Newspaper Page Text
30,000 TO JOIN SUFFRAGE LIN1 Women in Red. White ?in? Blue Will ?Mardi ?is Flag in Parade. 5.000 MEN AMONG VOTES VOLUNTEER. Plans Completed for Format ?Ol of Citv*. Record Snffrc_;i' Demonstration. Oct. 23. T ?reir? -_-r.rr.ri I t??!?' _l ? Chat ferir. _ . , ? ?n m?Triitr : _:_u< , tobe .?rch in a r? ??. ?? I ?rrr.? sxtoaded. ooel Si next, and <i< from the-.r ?ho . . * v, , : h ri i u - Ii ? _? ? t._c. fron ? . ? i Bacl ? I | h a i " ". burg.. \ :??? * - ttee'i mo*t ? - ,ei foOtUI ??.. ' ' \? ... | atel.!??.-. each ' ? terssinato in banner ? n *t the four . mond. : I ? ? >f_r I ? . 7ne ekiol r. _?- ? in thr pero Tb ei the met there - l <reor__e M iddleti thor, ?rb< I I . much battered I boaoi h Will Irwii bo*. ? one Lead: W 11lient W Mi ? r?tor. sad i- ented to bell i .-. . Other?- ? I sasist ? ?re S?muel Merwin, W em i *?? ?-ryie?. Wyttei Biaaor, ilnelali >l?owli ? 11*. ? , rhlendei ' ? ? ?..-?. i ? Enrolment to of 1.000 o . met i Mr-. -, , ? ' ! . v .. ... ? . I - y r mar eh i cheirma 1. .il . ;.!e Life A.^uranrr S (il . ? Federal -.. Womsn'i ..... ? , ? ? ..... ? - i,a? m.mbi - ? ? ? '? ? ... .... ? . I ' remember 1 ? ..?.:? . - > r ? end. . ? i they m..;. ; An. .- . .r-i !'. ? , Justice Sem? eme i ? ? I 1 . ? . S, O'l i 3.168 Widows Aik Pensions. ? ? ? ' ?? ? ire up to . !>Mni ' - . th 8,8 .5 cl ? ? ? ? i titutioni ? - l ? - i ' ' ? budget Mr. ? - ? - for the commit BROOKLYN'5 BEST KNOWS \ VIASO HOUSE r ence The purchase of a piano is not often made more than once in a lifetime and naturally should be undertaken with caution and safeguarded with every reasonable protection. STERLING PIANOS are ?old on the one price basis, and that pnr e the cost to build plus one fair profit and thing more. Their value i* established and as stable as n government bond. Their wonderful success and continually growing popularity (in the face of the rom petition of the questionable methods of the selling price, being as high or as low as the credulity of the customers will warrant) is 'he soundest evidence of integrity in building and maintaining the high musical quality ol .1 really artistic instrument. Their established merit cannot fail to give 1 onfidence, and confidence gives indepen dence, with full benefits and enjoyment Our service, in the most practical wav. fol >WS the instrument ?n'o your home, for we ire uist as vitally interested in the satisfa? lion given by the Piano we make as you can possibly be. But don't think Sterling Pianos are high priced?they are not?we have them as low ,?s S^1) and, value for value, they are the cheapest instruments you can buy. VICTROLAS f'RICHS ?ROM SIS TO $250 UP It does make a difference where you buv . ? ur Victrola. Our Victor Department is so easy of access, its conveniences so many, its stock so com plete, its expert service so helpful that yotl are sure to have your individual require ments met in the most hu^iness-like. practical end satisfactory way. This is Brooklyn's Victrola Centre For t_o*e who do not with to pay . anh our weekly or monthly payment plan ?? mint liberal and helpful. The Sterling Piano Co telephone Manufacturer* Optnt Bvaataan S*jn?? Hala ivianuraciurers hx App(,intmenl * . ?'* li . l-verc* S11 Rl ?v?'? : 1 ?? 5i_'-;_.? I niton .Mrcet, Corner ol H_n?_.\i. .lace, BfOOklyafl 8 -I Wo. MA .VIN THOUSANDS O K RECRUITS ion SUFFRAGE PARADE? *" -n___-_ ? ' lohn W. Alexander; (below), Mrs. V. Everil Macyj (standing), Alice Morgan Wright, lupational groups in parada. WOMEN IN LEAD IN SUFFRAGE POLI ? i.iitlnii-d from ?inic i *_?> . r I ? I ? in ?nie*'. ? Hod The Ti r, one i 'he fl ? ,,i | other t!:'- even, list ?rere offered, ;'? won : have tokei I ? _ -;.r. ngri the world I II? I ins*. Tensnts who vote ?_ Sow Jana were eonsidi red ? ;. *; e ballot, iaoemoel they will hove :.-. opportunity t reg iter their riow* :?.? :he polli ?*'? ?? y; ? . iul ? icclion in that state on Tues day. Not Influenci-d by Wilson. The attitude ei - bj Presiden Wileon ??'. her. he recentl) declared h. would vote for the woman ill ?? emendment or thst toted GoTornoi Whitmen, who li also favor ably disposed toward ?ote* for wom en, had little or no offert on th? voters in the Wo ? Iding, tr.?-;. ?toted. The influence of 'ho wnmen in th? h?rn?-* of the men, however, teemed * play a i onsiderabli ;. ? "I have left tl n to mi wif? to decide foi me " on? man said. 'M i she wants ni? ? - . eaffanchisi the worn? n I si te that way. Sh? in still eoi tl matter sn has not told mi ret I her view are." 'Mhers mode similar statement* Some men felt tl Si uffrag was l".--.r;il to eome; tiny pointed t? ;t gre??? h In tho _ ? ? t, sad ?ere re ? i i?, it. Th? ir ???'?. tudo was t. let them have it now and get il i r* wiih. others were frank in 11..? ir ad ? | ?,.. worn? ?! .ii thii _', ! ? ? .??'?? ? g si -'.?- hi?.I in... ? "? ? thi i .i ol 1 !>e tenacity .?ml Axednei of pui . ?-. i.- weil a" the ?:. m which they had conducted theii campaigns, convinced them, the mer ?aid, tint they COUld make a* cooil h Job of roting a- could the raajorit) of men. \\ omen stenographer* employed in nn'.y ?.f *.ho offlcei wer?, enthusiasti? cally m faviir ?if suffr-jre. The Trib? une'?? eanvasi was welcorr.eil b] them, for in many instancus they w? hearinr whoa their employers declared ? ? ? ..*? *.jite. and they leai ?' had been cause for specu? la*^--,. It took ? brave mnn, in many ?.. ttat? empl atically that, in his opinion, women should not have the ballot. Onl> Ke(ri?tered Voter? Tolled. The * tal ..i i .066 rotes represent* onl> ? ., itered voters. Those who had net . -... to regiotei or who wore ? .- because they had not livi d the required len_th of tim?. in their ' el >.r for ?.'her r?-a??i!is were not f'un'n! in the ?traw poll. The -. nearly as eoold eoi ertal i ? ?- ? i ? h .eh way th? ? ? non win.l if blowing, "Pat me down a. opposed to it, and if too 1 would ca.-t th'in thi ..?..? An. A la., er who was reproach lag I ? | en Stenographer for her In ftnd a number in the tele torj dl liverod the abo. ? 01 thooo Oppooed only one man wao foun. in the entire?, building who asod n ? sown ais viowi " 'W omen,1 ? ? me the other re biggi it that men ?i thon _h" won!?! deal in pol. ! they we.,, given the o|?p?.r " ?? eh I engineer told The ?rib me eonvaaser. "She doot i ?avor women tuffrage at all; but I have thought it ?ut careful-., and I have come t<? the conclusion that it would t'e t.etter for mankind in general if the ?"?nan did bear her share of th? M ' toi burden, and to I am going to ?' '? in favor of t " \? o- Lead in One Offne. ? ?? ?oll m the '," ? " ? Men I anl ?' Association. v ... nlod the ' . it? ?<-r?- in to of u to t. la a i '?'" ? *% ' Si tl ? auno floor all fix I iLcmbcii ui thi um (k.lared thej- oj 7'he office !"??? t te for it. but hi intil i ' I an foi?| I ?I a i ob ? ? d doe? rh ich co in i ' ' ? Poi ? ' ' ? i I ? i ? ,. ... ? I ? ? ::l -I. '1, I : 1 .? ? i. ., citizen, tha. I ?an not, t- . .:???! . ! an oppon queit Ion, l ?roui tl thai ? la? R'.rl itoB. nked ';., "How ???:a ihowing t five i ?' .i for ? .. amei di bo? ri to her, sad ? ;.,..:. "V, , is SB I cannot for tl B hy aromen ? ?way." "Vote for WOB -.'? " Mild ft ? r, uho apparently had been a voter for moro thai: rhirtv yean, "I ay ibI >'? ornen to VOt? and nerther do?! Bl] wife." i?a>* Women Are Not Interested. A lawyer on the twenty eighth floor, who ?? goiag to vot? ". '? on Novemb? r Ti. ?aid that iii add tion to hi? wife there wen fo'ir other women In hi? home, "None of f at nil In? ited in the vote," hi ?aid, "but 1 will certainly rot? for the mearon." In a law OSes, Containing eleven men, all were unan mou? for the right of the woman to * I i The employes of th.- Union Bag BBd Paper Company ob the nineteenth fi. or retornad a vote of elevan in favor of woman luffnge, eight opposed t?. it and four undecided. A? the Murr'- detective agency four teei of thi empli ? a. The poll ?howed that ten of thorn wen ? ? ? should rote, and ?ig nifie.l their intention of aiding th? .- their ballot on Election Day n their favor, William sf. Hums declared that he wa.? heartily la favor of woman ?of? fnge, and thai he would rot? that way, Hi? son bad similar intentiona, 'he lat? ter ship!. In one of the ofllcei of th? Public Servie Con lit Diitricl four oat ol rod they wore favorably ? roman ?u(Trage, I Ina o? th? offlci of the freight departmeat of the Penniylvania Railroad also ntorned a dseided ma Jorit) ;n tha womea'i favor. Th?- ter "n the thirty-ninth fn. riilieve? in Rssl ltd ion?. An official of obi ' the banking ?tm.- ? buildiag ?aid i "I am in fuvor of woi I thir. ?. ' |l . : '???? . -..;;.? .i. Cer there are a gnat number ib who are entil the polls Hr..I then aro othei ?should le r< "Tal ? tanca tha worn? n i rieiou? tl.strict? of th? ??'.*.*.. Th? . go to the | and daughter, or yoan, ? ill Par that reason BUM) womofl who aro deaoi fail to asareis? their * . ballot." A lawyer on or.e of th.- loWOI '' \oieed the tentimenl fa non who aren approached i ? ci "Man I ?????? leel a red . ? . _ ttenogruphei II l? If man'.? equal. ?? that what a woman want? i ?? In tl ? in maay rrn ir I be !,.-??.??. te. ju?t r of perfectly al n ? sai whj i -n..'nii bav? a in making- the lif.vs of th? city, state and M ? "Itu*. a? 1 ?aid, what a ? want.? ?he should have, and I ?hall do my humble part to bestow upon her th* riirht to vote, even if I ntn not as firmly convinced a? I miirhr ps that it will be the best thiiic for h? r " The ni'ar.i?i/i-r . .:. 1 candy ? ? m the Woolworth lobl v .? ??i. peaed to aromas ?'?.???? ; !.. nnik ??'like manipulator at . be waa "fi r '? ? " At the cigai land botl ? ? ? , ? " ?vena to giving : t. om.-i: the ballot 'I lekel m Hi : I railroad afleas front?n?: sa Broadway fsvond veSrsgs by a total of ?ix t<-> I iuux. All three lulesnun in Young'? hat ?tort in the affirmative, to . r !.. aeon? .1 the Oppoaeata. ;' - 1 ? ions: ? ._ 1'iwn the ? ood. ild not bo ? ' retir! ma 1 ? th? here coi ? ? dueotion ?? :,-. : 1 I, as men in ? at ?.resent. Beeausi if the) voted 'hey would be ed t?. hold : ffiee. Because the great ma oril of women did not rant the 1 In the l?al odleo? of the State Con the entire thlrtj : rol Saat and mi - , ;' the twoi ti (th Bo .r In the 1 , ling, th?- majority wa? agalnot jfrag? ' . forti .nine em ploye* live would not aigni/y their in ? .. 'lurry-three voted "No" and eleven "Yea." ?'If the women vote they will have our Job? H. a year," ?aid one occupant of n room in whieh eleven men were employed a? toi ographors. There are - employed hy the deport? ment, bul with few eseeptiona they ihowed little inter??! in the vote which ? ?ng taken. Tora Leaders for Suffrage. ?if the nine that favored woman suf frage two were Democrat!? district leader? and one wn? ? delegate to the State Conatitotionnl Convention which d the amendment providing for ?uffrngo. On?- voter in an office where there were twelve 1 ???? r- told of ? p?n which -.vns taken ?11 his home, which showed four in the affirmative and one in th?- negative. Regarding this he -aul: "I am nol positive, however, that by the time election eomei around I v? 1!! '.,-irk inv ballot 'For.' " A 1 ??? th? Broadway Trust Com? put v. on :!i<- lecond t: >or, r-f-"i 11,?<! in ton of *in> clerk* declaring themselves in fnvor and four opposed, only one ha.i not mads up hi. mind, of the to . fa. ored I ind I h roe were d. The negro doorman said he thought women ought to vote and thut his wife wanted to. but he did not care t? commit him.-elf. Ano'hcr negr r? "perfectly neu? tral on the subject." but he eonflded: "To !"'.! you the truth, it || beyond niy ohy the women should the 1 te." I loe Factory Vole in Favor of Women S ?il "? ...... I; , ,.,;?.?..,..? - loll - of '! ? BffrOgS 1 plant of it. !; ' ?' ' 1 ? printing prosa manufarttir ' Is rod 1 lek tower into the - - an?'mark for all 'he low.r Hi? factor] Is a veritable for H has recruited Ameri Ei n, Germans, Russians, HO, Slavs, Poles, Swedes mid Danes, Its "?.rk.-rs are divided leo, .-kilteil and Il - ? community 11, ' ? ' 7 excellent advantage* for 1 Itraw ? ote characteristic of any community with a polyglot population. (.rest Interest Taken in Poll. Fmm th? moment 'he reporter en the double d..?.rs of th? factory tors of men gath? ered about hin th? following ?lav to learn I | "11 of more than eight hundred men tl-?- preat?-. inter? *t ?. shown. The men we.., allowed plenty of tim?. to ju'lire whether or not they b^Jji'vod women should have the roto. Those who didn't car?. to vot ? the ' r-t day because they were undecided were given another day to vets foi or sgatast At the end of the socoad were snli a few wi... were undecided, and they were ask. d to mark tl I that way. The hal ? ad: The Tribuno is taking a straw VOtO in this building ?.n the ques? tion of woman .uffiage. Do you intend to vote for or against it ? If you are * registered voter m!?rk with ? X ?.no of 'Ho blanl I'?''' below ? | ?r Opposed I nde?-ided. Thi? . ?' i ? i ? ror*iln public ?ei menl '? ? i 11 ?d n?.t lijrtl tin gai ?"?>' beiag desired Ki?htv Pal ?.nt of \'it-rs I'olle?!. Ther<- ;.? i i.' i ' employei at tha i lai " I moted that Shout ! I I i n.-. hoy? arnl ap| ..???? ;. ? ..i ? About . '?" ?IOIo. th? 1 I ' ? ? 1,00(1 men eho ?rere resi tend rotera -han sun, or l it 81 of the voter* of the i ?heir ballot* Tha reault ivas: For, 421, ?gain it, '." K). und? e ? Elimiaating the "undecided," the rath . -?? il to S i favor of woman ?ulTragi Even If all lha "unde< ded" 1 ? ota "No" lutTi .:.??? would atill rarr; by B margin r?f 71-4 v.-.? Th. r? w.-ro many tllffleultiei - I wa> of the eanvaia. For inataace, i' i .. ;.h\ day .-.'..I 'hi men ? en i ror'inn that lha itnngor did ? to ?eil th?"' me! sing, Alae, | wen In ?? hu - to retura to the hornea Thirdly. ' h? ? Sos had a? .? th? ,'? : o: that pal ?':',. 'lav. Me srtheless, th? reporter plant* himself in the alleyway abo It o'clock of the fir?t day ar ! rail d \ itream of mea begai pouring sal fi m a i ?a rbj ma? hiaa ih? p, The re porter grasped ob? workmsn by th? alba - "llavo -, ?,..i V, tod?" pis; iag ob? of th? ? ? ? " Y?\ . I . ?.*' .i," ret'jri "What al ?u( ?I '" "I?i.' ? ?. , .??? for or decid the i pur ued, "Wei!, I'm for .. . go," I ra\ ? ? it a r ted "Whj r "Wall, beca iae m> ?? if? worl a? bar.I n i i do. I for any other reaaon " In c - wer i were tl * of a kindly (?er man of i M ? . pol i haf, ain't it ? L'nd *.?? h ?????.? haf ' gel ? ?in't it? 1 omet'ing that'i ? ?? ? >u1 1 hal 'or it regard . ail '* it " Th n mer-. ?ho lid gif woman da - i te." "There'? n ; ? of loaf? I ? 0 stre. t .orner? who are ?Me to vi?'? said a fireman, "and ? don't sen ai roesOH whj wo ?re-, ar-n't n? (food thOao ?SOS I'm t.iarrled and I *? my wife ' . roto, 0000000 she's ju?t 1 gi l ? 1 the mon who -ell? hi? vote -, H? '? 'owed by three who wei ... 1 ?r,| ?., v ..m. ?1 voting -..? ? ?. igh work to ?|o 1 home. That' when they ought 1 1 ? ?.," 10 I "rni _? it," replied ? I "( I. w> n't : MS for SSplotM t ion? " "They are not ?n't!' gent OBOagb, aid ? itoel Coroson "wonsei thou atny m the home and do their woe ami m?i iho ll I do ' eus " The?, followed a s'nr.jf of mon wh ga s voi an 01 vera Bono of the an iwora in alternating order were: "III vote for ?t because my wif vanta no to " "If women rotO the city will r.e* '?. placea, and Go? 1 know? th? tase ?? ?'? high enoaojh ? m ?.re more intolllgoat il IS - 'han men and oight t. I -in- am going I I rotl iffraga " ?o* 11 M g well nougr ??' I ... I-, make fr.?ubl? ild ,"?? it boceen they ra * - end up." I I ? toi >;? of ,-r.-. Idrer tend of g . - "Once upon a tin? man didat ha-.?. ..-.-.the used - .- / W ? ... 1 ?|j |e th? name. ? 1 _ "I ? ..... 7 1H many Out of ? romen the v? ? ??? Tam ?,??.?; ,7 ,t. ?i-a in." ( ite . Indiana as F. .ample. 1 taed ?.. h* a cowboy," ? Special Depui William gitteren, of K ?..; ounty, rl - - :-, the m ? ?hop "Among th? Indian, the T? II) run the ?jovernmen*. done in the *ribe ?I dOI ?? MO! That's or.e rea? son why I'm for '.?.imnn ?urTrago." "From Itu'-i.? I eome," ?aid a young I 1 I ,.......?. -, to be a no Like J'--.- - WO were. Then I 1 got a job and become > ', vote for woman ? ? ige." r bum* before they got aid a Seal dinavian. "When the* gol thoii wives steady town, n ... non should ziv the ^^m_ ?tere hManhsjal ?PProxla?tlaaeJJtfJ 2 ib favor of , ? vote? for worn? - ' '? ? if 'ho IM arl . -?.?. ?m^ . length I? ?aid they arera un**., ??ser'ed *hey *??ro n f?vor ,' ?utTrage nr.d r.f? ?a I -h?y w.r(A Th? rat o wa? ? ? 4r 'o ,(,." T'r.o rati. marked b?l! porl on of 3 -ifra/e. Another Method Trl***. It wa. then led *.-, .y,cV ?mother way .-:-? ?rary,,, !" '-J fire *mr -of o?|. .kT* h ?r.ala . ' *Omt a? rreru: -.:i!led labtVi the engin? - ? ______________ 11 ! 1 l -. ted laasalsi 1 '?bor fho*H ti ,h,*rf' ' " ? mixS \ bor depart ? ? . JJ .r?.tu;?, 7 liaat* rv, ? ' ? mn ifsgg. Civil Service Aid for Sufrir* The i - MB, ?* . xtfe ? ??? -ndor?*^ o^aj. Il W -.-?? ; ?'ion?, 4| i. Include?* all the I . *'r""tf W:? j, and ?tat* Among 'h*** j?, th Istt? ???<fle* titrki patrolirer?. ?tr? "ilesassi of poli ' ? r? ?'...* citasen,??> petit - ?? en n?e <*:*rlri ??I 8? ?uff rag r il hn ?. BBBg *r weeki of cot AThV'P __i*L__ \ L__\_s i _ IBiHP. SC/BHMl Direct to 1. - S, ?i 25 Minute lintranct'?HOYT STREET il 17 Minute, f rom Grand Central, 9 Minutei from Brooklyn Bridge. Saving Money By Subway Thanks to the. Subway F.xpress service. Abraham and Straus?the Store Accommo? dating?is in th?* center of the Metropolitan Shopping District. It is a thoroughly Metropolitan store in other respects?in its complete stocks of goods of quality, up to the minute in their correct styles; and in its admirable service? efficient end obliging. But in one important detail it differs?PRICES. Owning its great plant on the most advantageous terms, buying always FOR CASH, and adhering; strictly to its policy of underselling, it always offers the LO \. EST PRICE5 IN NEW YORK for identical merchandise. Come and see for yourselves?you who live outside of Brooklyn?the advantages of doing your shopping in Brooklyn's Greatest Store. $17.00 Reversible Velour Portieres $12.89*4 NEW PORTIERES are the order of the day in hundreds of Brooklyn homes. Thus this most important special offering comes with rare timeliness. Portieres?200 pairs of them?are of a rich quality of reversible retour. They are made especially for us and in a very remarkable range of colors?all with self-toned em? bossed border. Among the combinations are green and brown, rose and gre.n, brown and blue, brown and brown, red and green, ?reen .uni irccn, and Bianj others. Also An impressively low priced group of 500 pairs Reversible Velour Portieres at $7.49, $9.75 to $34.95. Art Silk Portieres with plain and figured centers; remarkable values, at. $5.89 $8.45 ind $11.95 a pair ' Verdure Tapestries for Furniture and Wall coverings.98; to $3.98 a >ard Sunlast Armure Tapestries.$1.30, $1.65 ind $1.95 a ?ard In light reversible colorings and weights for windows and doors. 2,000 Pairs New Nottingham Curtains at Half Price 49c. 59c, 99c, $1.39 and $1.69 i pair, regularly $1.00 to $3.00. Imported Lace Curtain?, $4.89, $6.89, $8.89, $11.89 ,mJ $18.89, regular!1, from $7.50 to $27.00. Novelt) Scrim Curtains, I.S00 pairs.69c 7.. $1.49 . pair Sunfast Madras Curtains, $1.89 and $2.89 a pair, regular!) $3.00 to $5.00. ISO Window Panel!.98c. $1.49, $1.89 a i .2.89 each 5,000 \ards figured Madras, white and ecru.13- 1 f_fi ThiM floor ** Women's New Striped Plush Coats, $19.95 A FLARE BACK MODEL, with belted front; flare collar, cuffs and band at bottom of plain plush?all beautifully lined in fancy light flowered silk and some in bright colored striped silk, making it very suitable for use over light dresses. In black, brown. Russian green and taupe. Newest model; in an excellent quality of plush. Women's Russian Model Broadcloth Coata, $29.95 The authentic '".oat of the season and smart to a marked degree. Long, graceful swirl skirt; choktr collar; bottom fur edged. In Mack, brown, green, plum and tield mouse interlined and pea? de C/gaU silk lined. Sizes M to 4 i. Women's Warm Winter Coats, $9.95 Made in pebble cheviots, in black, blue and brown and broadcloth, some velvet piped, and e?B tail* ?.red. Broadcloth with adjustable collar of plush. i Schwarzburg China Wins Gold Medal Trad* ?.?ell THE FAMOUS SCHWARZBURG CHINA, controlled for Brooklyn by .Abraham and Straus, has been awarded a Gold Medal at the Panama-Pacific Exposition for its beauty and perfection. In spite of the present difficulties of ocean transportation we are able to display I 6 open stock patterns of this excellent make alone, in complete as '^tfvvARiftM* soi tinenta. Two New Open Stock Patterns Just Received In time for the Thanksgiving dinner table, at prices which will commend themselves to sensible house? keepers tor their low prices. Dinner Plates.$2.75 breakfast Plates.$2.14 Tea Plates.$2.00 Pie Plates.$1.80 [tread and Butter Plates.$1.44 Soup Mates.$2.14 Frail Saucers.$1.20 Tea I .upS and . aucers.$2.85 1 < Cups and Saucers.$4.25 dozen dozen doten dozen dozen dozen dozen taten dozen After Dinner C?PI and Saucers. . . $2.55 a is*** Ramekins nd Plates.$2.08 i kamt Bouillons and Saucers.$3.25 ? w*a*S Covered Vegetable l.shes.$1.29 eacn Uncovered Vegetable lushes. 39c. tapt tiras v Boa.s.59c. eacn Pickle Dishes.29c ?ata Chop lushes.79c ?? Covered Butter [.?sties.?**? tl\ Cake Plates. 39c. eacn Also Platters. S?>up Tureens, Bowls and many other pieces at equalK low prices. These patterns i?** be purchased in any quantlt) desired. _*_ 102 Piece American Porcelain Dinner Sets, $8.98 In pretty white and g??ld toral designs, with large Meat Platter. Bread anu Butter Plates and Soup Tureen for 12 people. An extraordinary value. 100-Piece Sets, $4.98 100-Piece Seta, $6.98 Neat gold tloral design; tor 12 people; large Meat , Pretty pink rosebud floral design, ?enrice for Platter an' Si gar and Creamer. Limited quantity. I people; Sugar an Creamer _nd lar ;e Meat Platte 5-Piece Kitchen Seta, 59c. .. fireproof brown and white cooking ware, consisting of one 5S, one 6l_, one 7% and one **? *** Bowl, and one 7 inch Casserole, 2 handled. ._:?.. Hoar. <'*.>ir*' ??",?,B<