ... Eng ter our arrival thei ? ? Ri ? . ? ? P.t Wi: ble not f'nlv for th ?ndieate maaagera who sttem -? ng of the loan eoi i 1' M< ? g ? i! Porter, '?'? - '?? ' . \*. Morrow; Alexander J . ' l n deriek Strau?*. o ? ?'. I . Joaeph .Mur til of th? Chemical NTs rg C. Vaa 1 uyl, ir Ifeti ? Trus ird s. Mar? the Farmers' Loan Bad ! ? ??? . I. ' - : ? si(i?n '?."-?' leas Esenaag ? N l ?i w -t r ? i. rlee-pn . i ' I . ?. t of thi . ? ?? Bank, ??n.i l . .,' | ? It ?up. un.ler-' ? that more than of the $B "!..,000 irai with drawn and paid foi by lubacriberi yei .. slthoagh the exact Agurei e II r.i.l BO ru BBtil t? day and ? Ot uritil next \reek. J, IV Morgan .. <o. issued the followiag ? ? tood that an impr? pal - - m the I ' ; ' eoi ? ? of the I Ut :i|" " : p ?.. .till give a letter t?> ?Prenoh Teachers Killed. - t< .. I -, Kaiser's Youngest Son to Wed 17-Year-Old Princess Marie Princess Mario Augxi.tine of Anhalt. Amsterdam, Oct. IB, War not killed romanes In blood stained Kuropo, a.,1 from the midst of the .Uta of ?? sanouncemenl of the ??ment of Prince Joachim, young ?-. of the .;? Prin? esi M?n .? _ ... isti , di light? r of halt, one of the German pi paliti? I .porl ? . !" the .e youth of i prin? cess being i next birthday. The _n.oun.emen' was made through the Her. . r." With ths narria* ? I Prince Joachim .he last of the 1 mperor's family Bill pa - '>. n single re. Since ths war tl ". lias been men ...:.? tims reported seriously wounded in Belgium, He is a captain of the Gre?a- . : ;?> bave received the for bravery, Pi nee Jos me?. has three rted thai her father ? ? ? .- under the Crown Prince, ? I .??i-pective bridegroom, | _ ?, -me front. EDISON URGES WAR MACHINE Would Fill U. S. wi Factories Ready to Tun Out .Munitions. [Ily 7 rap-. ? I--- TH m? 1 ? ? Oel IE " \n;? rica Is ? ? ,n the world," SB A. 1..: . r ? n n 11 of the L'ni Maral Advisory Board, in an terview here to-nipht. Mr. Kdison, v. is on h i. way to San Franc ...i of th. ?.a.-' be saps the V\ Alien it called on to defend itself. "Our next war ?rill be a machina ? a war of brain., rather than bloo. said tiie inventor. "Il is mv ot.ini that we tote ms I | Mi I I - I ? ?' ' : tipl .-'I ? , .... deal. Tl ? ' srou the p? act in I eel ;on. will give my op) Ion of ] parednesi better than an thing else, There ii j certain am.m of powder !' 'up in lluro every day. None of the initions ha .... it a ould b. cconomj for ni ereel fa 1 taming out daily just twice as rail powdi r a I up in Kuroi ??ve.y day. These ...ould n be <?_!" . be bo bo? to turn oui any powder. Just keep tl fa -toi ei ready. In ere being pr duced in Eui ? to-da ihould u machin?-; ea| thia nun her of Only don'l make at -.hell- ; just I ? ? p tbe mac! ?? p ? it . an bs put I ? r. ?t day." --I>.. that tr i ? ? . resort to tl use of sspbrxial itsell U r. Edisoi ked "When a ma to rep? an invader of hii own home," he n is i ?gj id hin ?elf m. I h ' on i. I but IM'- I s woman _ led hin aft . i . . "I goeai HI have f.. look out o I they'll be making a M I of m< I The li" le won; I WB my daughter, Mrs I _ork, bul gu? ? ilidti' Know !.. i." SCHWAB TO BUY $49,000,000 PLANT Will Parcha*. Pemsylvaob Steel Company from P. R. K . Philadelphia, Oet II. Aaotber ster toward ths Sals by the P? BBS) ami th.- Kendirk.- jtallroad companies ol boldiagi of IndependoBl atock ? I ?-.;.?. | rert'.rs of the 1 ? BB IJ Ivai la I the holding company of the ral IB '.. held a special moetiag and ratified the term; of ths sale I I ; ; I ? worth BBBsylvaaia Ste. *..?'harles I ? iehem Steel i ? ? A B ? paay, ons of the an of the R? .,,1 ng I omp .: ' . ths ..Il t.. Peai % ai. m Ra I road ? ? ay Irani Ste? prel ? Pi of $1 pa stoat l ._., i ol SAYS BERLIN CAN HELP ARMENIANS Bryce Declares World Must Get Germany to Stop Massacres. Li r.don, Oct 15, "There is only one pow? r top the Armenia.i sad that is Gormaay." do? eount Bry?c .?s; to? day ii ? .;n support ?i. the Lord Mayor*! faad la aid sf the I ( II?- declared that ly ira? to bring rhe pres? sure ?<f world "nu.inn. particularly <>f neutral opiflioB, t" hear on Germany ?mil fui ce her t" take set Viacount Bryee, who proposed a r?s? olu- loi ?ported stroe? . p.'ti'l tribute to the ?ntellii alp! progre renesa "t' the Anaeniaai, .1, were *'ar ?uperior to the etsi . :i.' d iie ? 1 ? ? t-. ? i ed t?.' .i mach one of religion? fa? it was of deliberate i . term:' : I whom th ) . The ip.-ri.pi- of the massacre excep?! rthing =:\ tli" history of persecu-1 tions, deelsred the ipeaker. Women] hildr? n, be laid, had been dnv in Arabian ?lr?ert with whip? mu'p. . B ho went mai!, and It I Treblzoad carried their victims out to droamed them. "Women, maay of whom were h? . civilised a? any of u-," VisCOBBt Bryce deelsred, bad beea sold into' ?lavery, wh? wore Mahometao? ised. He declared untrue the i i German? for the Turas that 'Ii?- Armenian! had rebelled, asserting ?? il the Armenians were quiet and in- i offonaivs until forced to defend them-. Bclvee. In -?econding the resolution. Cardinal Bourne said tha' thi ei ?i' ace was so ?rrmit; that even GenBBBy "-'as not' able to deny the mssaseros. Neutrals, he sid, 'h.'iilil follow the example of Pop? 3ob? i '?*. who ?rrote prote ' si d p 11 to :he Sultan. Sir Edwin Pean, who ha? been ?he; : of the British bar la Co tinople, spi ? ? rpi I hii hear? en by ?ayiag tha? the persecution waa th and , that I en plored by the maaa of the Turka. T. P, O'Connor I ? ork of Amerieaaa in : ng a r'uiiii ar.i! also praised th? effort being msde hv the Lord Mayor, i Say U. S. Mas Done All It (an f??r Armenians WsshlngtOB, Oet 15, The I'nitorl 1 ernment I lone all it can, ally, toward relieving the condi tl irmei ibi key, in the of! Joha J. ly that, bo repi ? . ? ? r.. the Tui ? ? ri'.-.? nl 'hrou^h Ambassador Morgen than, pointing oui I effect on | n ?he ? ??? - ?? f the I "-'the Arme. . ? i Bg farther eould be ?lore. ( hieago, Oct. LI A returned mis? sionary f? '????. ?he Lsymsi meat Coavei tioa I ? he sent to CI Armenia, ? the rem? nant? of a r "I do sot believe," the missioaary ihat the people of any Other na? il the war died ob to make ?uoh unusual laerifie? Ws ram '. hut adrr. ? I ;he?e \ attempt ia now BUttis to ?lecirnate th. m." BOOST LEWIS FOR 1916 Illinois [i.??.-... r .r? Hail PavwrftS Son a? Mate to Wilson Ik* 1 Moamoath, III., ">et 15. Th? - demonstration, that Illinoii may have a "! cai lidsts for Vie i *-? ?? ? ? s th? Dem crati? Na? tional I oBvention, aezt year, occurred ? st a I '? ';.". r st ic meat lag hei.i tier.* [fl connection with the annual fall ?.* -t .val. Th? "favorite son" is none other than r .lames Hamilton Lewi?. Sev , ral ' ' ? ?' Democrat? rail*/, sad ataaj of them ?a,.re "Wilsoa sad Lewie" buttoos, oh? -..-?? ? ? , ?.shed j S. BBtOI Lewi?. Mi I . .t addressed s large ?rowd IS hailed as ? -.?.o "aest V*ko??Prosidea?a." I TAKE BACK YOUR GEMS, BULGAR KING IS TOLD Duke of Orleans Repudiates Orders Ferdinand Gave. Per a. Oct. 1ft The .ml.? of OrloBBS a.' .re-.ed a letter to Ki-ir Ferdinand i of Bulgaria several du.- ? r. ?BBreh te fa..' back Jewels ..f Bulgarian orders which had been ?.. ? tared upon rrm. Th" |e?'er was to Be published on the day Bulgaria en ?he war. Ths dul B M_ i : --TI,e st- - ir majesty ha' th..u_ht right to tabs in the present 1 war, contrary to your BTOV?OUI ; forces me to the sad du**.- of praying v r majesty tO take hacK the jewels . I Bulgarian orden with which your ted me. I ???"!! y..?ir majesty to take back ths becaase, alna. I mnnnt eend then. Biajsety bag only to ?? " ? ,-, s ? *?-au in Bel giui B.y safe eai no .ccr?.'a I ?, I ? ,- rlag up te I can no longer ? "V. nr majetty will ur.deratnnd I am obliged t?. warn voir maies! rms as if i track from the ? ' :.*>'? r of I i. . . ? . . af the ?ird'T of ? ? but wish, on ths '. shall keep alive MAYOR ATTACKS MARKS Savs Borough Pre.ld.-nt Is a Seeker \fler ( heap Publicity. Mayr.r M tchel direc'ed a few re marks at Rorough President Marks raster-Jay in reply to Mr Mark?'? re? cent criticism of I ?I i tleas on Ran? dall'? Island "P.rrld" arl "?hoc', mg" were pi m? gf the descriptive tenr.a used by 'he Borough PlBS lei * "Mr Marks." ?aid ths Mavor, **ls rather 1 .'e ,n be r. ?-_?..? He would really have been ?hocked if _S h I I . ? ' | flr?t inspection of the building? on Ran? dall's Island. We have ?irre a- pi prlated ??>,".O la the Board of _??! rr-Hte. ( tmaa? i ?m ? cirred In our ac-ior., and the money is now ava.lable for th . ceastraetlon of new i . _? Marks'? riait te the institut, .n a? * time was aad ibtedly 'or e*ect end for the purp.?c of obtain rg publicity, SI '. cheap publicity a' that." Founded 1826 V5P_ Lord & Taylor 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE ..9th Street A Word to Men Greeley 1%0 This is your Store. We have anticipated your every want in thil grand-new >ld store, now nearly ninety years young. We want you to feel at home here. C \\ hether it be in The Complete Men's Furnishing Shop, The Special Men's Shoe Section, The Men's Ready Made Tailor Shop or in the fine white tiled Barber Shop, you will find us ready helpfulness. Make this your stoic. ?. in the Lord & Taylor Store is Service. u^ t. . , >v - aU'C . ..: ; hip through genuine serve you. The Idea These Three Qualities Characterize Lord & Taylor CLOTHING for MEN 1. Superiority of Fabrics 2. Thorough and Expert Tailoring 3. Unusual Smartness of Style ^ In establishing this service for Men, we laid down the principle that 66%% efficiency in Men's Apparel would never qualify Clothing to i obtain a showing in the Lord & Taylor stocks. In many clothing store?, fine fabric, and showy styles make a large effect for clothes that are very poorly tailored. In others, part woo! fabrics are given an artificial value by being well tailored in good styles. Again, still other stores gain re? pute by reason of selling fabric? of excellent quality, thoroughly well tailored, but absolutely lacking in smartness o? style. TWO-THIRDS EFFICIENCY in each of these cases. Such clothing cannot find a place in our stocks, at any price. In planning Clothing, we give sideration to each of the THREE r VITAL QUALITIES of Rieht Clothing: FABRICS, TAILOR- V ING, STYLE, and this Clothing Business is growing in favor daily among men sufficiently discriminating to demand 100% efficiency in their clothes. Men'ft Sack Suits, $18.50 to $45.00. Overcoats, $17.50 to $50.00. Of special interest, just now are the following group?: MEN'S IMPORTED OVERCOATS, $25.00 Xot Likely to Be Duplicated Made of those incomparable English and Scotch cheviots and tweeds, so warm, so durable, so expressive of ''class'' and distinction, which are now becoming scarcer by reason of war demands on British looms. London-made, hand-tailored, fall-weipht slip-ons, for motoring or street wear. MEN'S KNITTED OVERCOATS, $17.50 "Warmth without weight," in dark oxford, gray, blue, brrnvn and heather mixtures; loose slip-on model, with regular or raglan sleeves; sizes 4 Special Purchase of MEN'S $25.00 to $..0.00 SUITS To Be Offered To-morrow at $21.50 Smart new Fall models, in two, three and four button styles of over-' plaids, checks, stripes, plain oxford grays, and new shades of brown, in good variety of si/.es and proport i Fourth rimer i, at any pnce ^A-.. ^:^l ;'?^? Lord _. I ay lor ,//* V. -.**7 ~*'f *_-^'?^ w completen con- /?,^'x^^v> ; AUTUMN SHOWING OF MEN'S NECKWEAR ChootC your Cravats from the Lord ?. Taylor assortments, complete with Scarfs of rich imported and domestic Silks. Every new and correct shape in exclusive patterns and smart colorings. Prices.55c to $5.00 Qrounl F loor. MEN'S SHOES-SPEGIALLY PRICED All that a man can demand of Footwear, style, service, superior finishing details, will be found in these Lord _. Taylor Shoes*. Values that should bring hundreds of men to our conveniently located Men's Shoe Shop, noted for "its prompt service and splendid assortments. Boots at $4.85 Boots at $5.85 I Boots at $6.85 Usually 06.00 to jSK.oo. Fin- selected leathers, tan, black calf or patent leather. "The Cordwainer." The most serviceable Shoe made. Dull black or tan leather. I'Mially . to.oo. Bench-ma de Shoes. Statt. atyle-- i:i dull, patent leather or tan. Clearance of $4.50 to $7.00 Boots at $2.95 In AA ami A widths only.? High Grade Shoes of even' wanted leather and style i;r und Floor.