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CHIEFS IN PLOT TO BETRAY V?LLA Bargained with Carranza for ( hibuahua ( ity and .in.i re 7. ?EAR OF EXECUTION MADEORNEI \SFLEE m**M*pMt v ' '' N ' N : Mim ? Siam' pe? . Border. ? ^^^^^^____________________B&; ? ? ? -? ? ? BK ? in . f hla szploHi ? i, ?m th. !i. - ? ed th* i rapidly sa h ii lie of lenient ... *> M< Mii*-t lu* "Unified" Before the People Can \ otc i the* m| T .0 1a?* ? ? ? . Mond ? I B1 the ai ?. .... ? ? ? it ' - ' ? - ? " Xho ? ted 1 - ? ? i ? ? e. as l Csr i ? MEMBER OF WILSON HOUSEHOLD TO WED Miss Manner, f ir?-i Social Secres? tar) Ii White House, En I aged to B iltimore Wan. ... ?' ton. Oct. 1. , ? lay. ? i ! ? ? ? annoi i L. H : ? ? '..,-.? Sorra in Jan? . i . ...... ? l ,n (i?ilt. Bl f Di Hsfnei i i Bteentl '.\ ? ',- li'i Roosevelt ?i ' M ? " .... ? ' - - ? famil] ? ' ? 1 r - . be ?ent to her MO RRIS HORN, TRUCKMAN OPERA TENOR, AM) HIS WIFF I- t to 1 ? - ? ?? I '?' - . ? .? ? ' ?'illa wa - ? ?rnelas < ailed Plotter. ? ? ? - * '- ' a . i n h i a ... rief of j Juarez, ( troijfd to 1 ? the ? _rranza ' ?? . .jk-c*.?'.! to-day i ' ? the \ . : ?o*t Arroj ' ?? B forer \ -,-. -pe dis Rsfta ' Kh Valor. ?? ? lolfo Fierro, fr.un a cam W ? ' nan? ?[?_?. Benton, ... . ? . " ' ? ? ? rig the men I This ***i of . _ . 1 ."' _**'?* I ' torious as aa I NEW TAX BILLS TO BE FRAMEI Milla ( omn.illei- Will ll?>l?l llearin.' ?m Babatitatss lor AsS-SSBBtat. ? ? ? ta. -. ? ?? Sena tor 0| . ..:vp commit .ion at East ?' fourth Si ? ? tative plan-? ? ii !> in November, i \? n Y?uk im?l in the prin 11? issned this ? ?. ? . ? ttes ? I - ? let .' v.- ac .7; ? decided t" 1 ave the 8? tO I' 0 ? I eraonal pi eaenl ?aw. i; ? m? rit s or eel though it mav t..- m theoi ? baa basa !.. .,:;_ the I ? ?::'?_. lu ai . - on, dsa 11 ? ..,? | .-me from , 0< . u_crrstir?n. ... ?? BgffSS ? n radue.d to concret?. and ''?'.??? ^h_pi". HtUtnen i:?"u Under Management of HFSRI 308 Fifth Avenue, __jSaaais^SaVa-BasSB Frocks for the Danse Material? Trimmings ?mttU* lace yr***m *a ?*r /?| Speatle? **ta*i? *" // *)// fiU fhucrs *m?U ___. i ?v/v-/ .' /""' f"M aaWr/i -^rWarrW fisr/^/ .i ' **?? "<" '" * W/| " ^**^hrtanu?ftbiue*qaiiite?twat: there ts no drtss mib? ?Sthat il mat Wtrtb mUi?trahl) mere than tk? pnce ?stet ht" Ow Initiate! f?l rePr^lunnr ImpSft Ms?tlt _Permit i_ to sill at astont.htnrh Im r"'fS _ TRUCK DRIVER CARUSO NOT AFRAID OF FAME Reassures Wife, Who Dreads In roads of Sudden Wealth. "I wouldn't loae you for a million " . M-?? i Horn, the truekmai with the Caruso voice, who ia hum hemp trained f.-r ?/rand opera by Mil ton Ahorn, to his wife, Yetta. the othr night, when .. Tribune reporter p?| auaded the eoapls to take dinnsi witl him. "1 wouldn't lose you for a million When I aing in the Metropolitan, Y?tu you be my secretary, yeh?" "What is it, a secretary"" askc? Yetta, anxiously. "1 don't want t<? b? anything only yaar wifa." "Sure." Morn- repl.ed. "An' I'll b? | your huabsnd, ain't it V H ?. r t -., secoi liag t" Mr, Aborn, ha? a ??? gteal that he :.< now drawiag |28 a nssk f?ii having it ?r;i:iied. and will iro ?ifty l:fty with Mr Aborn when hS appears SB 7 he >taK<\ It is this vision of wealth thai worries Vetta. She pr?f?ra her life at 219 East Eighth Su.-et, m th? two room hairs and aouvenira of her ? Broad* way. "Y ? ?me way la . I I and oi ?? i " aaid Horn laat night. "She B] to m? raid my head will get too big an' I'll forget lu-r. "She should worry, 1 gu? DETECTIVES' NOSES DETECT ledoformed .__ Hani Holds Y. M. C. A. ln?trnrtor a? Thief. ' h.?n-'-.! with grand larceny, tieorce i s. La??is, twea.y>fivs -.ear- ?Id, an ia 1 atruetor in the gymnaaium at ths Bsd ;,.rd Branch of th- Brooklyn Youm? M.n'a Christian Association, .? held in HflOO bail la ti.?- Gata. Ivonne Court ysstsrday The complainant was ? I ; - I ? .. . . i I . ' - ? rom h-- lo, . Ai ???? - i :?-' ? ' ? . ' ? - ? ' ? . -a. ..,i ... led m ta lavesl gait th? locker i ol bel ? He introduced Pal * l ea i ;.^ b man who wan*...! t.. "reduce weight." Pattaa mid hs ?iid tive po ;i ds, pina hia IM In ?ettirn; the trap Battalora apria loform or: on?- .. sad t ?? ?? $i" bills II?- I.ft them m Patton'l wallet in the i?i.k< r The dstactivei laid they ..rni'll?-?! iod? f? i in on Lowil H l.? parsed aid arrested h'm. $120,851.800 SWORN OFF Out of IMS K.aminrd Only 247 Have Heen Held for Personal Property Tax. i i... ? ai dl. d Bnd eleven per?ons who h?d boat ' lativslj a assad as par? lonalt) - mera ea -mined ' ? t?x eommiaaion.n > ? -? relay '??ut of this number the examiner. . . Ms t?? hold onl, aiaataaa fat a Anal a. sessment of 121 vi*'1'1 So far 1,26* In?.? !.i-en ?Sam r:e?l M-. the Min hattan oilc? on a tstutativa .?--.--ment of 1122,401,400 Of tn.s number only 241 have been held for a final ?aie.?-j ment of $1,_4. .600. I GIMBEL_--"5th Birthday Sales" -. ?? t*p***f&B***?t_ **?a *mM*t a *mMm*m^wjt * * t m m. urtit??-! i ret ittimi? cftfy6e?-?/cri. O A prmnrpprrv,. nTrreo?i\*a tint....mVm?i?iTi4 **m -w *:-. ? i ?? ' iV?iliinery at $6.75. $S.75 & $10 ? >n< -n-1 ?fie ? i implr i- lh( II -A ' i - //.,' i.( Black Lgom f. ' ai i'1 o*\rated It is -m exa? t Popj of - Krencli !? ?i Tht ,-?- ', piral il fron ii is encircled ? i; h broad Mark grosgrain .lihon Uni.ln ,1 with bow. Ov.r 400 GIMBEL-Paris Hafs in Our M.dium-FYi_e Roc m ? ? ' ' ' idapi i ol I rench Hats _ d id \ r-. our liners Smari Tailleur Hats, $5 to $3.7!; : i fse ire : o made hj our own nilliners and of I finest '? ? '""'? fhirtv-tl Third Floor' :.?-_? <K'\. A../ GIMBEL Enlarged Fashion Display Will Astound A m crien ToiHOtTOil k-ff Belmpcle Shoes for Women, $5 Pair ' owlrdged by Mew York's smart women as authentic In .tyl_. q d originality ; patent leather, black Russian cut calf, glare kid and Ian Russin !? ither ; button or lace mi dels; ? ;t>i> <! or >1 tin toe; eloth or leather tops. Second Floor ]? r'/h lia . l??*rome the Fashion cent n f the world ; I ?? in be seen the lavish eollertion 1X1 L, Jl^ if Piris ??riirinnl ereations. imported by CilMBKI.S One of them I? -^4 V._f-'l> f'ir trimm??! Hi ?an Skit in Cost urn? is illustrated Added to these will he th?- ^^j. 1 \\ rip-, liresses tint w? r?- ai.spiayru mai ?? ? ? . ^i|.i?\ A ir* i lS[ ,.;,| ,-, }] ., ' '-. luturfc r-?. \\'.? wert fortunat? in securing this magnin cent*collection, as ihey an* the identical Sui \\ r .*>-. Dresses tint wei ? * lasl u<< . ,-it ( srncgic Hall a lien the liturita??onal fashion Show Association presented B faeMon ?_tra*a0an3a entitled "Pc?terfra? or .tomorrow" For tins spectacular exhibition . en admission A.j too was rharged We will only add this is i rery ! In important special feature "f our Promenade, but *A| ??. ill char?:?- no admission. & Over 1,000 Women's $2 to $2.50 ?Lingerie Petticoat, at $1.50 All le i most favored styl Vis I?. , .,.,?, .vi:h ?labor?t? fin ces of lace joined b) ribb ? -. i;.( .?. and ? roidei ?I Net lion - | ? A ? and hon bows, besides numerous other co ibination . ; CCS. Second Floor -, I f* . ? - ->: ? 47 j A tiny Gnome will precede the mannequins rep? resenting The Spirit of All Fashions, part and present. He has no name, no habitation. He sp._k. do language. His spirit is one of whfansy. M?- mules. ? luvi of todays style changes t<? tin- ros. ut t. :., >rrou - Ii<- points but a finger if the Uni dolls which are his toys, and the world of Fashion _?-?-. He ?ill show you in pantomime tli? Spirit of All Fashions, Past and Present, that <l"in ?nates this Fashion Show of country \vi?|.- fame. The Mannequns Will Wear the Costumes?At 10:30 A. In? to 12 M. and 1:30 to 3 P. iff, Eighth Floor. f ,** $22.50 V Women's Suits and Frocks at $22.50 to $37.50 Frocks Inspired !??? perhaps every fashion period Of the past He-i. a lleeve from this epoch, .t collar, a bodice, a Ml of drapery from that .ive to the modes for I'm s an ensemble altogether :ie-.v, different and .harming. From our complete new nttortmenti hava been choten the Frock and Suit pictured. The long Russian i oal effect II .?f velvet, bul the skirt and sleeves of satin; w!.11e -..?t. ! collai and revers. In nav) and Mack. .Ven Semi Fitted Broadcloth Suits, $37.50 This beautifully tailored suit features a straight panel fronl with rippling fulness at Sides and hack front a fitted upper. Full s_:rt set into a fitted ?ike. These are only suggestions from a most comprehensive showing of latest Au? tumn models in all the newest styles and Colorings at $25 to $200. Third Floor ____. $37.50 $4 Imported Black Chiffon Velvet, $2.50 Yards A Bplendid donble sridth fabric sue of tli>- nsanv that manufacturers and wholesalers from f?r ami near have bes n begging us to sell t<> them at retail prices. Imported Moire Velvet, $3 Yard A wonderful value, in black, navy blue, ?V/riean brown -ml Russian green. Second Floor Nearly $12,000 Worth of PICTURES, Half and Less ! Really fine pictures suitable for your own home or .o save liberally on Christmas gifts. $2, regularly $4 and $5. $7.50, regularly $15. $3.75, regularly $7.50. $10, regularly $20 to $25. $5, regularly $10. $15, regularly $30 to $3 5. Some are even better values! FacsimilleS, photogravures, platinums and a few ire//. | its, each subject artistically and harmonious!) framed. $50 for Oil Paintings, Regularly $100 or More i'.attle, landscapes, ::--;7o In bandsom i gill md antique OILETTES and CONVEXES, Joe to SEPIA PICTURES, classic subject?, 5i?regularh twice these prices. 5t, usual, Sample Pictures ?Wonderful Valuet i)--.i one or two "f each, . splendid variety. $1, $1.50, .2 and up to $8.50. Actual value, even better than double the sale pnces. Sixth Floor Library Furniture Reduced Fine Pieces and Suites at V\ to '/} Less Over a hundred diff?rent styl?-?* ,.rc Involved In flu's under pri.-?- Fifth Birthday offering. Splendid il'si__ns ami quality. $200 Leather 3-Piece Library Suites, $150 All over npholatered in ilion-?- of several shades. I Ut 115 Mahogany Suite?. Three pieces, covered in brown Spanish leather AI $?o. $65 Suite?. Three pieces, cov? ered in brown Spanish leather. At $55. *95 Mahofany Suite?. Three pi-?- s, with velour seats and cane-panel back. At $75. *:225 Mahog?ny Suite?. Three pieces, all over upholstered Ifl blue velour. At $175. $75 Tapettry Davenport?. Six feet si. Inches long and with hiph hack At $60. $75 F.a?y Chair?, Covered In Amer'can "Moroco" leather At $45. American "Morocco" leather, In arms and Inns.- cushion seata. $95 E_?y Chair?, covered In American "Morocco" leather At .r.S. $60 Settee?, c<'\,"-e.i in brown Span.! ii '. i'.!n-r. Ai $40. $45 E.i.y Rocker?, covered in preen leather. At $30. $40 Wing Chair? or Rocker?, upholstered In tapestry. At $25. $36 Arm Rocker?, with loose cu.hion in back. At $27.50. $20 Arm Chair?, tap.strv cov? ered, with wlngS a-:J high back. At $15. $22 M_hoganvi Tahle?, B t_ fluted col imn supports. At $18. $40 Colonial Mahogany Table?, with one drawer A*. $30. Seventh Floor Room Size Woo! Wilton Rug?, $25 and $33.50 Size 9\I2 ft. Offered at Radical Reductions Tin's is only ONE of the eztraordinan values provided In a greal Floor ?.Hering Sale, in tlie smaller sizes, similar i|iinlitie. ar?' $5.7. for the 86x6J in. li El . and M.7fi for Hi? 'JTv"?! in. $30 One-Piece Sanford Axminster CtOA $23?0 Seamed Sanford Axmin- d?*| **j r**r\ Rugs, at.$?U .?tr Rugs, at.M> 1 ? ,D\J $8.50 and $11.50 Hail Runners, Now Priced at $6.25 and $7.75 Whittall's Anglo-Persians Hardw ick & Magee French Sanford's Beauvais Axminsters Size __'mI'i inches.$1.60 Size 27x54 incites. 2.35 :nches. 4.25 Size . ft. . in. t 6 It. 6 in. . 8.50 . :/e 6 ft. x 9 ft.16.50 Size I :t. ? in. | 10 It. 6 in. ._8.50 Size ?' t:. x l 2 ft.30.00 Size 9 ft. \ IS tt.39.00 A Wonderful Collection of Rich Oriental Rugs Picked by ?.ur expert, for their beauty ind dui ibillt) ind il id | all the inesl weaves of the bar _ast. Health s:.e ruts. JS up. ?larpets, |7S up, Carpets of Whittall, Alexander Smith and Other Fine Makes Whittall's i;:: Royal Wilton Whittall's ?:_> Oxford Car- Smith's It.7! Wilton Velvets Carpe:-, ard, $2.25. pets; sard, $1.85. . ; $1.35. tail's |_ ;" ?Plush t'.arpets; wiuttaii's . ; Leicester Carpets 1 .\ ?t 15 Wool Velvets \ard. $2. yard, $1.6". yard, $1.10. ' Inlaid, Printed, Battleship and Granite Linoleums - ;uire sard tor verv ? -. .ir.l fot fine iquar t\Wf\ Mesial double width "~ ~ ? J^ll? printed linoleum; sli defects. Size 2_'.x3 . inches.$4.50 Size _"x?4 inches. 6.75 Size 3.X.? inches.10.75 Size 4 ft. 0 in. x 7 ft. 6 in. . .22.00 Size 6 ft. X 9 fl.39.50 Size S it. 3 in. x to ft. 6 in. .58.J0 Sire 1 ft. x 12 ft.65.00 It. x 15 t.88.00 Wihons, Not Imitations. . ?.'?? zafes 16 inches., .$4.25 Size 27x54 inche . 6.50 ? c6J inches.10 00 Size 4 tt. ?', In ?. - ft. '1 in. . .21.50 Size 6 ft. X 9 ft.38.50 Size _ ft. ; in, \ 10 tt. t? in. .56.75 Size 9 ft. 1 12 ft.o-vso Size 'ft x 15 fl.85.75 FC ? 1 j (_|U-_r *W At .-I ?OI llflC s._rc* ._r_ few* t K id!h 7C_^ -UtHt? ln,tld li!,,,I?,lll,:<- QC? h*.**) quality of fin? In '??-lit f Jt *t'rv ^tractive de- &OQ i ?d linoleum in new bal Interns Sixth Floor the 1 11 Ready Monday?A New Shipment of The Famous 1915 Model Wardrobe Trunks Repeating the tremendous suc? cess 0/ the first week of the "Fifth Birthday" Sales. The response f<>r the tirst salt- vrai to unexpectedly g?nerons that tome ibes were quickly iold '?ut. But n<>w, through the co-operation of the makers of Innovation trunks, we will be sole to meet any demand made upon "ur resources. All Regulation 45-Inch Size, \e\\ and I*erfect?Men's and Women's Styles inns sad ___?_! ?at | With 10 arms sad -a mm t~r\ Another style with qq ?m~. X / -3v/ t 1 arms and hangers. ___0??_. vl 39.50 Ion Trunks Main and Fifth FooTi. i_ $15 With . ?1 ?__ . , hangers, for men or >k I ?} hmgers, for men or women.? women A special m??del with 10 arms a- 1 **% e*\ *** another creat Trunk. hangers. Special Note?Q1MBELS is th onl) Store In Greiter New Vork shoie genuine Innovation Trunks are Sold at these low prices during this sale $35 : a d bankers 44Sample" Hand Luggage at Savings of l/? to The Showroom aid road samples of America's best makers ol \ Walrus, Seal & Alligator 1 Leather Bags We .\ro enabled t.. a::\.n?:ice this most unusual s.?i. because ol the big increase ?if bus neSl I t ve this makei There are i..i<s and v'.as?.> Club Bags Kit Bags Cabin Bags id Women's u Oxford English Bags Of titted st.les include tings are ebony, nickel, brass, cd 20-inch sixes, 1 iascs come At $3.75. Mind Bag! *n ariouS stsles and leathers* re guiar I) 15. At |5. Suit ('.as?-, aid Hand Bags, some iittcd. regular!) . to |SO. \t $7.50. Suit I is? . and l.a?s, s??me _tted.reg_.larl) . t >? to S t.. At $10. Suit < tses and Bags, 1 tted; rec 116.50 ta $20 Bags Coat Casea Frame Suit Cases Week-end Cases d. with leather or silk linings, tit l.iloid or silser. Hags COSM m 1_ to t?? || inch ?:zes At $15. Sail ' ases and Rags, ?n?is:|\ titted; reg f t_ .0 to $4o. At $25. I Ittl ! Hags and Suit 1 .is. n 1 I'.reg.|42.50tol5o At $35. Suit I ases and bags, all IttC 1. re? |40 to $70. At $50. Suit t ases aid Hj^, all tuted; re* |7S t.. |I00 Main Hour