Newspaper Page Text
jrjO IN BOSTON SUFFRAGE MARCH gljfjfjOOntookewChcer ?ypllon Outdoes Red of Antis. -OSTIL1 BACK BAY % ,0 .TORIS W W - .-????? ..... - quiet ? ' - Nil? a " n - ? ?re deco snd ? *n the ? .... ? , . ?? - ' pa ?ful. ? - - ? ? ? ? ?. float kwell, irmerly ? . M "? - .*,-. ? - - ? i.? a Ui'U! I -. pre i varia - tot. ?ai '? (-rent "Victory" led the l'arade. n foot J* ?**?* ?arad* ii ' .'.ore a ??f1 ?* ** ? ta and Ci'??^ ' - polrn. chief but her ?tvi ?... I Hoiton, and ? r, intod aid. radon had ourse. ' ? ? ? em, but ? ? ' ? ? ver the saklfc' ' from Hack BfcLi?.,' formal .. ' ? r? down '?? ?iuild. I m a ?Li' :?*... paaaad hoi S??rac,? p . . . Wty ? ? . across t to ( ???a., ??lit,. l> -. '-?r a ? h?re to -vs ? ?RT5, ntk if?j USANDS Seople fco to I_ Lick Springs pwy to derive the bene *?M Pluto Water. If you ^fcoto the Springs you ^y Pluto, now on sole at ^^MistaS,hotels,cafesand gji in and around Boston. ?*"l ?t French Lick Spring. BUSfO WATER jAMIRKA'/ PHYliC Miss HELEN KELLER A\D GOVERNOR WAT,SIT. The famoai daa? an! blind pirl .stepped from the ?'ifTrnge line at Boston to hand to the Governor n letter thank inp- him fur his Interest in er?ual fuifTrafj*?!. SUFFRAGE PARADE WINS PITTSBURGH "Back to the Kitchen? We Have Never Left It." Float's Reply to Antis. - ? 6.000 women marched thl in the lai 'Hire parado in the i oanty thia aftei . war? ? . ? i the North proceeded to \v, 4 ,,rp a )nrfi.e rally, held by 'v.- Equal Franc] m F? ! by me?* a?. : ? ? - in th* rufTrace movemi The prvrader? * : in ?vhite, with yellow j ? ellow meml ? up the rear. nnei ' *le. The prnr.drr.o?' BJ urn re thafl 1, D00, a - plaud? d I ? ? ? The II ription, "Back to th? I av? never left tainlng the lnaeription, . . I Vears Old Then '? ntl in It," ? THE WEATHEB KEPORT Porocasts r.nd I'.ecords f the I.a?t Twenty-four Hour'?. W*?l In*? .-.,... -? a . - ? . ? . - ' ? ? ? I a . - ? ? ... .... I , . f tr ? , . a ru>. : .. ? lx?al ' - . ? 1 - - . ? . 4 a Tt.e v ? ? ?.-..-. 1 ? ?? ? . A s a - ... ? ? A- s- ??. . - ??? ??a-1?' f ? ? ?ralo t ' - I ? .... ? , ?till Forscsat fer ?psclsl Localities. ? E.ifrrn Nfv, Verlt. Now Jsr??ry. Dflswttr*. Tilitrlrt ef Columbl? and Vl?tlnl? ptrtl> cloud, te-day ?nd ?.-morro*. I. -.'- ???? ?a? _ a ? |ttWr.llJ fall ' a; rrosi fc - ",: ??? .sat tap <*,.??; to rotaj ? ? ?? a. i?rt:r e?toj<t? to da?; ?? L?rsl Oflilsl R(w??f?. T - ' N ?' ! . ? -. ? ? . ? tear .vil 8 ?. i-* ? -l ? ? ?? ? ' IT, M lief""' ? ? - BaromMsf Roadlo?.. t s m f '!? 1 ; ?? J * ro 10 "t Hutrldlty. s a. m *.?'?*. n . ?J lkii rt>'?r?,i Par? ? 1 M Im aa? **> - t?m p Vanderbilt Livestock Sold. Newport, Ott 16 The Hve?tock, . COWS, bulls, ?heef *?r,d poultry ar.d mach of ths farm eaolpmei I st TRUE DEMOCRACY WILL RISE FROM EQUAL SUFFRAGE-HELEN KELLER i . ? _-??.'. ?? ..? Trl'un? J Ho. ton. Oct. lfi.?The letter delivered to Governor Walsl t<?-day by Helen heller folio?-.: "His Excs_ls_w) l ?a\id I. Walsh, (,??vernnr <>f Maoaarhuos-ta "\oiir Kuellency: I ISS glad t?? learn thai _<>n are filing ti? vote for -omnii suffrage. You will thus help to furthrr B _tOVCSM__ truly in accord? ance with the .pirit of our Coastll iilimi?B in??1. ?-?n?-iit tliiit -?tiall nmke th?. goveraneal indeed a ?ttaottaey. "Hut the struggle for sxteaslos of sufraga to ???men aaeaai mats than iicre political power. The rote is ;. Bjraahol of ihe larger outlook upon life and the ne* poaltioa thai ?roasea are gaining in the world. The rote ?ill pr???.e an immediate realisation to large numbers of women ? ho must face the perils and vicis? tu?!?*? of the ???rid In iheir daily work. Without the vote ?omen cannot aolvc satisfactorily some problem, of living impor lant to them, such as question? of public health, the education and ?i'lfare of little children and the condition* under which ?omen must labor. "ihe perada ?lii?h y??u ?ill iritasaa to daj ?ill seen be over, but the march of woman along the highways at pfOfftass ?.hall not cease until she has attained her goal, and, iiiileed. the goal of all right mind?-<l ?omen? liliert.-. fcr all; fair pla. for everybidy. "With kindest greetings. I ?m, respectfully your??, "HELEN U-LLUL" .1 Fnrm, the former hom? of Al Vanderbilt, wa? disposed of to day at suetion. T!u i to bs : until euch time a.? th? owner, William IT. Vaadcrbilt, Mr. Van? derbilt'a ?on, taha? poaaassioa. On? bull brought |500 si I ob? of th? bn a mares $ i1?"'. REAL E8TATJ FOR SAIL (?H TO LET vv i ?|( ;n ?. l in ? ?n STY. Cdqcmoii; estate SCARSDALE Weslchester County's Ideal Home Community N'enr!. i o? high, wooded ind bordering i \'.ith;ii "i mil ? ? Maca? dam R? etc. 18 mile? o*.i 34 m r all-1 : i 'nina! ? 30 train? daily. Plata r nrpppi. -*,? aad nr.?-? !? ,' J'fj-rt' "!'!>?. ,1 ;?; i| B^ffeair?i 527 5th A??.. N. V of Slsflsn PsrV. S' and?is. M.w mum. ATTRACTIVE It Alt'JAIN'S IN MODERN i? ? i ? . . . ? HANKING DEPARTMENT, STATE W > ? n.i-7. to qulckl, oloa* the Sual? ?r.ii -, thea* prop , '-??-?; it? '? ?i QnuatwooS, I'bii?*?i?, ? !.?. Nat, J.-rsoy (oppo . within twer?ry-flv? flu utei t f .'4;..! ' An Inapc tloa ol tiio*? propel 111 ??ill n .? rou that th*T ?r? unusual l??r ftu TItl* Ouarai, ??- . Uy fro?. For furthtr detal'.s ?r 1 torms, addr*?? I BE.NJ 1 HAIOHT, Special Deputy Hupt ? - ' Hanking- Dopa: tiii-i.t. 61 1 ?- : "MTI1V IN \ M r-IIKI.I.." a 1 ? ?? - 1 ? ?. B . - Tama." BE? III 7 ini , Bos ? .-.' J I ON?, 1-1 ?Ml A GROWING COMMUNITY OK COSY, ALL-YtAR HOMES dwardBeacI ..Pi .1,11111.11.1 It ?4 J? Ml?.ill.? front Ilrouil.tay \>?r'.v mll*a of In I aterfront ?Boal Bat? *... ? . ? '.?i.'??. No At $ 1 0 NOW a* f*.r?t t men? rill oeeur* ? - . r " ? Choi? ???? Plait ? 1 ! ? ? ? r HOWARD ESTATES DEVELOPMENT CO. .-.I ? Iiitnil..r? ??! , N. V. I'hnne?Worth MM M 4 FREEPORT, N. Y. -BAYVIEW SECTION . r**ttlM*4, MO?n B*J si ! .1-;.' ??.?.-a III i ?SCI III f)Nl "K OVO lU'Tr? AM. UK miX AIIKAM.I TOl'B I "\N I" 111 II.I. Bl 1 A I SI AI V I -?.;?-? ? M ? ;?? I- ? ? <a . V ?. f 01 N ihi i'K?iri in v. Cou?try Hstos Inf??rotf1?n frss ?. ?r?s*?'tlys .?.. ?rs l.>* ?? ft I lid Call tar.'. S?q.p|, -. f. t. I - - r?i ?. Mi VV ,'l,t at- T.l l??tl M..1 Hot SI S FOR SU.K OR RENT. BOBoroM oa m ?mutt w 16 East75th Street ?? ?? ? !'?- I t -. f , r?'.t. fui re ' ? ? a '?rm of I' ' . ? '? I I 80lW~,., :-a??!' 1 toma ? ' ?fr? V|IN II |(N r?l-l ? III I IN-, Or?ele? M I w?i Tilth si STI DIOS To I.KT. STUDIOS, ARTISTS, WRITERS. .1 ? 1 i* - ? w 11 . 1? ? MOBBll L Ml??. INC. fa la-' Ulli Mr??I M RNISHED VPARTMEaVre WANTED. l. all I ..? - sal i.rc<?c.? LilUitM, liulal Ua;._al'.?B. _ RESORTS. _ GALEN HALL Hol II. \M? s \ \ \ llll?l M, ATI...*-TU ? II Y. f.. J. ? ? ...|y AI w_: ? -rt <.r 'n!i!?i ?? I plsi " for a lung or abort .?_? t ile end curatlr? h.ti.? ??b tra?ne 1 pe? S4I r .'th A\.- J-:-. Madlaoi i K I. ?... '..', <; B'l M.'r TME lUDIhO _tSt?_r IfOlfl Of TMt WORID _] \TI, ANTIC CITY. N. J. AH ..? e <A . -, . . I M ? . T JOSIAH WHITE A SONS COMPANY LAUREL HOUSE LAKKWOOD, N. J. _? 'U i ?ri.v Fall. Hinter und Spring Resort in UK] ... Mcr i I Morte. i?t. Mfr. AUTUMN GOLF At Stockbridge, Mass. Red Lion Inn?H? ..ton Hall. Opi-n ui.tll _i?i ?ml r. HOTEL GPAMATAN L._WkENCE r^KK.?HONXVIU__N Y. _pec<_/ Hate. Uur,ng hall and Wmtir ' TRAYMORE ____?,_. l_ -.-?oui? I oil?.I, IMillHlidl), X. j, 1'rWat. I ??? ? lanal rlu? I ? ?. n?iim__ , on ?-... I IP? '. . ? ?r- ? :,. ..?-. ' , ? i t.hle. A I - . bet) ,l??iri. a ? I. i_:. ' ?_LEGAL NOTICES. rOKK etel Dletrli - I Matter ?r th? itlon f the Pel ? ? ! .rst I ?tl I r ? : ?? . ?_?. ? ?r .s.? V'.rk, ?ctlne for and on bei ,:f of ?v of Ken York, by th? Con ' : ' ? fi r th I roan I of o( Ap ;.-.. -. . p rattan! to Cheptel ? of rh. Lewa th? rearm statut.? emenda thereof ? ; tal thereto, r.latlv.- ?.. acqulrlna ki. . - ,-? , ? . ? at* la and to <?< rtain premia? ? ? i ?.i. the | Eid .??n ."ir?t Avenu* an 1 A\f. ???? A. In I ...... f ?? batten, ? ??.* of Ne*? Y..rk. reanire. foe ? ; . ?t ? i ' I 'ii. Tiinlnta ? per at loi , . .fa ?, i ? ? .n of a Rapid Traralt Il.llroa.1. . ? ? "ii thai the ??port of Charl?? 3 1 ill? 1 r. K M, i Ai i.- M-.! Hei ! ? ih*r, ? orn? er* ol . ? i . In ? >.., . bov* entil ? : tn(C. * hi. h i-, -. beers _?'?. the ,-'h .i_y ?if June. 1 .| - .... . Bla I In tl." '.;'! ? of th* Clerk of th- Count] of new \ :'_ on th? 11th I It I a ?? further _t--en thtt ?aid r?p?rt ?m be i ' nflrmatUHi to th? 'i!? s.?t? 0f (few Tork. I . rr i ]'- rt III Ihett f. !? I ? ? ? ? I ? ?? I ? * Dletrli t ? i ie* la the Bei i ? ? i ? ? ? -i | ;..?i day .f October, 1.1-, at the opening . f . rt ?a that d?y, an 1 that then an I there, oi h? ?" ",-n theree?er a_ .our.??i ran >? beard ?????? a. a m tl . ??? 111 be mad? that eald r*| rt be * ? "r- - - N?W York. October II, 1915 LA M AR K -'M'Y. Corporation CewteeL Municipal 1? . I ? - ._ ' j I ri HUM? 1M?I MM1 *. < ?iMPYNY. Pursuant to ft-Uon 71 at tl?? l_?umn-? : t.? st?:- of do** Seek. ? . th? ?.ii 1?-r?Inn?>!. all (fing natural p?r.on? of full e.K- ?111 at i?-??t t?" ?hi: U of III cltlien? United Matee, sad at least on? of u? ... of th?. stat. of Neo reek, _? h-:.'. declare an 1 publlab nothe of our In t,,,::, i, |o form a o m.-tl. ?tock Insurance lorporailon to tranaact ihe t,u?;n.?? el Ity anj ?urety In? .ran?-- ai autb r__d un 1 er . ibdUUli n 4 of Section 79 of the In? , , ? , . a-. >n I. HOME IM.KMMTV CUMPAN1 Th of It? ; - ' - 1 an! K;!- ' , -, Hundred and Kift> In .and I- i ira ad Utlonal , .... Ipal and home ol f I ? ?p..ra? tion I? f. i ? !?? .?'? ? ?' Man? hattan. Cttjr, Count) ai i Stau of Nee York Datad Net? \?.rk September -'-th. l?15 UEORUE C CAIIBLI- CLARE.NC1 S NETTLES. JOS 1' WARD, A V linH.M A I.I. .Ml IV CHII D TAV KuMli!. . I .1 M'l ? - I P C !!? il.W ai, ; H Al .RED J \s. ?: I P, a i 'MMEl M ? i M I ?i.' Il, C. IlLi.i.l ?ul.IH, JoSLl'H Mtor, Shipping Information and Marine News ot the World Vr??e*|, Arriving nt and De pnrtiiia* hrom Port of .\. vv York. ?? ?,-??? a-.. , ??l.trla?? ' '. - 8 ? WIREI i ?i REPOR1 - TTa I . ? a -s ?ta- n ? . . ? a - rr.? *~1 ? ? . ? ? INCOMING BTEAMER& ro-i i V?8.. ?It-?-' . IS ' ?r.. un? *la ? ?I??i v a ?. it.? I ?: ?B>' la 1 I. ? * *T?ru*l? .. ? - 1 ? '..? I . ?? ? i ? ? ? 1- ABm . \? '..' ' ? a ? "... ?let l KYI ?-' . I ? ? "I - ' ? ?I ...a ' ?? . I ? ' ' It. >? ? I M p - 4 ? I, (M II TtnSDAI IX l'"i-. I! . ? ? ?Hsrs'of? ... ilarai.?. Ot 18. H ? ? . ?' -? LpOqIi ? ip- p, orTf.OINT, STEAMERS. |.. DAI ?... V????! ?OMt ' - I. * Vutr.s. Ar??.i' ;-.? 1. * II ? Oin ln 30 Ml MONDAI OCTOB1 CMeaaa i - ta. 1 ? s ?w pm Tl'MDA. ?" TOB1 I I ? ?!? a .all. Sa? nUlfSPACIFIC MAILS. . ..? 4 P ? Ht? ill J?;- ? I. ? . ? ' . ? isla San I 'i t l? ntwall. H.I . I ? ? a New 7-. . I -.-.-. r. ?>-1 71 Ils?.11 ul? 0*11 I IsniPI " t 11 Hawaii, i ? n traiia II* I M I I . ? . Sost ? ? AKIUVCI) la? Ct - - la* D 1 " . II ?nil "ran :??. t p Konto. ? ? i ? ? m tl . ?. ?? .,-? , p. ? 7' P*? i.'-n-'u *<* ... tu i a ? __-??__. ; ,- ? ;..- lef Bai -, , ? ? ..'vu .;??? * ... ? ? i 2 lad vi-a i" '-" "? . I .- _ . 14. l ?1 . .; . t m 1 ? . ... ? ? I ? ? ? - . ... ? ? , ;*???.? Bar 11 a m ? . ? ? b Bats . ? . i. .,.?.-.-?-. .-. - i i i . _ Ce I \ ? . ; . - ? i a .. ^ a ? - I . . . ' i-? ?TH.--.. l'.r.n?, M N?e* ... f '-?1 - i-: - . M ? . Sri. BTIAMERfl \T FOREIGN PORTS. ABRI tltm Tor. 1 ?i? ? ? .or* - Ne. Y-rk f<_ Ilr), Ne? York et? : R V ? Ti-rk for Cop*. - -?* Tork. r-? ?t r_rt; Semant .? leb). Seo Tort : I bailed I -. "-t 11 T. .-..r:.? Miru (Japl - -. I?r?. I ? ? l ? ? ? ?? ? York, i?, t 1 - i ? i ? ? ?. N..W Ynrk ? ? . ? - ? *?? : l?-?l? iQrcfk?, Sem \ ??? Ira*! - 1 fcobama. eu a : ? I Calcutta foi B-*t_. - for ! ? ?.. i. - ? I R ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. .EMPLOYMENT Ai.ENClES. Miss Elvira M. Hed?und Select Employment Agency of all Nationalities 15 Weet 58th Street, near 5th Avenue. Telephone: S345 PliZA ???ail-.?-1 -1 AM) .HIIAl .?!- MAIS AND PTMSLK) ILFl'UEb TO HsIVATI ItlllMi-M ?? KAMll.ll - . MY ' i ? ' - tl BEI WE Uli Ai.I.. 1X1 INVaYSTIUI , H> AM) KK1T ON FILE EXCELSIOR EMPLOYMENT GUILD ? mm. ??aricn.l A If " * BXSTIC HF7I.P. 321 MADISON AV. .... , A . ??? e?n I 1 , UM'IS TAKEN FOR OPENING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. PERSONAL SO PERVISION SATISFACTION r.UARANTEED. MURRAY HILL-3OTI, MISS KITT- RYAN, Proprietor M.lHMUTr EMPLUYMIM AolNCY 261 West 125t_lSt. RELIADLE HELP SIPPLIED. city or cu.NTMY phone ?m Moll .INoSID. I ..p?o? n.nt Ajrnr)i, F-t. . ?ai Bryant 70U7. ? I I ! . .NTS M.M.I FT7MAI K ?-. EST 4S I 8T i ? :. BKYAN1 a r ? \ I ? J4 ? 11 ?, 1 ? , ? ? .-? A N***P __ I EMPLOYMENT Al.ENCY. \J Z_ L. H _. Iltl II ... ? . , . . ; i. tXt'tlAMlB ah? ?-.? Y a-: oatlooall III ret r ? ... in? llgaied -1 ? ? ? .... Deal it T!. ftcllUIle, Mr. v M ? . , Ho IITli IBST 1 MPI 111 Mi:vr I \. I- . 1 i i Ml - ' V " I an. _ I.?.1 ? ilKRI il ro A? I ??? ? 41 II M M ?? ....:-., t r ir.fa'.i l 1*54 , ? ? K v. | ?. l ?t. MISS ISABEL SHEA, Employment Agency 30 v. 4?Ml. <<?H MAO. AV., BOOM 701. p, : ..... a* I f. i.iaie. lor city ? Telephone H7;i Murray Hill. fOO?v *. ? ? i .--._ M I" ? .1 P AOENCY, 35 ? ? I. 1000 Ore?le)? Be ? . tlee, mule, female; ? DISH FINNI. H ?? . '.'? Y Jo> n Mynt 'tl; av., near ISBth. Flrei . ? ? h i.-t.J -Innlab. ; irlem. _ . ...... ...... ,r ' ___,(?* Il __. ... farm __i..I.. MISS E i : i : Tl. r. ii - t Oonaaa Americao Agen j 77 r?-t ISSU) Il i nil? I lo ?rlia'e r?_> r.. I. iri... .'?j MIS fltrl-in ?AHTHA < I1L1.II II A'.I.m 1 ? : p mala, : ? i . .... ... nr? AfiFNCY HEEHOEOEN. I- Lei . 1 IM Hill' WANTED._ Male. Efficlont Empltymmt E.fhsng?. Agency ? < ' III.I.I* W l.NTl !' ! 1 MALE it I'rfap Bpajil, t.. I?. _ ?.M.I. GOVERN MI NT I \ IMlJIAtlON I' .?i * 1 Par? ticular, ft A . VVajtl li.tor.. D. C Female. GIRL for ifiier?! bi-nisrwork. n.?tr.htln. III T7th tt.. Brooklyn _WORK WANTED._ Male. . nr.?.RKEKPKTl AM' EXPEBIENl II? OfTTCI I MAN .- '?? - ? "11 nl ? ? I * . Ad Iit?** II. t . ,:.. N ?. ?mil 111.I ,; i . - \ . . ,..'?? ?. -at _ l I' VI I I I l It a ? . a ?.. A. I l_ ? HA. 11 El n " ib: : tteett ?? ? . . ?1 ? * Mit. 1 Femnle STOCKS ?'ll.v.MiKAI'TII 1. ??.'.rca ,??'. ? ? . . i '. MB -t J ? 111 ?rit.una DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. BI'Tt.CTl TAI.KT " ? I'ar- ?MM. wl's ?I a . . \. ' vv .- ; ... _ H. I I I K V AM . J II ,. I III I I.I K a'AIJ ra) I a' . . ? P m| *. ?HI I A. _ ! ?... a' a ..*- 8 .... 1 AI '?' K Ms - . . ?..-.-.a: I* a. a | ? : ? ', T- l!-4i _ (?ABM7M II Hri-ERINTEM I Ml - - ' ? - . ?, I a*v< It ,._ I Ml' 1. I" I-. ! a , " It? | - . . '. . . ? ??? ? . I ? [a. I. Trl. I l-emai* A I ? -.!:?- VtAITRl>? -.?-?- II? I p Mil ?. . ? ? . ?? ? I ? ? .> ?VI? ? HAMBEHMAiri f?B HI -?? *t . i . i. ' ' -, II ... . ? a t ? I -a- ? ? - , :..|p : . . u __ j a ? ? a. Itnl 4 i a | 4 1 ' 4. - ? ] . IIAM?? KVMV rnani. ne* . - ?? ' a tilt I . II ? ? SU list S? 4 - ?8 a Ja. , 1?? ... !.. - Il . -:? DOMESTIC BITT?ATIOX8 WANTED Female. CO0I ? ? ,-? - ti ? tern eeanj laM i ' ' - - ? ,\ ? HI ttti COOK ind Will -? i ennald; city pnfarred; . .'. A. ! . I*laza 44!_ .k", ? IIAMI1KKMAII? \YA1T__88 - - ??-_ ? ? t COOK - . g .?man; very cap? -, n : bei' refere?.re. city; f . A?_,... lil tVatf 4.d it llry I ? _ e.i'A'.le; If? ytart7 . ??' I ci Mr?. Muan'i Ag?-.?7, ; : Wen at it. ? _ COOK ... t?l C. M1M?? ? - ? .' 7 I ,. II- ; . ? ? mt refer . ? Agency, LID, WAITR? S? - ?!??-..? ' - _ I -. 'A _ COOK llurr_y ? ' ?v butt?* a- 7 ? : I - - . . ORKER- 0*1* '?? I" ''I-. It wl 1. . . 'i/jr I yean' I M . ?. Ill _??'. |_U : ' a J u . : ! - . ? Aj Hut _ I ? ? ? ' . i ! ????..' __^_^_ ? . ' - - ' '. i i Ml,? Il . M H ? ? :-?:. . in ? i Mo. t'ai! Mi ? *.. < l-J ...... . . - . ? ?. . I ?. : I . ? ? . ??? ?er ? A*_0 r. . - ? ?. . OKKIMl M- k. ?Il ? . . A. r. M ?._?; t. . il. l__i_ h.. ? SPECIAL SAILING American Steamer 22,000 Tom CI Ml A M H ?21 ?3 Ton, DiipUrement A I 11 L /I 11 V Regi.ter Under American Flag FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24 (12 Noon) Carrying ltt CI*?., 2nd Cl*** *nd 3rd CU*? P*??enjrer? and United State* Mail AMERICAN LINE OFFICE 9 BROADWAY NEW YORK CALIFORNIA Lxtst Opportunities to See the Great Expotitinns The Pan am a -Pacific Fxpn4.itir-.r1 at San tr.i the Par.arr.a Caiifornia r'xpo.itinn in San Diego w*.l definitely clone in Decambafa AfrtriowMgM to be the BKWt marTeloua Lxpoiition? of all timf, th?*?/ will prohaliiy not Le equalled for fifty ven.rn. Our tours in.-. ? D Kxposition?, California resort?, Apache Trail. Grat, i Canyon, Colorado. Departures October 20, 27, Nan. i, 17, and later WONDERFUL CRn?SE?S to the V.? Indie?, ?'.?:.?rr.? *od rentrai America. J?a. ?. Feb. 12 ?nd Mar. 11. Ill? SOUTH AMERICA Small group? having tt.e char?.-'?rand ap\>eararrn nt prlrat* p**-t;<??. Jan IJ.K?b. 2,1. U ?u.d Ik INDEPENDENT TOl'RS TO BERMUDA Send for Booklet Desired RAYMOND & WHITCO.MB CO., 225 Fifth Ave?, New York f?RUISES ? ? -? w:?h e?.-r* In.l? I OS Cenai, Jamalen, Colombia ?ni . r: a l.eav? b) "tirent ?hit? Flee." durlno J?r> . Kob MM CALIFORNIA _nd K\|?|r?n.. TeWB de lu?? with Idltll Oriind ( anvi??i, Ari? zona Nniioiiui Beeeree, BeeeeeeM D_m, New Orleun., lu. m,? (, etc. SOUTH AMERICA Three ??r,-, 1 T tir? vie tttmt Itttltea end Panama Canal Leave \,y "?.real mute Iteet," Kei 24. Fei? z ?nd :<s. SHORT FALL TRIPS to r._r y reaorta \tl_nt'. tlty. Adl roiulm I.-. \\ ii_ litn??nn, M.rinmlti, et" THOS. COOK & SON i 't arey .? Ipp City Hell t t_> . i ; : ? : ?-!. s- i \ ?? .1 :or 4*.ti? s? i : ? | lu ada i] ICor ::?! M ) Vacations By Sea and Land. -.ALIrUKmA da;iy departure? TranHportatl.n. hotel?. HKht.e.-ln.. etc.. lnolu.-d. By all n itoe. Special Itineraries to ?ult r equll ?? :?.ei. ? Short Tours To All Resorts Vnter E.?cort and Independent. with I.XL?^ns?? Included. Tour? to ATLANTIC CITT. WASHINGTON, OLD POINT. RICHMOND. U HAY. NATt'RAL BRIMS, ?to BERMUDA. WEST INDIES. PANAMA, Etc. .'^.'a-I?r. I', ?i; and F1 um . R??ervatl?.n? and '. . ?????* 1 * all line?. Send for detail? Geo. E. Manten, Inc., N. Y. City. i>u) itri.i.iMH. ?at ai?t _MJ FRENCH LINE > ......?gtiie tie.eral? Trnmatlantl . >? ro.-T._L .Kinin; Sailings for BORDEAUX CHICAGO.. Oct. 18,3 P.M. LA TOLRA?NE, - - Oct. 23, 3 P. M. ESPAGNE,. Oct. 30, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU, - - Nov. 6, 3 P. M. THE NEW QUADRUPLE SCREW S. S. LAFAYETTE Maiden Trip from N. Y. Nov. 13 FOR I.VrOKMATION APPLT COMPANY'S OFFICE, ftgjjfafrj; CUNARD . ?'?Mu. . mo EUROPE via LIVERPOOL ?TUSCANIA, Fri., Oct. 29, 5 P. M. ??'AMI I.. ... 1A 1- HI , \.?V ., 4 Y M !.\ BAT . NOV. 20. 10 A M I MA Kit I . NOV 21. 4 1' M ?Bn Boats to oiaagow. NEW YORK"toLONDON PANNOKIA . SAT. NOV If. 10 A. M. . Pneeengers only. BOUND Tin. TOiKS. " - ' I- ?'?? *? i?. ??! .'?' P?l P> rt? <_ tl.? .orl<l. CilMPANY S OFFICE. ? 21-24 STATE 3T? N. V. BERMUDA For An Ideal Vacation? 0. T ( h _t_a__B ItMi-llny Orean \.?_ge .,..,?.._.., ,,,?r Cntli i tu letloM for v_ca*i<>.iate Turin Screw "Bermudian" . afetj - -Speed?i"n_i_ irt Sail? Ali?ntate BTeeW. A ***t?. I' ??*??, H | TV, MS and J II ii ?ay, tt* a *i; A?- hay m ud A - ' " i Av , O ? Maratera, 1,14? B_?y. l-r?ri_ Twrtet ?Vi lot ? '*? ? '?? -i ii ??>. ?.?ltwp.?. v B -l l VUd At BRAZIL ud the Kan <'na?l ?f So ?tt? A nier;.-? ??la Hart-doce 1 "MI *T1 AMSI?P I.INK N?IW oPKn. ATI.U .Et'TKAI lASSlA?.. It .EMIU i;,1;;- S.S.RI0 0EJAN?iR0,Nov.4t_ ?:.A. S.S. HI?AS GERAES, Nov. 24th ? ?? ?M M Ma? i i _- ,trr ?.rom LLOY? BRAZIL?Ra" \T*^*V.h^?\% RED ,,D" LINE *** " r'-* amtmau oui. w _?___ ?,._?, ?j... tl N ^ y ? i ?t? i-.! ., '?_?? i - a *?'?__-__? I 'HII_U?_L_*IUA '. ? : 'AHA''.?1? Ko?. I / I-IA .1 t .'? M A HA' AIM." S ?. 11 . .??' ..r A .nvi.-Utt..:.? to? I __"f_ 111-- ! AI I.l.lT A I ?> . (_- M.n. . P_f_t? 17.. II? . r ?.? ?A . 1 .'reel Up the Hudson Sunday _>*H(htrui nil le HIcBland FaJIs. N?w bwrgb Boneon and retara, fi oo Str. "Newburgh" ?... room, ti?..?|.- Kr .nWlIn . \ *l u aal i ISl h s- , I v. a M Central Hudson Line |S Mreet M UNK hTK \M*HII* LINE Nt;ToB?a PORTLAND Ke.liK. ,1 tare? All l'oint. I'lione *'J*0 ( orl t. V?l zr._ STEAMMHir I IM - UptheHudso.n ? ??llr lits? ?Mltll?s>? ?" r"?n?llkrr?>?l.\ I ? ?? ? Imricli ?.r l\r?l tatst. N.Y.-ALBANY-TROY S.S."TROJAN"& "RENSSELAER" ?Leave Pier 32 N. R., Foot Canal St., 5:30 P. M; - I* M'M W. 132d St., 6 P. M. S.S. "C. w. Morse" & 1 'Berkshire'r ?Leave Pier 32 N. K , 7.00 P. Ii| W. 132dSt. 7.30 P. M. SjJ.m 1 22 JI.5? 1 $1-50 19.10 b M ??r*-i-t ??"o I.srtp*,? Hi??r O? ... Ml ? ? ? HUDSON NAVIGATION CO FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 ?tr? Iv. Pl.t* It. N R . ft. PBMeS St.. ; dally at 6 00 P. M. Mmlo. New I ??n.l'in Un?, ?tr 1/ P>r M M R., i ft. Ht, **???l? day* only. 6 10 P M. ; ' Plt-r TO. fc*. I?., ft. B. :ia St.. ? 00 P. M. I Hell linen UM, ?tr It llr It. I 1?, ft Call rln Si . ?.<-'.t Oajra tml?, : il P. If I", r T ' f* K. 12.1 St . J -pj !? M llrlilgpix.rt I.In?, vat-*?. ?1?>? only. ??r. Iv. V\rt :?. V. It. 11 00 A. M . I'l.r ... t\ K. :. : *-? . il II a M _ Th? pu?.lie tw? p>**?d. BOSTON :2.65 tin It.'.i' iaii.1 It?,?I. Kill NI) I KM'. ?.?I?. PROVIDENCE $1.60 MM M? I KII*. >:(.?.. Colonial Line First elaai - r-. . vv.-. k Sara ?n?i nun. ri?y? at | p .v tren Pier ?>. N ?. ? f?j'>t Wttl Houatoii B? .111 Out?,?If Loom?, I1.IK) f.. .-.(.." VV.rrl... a-.,,I,,II!. ill. ly. Ilroatlstaj i?:..l .a.i ?f_ 1'hon?. tOta. ?It I Mali - I \ I | lt?l?l?l*?, ?I OS I?,.I? in''?!?! hi surtila?. S-SB i> '?* It. Q. I rr IS K R I .... H??k?)?a. ?I?? l.rSat um?-? itt i.r a/las, N ? I ,??'?'.... ?.?? . |? , , , , a. Sight-Seeing Yacht? L.a. Pit T?l 317?. BUSINESS CARL?S. . ? -l.'IU'.h VtAHKHOlHt: <". M .i ? p. ai ; . i v il ?? <. , 1 .l?a? la o ~ - ?aUUlat?. I.. I _ Bim. I. . u ?p. : .. i 4 I". ?. .Ai.tMi. iAln-1 i l.l ?ms.. ?< k moat ?? ?aiiDyr?aa?''I ?if. bat,.] or ?a. B?aar litt Bt.aJ.i4 l.l .aal !???, .1 t.? S I'.HAMiT. Tn I'.' 3ttb M tiALVII BKOi? A..tl4|i. ' its ?or??. ?al M ?. irr 4?. 1'ui.rta ?t. Itttb St I 'I ? ' ? Kill.. ? ??* AKT UAU..KI lira VV ?t til *tT Ai.l'.iU.? ?uri.aa. a l.l !?"?? .?. ?I.v?r??r?. rare I* ?. i?n'in??. airatntrt, ?>, 1 ..??ton? . ? ?.?' ? >n i.ri'.itAi'ii TVifvvitiTTt.v i irru?* too. ti ?,, i ?-.. ji ?? ? ? OSO H. VM ATII! Illcl'l'. .. ? Hr. a.l-8. .. . 11. 1. ?. BukU 1 I 1 Ba>ctat* it**. _ MrJlrV ?"IK ItHI'i I (I.I.V.M, tV.tiuv*. I) Irst, l.axfsa?. il ?I M I'll? ?IM- in?.? ?v.'VitS ?it?.vi .i.... ? ti rr.Ta, 1TIC? !.. 1 r rt I fot I ?? ?2.1 ?Sw ???.1 Mr,?at. ?j: la* ?Vas? *A- at. ??V? >1 MOU . ? ?IS ?n.l Mlv*l Ix lafDI ? K Loir'n?'. ? ?.ji'?. ?o? l a?"? ?r. t?r reBttera H KNISHKI' ROOMS I.? Ml r . . '? VI.'IIMN?,. Ill? I'ltlV I. - * INKII-MSHKII ROOMS TO IK!. ritki.T m vi. ' i rk.ii prlrat* boutai ??' ..utl AJJr*** a. Ha?? ?j. iiuui.? ore??.