Newspaper Page Text
3fcro S-trrk ?Trtmnie. Fin?? In I ?at?the Truth No*??K.lit??n*l* \.h erli?enienl?. -I \|. \\ <>? I..It? Il 17 IS1I I a ' ? a ? ? '? ? ' ? ? Yea parrlieas av ?? *d?rrti?H in I lif ii.MiiM with abaolat? safety?for N It? in i,m i .?. I II I I Kim \ i i te pa? roai lu,, k No fed (?i.? if i|inh hlmg w. .-. good proatptl) if la? ' - Mr. M?. Adrxi's Sophistry. led ] . e lm . ? . ?'10 of for the ' ' ' be is ? ?p purchase scheme. Others ? ? ? which he used h. tried 1 make ? . .-hip ovv I - igi ? ? ? ' ? would r war. 1 '? nnage ? ? ? . ? ? Only 4 ? nil de ? rompt ? .' by the ? ? - . ? ? liery ps to which the g Congr? -v Ming to grant s ?. . ? ? ? now South Ai* I -i and AUB ? ?TO than the .r;s ?pf auxiliar i ;?>? the w hat i the an. of invest . ? . no when an expenditure of one entioni would ..!?1 ;t!l the i se t?. ? me? II..-.' ? power; ? onom ii nl rii?!bod of subsidising prl i capital .?o the ? ..ti for war which ws ibsidiary to ting t?. ? which Mr. ah such child; - ? . ,i . ''? the cart before the It .f the KM) of the i ?? sury which him I ? sed of the situai |. fir.^ ? ? ? me a ship Pacific ? tram ? . ? i h.g i* law ofiaC? t. very i m to oui mer i pro vide mor?- BOJ ?asks for. Bol t.. revert t.. thai prs ? nuiltct ? ?>' fact plan would I.,, to the siln.irustration ,-r . ?. .,.,1 ,t ????if when it plutigetl !;t?t winter ?m the ship purchase bill Pri?e of Opfa los i- a costly luxury. Kather tba blunder, the administration ?rill go "V. try? ing to peisua?!e the ct.untry 1.. p-.t.k fifty million good dollars in a perfectly super? ^ fl'loU- ?i . p| , . ?, . ... , P A "Type of Modern Man" in War F i?atna han ant! rtalaos to snd In? ? reta n.of ' ' ? the ? ? h therefor? for u h.asiir.'. that Um d ?vaie ?u -, . , ? ?? icked c ta ? ?limon run of men 11 r the I BBulta ol ? the s| ? ? ? ..... | | ? ,T ' of the great ? ach an, ? ... If timid . . . biliti? . ? ? i . th? ? g apii ? ? -i ?if alcohol on th f..i vi ry t .... | eonaidei ? .ivv very . ? ? | must le ?? .u si y the ' ' ' ? are o . |, [< show that 1 too ati. ? ?< <-i d. To ki ? petually drunk . ? ? ..f generala When the Pacifists Fail. To that busy, if numerically insign t Antei | iflsta, a! pi ... ! | ?? -ring peace arly to the prea. - g post" and "T mil the following dm menl T!,e jrr.ri* renso.-. why ' '' r Bora riir*.' Il m??re progr? . . 1*1 of their labors di - nl monier' I ng its ernelty. Tn oth ? l anyli." the B ? ? - ? . king of tl tea 1 rye a mi ghbora; to . ? rial, then, th for peace ma : reduce mingled i ment among 1 ? ' ? peetacle, und the pe ? f dominion. 1 ? f tl BBS engaged in enrr lag it on tl ? I B boly ene, ? . . | , ? fell mure .. ? ? ? . ? ? . , . ... t all of theii their beini ?-lain, ar very ; ?? i that, if death had to con eh a eaaae. !f we ? or Germany 1|- day ira sha r ata! ? d ve krio ?: to doubl them there is no moi n, ?i ? . dull ? in th? Northern or Southei : ; end we a G? i m in er W? neh ? ., I gone ont i - and irho hogs i 'i ? on the general * th of the public cor. ; t more difficult ? . ? game of king into It In h half hearted -.- ncerel - ' : '..ere i 'h h ni an who - ' ? ? i ; ?us. This document b taken fi ? com of the ?at? II'.-. of "The Nation." It was a the tira? of tl Prussian War, but it i? bow H could i ? upon aa a statement of the ? i tien. Tl.. re are -inert ? ? in the j'ii i One i- made up of those who ;i ? . champion the German cause, lia made up of th? is who believe tl ai is the irai m ? ? ? . ?vabie i;i. and thai nothing that i.. .-> a . .n biIng oi or dishonor comparai with the . | st! if... With tl. ? to argue. But for th? ' ? ? i iblk there ?pai own War. P . ? in Europe, the s Germai i ! the Aim >\ i the tima i i ugatiuu el ail that libartj aa . .. ???' ai ? their fat ? I';.. that ?m ' ?rho ? '? - eve that the ?real than that of VI that B ' than Abraham U r ? ? ? who I : loyal ? ? -. s that I ? ;> ""?" ? ? The New Matinee Idol. U < ?? girl ?. ? ? d, had cured her. gush, candy . no-time ini iat . We ?long imed her pa aii g loi? of mir y..linger when ? ealousy was oftei ? - g Her to tl She would talk "7' I U but him all the way home, the glamour persisting in bei long after the I I en. In vain we protested that at thn' very moment he g ..'r the gfea ? pail I i I -. ordering -upper at hi- club. It ? IS to confront ' of m.", ?? ith comn i How ? ? .-: of yons, grown .-? ' ' ? d up, or have Wo r< ' ? he " ?' rivv y" iys with indifference 01 ? mat ?nee idol d? ?? to o ir peace of mind. ? dyl Hackett hat grown rich; and it i- yea; ii ce we li itened to a fresh youi g ? ..ipt.iin Letterblair' eyes. \l> ? listen unmoved nowaday? when the wife of our bosom remarks BOW John Drew wears hii clothes, and cant we find oui who hi? tailor is? We began i.y talking about the matinee girl, hy ?. natural transition we have .???I to talk of h.r ono-1 Ime idols. Have taken their p \\ t had doubted it. Not but that WC plentj of handsome, graceful young nowadays; but we had thoughl that their place in the regarda and tin- feel ? I the i ?"!? rn young girl had chai ged along with I: ? hange In her. Then, again, the modern drama, ?uch ai it is, had seen i d I con ? to the ' ? . of adoration? from afar, of crushes, Young defying the conspiiscy ? with every peeeh they make, busily re? forming tl. if tilings entire, so? cial, financial, political, hygienic and what not, beton ? of two t.. ? rice a week, ha?! not appeared to appeal to young romance. The mot? il !?<? idol, we had concluded, had fallen victim to the drama of exposure, reform, uplift. And. in consequence, the matinee girl, B] the influence of feminism, had died of Inanition. We are rambling. We know it. We an- taking a long time to eome to the point, but that ii because wo an attempt? ing to readjucf oiir viewpoint. For we have made n discovery -two, in fact. The matinee idolater, ii : I exl ?et ; from which it follows logically that the matinee idol, too, is .-till with us. Only he, ?uent . he, have turned up ii s new field, the moving picture thi One more lignai victory for the new Listen 7'. Pearl Gaddi in "The [Southern in'? Magazine." Would you like to know, -h?- asks, why girla leave home si all hour.- to go to the mo. i- ' Tl ? -wer ?s: Marl Mi'calfe. He i? a movie play jeane pr?t ' I having knourn of him we humi i - un? known. We had heard of Charlie Chap? lin, but We WOUld neve: have BOUght the ?. .v mat - ??? idi ? ?<? Pearl Gaddis, "mu h : and all. Earl i- B fine fellow, Who hate.., I hereof he ? ?.i his interviewer one of the I chivalrously shielding its fair writer'? Sounds familiar, d ? I No further pi ? ? led. The '. ? v V?i k . .- v Ral !" paid .. to Ma scl ? Mai pi . ?: . ? lapsed. '?' eal I such ? on. ? ?.us. r, in ... iled I tongui cruelty ?roi*M than ? '? Ilia' des? ign,! to ?rork ii ? ? I!!.'-. u hj ?houlda'l tho?e intei in offi apel A paral? ? na for defence, bot sot ..r.e seat for ; ; ties. Inglorious Silence. Editor of Thi Irthui - Pi? r'? eomoiai un Oetobi r 14 *i which i sro foi :.t-, of tin ditjf and )?< . . it ("lor policy ot "mud ? .- IW, O? I r ? ? ? . for German] '? tris -4 | W< a ? ; ? mitt thinp are ? stic '.rum* an unfortunate . tin, of Araei :? si '.ermiin iBbrnsriaes. Blttei disastei ' - ? ? t ifl way I V Bg overtime '' reet? ??' I at all that ? v"!d? dear. We ..?? ? ted by ?? ' and th? British aavj, a All that a ? m ?es ? tl ll'shti. and at tilo IS tl ? ? I I'M' l i I ibi: PEAHSOM - ..??, :?. \., uci. 1?, Mi*. PERSONAL LIBERTY.' Its moflea] Association with the Work of the Saloon. ' The Tnli'ine. v ranken man heal I end a ? i ,. v. o reapon ? .. protecting hei II. are i I ... : . ? .. : :: .????'?? ? la t ? ^ ' . Old I. aha fei ths ask? "t' tl i ? ? .? w i y ;'<???, . win. ?un "take ?1 or I' ? ? .. >... ?re lid aol '????' the as man, the f< ? wie. personal liberty" un"' . - were threatened I Bay, foi rhese few, we, knowing the inevitable . ,. ? .? ? ? the license ? . i '.?? mat ? fall en ? rsonal liberty, bj tl a ? ay, bol " i children. Bul i ghl of woe from that little . rl imforl her m *?i th? years of . or Who is to blot out the r?'1 dreadful deed tiie IslOOtl .. eper 01 th? tete 1 "Personal liberty? There is n? aneh thmc only personal liberty ii anarchy, mid ?his la inppased to ho a country of law nn<i order. Seme of the mn.t violent proelalmer? pel .nal liberty doctrine eom? frota a try wl rt 'as I * rerboten" n.- them .. | to dei th while drank; in> saylnm from ths ..vife full of 1.SB and ? ? r for I ';ng drunk. "*_ hen liberty or that of my fan My community under n lora! law would dispense with the aal? rge msj.rlty. Who i* interferlni . ur per-..- nl liberty. The increase in the ' || not ? femp'-rat,.-.. BMT* Snd teres! temperance people. I*, only ?-. make the saloon mure reapeetable, therefore the more inviting. CITIZEN I - ;. i, net If, ItllI. Barbarous Russia. To the Editor of The Tliboae. V'.ur leading editorial to ?lay, on 'he frightfulnesl Of Kaiser and Siltac. causes me *?. wonder why your ethical l.ornlv refuses to acknowledge thfl Slgl .? barbaroua doings of the dear IIsai 01 Kar he it from me to hark bark to the i.*" ?',?. great ti -.-le and Impugntha B threa of Hritain and Gallia in er,ter - allies of the p=o ' r d" 1 undertake at this time to iiirere logic of Teuton claim elf-defence as original stimulus i. The partie:- to the <-nr.ten'ion. are fighting it out. Wiser men and later genera Bay even find them elvei mini > to ad judga iraments, i ? r.iiiy and re pectlrely, clean aini unclean. What i- of ibis concern to neutrals now la to observe the mode? and ;-cts of Loth - li Germany committed a helnoaa ofTrnee in Belgiam on the way '.. ii lieh"'.i 'h?. Allies marching Green If Turkej ia evidencing sa*' sge qualities in her treatment of the Ar n . then are we met by th?- facts ?' Husi-ian inhumanity t.. Jean and I A little "h, just ? wee, tiny bit of justice will do your patriotic heart no harm. Why ! ..t try it? Also, It might do American- g.i 7o remember the many .-'?;? n' iflc, practical and ?esthetic benefit! received and to be expected ?mm tiie Germanic races, in comp. the frigid nothingna - excepting the morbid, ra literature of the Russian elite, in tha black igi i r.-??u-e af the . -1 of the Russian.. If human evolution can a* all be alTe,?*. d bj conscious human selection, and if our "i._i tral" B? have any influence ?et u* B*l laugh me oat of it the for progr? i I ask Miu to s:iy whether the adjective can be an" "i- muai be "German"? A- for England, France and Italy. I'm will* aragei thai these Western fii<.iuis will I in Unding they are in th.. ? of a gratuitous quarrel. Eastward the curse of arai takl ?' There let the best men win! I8IDOR LAZARUS, Neat York, Oct. It, 111. An Idle Scarecrow. 1?, thfl I. lltOf of The Tribune. Sir: A story is told of a gentleman who dropped in . ? - hOBSS and flrfl ? II ? ii ittei aloud, . i. maid servant held bar hand* ??ver his ears. The maid explained: "Ay ! I i - B I?tter from my yung man, and ay not know how to read, so Mi. (?. he I him :'..r me." "Bot ? hj .In > , n hold hi ? ear- V" "Ay no! ? I.??-, e him hear what is ?n ? ? . ?.ed ' tertaifl op ? - qaal Baffrage who pit .im. tu ?'??? ihre t? 'imoay. Since 'he r? are ?prend broad ? be r. ad by the pablie at iarj. by young boys und girls, it need be no gt*- ?' Canse for concern if B few women of on_!ly hear tha . Old I_w\<. ?J that in ea?es of that ?? women on the niry as a p. i neu aajastly se ? pretty i metimes ? nil the wool over '? | | .?;,.. pf B9B| jrhen a igh her tLK iil.A' KWT.I !.. Dorel est? r, M | , 111. Party Leader and President. I BBS. Il it because Mr. Wilson regards the Of . reater honor than thai h mise ? f the lien oerstie On!) ..aking kaoa m srd ?-.;u..; suffrage he aga | amendment. ??:..* a> leader of mv party in !' dees not seem ? mind has been ?o ap lt* I am not mistaken, some years BBt ?aid, when criticised fur going oat B making eertain ap ? . ? ? . I th? Pri leat of all the people, 1 abeth, N .1 . Oei It, 1911. s. i i. No More Democracy. ? * of The Tribune. Bin 'Ths World" lays Wil sa w?nt* a 1 it cannot ? I *m a Southern Pemeerat, and alway? have ? Deaaeeratie ticket, but no mere Democraej for ma la view af ?hat is '?'. ngton an _ |oiag oa hen n Haw fark under ih-- aateeratie rule ' f Murphy and Tammany. 1 gaed te r?1*?! World" regalarly, bal taw 1 read The 11 :i.. J. C. BALI .N-v, _or_, Uct. 13, 1.16. WAR IN THE Gj\RDEN OF EDEN c.???m, i...... .? *? Bri?* ??* tm**_ __* *" L> ,h' ^ "*' "" **?* Ihroiiiih Mesopotamia. , /?rom r>" I n.'inn Tlmoo I hfosopotsatls, September " ? ?.'????? . tar may I those oh? - i ? ? I 'I"* lest riX ???the i petas i sad tks Persian OaH eaan? but I ? ' ' ' the Ion,, arid trjrti i nee less? of life t? *h*r In !.? ? ?lae-a her? . trhera Intel , ,, .. n y ?r..\.i 1 ?indor ?rhal ?m campais ha? l. ' ondueted, ttedl on? of..rat ii tl.rid, 11 takeB heavy tell of Britiah ami In.bin troop? alik? ?ml || rell foi thl ' rlt Of the tror.p nt,.| tl ' enterprise of theli leaden 'b*t tb . havs been i f ?ocee??fu - p .-.- ' f tares lurid''.) In N'n reml ??? fi I I ' : -? ,: 01 ,l ?' cam paign :'??' ide tl I f I my o the Tigris, the 1 i ? ? ? Ah? as liae and th. enormou - an ? of ral nah The troop? who ha? ? ? ? Bril ? . i ara m ?h.* main Turhish ? ? | .? are included e? eial of the ( ?tantinople regiments, who were d ? , . ?? before C< ? , ? the ?4 r?galai ? wer? loyall? nd ssi ited bj Arab Hr.) leviea; for Turkey, even ir her mosl diatant provlneea, enforced aniver I. . . . ? nation, thi? law ?a? i'p<*nl> tl i advantage of local gov ? rnoi - for avoid..- ?or vire irai ai h .-?-. a? tfl Turk il fuel before 'he Britiah occapation, levied Indiscriminate? ly "n Mai , Jews, Chi tians and ?hal deaa?. Ir? practice *l i- ?y?trm le?! to n not esaful i lit, inaartng to th? lorn! governors a goodly Bow of <*a?h and to the coinr? sturdy country jfoutl i arho could BOl i.f.prd ro pay ?o high a pri<-e. The third clss? who r.?i?*n?l tb? Rrltl?h oeeapatiOB ?re the warllk" Arab tribesmen of th.* eOBfltry. Il il probable that the Turk? ish government made their bis:gp?f mistake in counting too highly on the eupport to be i ?xpeeted from theae. Throughout th? cam? paign the tribesmen, Who seem to nprin? In ?h?dr thouaandi from nowhere or Boywhere, have play.'! s three?coraered game, watching for their opportunity at the fortuno? ,,f the fiL'bt swung in the balance and devntinir their energies to harassing and plund- | | i r\or - r Al'hough the Turk have had a primary claim on the ?ervhc? , the trll t I happened more than one that a To feat hai been change?! *., ? . ittentioi I ' ? "Temptation Sijiiare." Never h-?? B C such dlvei of the old? ' on m the w'.rld. Bta ?i, hca n this preset l year two m portant ?c tions have been foaghl Bfl the ? ?np'. I of the Harden of Eden. Nothing will *hak ? ;n Kama, a* th< junction of tho Tigris an ; Mesopotamia pos?e?.e? the original Gardei of Eden, though units of tha garrison w-h' ?.crupi??! its defences during the montha of May and I i ; only so far t? name? BUCh a' er," "Iemptatlon 8q lare,' ti more Importan! thoroaghfarei I he firs' of theae BCtioaS was a 1*1 ? ?iich . ? ikea place tally in glanders I lo- leeond, ? v? r id? ntieally ?he same ground ? ho floods had risen, a naval aetioa II which ihipa of the royal r.ivv were able te parti?- | i mla hna?t? * record variation of ' 'ig the year Hitter ,?? damp m u ii ' er and heat in summer have added enormou the difficulties of tl,, pari=on ?o Meso| India, even hot weather, la a ihn? been used a* such by a greater number IOf Sieh than we care to think BBOBt Trade in this cour.'ry of infinite possibili? ties Iihs faltered for many years under the opprei sive rule of the Turk. Revenue to the government was of'en assessed at half the produce of the land, and the only saving clause was that some of the more powerful landowner? were accustomed to refuse to pay rerenua at all. Still, the Turkish govern? ment had their own method* of Jogging memories of the recalcitran*, and there are few sheiks or large landowners who have not served term* of imprisonment in (on Bople, varying la length from two to twenty yean, for arrears of re/venae, oft? n contracted hy their predecessors. The pro ? i f rrali *>*r* every ????nlitj f?f ?tS BU? ?' BXlsl * a* -in*?r. sged by strangling t * fr?1?*nt ?el ?n of I ' ' -' pUcir.? bargo on r<*Jrt d | not '?nd to ?r. ? I ?? o'rpr t**x. led Am?r. ic? is .pe ehi? f ?."ur* tkeieaa* ? -??'.! paekirv * aesga nf the year, a ? ??i ,g ?ar. .- I -" .- i ?? ??, il ". an<| * ??'.-' : aea cm. by, ? ntftri than ord - - ' *-*1?r.iet tanta of ths par? of "?? country, and ..-i ii d<?;?? i denes i ? .rely to _. met ? ? . ? \niphibioii Warfare. During I ' ' ' exe?>_??T(. lated sil I wh,-_ opera- ' ' " bio*? soil af warf I n _?!? ? srmie? and B* another th ?t i rut had this merit 'ha* ? i ? x'htoli tu ? ver be? The floods have auh. sad n.rtli and we?? of th? arhlch s?irr.tiB?i i raBaf | t pastal af *?_? ?ie and hoi ? ' aee. t.* ??t, faintly ?- I ? are visible, ''.nul? u-- ? ?greet Tisri ' SB an?! then rut-" of an ai - rer?rd of .nnii. long pa?* r'.nc?mpm*ntl of wandering Bedouin are dotted ?bout _*r? and there, and horde* I nal iren p'.ay along the banks of the ?nail. Before the war 'he Ari'i _??<! *o rary *%? monotony of their pe.i-c-.;1 '?.??? by _ring on trading steamer* as thny r*??ed up and down ?he great araterwaya. _hej have >?r_*d t? . ? respe?, the armed boat. which ply ther. now. hi* am eng th* #_p?d'. Still a-, axiom af th* art of preserving life that ia Arab shall n?T*r ' to approach ton ci"? W? ha.? - od me- from Arab tre?ch*rf ?o forget the lesson. UNNATURAL NEUTRALITY Honor ?inc. Even Self Interest Should Compel Us to Act. To the Editor of the Tribune. Sir: Let nu- expr?s? profound approval of th? noble a"d wise letter "f Arthur Stan wood Pier iti your lasos of to day. Oui government, la it? desire to remain p', ha? experimented too long in n n? ? ? - * unnaturnl neutrality, and has endured COB? itaat eoatamely and Bomberles? affronta and injuries, from the TeotOBS. It ha? uttered no -.tpird "f protest against their unspeak nble outrage?, excepting only those rela'incr ro direct injuries to our own citizens. '? th I moment, ?O far a? the war on land tleerned, th? situation it appalling to all .tin? bel ?v? in ?h'. principle? of thai liberty :.*'.! representative govsrnmont which Amer? ica Inherited from Engleod and confirmed by the aid of France. Oppooed to that liberty and in favor of World despotism are arrayed the three Tur keys. All mankind faces their not impossible victory. Thefl WOUjId they be swift to ravish and loot Am?rica sad sdd her scalp to the gory trophies now i.7 their belts. - a compound of rd < e, lack of patriotism and ovsrselflah ?xpedieaey, for ;t .- t"" prone to igaore tignt, reason, honor, justice and ma; and ta a grave extent permits or sanctions - m res ion . loju tics and all UBmaaliaess. Shall America hav? no part in thia, the doua eonfliet w? ean conceive, in behalf of the greatest earthly boona liberty and Individualism? No word of condemnation for ths thro? Turk-." No word er set "f ?ympothy for the I . . who giv?- their "all" as much for Arner .cari liberty a? for their owo? If they win will they not hold u? in just contempt for our base inaction? If tht-y Ice my God I ? dare not contem? plate th" horrors on Belgiafl and French r. ???.I on a raster und more ravenous m oar beloved land! Doe? sot every princ pi? of right, honor sad ?vea self interest rail upon America to h. h?-r share? Will our government ' tinue to l.e Mipine, to shut its eyes to the ?word BOW over our heads, and do nothing at all but whimper with Beroatortf and pray 11ml r?. aoftea 'he heart? of those who sav ..,*-> I> menace the civilization and liberty of mankind '.' T?. -Tike hard ar.l itrfks first is the chief law for fighting peoples. It la not within a private eitlseo'i furiftiiin t?. prescribe the do? ta i ? "!' BCl Hut suri'ly, most surely, the administr?t ?"ti has or can command sufficient meotality to ,-:vi> to the world trie American MtiflUata ?>f tatOI M"", und all it mean?, and pledge and all meaai it can employ to avert rhe calamity arid menace of 11 IS TSO 'onic sfforl to dries liberty from the I ? ? ? ' arth. Eaglaad bai benefited by a coalition ?'ah Why ri'.ny not the I'rnted State? profitably do th? sum* thing, antl secure the aid of some of her great BOO? who .???? not member? of the Prosideat'a i.mi part) I JOSEPH CULBERTSON CLAYTON. . Ocl l., ISIS. German Villanies and Others. f our motl ? ? ? ? ? . . doe? not mean "? ? ? ? truth.' ? r MS any refer. ? ,per to ? ? ful atr?ic?r . ? ?.??! by rhe ana ?luring their iavoaioB of Ea i, abich ar. andoabte lly ?, ,-,. | have never seen them denied by the I.\; ' ? ? ? . anl to have l.een com ? tted ? ? tl Gorm?os Ib Belgium. .. BOl Sal) b] "?'-i rnans b It nl-o seatral ? ?? corro? pondent? who were with th? Gerssoa army. It leeou very ?igaifleoat that out cutting off of band- ' h loaemeot of ? ii . people h ho ? -,. kaew ?.?bj -? u kee\ ? '.it tee IOS upon tbl .lew -, bat fO? I ? SI "-i thia ami ns. Why don'* you tell the truth and -ay that it is bec? i SOI aie ' o rinany '.' If you cannot be tair, ut least be h I should lik? ? p Ml you another question irk?] 'I "lio- . 'her p..wer :\. 11 t" ? iraiug sad hanging of Sd men. women an?! ekildrOB by mob? in -. without any of the murderer? (UlttOlly "pronun?*nt" citi/.n belog pun it h?r would our BBSWOI I I ? ' Furtbtiuiore, 1 should like to know, as . are grieving so much about the violation 0 im. neutrality, whal do you tl ink abou ?l?. violation of Greeee'a i ' ff? the "taking" of the Canal Zone a violation 0 neutrality? What about the treatiei a ' ?.he Indians, which were considered "scrap of paper" by the United Btatei government' . would stop your German bs til g loni r noagli 'o answer qu< u yot woul? ssidea those wh< irrite letters praising your anti-German <di torials. It i? your privilege to form a1 d as press your own opinion about the war. but a least be honest. ('. G. lloboken, N. J., Get It, lilt Anticipatory! To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: The Tribune announces with eonsplcu ou? liberality of phrase that on Sunday i will publish an explanation by Victor Mur dock, Progressive, of "Why the Progressiv? Tarty Will Go Info the Campaign of 1914 and to Win." I conclude that your reader generally will concede that a man whose hope fulness is truly phenomenal shouhl have hi: say. obviously the crisis for that party Is acute considering that in this state its former stat? chairman, Mr. Douglas RobinsOB, nephew o Colonel Roosevelt, and their candidates ir '?11 I'm Governor and Lieutenant Governor Mr. Davenport and Mr. Ilamlin, have all an i.oune..i their return to the Republican party n has Mr. i'.ird, their former candidat? Governor in Massachusetts. In thi I in which, their enrolment in 1. It fell 27. ,00( short of the vote for their Presidential Klee tors in 1912, the need for a heartening won a? ? ma imminent. Rut may we not venttire a few words an tieipatory of what Mr. Murdoch shall say' Not long ngo he spoke in Washington, an? ad that each Progressive read the itll platform through at least once every thre? months That no doubt implied confidence ir the wisdom of that document and ignoranc? Of ths fact provable beyond possibility ol refutation that the protagonial Progri liimseli" has practically repudiated several ol it* most Important plank?, it also must hav? imp!:?.,! confidence m the sanity and veracity of their l'.'l- Presidential candidate the in.ii unquestionably Still, as then, the lead' r ol 'heir one-man part v. GEORGE R. BISHOP. New York, Oct. 15, 1916. Why Not? To the Editor of Ths Tribune. Sir: l s?-?1 by the papers thai ander Mr Oaborne'l "reform" rule at Sing S;tig in mate* break one another** beads, inda ge immoral habits and suiTer [ ,-i through close Confinement in their cell- witk out the slightest interference from the au? thorities. Why hasa't Mr Osberae, wha has ia much time to denounce the "eld system," iavoked the law'? aid t.? punish law breakers inside the prisOB, Instead of waiting for hi? SB* pel 01 to call In the District Attorney? I ?? in prison reform, but I cannot con? done lawlessness and indecency committed ?in its name. Mr. Osborne may have done J i lot to advertise Sing Sing's convict -, but ap? parently has done little t" reform them. Reports that one of them has been locked sa weeks for accusing the warden of ? * him -teal into the deathhouse im? presses the onlooker that the ghost of tho item," with it? reveageful punish 'i!l lurks about the place. Why not genuine prison reform? FAIR PLAT. M?wbargfc, N Y, Get :, |fi| A California Anti-Suffra^iIt View. i ' hl Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Whatever va!;-... I ?;,?? ?itgu ment? ' 11 r the su'Trage qaeatlOB, here i* one most forcible to persons of calm judgment: I-..i l?verai ;.<ar? 1,000,000 persona a year as from foreign countries, . from S.?uth?-rn Kurope, many notable to read and wr.te Been tiier own language, the WOB ? tad than the men. Mo-?1 j of them have no conception at present of real republicanism. Many <.f the older on.-; refuse I to learn the n? w language, depending upon | their children for communication with Ameri? can?. If the r H'ht to vote is given to them im? mediately, w.iat then? Their vote will that of the intelligent edu? cated . ufTrii?ist women who are puahiag thi? through ROW. I* i-? tr?.:??, an ignorant vote could be bought, bat would the suffragists buy it? Republics stand only on education and heaei A READER POR PIPTY VEAU. | ._?_ Praaeisce, Dot ", i_ 15. CLEAN STREETS CHEAPER Reduce Dirt and ProWt Health br Keeping M;*niiro Off Streets. tor Sir: With all the ta ? I - itthoj dotrrt expense n?' our city ' *. It l***M ?trance tl Si I ? one h*s ?Bggested th* lit. ing of millions of dollars by the very simple plan outlined ! ' It is safe to - id th? automobil? made i?s apoesranre a? a mnrhlne whleh scattered organic tilth ro the *mour? of ?eveni pounds at intervals of one or two nvlei it would have been forl ?' oar streets. Vet we hav? I | <"*t??M with us at the present ? ?fBi? Many years ago it wa? lUggeited in Kr.? land that each horse be provided with a n reptacle attached to the harness to catch th? droppings before they fell to the itree* Th* time i? ripe now ?o make this eorr. Co-operation between the depertmcr' of Health and Street Cleaning ran bring ?boat and enforce a law obliging all horses enter? ing the city lim:'? to I" ? aitk ?? approved receptacle ?.. estel "-.ana**. At intervals of five blocks or I?, to h? dt* termioed by trial, permanent ?tel I? -"hill be [ erected where t; ? ?f th? receptacle? on the horses may be emptied. The msnuri deposited st these stsl lb? fras from foreign matter ari'l may be sold by ?lie city at a good figure, in Bg deposed of a? a loss, sa at preeeat. Of course, we may expect h??wl? from th. teamsters' associations, express compiniel, -*"res and others in the ?earning butin*?!. Th"y will fall to re- BSBy of thi accidents to their horses ?re due to slippery streets, made SO by manure. The tractits ?ffoii of SdhesiOB il lowered because of the same condition? I. *.. on a ?lippery street B horse cannot pull as heavy a load s? h? , can when rhe .-? ' due to dry ?arftscea of itroel iiaatsr. Automobilist? will weleomc mel ? me.?un With open arm?. It ? ? ?7, l*!l mini, less skiddiog, SI ? ??fety and pleasure. The effect would be the redur ? eieeulag ? I fl p*r less from the fewer BBmbei mtri und apparatus n, e?i.-,| and th? IBCOBM from the sale of manure. . . ' would be the Improved hi ildrea, ?id adui's n? well, wkoas I .? . set b? tilled with wind-blown bora? manure. And, . our sen -. I cleanlineil weald be improved, I th ? gre*t?r pride in "tir ?potlCBI would not mind the arrangement in the lea?*. *nd the cost to th.* owoen arould be tl la i* too near election to start a mori ment for tins reform' I personally ?"-7 ill flfht f..! it Lei San Kort lead the wi ? JOHN 8 < KAM'KLL. New York. Or*. |, Ifflg, Sunday Saloons To the'or of The Tribune. Sir; With the good exampl? of th? M?ye" of Ckiooga enforcing the lav, BgS?B?t Sun? day liquor selling. I hav" irrittOS Mayor Mitchel .-??king him to go ?nd ??o IlkowlSS. Having written to him itoadily - ' ?*' IsniA ary, 17?ll, nearly every mon'h on thi? quet tiori of permitting tk? liquor trail* to d'.tre g.ird the Boodoy l.|uor law. I am hoping tri?? in v if\i of the gfi >' f?it?d in the question of laefl not h? alcoholic depraeaiOB in all th? depsi i - of life h?* will be willing at leset to ttop the open back an.l side doOf trade of th? ?ab'ons on Sundav. I can enter any of the saloon? in this -. on Sunday, even in my elsricsl drei', without trouble. I have on lOiae Sunday? gone into eight or ten and seen men and drinking. I have la tim?s post giver, to the Miy?" and Police CoBMBissiOBOr ?he names of th-** places, but Bothiag boa beea bom. If B cago can elect a May r who will no! ?kW his duty 1 have enough confidence in thi? great city ta believe ?hut B Mayor ?"ho would be true to his oa'h of ortie- WOOld be taAW somely taoperted IAMBI v. ciiiiim New York. Od -. 1.15. Bloedsinnig. To the F.litor of The Tribune. Sir: No one can deny you the right to tatot the Allies' cau?e in this European ?tfdl** but when you use such ?Illy srgumen? again* Herman Kultur ?s evidenced m dsy'l editorial "W h.-ri tk? Mountain l'0M Mahomet" all intelligent people will ?* with von Papen that at least some A m eric? Mtl. are idiot*. ?? MM Vork, Oct. 13, 1915?