Newspaper Page Text
TWO CALL "COUNr HUSBAND; MORE ?WIVES' AWAITED Train Expects to Sho* Other Unions ol I ynar, Indicted as Bigamist. poisONER SIli xl IEFORI U-LEGEDS N - ident.fl s ? ? the r ? ' ' <n___________________m i'Ht ? ?one to ?h. Tom. a r M the IBM ?V? wee 1? 1 B| for? er home In Albion ? ?.*. she ! not be ?' i ?ht hud no ? ... leere o ?ivo where er she raucht ? ? ? . sbont thiit ? l!? told ae bo** ? ? ! ,, : I . ( in. uml ? "... . | | ? ,-, '.,. Wees-era Identlfj "Coaat." ?Ml ?ch or ?????? A '; r .1 Al>An ... ,\ I me no ti ".I to take ? ? ?, And -1 i beforo th_t there It c ? over i I we] B ?'.. w< en here , ? .or .? > ? reded ? ? r -runt to ??'???I - ? . : | Max. i ?aid to Ljrner, ng of ? ' ven mon ..:i you V _ ?. ,_ ?on, Mrs. Arnold ? ? ?_ _ w i f? wa " * if. ? ??.. rwo i .-ttOl THE OLD REU ABLE ABSOLUTELYaPlfflE Avoid All Substituios ?TITtTril DIRECTORY . \f .. York C ity hoteis arc .idvertisprs ?B Thi lork .Tribun? ? such they ?.A-r to thfir ? le surroundings, since sat nd aei vi? ? i- fully guaran? bune Gra ? ? i Sun? lay for announ ? ? i ?tcluslveiy District No. 1, 14th to 42d St., be?. Fourth Ave. *nd Seventh Ave. Rstes. $9wB.E-r^24??*t.aWor2 * ! rt dav ?nd up. $1 ?rr day up , ?r day and up. Baas' ii id - : ' - - Adrln -. ?Veal . ?way and 2^h Si. Iway ? -*?d St. 26 !',"im?r- y Parle. !? 16 Eaal Jl ' 37 Mt:!i? n A\e. ro f ui ?Wtl 7lh A?e. ?n.l 36t)| 5' ? sad Fi'ih Avtj, 29ih St aad Ma14P, Ave, ? th st. . I -r we?k up, 2 pet pie, I I I per day up. On application. $1.S0 per d?y up. $1 [er day up $1.S0 p*r dav up. $1.50 lo $?.00 per day. ' ir apt lication. ' up. District No. ?, Washington Square Section, below 14th St. ' - ! Ith St. and I Wveriity f'i. I , ? 1 a*e. } I pel day ?nd up, $9 v.k. F...., $1? wk. 1 'n ?j plication. ? ' ! ... ?|2 M Am. ll*< n. Air. District No. 3, 42d Si to 63d St, bet. Mr.duon Av?. and Broadway. ; '? ;* ? 122-24 - "r> application. '. . ? Iway. la??, ' ' I ";, Av* and V 147 149 W?i '"" St. f. d *! B II - ? tv? and 4Sn 5?. " n A??, an I I Vi Wen 47* Si. $2 ; ?I litV Up. S I per <!av and up?, 1 'n api'lirslion. ?r day uia ?"?n application. | pel dray up. |. pel day op, 51 r?-r day up. On application. On application, |2 [ er d*y up. 51 .SO per day up. On ?i ;.lirai' ?a * I SO per dav up. ^t N? 4, 63d St. to 110th St., bet. Central Park W. and Broadway. ' ?en rj*0rJi Si 7?It Si and ! If| 9mnt N ...?it BiosdwBj o' '? ? ?Wr, Ha?. 1 ' ? ? - ,v,<: (ajadiBsuj. ' ? ?^Um?.. I , ! 9an\\\\m l i * ?'? - ? . _** * 1 roa :.? ij ! 170 Ucil 74 202 Wan 103d Si. -I?* Si h ('? Itimhui Ave. Uli? Si. ?nd C haaJ m Avj> 2 'i Wan 79th St Path I 7. ! Si -'. way. 7Wal .... 71 ? 7lei Si 104 Vlett 70 Broadway *r.d ft I Si I ?n applicati? n ', | II JO up. ip. '?i?' perlons. ' 'ri appli? Blwa. $^0 up for two. "n ?pp!.< ati'.n. $1 per day i( H ?nd hath. $2 up. $2 per d?y up. |2 per tlay up. $!.S0 prr ?Jay up. $IJ0 per day up. '1 '.'? up. $I.V) per d*\ tip. ' 'n ?i pi* etna. R m and !>?lh. $?'-00 up. t*MM, gtitt, BROOKLY.N HOTELS. 97 Colum!..? H? . . W> i" matea, i panama, nej'Trail ?_? .?. m^ht h? n ed h N"bli> nirfh Double?!. ? I , Uoi Bt< i ' - ?'? i it July, when ; ?*? m l Baker, sssistant sup? ? !" Jueties I ' ? ? ??. ahow ce int' 1? of neble fa rtl ' '?' '' . ?? _U?),?.' ? that ho I . .ho ... . . ?? ?i -v ,? ?'.nn Af?..r h.? dlsappes Poushkeepeie (>urt Lynar '? ' ' the United Stetes nrmv. wee stationed _t Fort Wadiworth : deserted after live mi ? "The German _*i.i Austrian nobi In this eountrjr, j en ont o? ?t New) I an 1 Lenoj ? flnenel? ???, received i "if?. T'urir. most ? ho lived la j? tenement _t tv-eeeond Btr? *. where rent wee net more ?te of the De| . of Joel rest? .?-,-? ed the "i .venue, - ? i ha ? ' I i | ?? . ? ? mon tr-i\ ? rii s ro] thai I.-.- ar h -?' !.?-?*ii < ploj i .1 here as s rntial agent rman ai d Au?I of .*? rtaln fort around New York Harbor. ? ? ? to Berlin ? si on for ?? ??_ ?. .. . HONORS MEMORY OF MRS. STANTO Seneca Falls Celebrates (".ente nial of f'irsi Sltffragtsfs hirtli h? iv -.-?.;? l r. ft bom 7 ? < ?. ?. 16. The hundred of the hir'1 ' f.. tal ? 1 ? >n, the B] il ? ice in the ' t? d Stal .-. ? ! ... N. _'., h< ? formel home, wiU on c?r?monie??, attended ly pr<-: . " . ' "? m all part . of the .Ute. vetera tor of "T .s Is Reveilli " rhe 'Ans s elo if Mi -..-..., igl ter, Mrs. ?hrr:_ s J ;.v Cilio of Ne? York; ProfaaaOl \"nthan. ? Mrs. H 0. Havem? ? New Vor The ,1 tennis ru (i ? .? of the ?rst woman iffi ?v rid, i .'..' 1848, A tablet ? ? wording of 1 ? ? lopted a; th? THINK TRIEST UNBALANCE \s. ?.-i .t. ?. of Princeton Stadeal 11*-1 a?> Spy Will (.?> in London. Washington, Oe\ IS.? _ sther of K. II -7 ' ' ' London _? a German Net? York probabl; wit : sl former i who ?ill J '? til oung in:?n s menl ? ntll N ovember I, and emei 7 heintr souch ? I va- nr:_ . r details of the Offen. t'.iin?t Trie, t .how that h ted while attei ? - . nav. thoril Stal rritten h ? ?n which h?- is said to ? menl WOMEN TELL OF PEACE MOV 'lis-ion Learned Thai Warring Nation Would Favor Neutral Conference. The International 1 l Permanent ' tee ar noui. ? ? ' jrestei the result of th to th warring 1 tri? ' ? ? u n te I . . ipon n conf e u t ra I I ? - ... . ... pai ? ? ... Th of a' ... .wed. 0 rai s, three 11 eliberal rhe 1 . ten ... . j the? ' ion b; ? 1 1 minis . ? im? ?I. repoi 1 as all o made pul Amat? . ned b; I'r. Alt tta Jacobe, of H? . ? fei enee n* Th? la *. year; Mi 1 ' I rystal Mai n ?lian, 0 Great Britain ; Profei Greet Raich, of Welles] . ? ?_*, and Mia ,7 n n e Ad.?ar:. , of Cnic ige. SENATE AGAIN LURES KNO. He W 111 Hun In 1. I? to . urcee?! Olivei Who Sin ?-?.edcil Him. .... , Washington, Oet 15, Philander C K he ?he Republican 01.. ? ? rg? I er, of I '? ni ? ? , i will not be i ? . ?. g ] tor B? roae ??' i will at t Mr. 1 ? ' are ar ? ? er was ? Mr. K I term fron I to 1911, '.'? hen Mr. K. I i fron Senate to b< come Reeretai. ol ? i under Pre lident Taft. B? for? ate M r Kno_ hud be*I Attorney General un.lor Pn Kinlrv and Hoc? evell , I ' been a member of the cabinet o ? SALE TO BOOST SUFFRAGE Jirs?.\ ( 'impai.ncrn Paohlag I ight a? ill?-? ti??n Near. . Orange, M. J., <'et. IB. A rummage ?ale for 'he votes for-women campaign will be hel.l *.. morrow --j the I .! quarters building, II liait St r?-?-*, si not 1 t th? . ' | pealed , . | rlail the !tal;.?.-i eolony it l'.i bbl Wlee, of ?New rorl ? iday night in < olumbi i I, J i tl Orang? H tertained bj Mr. an : ?Saxgent In Mutton Park, W? l Grange TUNGSTENS TO LIGHT HOMES Publie Her ?Ice Caenmlealoa Ordere Klee tri?- I irm_ to Replace Old ilulh-. After Januar] i householder, using , ? ? ml 10 . .. ? oui ? ' Com? York and the United ??'?:? tt Tungst? , . ? I etyle and aid. It la with the BOW lamp? I ae? | he numb? r in ni >,i before, and pn?. onlj j much fur service m? . ou du now. JERSEY WOMEN SURE OF VICTORY, BARRING FRAUD State .inc. City Officials Promise Extra Vigilance at Polls on Tuesday. MAY PHOTOGRAPH VOTERS AT BOOTHS Leader of Men's Contingent1 Asks Wilson to Oivc ?Govern? tuent Employes Day Oft. I th? President's deela? ? - ? rol for ? si . : thai ? will vialt F ? ? - ? to Ib favor of 1 flr?t of the I dm? nti to con? ters To? ada ? .' was I SI lag ?if the poll?. 1 h? "u.'itis," htm ever, were nol adroit I ? at Kewsrk as* ri^ht made raighl theii op? ; nta. ???-. f? .*- fraad la the n more t The its are i ?? d I have ti..-. ? Governor if then? ihonld be ial oti Ii Thi? bill vu ? i:- m Huch a fraud ; under II Di? tel re ... ? \ ? ? , ? ? ? Direetoi - ? ? Bares mee? ? .. . the I Mo> rhot?n.r.'|)h \nler?. Th?" ? \i.?ile,l ' miied them thai hi a ol - ' ts power to ? I'rofe r I -. iofl a a :????? i that h? ? . r the i . rot? st 1 H rill si tether . ? , ? i-.r two hoar regiitering In Newark, too. th? were the ale? ? 1 ?'a.k'.l by , i . : . nn?l Unit? tat. ?\ illiam . | a ?tat? eaterd ... W O U 11 i ere Detect e at ... . . toffli ? a law - ? ? employe?! Women t<? W Steh I'nll?. Th* ? ttoe of < ?n? Hun I . tioi ? Jer the -Mut? present are ? ; eg? i r. letei ?? he? p ,i .. dial "U, r.*'.it partieul lection will not bi ' ? ? - . ? ' ?rify I . ? have ?!?? ? ? ham? ain I. I of the I . . m for Equal Suffrage, y? ? g *.? legrsra to ('resident V I n *, tul ' ami ' !:?'? ? ' great ? i the people of 1 j. ; ay ?t: i ? ? be v? U i boob oi ' ? : 11'. I re p? t( laaui iin ordei gra ''s,' lee ? day to the eltisi smployi Unit? Diatriel of bis ?- eh m. ei 1er would, I |, follow tl regar?, to .i . f el? The women of New Jersey, tl s first ? ?? t of tl ? ark, ? ? ... ' ? t if the they will be ? ? t la thia f ? ] , tting the women to , ,. lire? ? pol il from l he t i me I seat Tu? .!..>? r* ' the eouat it ? k?ra. CLUBWOMEN DEFY POLICE Mr?. Me.Oil M'-l '..rrnlek in RovoH AgainM Chirac" Mrike Order. Chicago, I '?-' II.?I - from ? k of clot ? ? .?' .' rice i '? Ira. 1 "? P?r? .... ? refo >"d to ? . . ? ? ? . - ? .- ? ? ? i nan ii ialj tloa ei .. ? KNABE PIANOS PLAYER-PIANOS ? ? ? KNABE BUILDING 5th Ave., at 39th St. 'REFORM COSTS SWEETHF.A I \ < ?invi.l . fion_t H?'m '> fr.iis lead? t>? W?.m?n'a ? apt it re. last Harry <"?.?* | pell t? straight," ti.e ?leut?.-? !?( ee they could ! ?;?? '? i? rt who has b ? ? --'-' v. ar. She a ? stherbv. . . bi the ? areeeju? faetet i ' ?brat ternati? ? iwenty-flv? or thirl timi ? ? r ?? r-. .1 but one entet ? ' . \ I VI York robbing Ell ' ? prompt .?: Carril l ? t Harry Campbell sa . P New York 1 ? lif? ? ? ; Hand, bul eauae he rest ? ?Vom a <rave ? ? .1 i. ? irr:<\ and it B i ? POLICE HONORS FOR PRIES Weeds a Pallbearer?Detachmeal f? Fathei .ul in'? '? aneraL ? lil ? m . I I . '. t ; ... ? . I . ' into \ < hurch, of whicl ere 1 ? I]eel S? I tl ;h the Rev. J < burch; tbe Meehai , of Ry? . R of the Epii , ton as Barry, ?':: of tl ? !'??? ?? d Si ' officiate l ? ? .r?.- l I Moon? Six . Depart menl n ... lice el splain, the department ? . ut Seventl \ IS2d Street, to Cal ai j Cera? I 'ty. MRS. HOBART DECRIES VOTES Widow of K.-Vire- PreeMent Calla Suffrage a Menace. Mr = . ' i . late <i:irr..- A H of i Si McX ministra) I . r? .?Il II til, hi I orne, i frage at "!' aae remember that I air. one of . .- . .men in our ? want the i ????.>?," she said. "1 ipeak for them when I be/ yi'U t< ote ?galait ? _e on '.'.'. i.. sd your i ? I prevent what we be] eve to be ? . ?: s ? ??'? i '. ai a gravi ? ? t?te." Y.-- (Frage was pr. -.:i ?ovl?ir.. D? .. . ral i- i ? bi F. Van Blareora, Republican e? i t? SUFFRAGISTS GET THEIR UNCLE SAM Giant Letter Carrier Offen to Parade with ?Miss Columbia. 1.000 JOIN RANKS AT .">T,"I AVE. STATION young Woman Recruiter Enlist. Passing Sisters March Scarrs Chorus Oirls. >l*j m has Ix pal . i ta ? in;, up. He cou it hi ?trip? bettei ? ? . ? . ?' -7 . ' ' We ? id of our pai mquist, looking ? ? ?? Thi? Mrs. to ? the "m to r. ri- 4P1I ?. hil whial linj - ? ? .?le." ? ? ? ? ? i,--,, . ? . i - ' ??:..| thii fa place ?ii' ' ? . Lillian Runsell t?i Mar? h. Mayor Mil ? ? cil - ' ' ?ent ? Senat Many have . A recruit ? ? '? ? I . Mr?. .1 turn to-morrow SulTra i led mora than ? V . - ?. : ... .?it to ?lock their ' ' t to g ! on i the - ? ? il ? ? I : . ? ? !.. ? _ ? ? .:.ce a* ?CUT FEES. SAVE SALARIES I. K. Bowers, I indidate f?>r Sherif Makea Buggeatloa t<? Estimate Hoard. r . form : -? th ffice of tl ? th? in ettet rd yei | Ludio? .r?."l-.. trie? it I . M?- Bowers a ? ? i ara ere adopt ? ? i da that th ... ? it ? i be ni ; nil. whicl ? -"..r th. Mr. I ttei ril ? . rd ? i. flee." CANAL BOND VOTES URGED Produce Bxchaage Members Told ol Nee i for <27.ono.ono N??ue. In an effort 1 I ratt li . . i i Isas? ?e-i be ? l'r duee Kx i ha:.-.- . 1er tl'.e au. pices o! ttee of ?>.?? Kx '?'. "ft stor Hear) W. ; All ur;-. | . I *.? work and vote Mr. tred that the roferen ? osition and ire, and m re not voted ? ? | com) ? I sd already the money eat a!." said Mr. . I it tte. I am told .f Ithorised the canal ! and i it into opera : - tred that as a regulator of I canal had no e<|_al, ? ^r' the isMM were not I ..ion would have to be ? - | . Mr. Will I 'iial was 9o tted the tat met) '. for ob ? ? In 11 ?? r . ? \ . ????. was read ? ? i R dflel 1. urg f .r the commerce. PAY CUT ANGERS CHIEF KENLOf! Threatens to Resign When $3,000 Slash is Recom mended. VDA.MSON OPPOSED MAW REDUCTION - Abolishing o1 City lob Hold by Dudley field Malones I ather Is Ur^ed. from th. I ; e ?alary i Lally, ..: Braaklya, fi to ?'?? ?4 re the ?ub-cei almo?* pr?*'- pitat i ver? 1er'- sflee The r.-? gi p -, the ei ? "Ara you g | I I l new ?'href Kenlon. . r sgh Prasid? nt? Mai The Hror.x sad Pool ??' '? r>* ?..?? aritl heariag the pruaing I for tl Fir?* I'epartmen?. Tl ? Kenlon not ?o ? ?? ,-- ? . main con* t tlecl?io ? tho'ild he re ios for the reduetlon of mariy ?alario? in th" Plia ? ? xer."- td ?lore Btltt, wsa reda t . The Bureau la ree pp.lo'i a redu . ? ea of the foui il The ?ub-comrr.i'reo. p-.?,in<jr apea I ?it of ' ? ? ? ' ' .: Fie!,! '-' ' ? ? ' ? ? - : ? ha?! no n?,ht to grant ( I of ? i: ? Merchants Want Canal Bonds The llorehaal ' I ha? ailopteri resolution? ki ?' I 'h<> adoption of i I?I I ' i".>r th? issue ol ? ' ? ? .-?S"**?y*. lu*' ?-M/1 i. _f? _??'nG?""? __!______ "?'b _. ^b^j:=5 ' rr'"!? 95th Street Public Market Opens Today Food of Every Variety Operated M. VINCENT ASTOR 95th Street at Broadway Dealers in 95th Street Publie Market Butchers M B_d______ Del?* m irre ?_:, Co. I Blank li. |od__ Nathan A. Eisler Spanish Table Delicacies J. _*l h \ ictori <__, C'a Salad Dressings Rosjrtn _b Nepfxl F louer? L'nite?! Floral C .. Candie, Sida I otmlain The Min r f hitler and Eggs N i Butter Co. Dcvlm 1 >.i\ id lnfr_* r Manhattan butter Co. Sheffield I .ims- Sla?-.on-DedterCo BhaE R? h :i I arn:$ Co. Fish ( ? ?'.vrot* Fish Co. ? /??il N. Y. C3U??V-C Fish Sratton ... I . : Bayers i ! h ? Kl C. . I fir M H HM M.?-Ir C .kr? S. H. ihn i Fruits and Vegetable? -H'hwart. _l, Stern I be Sunshine P. __ I. herders on Milton ti?, Oeorge Peter Mr^arhah.? IVtrak"S broj. J-lin Meroll? S. Milurc.u H<M,r. Meyer __. Sons Ca, Ina Teas, Coffees and Spice? I ?fid?-r Produce Co I be Teco Co. J H. Grrrn I -i ? , m ( ff.-r Company I he C antun Tee Co. Y_. Ll_:ir?l ?&__ /. 0 ?as 'S _ * k*> f< <* >i r_l _$>;?!