Newspaper Page Text
FRAUD, SAYS U.S. OF TIN CAN CURE Oxydonor Device, Ex posed b\ I he I ribune, Barred from Mails. I MM RTS AGREED WITH AD VISOR Official Who s.iid Machine Ho Ipod Mis Krokin I fa \\ .?s Mi aded bj Doctoi ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i in The ? - ? <*an . ? ? ? *__e up ? rmore. ? Intent ( ella _ppllsit-C a Fake*. ... ? - ? ? commni is also dir? ? - Y or? i .' I already 1 ? ? ? i ? i ? i ? ? I ? . ? ? - I Perl ' \ I ? rid, and Pr. Johi '?' tilled that tl . ?? ? . ol . I i -..r? I r. Hril Hi- I eg ,-, . . Dr. - ? ? ? - i ? ? . ? ? ... ? l ind*. ? ? | ? ' : ? neh< pr?sentai ? ? i .? ? ear repeal . . . t fron th? pu re h "In ble of ? ... ? ? ? ?.r hu . - ? ? ' r in ' New Facts on Old Typewriters ?nntinueil pint?- I-' ? paid by the ? TI ?Trib?ne . .. ... t, may hm?- ' ? ? When f '?? himself. They ask? eliable, ? a Pit ? ? '* i :. fold? ' ?' I ???*,.. ... ," said he. "It's a ? W." ipposs I wanted to 1 from one of the . ; what '-?? ild they i "Oh, $35. 1 line I ?? ist a long time." "Any it'"' "We ' bi oken part "What about thai Under?r?> "' lh, that'll cost i ? ? ?:?-" "How old is it?" : four yea ? ? ? , . . Mr. Woi . ei thai -.?ni called to h M , Weber' plaint. Mr. Wormser ? fully agita .- Heaven t., witness that h an honest business mini. "Why didn't paii Mrs. Weber'i machine, as you guaranteed to do?" I ? ?!. "My repair man was on a vacation." "Al a matter of fact, do you employ n repair man?" "i >f cour*-?-" I "Where ta he?" "He'i a--. | at Bui therc'r? an Italiai arho com? - in tv. ? do th< work. He's :? good tjrpetrriter ? ?\\ giv< v, I'll give you his addrc Retiring to the i 1 i ' * thoul t I had '. K\ foray, I've ?gol nami right along." ? u somi '?'? mea?" "Y( ite.' This time it wae a et of index cards to which But ? ? ? " igh them a chang? pii it. m The "V\ ho are ? here to hum?! . ? -ht." It w.. ? ??. mpl y pointed out 1 - ' ? ? ate him, but to give him ? ??rtunity oi ? ?? ??, ition of having cheated .. ? ami of ' "l Of m-tari- . . . . \ 1 gel ?>???? 01 * ehaaga allowance for thai "W< . th?' Victor people will irive you a I ?g allowance." Th<* Victor allowance on <i Pittsburgh Visible of this type it jusl one d The "thr.-e or four years <> 1 ? 1 Understood" WM, ?according to it tium??er. al least tw. !ve yean Mr. Wonnser, in his excitement and distress, san! thai his ? ?*?v M hiar.fh ?.f ins father's National Outlet I ompany, and then was not. Furthermore. ?.,? stated that he WOUldn'1 Stand for SUCb e with hi- busineBS; he'd take the matter up with The Tribune ?rTice; he ha.l "?ntluentlal friends who spend B barrel of mon? y with The Tril.mie. an.l they'll .-ee I gtt a fair deal." The influential frier;.! from by Th.- Tribune, nor bai Mr. M. Wormser Hi Falteti 8tn him no ? ? A for the fair di ????'? that. He aai il here, si him. father, I oranl of typewr ? ipert, called at i ? ? u rrns? i- wai .'. . ? , '"'? '?? m the ? ? aid he. "prt ? ai 'i I can ' J! the type-bars, ran il ? ? ?oat new," .... _ _?t._ at ail'' NEW JERSEY VOTE IS UNCERTAIN < ? ?.?inn. ,| Ir, in |.,_r I ' - - I ? - ? ? BERGE? Buf ? ire Pi ' . . - ? ? ' Rabbi W ' nrr.? I n ? ? I ? .By? Ho i ?? ' I . ? ? I . ?? | mon m i;i iM.inN the ? ? .-i majority of fron rding *<? cha ? I by chairmen of the Demo? !ic?in and Progr? ? the majoril ? \ ? ??'. by ] t sufl \? w York and Col tour . ? ? . it .... Helen F . i ? ? ? P ; \\ ' -,.? * ? ? . i mu? 1:1 WH imberlsnd ( 01 ? timei mini lent ^ e declara? ? ? ? .7 '?? ? I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i \mv ? I IS. Hie -ent ... . ? ? 11 age, ?.hi ll< . ar- o| ? ?? ntimlii ? ? ? I ? ? .: to i h it . th it the Pi ? . . p? .i i'.. .:. ? v I, i. , of thi SOMERSET. .... t K9 Tft. a IT rege in '. end Isrgi i ? . ? ?? gthei ed dar ?? bile In tl ? ? I I doubtful. Th? in dir. t it will be d? the e? iinty. Il forecast the i ''? mpa gn. The (?!??? ? ? I ? . I .? moeratic rank '?: . the last ? . rri? oi ?-. |] ??? overe?me bj if women in fnt "i of W ... ? ?. ? re to-night, -. . enator Moaea ? . -,.'l, MONMOUTH. \ pronoun? .1 . . following th* reeenl ? Pri oi '?' favored equal franchise in Men J? it Monmouth i ? titul i . am? ndment. ? ?i headquer : it city . - th? n their f?.l One .-r rai ? up, disclosing that it w;i. ;, No. I Und? imbei 617. (Ai ?In- Under*.i I writer Company it wa enl ted that the machine was manu. ..,) ,.,, Februar) l?Ol.) Thi visitor remarked that the markiuga . age. Al this point Propi ?" r-\hiiiitoii symptoma of misgivings, und suggested that the perha] the buain? s than had indicated. The sympl ' "'' the exact ;,.,,, i their errand ; nte. Hi wa invited to explain the .. t.. n pair Mr. lelt "None of my i ar with the Pittsburgh Visible," ho .-an!. 'Thi ' the only reas? I il fo him." ?Bui you offere I to do it I i Tribune man, ?,. got it don? ' re." Tl ? reu] on Won good faith, off? he to Mr. Mi .... .. made this off? had he expia d to Mr. Mell that hi could nol repair the Pittsburgh make. "I want you - I'm on th. love!. I do a If I want a loi of thinga in thi- second-hand t 1 lainesa. Fair dealing ia mj motto." "How aboul repr ? year-old Underw.1 as practically .... "\\. I Pro] Ir. giving the matter some it, "bo many Kik? I hat I'm prepared in take I? for th?- I : d pi ice." Which an-\\: f..'- whal il th, and nithoul ality. If there li ; I;?, me or th? ol the i ni ire Investigal Later another visit Outlet < n ade b) another ..n and an I i . ood machine bought. WArmaer had grown I and - tl air?*. It was ? i tu be ?- perfect coi dil on, and Wormaer undertook to aend a mail around to I r defect which nii^ht appear .. ...i-. the guarantei ing thai period. The price *as The typewriter ii a very old one. h it by no meana in perfect tion. When purchased th? eft ha ,. was broken and tli? righl hand M"p oui ing i- worn out, .".ud the shift-It ?' work properly and al times refuses to work at all. A. ? appraisal, this machine in good eondit m _s for the re| ii.- clause, w.,r?i ent to Worm*.tob in pair man t-> ii_ the ; ? ? pair i een sighted in the offing, .--?i n appeal eing his g tard by a bad scai ??, s?-? ond-hand Typ >? trivi > a sti aighl ? usiness. Prob fie wished to. It ?a a fairly < -. > 111. ? i ? ? ; ? ess chicanery, this trade of palming oft" unreliable machines upon those who ? ??? . ipon them, in ca i--. for a living. To the man or woman who buya in n t?. auch H'i\. ? ? L ? ? . ivohed i-, ai a rule, a i vere blow. frequent ? - represent ? a total waste of money. No kimi te invalidism than a I Once it has d* ed ii to ?? |i .?-,. it.- upk? ? ? . . ndii .- ? ? intil it i- finally relegated '.?< the scrap heap, whither it t i . n ically have goi e al : . : rom the miali il phase to thu trad I ifacturer auf* i ike the case of thi Underwo the RoyaL They . . ? tl liting honestly t<? ti. their respective outputs, th ;. few little pink-hut lures undermines tin ? extent tha ted. _ ak< the i i i to whom an I ? ? i _ " has : ? ? ? told by tha Mat Outlet < , and . . trike witl \ ? ' y likely he do? l-hand i him a i.: pat?... tone junk which thi : never allow t-. . under th? ? f thi it. He blames hit trouble and loss on th< 1- ,-.. : ' Not pre? an who may ha m the Public Typewriter ?_ Trading Co., oi f what ah? ha 10 or 20 i" r cent a month of ?. will her testimony be to tha l?gitim?t? Royal business? ??: the youth wh. , Rem? it purchase, and lets some deal? ? d-hand caat-offfl >ti(K him with a derelicl sp? which everything has been patched up but the name, and which ;;<>??- when it p] . an it'a tired ??'?ii- an alignment : I tin?.- m Whitcomfa Will that youngster praBumably develop nth. rooter for the Remington typewriter? On P i y not Petty ami mean as the JUI .ter t?a.i?- I ling of the fa aching damage la t?. th. Every ed by a pii I i I ao buying ; ewritei me yeput I . ? gets a ' >' I ? mouth of the "atung" arill, in the long run, p any A....... _ -^. pgpm _^_ .^ at- ?--?-_??? p* - ? ? j ? hereh Bad ??- ? "? d? I t th< 1 Peliticiaai di ? trill carry n. ' ? i ?eta MIDDLES! V ? ? Bi ? ' ?uffrAs.-?* ?rill pi-obabh nrrj CoubI MM i'"1 t ? i ? ... ? .,.??? the eiti? ' ? the rural diatriet cully, the i ? ? " : ? Ifi the Demoei ... H If .-??'. d " * R? ? p. Pfeiffer, .,...- thai ? ornai ? .. I earn ti - bbI In Middli le? ,; * ' . ?ratehei st s bei "f the ir i er, but have 1 ikeB no ad? ? re of i*. MORRIS . Oet Id '>' h partie?, - peel ?'? line prophesy i general . i^.-- ?i ?Iced for. ?it KAN. d, Oel 16, Political leader? ? ??,.,., . 11 -, -,. i woman mffrare amendment. An campaign hn? been carried on irtii -r. Tom? Rirer, Former Governor Fort, Mr?. Ja pe? I ? ?.. Blbeti . Bald? il . i in' II. nei -.1 ?.?her? prominent -?> .-.. in it favoi . rted the eau le. la the rural di il ; ?el i and -, ... River, it la 'ment will be vote?! down. I in the .mall towns it ii expected to Preiidenl tVilai M-nt is lered ?.. have ? beneficial on th'- eat ? si bul I - I 'o h.-.\(. made any dii ? I is believed there will h?. ? majoril one I the eou i \ i I ; MAY. ? Maj, ' '??? It 1 ??? probability that ' ape Ma I " - ? I ? ?h ? ? ? - . tat? lent VI ' ? : of Bell ? ? ? . ? ? . ? a ho Brill go I?? I ? ? t \MHK\. ? amden, ? lei 16 If eomp i will ha' ititution ... lea I nti a, however, di ? rely miaplace 'An.' ? ? . be a ? i ms srity f< ? In this city, wh? r? triei r.r.'l the political sre strongest, I but l ?ire c winning b> s Isrg? Mra. Ward I toi th ' ? ?.- . aid to-dsy: ? in fa? ? ? i I TI e ; ? | to 11? tnd the liquor h?. working har?-i to ;. but the cl m i Presidei t Wil ? ? of I ???? adoptio ?j ?ng in ce ir? the co inty, but the anf;? .le elarc it will 01 ng lie '.'? ? 11? mo rrat . - - th< ? r ?nee. GLOW ESTER. u oodbury, N. ?! . I let 16 giati tioai iv? conduct . ? ? t?te? ha? ized th? organizer? Hi? have all irgelj attei nany promi? nent m ? I ava c 11 ne of i ?dvocate former Act . I ? en D? O. Wal k;n~. known lawyer of thin il effect half for women. -? \l RM. u oodato? ?-. \. .1 . ? let. )?'? h ' headquarter! of the Saleir. Count) frage Lea? te il ? Rive a maioii' ?' Pi lent . ? VII Will . ttlantie Cil Oei '?' ' ? ? ? for B vigol sf at* iff rag? night ta hope f s I t tl maj.r of I ? (Trag I h? ' ? ? ? ? . ? . ? iragement to th? ? - Imp ir .... ? ? . . ? . that t ? ? of th? ameadmenl era mud will prove a big .?.'?, ? a tl . - . the p? mai iffrai ie?l ? ? ''fTort? of ' Th ii fragiii 1 nber of icstion ?1 l.?\<* niore thai. chai . of rinirao. they gal it ?? . and there nt mud ? ? ? fill. The decision of Attorn? ." that a voter [->????.-? . on Tuesday prom ta ? ? b ?? help to rhr- ^uffrnr III NTEBDON. Lambertville, I lei i,; HubI fiHirt-. will probably earry f - if] rage by ' ? ?? hundred Here, ion has i.. it ? ??? n Practically all the n? county er? either in favor or ? Hunter. . D?mocratie eountj Pr? ii ation will inll . ? this cil or changed front ? Support and op| ? Rep?blica? ? :?? the Prohibit ( will lupport the smeadmeal I I i a man. DR. SHAW ANSW?H COL. IRISH'S?ATTAd Not Even Her ?.ritte. She S (an 'Pollute' God She Worn,'*' ' ' ' . Ja. '"' Ann? iw Shaw,,,- - ,-Tr.j-t m. ** ? . *_ to th? p?l ***** b? (vir* II ? ?. ln .'^ ??ounu, ,1 Ir ik a, i?.A ?irii S||jw ? a psllati?, ' 1 ? hang yourii'f' y "? Tnitry."* "Thal ? r,j," ,),, "but ;- ' oratory y '? *r.r *nmtAM I don't b__ lonel Iruh^T r*k p wh a?" H. be p<j??J[ ireaa btin'.^J r?s it I? :rA ',-. i - m' . ?I natsislTu IS? If1.? V*m ?l... ".?.lu?, I fsS-_f, 144 ' > fas_Ny.a TO VOTF. IN 101ST YEA1 Rome, V ... It?--"'-!1 EaraRslsrl^ hihition an?! ~uffrage. - Onil g ^. ?tered h?r? u ? ? Notary Held in Nomination Fnu_ ? Ah rtM i, ?*._? ',': ? r***_w ? ? ?? -'?*""*??? To Parties Manufacturing, or intending -to Manuf acture, in Canada E are prepared to produce, upon a large scale, articles of metal and wood. Our facilities are those necessary for the exten? sive and economical manufacture of the heaviest freight cars and the highest class of passenger cars. These facilities include plants for the manufacture of steel, malleable and grey iron castings?rolled steel and iron products?frogs, switches and track work for electric and steam railways-r-coil and elliptic springs?forgings? cabinet and other wood work?and all prepara? tory and finishing adjuncts. The various plants are distributed from Amherst, N. S., to Fort William, Ont. Correspondence invited. Please address Sales Department, P. O. Box 180, Montreal. Canadian Car & Foundry Company, Limited Canadian Steel Foundries, Limited Pratt & Letchworth Company, Limited Rhodes, Curry Company, Limited w