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ARMY MEETS A SETBACK FROM COLGATE TEAM West Point Forced to Acknowledge Defeat for First Time. ABf-irs PUNTING TELLING FACTOR Hi*- I Bilnre lO Score on Drip K:-k m l'irst Quarter Pre? ts i arther l ifnrt. Bj JEROME BEATTY. . norde* froi upon the An ? iy lu'.e, and ? . -nman. ? lurried ? ? ? w hieh wa? the sup? I ? ? .1 i ? opening wide hole* for th? ? through, and *t ' ew thi rdougl aray toward tl ? The Army mad? only once in t ? . . ticki <'7. . -kin a ? _a a baacba ? them on ? the 1 a OUI - centre, v i ?> y ? ? atis av ay I . pon Spencer, then ? ell, und th? I ? ? ? fui Brii : ham. I ? 1er, an<l gave the Maroon | . . ? ? 'rom the i made thr?e yards an.' Robert* t ? . , .... ... ?_r back and tried the agaii- tlmi hot the ball on a line I arhoeaUfhl it and stepped ? i ..nit? tinoile hit th. try for a touchdown, leaving the score at . . Army had a cha* ? end quarter a long punt bv ?' p i J a s.,.,r . ? . '? bbell, t the ca the offensive on Colgate'i 86-yard Ii? I- wai the ' 'hat the Y goal was t--.t tackle. 1 I . efei - land falle! - -.yl-nd wer- bl . I ? und. i t too low. *h lesms i ' ttt I ng ground. All failed until th? , it th. t ?hird of its prow ? If? real ! outpunted Hubbell in th? art* ? have I, an | th? Army attack, bad i than Hubbell. ? . - . ? . . ?' enc? ? | . ? _?. The M II ant and Weyand rougl . . '.im the ball. bain Ab? rmerly a abo 1 irate n?i, who dug th? pat] ter, G . ai i: .... \ . ?.??te - quart? rbaek ? ? ln ?I. _n_ u Pkanl b__._?___!"\ *"" , m****9* "?*> to .rlr.- nf _UR A"'' Wre,k V ?' lr?M. el though* __2*_5*_ _*S ,Wt . >'rii< f?,r ?-olding ,?? V" ?ot ? ??'? Three time. ?be Armv _.? ,?.,.?,,.,., ,?, b M?eb la getting ove ' ?? ' i . >) i ?.III? u II I '? * A DROP KICK WINS FOR WESLEYAN TEAM Eus! si ?' Bon ?:,;". I Ii i ?"? \i* ter Hard ? ought Ortdlrofl Tilt. We? \tidru? . TO!, of 1 head ? ? u . - me in 1 i I-. rd ? . I ? r . , , I (iffli ? ?? ? . evei I? ? - for th? r_ K un ? ? ? i - ? ? ? i ? . ? ? INDIANS TRAMPLED ON AT PITTSBURGH dlenn Warner's Strong Team Scores Almost at Will . Pltl The Cni .,loped te al Korbe?. ?he Indians were . a, who of tha 1 ? enn Warnet pent ? ? ? -roved 1 ng a goal fi placemen! rd and ? nod. I 11 th? ?ame .... i si oecai ..nal traight ? playa The Ii with their ,-h br??iking up .... y, .. . g ; issr? I.-r- und netted from three ? II I r a score ? hen Culac ? from ? - ? ? ? ;h kept it erritory for the re me. iptein, ran re Ind ? am for a tou I don ni the fin? naive fl .- Ip the . tullan ; -?illy. ...... BE R. ?? ? II ?! M .wke_*!e ? r -. tVllllam?! :. : . fror ? ? ? ? ... I ? ? II.ii ? ? ? YALE FRESHMEN ARE EASY FOR EXETER Work of lad .loties Seen in the Winners' Defence. . Ken H.,-.. . Field team this Two ? ? le up the total. The . iried when pted . forward .. h ?I for a . after a i ? the Blue .., i ,? made in \ ??? i that im to ? If? nee and defence. ...... I the Exeter ] theii ?i con ? ?reed to puni il of Tad Joi ? . , . ? ?, ien1 but . a ho ?*. who Kempton, . . I ? Me** 11> playing mai. a the ft? aed an ability at diagm I ..'?? pi;-.;, wl ? . ng th? tl ird period, ? ' and - t the Exeter line I ? 11 ?nd ran it : to midfield ?nd the Vale chance ?a* gone. ?0 Ys'e - ? Klrki ? H . .. ' H n School Wins. ? ? ?-. ? ?i .. , * this after-1 i el 14 to i_. I .'. Back in His Old Place .*. HARR] LE GORE Who played a lcafliu?r ?parl In Yak's dofoat of Springfield yaaiar?aj. Cornell Smashes Out a Victory Over Bucknell Big Red Team Piles Another Big Scon and Adds to Its Record. I-.. I. -j-.r?-. I? It* 1-"v " '. I'iiara. N. V., Oct. 16. I "" string of victories remain . unhro und an overwhelming score of 11 was piled up against Buckni th big Red team this ften .1 would be hard *? eleven having more eotnpl? te maal ever another than Cornell allowed ? Buchnell. Cornell outplayed Bueb in every part of the game and made gains with little effort. The vari Cornell combinations trie,', oui dur the game made two touchdov. ef the lirst two quarters and on? eac'i of the las1 two Of '.be six ? ha Barrett made four, and Sh - Zander one apiece. Hucknell, being outweighed by BOB fiftein pounds to the man, aaturs found the Cornell forwards Irr? and had it not been for Hue?, ly well ?lev? loped secondary dcfei the game would have been nothing m< than a succession of tOUC.ldOWl - Cornell gained the lead la the II minute of play, when Barrett seventy-yard ?la-h for the first 1 dowa Shieerica I ad i i i ! the k-.. off on the SO yard line and i bull to the 10-yard line, la th? ? instant, by a clever erial Cornell ?ap'ain not looee around I? end, and the thr , mei could not hold him It was only B f? minutes later that Cornell had th* b ?>p Buchnell'a 1-yard line, and Colll rel for a touchdown. Duril the play, bowevei. .lam? and Oie bal. 1 yard llae, After Collina bad earri il.e ball live yards Barrett tl ward pass to Echley. winch feiled, an Hucknell got the bali Headria punted iw? at) -? i ea yai ?o (iillies. who placed the ball on th 4_ yard lit e. In the i.ext piny Harr.?; added another lOUChdoWT to the ?cor. earryiag two ??ucknell m? n over th lia* with l. im 11 ?- : i _l i - _ ?:_; ted tha -? ? "ci sway foi .? ?n ihe ii ? .o.l In.? .p. "'s :' nal ? ? yard*, and .?fiel a !?? Hend? --i punted to < ird line, and la _ f? a plai - l m.?ib liisl down oi. Huckt:.' . . line. Barrett'a eight-yard run, fo -^ ? ellin ?'- ? ight, | ..ved | ? ?..m i . go over for hi? Oi.rd eonaeeutie* touchdown. 8fa i ended 'be Ai il hall bj i ??: . ? i m the i" . ? ' ?. .. n. , ,i--' aparar) brace in ? ' each? i ? Id with the ball at? :?? i otl to !' ' '? i th? riaitora twenty-elgb ?'" ' the nail on the IT ?aid line eiHion of th,. play .,.,,,/,,,. i,,-, ?ueller* welting hands. The fifth ouchdown waa made by B ett a? . ?. f of the last period ' ' ''? '? m .? i ? icrubi h : "?' hl> on '*?? -, ,.,,. |,B - 0 , ' ? .. forward ? who went ?.,., f, ,0? , -? thia ?he third tea ? Itak'.'dplayinel resulted in several per.alue?, and little headwa*. ??as mad? by either eleven. Bu. knell f??. Pcttll f. Hakf l . ...... I Pelloi R ir p faaie i- , 'J H MeDermotl i. ,' i? H |1 I llen.lrl.i :- ? ? i '? nt . Brown ' ? for '? . r ?? Ml !?-..?:? ? ' ewetl /'.ander for 17. kley, ...r ,,. Her f..r I., ra? lie! f." ? Roehn for "???in i;.-. ! I tl * ? , . Donald* .n f.T H i, '.r.pi fol ? n I : i'., kill. a .-'? h wart*. . Hk-ke) M Tale. ? \ QUAKERS BATTLE TO A TIE WITH 1 NAVY ELEVE! Intercepted Forward Pas Enables ?Middies to Score Touchdown. AbbbboII?, Md. 0?rt 14 I ien?ation?l eatraac? of Howard '???rr at qnarterbach in th? ?eeond ha ? ?ara ? ?.,. i ? ,.i. ty of Poaasyl? . ..> footha *. n on .. di feat at thi haBd? i ? .- al A? ad? a J thi? sftei no? th ? , .. but th? althoti g the better atl wei ; to havi bei n defeated 1-, .". - ? ?? friends of th? Mlddie?, wil m reral i in Ii I ?tod? ? ? P*?m ay Ivan ia, ise thp- gam? Th? ? Id ??' a? ilippei - - ' n..?r arh eh fell throughout th? <!>??. I ? . ised a urenr deal of fumbling an tvn? : -.?'arli ull ll ? ward p issea goioi a rang Both ?core?, however, wer? made b th? f rward ? ? - The Midd their? when Martin, st halfback, wh I playeo ?i ?p!? n.lid gan ? i'. ii i rere? pted "ne or" Gnat : i i pa--mi ia ? h? aecoad period iBd ! ed lii ty yardi foi ?? to id Quaki r. got their touchdown o? i eeeiion of forward poaaei operated b U.M. The Middies were well ?ati?fi?d witl the reiult, though the) fought I hold ?. ? ?? ? th? Pennaylvsni soachi ? ed with th? wer af th? t< am. Th. icco ? ' wai rieerl] when ? i ? ? rifled the crowi trith ? touchdowi l h? Quaker? ? ?i havia r ter of th? plaj and Will lam? sad rhl i pun! on th. Navy'i IO?yard lia?. The Quaker a? tack wai rum ing slang imoothlr, witl William?, Grant aad Dorr carrying th. hall. Thi n Grant essayed s forwen pa-? iatended for Miller. The Quake end wa? too ?low, an.l Martifl eangh the hull '.? ? i ? lear Held front of him, Grant dived foi him, bu Marl destei ped and ran rhe r ? lag diatai ?? ??? : fly ?? ard? for i * i weal the m in ?-?'?? . ha? m?: mad? ? tout h down and kieked th? g??al ?he Midd ? I defence improved and for the remain ? der of tl ? half thi v held th? Quaken I even. There irai n ehaiigs la the iceoni | half which braaghl Berry into his ?li ? position si quarterback for Penasyl i vania for thi fir : tima ?B 'wo week? ? Berry mad? thingi hum from th? ?tart i Me ran back kicks in brilliant fpahloi land also ran well from his po?ition a' . quarterback. Th?. Quaker? made theii touchdown by carryinc the ball (. ? ? i rardi la three plays, all sf whiel weis forward paaaes, Th? last twi pa. ?es were takes by H ' * : ? V. : ? - The li? lie Quaker en?l gaiaed fifteen yard? or rat, and then raced ? orher lide of the tield ro take a thirty yard paai from Berry back of the line of ?i rimmage. The Anal period was a deaperati fight for the deciding icore, bul i thsi team eould tall- ai ? n. P? ? continued 'o have the better tight almost ta th? end, bol the alert? aos? "f the Navy', defence snd refusal t<> he fooled SB fake end runs h? M the Quaker? at bay. Most of the ?line the ball was in Navy's territory. The muidle? missed an opportunity to aria the game in the last minute of play, when Blodgett failed to kick a goal from placement after Mile? had made a free catch on the Navy'- 40? yard line. There wa? ? gtffl bree/.e at Blodgett'? back, and while th? kick was long enough his direction WS? poor. TI e Quaker? took the hall, and, in deaperation, Berry tried forward passe? right in the shadow of his own goal, bur two of them grounded and the hall had lo be kicked. Before the Navv could get under way time was called. Many penaltie-- were Inflicted again-' th Navy for roughing the Pennsyl? vania kicker? and illegal Interference with forward pa Penaaj Ivaa I loo, \ ,-. ?. ,:.. r. ?? Malhewi la. T M'a-I i?. nnlns la, O H Raj Janet . It ?; Smith Harrli fa T H K Rlodgetl Gran? , Q H UIIm Rema t. M n Martin Welch . R II H .? . ? William? . ,.....?". B Braadfooi i lacl rlo* ? ? M ?r'.pi. il- Ini . ? - tute? iPennaylvanlai ? ,.. t , Rar. i rquharl f..r H . Ri ? ? Berrt foi Mille?. q liarlo? i l'on llelmbura f" Broadfoot, K?n .4.,r" -. f..r la k.?..n OnMetetn f"i .1..,,? ? . I pipil-'. ?! I. "f Trlnlft ' . i'i?M J" Iro M of Hwarthnv r*. H? ?mai I Yal* Tim* "f ??? Pwelve mlnui? Brown Eleven, in Sharp Game, Defeats Williams New Star of the Gridiron Discovered in Pollard, a Husky Negro Back. ?L* 1 Providence. Oct. 16 The Brown Uni ? ? en made it- beat i. ''us afternoon ... .:.- * - ..t lag Will The borne l'?me m the . .i am . ?? : .'?'. of us pointa, . roua in thia mabing oi . ? Ara! down. Brown, which ? : I ? ?.: ? . I ?? William- interfer ii .... .?. paaer. Will end tni? helped lei ably, in th?- second hail '.n?- William* line strengthened i I a si almo-1 impreg iiabli-. Bl a .. only tw?. i i -* ahile Williami made ?ix. ityla of play, i..d ... ?? aay extoal until this half, woreing o suceeaefully i'^u: ? ,i,. Once in '.? third penod, ?f'er ; .. JOBOa to Hubbell, t the be te HI'..en's l fe? in* I . ? ? *. -? I be ? - tors gel lonei 'in. ? i.1. ? \\ .".. t?ma man .'?row i. line just ng it, th? .limn .??i Aral and . ..,::. a negro, played a worh beiaa I ? i it tl a ?et-to. H? .in?. l._e a ru'.i ill and found little difficulty la jrai*. t n tri? d Hi scoied ? don ns for Hi. ari ether nhieb was not al . i??i ?h?- re:\s,,:i that one of bis le when the all i the third |, \? th 'he ball on his own '?_ . ne. He got the bail and. dodging practically tn* entire team, ?-._! line hefor? ., _oa ied. .'vr two ar..j ,,? | half at re? i af f..o*.ball, m winch he .! dm? I the earryiag oi' ill, ha rai tahaa out ,n favor ?>f _ftei ..?.. .- ,? r>,.. ,,( punts in ral i>.ro.; Breara gal the bal! on a kick or. it? ewn 10-yard liae. A ..." down th? Aald began. Pollard,; Hillhouae and Purdv alternating in tarrying the ball. I.etween the triol ! they mad? four consecutive fust downs, ' practi? all? all ef the alaya I through 'he lef side of Williame* ! Une, u ith th* ball os th?- 2-yard ' line Purdy bit tin* line for I Miry i.-' ta? I I ISl before tiie period I . toi? il. In the second period, at'? er I'm" had recovered ? fumbl? by Purdy, WilHoma -? the bail bj ''.unbillig on the i plat ?m Brown'a W-yard line. Then i .r<i carne into his own. II.- carried 'it thi?-?- tunes ,;i BUCeeeeion, making I..,, m-i dowaa Purdy asada a bnli lant sad lua of twenty-two yards and threw a fon ai pass that netted twenty yards :.. Weeks, and thea Pol? lard, in four i u-! -, .-..? de ? be aeeei ion tifte.n vards ??,,, ;, acore and kicked the goal. On the kici.-oiT Hollar.I te.._ Gal - kick on hi? own 10 yard line Slid ran it back Bereut) \ard? ii?-'ore he was downed Pul*d) heaved lorward peas to '??'? acroe* the line, for snol it requiiirig onlv two play* to make II ; Ward kicked tl..- goal \ marca .i??wn the ft? M with P and Hillhonae earryiag the bali .-..on __? a Hr.wii ita '. . bdawn, th- (turd, eagre taking the ball I - - '.- a ' ' ?? r Polli i.i mad? b I for a I em i orTsidea and it did not A noor pase gave I ball again noon ', half R \\ ard ?? l .. i. _'_i. i. a 1. ?; ? ? - ?: I I'. . '.I- .. ? It ?I I? !| I. h i? I n : . - U . - ..... | : ? ? pp tor U ?ht. A _ i . Hrt. ?. M ? ? fur Wa i ? ' ? > ? v I * ? Malm i ? ? th Tlni* c7 , ? _ _r*l? ? mm..??.? aa ti Yale Fails To Use One Lateral Pass in Beating Springfield I .?itliiiied fr?.m paie I r . ?, ?... ! Tal? rju.ckly took -he gafli into hei .'.'.n hand? again an.l s.,.. curried th? ball forty-seeea yard? i n ???r.*... of ?I? ?harp, iBSPPy plai for ;. .. Sevilla SO Bg over 'a a plui ? foui nd i ,r ' ichls i. irelj doi ? a football '"am get tw s | ?I from touebdewo, but th apportai i i? to Tel? Lo Ooi id, bul ' ??" Soi iagnold forward ? offside BJ inihil g SB before the Hall ws? touch?.I doom, ? i hsl th? y wen I I ird ? bock ? goal Itno and Val?- allow? .1 i '. : ' ? me Betrag? wa upon t" make th? kick, m.d h ?h?, ball iquarely between th extra point. .nd ?he Yale' rum attach th? iharpast an?l be* mata lo tl of th? sftcrnoon, das parti pei .-? ? , the physical sxhaostiOB o ? ira, wh?, plsyed through th' with only three oi four tul iona ? ht over for snother touch down nfier a clesfl sdvBBCS "f ?hirt; ysrdl in IIS plsy? by Vale, but, as pre .1, a penalty of ?vt yard? for offside nullified the goo< work. Later, after a long forward pass <>: thirty ?five yards, Sermon t'? Kendall had pal Vule in momentary ?langet, ih? H!ne took 'he ball on it? OWO sfl yar?. lia? and carried It fifty-eight yard? ii ? leven plays, to I I only by thi call of tim? It wa? by all odds thi be-? luitaifled offensive movement o! the day The attack was varie.1, 'oo At I tira. Neville, Higginbothsm ?he end last year, sad Wait? *.vere in ?he ha.-k field, and their play indicated that Vile 's not lacking in capable sub ? *??-. (Vaiti in particular standing out, in spite of his light weight. Tab \tta<k. Powerful. Tala galtted S10 yards by s'raigh' rii-lur.g for sixr.>en downs, mini: regU lai formatloBS, but with the attack dl? rected through the centre, off-tackle or i the - nd with an occasional for? wsrd psai or two in a way to puzzle 1* ?? true, of course, that the Springfield defence lacked solidity, bul it is true also that there was little "i i o looaeaeei in the play or p?>or ? . Bolh l .unis appeared to be veil grounded in the fundamentals, and the Vale men gave the impression of being much better together than at any ? ? ? ? year, , Captain Wilion began the game at quarterback, with L? Core. Neville ami seo vil ,i? hii running mate?. .Substitu? tion.? ?rere made bach and forth, but. La Gore end Neville played ?he greater . ?? Wilson did not re? turn after he retired in favor of Sav about 'he middle of the second p-rioil. Neville, who wa? having his fini tin.! on th? Vanity, made a most fa rorabl? impression, and it will be in tereating '??' lee ir' he stands a further ?i ? against WashiagtOB and Jefferson In addition to being > fast ryid ouick ?o **ke a .vantage openings, he was reasonably effect! 'u the secondary line ,of defence, a certainly gave high promi??-. t be surprising if he i? not seen agair I'rineeton and Harvard, at leas* f part of ?h? time. S_\age Hunt? V.ell. Savage did the best p'in'ing of t afternoon, and bia drop y eb ladicat "hat he .an stand up under fir? struck me, however, that h? was fuel bit tee aiou in atarting lf> mee* t ? men*? of a quar'.rback. LI Captain W1I-..11, h Ii natural place u peare to be at halfback La Oore still showed some weakn* in tha aeeondnry line of defence, b both be itrni Scoi I pre ed themeeln strong, hard running backs. The lm tOO, made a gOOd inpressii.n Mosel? ?'?n a pOWei a1 one end. while fro tecklc to tackle there was no partici ? akaeea bcbIbbI the be Ipringfteld could offer. Seeing tl ?nini aa it was to-day, il is hat ..??? the general loosene of play so much taflted about m *y ear;;,- gBBBB Whatever *he r?-j?e. Vale coach? and Vale undergraduates are far mot ^atisfieil to-night, not .0 much at th victory over Spring, eld a? ?f th marked Improvement shown by ? h rr.e 1 in working together. Th" sinking and cheering of th small delegation from Springfield wer so far above th* average as to he a dm tinet feature. There was real harrr.on In th. songs, and appreciation wa shown by wild bur*ts of applause. The visitors had a veil, too, com billing a cheer, a whistle and a shor handclap that was a? novel a? it wa effective. It made almost as much of 1 hit as the singing. The bowl looked wonjerful in it semi-emptiness almost as wonderf 1 a? when it was full to oerflowing fo the Yale-Harvard game last fall. Full; eigh' thousand persons looked lost ir 1 its depths. The echoes were uncanny The line-up follows: i Yale ?i?>. 1 ?? r- Bers_e_et_ 'Oi *?'-?.? . U E .... lurnhi . ?? Mm loa !. T . She? : \ ..ti Holt I. ?. Stln. Hai .1 Sliel.lon H O ?.?(.or Uat s . H T. <;rlm-. V l*n .i? K llerkl-; ?I Wllaon . B . . Perm.-.r Neville.1. H H Mil?' !*? ' l'.r? Uli? . Hm(1ii (-? g Cootm - 1 1 ?rlo.1?: * _ T . - . ? . i.rlnKlI. 11 I n 0 0? 0 ._??_*_ me Sevilla. Ooal from - ivas*, ?io?;. fr,,ni touchdown* i ?? ?? ? si'n_* . Hafef Miller Buhetltate* lYele) Rmltti for !_? Onr.. Sa-?*? for Wllwn ? ? S- .- 11 BMI tor .1 . heMon. L* '? roi Miilth. S.-o?!l for Taft ?lodfett for Allen ? . n -. to- M ?-lev. Wal?, f..- !.. ??or II for C, .tv-Mon HlSfftnbothem tot B*ntl*v f..r -?'. s?e Wim r for Ne* ? ., for Von Holt ?Sprtl | Itarvll f.r Harvey. Keri'lal! f..r Sal? lam for Herklmef Reforme i_i>ii-en * Ban '?.rt of I'_rtn-.n_t_ Implre -William <>_? ?f I_>hl_h. Kiel! fudS* f A Qo_ - of L__ay*tt*. Head lineen ai i m : n of Amheret T?a** ef p?riode? I .v. ?. minute* <_acb I ? . I Some Figures on Yale s Victory Over Springfield First Half -Second Half?> Vale. Springfield. Yale. Springtield. Ground gained hy rushing . IM 22 l?>i 12 Piral d?i'?ns b> rushing . ."> 0 11 Porwsrd pa?ses attempted.. .1 -1 .1 II I or? aril pa?ses incompleted. -1 2 I 7 Porword passes intercepted . 0 I 0 (.round gained b\ forward passes... 0 0 11 75 Number of punts. I ?"> t I Average distance af punt* . .10 2s 38 32 Penalties . I 1 I 0 Graaud lost hv penalties . S7 ll .V? 0 I unibles . I I 1 1 Groood Ins? ht fiMTihle*. 30 ?20 0 0 Ball bist h> fumbles. 1 1 I) 0 Penibles recovered. I 1 Ilun bad of punts. 10? 30 12 II *llerkiiner, of Springfield, ?napped up hall v. hen a drop kick b> Le ??ore sii'. bbjtchod an?! ran fifty >ards and across (he goal line, but fumbl?fd wh?Mi tackled, ?hi.h not only cost his team twenty yards but a touchdown sa well. MANUAL TRAINING LOSES HARD GAME .Military Academy Roys Score b> Vigorous Attack. The New Vork Military Ac.dem. frio'linll eleven scored a victory ove? the Manual Training High School, ol Brooklyn, in their annual game played a' Ebbetfl Field. Hrooklyn. yesterday after a bitterly fought battle. Th? -core was 11 to 7. Opposed by a combination that was well versed in the open style of play, the Manual eleven was bewildered by the attack. Two long forward passes followed by long i uns. caused the de? feat ef the Hlu?- BS 1 Gold. A bad pass, ?rhicl Bted a hurried kick, al lowed Manual to escape a shutout, but fortune favored if on three other oeca lona when trie Cadets were in the -hado". ..t' the oppaeiag goal line, at on* time 'i?- boll being <?n!> three inches from the Manual line. We.ton. the lefc end, who pulled ? i i.;,--. ; with sase while ? he Aeld, an?l White, the .? ?;'' halfback en the Military elev ??n. aera conspicuous in the victory of their team. Little straight line rush I the defence was attempted ' ornwall boys, who made the if tb?-ir attacks in open for . X. V. 3 I. R . ,. ? ri . in* hlns 11 ?; . Meinen f . i; Tlllier 1. il H l?-rr-. i H I- l? . - . Laut-rbon Ma ii.ii.n (or ? - ..??? li.-. : I minutes ? -? . . BAY RIDGE STARTS WELL I! organize?! Lie? en Defeat? Kra?nuis Hall High. tat ted Hhv Ridge Hig el? . ri made Its followers . . .-?-.| the lirasmus ?? .? ?r.- Bad Oval, ?? la . B -oie ef - , ''. . .n :..l!ov-?: . . ? i. i" I. .... Auchterlonl .t. _. .OIK.the ,....? . . .i liai i 1. 1 . Ilun'er H ' . il Mljcst'i? n E . . . I. H i. i-. l: 'i n l< Hi_-I.,s ?? II. ' ? i-- I ?ah? n ?ni Luder |?.f. r. e -..,... . ? 1H*elo?J?. Tuns Pf j ... Pea miaut? ? | COLLEGES PLAN A LACROSSE SCHEDULE Yale to Play Harvard Some Time Next Spring. At the annual meeting of the United State? Intercollegiate Lacrosse League, held here vesferdav. a tentative play | ing ?che !ule for the season of 1916 w?-* drawn up, but the exact dates and 1 ??laces for the games will not he an? nounced until earlv next vear. Arrangements were made, however, ! bv which Vale, whic1" Ifl not as yet a member of the league, will plav Har? vard at Cambridge some rime next i spring. The regular season will open ?itrlv in April, and the final game be tween th - Northern and Southern win ning teams will take place during the In?' week ' f May/. A championship banner will be I awarded to the winning team in each division. The plaver? on th? '.am (that aria? the championship will each , receiv?' a gold medal, and the losing ? play?n will get silver medal?. Milton Krlanger, of Johns Hopkins, , was elected prosidsflt; Ro.inev Wal I ridgi'. of Cornell. viee-presid?nt, and Robert C, < ampbell, of Stevens Insti? tute of TechnologY. Moboken. N. .!., was re-elect.?,! ?ecretarv-trei.surer. (yrus C. Miller, of the Crescent A. (*.'. of I Brooklya, was chosen as a member of the executive committee for a term of two 4?'ur... a - LEHIGH CRUSHES ALBRIGHT Cels i our Tout hilo? n?. Despite \rm> of Substitutes. Sont?. Hethlehem, Penn , <>c?. If.. Lehigh found Albright easy to-day, but WS? COrtOBt with a 27 to 0 score Do spite the fact that a small army of ?ubatitute? BfOJ sent in by Lehigh, the ime always remained steadfast. c.?hall's thirtr-yard end run in the drat periodJ, Hallewell'a thirty-five and tarant? yard sprints ln the ?econ I period, eoupled with splendid line plung.rig. were factors ihat figured prominently la Bolead'? ta?v m th? Irat period and Cahall's and Hazle tine'.? (?.i ehdowai in the ?econd The line-up fol! | - . ?- i ? p? Ia*l l?u '."' ... v.ia' '"?t'???'? . I. B Pata-rk? h.ti t?In,. i, r Bprine?? drembael. I. .; .; Sehembi i ?-??? . ?* i Betambaugh it ., h . ? Martlln ? ? ?? i. I?l*.?r I II II HuUtlei R. II. II ItofTiuaii Maaulnne** in n?*rn-i-i r. i II I ? 1 ?' ? I. I? .? u ?. - ? .hall rlaseltine, H< -? - lo*!* from touchdown, i 'iiii?ii ill. Attempted drop ?i ki t'ahall i-'1 Sub*tl lti?*i il>hlrh) Rla.lo*. fo* tmrnttiu p.?,Mu ????. for rici ... Hallo**ll for .'?h?ll. Il??el iii ? '? -, klatrulnn? foi iuii???eii. ml ? ?? ' Inimb* ti f..r Hi. tt ..- HalMed for Mm y i'?.?'..ii fn, Robinson. H.ruaa? for M i- ? i. - iwt, II? f... Ria hard* Ins* ''?' fm llartsl?! .,,.? , t- .'bot. I? f..r an. J ? , ,. .ma '. rf?r i...,. , ... m ., . R*r*r*e Ktesk, ?>( P?/ Ural uii.?m?n--Ry*n <<f i Mlchiean IJn*.m*n K ?baust?, "f Ai??ritht. ?nd ? hapman of le-hl.h. Tim. of perlo?!?? I T?D ' i. ?' ? ? a ?'?? COMMERCE TE?I BADLY DEFEATED BY EAST ORANGE New York Boys Outplays from Start. Despite Cann's Cleverness. The Hlgl -_?_. ?: 0t C^bbbj,-? ,__ _ ''filled 1 ' "" ****** mal ' '"' ?M eleva,. ?Le?os Ovel . ? rr. Mg. v *: kistle. ?nd .** '*""'' " ? -'ore' wj larger th..-. S3 '., t), tb| t?'iy ' ? ' "" ????flag*! '' th? J! ' f'r ? touchb? IBdod ?'''-' Uranj ?Tha. and ma . ._ ?""-? - id 1 i fair i ? .re of ??_,_,? ? ? '_' .____ TheJers, %*** ?' "-?????' ?r.daithZS ime wa. open, for 'he most ?V i'. was securely bar, - , " "f ?f""'' '""" > teen ? ?moo*h an<l the p ,. .. Ailh " hi*ch. The interference .a, ., ?A perfect as could b? .??ired ?nd t/ tackl.r.g. especially that of Her?? and Franeke, *-.e ends, _ ., de?dir " i f _ accurar. ' Commerce interposed -, feebl? ?f ****** ?IXtt. r.ot ae much ben ... the boy. did r? . ? I Ii- ?-er to ?tl !,. th* Jer.ty tl*. ???.on. Tirit, ?rhen ,1- . ??'?rt ;,..- - -, - :. rem* t?? n the gam- . . v. rt ?ble-!? ?hrow lack _*?'. Orang* within five yards of the threatened goal line, bat It was only beeau thteaai up their formation si I pet .p (n u_ broken front - ' <*re able to a* _1 0- ?rumple* m der the hamm. Orme? baeki Teddv ( em ? 'a r to h s brother as a i . _ :._. b?ck. in.v ?,n 'he Commer*e like a ray . Ight on a dark ig I He played ?i.rough *he Aral half and went ? again in 1 r ar.d both on 'he attack and defenee ail play wu of high calibre. I.ike th? < ther < .mmere? backs, however, he did not *e?m to b* schooled in handling the ball II* mil?, one disastrous fumble, however, ?kit led UB directly to an Rest Or?_t? Hast Orange unfolded it? ?_perl?fi/e attack with aurpria g iwiftnem in the first few mu . ay, and Mtn ti game wd . aJd Com? merce was lighting desperately under it* own goal posts. Forward pa**?*? that came from n?>wnere, ?nd r..-., sia.hes off tackle that caught Coir merce totally unaware, ?o befuddled the New York boys that tr.ey wer* m the defensive almo-t :'rom th* start It was a series ef the** play?, iwift.f executed, that brought Fait Or?nk down to the < omn tree I yard line i.i -, ' v minutes. Here the Manhattat team h raced, and Eaat orange, cnir inp1 into the line with ?ft plunge, gained only fo ,r yards in v many rushes, and Commerce took t ball on down?. That, however, ??? :r. high ti'ie of 'he ' imi ?'<> resistan.? ("ann punted to Abbott, on Commerce ,.3-vard line, and a dash ?round rift ' end, followed by a deftly thrown fo. ward pass to He;. .?.ed il - touchdown for Orar gl Commerce tried to Bdvance bj m *?? of a poorly executed lateral pass in tk.1 second quarter. b-_* iom* Fa?t Ortn. man was always on top o' the play m. spoiled it. With | team better groim. ? ' la football ?sich p!..;.< might hie; ben gainers, but Commerce lacked th? ability an?l skill to use them. The Fast Orange eleven scored t*i" early in the econd half. The IfBl came when Franeke caught a perfe I forward pass from Le Quia and rr. Afty yards for a touchdown. On ?_. kick-otT Holman fumbled or his o***i ?-yard line, and liayn rd picked up %t ball and scamperi.i over th* T-.? la-f score came in the Anal period. The line-up follows : ?".- ms I. i-* ?ha*? .;. ;- Men* Thoaia* t. ?; I'urtala Kl-rn Maynar. B. T 14 ,, ?? I.'i Yrmor ??n_l..n .... f_ I? ? caaa H-W-W? ?olll?? ? Mil n.,r 1 .... ? ?>rin?? MOStOO* {,,; IX,,-. ke f"r M??m-"> ? M.irrs? i-iim Holman w II. n Houih foi l.i - - Blllffe. of V? nl.*-**?? I'm. Ire Pel. te ? ? ? ? . DtrtotP* Ten mu. - W. & J. ELEVEN WINS Roll? If) Score of M ta I Afila*! Westminster. i-.. t. a_ra _ m (1 - ( Washington. P. nn . Oct 1* Th? Washington and '?'*rn **' feated weatmina. r ??>"u,j game thia Bften ? ?core of M t?, S. w. gad I. SUM ? ***** en..! liie-up. both Captain Wesbeck? and Witherspoon, left tackle, being ae sent on account of issj ? _ Th.- Bed and Black had little dift* ealty In rolling up ii po nt? n th*.?**? quarter, an?l then ( -1 ,'nt m a number ef aub titute* 5< -*'n morJ points ?rere lecared n the *<*oTii parlad. The regui sea m ?* : to ?cor* r' -____ an entire W. an?! J |' - -t?*titute? when another tou? I t*r""J Ave in all being mad? Mf<.''?f, starred in the scoring. maklBg *U ta? W. and .1. t.,u. h downs bul en* -.Mil'.-!.ill , Bwe? ' wimher-. . it a ama* Items . I ? srr.e-i .'* , ?> h ""..HE _UM r ; M H I' " . . . M ?*?? lehl ?n. M - ' -i..,.. i . M - r.ei.t aoali i. ?. . i v ?? M ,? Ke.-Il t M K..II ;??! Morrow f. " < r '.'?i" ....... ?Annie,L f,.r t>.? H t*rlv, Bovill f.., Ileyman IL * rjr **m. for S. *>_., -o.!!' '? I *?"? /'ftom. ror Ni.s Sus_ for J. I-r.w ? ;,f;r '??it M.i,its ror **o?*r. M--; r 'A.'.m M** * ? r** *( i ^iKht for I'" Unan ?? " H?r,. . rel.M. iWeetn ?' 'Z. t*t Vlm-ent loi H fert? ,.f l'rln et.H . V?le. TU?* "' l- ''??,* ' t_o of teehe Bllfl -?I-*m Superbas Beaten ?n a Close Game The barnstorming Brooklyn lt??*g cere defeated in the ninth ???"Jj the All-Stars of Bergen C^uVLSa. _ ^I_.p tWht on Oritani r leid. H?*? .