Newspaper Page Text
The Conning Tower ?he oi the Drippiol Man. ! me a mail ?A dripp **? ***% Ul dripping *r? I wai be HmI n it'. '!l<" s?*n n .-?? ?' >n, *':r' Hfl'-t In ?*? ball tnbb? j*nv kl m a deep i i ? - -? I hnrr.n hern 11 t_M o?*c_n, *>ir, \ ibbe Iain; I ham?, drowned In the deep ? ^f ?' .1 In til?- misting rain ] haena fa'n in n lake, nor yet Yswumme in a ?alttr s.a; lea tell t.? 11 I listen, the man did Bay, a -ul : J jrrr w I '' ing to dry -.?. I Sex. c T 1 : arade will pasa _ riven point, , ^ \ a? . "to keep," the invitation ?j mf ? ??. ? chai i-?- foT you," it - column." Now wc . nn I.. 9 '.' th.. Princeton Data ' I ant -r us it is, without our march'.-i. LOCAL NEWS Ye Ed. was to Wyncote Pa yesterday. Den': ? t to vote for woman suffrage Nov. 2.?Advt. Rw - ed.'i baseball p.-me in Philadelphia. Rex is ' ?ol. '. : treated ye scribe to a brittle* of sarsa ?Mai eve'g. Charley Ri< motor race, a week ago vf?. ? - . ? him the tick. 11 Park 1 ii'.I is visiting Mrs. A A. Hifhl ? ne Mass for s few days. Ar: Samuels : '.ere and Philada was to Oyster Bay Th-isday i ha th Theo. Roosevelt of there 89 been ap; in1 ec'y to Corp. Couns. Hal is now on the job. luck, Stu. growing a moustache again and if it -???-?- re like we did six 3m. ago. 1 working for Cy Cnrtis ? a rite a colui n I the Phila Eve. Ledger. Mn ? ? mine; to see the N. Y. 1 play which Ethel Banyau re i ., in. I ? " mal, in ref'j- ? - cept ar.y money for !_?? war loai it "d .approves of a . Europe," ? the highest respect. It ? s nice tic ethics, an?] Mr. Hearst is hor.or 1 approves of ay," writes Car Lsja, "hr.d he dt -.arc.: I ess, he had figured it out 7 1 thi p the a] read of military *M is I histry ackehelly prove, that ild deteriate ui ii kept up its arna B-Bt ' Ever;. I we cannot help wonder? ing why tn precious as the Stuff ve ler.d. THE CASI oi POLLY A\\ M.M.MS AND STI PHEN ALOYSIUS SPITZ. r Ann ! -cue, ''^? h" ' every ami that she'd met; -h_ha_'7_ ? :kinp spec, hrs here and there, *Ss.?sV_ vhen they'd .ce her: "She's a kearr Shi had esta] -->g adjectives "A 1 ?' ' : ? anl ts as full of h< lei - lievei rashed him on the dorn., *nt* ?" '' ' . in the home " m wa. lin the anti cause teemed lost: ** er v. hat th? wphe? --. ?? ? ' the herculean tod Of tr.'--- ? . ? Ani*v" Mi ihe laughed in scornful glee, Tast littli to muzzle 1 tell him this for me: "'<* bt*. : au ,r en ? little nose iilt"' ? ? and, believe me, dear, that goes!" ,r? *. kly by; ele tion time drew near, And Spitz*! .i- 1 were like thunderbolts to hear; ?Mrs. ; ead his right? HI wrath d**?i<endcd, Te)?.-.-- ?? , . time a he extei '. :" '? ept his invit?t1. - erturbation. ' ' ' ' * ?? hall .?.a- (ing ? rowd was M ?tn Aloysius 1 . ? lied; *j tr\*\i. the gl 1 calmly, with a iimple poise and grand H''1*?"' 1 his thi ed his hah ktie and e 1 ? ... Polly, as she tweal ed his little m^r. Myr.'.n Hay Clark. r ^z""- and ] ? Blades Sharpened ' ing."?Buffalo ?afea?, J,(r ' ? ?. But why, . *( .* cf j.,hi. McCormack'a concert -I'opu ??wquaBt"Pi ? *'"'r ft :, bul yet rnuih-?-?.voted ? ****. m will be only toe happy to reciprocate your , .'r';" ' Columbus, ".. Conventions and Puh ' ******* ? I?, will take but a moment of j^r t!rne ' ' ? .> in 'I ank "-. and, when this is j.'"'' :' ' ? "Mailing B? *-.." "Uncli Sum," we are j. *?';; ,1?, the rest, Won"! jrou be kind enough ***** ^^y should it. ?, M his V ow then ... v argument about whom the ball Mongs Hr?*tWeen th?" time ii tnd and the time it ^^ the catchei ? ? by the ? '?',!'r w^ Jt may 1 Jereey Law i but il baa no Wi for us. TV *i; '" . ,.: Commission. r. p. a. MISS INA LELAN? WEDS S. A. 0RV1 Autumn Dominates Ciow and Decorations at Cert mony at Saratoga. MORISON tTGORMAN ENGAGEMENT 01 MitS .Sophie Brewster, Ma flower Descendant, Rriiie n Henry Oberl) Barker. Miss Ira Lelsnd, of 51 I . I I .'. ?? : | afternoon |g Beth? la pise? rhurrh, ?Sara! ga Springs, t A. rirvj?, us of Mr. si I Mr? ' Orris, at M Wast Elghty-i Ths saseinsny trs? performed by t Rev. Dr. Graham, and lowed f.t the country horn? bride'? nunt. Mis? II." 1 he room? ? rated tumn and Amei lean Be i ?? I ? ? ' bouquet ? pin, th? I . lant? were M - Doro! Mon \onor. n i ickmafl, of tl ' Msybi ?, of Saratoi were the bi Then w? two little flower ?jirl?, Soasa and Vn T? ?!. di ? Mr. and Mrs II.rn , Tod, The brldesmsid? were dressed in y< low satin, voile?! wi'h brown no*, ?ri ron -. ? low fntin hi. mod with brown net. They earn ? let? Of ) ello* rhry*.iir;'.h : mum?. I W Orris wa? bi? brotbei * man, and the naher? were Ivi Wl it? law, John I ' i Idli, Ham It? Johnsl dc Ri? era, . ? . ? I, of this c Ml ? of her daughter. Mi I a, to William Deal irman, son of Mr?. Kobert Emme a? City. an '? SI f-rnduated fro I tltute of Technology, el . Harvard School il? la a membei P . ? ? snd th? Harvard Clu ? of this (\ty. Elisabeth, X .T.. Oet 16, Ml eater and Henry Oberl y Ha n . 1 thi? afternoon i ? ? Church, by the rector, th? Re Paul i: The bride ? Mary Bari ? ...:. Geoi? I man. The bride is a d | of Ma*, Bowei snd ah? ?:an Cabot. Th i briii' p forebear gurred ?'rom in the Ri War. TUXEDO WEEK END LIVEI/ line Weather Bad S???ial Fvent- Drat Man? from City. t By 1 Tuxedo Park, X. V., Or*. 16. Terfec thei many social attract loa ? ? large en *?? <i ti Tu day f..- over Sunday. The ftrat of th mid-autumn ferie? of week-end dance louae lo-niphi who earn? out foi th ned over led by many din nerrt and house par' Amone* those who gave dinner? wer Mr. and Mr E J. nancy an?! Mr-, .1 Murray Mitchell gave n ? fe : -.- Mr. nnii Mn II. X. Tilford had ? dinner at th<-i nd Mr?. Dsvid 9\ ? I i entertained ? Isrge party ? ve Sur day. Next we'-V a number of social event are scheduled for th? week end. M . day there *?i'l be a bridpe whis lowed on Saturday b the ? - danc? an.! eoneludei on Sui ' ' tone golf tourna ? fer the Tuxedo HoapitaL Th? theatrical at the dub Frida? Bight wa: piven by the Children'? Kducn'iona Theatre of New York, ni 'i'1:- th? man Mice Hi !'.* HeiBger one-act play:, were givCB, "Th; Travellii t Man," by Lady Gregory, an. "The Vision of the ftlind." Tl ? Mi Charlea B. Ah ? ... Hei ry I estar, Mrs. Har leatoB I..aeon. Mrs Frederick De P r, Mrs. Henry P, ?Loom!? and Mrs p .-. All the eottagi n were Mrs. Charles IT. Coster and Mis? turned fi m v .. and M : ".li- K. Tslmsga, li | I week? with Mrs. J. Morra? ' Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Bo? .. ? opplflg at the club. f\mon| ..?re Mr and ? ?'. Derham, Mr. and Mr--. \\ II iam Wright, Mr. and Mr H. D Mr si Mr?' h Park E Bell, W. I , . - ; . . . ? V?. 7.p.i I and Mr i Georg? C. Edwarda. Prod , . . th? property -, . ... , colony at dinner I at v. . ? Thui lay niitht. -o? SOCIETY MODELS FOR FETE Women to i:>.hii??t Coiraa in < asspetl? i , ? . n ,,'t Wold Pashloa Ball . Wold ... st th? Hotel ? 10 Gowi th? leading New York a exhibitor) by *, aetint si ? : to th? '1 - ? ted th? ?soot ? , | i ".111 .it I'UC ? .-?? of the srrangei ; u . Sidenberg, tern. Mi La t 0| M i-. 1 r 4V i n I'nl- ? Mn Msuiice Bti n alter J E ilotaon, Mr?, Allefl Lehman, I Mil - Nordlinger and '? r an,| Sim? LILY LANGTRY SAILS St. I'miiI I Saves Liverpool f??r New York with no Saloon Paaatiagora, i '. 1 . ii. ? ! 1 The Ameren* Paul sailed from Liver? pool I . ?? packed ?rith ? , I? i h iv? at? the exeitei i . rhoae Bailing In? Bath? . Lily Lai i cal tour . V. W. V Mr*. Atwill. Alfred ? p A Brand, M D m H ig S Fulle?Tton. Biahop i \ Jol " ' ? aptaia J Morrises Mi.d M.?* K<J*f iJtrunsky. | MISS RUTH SHAW-KENNEDY. Secretary o? t ht- Vacation Wat Relief, win. ?rill aasist in tlio bazaar at the Kitz-Carlton, Oeicbar I'M nnd 29. FATHER STTLLIVAN BURIED Police and Clergy, Headed by Cardi n>l. l'a? Honor to Late Chaplain, II' '?:??! by Cardinal Pari? y. ! the ? atholic clem of New fork ves? t? i ! v ett? nd< I the f ! r Francis J. Sullivan, late chap? ?' the Police 11 psi ? Bient SB i roe th? I hurefa of St Alovsios, Sev ? Avenu?. Bad I32d Street wher? the servi?. With the edifice croa leed, thouaand? of frisad? ;? i ? ? I reign bora of th.- demi priest gathered - the church fanera] pro iB was spoken \ : Right R : ': ss, ami Cardinal Farley pronounced absolution, assisted ' Lavelle a-.d .1?, ? '.?'h 2,000 patrolmen. -. sa foot pres?rnt? d : Sis momt-era of the Police Honor n wt r.- pallbearers, honorary pallbearers were Police Con ?. ??loner Arthur Woods, Park ?oner Cabol Ward, I Thoi a, John B. m P. Larkin, ... Georg? Vb?, Thoma* P. Sw ". it?li, Frank J.Kelly and William 11. Md ormack. 1 .- ..a .pi ? alvai ? . 'in. tery, CHICAGO OPERA IN LINE I arrar Now Member of Company? i ampaninl Here To-morrow. Cleofonte Campaniai, pener:.! di? rector of the Chicago Opera Company, is due to arrive from Italy to-morrow on the steamer Dante Alighieri. II. ha-- engaged the following art! -;: Soprani I . Ed? ?nu, Maria i-'.. . i. .-.ctT, NaUJa Melba, ?'.era,.in." , Emmy Deatinn, Msud? Pay, ? Ahia, Superna Conchita, olive I ? .ml, Minnie Jovelli, ?armen Mi!.s, I-ranees Pese, Helen Stanley, van End?rt Marca van Dn er and Marguerit? Berisa. Contralto? Erneattne Schumann i ?-., Julia Clausson, Eleonora de 1 neroa, Irene Pavlovvska and t yrer.a ?rdon. ! 'er.ors Amadeo Rassi, Hans I'.ech stein, Praaceaeo Daddi. Charlo? Dal mores, Octave Dua, Edoardo Perrari Fontana, George Harr.iin. John MeCor Black, Piaaeis Maelanna, Lucien Mura tor? an l Giovanni Zonatello, Barytones Wilhelm i;?*ek, Hector Pufranne, Francesco Psdsriel, Maro-1 Ma,-nennt, Graham Marr. Tltta Buffo, Msrio Sammareo antl Clarence Whit. bill. SS Vlttoris Arimondi, Carl von ' iraei i ioddard, Gustave 11 ? in, Constantia Nicolay, Vlttofis ? . ! sn ari and Attillo l'i.r. ' . M a reel Chsrlier snd Egon Pol lak will be the eonductoi -. A bow tor for ? p reach work i will be Victor Cbalmin, of Br?ssel? snd Monta Cario, Napoleone ('urotini will have charj-re of the Italian works and I.oomis Taylor will supervise the Wagnerian "p.-).-?.-. The novelties contemplated include "L'Amore I'ei Tre Ke." a*id "I>eia nir-," by Baiat-Saeas, and Leoncavallo'? "V.u.-a," winch ?rill he conducted by the The f.'.at'ir- ? fpf the ? .. -, . . -.? Ring n;.?l "Parsifal," ?. sddition ??> 1 ?uch - ' ? I er " "Tris ? ?? " Raoul Gouns orei-t, "i -, v .? '. Aigle" will be given ' ?.?" 1TI America and ? homo? < w :?? "Cl ?? \ with M Me. | ? ale. _-. BANNARD- MABIUL ?llj; TV?ir?pfi to T? ? Trlutw ) Ha/',? tOI . ?'- '?".. ( '?" I* William Baanard, ? youag New York City buaim ano Mi? ? lily Murkle. laughter of Mr and Mr?. I Hasleton, ?ero n*. irri d here in by ti.?- Rev. Dr. William l; r ? Hr. <?? Roche I i the l ? Robert B, J^ck, <?f Hassletea, ? . ? ee '.i' tOO taras? Isther of th? brid? >- a well kaown c-al operator, banker and street m i a graduate of Yale. ,,i honor ?ra? Mi?? Mar 1 m?rite i<- i ht "f *ait slty. Mis? Lilla ?Tram. ..?' Savannah, was Bower girl, -ft,,, bi ? ware MISS Louise T. ] -, r: Miss Ruth Abbott r Pit ? ?-. snd Mia? Gladyi P and Mis? Gladv? Jone?, of H? ? rd M. Maker, of .New York, was . ? "an. A reception at the Markle reiidence , followed th.- weddiag. The couple left to-msb. for Maine on their honeymoon. They will be at home a' 111 BjSSt ElghtV-foB-tb Str.. :. Now York, afr.r December 1 AN BNGAGBMBNT. 'l he engag Miai i i?i n? Waterbun - ? Mr. and Mrs. Chai rb iry. of Stamfoi i. Cobb . te 9? iltu r Sea .?rd : ?on of Mr? Walter I l-"> bmb, of 121 ?T ?at ?Sev? ? | ? fth Btreet this c:t\. Xo d*te lia. been set fur the I v/eddiiit*. BATTLE OF FASHIONS TO AID WAR WOUNDED New York and Paris Will Strive f??r Supremacy in Bazaar at Ritz-Carlton. Gowns from the beet known design? er* of Xew York end Paris will be on exhibition at the bazaar and fashion revue to be given in the ballroom of the Ritz-Carlton October 28 and tS tor the !.. . ?.' of th- Fiench Wounds. Enter* ganey Fuml, under the auspices of the Vacation War Relief < ommittce. of which Miss Gertrude Robinson Smith ehairasaa and atlas Ruth Bhaw___ea? i ed* is Mcretary. ? Abbs Morgan and Mr_. Ethel? s a >..'" th.- eoa pe 1er, are ? ,: en set ? ?? part In tha an ? and will be saeieted by Mrs. : < ornell I'.- . ? r : . i spin, lira Jena L I, I >';. r, M rs, E ehuyler Van R abeth Scar igh, Mrs. Mary Hatch Willard and many out of ton n commit oroi Dinner evill be ed lach nicht, preceded by a musical programme. Tue revue, under the of J. M. G id . :' .1. M. Gidding fl I ?.., 'sdl be held later in the evening At the "Ba? tear ?I?* Charit?" leuveairs, art gems and flowei ?rill I The balln be decorated with colon ef France. Yale Men Take Up Civics. Arthur Wood:, Police Com? and the Rev. Dr. ,.l> illiaa Sloans Coffin, i 'nr of the U idiaon Avenue Presby? terian Church, will speak at tha ftrat meeting of the Yale five Servies a on Tuesday night in the Yale (.n., Vanderbill Avenue and Forty fourth Street. The leans aims to in tereat .;<!<? men m volunteer servios fur th? ty civic, social, politi? co or religious. .sir LIONEL CARDEN. Former P?ritish Mini 1er Is Mexico, i who died in Lond"ii yesterday. LIONEL CARDEN DEAD IN LONDON Was British Minister to Mexico Until Forced Out by Carranza. FRICTION WITH U. S. CAUSED TRANSFER Reported Criticisms of American Policies Made Envoy Un? popular Mere. Leaden, Oet, 14 Sir Lionel Card*n, who was !!:;?is)i Minister to Mesleo ?"rum 1011 until August. I'Jli, when he was forepd to leave Mexico I II General f'arranni after the overthrov. (?f President Huerta, ?Ii?-.] In London to-day, In hla sixty four'h year. When, in the middle of July. 191... it wa-i announced that Sir Lionel I n I area te become British Minist? i ? ico, tho?. who wen "on the ini scented trouble. Th?? (election eres 00 its fiicc idea! and of precisely the kind that had ratead the British foreign ser? vice to so marked a de| I * sfl -iency a kind, unfortunate!-.-, not so com? mon In the American icrvicc. Biff ?0 nel was a man of long and vari? : perienc. in both consular and diplo? matic du*.:"? In the northern eountriea of Latin America. But he was regard? ,-d, not without caus., as likely to clash with American policies. Sir Lionel's aptitude for and interest in Mexican atfairs wore so marked that he remained in that country for several years. Me was made consul in the City of Mexico in l*^r>; from 1881 te 1889 he was Mr't _h eommlssloBei on the Mexican Mix-.?r Claims Commis? sion, and in 18'.'4 was acting charl? d'affaires at the British Legation. In- ! eidentally he became pecuniarily inter eeted in a valuable tract el land on the la of Ti huant? pec, in the ri i ??? I : : ' . ' Iray and his lates also afterward acquired ex? ten <ive holding*. On the expulsion of the Spanish gov? ernment from Cuba and the establish? ment of the American provisional gov? ernment preparatory to Cuban auton 1 omy, Mr. Cardan, because of his famil? iarity with Cuban aiTair-?, was sent \ back to Havana in I8M as Consul Gee erul, and four years later was trans? ferred to the diplomatic service and made Minister te Cuba, in which of ;c > he remained until 1905. His service in both of those capacities was on the whole efficient, bat in ??? instances it was mere energetic than felicitOUS. He ?arlv came into conflict with Gen? eral Wood, the American military gov? ernor, over the immigration laws, in? sisting that British subject? were to be exempted from some of the pro ' visions thereof, and demanding In ', demaity for the alleged indignity which i one of them had suffered in being com? pelled to comply with the laws; a de? mand whieh, of cour?. , ?.vas not grunted. Again, he sought exemption for a Britisn subject from the quaran? tine regulations concerning yellow fever. If may be added that, despite hi* reputa! ion for ant i-American ism, which never ro greatly deserved ai eras commonly supposed, he married aa Intel can, ?' Anne Elli daughter of .lohn Lefferi i, of Brooklyn, and a member of one of the oldest and moat prominent Dutch families of Long l ilaad. l'rge?! Huerta to Resign. Such was Sir Lionel's record when, in 1918, amid the stormy days of Gen ?>ral Hueita'a rule, he was sent back : to Mexico as minister, to succeed Prenda William Strong?. It wus as ? turned by many in this country that his appointment would mean British antagonism to the American policy, in the interest of British capitaliste, and this feeling was strengrhened by his recognition of General Huerta a? provisional President, while the United States government was persist? ing in its refusal to do bo. Neverthe j less, he displayed no such antagoni-m. I On the contrary, when John Lind's ill starred mission had failed to achieve any material purpose, unie?-? it wus to d'?ay the Convening of the Mexican Congress which was expected to be about to ratify some alleged oil con ons to British capitalists, Bll Lionel led the other foreign represent? atives into a conference with General Huerta and, acting as their spoke-man. Urged him to resign. Huerta, situa? tion, Sir Lionel told him, eras hope - . since the United Btat? ? iraa in? exorably hostile to him, and Greet Britain' would support the 1 State* and give him no heip. When this appeal to ?he dictator felled of it? purpose S:r Lionel advised all British ?ubjeete to get oui ef Mexico. Alleged Criticisms of I'nited States. That was in the middle ef November, ? 1918. A week later Sir Lionel called far British cruisers to hasten from Barbados to Y?-ra I rUS, and demanded 1 that General Huerta should place spe? cial and efficient guards about the l'ear?on syndicate's oil fields at Tux pam. Before the end of th?- month he warned all Brifsh residents to regis ter themselves at the legation. Amid the??? times there appeared m print un alleged interview him, hel?l a' "i tic . I Ity, in which he mad some unfavorable commenta ai Ameri ran policy la Mexico, The authen? ticity or the eorrectneaa of thia wai promptly denied by him, but his was not fully accepted at Washington, where the increasing futility of the Pre ..|.-nt's policy wa. h dueing en abnormal sensitiveness to criticism ot I any kind. The conviction prevailed, or at least was professed, that S.r Lionel was an anti American Intriguer, whose. departure from Mexico would h_ plead? ing to th" I'nited Stau-s, would con firm friendly relation* between this country and Great Britain, and woul.i facilitate American solution of the ... probless. Sir Lionel Called Home. There v.u.- little surpri e, therefore, when, early in January, 1.1 1, it W? ; rted 'hat he was to be transferred to Brazil as rnini*ter. At the ?i"i af February Sir left Mexico, and "ii March '?'. he B_d a long conference with President Wilson at Washington on Mexican -i which was, however, unsympathetic and Inconclusive. Boon aftel his arrival in London it was officially announced thai Sir Lionel would be sent back to the legal Mexico, and on April h he left London for rhat narpoOO. J-st a week later, however, t.?1 was gazetted as Minuter to Brasil, and it became apparent that he was to go to Mexico merely to serve out the hrief remainder of his term. He went thither and earne?fly ?ranted General llut-rta againal further i ?? to the demand- of the United -?_?<?? Early in March, 1918. a report became run-? nt that s.r Lionel would present?) be relieved of the Miniatry to Brasil . ?nd would retire altogether from the | diplomatic service. ?mm\ -? ^ ^1 SEAL Gott full flare skirt and -belt, trimmed witli ?loable fur Rus? sian Sable .hiker collar and two-stripe, deep cuff. Mad?.* abo In B.ib> l.amb, Hudson Seal. Caracul and other Furs, trimmed with various combinations of your own selection. The heavy demand for Furs in the trimming of Gowns has helped to bring; about conditions of extraor? dinary activity in the Fur Trade. Early ordering now will in? sure delivery of your Furs before the extreme cold weather sets in. fi joeekeig c7UJT?J-77T5 Q) 384 Fifth Avenue, Telephone, (?re-Ay 20u Ret 8.1th rand 16th St?. GENERAL FREEMAN DEAD Wit Rrevetted Twice for Gallantry In Civil War. Douglas, Wye., Oct. 16. -Brigadier General H. K. Freeman 'retired., died here to-day in bis seventy-ninth year. General Freeman served fifty-ocu years in the United States army, ril? ing from the rank?. He rendered dis? tinguished service during the Civil War and various Indian war?. He was one of a parly of t'nion prisoner* that succeeded In escapin?, from Libby Prison by tunnelling under the wall?. General Freeman received brevet commissions twice in the Chrtl War. In IMI BS was rv.ado a captain for gal? lant and meritor.uu? service in the bsttlfl of Murfrcesboro, and in l$t,2 h" was brevette.1 major for gallantry In | the battle of ?h.ckamauifa. He re ceived a medal of honor for dietin i?ui?hed ?ervices in the battle of Stone River, Tenn., on December 31, 1862. Th? funeral will be held in Washing? ton, D. C. i_?_-? - CAPTAIN WILLIAM H. REINHART. Captain William H. Reinhart for ! more than forty ? member of the I'nited States UfeBOVing Service, and1 for sa*slrty?BiS years of that period i keeper of th" station at Arverne. died rday at the age of ?eventy. i sptaia Beinhart retired from the lifesaving ?ervie? last sprint?, shortly i.e ?rSS injured while goir*.?? ta the aid ?if a vesae! in ..?stress. He was a native af the P.ock ?eetiOB BBd spent hi? entire life there. H? leaves ? wife and one son, Poatraaster V. illiam A. Paeinhart, of In wood. -?-. JAMES G D.I.EN. James f?llen, who was the las? sur viver of the Civil War organization. Quartermasters af the Merrimac, died yesterday Ib hi? ?eventy-flftJi vear at his horn.-. 171 India Street Greenpotnt Horn ir. Ireland, he came t? America I when a lad. When the war began he l nlistsd, and for a long time ?OTVOd on the Merrimac. He won speci'tl com? mendation for bravery. After the war Mr. Gillen returned to the towboat business, He leaves three Sons, Polio?? i sptain James Gillen. Joseph and Will? lam Gilleen. MISS GRACE NEWTON. Orange, X. .1.. Oet l?. Dr. Anne B. | Xew'.on. of 187 South Orange Avenue, ! South Orange, baa received wo.-<i from Pao TinK-l'u. China, of the death of her j MSter, Miss Grac? Xewton. tifrv-tive. a| onary connected with the Presby teriafl Board. Pre? ion? to the Boxer nsinjr ?he traa head of a school for Kirls at Peking, I'uring the of that eitv in 1900 the school est ds -?roved, and ?h? returned to ?hi-* coun? try for two years. A new school was 1 uilt for her in Pao Tittg-fs arid she i r?s been ?tat m ed th? ?? - see, NS II II AM H. KOIUNSON. William H. Robinson, etlitor of "The Iiaily Trad? Joui .lead at the ?home of bil Sarah an 1 EliSB? both Bobinson. at Blmhnnt Mr. Boo? ; insnn was fifty-fiv? yoan of ?r*?, und ? I a.l been ill from a complica: ?es. Ha v.-k a brother of th? lata John T. Robii -o... a lawyer ami form rr iper eritei II?- lesires two sons, ? ' William II. BBd Genrife, and a daugh? ter, sTJisabeth May Rohinson. Mrs. Phipps Buys 89 Acres. Mra. Henry I'l ipp? ha? decided tO ?'than home in the Wheatlev Hill? leetlon of Long island. Bh? has I eight, r. i..- i.rr. ? OB? ' i I.lal? ? tata. otraed a) . n K. Van lerh It Near bi are ? ? 1! rry Payn? w ; w. fit ...? , ,,ii other well hno i.. ? ms of Mi i, Phipps (a at the i ? r ?.f Eight ? enth Street and Fifth Avenue. DIED., K. Augusta. Mill?, Charle. R. Donovan, Ell anor. N> OtOB, Gl BC ?? r, Dani? Newtoa. Grace c. M h ?? Kodier, L Jo-cph. Mann. Henry. VbB Di? ...yC. BRODT "n Saturday, Oc'ober It, at her residence, Dona Lor ins:. Va., B. Angosta Brodt ?ridon of the hits ? hurl?*, I.. Hrodt. Notice of funeral hereafter, *, DONOVAN Eleanor, on Saturday, f>. tobar M Funeral Tue-'. . a. m from her late re.denee, 411 Washington ?t.. Hoboken, N. J. EDGAR Daniel, ?on of the lat?* Daniel M. and Julia Lorillard F.dgar, at Greenport, L. I., on October 11, 1916. Funeral private. HINTER October 14. 1815, at hi* residence, 2079 Fifth av., Thomas Hunter, LL. 1>. president emer,tu? oi Hur.t..r Norma! i < u?ege, in h.s .4th year, Funeral service at the Ca? thedral of St. John the Divine, Am stenlam av. and 11.1th st., on Sunday at 1:80 p. m. The graduates of Grammar School No. 35 and of Hun? ter . Normal. College ar* lovingly in vit? I. At a meeting of the Executive Com? mittee of the Thomas Hunter Aiso ciation, held this day, the following miaute was auanimoualy adopted: Whereas. It ha* pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst tho great educator and honorary mem? ber of this association, Thoma? Hunter, whose per-onal trait? of character have ever won our sincera admiration and reverend acknowl? edgment of their value and power; therefore, be it Resolved, That In the death of Thomas Hunter we realize a great loss to educational interests anl of a man and citizen of this great com? monwealth whose character was be? yond reproach and of the highest integrity; whose active life was pointed toward the noblest ideals and the peeOMS-OB of knowledge for the upbuilding of manhood la truthful? ness and honor. Members ef the Thoma* Hunter As? sociation of Grammar School No. 115 are invited to attend the fu?era? of our late beloved Dr. Thoma* Hunter, from Cathedral St. John the Divine, Amsterdam Av. and 112th St., Sunday afternoon. October 17, at 2:10 o'clock. Please assemble at Synod Hall, Amster? dam av. and 110th st., at 2 o'clock. THEODOBE H. BENEDICT, President FRED. R. Fl'RTMEYER, Secretary. The faculty of Hunter College and the instructor* of Hunter College, High School and Model School, to? gether with the representative* of the student body, will assemble in Synod Hall, 110th at and Amster? dam ave, promptly at 1:45 Sunday afternoon. Janny Hunter Kindergarten Train? ing School and alumna, are invited to atten_ the funeral of Dr. Hunter at the Cathedral. ?nod, ERNEST C. HUNT, Secretary. MANN Henry, on Saturday, October IS, 1911. at 8:11 a. m., in hia .7th vear, b? loved husbnnd of Emm? C. Mann and father of Olaf Alexander, Ellery Wilson and Richard Henry Mann. Funeral services at hi? late i residence, 611 West 176th at , Mon? day evening at _ o'clock. Members Of W. S. Hancock Post, No. 2__?{ G. A R; members of .2d New York Volunteers and friends requested to attend funeral without further no? tice. Interment Mount Hope Ceme t. iv, Tuesday morning. MILLS Suddenly, on October 1 ., at hi? late reaidenee, near Middletown, N. Y? Charles R. Mills, in the Nth year of his age. Notice of funeral later. Newburgh. Fofl Jervis and Goshen paper* please copy. NEWTON on Tuesday. October 12. at Paotingfu, Chira, (?race, youngest ii '- r ?-.f the la?e Frederick W. ten, of Sou'h Orange, .*.. j. NEWTON On Friday. October 15, 1918, in this city, Grace Clarks, wife ef Richard Newton, jr., and __uphter . '' Fanny E. and Thoma* B. Clarke. Funeral private. BODIEB On Friday. October 15, 1918, L. Joseph, beloved husband of Aure? lia B. Rodier, in his 86th year. Rela tivei and frien?ls and member* of Kratern ty l euaei .11T, C. B. I_; Mon tauk Coline:!. K. of C; Brooklyn Council, U. C T, Iff?, l.?ng Island; ? ? nercial Tro .aeociatioa of Artet ca, Travellers' Pro*. Asi . Brooklyn Council of T. P. A, Post C, are invited to attend the funeral from h-s late resideaco, I * Moffet st., Brooklyn, on Monday, the 18th, at 8:80 a m. Thence to .hutch of Our Lady of Lourdes, Aberdeen st. and Broadway, wh??re a ?o'.emn req? uiem mass will ho offered. Inter? ment Worcester, Mas?. VAN DIEN At F.a?t Nutiey, N. J., on Friday, October It, 1911, Mary Cas? dace, . of Richard V_n Dien. _ uneral service? on Monday, October Is, at her late home, ..I Centre at., Lu" Nutiey, N. J , at 8 o'clock a, m. Interment at convenience of family. C ..lf.TI.KlB_-. TUT WOOIII .VV*. ( BOMBTBBI. Ill . 9i R. 11?'.mi Train and .. Tr_H*.. l.ota or ana' ? '_<? .' r ??.? CORRECT MOURNING SILK WARP HENRIETTA TRIMMF.D WITH vJfff ??utlaa BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE ??amanB?n???^?a*t?i*^m?***i?*m?^^