M'ARANTEE Monrv Bark H You Wa S??. ?a!ilo. i*l P*f*. Fir*t Column. Your Monrv Bark Y H You Want It ti?? *. %.? tUS^r^S^-^ ~r f? ?FtiPfl /o ?o.*./ ./ir Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements < '?!>'rt?ri|, mi? II. 1 lie I rlhsuM \?.?.. I .n. ? WEATHER r ?h ii . ? i ?.i i>t n. rnv ?M? r?> ?inHfiiiu. aairnva him.? t ??f crrl? .'? Trniprrf,. nr. ? lli?h BB| I?.? '.7. full temm* en Tsen I Pan I SUNDAY, ()CTOBEI, 17. L915. SEVEN PARTS FIFTY-SIN PAGES. PRI-t E FIVE CENTS. TRIB?NE POLL GIVES SUFFRAGE BIG LEAD IN NEW YORK CITY First of Series of Straw Votes to Show Trend of Public Opinion. 93? TOR AND 604 AGAINST L|y240Outof 1870 Canvassed in Woolworth Building and Hoe Factory Declare They \iv Undecid FIRST TRIBUNE SUFFRAGE POLL 10f In deabta I nt?l. fmnoei 147 lMt WtomormTi ..; I**?*'* ' . 2:0 137I Tot?!? ._ ? . hatches on 1 L. . ... ? ... fed been rr.a-:?? ti ?-? . . .- - | --.- ttd I ' ? _. - ? - _ ? S i ?i? b mi ?.._, '.o the I -. ? fi_ BB jlttc re?K:*-. .:? for suffi pi___s_?_.. il ption it the _* ? ? ; *ive : at. _sa th '.. hr.-e bet: H _ -.-.' i n_ it snyth-.- | i'?:- - tha* ?? ? toe. How ' u imta ' ft for th? The tutrasi :n:. : .-?_? i ?? . ? ? qo_.or. _____y. n harper ir. ? j-f in broadc-',. th. for it e_d Um fe ____?_ n is i it! ir., th ? J*?_ paste. _M_MBl ' tact. 1066 Votes Polled ?n Woolworth Building *? Vsahn r-1 *** t'i? alac ? . - "? ? h*M betwf.r. * sat sf tl ?a_, aaa_ sf whit! : by a ?aas? r?-: n ? ad !?"? .? *o Z ****t?_. haak? - ~' I i bbhb ?nt n_ ?BQ .. . i.*.?- .? **n. ?i ?... . ^u**ptr?. Bi . ploye? ?>*? v?r; _. . . ?i ,frv e"'i" ' /*w# aaa emi . ' rtr.??ra .-? . - " ?' ' .narked ' S*g '*' !?'-- ? ?*? ?Vassal Tt* Heait.te ln Replying. *_. ?T, ^?'J'!v **ta_i ' th' trn-J* "'d " low will Bat?..*' ' ?aiite.r*'i ' ?hSii, ' ' ' ? .*.,_.A' ?'???? ** 5 n " 'M ''??A W**.o._"b" "*? tk._ _ '' *' ' re? , .- . t4W4*?*''i ?u i_<. gi iWuillJ, 4 JERSEY WOMEN SURE OF VOTE FOES IN DOUE Win or Lose on Ball Question, Suffragists See Victory, - 'iifrhp' ? ? . . ? he 1 n Tu? doubl ira? th? bit ? ( the en ? flow meeting? an and Nan i t of the < - ? . .. ? ? ? rk . '? ? - - ? ? ' . ened he ? ? ? rauds that ? ... p." muy shift '! .? j|i the leadei i who an the 1 ?. certs ? ? ? hat, whs I . , ng will i ? ? when ih< - ? ?? ? is c? ? ly mi: nen ando -? ? ? r? i ?i iw many i ? . i ? ? ? boy m ici ? '!., eollid? . ? - not kno I ? '?? ? en I ' ? leur eses rl ti ? : ? Hoapil red ' ? ' i'1?- thi to the I ?; mor^'i - ? ppori . ? . - car. 20 KILLED BY DROP OF CAR INTO RIVE1 Motor Train Crashes Thront; Bridge Buries Teachers In Water and Mud. ? - . Kan., H?. .. ? from tli eager ear ol tl train that ; Into Pane) i reek, near- here, tu da] a moi?? ?ti'' tajnied an ? ?' ?h?*ni maj . ? mon . ? in th? ''or ward neat of th?. ear. Th ? :'.. ad is now estimate* ? con si ited i : natioi eai 11 through ?n undermined ni.uimcnt ir.t? . ? ? | sad burled ?*:.(! of the ps car i?. flood water? aad mud. relira lato rent by ra Pi bridgi ... ? i*a I 1 youi; From 1 rt of Rill ' - I on ?i - ? ' a tea? t.. bave 11-. n | . i.'p-iio.? r? ?sain ? ? ? sown until r.. !? ? ? ? ? ? * ASHEVILLC- "LAND OK THE BKY S ?? -, . - ' . .. I GARRISON'S PLAN FOR ARMY WINS QUICK APPROVAL Believed Acceptable to Adv?cales of Economy and Preparedness. * \V;i- . ? . - ' ? iri'-nl t..-il.iy tu S..i-ri. Garrisoi ? .' t I it was b? ? ? i In ? - -.i- and at I I :? to th I it th? ? r. Gai ? ?? . . pi .?...?' ? ? . . i, ,-ruiij?. Prediel Baapati f??r rt\njtat?tne. ?? ,.. ...... : bj .1 largi : ? ,.; all proportion rting . Secretar) t..irr. un- array, aft? i I opera -, will eoBi ? ? :.!t.-il troopa in.il oth?T non B tan ta, divided a? foil? - 10,000 ar reaerv? tinental an 400 . .i?".. Organiz? ?i militia . T-lirinkiiRp of Arm? in War It i ? ' t th? a easB ?. [arfe, ted al ? i will be raatei . : ? : . ? ? . I er cent 1 ? : an m ... tal re ? .e coal ? ? ? t with 1 < ,.?iliiiii...l ?in piic?- I, iiiliiinn ? HALF OF VICTIM?. IN LONDON RAD I DIED OF SHOC Inquest Discloses ?I Pew Were Killed Di? rectly by Bombs. Oet. i" n lene? ? ? don ares the /.? p| elin ra ? ?uli of h'ilr' ? fstlm ? ? ? ? Re ha m nul! We will di? ?? ? ? - ?.. ? " - , .. . \ 1 the n? '-ii t.'.iii! : . I a morts ther occupant \ .her and daui ht? r wei found ? ? ? . ? ?I den n h ich ? .r deal ? ? . : thr..' ? sdopl ? . : ?' a fro? - ? ? ? ? :n the ? ? ? red 1 ? ? ? ? ?*!. in? i ... SB full - - Tne London ; : ighi for the i iir raid? . ? ? Lsi ? ? ? ? ? I ? i Frank H. Simonas authoi O? "Ihr Cirr.it War " ^l <>u will know more about the r?cent arivanc<*s in (. h.inip.i.'iif lli.in nv>*?t nf the men who took p.irt when you have reiH "A Modern B.ittle. hy Mr. Simonds. le acting the Editorial Se? tion this morning. The ligfal cr? know only their own shares, hut you ??et a complete pu tuif of tin" operations, step by step. Turn to it now. ?Jlte ^uitaOag ?r?nm.? I irst ttt I ,ist -the I ruth: New s?l.tiitnrtals? \d\ crii*ciiicnis _ _| GERMANS LOSE SIX SHIPS liri.i-.h E-Boata in Baltic >ir.k Five Traaai u ., Oei ? it. : Gei : ???:?.: in.; to ?t :: Oilt .ht. _ . INSISTS CARSON RESIGNED --li:ii|> Sews" Jay? Govemaacal l r.:?.. Utorne) General to Btajr. 1.,: . ?. . i dwar ' I .. ? . >?neral, the ? min ? i?. run!. '. n?.|il i he corre? ? Edward d to a ithdr . i - -. - ' GERMANY "CAPTURES" SHIP OUT 01 COURSE Vessel for Copenhagen arith (.<>t ton Suspiciously ?'iioi. ?I. Oct. 1. !. . ? - cotti ? ? I ? for ( . . cou ? ' ' ? . Bi edina, a ho ? in.; th? in.. p< - ? H 111 [1. ? ?und for G . !.. * I. ?. !?' I the Ru er lia, ... crew wai saved GERMANS ARRESTED FOR /ETNA BLOW-UP Powder Company Electricians Held for Plant Explosion. Kane Peni : . the plant Etna I I Erapo rium, ??' ?l ? .rr> - J, G, Jndd utt; an.-l m* rriliTs of the ?? - -.-...? ? -.;. which ? s explosioi ipped,. ?? ? ha ? ? ..i ??! th? < ??: leron (ail te tal h SKUNK SKINS RUN BLOCKADE Aaaerlcaaa Usa Baj Hall l. ?- ? p ^. u" ?? Btnek at I-??- Pelts. / ir i-- ??' ?? Londea , Oei l( ; ? B market repot | , call? for ? i!, ?-... -r.iiid h*, the ?Hie? r -gardlag Greece, and the BBC sf ?i,- iii.-i ? nr? ?. ?f n ?? i- ?' - ,r\. lo !n?ur. and ?' i. sbsolutel* serenar) f..r u t?> Know who art- our ?rit-nd? jnd who are m:r eacmles. Il Is not feasible tl send an snaj through .? Greece ?hi? H |". ..i '? i..?l'une more thin in ressata seBtral linee thai pras?? i-;. s Im might lu* !". "Hut ? h if ?? t ?? ilble . ? : sal i,..., Bid ht . -i?''.i t.. derlare either f'.r ?i^ or agslast as. if ?he refuses to fiifftl m* ..nr tide then she i? in iiit Bgalast ii?. And In thai case if ri'in.iipa .or th? na? lea nf the Entente paweet t?. tr.-at Greece a? bb 0110.1,? " \ S!? .-?.til?- sf 'ht i.r. ,?: . ...i?t ind the 11 ./nr.. ot all Gi rk ?hip? ?lii". sad ... .?li Greek ieleads is ihr* . i? ?:. .1 ri i.! in 1 be refasal of : ?.r?*?'t t to .i- .1 -1 Serbia." ER?TISH ATTACK NEARVERMELLES, BUT FAIL TO WIN French Assaults in Cham? pagne Also Fail, Says Berlin Report. ?'. -li :??:.. Of 7. Th l.i'. ? rtheast of Verm? ? . ? . . ? ? ? . st TsrioBi il the Chsmps| listriel kubarhre, where the Preaeh *re da eland 'o hs - ? hun drad prie? aei ?? I ree ma ' Oerman troop? are ul?o ' ? move for improving li .- ? n??Weilerl ?:??(. in ' the Vosges, s I reach ? ? .-??-. ! r . I \ H i" \i ? .1 ; - - ? ? i ; ..... t of th? La Sou ? 1 th of . ?.rid Quest imbard a ? ? ? ? es. A '? . of 1 In I 1er ? Schratzmannele. Thi? ceded bj .-. ?e? ei s b. 1 impanied bj a eurtaifl ? it .- treaehes, Thi? ek sa? complet? 1 ? \ . .,-? ? ? . . ? . ? ? OBI 1"'*: ?. >B| OB ' ? ? -i.mnnt of 1. IVeilerkopf an tlii. Serbien . . .'.1 repairs ? ? hi?v. hc'i ' tl ?? m.ir?. . nfirrn tin srj arritei ? ... ir? onl; GeraaaaB, th?. Angle-r ronch tr?>.?p ? ill leave tl I to Agi own battl? *^ee New M.ve ._ain??t Turk.. ? Bulgaria, it ii te I ha ? .? ' t th? fo tunea of tn?> Gal* ; gn, a apea up a ? | ... ... tai tinopla l?y way Bsula. Prona Sal?nica two ra.lwn.yr- project ? orthward to N'ish, the other and following the ? ,:.?1 *.i Dedeaghfl_e_i fr??r. t.ruaa directly to Con*f?nti nneple. Practically the wholo of the Bulgarian portion I* withm from flve ? n t..n ralles of the aeeeeeet, it i* ? | out, ?nd could he dominated I.y the ,:nr* of Kntente wars hip., while Dedeaghateh and other Belgariaa _?a port, eoald ba seised and m_.i?- mn tributing baf*< for th. can. H>/??inst ths Turki-h capit ?' Th?. ot-icial announcement of the blockade el th:? i t? a the otricial Trrsi Hur?HU to ?la), '.*? s? \ ce-a im.ral con*, ms-uiing the ?? Hcditerranean *?>;_?!? baa declared * blacked * -: . _. . from ?'? a. in on th? . ' "Forty light hours' grace irom th?