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JURY SELECTE) TO TRY N. H. IV (ase Opens Monday Two Day Speech ( hief Prosecutor. ROCKEFELLER WIN! TAU SMEN'SF inc Man Out Because lina Reminded Him of Fatti. Nie"!! and Otborne \\ ran: 4 .ras f I ><*?' aft**- for I ' ? , . So? Wh? are r ? law. The ... ?,,??? ? ' ?attorney rosa I ? ? ? -, ?*.- are real * ? ..n ?. ? treat ? si r.- East . , v.. ;???, contni . fibre rr * ; ropri r, 2*6 ' ? ? i -,,--??. k- . . Pordham ?'"ad, itei . renl e??nte, West 71 tree! ? ?re, electrician, We?' l?f. ? ? ? are i I r a tasl tl sa tu ' moi ?. ? ? the. 1 ? ihi? t S\n.p*th> for Knckeft l!< r. ? led din B ? . terday ?f nooi II? . ? ? m the i cut d. ?I . permi - ? . to i . nge? v-f-r? exhausted bel ??. .rt.:. r ? ?.-.'? proc? :? .-? .. ? ?? . . xcu*ed ft for William Rockef? ?i. . ? . ? ? r-. u-r*.col pip exen*" rles 1 Wright turf inter He had BBB? I factor Do Lance. Nieoll, <f .1 ?ral in a fai.r way to :.? was ssked if .*.>? reason why lie could | ? ... a .iuror. "1,, thi 7 r ? place," he replied, don't think I'm c I toot to Bit oi ca?e a I ? ?thi? undou edly ??ill he I haven't had a h scheel or a colle??* education." '?I Uriah you ? : an inj r??n arVied Jud??- Hunt, who r had ? to ?et that few ap to Mr. Wrigh ? .?..u n*. t r;oUgh this line. then." said Mr. Wright., built a railroad ?tntion nr.d I hn ha ;' lor i The i ? ? '" .*-e ! to admit di?. . whereupi i the tal man ?aid: ? If i -ver .?f concentrati nee*??ar\ to a ente o? ter." Wouldn't I tinvirt Financier. un honorai II '! met jeu once," ?aid Mr Wright Mr ' ? could see no reas to .\ou?e him **\\ ? 1,1 ally," th? talesman ?aid, ths? eight*.- years of aire and he '. Mr. ftockefeller, who :? Seventy-foB Brha han ?pent all hi? life bull? saltroadi Bad b? .-ountry d ier?-*i soasldoratioB v. ?ending n like that to |ail 1 t.'.'i of n y father la his ?, ????.?' " Mr Wi.. "t ?.ii ?xeusad ' awmsrk, of Ml Broadway, fail? tr. raaalify He ?aid he was prejudic? arainst i . . ? leaueo he failed p- ent damni'i? from a railroi corpora!, n on whoOO line m the We airy. ?? Se) Friedu! aaid he was opposed to combination?. ?? \\ Mr Fnedu? replie "e\. get ? ? if It." ? ?. an architect, of 4P Pift bo did work for the lat J. i aad who dealgaed th ? Baj said ho felt he ??-a? ne nie* ,. 'ed It... mai ??.re excu?*d became the hold ? Haven Mock 0*ie of ?hen Harry 1' Lew :?, M| | k.rt .,, ' It i? now BS." ol erved Ml Nicoll. Osbf.rne and Mk.I1 t"la?rt. C s Bammanehlag, ft (isrf?eld. N ___nna eaeuaed after r*?;,..- Jtng ? f0] low? to whether he ha.l ?uch ?tock* "No, ?nd I'm glad of it." A aaeaher ?1 Ulesssoa, in *xpre??!m their belief that they could not rende a just ver.iiei. hinted that th?y ver afraid -h-? w?.u',' he Alachara*. __*** ?? ' Iheir ? ploren wh. ?e busires? waa allied ai - remote'.-,. w,th railroad c?.mi Occa?'onalK- ta' eiplaln? thev c ...' ,..0, rt, hprRU,p ,. ItOVOd r ?roration? were proaecut* '?nan law .ol.l, becau. a In the Marse of th? . ,?m!nation? b -?on? and answer ' red loud ei . ' *'. v., - its t itioni and aai ...... ? ? .?? ?.? Mr Oil ??me. luosl ? i ? Prank 9 Doug la?? iv Mr Nicoll the U l nature of the ? ? e .ta? sBgaawd. M ' I ar what that business ' aroai ? ? ?? ' I ? . ? || ... s. ? Biiaeral water v ? ? " v , i ? ? si "?a. lit ttetot? to aajaj th, ?ro.pect ? ? ? tVith sad ? ? ? HISTORIC HOUSE BURNS I'lre |l?'tr.?\?. liiii?- ?f Waahlagtea, Lafayette and RaatlHaa. A- . which wer? - ? Lafayette tat ?. ! . - ?amp?? who' .. ? ? efor? ' was ? ? B i sliding ?lany rod. ? man t, an?l .- ' I .- ? d the coach i Daugh -, . Stree?. .al est?t? _ __< r, ... ? ' - are thought l>ad:,- McMahoi famous i ?pearis v ,-e I ? ??.? ?hi bad '?!-??? or, ? YALE MAN WINS BRIDE IN BELGIUM I'.ut Edward H. Townsend f inds French Law Makes His Mar? riage Difficult. ? ? ? lamei -. . ... : ...ho is . . M ? ? ? . I time M?e Ternlink ! ome ?t I.a !'???.'.?? B ? a Acers, and Mr. ? I them, When ? ?? quired by ??pie can be mar He had to | se to obtain the red data as to I irth. etc . before a legal ? eould be pei fort here. hed Mew York last ma time sec irit g eer h turn? ! ? Itn hi? one of tmily to t ' ? I rife icali to be met bi ge can If these are t. I New York, ?? here mar th Realty. i was prominent at Yale, being ? member of Pal Upailon He earned pi<*rn i ? .. | and then went to Harvard I av _ hool f -.r a year Ha apent a t the New York Law School. Up will live in New V- r_ _f'.. r his marriage. SLEEPING GIRLS KILLED AS MOTHER ENDS LIFE Gas Turned On When Husband is Pound in Canal. After searching for three daya, Mra, Annie Hunti sth Avenue, bod of her bua baad, Joseph, n ? Brooklyn morgue, I a ; iterday hei called at h? r home. On able to gain admittance, he .rot help ?oke down the door. A rush of they ? i into the He flat . on. On the parlor ? ? i ? ? ? abeth, i ? r..- Its s ...and doors had been cat ... ?paper, .... r ?raited until ? ?. ? bed before i ? . I ' . I ? t ', rann Ca nal. -a- ? HARRISON SEES UTOPIA Tell. 1-episluture How Philippinen Ma*.e Itt-en Uptlftad. Manila, ' >ct. IB Governor General Francis Burton Harrison, in hu ..?go to the !.? k.--!h:u7.-, m-.scribes the ? i S '?' ? , I . piv-. ent admit istrat ? ? . I ? ? rted : ? necessary I ? .. the ? .??tor;,-, ? tween as and 1 ? | ? ? of ? ? II , o? ernm? i I tl eratic experlenci Join - '..?re ? ? ' lime te eoaitdaial WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE, GOES TO PRISON Court's Mercy Touches "Old timer" Osborne Praised. "He shewed me merry and I'm going ?P to ? th malice in m. bod) " x " ? . 1 lust ?et? . ? or rorg -v. -, .... rty-eii I ***** ' ; ? ymt atl . of the court yeatet ? ? ? trie human, treatment he . . ? ? receive a? Wat i? Osborne' US i.a i I lead? ? for mercv thai he muht go on ?uapended sentence - a Uve >, a, ?id burglary charge , '' el awa ? ... ? ?. \,.. - ,B ,h<- i"'* bay? ow,j great int. mee referma H? ' ; lb which th? itudents ?nr rork W< ' (f at the ?. V'assai I t Sing ft I? not ? ? . ? ' . , for the? will carry away **;?h tictures they can B< . . , ?a gi? ? ? | "Id ha\? be?-?i s ti an be tl i t Mott tenant if the . put him oat vill be w_i*e than ?ver be.or?." , ANTHRAX FIGHT ENDS IN DEATH George F. Stackpole's Heart Yields to Strain of Age and Disease. LIFE PROLONOED BY USE OF SERUM Remedy Came Ton I.ate to Save Riverheail Lawyer, Phy? sicians Say. fieorge F Btaeh] al '?? wash loag ftght against sathra? ead? mora? le. A moment later tha ru.r ? ? ?? ! from his room in thr ? ' .r'! a' ? d informed the I on watch ! <?? ? ?e tl a door, - ?' ? '? co'irnge- ? esrt had st last a] ted ? esr old Iswyer of Riverhesd, ..?ir,, informed. i with th? fortil ??'?'? : them rhrouv'h all th? ; ?. fai Iy had bm I that the ead of the struggle was near, l.a'e las? nicht, for the fint time rince he was ?tr;cken, Mr. Btaeh tted I .r " '?ai not feeling "i would lihe n driak of *va*er," he whispered; "I am feeliag rather Iy." was the firpt sign of lutTCndi l he ha?! mad? He Bevor ipohi sga '? F>y physic. ? al 01 Thur ?day i i "v- I to h? i ? While Dr. H. If. Silver. Ifi !?!;?*., told ? that h condition was encour . doctor? at Rfllevue spoke of the of the man'? rulse an.l < x the b< lef that hi? life would ad " it liy a heart col bappoaod at 8:37 o'el ? ylatoi i- ?ori lag. Il.iiitlitapptd by Age. In ?pi'e fpf hi? vigor and determined ? ia, ?r. Btachpole'a ?ovsaty o*ie yuan War? tOO much of | handicap. ? ore serum inject?.! into his blood served to keep bias alive loag he usual durat'on of the disease, but thi? was tried t?o late to save his lifs. Hi? heart eould r.ot stand the ?.train. The body wn? removed to the Morgue yssterdsy morninir and prepare?! for burial. The S'.vellir.*-f which liitd di> torted the face and neck had prarti cally dieappearetl The fine, strong faca, *ritr? It snow white mustache, shows .- - of the pain the man ? me difficulty about obtaining a eoAfl for th.? body. The lawyer *!an .?Ix feet in t, !>i oad "" shoulder and at - mow. "eeauac ??' thli delay the P?..ekpo!e family sbsndoned the idea of accom panj iag l he Iy bach to I;;-, ei ?a with to? r i .--? :. th? I:- ? W. P. Bar? mon, who ha? been with them Monday, day .'.rol Bight, they left the e ?>? i." 8:18 o'elocl . Bfteniooa. The body, in its heraetieally sealed . if! ? , '....- seat :?? em th? boap tal at B o'clock. The ethesej of the ?"runi was rau-h tad yeiterday by Bellevu? p B?C?BB? who hiol ?.ecu connected vi . the case. 0| I, but nor.? ad that it hud at leaat prolonged life. His Death T> pical of the Disease. "If ? bava bo? n need looner." Dr. Charit direel ? have saved I I truth ci th- mattei that, once ? boon .?!' . ? ekpole'i . pure ? re ni ?. th .? d then ? ?!? to draw an; ron ni on ; he f thi an Ihrax ?Be < aae," I 'r. II. i Dwyer, In charge of ?he isolation remarked "Mr. Staekpola ws ? ? as? rum ws? ir.tro it fi hi? lif.', it prolonged hi? life for four day? und greatly replaced the !???. Pace an'! neck. "I d" not '?? lie? ? that the ? was too itrong for the h.-art. Il - lo"!.* i Ice)y thnt there i .. >,'. do? to th ' ? .4 n t.?? !.y the a.-.t'.r x i." Dr I ??? 1 OUaaloa, i . - - - t of ? ? ..... . . ?. . ? ? - f IB Stl ? ? ' St In fact, 1 ad 1 Burial at J.'iverhead lr. Stach] - - ed in In ha<l .i\ed arid WOl ' year? Dr. Hi I ] tor, will ? ? . . ? ? '. ? ry education public th ore ao d ? rlaa? ? I graduated from Dartmouth in 4'- ? ? ? ter weal to SI ! a? r I boo] there, n and had pi I *? line? Por rwei thi ' of t)i* T.!*. ? ? ? o-, ami of th. P ? ? ? . , Riverhe? a direel ? ?i lent ef tl ? i; I ? for b ? leal n, a...i ai oil Pail i - I ? ' RIv? ? ad I I th? Ma obi ANTHRAX DEATH IN JERSEY Madiaaa Coatraeta? lappaaad to p*te Besa tafactad hj Gema fr..m llt.r.e. . v"? "***] ?' - "" Il Through the ? ,"' ? tea h certific?te ?vit - - ' ' ' niOOB that John E. Bt ? I. a retire,! '? *?**? died from an-hrax on ?> at hie home ,,? W??J!ai,l ????Wr, who ?1?ned "le" ?hat he had oeea -?-? thro? day, hofor? ? laid be d ??any .-'-rum It ?. BBBaoaod Burn. o.ura.tetl the dlBSBSa from a hora* MRS MONCRIEF WINS CHILD ? ?? tTa Alim?n? or < Mid D-d I"" ,;" rened on -ppeal -'?-,? M f ?ht ???- BSt Justice Gofl I ? ?hou'd ?? ?? i . ft I " i ef ihe * ? ? _ f,,r i a ?ep,?. | ' ?? |y of their I ? i. a, ce Ma) I r v a? reversed yesterday by the Appel* its Diviei? The ?ife ?rill i? 19 a week e eeaa sea awarded by t her t< r Moncrief allego- cruelty in her ? _ for ? leparatloa, bul Mo .eriof says hi? wife, an artr?- IS, ha? r t'i maintain his home properly I"n? moro-, ..?- t ,? rhi ! de. is:on ;???? the mother a weeh to give hor . I to her hushan'l ? mu:, e! fee* tlve. Mrs ?.n the support of her hueband decided to . g'ht for both child alimony, und she has won, REAPER TO CUT UNDER SEA Kelp from Ocean To lie I . ed in Making (_ nnpo?* der. San Krnncisco, (let If. The kein eroy of the Pacific (?enn is to be har ? it? d by a large powder company to obtain chloride of potash to be used in making ammunition for the warn.ig nations of Europe. George H. Marked, sror.t;iry and general manager of the Hercule?? P ??? i>r Company, who in now in San Fran? cisco, has, It is said, ?lemgn.d B ieb? ? i reaper, which will cut the* -. >.\ r:'-h lengths, te be inek? l up by a pump into a hi?- w-. Til. plecas of kelp will then he * -? and placed . ?? it . the i i ' ' .' Bfterwar?! cted. METZ PROTESTS CORPORATION TAX "Unfair," Fie Tells Mills Committee?Admits He Dodges It. LEVY ON INCOMES URGED BY WITNESSES Investigator. Impressed by Its Many f riends Report Ex? pected Next Month. Th? corporation tax, a? an unfair meihod f.f collecting revenu, and the eaae ? th which it co?iid be avoided, were d< '-r-hed to tho Milla Legislative ?tee yesterday I Hei san A Metr.. Tho former Controller adn that be maintained two afleas al E pus to avoid the local tax. "I only go there once a year to fh . stockholders' meet inga," said Mr. ' who appeared m a member of the Mer A tociation. "Tho law allows me ;o do that " 11. urged that the local personal property tes be dene away with, arid said that Individuals should not be taxed like corporations, because of the . i afforded the latter. "New York law? Interfered with my ability to compete with other men. Thai amounted to bus of income The condition? at preeent am unfair I favor a tas on all persons 'e .empt from etil I This would ?in brace ??rs, lawyers and certain other eltUM ." Mi. Metz also said it ?as a miatake to impo ?? heavy t_\o? on people simply because their pan-,'*- appeared in the ? r the t?l?phone llfeCtC ? ? * ?? a? ea? er to driv? por thai colle?**, taxes from Hi s igg? ?t?d a .at ra*. i of 1 : ? - ceal "u Incomes at II,1""1 t?> 12,000, snd B '-' a* I ???lit tax on those from 12,000 to *.??? Inr?.me Tax Favored. I ho committee ha? r.ot yet decided on any definite plan ef taxation, ac g *.. I bairman "glen I.. Mills. Bui 'ho te'timony (riven before it thai ? - teem? to Ina este that an Inoom? monaure would be the r:ost popular. ? p , -.. ., , mi t? \ir, an overwno'mmg ment li favor of it," he -n.-i -.o "I hope are ?hill ha-, r, 'i !? ! y the ? ddlo of next month A* tho I .^t executive sees en the chairman was authorized to pro par? two or -hr?'.> SUbstitUtOB for the it r.i property tax. 'I he plans ?u_ tested Include i "First, the ho called classified per sona! property tax that 1. , taxation of poi ?on?! property by elaeaes ?* a lower r.t- than 'ho fanera] property tax. "Second, habitation an<l occupation taX?M "Ihird. a s?ve income tax." Mr. Mills explained that the subject of taxing public ser- ice corporations was so veal and Intricate the earn mitte? would not a"ompt to delve ? Th?. only arltaoei who has not advo? cated tho me?me tax came before the ? ,.,. yaeterday. Ho was A. C, ill, ?ecretary of the Now York Tax Reform Association. He said the collection of a personal property tax almost impossible, and suggest?"! that ?pedal taxes be urged as a sub - ? t? The committee will go into executive ?I tO-day at Senator Milla, home and will discuss the various forms of n which witnesses habva ad vanead. Lindsey Jury Disagrees. Denver, Oet IB, A disagreement was reported to-day by the jury In the eaae of Pranh !.. Roae, charged w;*h libel by Ban B. Lindsey, Judge of Den ?venue court. The jury ?vas ?li s chanred. The charges were bused on M sffldavil by Rom in which he at? tacked Julge Lind ? ??' PROTECTION PLEA WADE FOR TRADE Tariff League Ur?es Action to Prevent Un? loading by Europe. OPPORTUNITY SEEN AT 1916 ELECTION Restoration of Former Policy at Once Advised as Check to Flood After War. An appeal to th? Amercan people ?vas issued yesterday by the American Protective Tariff League afgiag them to restore pro.-perity to ?he nation by restoring; the policy of pretoetiefl The leegUS '< < I *? Bpp-Sal on the fear tha*. after the war America will he flooded by cheap product? from Furope, whif*h will cripple home industries unless 1m iqediatO ?tea? are taken to make thi* influx impossible. The meeting vil held at the league'? headquarters, IM Broadway, and *ai ?.?1 by the hoard of managers, the executive committee and the executive officers, who unanimously voted to cir? culate the appeal, "in behalf of Amer? ican prosperity, the full employment of A i > eaa labor at fall American wages, ?he full standard of American living and the restoration ?f sound and ?ate economic precaution? against the r-r tain deluge of competitive importations that will flood our country at low af'er the return of peace and the resumption of full industrial ac? tivity in Furope." I "The American Protective Tariff I-eag'ie," th? ?ppe?! Nad?, *ppn____ through lU board .f Banaja^^jl officer? and ? " t ;??* tora?nita? urges all it. nvinoer? and .;i, 6r^^ to a united and ?restha^SB ? r? -*or?t',on ?f'!5 esn policy of pro*?ctlon m ?a? th? ? ?- ? ob ef 19M. nt ??? an a-ltmutsaa, protective ? st th? earl.*?t |?J? i? ?he on grand ob ?<t , work for I- n ?f ms,V?j 5 object a? aekw? ?f ' ? e i iBitt-aaaBM " ?, provided ',;,- ?he ConatitsjEL^ I'mted aStat??, are ampl? f'or ,? ' ? ? ' a |yj3 Should depend 'ipon th? *low ???; M certain procos??? of any new p... ,, ?ar ,T making. ' tertf flrot aa? , r?r, he dfi'-e a? a _ CITY COLLEGE SOPHS W1I Freshmen Struggle In V?in In fits Ku?h on J??per 0?*l. Althoigh outnumbered two te ?.^ tba ? ity College ?ophomorei tnttto.1 vietortOBS ye.terday !r. th* BjBjsj fre?h-soph flag rush held on Ju?tr Ova! Th*ered by 3.0^0 ?;?c*.**.on, tk. freshmen struggled valiantly, bit it vain. Deipit* the liberal sacrifie* of _H bttdily *'iuipment, however, t**a agj ing clasi wai unable to gain th* eev ,.?. ?I banner II ?vai the ?econd t?o? |n ils yean that the frejhtnen ?r?n aasaeaasstaL H. _ KREHBIBti A erttle ?h???, ?orii earr. a mtiitri nelS'ht In th? mml ?1 world. ft \V BRIOOfl ? artoont nr>- _:?o __ th- cur.try u-.. ? ., ? Bree .AM' I 1 NI AHA M. s cam palan tat troth ta _.sertie._g. FRANK II inCOMM _ ?00 Diet? Kiltor la char?? U.a Editorial l'ago, author "The ( War." T"HE TRIBUNE'S staff is organized like A a corps of artists for the Opera?each one chosen because he can do some one thing bettor than any one else who can be found It is an organization that makes an harmonious whole, yet gives to each part a distinctive touch. Just as this fact, evidenced by these men who go to make up the staff, gives you confi? dence in that side of the paper, so does The Tribune's policy give you confidence in the advertisements. No advertisement is accepted by The Tribune until it passes an acid test for truthfulness and honesty of purpose, and for your added protection there is the iMoney Back Guarantee. You will find it on the editorial page every morning. It means ex? actly what it says. _. h_ ?fribune First to Last?The Truth : News?Editorials? Advertisements RBTWCM .1? BROt'N A dramatic critic _:*h an un? usual an. tnter??tlng tul?. ROTAI. CORTtS-OX One of th- few re.l _ .?h,riu. on Art In New York. O HfcRBERT OA'.ET Editor of 'ho Sportln? Pa*? and writer of thOM M- ? 1* ? * revtewa FRANKLIN r* ADAMI V. . : ? be ? ? : ?-RANTI.AM? RICI Who?' - . p it.1-h- .'. t'?r-m?nt la a r r- of th? tip irtln* i'.it* FHAN?*I. W HIRST Ed t"r ? f The 1 ? _eeae> ?ut, u ho ia cabling rin.n ;al a?ll ..a :-a . _i 1> A it V.V, a 'E-TRUN v re? lea ? m?aa mor* to .... ?? than tri-: ?,. from any other slrifi. ...urce. OOKOON BRUCE Expert on Aircraft?now writing iron*, at,road. PRBD t! tWl HOIWl A trt . ea i <*** **** * ,h<,f' ough '_no?le_?e of hi? ?ubJ??:?