Newspaper Page Text
CWJR? :?ARTIAL )R ADM. LITTLE ired Navy Officer Tu Be Tried for (Careless Inspection. DI I TO TROUBLES ON SUBMARINE K 2 ? t .;!K Action Agal-asl - -Vfft I' .irement ? :r?i ?Aliat Radical." ? Dan ? ? ? m N ?.large? involving - Ship ' ? I 1 ?' ? eaeral I rie, A V\ ? ... aed bj -,g the ? , *ter kt . , si rank on formed St radi? cal and an can be i ted 1 r * leaee of that ?' .?hip? tinder C' ? ? ? K 2 was accepted in January, ? - ? - . n had ... - ?' ? ' * ' ? - ' thai ? ? had re ? i th the ? - ?? an ? '.? d for ?rt-icssnesa in in sased ?ur . p ? o? th? Fore River th? hall ? ? 'l . '. sad turned ? ? i company ?aid to-day ? . ! 'if any de ' Pore . made ? .K? was f ths live? The ? . . .. i'es which ??? h thoroughly un ' ? er the rea -? rag? hat? ? red. - ?'-. te tha go, ami * man ? ' ' on of the on duty th? I ON . ? ? : January ? t age ' ( ?' ?- - - mal kaowl? -?? at ten - ' rmly ?xsctod ? **i eoart mar? .,:.? foonded SB a m"> -? speedily urt." ' Old Favorites People have always VtteA mir I) itch l urt air i?--for their pretty trlainia?, lae their ?Bderate prieSS I?* f>iet> Mriefy. Here. In v.hlti?, crr?,m r.t araa<si icri*n, amwaalsetu or net, ? : on or with t.?ii?*be? of eotWl SB of uiatlra? m dark, ?unfast f'ior*. ammmSf hrnin.ed and nit t?. h<inn ft*8,Iy $1 to IftM, **. It.-never y.?ii think "f Dutch that I ' Haass Uriah ?f t/t ?vu. u, aoth m *S hex 7? I I I 111"? I Ml UK \\ I1II.I. ?j-,,, CARPET & RUG OLEANSINsJ ,?<?? ?f. il?, fialirl? unljp. I'ul liaron* hoof i .4?. ? ? ?, . ; ? . ? ? f, Mating il Ina; Hin. ?ataot H? C H BKOWN CO 2o?-2u t*?t ?nb su, s. y. TI \ i \\ -?i a; mi- i : wil ?TK HO?ASF SHADOW! . mam \ \t i;i BEROX. S FOADLEY LOSES POWER CO. FIGI Jersey's Highest Co Affirms Receivership Decree. {B. ****** ra;._ to T ? Trenton, N. J., Od I c appc obtan . ? . :: ? .?. ? tba ?vine ei , ! I and Judson Ihe c?ai - ?nd oui ? ?htm. H. W. Mai ? ?v once ? ..ce to Brooklyn I Veriicl ?H?lame?) 1.. Broker?.. n in a pool w ? ??' ?? l .: Powi i-. T tal i. it ? ? ; | it ban! lad Jad - 11 ? Compa Long _.< Light a Mr. Ball, who mad? the complaint ? '1 he b. fed that the trial bi ? i eorapan. : It eoald not realiza ? old? ra ? ?ceedin? The I rera altered in Deeembi 1918, Mr, Bull, to .... . ara pi loi t.. that tir ? took ? ? ,(M <> at ? , | ????. v. ,.:>:. ?: Hoadl.9 with tha ;.ni<._nt ed to i ?? ? a ;.. d foi tha ato . i . lai y o? 116,000 animai ? . ? Georg? _? t... m nually, ? ich the company w ? , Mr. Hi; - ' ; ? Iged a i anki ? in M'f: i. itock of tba Irii I end and I J and tl : ..'.i-, y, bol k con b Manufacl n g t ? i ? ? ? '. e booka a- ??... tl . in.*, which never earned anv it 'f_ l.f t! .' A.1M ? . i .p_ny _nl the Pnbl c Bervlee Tel? i Ci mpai y, on ? ? :h defanlt h_ ,i . ira, ai , nonaeroaa (>.??_ get into, .??: ? ??" long atai ding. ?o o New Y... ? ' ? _*. the r,.* I ? . .?.i,put.y \. h* n.. h of the American ai ?'. BI I ? reality t; , ?vus boina _ ... i ... ? ' . . . \ . . ne. . ii.y years. - I i unt . tntec the 1',,.. r Conipe . eonaiatod ? ? i f tn,. Rhode li land ' -Torts. I ->_ il..arite> 1 -?ed S.Une. Dividend.?. Kr?.m llti.4 U lt. t Wal *? ? loci j ? ded I10..6-1 t., . , annaalle to tl a poo i i Mr ! thi.t Bo . of taming ttie.e dividei trenaary, u.?"i them for hi? y el t, and that the I. ? 1; idle] ' power eoapany owned the ' the interest and othei _rcour*? 1 ....... ,w ,hat power compni . : . .. 1 ? ' ? ' r a little more ... ' ? a I ' ? char*, ! thai tl v thai _.-. i ? . The grand staircaae in Shadow-lawn. Built in the heyday of the late John A. Mcfall. it abounds in niaKr.i'icence of an eniiier d;iy and is quite the showiest place in a district devoted i" show places. Wilson Decides To Take New Summer Home on Jersey Coast Waal inpton. Oct. If).- Shadow I.awn, ?mer h(pme of John A. McCall at ? .. N. J., will be the summtT Whito Hooss next year. ?Proeidoat Wilson accepted to-day the otter of the house BUde b| a delegation from New Jeisey headed by Representative Scully. "We want yon to return to New Jer ley, which ha? given the country the greatest Prasidaat m its history,1 is Mr Scully. ? also raceiveii a letter from Goven r 1 1er urg ng him to - , i the seat rammer In Neu Jeney . "the glsd ndings of hit re? liorn:::..' In BCeaptiaa the. invitation Mr. Wil I "When you come on a miasion like thi? and with ?U?h peculiar generur,,-.., :."n- bom? the only thing I ci.n ?ay I? that I will come. New ,1? r p ?? raeitni too much to me to make , thar s ?'?'.? ? "If you would be gOBSrOB? enough ? me pay t!ie r?|| ' thai I have been SCCBStOmed te pay for a 'iirp.rner place, 1 wouhi feel ea.?ier about it, if you devoted the money to .?<<me ? nar objl et. It i? not that I hi fol a moment to necept anything from J. raey people, but I i>ht>u!d feel more comfortable if you WOB ?I let me pay the rental that I ordinarily puy in ?1 time; then 1 wou!<! feel that I wai doing my part ?rid als ac cepting ?? very generous hospitality on ? rt of those whe repreieat the "All I can add ia that I ?hall leek forward with the greatest pleasure to I - : familiar ?urrouiM ? .-? May I not (?end my love back to the people at home through you * "'. Wast to add tha* I promiie Gov? ernor Fielder not t?> disturb him too much at hi? summer camp at Boa Girt. \ot that 1 would not enjoy horse SUES FOR $1.900.000 Jarkaoavllle Man Seeks < iimmirasinn on Dial for Sale of 1..?..0,000 Arre?. ? ?'. roeoVOI 11^00,000, alleged to ??u >. cet.tract for the purchase? ? - ' Und In Florida, was begun in the Federal court faster? ? imwall Gihhoae, of jgekson ? ? def? r.daim are IL S Jarvis '? J Patterson, execjtora of ? ? '.tie of Samuel M. Jarvn. -ays he performed all the 01 ? "f an agreement made in I which he vmi to receive a ?fil for ?very acre of land pun ?? ! from th? laterna Improvement Fund of the , (,.? added, waa tu be paid in f'pur annual ?iaatalmentS. BO? g July 1, 1914. Jan.? died be ior? that date, sad (ii! lion? contend? the ?secutara bava failed to pay him. DTowns Tryinp; to Save Mate. ?:!!'?. N. V , dct. If,. I? an en MV* 1 ? ; .on, Stewart ?.. whs had fallan from ? ? - lath Bay last ?' hai from thi .. urowcetl vtilh him. back riding, but I object to riding a hoi fro?k c at and ailk hat." Mr. Wilson's decision mean? that h? will not return to Harlnkenden ilenc. of Winston hill, .he novelist, at Corniah, N. H.. which baa i"-". tb? auaeinei ? ip ?tal soring the pressing events <?i vhe in t two years. It 1? anderatood that before making the decision the President consulted Mrs. (?alt, his fianc?.-, and made sure . : : sr approval. if? \ **.? II 9 Stop ih.t $10 waate in your clothea cut. Wear Monroe Clothes. Guaranteed $29 Suita, Ovar coat? and Evening Clothea?$15. MONROE CLOTHES . 42d St. & Broadway 2d Floor Fulton St. & Broadway | 10 Court St., Brooklyn. "AKi: EI.KVAT? ?. ;. RAVE i\ ? l\ II -I i. \ 1. t_ LIFE POSITIONS' See except In Civ,I Service CAN YOU FILL THIS ONE? The CIt. cf New York reaulrea a FARM INSTHLCTOR at New ton Farn.a for MiaJemeananta. Orange County. SALARY ?900 and Miintaniac?. ...perienoe M teacher in ordi? nary Knool and in practical agri? cultural work, or work in an agn ictto I, Mrith exp?rience in hsncdini bojn and men are neces S.bJKt? an? _.i(hti ?r. Itgvrlaa-. . D Urn .. (>r?l : Aaaiiritlom .?u_ fr?* aad r- .!.?_ _t H.-.n; i..u. Municipal BullJIri la_ lar* Cil, (.on? October 14 to October 28, at 4 P.M. . :?.? t_ (If!/.-it ?t ti, L _lt?_ .tat?. Aft II- it. art || ?o 40 ?.a?., fer .poll tl?. ... mail trid ..If ._Jr_._ ?tamp. t_?rli??. I, m . In.-? L .ring four cut? la ita.a?. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE C0M._;.S.0N. $68,000,000 FUND A MYTH Treasury Fla* No Money for ex-Sin?c or ,\ny Other Cotton I'ir' ? -r ngton, 0? '. ? ; Treaaui ! lepan ment dei a fun.I ..! .<''. ei m- it.. ? f-ir o?hei per one who ' ? -'i rields dur '.* rhe I livil V. ;n ? ? ?-?.-' 1 : nif ami followini that conflict. Th.* department cnli? stt ?? suit >irough? m the District "f i'olum 'iia Supreme Court I -*reta. MeAdoe to have thi? turn paid I elsiiaaati who bel] ?d to pick coro on which ?h" |l i - lei I r.s an iri'ernnl revenu? tl I Tho Treasury itatemenl 'he government' *nx wa? determined ski ' ? i. their m,,?'" -? WINS S20.000 FOR LOST LEG ( i? il Engine? i ?warded I \fr.?!!'?; Corona Contractors. W G reel ? ? - . ? g, wh?. bsd ? ed in b concrete mixer o.i the I Dl "i ? ? th?' injured limb Ha.'. I recovered a Sordid of |20 Luke A. Hurke .<? S??? I .- -, h? lor? J tie? ?? iar in Queens I terdsy. LANSING TO CALL LATIN DIPLOMT Conference Will Fix For of Carranza*! Recog? nition. OTIIFR COUNTRIFS TO FOLLOW ?. : Reception of First Chief Aged Ne*. Week Will Be th ? First Formal S?ep. v.-1 ?. . a?toa, 0 -? i' Beerets .- trill eall a - >af< r? nee r.? i ?? ' ? ? .-an diploma *o arrnnge the form In m .-? teaded to th? ?,,: ? arran ?a. ? '.n?e- have r. ? '..-' ? ? to thi ... -. - ? i ' riv? . ,, | r ' th? Unit? - ? d row ? sy of the Waahinraon tfo* srnm? ...n a? vtc.rd !? received in a foi ? r thi .7he Brazilian an ? - hen '.he '? I ? ? ?til ? r^a*-, i . iy. Both I ad r? I to adopt th tmition a- ? ? Th? BoliviaB an?! G*i?t"rr.i!an minia tors, th? remaining members o| tl conference, bat ? lar inatru? All r of th '. Bosaelai Miaietei with other diplomatic representa* it si been iBstraeted te take i'ier.tica -, *.v.*h the I'nited Btat ? - formal act of recosrt ition proh ably ?rill "akr- pinri? r.p.x' ?reel eeptiOB of Eliaee Arredondo, au ed re] re entatlve of G. A Bots eery likely ? ted ?? ' m notifying b m i f -h? . -iition of Gensi '. ' irrai is sa th? ment. EU] iy of setivity l r Car . . teaula m"t with prompt ; St ? i.f . arran/.a agency. A summary of conditions in Mexico, i by th? Stata Uepartment to -aid: ; rtment is Informed * a . rs ex ? ? ?.. r i ? 1 ; n c ter ? ?? ' ?' B 'i'.ra, on ac tiea of the Y. qui - snd fin? i the oui iprivoo of their arms by order of the pr*f_*_- of i ?riet, r ? /<>. ?erv'ee .etwer-n Ver_ sad Mexiss City baa be?n ?ua '. for a f?-w day? fin arc.unt of ? ?' rts 1 ng concentro'.ed on the mov Ing 'it freig_l , iTlnmnt la ir f'.rrned that ' ? ?. .,"?? ? ? ?f General Wla. who ... , .-ni regard eg I of for? | ? ng from hin? on the r. _rht of ::-h: "'I thank you for yo'ir inf'.rr. .' - which I ea.m as ilnssis. be ahould not bsve ?.:? fesrs, bees m I i .bal ord i hsv? boss given to confiscate fare .,*? prspsrty.'" BOOM IN OFFICE FlTtNIT-JRE Manufacturer? Report ("nnditlona Beat in .e?eral Y?ar.. Manufacturers of h kI. trrade _te_i of? fre furniture report the ben? AugUOt in the history of th?.,r basiasss. One |2t over any r " ' ? R< port ' ' leading man ufa? of aoding, addressing, bo.,kke?-p Ing, dic? tating, du| | typewriting and ? I ' ? and offic?. apeeialtiea indicate a great? d? ma l foi their pr? tl.e kmt lice appliance try, it is said, a r? i Sew York basil s held i ictober H S^HTJMANeT.HE^|^i^^, l'itemon OfnVI.U Order (em-.,. Fmbeirle lent C?*?Lti*'l Henry Srhtimarfi-H,irt> ^ Krne.Cn? Srhumann-H?ink?. ^** ] donna, was *cca??rl yeet^r^- PN |3.*00 from fund, ofe?* .lame. K < 'rro'.;', court la pA** ? inn-Heink, wrio ?,. t%) '****? year? old, h*d b*en el?rlt 0f ji. ' ' r two jean up to .bout f0nr 5 ago *S imana Belnh ??*, n^aate ter ? wcret meeting of th? J?__ - and Fir* romm-,??i?BWt) 5 hired public .eco in tanta to bj " h.i b ? ? ti to .?r*. A??". t. h? h? KL"S 1 "?C* SFalT^ ^ . wtr, fc|t The aecooi Unti i ?c?l in ?i^. the bo '' ' "" ? ? ft !?? , ' *n.v ?'" ' about l',?tn* ' ' thi Zm ' ' ? r'-''-Ha_{ 7 if ht, i?? ?*' 's? dir^l i dward r Merry. - *. eoun?*l ?_,J.' ? ?or*l| ? ' " aaT** bonding-c - 'y in .V?,y ? oH?r??i a ' < ""-s eTMlJi? ????[' ' ?**? A Suit Sale of Wonderful Values Women's and Misses' Suits, very newest ma. terials, in Navy, Brown, Black and Mixtur?, trimmed with braid, velvet or fur. The latest an. most fashionable effects. Special To day at 22.?O each. Values to 30.00 Coats in mixtures the veo latest designs, some with fur collars, others plain or with velvet trim. Special To-day at 1 5.00 each. Values to 22.50 ?-Yo*dway#.b and 90. S.S. _."_*___._.;T/;. -Jd___.-anrifii??!??? ?* -arables treet That we are living in a fool's paradise of prosperity is the ominous verdict of some observers .after studying the abnormal industrial conditions produced in this country by the European war. In THE LITERARY DIGEST for October 16th, the subject of Wall Street's fever of speculation in war-stocks, facetiously nicknamed "War-Brides and "War-Babies," is covered in much detail. While the article relates tales of fortunes made over night, it also shows the other side of the picture and the financial risks and dangers incurred by the present speculative craze in war-stocks. This number of THE LITERARY DIGEST is a particularly interesting one, and among other features that wi 11 be received with eager interest by the hundreds of thousands of men and women who depend upon this foremost weekly for world-news, are: Is Freedom Coming to Russia's Jews? Being Translations from Russian Newspapers Which Seem to Predict the Long-awaited Victory for Jewish Equality America's Diplomatic Victory Germany Calm Before the Western Woodrow Wilson for Woman Suffrage Storm What Is the Cause of Germany's Telephoning Across the Sea by Wireless Present Submarine Mildness A Glass-Famine in Britain The Cause and Cure of Fatness (/////.strated) Hindenburg in Wood and Iron Taking Kipling to Task Peace Memorial of the German Professors Teaching Religion by the Gary Plan The Poem of a Soul Regenerate Stealing $1,000,000 in Wheat Plans for a Big American Navy On Both Sides of the Allied "Drive" How the Movies Made a Thief Many Photographs and Cartoons THE LITERARY DIGEST is the most widely read non-fiction weekly magazine published anywhere in the world. Since the war began its circulation has immensely increased until at the present time nearly 1,500,000 men and women, representing practically every business, profession, and occupation, read it weekly. In two hours busy people can obtain a well-rounded perspective of the world's progress during the preceding week in every line of endeavor that interests mankind. October 16th Number is on the news-stands NOW-10 Cents FpTl _fe_9-D*_ FUNK ft WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK.