Newspaper Page Text
r GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want lL 5.? KJit-.??I Ptft, Kirtt I oluran. Ntt? '*?!?? %kt^ *^"****m*i atibune WEATHER RAI- Til ll*> , IK'HI-llir r-IR T?l MuKKHW M-'.er?'- ?I .tit I. _ -a? tu \*".' II nl. l..' T*?np#T?atnr- a m ... .Si Lose, Bl. Foil K'lan. I ;0 ?'-_? .. FA?, fo /.a... .Ac Truth: r etc* - Editorials - Advertisements Vol. I XXV So. 25,174. ."i|l.i ion II? Hi. Irll.r ...i., ?Hilnn ' TUESDAY, ni TOBKR 19, 1915. ? e e _.., ,-_??_"_' In ?War of ?ew Terk. Jlewoi-. ?? _ ifttaB. THICK ONE ( E N I n__i_n_ui two c__am JERSEY FIGHT FOR SUFFRAGE ON ALL NIGHT Women Keep Up Bat? tle for tlie Vote to Last Minute. BOSSES AGAINST AMENDMENT Republik?? State ( Kail man ami J. R. Nugent I rg? Dei? at. ii Rtiffrape i-.ti a ?',,;' ? i . ?Va Um ... est? ??. ? ? :rrth' ???? ? i. . E. F. t of 1 Sev? .1. r? r.rurr* -? ? ' frier D] ... ? ? ? ?hit " ? ? ? part ' a few ? n. the i.. of **' -' ifrai : H ? . a (itf?*i.t?-i ,? Nf ?j-.c V ? : u Frage, pi w. . . ? ? ?ut NOM tn* ir. ? ; tl.e,-- I M in IsAk lataaaoajta. No M ' ' ' ?? dav'f 'Th? !?? a Wtf | .-.?a- r ? tpj?n ? . Ml ? ? ? ? - part. Tht isffrai Mal rr ?,- | - , ?'?rr Isri b the vai f?!dr ? i-ioluf ?cou'? ? - il the ?-.?>- g- anea districts T- - ? s- ? ., te? ' ?rtrj- tfwr ? oaj ?rer? * . ttrtr. r'-r- ritie? plans 1. ? boos Bid? to (SI , ' b'.l through th? r , 1* f ? 1 "i-tl '.it>n ef 1 htnes II ?va? i e trait'; ',:? h- _ bt Revtei * r-, . ..-?... el ? ' th. }..; | Committee, Mtllr?* lf r?*? "I frrl of victory fnr the ?sin I ? . ,;c in 7't ron?* ? | wool? the ril>* r - I ?? !1 d*. all I tin Is ... ...... I is rot ?. ... ballot ootn ' . either th, ?r fer i 5 '"' MBOf ? - . . ? ?V erren 11 asni ta met ? . ' **?i ' ? than par ?r-ou* ? ?turnes. At I rttttr.: tin P???r ?) 't t 4 '?I. 1 ' ' * referai? hv ?how? ," ' *n \mrmekt tank ? aassj yvvrt ? '",*' . " " tor? will ? ? r? ?**] ' I'"' [*?'- ?' ? ?tion th?.t ,\V *' tc and I l?','kU a *' ' '?' ' ' "' ? a A? .. .'" - mttes n , .?. , ? , M, 2? ' ?it t? ? U.r ? ivA' * " B.ttl, Araln.t Nufrnl. ?'.??r.y1*" ' W *'* ' ' If ??# ' '"?>'' r:*'' bei , tragt ?. . t?? T* Handicai ped b) i?, j/,, ' ft,,,:,,''' ?f? set the i ltaU *.d ?" ?''?<?*' ? *.-.??- ruf.nn pi, th?. Uttttv ia"'* W"r<i '* Uw ?' ?i, A ' ? 4*r k". ??*.? .*"'?"? bai ?a? .? 1* formed learui i "?s (T2 ?mite l *"! u u ?salty "*'" ** ?OBI Bight th? ..?.?Mi "-??Hau?! ? i>?ar ?, ?olunaia i ANTI-SUFFRAGE AND SUFFRAGE LEADERS <H N'EWARK, THE STORM CENTRE OF .TERSE. 7. R Nugent, Democratic boss ol C '-1- I >untj rh? fijjhti s I aver) device known to machine polit ind M re. M ma .nv, Winkle, presiden! of the Women' " tical ? il.f New Jer chief antagoniat. Vote at Movie Gives Small Suffrage Lead Audience nt Knickerbocker Stands 216 "lor." 209 inst" and IH "Undecided"?Riverside Drive Apartments I avor the \. omen. THIRD TRIBUNE SUFFRAGE POLL Place. Cn77\ PatCTIM Apartment?. .. Ki erbo? kor Theatre Totals to date For. Afainat. in i>..-..%.t. i 25 15 . 44 216 18 4-; \ 224 487 014 292 2.723 1.758 1.138 314 3.210 Totals . 24? Previously canvassed. 1,517 Mera polla tnk.n yesterday r?y no on the a ? v. ?i nv ?ty in fa Bclude . I ? Rival apartment ad ut . a ' ' i ?? t > ?? ai .- .? produei . ? tuin by i ... Ther?1 ib no obligation ii|?"ii tho i t to alga 1 marli a er? ? i .y all th.- BSOT proiichiil ??er?, ?rilling t<> led loteal o? - "?i?1 way ?>r another. The totbl nurnh.r of hallom cast the thie? days Is S.'.K?. Of these, 1, I vinjj woman the vi 1,18* nr?. oppoaad, and t\i are in do iii... oa i i?-?'t ion Day, ? ? : '..' In K nu k.rl.ix-ktr Theatre. ? ? .- r?-, Hroi way ?.: ??..., I | ? a a, oui of _ total "f Ml vo opposed and The sligb a ng for t ; , ...,... , ten .? m that ? ? which i>r_c7n-n > \ erf? naaaee, thii men Bit tint reheetra seats rot? . lixteet I tl.r?-?* . . Jersey and si tl j v. ? ? the ? nfranehi. .... the amei . i ? ... ? ? g . ? ? ? ' town Tl I .-n onl of town, Beven we? for the ? ? .roir ' ? a rol ? Nee Jaree; is to I ley. In Pennaylvai ? ? ded h nest general el?-? ? - state. I . , Thors wri Maaaaehos? tts 1 ,ts In.tri bute?! ut Iloor. A?-- - of th. ? an.I market D u rini ?er? ami for the hon?-!.", of '^- od ... . a tan lions knows i a hal ? i Dtranet 1*01. v.i-re 1 i m ;?? A ?aparate \ote ol th?1 men attend , f th> ?1 fa? ?>! of t to the women ?Tie _?. ! n.?n, _ ? mitt ^oo?l at the ide (..?.Uuur.l ou I'M' **. -uluniD I WILSON VOTES TO-DAY FOR SUFFRAGE CAUS Will Travel with Oanison an Tamulty to Princeton. r ?an 1 . ... ? 18 Pr? ideal Wi bob will t ravel t? I to ea The '? l eat i ? ; > . Priai ? ? .>ii th? r?" tri] In the aftoraooa, snd the P .. r. .n \> ai hingtotn dinner Up trill lie?.r rh. turn- fron hi? swi -?..-?? ?t the Whit Frj sob? DOG WRECKS PANTALETTE Woman Save* Half ..f (.arment b !'.?? i[.ii'a,' in Motor, A pretty ?yoong ?roman wearing high erowoo-a PoritSB ' ll 1 sgofl bios vsl ? * - ? - or? .1 -.ilk roffi? I pai .'? tt? ?tarte ta ? liter SB SUtOI .oil? , . ? Ninth Avenus itatioa ol the - s JTorl ?\ ? -? eheatei ft Bo.l N ? Rochelle I eeterd i] A lillll.lii;; Bl toehl 'I th? ?' ? hefure a yonng ?BOB COald | BUsl BO r,: OB? paatoll ' discloaiag I op? n bagon bio? The voaog ?roaias I icopi RESCUE COST "?TOPER LIFI Captain of Alanka Df?M "I ExhBBStlol fr??m BovTsOg Seventy - it i it a* l'ers?.n?. Seattle, .?et 18, ? iptain Simon B llrunn, of th? ?tOOl ? I, wh< .t?,.? un iip? hr. Ig? eoi ?? nos! ) ? eatlvi <lh> Brhil? ?,. . ngeri ??; th? ?.-??? Mari] tly, died ol ,la.l tei day. 1 '.?'?.nil l'runn resciie.) l?vent] Bin? B? trem the Mur.. PEANUTS KILL BOY OF 3 lad llled YttASt?st Alter Calms l??o \1 ?i.v on Sun.lav. ] SO BIBB} p.? - I in -? I th? ? terdaj f thre? .<-nr old J ?f XI? SCZOWSI I'erry Avenu?. | ? ? . ?. ? ? toh? Bib day from what issmed to be seal I .mi sad h? toi ?i , .'?:-, ? owed posants ?sen ths eaoss iath ELECTRK" MEN STAY OUT Strikers I'cjc.t < .?n?(>r-? - nii?e Otfsrod hv ??nnpanv. v- I . "--7 U Kepre ?ent?t ? General Eleetri? I oiapaa] m.w on .. ,.. voted r-- nlghl mai moualv t?> i ? ?sfei made l.v Georg? B. Ci .- aorol aaoaag. i ol the plant i. *.t..rker? ?truck ?hen their .!?? manii foi ?? ????' faied Ml ' ' n!,.|. \\>-:r: ?roold bl '?',< B /, par eeal - ? ??? i no, with a nine and a hair II sad BBOthe? f. ter eent in one vcar and a | nine hour day. 4 MASKED MEN HOLD U? TRAINS ON WEST SHORE Engineer of Express Fol? lowing Robbed Freight Sees Baiidils. Dashes By. Four mn-kul ? ?p a We .t ,.. aecord ? it to i ??: . which they thia city and ? i- r. >['? . '? to the appeal ore hun .... goal '! th.- several fer ? ! In ? ' ? ' al lleail tha ,-i a, ?ho .lui the job. . to W eehawken, . ?he pur_u?-1 t tha trail Tha hold op, it ?a- stated, waa eeas* mitted i. \\. ? nel in he I I op was s fas frei, t, .In.. aw a? 10:17. '?? ir I set s ryler stopped, foui ,, .. | road and ? I ' ' r i .... U hi B they did, tw? broke .. eai and ' brew sai i ral i>h' .der? .I Tj 1er to pro eeed with I i I . ? ; t? ter s fast si pn ss triim. a!bo bound north, encountered ... ? Bngineei Edward ? ...i power ?mil v.;?, enming to a top when he espied Ihs men with li,. - 'i rea h ; - le? si api n ai _ ? i trj lag to ? -. .1. Tony Greet , spsirei he ?vent t'? i'ix the signal ? it :? m m der to Mi i . four ?en eroaaing i i ... i. from i ha ... ition of the ? ?. ; . ? ? ? i . nir ?md ?' win raw hs ? i | tstiot erilf O'Brien O'Briea ? ? ? .-?ar. hirg thai II h.-..I pe? sod through ? . Ighl BSinUtOfl behird I'tiR up ar. _ ... .,.,f..|_ ry . oon after Twelve Hours Without a Fire. Fire II? t i egister la all o'clock Sunday 'clock y? -'erday I ?? ENGLAND SENDS NEW COMMANDEE TO DARDANELLES Sir ?an Hamilton Callee Bath to Britain "To Make Report." HONRO IS NAMED TO SUCCEED MIM War Office rakes Action Afh'r AbanJuiim - nt of ( ampaigfl Is Suggested. London, I lei 1I H ? 01 General ' Carm! cha Honro ha '.?._. Ian Hamilton, who rol ? ? mad? Pending Uei n Monro1 an di pol Ms r General W . Bi i la ?.. I will ?iii- ti peal ? the House of 1 ?- tlfred Milner d ? Ref err i ne < tha Dardan? said: "It h;, teri ibl? to iil'i. that _ to th? lo ol ;.|. .? ; '. imt would o i" '. ?ff? et Bril sntei pi ; o- i ? i ?? pei -i^'? .1 in and en eompleti . toi ' For ... '? ?. aol '?? et c i ,- well ? ? i he expeditionary fon ? way thro _ florn. I in . ?h,. ?', . . ? . b n in- 'i attack Ba of disasters, I ndoned ? ? ?am?- the laborious work ol ? i on the Gall poli Pen . ? ai I ? i and ss i o . i, who ? ? April. ha? ports ?if he ins. l.on.inn Hlata at i allere, Th? result has be? fl l on I B B ; Londot I rhether th? "i" i ? rere advancing In a wai warrant continu iti? it l lure wi timated nal on ly In I he a leial rei l'ii1 :?l?o in tha talk of hi__h ol circles. Huh sir Kdwerd Ore?'? statemenl ?? Par menl ssl ? . iseount Milnei ?? vi. ?.. : of the Balkan situation there i ? .t.,. eoui -'? for the Allies to ; ers ? to wll hdra I60.fl .n or 200,000 French and B ei ? from the Oi i abandon tha Dardan? I s ma ami ? - Leed Leni dea ne, i ?? r tha goi ernnsi nl tad He aid that it waa int po i i.'.?- for any member of tl to gira un under! iking tl t tl ? would continue in the Dardai oi would be v. Ithdrawn from th? m, it would h?1 onpatriol c and improper, h . to for? '? th? ? ona in trj i ei gaged. (?llicial l in Ir-, _roaoe__ then the rvaeiv? answer of Lord Lanado? ha issed eat h ?| -.\.. pal i ial ' onfirmation of the Dardanelle e im| to ba given up, and "I"- iomoi -pn ad tl London that lud i lated The n-rull of Sir Ian Hamilton is the rnment's anawei I V'hethi hal tep mean - that the op tions will be i commander ,-r ... ? lita).nk' ai 'i hs- ealled baek Gen ? i tl Hamilton to i there is -till h"i e of reaching Cot is not diacli ? id ' tha es rol u ly cen? sored cablea from London. General Sir Ian Hamilton is ons the reten i if the 1 army, ha. ng bi he AI W m of Ifl 18, *' a !'? bi W ?u of 1881, Nile expedil pi \ ._ snd : he So il h Ai can War, ia which he waa Lord K itchener. Ho ia .I. Major Geaerel I barios l armiehael Monro, who was bol i in la. 0, a.. . i commander of an u mj e rps ,i, ? January. H entered I . - ? . I " i...i. r : e commanda : f( ! ..? Major ?ieneral W ?hum R Birdwood, who Ml the i u ? ? ?. ; , battle last Ma| lipeli front. He baa a .'? ? . r>"*> Il tl a Boer w ar, ? ' m. In that war ba lUni ??? ! I a Comstock. "Modern Galahad." Oral go. S. J., Oct. 11 ..... pari I Da 1 ? : ? he aa I nobler champ.on of , Gilbert K. Chesterton writ?*? in Ihr* Sunday I rihune of " I he War of hnglr.h I ni'ii. ip.tti.?!! Mr point?- ?nit in ? typical Chesterton mann? r how the war may rele.iie the i nglisri from many institution* avnd mipohrwhihties that h.ive made them le?,-?, happy .it home and less respe? ted al.road than they .?should have heen. It is a viewpoint amply worth getting f??r itself alone, hut if you have read his previous arti? 1; s you will find in it a doul.le fa*, m.ition. I ell your dealer to day to leservr your ropy Sit? ?it??ag Sr?mtt* First ?o I..IU- tht hull \eus ? t-dttortait~-Advtrtittmettt Allies Seize Turkish Port; Push On to Serbia's Aid; Britain Recalls Hamilton VON MACKENSEN PLANS TO REACH CONSTANTINOPLE BY DECEMBER 1 i. . :- r P.iriH. Oct. 18.--I-'iel?l Marshal von Mackensen plsns to be in Con atstltinoplc by December 1. This is learned from the orders of a German HeUtonant, now In Basle. Switzerland, where he is conve? les. ?n?| before rejoining his regiment. The lieutenant, who is attached to the 16th Hav-arian Corps, ha? been ordered to rejoin his company at Dedeaghatch, Bulgaria, be? tween November 10 and December 3. After this time, the order is de. I.,rr-i to state, the corps will be stationed at Constantinople. I he German invasion of Serbia began on October 8. which would t.; r the Kai^ei's General S?atT nfty-six days to complete the 450 mile journey to Dedeofhatch, or about eight miles a day, if the lieutenant's schedule is followed. EDWARD CARSO RESIGNS POST I BRITISH CAB?N? Attorney General Believ forced Out by Nea -Eastern Policy. ? - ? mim 'i London, <>.?? II Sir K.lwnr.l Car \ ? General, I '.r:u-1 f ?et. . rastioa, th? op? n ii.iiii .-.??????. ..' the ?livery'? notvn to <*xi?t amone ? lalt, sceordiag U Bathoi ? - '. Bot of the i ? ? ? ion, hut of eondil ri in th? Near Eai ? n has m ? ? .-latioii of I ? ? ? anders! he d the Balkan! aad l dandles and of the method of eonfid th? ?.? ' -;. i | to s si "inner cabin? I The i-i"ai|-rii?tiot! of Sir Edward < ?on eotuei si bo great loroi ivo roflowed recent v/i h i ?,:-... ? l h? I oi 4on pros? i ii for i? ?r? ?? Sir Edwartl had remai . from thro? v? ('??bi ?' hi? re: I tat \'. edneedav, but a proi followed fron the ITnioi !....<1? r. ??1 Rdtrsrd, ?lac? hi? entrance i ?. had held verj ?troaglj the \ i -a thai the ? tr must be g ?hict.-.i ? ? * i iei - ee I from time to tl ? 1. ,t he had I ??? : si oddi srltl stl member? of the Cabinet ob the coi ? the Balhaaa aad Di danelles. though II ?rs? presumed un to day 'In.' hi - creates! objection tv >.i ? oBser ptionl ?* i ,r.r'-' la Par! ment, His re? igna! ?ob i? probal lue to th? " ' '?? i" tionist members to force a deeisi ? fa\.?r of ultimate compi ??OB. I* had I?. generell) assumed, "T London Chroalele'e" Parliamoats eorrespondenl declared yesterday, th the question of compulsory milita service ?vould be left in ?beysi. bb Lord Derby hrul complete?1 hi? task rhii'f recruiter. Split ?m Coaoctiotlao. "Doubl les? 'he ee il ." ?s this < n - del '. "feel ilneerely th eompulilon is n?ce?isry to win the w? hut ti i volnntsrists, ?rho sre ?till In majority in the Cabtaot, BIO ?? pin? ed thai ?n abandonmenl of tl Iprn ien( ij ten befoi ?? it hs? b. ? rlt to the uttermoal sroald not itrengthe bal wenk.'i*., oar ?rm? " red ' I thst i attempt to rash th? Cabii ?I of compulsion so ioob sfter Lord Deri ? bii hsBd '.. the plough mitfl produce dl estn u result "It can only divi le th? ???? | eoaclusioB, "ami if th? re li break up ef ?he Cobiaet *here ?III '. a division in the nation. The eonseli; tioni?t minister? will he fruitrstin ? hell art n objects b| ei Crist? in British P.ilitic?. Th? crisis ? baa con? BOOOOr, perhspe, than hail been S? rtsl - . to ' 'iee a prompt decu". eairied -.ut Bi iob'i rosigBstion may b ? ? of -riitny to follow, I? i not Improbab - ? t ?-ri is in llri'ish politic ? ' i. ?? ? , ? . ? rof ? ?' u* ir ? ' ?' , er Alii It is that 'h. ; -? ? h. pelessly dl rent ref., ? inellei operationi nn-' <???-' ? I. ? ... imoag I ??? S<-rhiiin q ;?? bt thst the BiH . ?? ' I I BO? of ?.-rue kind -?i ich i ? ? ? ' ? ? ble. ? creatlor of h ? fta, five- ?. ? a - be g -.-en fg | ? ? fB? the dl ?reel f th? the fl ? the press .... ... . It i? . . . ?? f Uni ? would he Im lifficall to form or r?orif?n : .? | I . | .- |. rhe advasatas of t imall witr '?...Ar.! pom' ..u- thit* a SO?? tee f this 1 ?way wltl aad irgoaes of v.ew? im po.sible t.. erad It? IB a large, .irlih erstivr cnnim; '*.<? tlolaod solely to '.??nl Alth palil cal litu itioai Tbli ? .?s been ?p.. : * '-.r ' he lust ttro ? Th.- - before the House of ?"omr- 4,-.k have revaaled the uneasiness of mind of I'ailiament mam Lei s in r?i?'ar.l to varion? aspect! of trie (< mum??! oo pasar 2, coltina 1 CHURCH BLOTS WAR HATE "Murdered" un I BSftaalS Tablet Offends English I hancellor. London, Oel : --.- ?all "f ? ? ., .;.,??. hatred," ??.a the b) Sir I'hi'.ip Wilbraham, th,-?r. Cheater, ? ? , .? 10. I plaks bear the ?nacription was murdered on 'in- by the i iermai !'' :i * i !. ha? a to bi aken oui of the tab l . ?? , ? hon thai 'he ins< id, "who life v. I ? nia was toi | I by the Gen i i - a?ree.i to. ASKS U. S. INQUIRY INTO NURSES DEATH (irey Wants Particulars of Brit i -.h Woman's ExectttiOM. London. Oct. 1H The Knr'-::*n leers tary, Sir Edward Grey, has requ I the American govemmeal to reui ' a execul Edith Cavell, _ British .n . Bruss? Hiss Cavell, who bad been at th* bead of a I . ? hool m Ht u., was put *" death by order of 'h. <??! man BUthoritiOS on the charge of hav , ine harbored Britiah and Froach sol i diera and Belgians of military age i ad ape from Belgium to join their cell Washington, Oct. l*- The r. of the Britian Foreign Mini ???-r that the i''. ted s- ti tigata the exe? cution of M ? - Edith Cave been received ;?? the sta'e Departmenl . to-night II n a ? itated, how? un loubtedlj '1 ?? reque l ? . all the i?i|'!?i matic work for Groal Britain ia tha ory eontn '. ed bj Gai m inj TH.' Invi itigatien of I I on ? I Hiss Cav? . be precisely similar, :? - lUppi ad ? ? . to "'her in , . . which representstivea of this govern ment leva ! -ince the war PLANS BIG ARMENIAN ARMY TO FIGHT TURKS Officer Will Try to Raise Corp. to Join Allies. London Oet 11. A Renter ilspateh from Petroi id '? Toi eom '. - planning to ra ? ?? olunte? . eorp? fr im 7h.. Ar.;-.- < now residing in the Ralkans, Egypt, Italy, France, Great Hntain and the 1 nitad States '.1 (Ighl 1b the ranks of the Aille. anaiTist Turkey. "In aii sppeal C?ptala Torcom Irmeniana havs I.a aaabla to ?>r? \ent itie ms 11 sere Of Ar:. I " r by the Tui those ' ether eountri? P01 key and thai the \. ed powei li t refusa tl m the boner j Sing in the war Bgslnst their op ?' sptain Toreeas's plan provides for the foi a a .... mem of tea bat lad In mg m Gel '? ?'. ? al ' and la t to si ?-? ''? Lei la ? ? gel hi 11 er il lea " KAISER FORETELLS VICTORY (.reels Moravian? with I'rayer for man Missions. Her'.ir. I ' ? releas te Say 1 . \ v Emperor *k ill lam, in ? a n r?.p!-. to the greel . ? ? ? ' : Bl Herri..-. ? ? . "I hope that by tod's help th0WOUa_B ? : upon Germs 'a .vnr will be healed aftei a v. ..-t?." DUMBA CANT OET ALONG Ves. el the PectOI Is Now Detained at Deal. London, ' '?** II Th? ? HOI N'leuw 1 :.- - k ..n boa '.I l>r ? '?m ? . . ?or to the ?I, ac Lvcriing News," ?rid : robably remain there a few day?. Amsterdasa, Oct. ta Or w s Self, leeretary of State for the baa arrived at The Hague Dr DuRiba la bIbo expoctod ?. Hague, it 1? stated. ? HEAVY FIGHTING AT VRANYA Serbian Railroad Junction Hotly ( ?in? terned Still. A*.1-.-; ?. I '? ' 1J There is > I . . ? _ in the Kistivac-Vranva d - I \.. bi d ?,' to 1 Ionics, the Serbians have been strongly : eed Beyond Vmnya telegraphic cotnmutu cation is niterrup*.- J. RuljcarsThrown Back in Attempt to Cut Sa? l?nica Railroad. TEUTONS MAKE TEN MILE GAIN Take Villages South of Pozarevac, but Admit Heavy Losses. ITALY SENDS TROOPS Warships and Transports He* ported Off Hulgar Port of Dedeaiihatch. r. i .? . M? r*ne .?-?._>_?_ ? London, n, t. IM. \ new lantll.g .Hied troops at Enoe. m the Aegean eoeat of Europ?en Turkey, ami the fail of Stl 'imnit.a, the I. il garlan fortified town north of the (?i?'?-k frontier, to French forces rushed from Sal?nica gave further proof t<j ?lay thai '-?'ii Mackensen's drive t?> ? tint pie ama not to be nnoppo ? d. This ti**\v iir.:'. ion of Turkey, arhieh is annoui i'?-?! m an Athen* diapateh to the I. ? ? -1 ? *? "Me.sagger"," nay proangn, according t" aocperta here, eltber a freeh attack on Con? stant?nople from the (hatalja I'ciun ?iila. in a quick ef.irt U> bring T <r key to her knot!, Ot a mo1., in the Bulgarian port "f Dadaoghntch Bulgaria, a?t?-mf.t t?? cut I a Nisi? Sal?nica railroad ??t Vu i?-- dangeroui to th?- u it the Alli?e' expeditionary force sn<i the ii.-trd p*.-?--??il Serbiana. The lighting at Vmnjn la still m pi ugroaa, according te Raoni dis patthta from Athene, with the Bul _:?!:.u ? -liiwlv being driven back. . Brlior reports ttXoi that they hail I-.1 in Mowing up a bridge, i ut so far as r??uld lie learned to i i-h' the structure destroyed was not mi flu* railway, nut a small :? ooden bridge neni Ht, Southea I of Pocarevac Herlm re ? . mile gain, with the occupation of tii?* vi?agis ??f Crniet and Boaevae, irhila the Botha are re ported m retreal from the Ungen ?, In Northe/eetern _______ Tha Bulgar . Berlin alao am -'-;- i , ? ? belghta <if Muelin Percin and Badin Zub. N ?. li IdaaHe ItVtirement. Niah admita the retirenaent from th?' Macva region, bed Hanns that the Si old poeitiona deal? noting Semendrie and the valley of th?' Jeaava River. The BolgnrlaM, the rep .rt -ays, have b?*en held in check all along the line except St Vranja, arbora the Serl .1 bull Bul gar ci ??'??;. - Kseoded in blowing _p a bridge. King Ferdinand's troOffJg ere accuaed of unprecedented atroci* t lea. Th?1 septere of S? rummtrs has '"'. the depression ? ?? ??f news of the ea ? . edition, with its ?lownen ehing the Serbians. The town is ' Strategie value to the Allies, as Its occupation permits the drfence of 'he southern end of the railway and Bulgeriaaa to divide their ? "All uloni; 'he lin? to Nish," a Tempe" r leal telegraphs, * itieaa in Serbia are I the arrival of allied rein f? rcemeal i for the SorMaae, "Niah, the ? ? . Baa-Hal of Ser? bia, is - I ? n'en?e ansie .. ! '? BBonrnlng for the fallen ?ir, treope, decorated .' color? of the Entente ? th. arrival of French an.' They hav. awaited loi ??'?? eral ?lays, and ? felt at the ?|e i coming. The news of the the i-i ?-hiant are of invavon *_? ?. iple who remain admirably veil "Sal?nica, from which I have jast arrived, presenta an specta . B? d< < 'he numer ps of war a va?t fleet of of tra.fing the French and Briti'h Ma;:? ia in the harbor. The trotta of the citv are crowded with ? reijjn uniforms, the khaki an?! the Preach service blue predomt | Serbs Awaiting Alli?e. "After the train on which the cor* respondent wm travellieg had crossed erblaa frontier, all the ?tstions aren feead to have been decorated, an _ - w.-re w waiting ti> welcome the of the Alhea. French and Brit ?er?, on the tram were repeatedly Bohod by eselted iageirers if the sol* i ara ??' thell nation, would begin to arrive t<> morrow." Keporti to the Pans "Petit Journal" also say '.hat a great laid ai;>: sea a* the Allies i* being planned ' ?? iBge I ? ' f B ..?n- a and Italy is to *ake a prominent |._r* ?:..-.? operations, nay. the "I'etit Journal " a .nted b] a naval ?madree and transports. Italy has i.usliy decided not to aid