Newspaper Page Text
SETletters describe deal pwosbfi Makes Publ Notes Explaining \ as1 Lumber Profits. ?CRECY UROED TUX PUN WAS COMPLET oaroaM Not Have Meads Kao pf dependen! .d ?.' Says One Communlcs-toi. - ? the letal at ?__ t mes M rn.nair? - ?? ? er ai ?, who ' _.? be? ____! _ -umb ?be? ean no fe Mit If yc ??v.?. .' I V ' "'*'Ke >'C ' . . raaeh Baattl ****** rshruar) ? ? r * wi?h ' UT *?T "1 '?' ' '" i-RV* my 'riend* jj .,.- ' lb?f at.d W? .... m ? ? thai I si ..... at lew e -pleted. .j Wi.- ? . -. a. I lr to 17,0. ? ' - 640 aerti ;? ? S lumh? ? i ??" i,,.: ,r_ ., wurtl lll-X. wtl t h o ton -Hr?pr. I Money." is by May I _:;d SO pull ou list o ? ? lb My at i?*??* Si I aril tri"?* ?7 ne, und -1 ? ? ilng hli ? ? he boy Tr.ipo?. - ltd bette est prie? . - i ? ' ' ? ?er ? sal. at - I ? '*i_ any ? i i from t ?P I? Is 11 brinj* l?' aa_ y- ? Toal I?.al Mentlotaed. Thii ttmb-1 **?? BOOl - | .ore." ' ' - I Itthirtj-t. ? i un* rate ?.?.< I that r ?. ? pp? ean the coal |*i 1 w*7.t ? j coal r.rop o-oe, up. Mr. Atjl? *,;.?? , . ? ;,,,; ,\flU a ? - ... 1 hHV?' **** dur.? th Bar gas A*-.',- ;,*,. Condii ?? ar. *- | 8 New beeom ***?* York in * ******* and Per? .? ? It s i If ws ean ?Hth. 10 v-p have and oui eop . , ng enter . '. Don't ?? the hoi i __** ' - .0. 1 ?? th M-SO I fact. I ? Vancouver . handle th? A'" ! before ?**1 Asgnit -, me o? mv '*. ? You havo h I, end ! *? B)' v . rything ? ?*???. year " *0T A BID OFFERED FOR BROCKHOLT VILLA Crowds Eat Bein t Apples, but Ml to Toe $100 000 Mark. C . : rl from Mr?. J2** Broo?. . , ?;... yes p^n- " and curi I-,; *?*".? fo!? ? , ? .. 1*4 ' ' ''?'? "'"' hv_v''*r ' ?' homo, ?tjT*?-'* ?ills. ? ? bidder. **J_6 rf" ' ?e over . ?'*?_.? '"': *??"'" :? ?' ?_ SU* '' ? '"?'? h;*P* ? ?T'.'r '" i.? nary *** U_ ' the ?ale of! t-rr... JTo*d ? *?. h lai. <? . _*__T_*_ '* for in ?WA d "'?' ' Uiuxv't ';'"' ii* XV and ?l? rur ? ' Wi-h P?lnt ?fiefc J!' d'*?"?' ? ? . ? ? ?.*? ?! article? *??'__ _. i H' : WhOB ?tnj,; ' ' fire?! Neck k*M d?.Ir,,d of ? lecond ^ ___*.'?o! _r'< ?Ii, "Vm'?'" a- |l i1* '??ti \*fc . " ' '' ' ' v"' ''"v, ?nd S tead, carry Nt7u ?SH u *'' ' famous ? ?** ?hen the Duches* of I Man. or o m-h had Bleat and other celeb? rities had bren dined in 'he past the statels ?.,;;? boar.le,! up The acre? of park rod orchard wer* . howev? tho ero. i- around ,; ? eat ? PREMIER S WIFE AIDS 'CAUSE' Mr?. \<la H?|m.-,n.?.f \,? v.,,,,,;, n (|(x Talk? at Suffrage Shop l{???|?,ninif. i Dn ? , ? ne Moore. pr. - lent of I i " I.tioa of Minors, told ? I ? ? | at the polla nude by tho Color?.le women la all election their enfranehisen ? roa aro being la hop for use Election ? . ' ?'dock bo re ? morr. ? ? . . A.. t Were Dei Mr- ? harl? s pm , , . ?,, r^air. man. Hie programme for th? owat irk Eisner, <*:<le ? ? tion, i | , ? ednei '..-. !: , . ., *nd Chairman, '?' Thui ?da; Dr John Heyne* R ar?l Mrs. Anita Blbeh, associate edi rman, Mri "? Barn? ; ? ' Mrs \ Batch? Th? - V "' . Broadway ? 'rape sermon Sunday night. Oc 24. _ TIRED, RIDES^WITH~JOHN D. Woman Seeking Short Cut Taken Into Mr. Rockefeller*? Auto. i 7' ._:_;:. -. __ Ml - - . Nf. Y. Oct. 11.?A poor woman and her daughter asked the John I), l.ockefeller's es? tate this afternoon if she could cut arm??, to the Putnam Biatlon, as she svas tired find wanted to pave tho ex? tra wall " nd of more than a mile. Tho gateman started toward the ? .?th ar.d wai about to a?k Mr. Kockef? ?'. !er'-. permiosion when an appeared with Mr. Rocke n it. "Who is the woman and what does int "" he asked. The gateman explained ar.d Mr. Rockefeller said; "You bring h.-r over here and I'll take her up in my enr " n the woman wa? told that Mr. Rockefeller had invited her to go in his car to the station she hesitated and 7 ho ro?ase ! to h. It was the oil king until ha OS sure?! her that he wai Mr. Rock? Then ?he and her child got into tho car and Mr Rockefeller gave the chauffeur direr*.on? to drive slow'. through th?* estate so he could show the woman ai Hi left her at tho Pocantlco ? -. snd si ho bid hor good ? slipped a bill into her hand. Sacred Zebu Born at Zoo. Mr. SI ?'? Mr ? _ehu. a son. entrai Park .oo was enlivened ! y the arrlvnl of a lusty ebu. the v? .f his fath -n his long, pendulous ears to . ?: | Keeper . gatori turtles - th? outdoor p? I I rinter natatorium in ? . ? ? ers of tl known lios Indiens family i ?r points essl thron t th? ??ir?..) more scare.; "k his first tei day afternoon. Youth Dying? from Joke. Phillipsbarg, S. J. Oet 10. Be ?', bi the vid inn of a |oke, Fran Rudd, t ? ' ? years ?-?Id. of ... ... ]*r, srorking in the Ingor _hen another worl i ag ilnal I the pr? nies re.= ul*. : Root to Speak for Bowers. ? i Root, I .1 , Hen iy L. St rd, are mpnign for Frank K. ]'>? nonji ? ? ? ? Dg '<> an 7in nouneemenl yeaterday by thi Bowoi campaign committee Sheriff Max S, Grifenhagen informed the con-- tl that beginning Wednesday night he will ad ? i ? ? tin* Iy through? out th? in the interest <>f ?? Bowers ??*-? y__*-\___r r?v s p. m. ? i ? 'i?- snd i? ? , Be? 8. J man, ? ? . I 0 \l,. Ban "?*> I i . . ? . ' - ? ? ? ? - \ Re? Ml f th* 1 I Hi ?. > . POLICE DEPARTMENT Tr?n?t*_ ?? . ? -, rn.mS.ll ' - ? . ? .... -, - r>rj ii..i oi ? ? ?mi. mi ? - - - illivan. .l?re iiilah ' - ? - r?.u?iry A,.l|n m-nt?. Pill . . ... i for SO I ? a i Muran ?Sd. I i i ?J ?m-OU OI?.t?ntlnu%. I - I : J"hn . ' ,, I I I t ? ton r_r_v?_-.. fl -i ' P. IT Le.n? 0* A*?????*?? ???'?'.'it I??' A?*? ? ? for 1 day. ? Hem ' * from I . ?? s?.<i...p??r.i?.. x^? ft . , i ,?;.,!.. ... ,,i ?A-aiM tt** ? - ?? ' " _ _ FIRE RECORD ******** ' ? ' '? V? *? ?f l . .;? -il, ai . LU * . t " ? I ? _ .,,? ?i ., ? -?_.*? A' ' I ? . Mound?! : i? si. l?Mb a? ?___*?_. j^ PASTOR PUTS LID ON STATEN ISLAND Flic Rev. J. M. Sheppard .Stirs Police by Charges of Sunday Violations. CLOSE SALOONS, IS ORDER ISSUED Inspector Cabalan? Also Dinets Arrests uf Prrformi-rs in ( ostmnc in Iiuatrcs. ?? || ??-.i by t he i:> ?. .ill??:. of th? l'.irk Bapti ' . '??'. .n-h of Tort .inti, the lid trill !??? elOS?d .?"'?ri : M r si,..? psi i, n he la In f the 1 Kg? It .-hurche? mi i r ? t< n i ?ai ? ? ? . Ubert . i ? in whieh h? ?tated that th? Sai law ?as nt.t be isa ?aforeed !!?? lined of tad setrsssa? i 'i :i i min? on S irlon? thi-a * fall rostu'i'.. . In violation of the law, H.- .. that i ?loons w*r<? He ill so de to Saadsy bass? ball. V ?I'll? it baseball m the ? - ? ! la? ? h? ?a the lim ' I" elosina, th? rector ??id hi srai troln?/ ?o continu* hl? cru??*!* until th* ?i? ?-?? complied w:*h DiStriel AiUimev F?th turned th? letl ? <?\.r bb Inspector Canallas Ca? ? I Th? Inipector last eveninfr '? hi? men before hm Bad I then h? ?raald bald them r*?pon?ii.le ? ? ' ?'.,?? \sm to 'lev afith *vill responsibility pat bb then ... en, It la stated, < - \?: 11 \: ?? seers ?aloea in I i- all. Bad will irmt ?ll ?rill also ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? atr?*?. ir i? ???erteil, and ?ill I 'all performer? ?ras upo?*?! A? t . baseball ranea, of which then m? * nunber leheduled for to das, ar ? will he minio where an sdn ? ? rYarge.i. Mr. Shopper) h?? warned ?h? mem ben sf hi? ronereitatlons t.i keep l ? . fren theatres. TWO DIE IN FILM FIRE IVomrn l.?i?e I.He* In Atlnnl? BtasM \\ hii'h Trap? S???r? Atlanta, (let. If*. Two women In * their live?, ami two other? arar? Bit?bs bly fatally burned toiloy in a ftn which ?wept the office? of the Motaal Film Corporation, on the *econ?l flnnr of an office builflinif here. The explosion of an electric fu?e in a room when piet'ire dim? ? ere betas prepared far -hipment i? believe! to hate ihr blase, w-hich ?presd ... rapidly that tiit* ?core of women an.I pirl- employed in the placo ... , ? ?rapped. Firemen maile neve ral ?pec tarulnr NN .? - Sends $25.000 to Help Poles. The Aneriean Polish Belief Coi tee, of a hieb Mme. Marcelin Senbrich ? presideat, ?obI ye?terday by cnhlc to th? Bwi?? Connitte? for distribn ? ? ? ;,.? Bight Rea Ad m p ?if Cracow, $25.000, I ?ont abroad by fbil ? ? ,. WILSON TO PILOT HIS OWN CAMPAIGN May Make F.lbemn National Political Centre, as McKin? ley Did Canton. - R'ei ngtoa. Oct i ?' i ' ? ? *.? ipei ,1 ne.? ? . ' . -..p'ed ib Baal pro .' af hiS iatoatloa to tak" activa direc lion of h!a own campaign f?.r ra-elee ?ton next year. It is under?to?,d that he plans to reach the summer '?' I? ;?. r.? mi'-, m po.-lble and to re 'here through th? period of ?he . luring tho fall The advantages of Elberon foi tl - _- ?? ? re mai i II i stir tr..,.--ai beadqaorter* will b* I ?tnhltshed, and hence the ? ?-? .. . bo la ? politician* of all ranks from al' of the cur TV It i? now believed that Mr. Wilson will deliver st Elbei I i cam. raigo -i. ? H bo ho decides to Hi? plan* for a trip acroaa tho eonti ? i| rw I-: . i ' - ? ? ?'_?_. i, and ? ? .*!i hi- wedd ng and the session of I engt sea taking up . ally all the timo t.. twi sa now j.nd next summer it would he imposRi blo fur him to moke auch a trip before J h ?. ?i- u earlI? t, And Juno, he . arould bo I?", n.-ar the national ? and eampoign period. i he plan adopted b] Preoident Mc Ion homo ?: ...... ? j -? ? ? -., delegation* ol i ?ouch ? ? pocted *o f'jrr.ith rh? model for Pre?. <!?nf Willen'! nimmer. ?rs I* talk anoog the Dessaerat? "f endine th" ?f??ton of Couarss? ?inn* i or IS, Certaialy, n?. politleisn l.?t any detiro to ho ? ? ? StSI 7h?n ? data, but Brasa th? naas of Istloa, las eiaoroas lights md ?h? . aiifu| DiaflS ill n ?h?* lidered, naay oldtinen pn llel that ?f the i'onk'r''?? caa adjoare ;r< * ns fa? Its bmb ? * att? saveal ma II ? || l.o doll I In that eai cob no, 'he Pr?sidant'? oe< ?rOB placo will bo ,!? ,. A. P. LOWELL WEDS ADMIRALS DAUGHTER Miss Catherine Hayw.ird Bowles a Bride in Boston. ; II? T? ?grt;.\ ? T? IM M* '. Boaton, Oet II Misa Catherin? Hayward Bowle?, daujfhtrr of Rear Ad m;rn Praneii T. Bowles, U. s. M, ra? tired), wa* married at noon to-day to Alfred I'utnam Lowell, ?on of Mr? f barloa I?ow?ll. of Beacon Street. The ceremony Bras performed a? ?he Arlinjr f'hirch by the Rev. Paul Beven Prothloghan. The brtdegroon rnduateil from Harvard la the elaas of 11. The brid? had throe BttOfldSfltl Mr?. Frederick Southgats Big? ? ? ' Hatror? ford, PsBB , -:?"'"- of the bridsgl Ilia? Charlotta Winslan aad M?as Ruth Dwight Leooard I, Wyeth. of New York, n cla.imate of the bridegroon, waa best man. Mis? Bowls? WSS givOB ?B marriage by h<*r fathsi Her weaVHs** :? ? of white ?atifl and Bet, with a ion?; traia, th? bridal rail of tall? be i >? f.i itened wil :. ??? idanti wen gowned m yellow, arp'i won Btaove?eolored velvet hat.?, trimmed with tulle to match. MAYOR TO AID RALLY Mr Mitrhel and Senat??r Borah To Be Speakers *t Suffrage l.*lherlng. Mayer M,*rhel will he oaO at th? ? peaker* at the campaign rally of '"" Woman Suf'sire par' ,' I - |is Hail o October '-'-' Others wh?> *>\i be the programme are 3.I ?m .. ' | V. Moadoll, of U'y,,.,. ?. Dudlo y ? I Maloao, Pr Ann? Howard MlaS Mary ?Marre't Hay The Tl?' Kv m*nt Hand will rl<?. The walla will _?? decorated wi'h big posters bear;ng the inscription, "Vote Yes on November 1. ' Boxes for th* rally ?re being sold rapidly. Among the prominent bo_t< bol iers will be Mrs Howard Mansflel :. Mrs. Mareu? M Marks. Mr?. John Blair, Mrs. Normi.n VFhKehoase, Mr-? Noraaaa Hepgoed, Mrs. Opdei Rei i, Mr? Frederick N'a'r.nn, Mr*. Philip I I.-, i.g. Mr?. F. ?Lewi* Slode, Mrs. John Hays Hammond. Mr?. Prank Vanderlip. Or. Katharine Bernent .'av-., Mrs. Neu. bold Morr ?. MlOO ?.race ..traehan, Mr ges Crowotl, Mr. Ruth litt, Mr ( harle? Tiffany, Mr? ( harles L 0*0.? Mr? Vladimir . imkhoviteh, Mis* Han? nah Bibcock, Mr. Townsend Bcoddcr. Mr* '.eorg* N'l.imin and Mi?* Lillian Rassoll kotS may be obtained at th* p*rtv r'yfour' i Street ' .?? aoato OU tho m ?in floor . o ? '??!, h :t ?re balconies are fre* ? ??? Clerk Runs Wild with Axe i, ,-'a .' I rg er, a year? old, of ih Larimer stree*. Will_asnob.Hi r'n .h the street yesterday with an axe. When Policeman H'irke, of th* - er Street ?*ation, tried ? . disarm hlaa Singer brought the axe down on 'he policeman'* shoulder. A desperate battle was going on when er policeman appeared. It wa? nee ?o heat the hi r.n*:r before he . h. subdued While he was be in? Bttoi de,I by an ambulance ?urge.n of the Williamsburg Hospital he had another violent attack He wa* put ?n a .trait jacket and taken to the Kings CoUBty Hospital. BQNW1TTELLER ??*,CO. Wt?<SpOciu^!_n\^^Ortouuttk^ riETH AVENUE AT 30? STREET m, ^^^m^mm^ .1 Collection of Very New Women's Danse brocks Specially Priced 49.50 - 75.00 Replica? of (lieruit and Drecoll model?, also manv styles original with thin sliop of velvet and t,-iflet,i ?ilver ror?,ii?e frock? silver brocaded taffeta silver lace and tulle ribbon and tulle. SEMI-FORMAL AND FORMAL F.FFXIXC GOWNS, of tnffcta. novelty silk, silver and ?old laces, metallic brocade?, silver cloth, sequmed nef, p.iillettes and benbboned tulle. 29*50 to 300.00 Women's Afternoon Gowns 39*50 Distinctive models, with an individual charm of Georg? ette crepe and velvet chaimeusc t?llela crepe de chine with fur trimming. AFTERNOON AND CALLING GOWNS, exclusive and unusual types, in taffeta, Georgette trepe, velvet and handsome novelty material?. 29. SO to 75.00 Women's Blouses Satin Stripe Silk Blouses A new noveltv silk t.nlleur blouse, with convertible collar, worn high or low. In navy, brown, ?? _Zf\ green, plum, mai/e, flesh pink, orchid. O ?OU Braided Georgette Crepe Blouses The new soutache braid idea is applied in many rows to the collar, front and cuffs. t? ^lO Color?: navy blue and white. OiOiJ /'reach Handmade Blouses Imported expressly for this shop. M.ide of batiste, with large flaring collar, finished with black moire bow. Hand embroidered t t m\f\ ,md hand di.iwn work. ? ? *0\J l'uf Trim'd Velour & Duvetyn Coats 29?50 39.50 75.00 Co.its- of the most unusual and individual stylei. Made from imported duvetyns, velours and Bolivia cloth, lux? uriously collared, cuffed and bordered with rich furs. Fur Trimmed Velvet Coats 65.00 "> 185.00 Superb examples of afternoon and calling coats, in black? blue ?ind ^ ine color velvets, developed on Ru?, Cossack <and flare lines, with high tunnel and mul? l?.i ?iillars, deep tutls and broad banded borders toi beaver and Othci fashionable fun. EVENING COA IS AND WRAPS, Russian. Spani-li and Onental types, in chiffon velvets. Eng? lish velvet--, metallic brocades and ruhly encru?ted bullion fabric*. \ unnel, "muffler." flare, shoulder ,ind chin ?.??liars, deep cuffs and borders of fur. 79. SO to 350.00 "Orlt/inntlnns" To urarr the ?boulderi in d?collette ? tcarf of filmy ?ilk tullo will? lattelt of crytl.l. 7.1)'. i? Alt m No eaproMed a kw??r liirar Mported l rea? h [. ?. c of linen wrought m the most dol? ..?le handem bfoidery and red i?n laT?. I5j00 I" 24 JO, High *nd crushed info ??'ft lolrJa I? a 4?|\rt rollar with . huso I at e title ?if thread la. o al fhe thifat. 9.50. A ?|iiaml old print et la! Iiahr.l the ido? fot tin? elegant hit el BO ? fin?r\. It t?k?s h rm in ? high (lai ing i ollar With ? drajed BUM ol daintiest la?e over the criage. 1.^.50. l.lad.tonian in ?me i? a r "liar of while moire e<!(.??l ?villi I la? Ir. antl ?to? kef v. ith Mark vel? vet. . iff? |o match. The ?o| 4.<>5. LoCOO right up to the chin ?I ? taffeta collar, with wings 0! while charmeuao and a grate? ful falling vctrr ol lace. 7M. A r*re hit of l.p-e in e. ru and laupe 11 BOM into ? high collar ?nd jabot. 10.50. Deiigned on the "Age of" l;ne? 1, . collar and ? uff i?t of charmeuie in white or Ca?? au lait. 6.*>5. Muted collar and ruff ieti ?re ma?!- I f daintv p hiffcn or Mt, I!.? irt VA Of "Old-Tme" type 1 collar and cull let fluted ihifjon with a pot edge ?nd long vel? vet ilie.meti. 5.95. .-"nil ended from . tholl hi.? ?lot and l-nlt chain a .hell fr.met] liantj b.g ot two lone corded ?.Ik. 10.00. Jet encruited with rhine?lonei form? the for . handbag of rh.flon velvet. ll.lO. Ria li latin heavily bro ? .ded :n flower moiiii of nlver done into . im.rt hand! at? Coitume handbag, ol bla.k faille ulk tludded with lleel be.'i? ?nd r a lloiici ?nd nnnhed BfiaB fl'vil.'e ?terl lui ?eli. 0.50 lo 4J.0U. A Large Collection of Women's High Class Hudson Seal Coots Made of the choicest seal-dyed muskrat. Exclusive models in Russian cossack, belted and flare styles, with deep funnel, muff, chin, convertible and novelty collars of contrasting furs. Many full lur bordered and quaint ly cuffed effects. 95.00 to 550.00 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats I'nil flare model, with skunk or self funnel r??||,irs. 95.00 '/rimmed Hudson Seal Coats Entirely bordered and with col|,?r and cuffs of skunk; flare model. . . 125.00 'irimmed Hudson Seal Coats Loose full model, with border collar i f* r /")/") and cuffs of-skunk. tOOeUU Hudson Seal CoatS?Replient s/Paru Modelt 295.00 I.xat t reproductions of Paris mod? els trimmed with contrasting fur. Mourning Apparel COMPLET! MOURNING (XTFTT.S Mturning Hatt in Exact RefroHuctiint o? Frtnch Meat Is Predated m the ' Teller Wtrhrtttti Cailleur Suits, Trocks, Coats, Blouses, furs, Ueils, Gloves and Accessories "sJeunes Filles 9) Specialized Fashions For the Younger Set Misses ' Fur Trimmed Suits Of velour de laine and broadcloth. Trimming of skunk-raccoon, beaver or seal. Russian, flare and belted models. In the leading _*(_ C f\ ?hade?. Sues 14 to 18. sJZf.?U Demi-Tailleur Fur Trimmed Suits Of duvetyn. broadcloth and gabardine. Adapta? tions and reproductions of Lanvin and Callot, also original concepts, trimmed wi:h the At. ?*/"t fashionable furs. Sizes 14 to 18. m_7,?j\J Misses' Costumes Tailleur In chiffon velvet, duvetyn, velour,* broadcloth and satin, enriched with fur. 55.00 to 250.00 Misses' Utility & Field Coats A group of styles for general service in Tyrol doth. Scotch mixtures, zibeline and corduroy. Some lined throughout; others body lined with _)f_ f\r\ peau de cygne. Sizes 14 to 18. . -m(J*U(J Misses' Afternoon Coats Six distinct models in sott woo] velour costing? Fashioned in flare and belted models. Trimmed with natural ikunk, seal, beaver and -y r\ -j r ?kunk-dyecj raccoon. Sue? 14 to 18. Ji/i/j B0NW1T TELLER <___ CO. She (Specialty 'Shop* of QrtA\vAatic*u> FIFTH AVENUE AT ??? STREET FOR MONDAY ONLY The Following Special Hales: White French Kid Gloves KNOT EMBROIDEPED BACKS, 1.35 Made of fine quality genuine white; French kid. two pearl clasp, three rows of heavy knot embroidery on backa. Pure Thread Silk Hose BLACK, WHITE, DAYTIME _. EVENING SHAPE?. .75 Reinforced lisle garter tops and soles. In all the favored colorings of the season to matrh daytime costumes and evening gowns. Hand Embroidered CIox Silk Hose WITH SELF PR *.ONTPAST-MO CLOX. 1.10 Made of pure thread silk, reinforced garter t_ps and soles. In black or white, with self cdor or contrasting color clox. "Bonair" Spat Pumps HANI' TI'RNED -OLES?FRENCH HEELS, 4.50 Smart pumps specially designed to be worn with gaiters. In patent leather, bronze, gray and black kid; also tan Russia calf. Spanish Louis XV. heels. Embroidered Glove Silk Vests FOR WO.M EN AND MISSES, 1.50 White or pink pure glove silk vests, reinforced and embroid? ered in dainty floral designs. Fine & Swiss Ribbed Combinations rOt WOMEN AMD MISSES, .45 A collection of fine rib and Swiss ribbed combinations in a number of different styles. "Pierrot" House Coats SMART REST I ROCKS. 9.75 Made of heavy crepe de chine with "Pierrot" taffeta ruche and pockets. New "Bonteir Corsets CONFORMING WITH THE NEW SILHOl'ETT_, 5.00 Made of broche silk batiste and broche coutil in pink or white. Medium high bust and narrow waistline. New "Bontell" Brassieres ANGLAISE EMBROIDERY^ 1.95 Tailor fitted, button back model of ..Hover English eyelet embroidery. Hand Embroidered French Night Gowns MAD E FOR AND IMPORTED BY BON WIT TELLER & CO., 1.95 Made of fine, sheer French nainsook, laced front kimono model. Hand embroidered in a well covered design. New Pussy Willow Underbodlces GENUINE PUSSY WILLOW TAFFETA, 1.50 Wry dainty model in flesh pink or white with hemstitched band and rosette of ribbons. Fur Trimmed Taffeta Petticoats DESIGNED FOR DAYTIME WEAR, 4.25 Distinctive square cut bottom trimmed with brown Genet fur. in the new ?mart daytime shades.