Newspaper Page Text
New Facts on Old Typewriters GUARANTEES WHICH WORK NO BETTER THAN THE MACHINES Experiences ol Tribune Investigators with Fakers Who Use The Evening Telegram to Attract Cu? o lers?How Fat Profits Arc i;t Across on Rebuilt Machines. By SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS. trning! Stop, ire th nking of baying a type , i ' ? i telling ftm hew I i , are are 1 er signs ? || B] : Bell ng out I ; like new; Ts-el ng cr; aeril ?a; also 1 ? I Fu'.ton et ! - his eoi in the pale - mid be rai ... ? ? too, ai the furni tu _-houae 1 "If it. | ?'- ? -? " Even in this hospitable medium there is perhaps advert'- : no line ? ? trade more thor itabls than the fakers of the _?-c?-.nd-hnn<i typewriter business, repreeent?d by the concerns to which I have j.ii preae. *? ttl? fre*> Bdvertiaing above. The Wormaer family, father aid eon, are t.n- leading exponents, BO faT r. The Tril ? ?ntet ve-, of the "phony" second-hand types? i its | i v nnaer, the f at M -Form er, the son. The fal a propriei Mai at 882 Bi adway, -,..., ? tadway, und ha : ; nnei y a conned Co., BOW d< ? ? tore in Brooklyn. The Public Typewrit? unlhmented ?.er i- wril ,. .- credit with r?ra. One I manu fact iring ????r. eerna n it? franl y that il y foi cash or on ?<-. is Invariable I : pa; ef ors th? N are dsliver? nd-hand typewrltei trade, which is unable t., dr. ? I OB the liberal term.?? offered (not lived up to) by the m with eKl ration or affection. The rally, The I ; t friend of the faker Mr. Irvine Meltser lied hi tirst, aeeond and ea with The National Outlet <"o. und S. Wonne? Ol thia particular occasion the concern appeared in print snonyn tore, 885 adway," I ypewiiteia at $6 up. Tiie ? ,p" an th? prii ?pal featur? leal, as ? ; m bii ? : ?-T: . . | | ig ne year from dste, same ae of charge, if oui of ? r<i?-r by oaual wear." ? Mr. Meltzer tell his own story, told ii in writing his eomp I this machine could do everything but typewrite r,:'ter it . to _m i telephoned Mr. vv - about a dozen time* * . - la n_a_? to rep.m th? a, arid after each lly promised to have a nan call. I finally achine down n ? another In ??xchr? talkad hia the es ge, g ring him No. 12, guara teed bra _ ? and extracting $7.60 stamped on his ... Melt, i I -?> thai lie could at any time with '?'.,. There srriting I thia - ' 7. the second receipt, although on the first there a ? r'or ? ? t ? . ? '.'i^itil?-. Tj ; ? ned 1 trange ? ipon the diaguated ? r demanded .'. hen tee Wormaer ire that the ?ken it ' told ? il Wormser ?d that he m ith u 01 m ? 1. Wormsei further d< alinga with auch ;. be waa charg? I ght the I amo. for tl.. Pittsburgh . achine ?a purchasable anywh I il to Tribun?.- repre ..', tiiiM price. his sale at $30 to Mr. M- ' '? typical bit of trade of the "pink-print" type. "Like father, like ion." With M. Wormser. of The Public Typewriter and Trading Co., anoth? inl had much the. .amo expe ? *,?, Worms? 1 found It neceeaai to better attend to ? ?tneei f buying a NE w . ? frans," ? nica I here M 4 lias r. . ?-,.-? i-1 eaae ? t . _iii i > ?- the typewriters th..s concern advertiaed The name ?' th* I ? _ Trading ( om Womser. I finally paid the ; atamped particularlj t kept ut repair fot '_ 0 ? ; by _suai propi . .?iirantee, ai years uni ...????? : onths' In? a repair. I at once ?er-1. ? ? :.,. pnblic S te repair th? daasage at once, .f he n???!(! do it tiie next day, ? beau 1 fron Uten I tried te fat ,v..ri on the 'jvlone, 1 their billhead _hrv advert.?e 'phone conn. | -. BOUld BOt get then-, in a fern day* 1 went down to see 1:.? repl. 1*4IIitatT. >? ?aid Mr Wormaer was not In; ha ?m n bia Brooklyn atora urtil ? ' o'clock, when he would attend to New Tort buaiaees in tha afternoons. So 1 left a note telling h.m of my dilemma, as I had to the work In hand at once. I heard nothing from him. Two davs i ?rot. ? card; ne anawei Yeaterda) I ?rent down again; Ihe recall he waa "out," no telling erben be would be in I *a_ tl at 1 ?a. beta. ?eat. After talking to the Npr^aUtto, th . A ? ,iert young fellow told me that l waa waating time te loot after ha" ing my machine repoired by them, as "nowaday* that (tamoed Guai -mi. anyway." repaired them a_te?_n_e ?_?__ ' - H 1 would p.} him a dollK . r h ' , ?el auch treatment, but it w** ae uae b?tail? a .?? more ?? wy a, bad as hi. employer hav.:, old ? > . ?????( *?" ? ?N to ni a mechanic to repair the ? ? .. ,, j . , . ? repair me re sni.l that you trr to atop auch pie. la '.here any w?v . n 'rnm .?eh .hark?* I ?m .?__, Of MS i..,, . ?. _____il . und I are ai ,1 led to The Pultoa Tvne ? . p as ? KA. ? ardid the ? \ ... '?-??? the v . I .Hi UllrJ _u |._4? 10 I P Wr.D TWICE ON ONE LICENSE Ceaple Bamanlrd in ihur?h el Bo? linnil'? 1 ,-?ilh . ? ?e?ter '. ? an ; Hack? " ata ..?: rr . : ? the Cal . . . ,..? o*B for th? . | - ? f th? T th? Be* thei 'ame? ? ... peter'i tuguit 10, 4 HELP IN OPIUM ROUND-UP Three Tibet GypetOS and * <hlne?e Ar ro?e<l of Sn.ogi.ltns. Tire? alleged gypsy aplom smog glen from Tibet known a? "Hoek-o Doys," and b Chin. rrostad j.p,., mi ! ;?' ?ton Lewi!, Kvte *'? ' * Bess li Bar? cotlei _ th? first ? ' "Hoek-e? nt 1b East 1 reel ?ft? his arr??< isrten of th? ?? F?.r lythi Itreet were ra-.deil, where a quan .-? 0piun in ? ni worth MO each ?..'.er th? floor. T . pi ??,.,. ware '? ?Id la fl.n.inball Paper? ae led la ?h? healrjuc-'er? of I a, accord r,r *o In *.--.. f the men, . .. - . ? i ? ?muggier 1b , -, a here i ? ?.:? ' "?? i pool nnc " FASSETT RETURNS TO BELLEVUE WARD National Product*? Head Back in Hospital, as Physician Predict? cd When Court Freed Him. With "Margie" of the choros a? a '.rn.'.' figure, a ' >- hour taxi rid-, a tour of Brroadway reatauranti ? :?? in a poll? I all haprnn Ing Friday night and ear.'v .;-.*-ir.liiv I ?iwrenre T F.nscrt, pres ?,...?? of th? National Produet? Com? pany, ?a? I ask is th? psycho] ward of Bellevu? Hoapltal B? left the ward on Wednesday, when J Kord, of the Supreme CoOlt dl?regard 'nu th? opinion of Hr Gregory, ?anity ? refaced to commit Fassett to an ?on. r.ys ago Fsssett was sent to Bellevu? for ebservatioa upon the ra? qui il Urs. Fassett sad his brother. On Wednesday Dr Gregory reeom mi nded to ?' istie? Ford th< grai til ,? i ; ass? ?. ? ?. lath e? that ? b? committed ? ? Bloomlngdale ? , refused Dr, | ? ? i i ? ? oonld bo BBCl ' '**?' ' ty-four ? ... . Will am P, Bpengerman, ownei rsb, to th? Hotel Marie \ i I inett? where Fasai tl beoB living,st B o1 lo k I ridsi night As he left th? hotel " ?? ?"'' l" VI ? I to hi? arm. tho r> . laeidentally i"!.i th? chauffeur she was ,. " ?-?.?! Garden ?how sriil and I gi? en her that ri . jewel and ? day or two apo had given her a % 100 fur Tht ? ral ?top wit? ? '?'? ?< t: de | ind then th? th? 1. ir and th? imperial b>* fore ? ? ? achl d. Af'er an '?' | ? ? ''i'., rg? wil n out hat ed. "They ie oui Pleaae go l eck and g< hat an?i < i at,'' Fasset! .? al!?.?.''*.! to have told ""'' irgi? sni h? .ftei four ?a , Then Spei rnrrg ? . ? ?.; ied to r ?. ,u ?I the ra taken I ? . acker ? ami ..i derlj ? ]>r. Steele re? on be placed ird th? t? !? phone :p iml er he i "Pies a doi had me in ?? ? WIFE TO INVESTIGATE LOVE TRANSFER STORY Mrs. Hunter t<> Examine ?lu .?and Before Separation Trial. Mr tflnie Belle? ?He Hnnl talned an order fr?.m .' terday to i ?amia? I r? leri. -. v. . Hooter, h lav?>*r, before 'rial in her' suit for a separation. Bach an exami ! nation in a divoi i ? unusual, l.ut Mr? Ranter ?aid prove that Banter'? den i il of . Mon? Involving i msrried woman ar not true. The SSaminal ?n ha? '?? ?et for October 26 Hunter to] I Ml | | . mntoal friend, sc ? to 1 that h.s ;??? .? fei ' }\?lv.?? r ?. f her," si intended to trsir. 7. * h sffeetioni to h r-.i :?? congenial woman. He offered ?mit hi? wif? to remain a? mia ' ? ration, I proved, might bs nportant m Hunter*? iuit a?/a?n?t John Harret t Kerfoot, BOveliat ami C .Uejfed alienatiOB of Mrs. Hanter*? u-Tect on? Kerfoot ?rhoas late wife wai a lister of Hunt. r. ?a? Ranter*? classmate a* Columbia I olleg? Kerfool snswerad the alienation Bail by laying no affec? tion exist? i between ?he Hunter? when, it is ;. ,. won thos?. or' Mr Hunter Kerfoot also I ?. n Mn Hunter*? late?t move ?? an inveil ?;? ?? "r ?f iir'/tin allegad Beta of H in New Orleans. H i? allegad Banter and th* un nameil woman visited the Southern city ' ? ? ' ? - Whil? he was in New t~)r , leans Mrs. Hunter was at Atl TURKEY GUNNER KILLS CHUM RutUhot Chnrjrc Hit? LowtatOWB Man In Fare?Another lladlj Wounded. Ill? TV.?,-,: ...,f ) ' ?*' ? Peni . Ott 1>". M:?taken for a wild turkey by one of his com rariors. Thomas Kemerer. ? hunter, of' Fork, twenty lerea yean old. wa? instantly killed neai here, v? > , '? charge af ?hot from the a . Clarenc? Gri? r, of MeVeytown, ..truck him in the face at clo-e ra An inquest wai conducted I . i .?? ,-,? of IfcVeyt ? and the jurv i. dl red ? n i lid , i ? l'ort Boyal being truck i!> is in p critical . lion. FLANNERY LEFT HEIRS $1,600,000 V\ ?dov. and Tun Daugh? ters to Divide Estate of Disbarred Lawyer. HE WON WEALTH BY REALTY DEALS Punched Over Condemnation Proceedings SI.000,000 In vested in Securities. jo?*ph A. Flaaney, th? dl abanad lawyr, who died or. S? ptembor V"1. at Hewlett Loog lalaad lef, an estate valued at about |1 Most of this f BIBB BBSS' In real sstal ?hil? acting in prr ? ' :nr?tiori of allO '?ere r'sponsibl* ffT hi? disbarmi i Appellate on. Of the eftate %lfi00fi?9 0r more is Invostod In railroad und In dastlisl securities. II? also held sev? eral group? of N'ew Fork City b->nd?. Mr Flannary left no Brill and Barro? cat'' Cohi lai ? ' laai ad letters of sdl Mrs. Viola M. Flsnnery, his widow Horn! was fixed at |l He? of bond Surrogate ' ?hi n permitted Mr?. FlanBer* ? t th? diapositiaa > ? -???*. - . ?.rk ! If? Company, ?ecurl tlei valr??d st .??....".''? BesMea these Flanne?. left pro| *. ted a* 1500, ?'.00. an?! real esta?? rained at 510(1,000. Some of the ?ecuri'ie? that will be deposited are BOO ?bar?? f.reat North? ern, IflOC Korihen Psdfle, .'?'*'? Baltl mors <*. Ohio, 1,010 Chicago, Rock lal? snd AT- ?, 1,000 Lehigl Valley, .r''"> ITb?ob Pacifie, 500 ?Vtchiion, Topeka & Han?a F?. 50 Lima Le<fomotlra Corpora? 50 boni!? of ?he ?ame corporation, ondi Miasoui Pi I 121 rhicago. Hock laland I Pa ? flc, M Sea York Ott] id I ?hare? of thi Merchants' i Mecha H.-.nk of Baltln ora Mr?. ?Flannery ?I th her ?wo daughter? at 41 eth street ? *ff ?rill be di? Ided among them MAKES BIG PROFIT ON EXCHANGE SEAT Edward Popper Bought in 1870 for $1.0.000 Sells at $70,000. The ?ale of the Stock Fxchang* *eat of F.dward Hopper lat-t ?rook marked the passing from memliership cf one of tiio famous "forty" who bouch? their seat? ?n IS79. Mr. Hopper paid | 0 for his ?eat and has |uat sold It for $70,000, realising a profil two transaction! of |H,000 Concerning *v" period in which Mi Popper*? Biemhership wai sbti Boberl Losaing Biloa, th* Stork ! i rhangt hi?torian, wrote in 1914: ?In Iiecemb.r, 1879, to provide fund? for the erection of a new boildlng, fort., memberahlpa were offered to eompi - ? ? ed bide, which brought mi avra.n of about Sl-l.OiiO. Thi? -i?. the ?.nal rii.-f.l.. iship tO 1.1'".'. ar Wfl eh Bgur? ? I since re . ? ? ; . rsrd Popper wa? the hitrhest bid th? * rat teat paying for if. 'lhe lowest ?ear lb] Jama? Barnea, who wa st I it time the voung . , ? Oft bei th?pa ?ne 'Alpha' *: ? v I r. F [ r. Barn ? 8re ? h Georg? Arenta a* th ?- 1st? nrvi? ..ra." ? I; Popper. .. -a his son in low, Stern) ach, and ?? i P . per, eted the brokerage Arm i Pop ? Iternbacl h thi? "i that ?he *d out lome ? th? bi ?? FLAGS AT HALF STAFF FOR ANTHRAX VICTIM Riverhead Buildings Lower Col on Pending Stackpole funeral. ; ? ? Oct. 16.?A? - ? d here, flagi ??? ?e Bewa ?it ? ? ?11 re i ? srroa n ?? eg? ? d eoad i were ? ? to-day. Th. rch and ? : impl? i ?lude I > r I Dr. E. W. Pei tan: I>r Allaa G T? ? hai 0 I'. ?? . of Bi? erhead, , . ? irga A Bi ?? r Ai I G0ELET SUED FOR $10,000 Maalciaa Baya He Was Injored by Breaking ?<f Wageo Wheel. i so - ?ace Morris, a mnsl so, I 11 t a sail ?? |1 M laasages far personal injuries before Justice Tom,) kins, '. m Kyaek Bgail ?t, rhe mult re, which ? < jury -. ?on retorning froi intry place. lilenmore Lake, it. Orang? . oaaty, '*..> thrown ont of '. wagon owned hy the defendant. He eUiin? he WO? permanently injured ra? a rasait Si I .ent, which WS? i ! bv th braakiag of a wheel. Thomas Coffer, ans af Mr Go? lit'? soaehmsn, will * a witaeai ? th ? defence. ?-V ? STRAND ROOF GARDEN am. . . i ?, DONT MISS OU? *-\ CAFETERIA L.NCHE0N I : a m te ? p tr DM p?,. r*a? a- ' , '? - rnMf to oua AFTERNOON TEA. a ? ? ' i etarn n Y?tr l(l?st?? l? MM f <r*nl*|. i i? It i ? * ?? ? ? ? -. 8 l| ? . ?iMVITTI I II BalNCl Ml ? _ 44 mm urn _t M t? HI ItJ.Ik -?-..rrity of I-yee Will < ?use Short? age nt Some < <?l??ra icij T??r.g, ? srily K? member This U hen una..'.. ? - the color _ ? . . have H These Off. Poarteeotfe at Wet? ft fifth A??n?m On Sal? Monday and Tl ?*?!? LAST WEEK of 13?Z GREAT FALL SALE D%.. Th r Crdi sy Sere Tme and Troub!. '??"r'i CUrk ,v'? Them. STYLISH APPAREL, HOUSEHOLD DRY GOODS, SILKS, DRESS FABRICS AND HOSTS OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE ARTICLES ( Economy-Meeting-Style Sales ( Birthday Sales, Etc., Etc. These Many, Many Challenge Offerings for Monday and Tuesday! AS AGAINST FALL SALF. SPECIALS For Tomorrow and Tuesday. $1.19 Broa-dothe-4. ?r.rh .... 1.00 All woo ...i.^r-.! and *?'* ril--k - .?ry or? ' greene, ? r-ii blur and blnck. i\ bei i snle of these Bros lur customer- kr.ow what to expo? ' and 'ho rocponse is tremendous Limit 10 yds. 79 et. Striped Satin*.M Yard a I? a white o? eoloved stripes and black or contrast col ?I groan |f Limit I? yd? 7. ct. Black Silk Taffetas ...O Yard ? do B 1 h, 'u'.l rich lu?tre Limit i 9 ct. Yard-Wide Cambrics . 04 r undei rear and general u?o B - ? i .-<?.:. ;i* is advanc i . Limit 11 yard* $1.24 I.ongrloth?12 yd. pc .OT ' nch good viikr ?? o wear? ing .. Limil pleei MJ9 Confortables .''...... Lam? ?'?. el filled lateen covered let gni scroll Btitchii g eut si te 7::>" - Limit 2. $2.19 Silkoline C?m fort ah Ire _4IT lira'.?;. full I ' Ion well stitched 19 rt. Reversible Robe Cloths . 1 _.'? Plain color*, also fancy ?tripe? Limit 12 yd? $1.9 - _: HM Wool Mixed Blankets ,'t.05 Full and extrs alss. avl Its wi'h ;ored for ^in_!l end threo-quarter bed* Limit 2 pnir?-. 21 ct. Whit?, linen* . .21 v.l. ?| i bvi for blouses, dress?. etc Limit 12 yard ? HJfl \il-l.inen Lunch Cloths -?ils* heavy quality 'At .fft.'iO MILLINERY For thr Most Exacting Demand*. We want you to know of these ex tr?ordlnary value* and be ?rar? ?hem....We charge for the actual merchandise, being pro-id to offer Mich *up*rior styles a* the** at our ?avlng prices: Included at This Favorite Price Are: GEORGETTE eHILORS of An* mir?.!. velvet euparb ontrleh BSVelty plum* nn.l coronet band. NEW GIBSON M O DFL HAT, harlng gold (sea trrtrwri and eloae-fl tttng brim of black velvet, uith novelty tinsel rose and leave* ?s orlv trimming. SMART WALKING SET?Beau Brumm*. h*t of black ?Ilk velvet, having band of skunk and ruche of ??pphir* moire ribbon around 'op of rr?r?r.. p.-c. piece 'o match a tiny tin?*l ornament or, each MOURNING MILLINERY *. this price afford* matchles? raines many fine rumples from one of the choicest designer*. RRIPES' AND BRIDESMAID. ' HAT. A ?pecialty here in which we ma?n ?nin SUr sipreracv A QUESTION Ton who have bought during (_. Great Fall lelo-dld ;ou r*.e|? g* value for money BSpeadodftl t think we are .n? pre'Um,?c whtB ??ay there were theuseada of ?uitonm, who will agree with ja that the Val^. ?n our Great Fall Sale wer, by ?*??._.. THAT Untrimmed Black Velvet Hat*? Regularly $2.98. .. .Special 1.98 Lvrns velvet i genuine)- full varietv of n*w large and close-fltting shapes from high-ela*? maker require but little tHmming WE TRIM HATS FREE UM .'ripe del ? ' ... ? . m Limit tat ST..-; All-Line* Sot? . *..?:?? bao? able ?t_rr-.'_ round ?nd ?fx nepkins. l m-1 ill. Little Toi?' Bath tehee .98 Light end dei !? colon teallop? .1 r aill ,- rdlea 2 to I UM Little children's Coata -1.88 Attracti lei iroy . __?.y and ?.T,,-.\n ? ? I . ? and cuff* belted Limil ' v. ?. ... et. little Tots' White Dresses .It? Na.i ityle emb'y trim te S y: s. T.;mit three, Il et. Little Tots' CoTd Dres.e. ..".v 1 _ ehambray neatly and trimmed contrae! pip nga lizas 1 Limit three. I ? i- n.,? .' Norfolk Suit?.2 28 Sew eh? i ? . I . -o 1 . II two. M.9. Boya' Korfolb Suits B.OO plaida, ral of itch pocket* or ? : ? era full 1 ? i - j : - Limit two. Dress Toquei and Close-Fitting Hats 2.98 to 10.00 Black ailb velvet draped and plain remarkable range of shapes .... excel? lent trimmings, including astrakhan and braids, head and sequin orr.a men's; applique, plai'ed ribbon r.ovel- in ?mart style if you buy hata and ties and feather fancies. trimmings here. *t-? Newest^ Smartest Styles in WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS Regular and Extra Sizes Regularly 28.1. Regularly 29.98 Regular!. 39.9. 21.98 27.50 35.98 Any Offering? Ela.whOTt. ; Why d? we ?ell for lei* and rtffl k^ I on, day after day, month after year after year ? We make perfectly elear to everybody. We Bov Great An_.rtm.ats for ca?h and ?eii while Btfll In -heMaa. We are offered the latent styl? fl^ W'e buy In ?_a*e lots when other* bit in plore lots. We buy In ?5 Ib 50 ran* !?.?-, ^w o'her? buy one c??e We obtain ff ret th ?. - > efat n pression, Pir?t Choice and -<-.., cession? unkniv. to thaee not It tt* ?ame position. The*? Sper'sl A .-ar.t*f?-.<_ of OCR GREAT CASH BITING we pas* on to our C'__'om?ri- ?hid means increased busirejs and incr*M? o** enthusiastic patron*. liroadclo'hs, Velour de I.aine, Whipcord? and Poplin? Black, N'ar\. Itrown, 1 Mouse, Green. Plum and ?allot ?"hecks Kusaian Hlouse, Bou Flor? - effective trim cf various fashionable fur?, including Reaver, Natural Skunk, Krimmer, Ruceo..n and Skunk Opossum Others **?"* handsomely set off with relvet ?nd braid and warmly interlined. DON'T FORGET?We buy of ?he .ame high class maker? a? uptown s'ores ?I i apeeialty houses, but nur .ellintr prices are noticeably less. NEW COATS. t'fllity and dress models 45 inch length-? Tweed nvx turee, double face cloths and nub cheviots full range of - 1^ T^_ .mart colors.Self, velvet or fur convertible collar* e 'h and without belts- reg. $15.9. . Se? Also Fall Sale Specials In Adjoin Ing Column. Three BLANKET Specials For Tomorrow and Tuesday Our phenomenal Blanket bnsines* *tfe?t_ tho extraordinary appreciation Mill eaateeaera feel for the matchless value? that we give. The.e for to? morrow and Taeaday are of direct concern lo every house?ife ?I..9S and .7 i; l.m :..?'. THREE GREAT GROUPS Special, __,?7C 5.25 29 ? ;. Bo>s' Blouses .IK Mail ? ? i- blue I irabraj alec f?i ey percalas and i eavy nap ?' . i ? ittei attached .??.'!;.. ? I . i.", y .-i i Limit in ct. Rompers?; to 6 yrs . .;t.*? Gal tea, 1 r nel light and ? ? :th , . ,- ..... i ,, . | ..,_ 19 ct. Boys' Hats..*.*. New FeJl styles, including Norfolk, telescope and rah-r...? brown, pri.. . I ?- ? band i to ?h. I. mil ? i If rt. ?rol It.N Men'M Shirt a .83 Percal? - nr? ? ?? ; n sa I pleated 9x!2 well - ? 2'. et Heel's Silk Neckwear .IS Vai ? pen endi Limit t* f* <t. Men's i aderweei .:i i 1 I te fleece liai : or draw? er? all iiei Limit S 19AM rt.? biMrea'a L'aioa *>uiis ...7 Cotl . ? ? i >. i . ? 4. ?S. H , i Women's Pleeced I nderwear .. .. ..'{7 big ? 1-ort . ... All lisei pure wool a, acariet, pin .1? 7? x 84 mixed ?? x 8i> finish iiesigns. inches woo'. white... .Also inch Eiderdown many ieeauard Regularly S*M and $9.98 6.95 California lamb'? woo! full and extra large white, color?, plaid?. FINEST LAMBS' WOOL BLANKETS Australian ad o' for.-.g. wool? large else pure white bound ail i ind with daintily colored wul" ribbon exceptional . 12.DM ! ner Blankets *o 28.M AL SO RAR Y BLANKET! s.x48 laches pure lambs' wool?white de'vn*? border* values to $4 98.2.DM COTTON FLEECE BLANKETS small and large white, color? and plaids singly and in pairs ,.1.88 Men's l?a.k (ash mere Hose . It? - of 11 o' q lality all s . . It d pairs 49 ct. Pearl Necklace. . ..':.*. ? cely matched . . 10 - ' .??sir 49 et. White Emhroiderie*. ..'{G M t?1 4" lin h - ', and orgai . . i ? a - if fie -?;. ;., for 1 .. - Limit 19 yai : ? 69 et, < hiff..n ( laths .r.r, th Itl black, white and ?;* of ne-.?. ? > ,,. Limit !" >:ir.l I. et < hani.iselte (.loves ..'.?* SI I -a table ? a ? $1.29 To> Tea Set??2! |?. >| 11 '. ind gill de_ur_t!.?n_. Limit two See Also Fall Sale Special? in Adjoin ing Column. ?-S Seamless Art ?Loom Wilton Rugs Elsewhere MB.?, to Mt.M. 33.98 These we'.! known Rugs come in ?up?r b assortment of attractive pattern* on old rose aad cream grouada as well ?* Chinese blue coloring? Splendid of tea ' gl to harmonize with lot eel furnishings. Same quality as abov ? la f?'.lowing sire?: Uxie.d ft relue $ 31.98 6x9 ft. value $25 00. 19.98 FAMOIS WILTONA RI'GS Finest seamless rich Medallion, Small Allover and Persian designs - 9811 V elaewhere |SMt.Sl?Cfl r..?x\2 ft. elsewhere $li>.98.1 4.!'S 76x. ft. elsewhere $1598 l'J.DM 6x. ft. elsewhere |14Jt..lO.M 4.C)x6.. ft. elsewhere $8.9S G.DM IOTAL WILTON RI'GS 9x12 ft. or ?3x10.6 ft. One of th* tines', grades nade in thi? country designs suitable for parlor, reception room, library, etc., from smallest to largest Medallion? .20.OS EXTRA LAI. I Hartford, Sa A .minsters 11 :.\\1 ft. lUzli ft ll.l'xl-. ft. ? t ft ? : BUG! ford and Smith's value ?:?-'<- *_'_.0? value $29.98. .24.M ralue $39.00. .20.0H value $38.00..20.OO value $:<9.60. .84-80 ralas $49 oo. .88.00 T'OS FALL SALE SPECIALS For Tomorrow and Tuetdar. $16.98 __ $17.98 Women'? Snlta 13.B0 All wool poplin black, n??y, brorvn Br.d tfre^ . ?martly t?<<on_ -?orne have fur co?ari w?.th ?r without belts new model skirt? all size*. $4.98 & $5.98 Women'? Skirt? .8.9 Pop'.in, ?erge. Bedford cord* is black and navy; ?Imu f_?_io_*-l? mixtures, button fror.'. ? de pleata with and Without belts ? torn? ?birred back? all lengths ?ni band?. $.?.98 A ?6 9s Women'? Ores*** 4._7 ?'orduioy or serg? and taffeta <*?_? biaatioa black, navy, brown tad green smart models fur or il'.k trimmed high or low neck. $2.4S fncrimd Silk Velvet n*t* 1.6? Also hatters' p!ii?h black and n*w colors larre esiiety ef !*rje and small shapes. Limit two. ? $2.98 Women'? Trimmed Hat* .2.29 Becoming model? of velv*t, In black and best colors 'rlm'd with ribbon, feather far.cle?, braid, ?_ $1.98 Girls' Trim'd Hat*.1.1? \'e\\o' i lack; navy, brown ?a?! white varietv of mode's .ow*r* and ribbon trm $1.(19 Ostrich Feather Pomp-na .96 I'ncurled effect' with whip*? white, white and black, purpla. brown or grey. I. rr ? tWO, $1.69 Ex. Size Voile Blou*?f* ,...tM Pretty niouels with _rg*ndl* p*8 els or c!-i?'er 'ticks outlined wit? fine or heavy luces BisCS ?6 to M. Limit two. $1.98 Crepe de Chine l.B? White <>r flesh neat tailnred mod? els some have hemsti'ch'.r.g-lone sleeve* all ?ixes. I bait two $1.98 Silk Messallne Petticoat* '.M Black, wh.te and changeable?? tailored or pleated flounce?-cot? ton underlay fl'ted top* ? all lengths. Limil two 39 Ct Women'? Nightdre**?**? ??*** Nainsook round. V or high, f?se. lace or emb'y. Limit three. 98 et Women's Pettl.oala **9 ? ambric or neinsook wide tmby ruffle* or row? of lace. Limit two. 29 ct. Children's Drawer? ? ?** Good muslin tucks and embV ruf? fle i to i?> yr? Limit tosi BBm $1.29 Women* Hea.v Heeie nthasM Light and dark colors rour.d col la*-- braid trim girdle?, all '" Limil choice de ar.d cream FINEST WOBSTED WILTON Wonderful quality i sign-, fa\orite rose grounds linen fringe ft. :to._o ?.88.88 .5.OS .2.OS - _: x;.. inch. inch. PERSIAN VELVET BCGI _7x5o inch value $1.49 36x72 inch 1.10 value UM. .. -. IO -o Value Extraordinary MISSES' COATS \ 14 to IR yr*. FWiUrly $9.98.Fall Sale 6.95 lane) ehevietl in herringbone and smart collars, piping, and belts, also flare modela mixtures yoke stylei Concave shouldsrs. $2.-0 Women'? Cors?Ms '-J' Sizes 19 to 30 fancy ?hita coutil medium bust long o\er abdo? men. Limit two. 60 ct. Infant?' Sample Shoe* -^ Soft sole? all colors sue? to I months. Limit two pair* $2.79 Women'* Button Shoe? **tt' Pull kid vamp and top with whit* pipings neet orera to* Cub*? heel sues 2 _ te 7 C, D SSi ? widths. Limit two pairs $16.98 Misses' A Junior Suil* i'**'**5 Poplins and other 'abrics ri?xT? black, brown, gray and green mis? ture? also invisible check* coa \ertible and notch collars ef lw vet or fur smartly tailored _ with and without belt? 14 1? ? years. 98 ct. Girla' Mlddv Bloaaee **6 White or with colored collar ano i cuff?? d to Id yr?. Limit three.