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Kick and Not Punch Is the Dramatic Order o? the Day Charlotte of the Hip Is No Charlotte Russ On thr Contrary, Tliis Fanciest of Fancy Skater. I. German to th. Last Syllabi?? to Ice \\J_rn Sh. Was Eiarhl Years Old i ? CEOKGI ? K M l MAN eaat'.r.g about for the in. ' ? .'er. . r ? ? , tar at the ?-Ah. tor er "Hut m< dick* - than ?? in the audi- j the daintj ? m o re ,.'i ordinary being ! ? Joffrej what they | ble thai Char* ? I ; ? ..????. final gehabt French she ;?? not, and not. Ii *v er words. Kuss this girl i from I She has I * It la i). ?' . ? ? , read ca? s bit forth? ''-: ?' ? ? ? ? ? As ? terpretei a wa . ? I e a nrisica! prod!) ' ? ? ? 1.11 ? .come her del cn'ene??, or de I h- ? . . r ? I 1 ?ve a1. | Bat and akated s a t-, ?1 a '. : It .eeme. according to the inter ry ? f ' hario'.te. that ah? m that time ur.1.. -1 ? 'her the Kaiser use | his i ? right summer or a I reri ;.<!oor ice places where the ? ?? was always ..f the ff_K ? .. agi althei ' I ?? ? : the laterpretei fa I? rate, Charlotte grew daily atrongei ?.? I v when skat.tig was r." tieceai growi ? become oi ? of the fancy just man who ran 11 i alare offered * barlotte i i >r ' sex 11 ' I ? '? . to do was ? II men : for Char!. -1 I rde. ? ahead a few vnrs, it was a' ? palace 11 tativa f Charles , ' when I .: for Hippodrome ' ? . i a I what 11 ng tu ? ? Iturc bui a i th mentioi Chai ?">? a ai ? ta wlllina to ? at tho aforementioned . and ao W< : iher. all came, as did t-.' I Others sknters from the sa- ? ? ? rhat is the re. t sh? saved for th? drome .... ice abating, and then, w.*h ?he ?nti . i . ... think that it ' am ugh. A- foi a I? i gtfa ol b? r stay In this . .n swer. "Al long." she raid, "as you in Amer? ica make ice und money." . of Charlotte - ? the Bnwritable par! I arvei in the Hippodrome ? ? twici daily, And that yon must n.i tu the Hippodrome :. FAMOUS PLAYERS CO. BREAKS A RECORD Will Release Six Feature Films ll Single Month. ?creen pro ! by a feature nth will be i ? the public . I ataga aaeeesaes. al the 'a ata ? ?Irawal ?>f * i No ? i ? ' ? . i ths ? b the ? ? adir-. ? an equal . Lo.w's Am.rican Roof. Two bes .. a--'.? will be Loser. aa 1 half of the wee', _ ? ? company w*U presenl ,? i sylet, "Mr. Gravea, I . II | ? >,,. w ? there a ..?ly ?ku. --i... Oat " Otl si - 01 tl ? will be . . -\, Helena, i ?inter; Webb's seals, Caatellni and * ? ' ? - ? K ? ?? ?'. K t..-. Ricardo h' .i Cooper and Bunth and Rudd Th. aya of ' jra." h? it will embrace Noah Beery and Marguerite Abott, n '? Lace?, ? . is \ tPOl ' s MM MM -." ? I - ... ?? I . ? focal ' ARNOLD DALY S PLAY \?t?.r t.. (reate New Character In "The Angel In the House." Am. 1 1 Lay will produce the late?' work of Edep Phillpott? nnd liasil MscDonSld Hastlngi, "The Angel of tl .? Hooae," about the middle of No? vember. Thi? play, which bus n I on lion run of over 2iKi performances to |*U credit, will give Daly the kind of part be has been seeking for years. Le will have opportunities which arc limit.? ? part is practically of a type new . America! , Dal] I .1 Im ? of an esotic of the Oscar Wild? ? In th. seios of el ?i . a la Bunthorni ed with bent 1 ? . that ; ' :..r" .-, i | - .'. ii t ? ;i new cr. ? ? tluce. ?? I ?? has born? ? ? I a' . ? i KILLLNG ELK FOR TEETH Ranger? Report I'cpredaliona In the i ?limpie Reocrvo, I k killers ar.' be 0 ? ationol foroi g to R. L ? ? . a Poat-lnl ? ? ? ' . ? ?OS 1 ? ' ??? tooth booten the elk herds of the Olymp - ora . ? ? ?? est i mi?.ie by rangen 'h.s summer, number ?even thousand head. <?! elk about five thoUB* 'he borders of the national forest. Mr. Vr..mme la well i .eased with the work of the reason duriag the? ?astmei ? ' ' ? ? ghtiag tire?, ou' thi r?galai .-, paid the ? . ? " ai coi SCl that a gre.t manv | ' - - ta vii ted the foi >?ar than in SB] ?tk? tory. HIS Kit] ark. .... 1 then, sVBS he SI ? ? ??-.'? '. i ? un" I '. 1 Si ' on the bOab of tl . I lo." j Old Films and New on the Screens for This Week The prcgrammi thi- week at the i where the $2 ? ? i : .milton ?n "Hi i Pi int? i Hero," 'I ully Mai ? . ? . Sabll ? Murray in "A t . ; v, illiam S. Han ] :.e last mentioned : Hi laton, a I W? -'tern cornu... feud betwcei ? a smugglers. Tha workii ? ... : '?'. ? .. Wardrol ? ? mi ..?' I ill is : produced by Hei 11 rl I'.r? New York. . -.. ? 160, i ? of tl fa onable ? I , ? . ' .?' in the ? ? I romai rapidly i Gypsy a ? n for ternooi . Pos '?'? ? Broadway. I Dorothy Bernard ii Iti itar. She will : mak?. a persoasl appearance before tha at . o'clock, to : ?-) I :.- B o'clock and each of the other eveainga n* ;? o'clock. Thurlow i ? i. ? . ...:?: bet ed in the capal . i A' tiie Strand Theatre the main lay feature vviii be a pieturisa* j lion of ?!??' I imoua play, "The ? horua Lady," in which Rose Stahl made her moat pronounced hit on .- i iga i ha Jesse L> Leah] I | . ompany made the pro ?i and has git en it an exi i ? .: and a cast Inelu Hag Cleo ' -. Daw, Wallace Bald ' and Ri Tha muaical programmB thla week is . rchestra arill render a concert over tuie and alaa plaj pec i lj eomp..I lapts ! Ineid ntal music to the iii-n. The tl are (irare Hoffman, soprano; Alfred Da Manby, barytone and Lucille Orre 11, 'cellist. Carl Kdouarde will I act. "The Birth of a Kation" continues at the Liberi ? ? . where 11 'urns to its i nth month a i tha perform* .-i Sunday. M r Gr filth a : bai broken ??:l re? ordi fo th o? i ig th? by H? 'A : \ i ty v. :u ? '.'. -: rook "'i ka Birth ? - eonsecutiTs scie in New i? -. : a i main at tha Liberty for an Ii lefli ts term and will positively SCENE I ROM "gCIVM'.VS." B ?il?, Misa Margaret Watson and Frederick Ross. not be seen at any other theatre In Manhattan durittg this BBgUCOmeat. "The Battle Cry of Peace," at the Vitagraph Theatre, feats I hurles Rich man In a bis and lively picture showing trie destruction ?' ??es Yorh by ? foreign fro. Battloskips, labasO rines anil BOroplaaea an- ihown in ac? tion. At ?be Olofce Theatre Mr. an.l Mrs. Vernon Cssti? Bflll le shown in a pict? ure drama entitled "The Whirl of Life." liiere will be two performances ? nnd matiaee? on Mon<tays, Tues ....:?. i ! ' ? ? : . -. - CYRIL MAUDE COMES TO STANDARD THEATRE "Pair of Sixes" and "Soiiij of Soties" Also Return. Cyril Maude will make hi? last New York appearance in "Crurr.pv" thi? week, beginning nn engagement at the Standard Theatre tO?tttorrow night Mr. Maude will be surrounded by the -nrne company of player? were ? ??en wirb him during hi -?-.son at ' ?? Umpire Th. H. H. Proseo111 I l'a r .,'-.'? ? I stre. Ia tl ? Iowa.. :; ; . I Merrif The ; rated its i ? "Tvi-in Hi the ] polarity af ? la New Yorh * * ?rill be .-e? r. tkii I hi Les lac? lan . ? ist will ii ido 1 Bel ' ?rii se Moi -.ab. Shel ri of the I ta A W.-. SI I ' yr:? K. . eoatiaae to top tb? es t? CONCERTS TO-DAY At John PI a'? thiril concert ?t the Hipi i ? ,, ; ? ? \ ng those who m II appear a . ? ? . .. i . ?' ? . ?- li Mr. Sou.a will nitro h. ?-?? m ] sa ?! his 7. tad of the world. ipM Creatore and I :if**,- a . ? todoid Theatre a'. I s'cloch tl.:? aftorBOOB anj j 8:j0 o'clock this evening. j BURLESQUi: ATTRACTIONS "Smiling lleanti.s" at ClnmM??N?"? Show at Yrrkville. in aeeoi laace ' ' ' -, i , i torn of '.... '? ;'???' l prarloaaly s? >n at thai the Co? lamb?a Theatre anaouaeoa ?mother new ??? . _. ,' h?. pn ? I thi .... Beaul ' During , iced. .? , Prominent in 'he company v Hnrr. K. Mr. r'.,n, /.ella i: . Emerson, 1 i. H< ideD a Fain '.ark;e chorus. The Blue Blhl oa I llea ?rill ? I burlas?7)ua ? the Yorl el "At I'alm Beach ai" ? ?. whoBi Bshi ? lea at I lumbia last summer. ATTRACTIONS AT BROOKLYN HOUSES Oranville liar, tt Productions at Majestic. theati ? .?.?, week, whi n Granvi \ rted a Dun the Lion" ?rill appear si ths M i Theatre ? id practically as aeon ?s Wal Mr Bareer, Llllah Mel irthy ? Percy Burton I ? producers, rthy again be I I the te - P weih as A ?-.bie parfonaan i *? Btrieai year, eontli tea Ii ?.. piny and also appears it, the Anal curtain tbimt The hfontauh Theatre ?rill have -; i .-'how Shop," Forbes', play 0> /... . tl Btaga mother ???? I Georgs Sidney r> peata his excellent work a. the I atrical manager. "Sinners," Owen Davte'a excitinr. . of ? sad rural Ufa, be the attraction at Teller's Shubert Theatre. Many of the original j are in the company. Gertrud? Hoffmann topa I i i ville bill al the Orpkeum, pre-" the Bi ? ay, "Sumurun." ? HI be M r. and M J hurry. In "The Rube"; Ota Gjfi, Span it* "? 'ranben i? i." a derer ibeteh; Hunting and Francis, in "Love ? -ti"; V-Caton and ? '.aire, singer? and dancers, and Median's dogs. An added attraction will ba a motion pict? ure drama of Brooklyn life, taken aspo* i cially for the Orpheum. The bill at thfl Bushwiek will am* biace T. Roy Harries and BOBSiS CrOW ford, in "Tha Magasins Man and the Lady"; John Hyama and Leila Me? int-, re. In "Th?. Quakerei ?": Julian Ro.e, monologist; Fred V. Bower-, scng revue; Charlotte Parry, in a pro ?e.n sketch; Charlie Olcott, offering a ? on comic opera; the van Brothers, in a sketch; Loyals dogs and Kartclli, wire artist. At the Prospect Theatre the top notehers will be Eddie Leonard ,.? I I Dooley and Sale- Theafl art-, wore the winners of a popularity contest recent? ly held. Others wi'll be Marshal! Montgomery, rentriloqulst; Harry Gi? rard a Co, In "The Luck of a Totem"; Marion Weeks, soprano; Cantor and Loo, comedian-?; Irene and Bobble, not cmedians but comediennes; J W. Fit.patrick & Co., in a comedy sketch; Hums and I.ynn, with "dlffi ih.nces"; the Seebacks, in an ac novelty, and Tango Chief, a - ! orse. Irving Place Theatre. A new play by Karl Schoenherr. au? thor of "Glaube und Heimat," will be he next offering of Director Chris? tian's German .-'eck eompaay at the Irving Place Theatre. Thfl play is en? titled "Her Weibateufel," :<-i I hm had auecessful ruas In Berlin and Vi< Amolil KorrT, (int.. Meyer and Chris* tian Rub will head the SYMPHONY WALTER. AMi-OSCH, Conductor I'll!'-!' . vr- at I EL-V?? i lilt- I APPK \ It \ Nt i: I \ TWO *? I _BS.) Beethevea, Goldmark, ? ? for v . ? Boret, i. ; "Daphnta ai d Ch i _ .rut? Hi Bo. ??III. e, \...lii,n Mail. PHILHARMONIC n 01 .ew Torr _VK ' V i . ?! K I-H 8| JOSEF STRANSKY t.,!jlt.p SOLOISTS. E? . DMtlnn J.'i? Gulp Oil?. Fr?m,t?d M.lanl* K?r? tll.ib'lh van End.rt Fn._ Kok, r Paulo [ail Arrijo f ,:o B'a-'!-? MairUan L??j I Yolando Mt? Fr.nrl? . if-l'lm MatlalHaa Pllw 0??lp l,aDrll_*it?ct. Prrr, l.ral?i-r Harald Ba?MT _rn?at Schilling Ernr.t Mutch*?.n THURSDAY. FRIDAY SATURDAY A. -.UNDAY S^rl?. ol Con rt? in C'n .1* Hal. A S 'A 01 EN IT '?.!?.,' \ l_ , I.,,,, ' : . FtLix f. LFirtLR "iai|ir PEOPLE'S SYMPHONY ? Iren? 11 ,. O.I. 14th. Ilee. ||.,., ,r,, I II.IV-ll \ M BI H ' -,- >.i in- ?. . lea rsYW?PH??1Y tOICEBTS ? ' a von a a pcopLi : Waller lian?; - ... B?*ia I i MAI ?? ? MANN. 4) Bel t, ? ' l ? ?.. i ? Pjff tl ?'I I *.*-. II V? I ? lEISEl QUARTET a* H CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS ' I ' ? - l> _ \ B V KM I -?li? lt, r? i. M.? ' AiOLIA^ MALL, T.-. ?, . ??.. _t ii - Son? Redui D'?RNALLE . ! ... Peterso -'?M. 111.1 II \l I loir, .ft ?. I ??? I II LLEN ii..., ?i A. i,ll..I? ll.l!. ?I, t .", i. 'w a-. 11 \ - I eta tu |: i,. Evelyn Nesbit Returns to Palace an "Artisp Jack Clifford, Sh< Will Sing and Dai)? M . ,l,,r Headliner -This Week?Prima Donnas at ( olonial and Alhambra, I ? : ? ? I ? - ? ? i ? ? i ' ? ' da?*. . y ; fin?. ***? ?A"" ' "tit ? ? ' ?? ?TO *S?? ? ? ? , -. * rom. 7. "Ul (a, ?' ? , "*rW?lta. rtar% ' ZTXt* opera. ? ? ' :t te_ ... e,?_ ? ' ? ?:rt*.j*. ? ? Ta.. *?? Itltajn ? ' '.arcsa .1. :?. :? Ethel Wlnthiep playing h?r ol.l part. ir. "The Lottery Man" for the Whart.m Moving Picture Com? pany. _ War Farce Next Week. October ! I upon a? the date of the promit I "Sber? man Was Right." Frank M ? . vshich H. H. Fra7.-e ariU \ ro? duee at the Fulton Theatre. The play has be.-i given two weeks of prelimi? nary ? ' i formai cea ob n. In the casi will be Hale Hamilton, not her.' since "A Pair ".'' Site?"; ? ? I ? Coaaart, Dorothj Dorr, . He gins v? THE BILT?fi??? M<>r ni m/ Musicales M.-n?jrmsnt of Mr. R. F. I"M??T.IN, Cr.iul ll.i'lrjom. hllT.L ?ILTMJKE at II ?CI. laa, . . ? i p ii. 2j. I nl/ la-, sil r Mine. Melba Bet?. . I I praaee. AMa r.i.'i? ?..'? ?mate i ?./... ii' ? l lar? "? ?? Bird I nri, .' I .irii??? I .ini.Hi ll.'.reu. M ... I i I Iiii.ipi ?,, i *l,l i ne I .irrar Ann.i I 'l /.ii f , ?..ii Hur lu <,ii I .-.,;.. 1,1 ?... Iowakj Jo?, f llnfiiiuiin Koaa llln/l. I i.. Il* Un. Il I? n i, , l'ail? ?Ui Marie Kappa! I 'm! nli, -, . m I - m? Kiesel sBllr? i- .1. *-'?ur.ilu Ail..-, i Bpaldlog Th.i. riptertaa Anilr" I ..iirr? I i r?n il. ?.i M ir. \\ artel 1.1,lll?e llnllier I.K.lUlllli /,-n,|i 111?. * ? I < \um ?.n RAM.. Hal ?ft. Oet, .'i ut ?, T'o?sh Victims' Rcli.?f Fund FADEREWSXI i. ill deliver an .??\i. ? -? ?? . POI .Sil i *?: ?Mi im -i NT. I . I ' 4 I I . I I \l <>:. :i"i'|\ '?. Ml ?I? ' , . 4 ' ttl.ll . 1 ?' tn a.\?a * SCATS? ' ?SRI? ?. ?!?'?. ' ' I ' ? : - ... i . FLCriZALEY QUARTET r??a : ? .. . ?IP II I . .. I . I 1? , . 1 , Il ll l? ?an :< ?,r ?4 Bauer TOM 0GBS0? ,. A LEIANDiR BUCH t ?-r I i . ? i \l 1.1 I i\ II \l I . I... - I >. ?I. I II?. Ilia?, EL? ??????" ORTfiAH Tick??. __t ?.. i: M."n"ni Annie I j THEATRE FRAN?AIS ANNOUNCES PLANS ?VIH Begin S.asi ; at BcrkPl.y I hi air?- November 15. i "Hl open lu ******* ?" ? -e.ey TW - 't'l Ktaa.' will aaad ? ?? pliH . will p* t i'e ?'?._. Announce*! | m Bt^ of the I ? lays of till a . ?>? "_? i-: ' '??? I Andrw Mcry. The r ? - - v\]\ (,ir? Ocl : er 28 n i rhats I OB No? vember '.' and 10, th. Preach players v*:", present "Blan it North Hampton and New The Berkeley Then*re. it i? itat??l, ha. been remodelled r. ai to present an in *.??:. or t/pically \ i perf,-rrna- ea arlll he giran at a ?'?.?a on No verni.- ? ? Kraterr.eli? dea Art'sie ' ? ?_? Frenck _mei .? Ihm have o_e: . It wti\ b? Ian L Bon? heur, who will ?"jidiai - Of thfl i ? tail. MANHATT VX lOPERA HOUSE 7 WEEKS (XfJ V _. BEGINNING U?L I . -J ?BOSTON GRAND OPERA CO. in conjunction with the PAVLOWA IMPERIAL BALLET RUSSE ff*****Ze 3**^. Owing to the extensive Itage facilities required for mounting the e'abo* rate Boston Opera pro? duction?, it is necessary to take this organization to t!ie Haalkattaa Opera H o u ? e?ti. kets pur? chased for the Lexing? ton will be ex? hanged for corresponding seata af the Manhattan. TO-MORROW SVlii." : THIS AFTti.NOON at 3 , ? '. W*tt? Piano Recital J ?_*a I AmIi. , ? ? I ?Il ! MiLINOWSKI se Cl!. PSW ANN SWINBURNE ? LISZNIEWSKA :",',",'.4 ,v Oct.? VIOUN KFXITAI . POWSll i, pp., ne** I I VI. \ .M? l> A-ID M A N N E S U-r' .... .?J lo?a'f..l S??? ' -- ?-??il , U -? s at. ;., /u: v "iS c.""r AMtRICAN iUUI ??Uftfilfc* ? " ?"* taci'isia a a A?* r.ti'i ? Every Eve. at 8:15 al kTABU All Stats L'es,, w.l. .'V.iVSOC ARMENIAN , . I- ark ? a ? * a i