Newspaper Page Text
M. RUMELY COMPANY (Rumely Products Company) U lderi of Cetti-Ceese of Depo?it i?a?ie.I ?S*/ Uniled State. Morte?,.- _ Truii Cei epeeeewttag Tmem Yea? ^n Per Cent. Convertible Gold k (? ?nd 9 ? l'**i Crut ( ?BB-BStOa NotOB of ihe M. Rumely ( ompans, aasl Holden of *- S? till ajee of Depoait iaaurd hi Tbr Nrw YotU Tni.t ( ?, rep ?entine PlO*QCTod and Common Stock of the M. Rumely Company, and a Holder? S. I etliicaloa al DapOOit i. ?urd by I'nited States Mortgage & '"??,( {**) representing ila.m? agoJsMt the ?Hove ? ompnnie?, an?! Holdem el ?ucn Wetee, Stock and General Claim?; per cen? i tea, and i substantial m iji i ! Jtocl veil u substa I ol 'A ' led and Agreement <-f i '.. ipany and . :. ?dopt.d and api roved bj tv ? I ' mi ilttee, the Join! Reorgan latio ?L acting ' ,na' Agreem? rel five. A ? ?>?' and Agreement the, it has this eleventh da, iid Pit id ?'? ?. c t of Reorganization oper? A , . and In e there* I. the i effect i i which d._i ilti ol Notes, ie . eposltarlei above ;?...m rcl uni November 10, 1915. After that date ' ( il ?. i I other deposit?; will he ac ,.? ? entIre the imittee and ttee mav see ill to impose. tilled, pursuant t<? the PI I ? thereunder, namely 5'." per * Stoi k, must he ? November 10. 1915, at till* Office Ol -. . > l he Near York Ti i ent of I **'" I m ol Reorgi ? N b Vori ! I -urd under the Plan. k Trust Company, DepO! I - - Cecn listed on the New i ". k ? QCtoher I ' FeorRtnizatlon Committee, ' ??> ! JOHN W. PLATTEN, " . ...... ? Chairman. fMjSD SALES OS THE STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1915. Trsdln* ln ->onda on the New York Stock Exchange Monday amoanted to ti!? WO. egaleet $1.*-:>::.0&0 Saturday and $,1,268.000 a week ago (Stock Ex ?k_t_* ri??ed a .ear ago . Total from January 1 to date, $664.411,000, ajalnat Ma.WS.OOv in 1. 14. rnvnWWrVT ____V___I L-.__?.t * M.?_ ta do .1 ?? : pat t, I,111 M.N'IIM BW.. 1'. . 1-1 (4 . _y _ . ._?? i . - ?? ''<?? art* ?e '? I * _ * ' ? ...... . . H . ,t ... _ ? ii,.? i.,,\ii. i ?'...i 4? Bsa Tt*n e If P _ Ml M? II \l BONDS. is . iocs _. .. si ?. Lo-1 - ?.?betrt a I 4? it;. ?*___.'*' ni ? !,,u ,M_.. ?a?*. m% ?to ad) ?' ? _??_ LAN. ;.?_ 4? till WAY AND MISl El LAKEOU8. I?W ich? _* i_'. i J ..t.-. s. Bali r _ A . I if 7 ? > ' ., u ax- .3 . ' ? <*? ? .a .; Jan.. mu a? r - i __ ? If? . ?-. _ _ ?__ i . '' .Mk r Mt-lttia Cant dab il Umi ? ?"? ' II 8 Bl Mi A-, 4. ...IMS Ul-Cil' ? .IS ? ? ! v ; * r 4SI ???t. .. 4.S .? ** . ? ? . ? '?? m ?i lt.7 ret ?0 ? . a - ? ? - ?? 1MT ret . r I . P la-*- .. ? a? r, '? u '1 -v * . a 1 O00.ITU _E_m ?_ ? 8 a..:--:.I Tarar Ja * . S.i, **,? ___*?I ? -. a..*- -??? ***** ?? .;-? | u ?. - ; * S*u - let*. ? ? '*.. t***\.l*z * a-. ; ? i- . '"* ' ? m* eo ?ceo HoMi? J .. ?? " u ,,,u ..WR do n 4a IMM ? ' V- a . ; >?l 5? .f. HO -4 . ??. II ? ' ? > i-. . l? . ^ | ? ??' I'-S M . 1?M . . ??? -, -:.. ? ' 14V . It-??. ;" , a- ? 4.KC _ ???.?? v., 4 -? ;. tjf . I.H.... '.- . .- 10.', - ? -.?-?. m :??? .ni pat.! MM . 107% d -, 7. . I|4< RS?f '* mUt A? ? -i , ;c. _o r-, 4, I IM SIT H * . 4 .. ? ?? <? ??... I_? . , ?.?OOMtl a i i s 4. los _ do 4. 4 ' ? -. BOUUH - *a> ??? .K,M I"4l a0jo_ n? 7?s 4 ?M? a p ?_ IM? -..,,. ' I ?? ... ?MO - ?. :t ' ; - ?Kt , . . \ \ . ' . -*i ?? mai ? ? ? I.'- S 7r 75 I __a i i A n R - * ?? ' ? -? p 5? 1 COO d< . Tri.. ****?'? . ? ? . ITU 1.000 . 10.-, :, - ? 4"?. r I. 4- T.?- I Ai .- rf? '? : v*-?. 1 T* ?_? i - r MS dr . V7-, > . ?? . . . T- l: A I. _ ? Korf i trmtert 4 ,- ?-, <.t U ll-U Ui ^ . *? ?at 4a '''A/ 1 ? .15 1? 000 k! 8,0*0 N_ ? ?. do dli 4, d'< ?- ?? ?? . ' . ... ... do - *?? ?? B 11 M 111? -? * ?B s'* ' r ? . , ? ? . -- 4, , ,7? ii s v a st?.! s? . ? ,-._.. . ( < . io:s . ir'-'> ? ? . ? . . -*-._ u ' IM .IS -ST.. --; .... . . ? - , f0 4 4. ._ .* . ? I ' ? . ? J. 00i SMI hIUBmii 5, va ? ? > c 10i . ?... . , . IS%| 1S.SM .. . \ . - . ? 9a T1U * ****? ... a. I?; ' Om ? ?'! 4| I- _ H - :-r ?a I......... 102 _ __. _?* . i . ? I i VU-Car I h__ I? ? . ? t?U N . ,1 . s? ,. r? . . ? .M ' '. t ill It.a S? a.^10* 79 V_i_ . do f?- ?Sa rtpu . ?"? > . . . ?? io: ? ? . . Pill ?' v J *? ? I4S 1 . . ?.I S.Oi . ? ?, (1- t t ". ' a ...a 121 . * -D _ . _ 1?1? i |9 ?,? . -l 4-,, ? 4 *?? ? -? ?^ d. - MM t'S -o" ;"? MM Mir. ... t-M ?... Utht _ * .. ? 1 00? ' S Warten - irle ?? ('? ?MF III ?> Ha. Waata::. Maryla 1 4. M? ??M -. M . ?>* "'* ?,* '* '* ,?.v * .. rf? h ?. w dr. dO.T- * f.-'. .. ?. ... u - Bt, ?_,,-. eC* ? . /" ? *"? ; fc1?*' it to* . ?? _ :*?*>?? .)4?, ??fMla . ? O. .'* 4, 2 0.0 ?? . i?M ? j", i) o'-n.MJ ? I 1 ?oo " M > J'JM 1?7 ROM ... ?Tf-**4- 1*1.1 'O ?~ ? a_ I- * . ' '- '? _** * * ?_ ___H ara1 c_ _ S S* ..... v. ,*? ' * A 17 9? " ? I ' __V__ * "* B - ' I . - 04V ' ' '. (;OVKKNMF\T BOND. . BS * ? ? i _ . ..___ *i esterduy. Saturdsv. '-..,. _sk?d. Bid. Asked '?- M ? ". coup 101 ?' ;,:, ?Ai_i '- ...-:\ ' ? . ., ... nn : '.'V. lOOtt 100H 1 . ... no*. kt.nd "Mop- Deposit Period. i^.' * r,? * ' ' ' ? . *'? ] -r I dsposil as i***'' " ' ^ir Mti: * " ?7?! ' "" " ?'? itordsy ?^ J****11 U1 ? , in the **??'i4?uhr' Ueb ' **? Of ?V *>r*P**"Od , ?1 re l'a, ?i.,?* ?'?noui ". ???tiA '^ N?' *l '*??? or Utr*. . DIVIDENDS I)K< I.MtHf?. lr-1.1 - ?bit Ita Diet T? . A - ? ' ] ".??. - " , ? - t l?r?w I- 2", N.,v t On I ?a pf - 14 Nov. J * Bspreea - IS N<>? u <?. i i * Na? i'- ?????? No? i ? lar? Cllltl In Q 7'v. ? B - N.? M i Huaar ,?, Net 1 ? NI - 1 ? ? ' ? ^ v at"-'. .? ? ?? , . lalceevai ?.i .i^,.?-a?i.wc TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STRH Steel -The Whole Sho in -the Afternoon*! stock Market. BROKERS BID 86 FOR I! AFTER i ill. (1.0 Directors, a Work from I o d 1" Decide Whether Divid? III Is To Be Restored. fi? "the whole ?how" m ?tork mark?-. . . to I So BIBC idov? ??' i s1 had ir- ' ? bol While issue ?? r.e he: after snothor in it? triui il progi '.. SS**BJ the rent of th? li?t ?a? get! out of ?he wn? Steel*! ? . . ? | . ersl ion? e .?here. At ? ? fter he chunge soa*-:on clo A divide ? ? ? ? notably* g? , >od ' ? . ' - (taming Fquipmoit Famine. If frei.eri.1 bn?.r.esp? ha? r improve !n Ostobei i.? 11 d : : 9 teniber, there 1? no longer such a th as a surplus of Idle curs on the n road!. There l! known to be a ihc age of car? for cerUin Industries, ? of them soft coal mining. A fam of car? generally is predicted wit! a month When ?he rallroadi ?ho have been preparing agair.'t such contingency they could not afford buy th?- ear? Credit eost <oo run Now, ?eben they are beginning *.o b they are In da Time and agnin I ment eo paiiies past bj 01 dor? ?'' ? from ? vary ai one? i lor? eo bow. th? ?quipmi ?ai whole will be in h ?? 'ion to then promptl) thsn they have been years. They aire too busy mak; ? The Moniter Slain. The hydra's heads have all been ? off. The la-- of lb? bocketahop?, i change autho ? .: happened, til legitimste b? usi ? ' ? tba Psrt of th ed tradi came, or' eo? * who h BOVer beer, near S 1 ? . , pe rao '. was beiog i i snd w were moved to isvosl acct.rding to their part undoubtedly came from those w iiad helped all unwittingly to keep t ickel hem "Bto 'he N< York I * wiod? i ? f-ay, ai.d the found ? unnot Bl WSJ Without sign. when they ' lightened; arid nut slwsyi then. Hurketshops Immortal. It will ''?" a Itroog? thing if, wh( the ? nd of the boll i .mes, the are no bucket let, w he ed OB uprer floor away from the elsmoi ai.ti turmoil th? eroi , gone b ? d of a bu speculation is slwi the bu? bete? ? rar, c.-n perfect who wl ' over ur." . ' fro bitten arid who wait psti? r former diz2 ling their money tl while on ? ? ? know us "feeling for th? bottom of the nm The bucketshops have hod the full ? these customer?, and the - ..a boliov? a. Baeketshop? ha-. been "ex*. . often thi Wsll come to !.. . e? ' rtol. A l'seful l?v-Produrt. On' y-products of th ? French loan M h? ne CUStOmei - r?a' ma: v of 'he pOOd ho?!e ? ? \ed ove S hundred Istton Of inquiry a day aboli ... of them from person u.'h whom ft has never done any bosi have had I of ih a ng] ' h ron ?. bondi ?? in lh i?, be esase people ha the troubl to writ? litter? sboul ?ees they have a*, least a Vague idea of in tl e?0 are ex I WBfl ? r.?.; hops l-for resal? of *h French sale the dei a i.ew inveitmenl li ?? ? tbrosghou th? country .-rem? destined to be ful fllled. Tho-e "Flattened" War Stocks. The names of the stocks that mad. yeste rds? ' . i-n th? *? ? IB Csi I Fool Am.-ricar. ? ? e? 4 . ; ? . bseeo, ?" ? Stef preferred; 4; I .snsdii a 1 lilwsakee A St Psal. .''.; <;<*n eral Motora, B: Intel Ti\ ; Sr athera r? tos i on? -. - . 10; Studebakor, b\e; Tex-.. pa.-.y, 8; ! :. ted l>ry G ? ?fern d .?"'.''?? ?'.?"ii..: ?'--; ; Virgil .. roi .... and WiUyi-Overland, 8V? - th? Mldvsl? on tr sad '?-?'? pri?e ? re.-ord 18 *? ? I. ? ? terni svo I ? ? gber, bat the] i ? contly bad lana i li tab tracteil from their prieoi At United S*a ?al Alcohol. ? 111 ?i prie? Overload IM bs -ever been touched Phsl Pttlt t. war . ? ? a? tboogfa the "I > p. cula' I on n the ? -niete as it bod boOB tl Crop New? a Factor. In the pi I ' '?? l-o*-thwe?fern railroad stork? there ... .,e evi denci - bosldo? the fi ? sppre thst 1 is ' BSdiOfl . rtb? ??? 1 '?? and Non! era P ! '. iiig Demand for Foreign loan. on the St-?ck Bschsog fostordsy the Anrlo-Fr? ifl? h boodi ?Id a' one-quart? ? 'r" pobl e !?. - ? - ' I met? t?at ?.. mu? tu i.;., tbem. Ail ?.e .p. the -?me ? . ' ' ' rere ?o ? ?... .... 1 eheerfulljr of th? ' n _n loana. ?re? the A ? i boro. A fe? ? bank to t.? ? ai BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS Co are offa i of tl Bl I I rleana pei ?f E I C John H la A New York Produee Kx.-ha- g. member, hip ???? sold lam ?reel 1800, th? ? prie? a* -at el t haa be? told but retire, from i i ? Arm of Char i - " . . i STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES BOSTON sin? K IIIM.i, Sal-. a ? ? - fl . I_*_ ? -, .... l.U - a Se. A- a t'a Idle i-, .it? _-? .. i ,i Ii.inilnlon. U ' Peo? . . -. - laata P. . .. ??' Phantion . Hat I ok . I ' rath !.?_? I MU ._ ;i. ;'S e Biet a - > ? _ I . !1 1% I. : q ss ? ' St Mary ? I_an. 1.4, ! M Bupar A float 20 Bui nr ? '?;.; ?r ]TSTamar_c_ . I.**. '? " ? B -rn.hlrt *I5 In t ? . ?? bat] Ar?a . '.' o ?? ' I , r.Aii.p...*. . I Bi e Boaton El? ? ? ? I Conn Rlvei n pr .71 7< Ma ?.- Caatrml 4 Maa? i ? it ? r New lump SU It Pi .? 5 _*__ Bod . ' Tty 64*.? mai _-__-_-ous -.?_?._ M ?'. Am 1'neu Sv. : --. ?. a "? '? ?i J,. pr . ? ? Me?? ...<? 11 do pr . ?rain pr .. ITS - r I -? - - - ' - D? 1 . <??.? '? ? '?_ . I4S 3 7 . II Unit? ;. ? Ml | ? 1 _ - Vantura . I Wella? and . BOM>a I ? ?- A- 'i _ V. i ' - ' : i M ? . *-. ri*. ? . ?TU 3 I ? ? ? . ? . S M _e_ e m c? ;?. e? i. ? . 3 es I* . ? ? 4 a '?. as ? . 2. S ? I . ? M t-* 4? ?? IN I. - M_ ? i ?"S U 4 .-.?? . ? . ??. H(iST"N ' 1 HH . ?! ' A h Ou. 1 I Met M-talc ., ?. ;.. ._;_* Hoaten Ely.. . a -:?? . .*. ??!. M. lai? . ' Vtrde Kxten ?? - .... 7.?c 7&c 1-'. _ ? 7' ? SJS ciS i'. ' I - Il 4 lit M? _?S 11 |*f( 74 I. ? Bid. ? 34 I ?-, >4 II '. . t? ?? 4 1 II ? -, 4 Il ? ? ? IMS ? M A*_. - PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. I7U ITV , ?ll-n .Mane. Ina " . 10 Am .;.? S .' , NI An .maltin? . BJ . I? S J.. 71 V. y..'- Btor H?' I ? .:? la? ?? a . : ..... ?? 7* ? . ? : No? l'entrai I \ ? vr. . . Pann Btool I . 10 _o cum pr.... 43S < i _ .-. ? Ha. Tctf 14 i on Trac .. US 177. l'oit Ou Itni ? li'iM' _ ? a An i;.- a n M J-' ? . IM IM .. .. u ? . . - ? . || ? ? - Ry? 4 .??-?' Il I' . I. ? ? - a ??.'?_ la l ?? W &? 11 4a tC ."?. !-7?4 - 71 73 3.' S ? ? . - ! . ? * 14 42 16 . M 71 I I . US . ? . I ? I.a.T ? ? 7s 43S 17 ?. s. i_S ' . .?: . i M M . BALTIMORE STOCKS. r-f_ |_te Pal: Bec pr... 43 43 43 M Ceoi P ?wer ?? I0TU '. ' nr '.. _ . 44S 27 ' . Il n i ? V Marxian * ' ? Bai ; r ? . '?' B?HM Annan i I- ?? '- ? '. ion? 1 ? . - Elkharn il M I I :-, M*r lit f ' ?? IT <* ? I . 104 ?S ? - 101 -T ? . ?? H ? - ? i S-4S ? ' 4 . I . ??S MU ? ? '. I". ? ' ? CHICAGO ?TO-Kfl tu - . Un* I ?> ? i ?- r .: .* ? ?. Cbl? RM a?r !.. 17. ?"S Itl? A Tr Z'i ? us ? ?a ?? l : ? . _i III r te - .? ?- a ? i- . ?' 7? S IT MU '."S . : IS ? ? PITTSBURGH BTOI K^ ' ? -? v- ?.. iteoa M I ? *. : ?tt :?. ' ? ? ? ? ? ? - -_ .? ?? ? ;..? 1JJS ?! ?J-? ? 1 ? 14 . 1 . ?? I33S 1HS ? ? 15 . 123 : ? La ? 16 i 17S : ? . . t? ?? DAILY HfPORTI AND EXE 7TS. Daily import, and export, of ren eral n.?rehund?s? at the Pert of Htm I York ? ? .t? ii . . |. ? . . < . .... - . ? : I a-aa-aj. _cl. U_il?_. :ay l.-..i_x PKODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Declines Under the Pressure of Receipts ?Corn Market Wheat. GENI R M M iKKI I 1:1 l ? ?U I - ' a .. ?- . 8 .. ? ' a ? a I 14 ? ?. I - iti.eM . ..- . ? -? n . i . - . ? ? a I CORN. ? . . . n ? ? ... ? I ? ? . .. . ? a RYE. . .84 taw; Be . ?'.?.?..:.. ?. ..*. c i f Ne? i i -? V4 j-.i I .?? Jar PeiirtM J. 74-s I .-?? CHICAUO PRIC19. Iajw Cos?. ill i. s |i.M ?; s -, i; ?>, LMB I.?! > a:*? l ??* I 1 ait 1'?? ?OatMl Btvi Lom t't... t:.??s, ? - ' - - ? I ?? lia; .. .01, l'a'? l>r- imtxrr ? MB -.. ?? US < 8 ?8 MB ;.*, _\_\ ? ?Os? ? . B ? ?? t ? ?> 4 ? t, MB MB FLOUR ANO MEAL. Flaw ?a. na, i ? ? -w pas < ? a.* 8 4 . ? u aiaaa . , a . ? ' - ? . - . I . . , a ? ? ? , . ? >. ?14 ? ?4 ? . > ? ' ?! . I. a a , -. , . ? : . ', . l ? ? .- ? ?. a a a - i ? 1 , ? t sa-.,, | . a PROVISIONS. ...... Il a ?.. . . . .. . - - . . . . l'tlitK - a ? . -a , ? 1 ? ? ? . ? ? ? ... . ? . - . . ?? t ?. 4. , ? -. . . ? ? , a V a | . - ? ? ? a ., ? t . Brt .... . .. ?. i.lS?. . i l ? 1 Il 88J Ar- ? . . ch?calo provisions. Ii*i ?. '.u ? a ? il ? , l'tirk ? Ja....8.-7 llltri. Lot?. I. 47 t.. o?? i I I ->7 Sstur ??, Ij ? S ?5 !?: S Sat COFFEE. Th? ce"-? ::..??'? ripai -'a ; - . - a - i . a" ? | S ?tr? i.. . ru | . a . ? ' a . - - ? - . ... . ? ? au ?< ' i a ? a . ' ? a ' 4 . . a . . a ? 8 a ? . ?? , . ? . . ' - . 8 il ' A I a ..... ? ... ? hait? t.r 1,1 sa Quutcd at Ocioh?r - ? ? ... S -1 s. Op. lllth I.?.??. 141 f ?? t?; 8 IM t II 8 M ? f SO ? ?S3! ? ? ? i ? -? ?la. ? ? . ? - SUGAR FUTURE?. Th? ?'? . ???'-. -' ?i/a- va-'. L'a.) la ? a ??rs 4 . i . la-. Il Ml? a ... tipe? lili*! Iato ? loa. - .? - ? 11 ; ? : ; . . '. M?r . . - A .. ?I . COTTONSEED OIL. Trail'.: i : ? a a ? . ; . ... ... ! a !.. . a |? - ? ? COIN'TKV PKODUCI MWJhFI r Tl ? II 7917,. BUTTER. tan ?; ? ? ? ' : B ?Mis a * ? - . I . . CMEF-f ? ? I of , , I. ' ? ,- ... 'a HAY ANO ?JTaVAB?, a 4 ? ..... I?aM) laaU.1 ?.???r ?avu??. ?.a??.? h., a t. r. s. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Trust Five Per Cent Bonds, Due January I, 1917 First -ouaterai Mortgage Five Per Cent Bonds, Due August I, 1920 A mai it-, "I Hm "i't ISBsltS| T-rjt! B'.nH? of 1917 ?ml ? lubitinli?! p? of the First Coll.1er.I B .n.|? r.? 1920 h... been depoiil? | m ?,.'? I rd w.ll? ihit (Vmmitlte. In ?iet. i?f thr il?-r?u!t by ihe R?c?ntr ef ike Mii'onri P.?-ihr Railway Co. in the of mfete?t due Ortoker lit 1JIS no the F.ibbi ?li 51a s line b.nd., ?huh ?re pledged .? leruritj for Ihr Irutt Bondi ..f 1917, .nd whir? art ?fured \tj Bett m.rt ttrt on IS2 mlft >; Dili line of r!?e Ra.'-?a-, (.'?... the Committee dtemt it ?nentiil that ??i uf the hoider? of the ?h ?? mrr'.on.d b? nd? IMBM immrdi.lrly lo control. f,r their own benrht. the pr-icredintl under thii .nd the other nv*rl??ff? irrurinf r?v| itafSaly bin of tbt ?bo?e itmfi. I'.'.n i.'l'ir tr-il to ?1 posit their Find? wi'h the < aolumbts T?TBS| at It? c?ate, N" . ?So ft road . Ihe I lopo "Con ? ?? .11 I ?? 1- i L, wbrther ? ? fi.rrn, and coupon bood? >.f either Iseoe heat .?li roupona n rnl t?, Van?! I. rea made toi I the I ertHlfotsa of D I i II N't? , rroBfed to nl. in-.??'. <!'i"H!tin,r bondholder? the .nimmt of intrrrat die S< n?. mher I, 1918, upon I.- I- i?l H"!i>i- "i '''?7 it the I i ?? ' sa I a presratotioa of ??? ir,:....te, ..f iepoaii for ?- itai Owner?! ites In ?.*<?.>r?l m--? with 'he Federal Income T.? I is ra -.*nt.<i taken ........ Pebnurj I, 1016, apoa the 1 Irst ? ollstrral M .-*.-?.- ?i ? ? | ],,._,, ..... be paid I ik|. r ?h ? " I of I ?>rir:?;?ter i-\i,en?e.? nnil compcri? ilion I? 1% nf the jmr rOOM "f S'.p.l? de ? ? hive th-* light of dl -.-n* and oitMraa ?1 apon the i lopttoa < f i pl.m. ? the D lay he obtained fr-nn Ihe I>?;.?? i'-i-v ??r from 'h- Secretary <>f th? I THE COMhtTlTEE HAS EXTENDED THE TIME OF DEPOSIT UNTIL NOVEMBER 1. 1915. AFTER WHICH DATE BOND** WILL BE RECEIVED ONLY UPON SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS IHE COMMITTEE ?MAY DETERMINE. \. .4 *! It, ItU ? Tetar, .?? - PBt'ST '?' IMP v\ t : ? -t I ? i ton. '.VN Slltl't I I ' ? E ? act for the Dcpoatt i ?? MOREAU DELANO, Ch.?irm?n. WM. ALLEN BUTLER, WILLARD V. KING, JAMES TIMPSON, ASA S. WING. L. EDMUND ZACHER. Na 1. i.i ? bala? abo.ii I FRESH FRUITS. Ap? **. - ?eat. a :?.?? w n i-*alr Quit '4 ??'? ' i ?i ? i ?' APPLES ' ? ? . . - . ? . -. - ? I 1.0 i ? ' t '? i '. ... ? -, f I '?- ' < . . . J ?. '0 ? ! . ? , S - : ? ? ? .... ? ' ? ; . > ? a I - ? I ?... i l?RA ? ' '?- ! t ? i la . . i ? ? 14.7.',; | POTATOES AND VEGETABLES. - _-.*__>. I_ II? * I ... si .,1 < I ? ? ? * ? ! ISI'AHAl . i .. ? {? , ? ' 5 i ? ? '. - ... ? . ??? t .-ut < 1 ? i ! ?. LIMA IlKA Sil ti 12. I I \ I : PAR . II ? PPI > '. ?... , SIP Hut* < III TilMA - ? 1VATI LIVESTOCK MARKET. New 1 11 1I1S Manx, um Birra ii r N_f T.,- '. <_5 4.341 . \ ? '.. ? .1 . . I ra ?Men . Ol ?.???_> . 4 ? - Btf VI - I- ?i. ?? .... . . i: . ?... ' ? ?. I -1 ? . . .. CALVt. . . | t - SHEEP A_0 LA . . . .- ? - ' I ? I , 1 - ..' ill Noea 11 ? .. -..- ?art . ? '\ . . . . li . lite Tl m? ] ? OS ?, . .. : ? .- to ? .. 4 _ For Safety at Crossings. Alt,.. adrad clubs Bobile Aa* r mure ??. I I ation 9 > i _ at] i the ? revent, accidcnt.4 at ; a Italian Notts Convertible. e ? later ? ? d . . ? it _Ag eonv? ? ? IH pet ? ?nd?. Explains N. Y. Salesman's Death. ktleel .'??:- ?' ;!_ | a Sam Tort travelling a in, foul . BSB at a local l'"*el ve. t,-r_ay. seb of acute ' _ . with Mr. llarrtngt.n. TO II?AL FUEL AND IRON CO Plan to Consolidate Other Colorado Coal Intercut?. Pen-rer, Oct. 18. The object of a propoaal to consolidate the principal coal mining companies of Colorado. exclusive of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, is to reduce operating costs, according to a statement issued I.y J. C. Oagood, president of Ajnerican Fuel Company, it ? Bated that th. proposed plan . reduce operating expenses 12. . >-ar. . ..ment dec?ores ?that the ?? ei interest* have not been consulted and that competition will be i, us t!-.?* Colorado Fuel and Iron Company produces 35 per cent of ?a-...', output. It adds that In? creeaoa in miners' wages, latrodu !1 of un eight-hour day and enforcement the workmen's compensation luj? are among the chief causes of greatly td cost of production. Stockholders of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company held their annual ? ag here to*day and re sleeted dl* rectors, selecting j. J. B. McKennan, IgOl <>f the company, and W. B, Dickson, of bfoatelalr, N. J, aa new dl.'. r . I with D. H. Taylor, elected several months ago, succeedod !.. M Bowers, George J. Gould and K. T. Jeffery, resigned. The directors re elected the company offi? cers, headed by J. F. Wclborn, ; dent. TO DELAY FORECLOSURE Mercantile Marine Reorganization to Meet Another Snag. Action will be taken to-day, . ??' an early date, by the Wallace commit? tee, representing preferred stock holders of the International Mercantine Marine Company, to prevent the forecli . proceedings planned for this wees by ?he b<?n [holders' reorganisation com? mittee, of arhich ( . to f. Bai u ? idem of the Mew _ert Treat Coat i I Is ciiuirman. Counsel for the Wallace corr ? (,. Parker, the New I recoil ?-r appoii I igust, tor to 1 iceivi the Met eourt?. Wi automatically delay a sale of the prop arty at foi lure, which king, and will furnish another eon* ng waged by the I tral Trust Company against the Ntv York Trust Company. tea ieinal application for a receivership of the Internal Mercantile Marine Company, it \va rday, adll repeal the chare?*? brought against the bondholder-' cotn .* the receivership was not ed in that the company was i til time default was made last March. MAXIM PRICE UNAUTHORIZED No Stock Can He Delivered?Il; ram Maxim Not in (<?nipan>. Hudson Maxim, pr?s.dent of Maxim Muaitiona Company, issued a tatet ei lay, which said, la part: "It has been brought to the attention of th' ? this company that in the pa s certain unautl. and . i i be panerai ? n:< l-. apparently have c .:? ? i . W with publiel] t.. ttats that ? i? now or has been aether ted te Quote any prices on our -hare-. I Is no stock that can be del ano this company has no*. _}a_0, a: I .'. li not at the nresenl I pared to nuke, any public statement It further* ? te sta'e thai Bif Hiram Max m has no connection whatever With this company." ' . b broken have been dealing in _ on a ''wi.. B -.';ey regard ? ultimate. MERCHANTS TO DISCUSS WAR Delegates from Foreign Cltie? to At? tend Washington I ??mention. Washington. Oet IS. When the her of Conrnerce of the Unite ! fourth annual m? el g fton. on February I, '? an 1 : . 'here will be a I unu.ually large atendance, a?'beca.ja ? ?> u i la a critical period,m pass. Business men all over the cfui;try find it next to ?mpa tu forocas 1 fr.v. month to month the change.? m : ba ness. John H ., of Boston, president of the organitation, will be - - 'hau. Every commercial body affiliated with i I . bar of ? ?oaame I ? I sited .? ? ??? * -, i p Hawaii and tue Philippinen, is -.rfc? ; to provide ?' r sttendance of de> ga'.s. Representative? will ba pre*.- ir from the America.1. Chamber.?, o! :. Paris, Lome, M.!an and Con 1 he National Council will assemble a day in advance. To Approve Seaboard Mortgage. i of the leebeera a-. Kailway, in accordance with pre \i"ualy announced plans, will hold a ? peca! Meeting at Petersburg, Va, on :;h? r _ to ratil ? -1 en the comnanv ai Atlantic 4 West? a _p of a SSO . lee of the two companies. TRADING IS DULL IN COTTON MARKET Prices React from Early Ad? vance-Irregular at the Close. Cor.?'.p'..rir.<j; the amount of bull new? at hand ye?ter.lny. e<nton tn:?<!? rather a poor response, with the poi ?ible exception of the first h> I r, when pries? BOM up 15 to fj point? above Saturday'a January reached 12.9S on ?his advance, but the absence of any buying in volume, such a? char? acterized the last advance to tio 1 ?? COB! leve!, ?a? clearly apparent, .and roden, who believed that ?he p-rieo fully reflected the pr.- ?? ?f outlook, had little difficulty in hr- g rig about i .' irp roa ? b? importan? sf these occurred in the late folloWsOg a privat?- MSaSBSJB fron Memphi. ?aying it wsa under ?tood then that a obbIs BMOBOOB had been received uoatloaiag ?orioua labor trouble In afaacaestor and the prob? ability of a lock-out. On? of the mo?t important of the foroa? on bu'l factor? wa? the report of a New OrlOBBI paper claiming that th? condition of cotton at thl? n the lowest on record. Th? very bull? ish view wai right In line with many private reports, par*ieuli?r'.j- from th? Muthweat, where heavy rain? have . . . ? floods, damaging the quality and eauiing islsj in picking. . .'- at wer? kofluottCOd by the New Orleaa? report and came ?e.*eral point? r than due at the hour of the opening. It wa? stated in lite report!, however, that iniurance com? paru.'? were refusing further rtaki on cotton ihinment? to it i ?ovioo coun rl ea was expected te reotrlol so* port, When thl? nets? became known IB the loot boor January dropped to 12.76, or - poiots under Saturday'? ? ire wa?i ver-, little rally fr..m I I ft| ill price? were ?tea?ly :.* ? poiotl advance to - point. n< t ?)?? led leport? from the Oklahoma an?! Texsi d ? iwod heavy raini over Sundsy, but the forecast wiu for fsir sad cooler tvesther svoi the Booth? ?os1 -* ?f the private IqfnnastloB si baad, however, lodlestod that all ir a top crop IB that .?ection hud ? ? ?pol marke'- were un ? 1 to '??c net high-r. The itrength ithern ?pot boldora ??em? to be I by the action of the Federal i.r.l which enables them to ? ? ' I p?r cent. ?ment at the clo?e wai coniid PSixod ar.d rather more reac rionary In view of the disouietiag Man v .-?terday ag ?? ??! I-'.."._'.'. bales, making for the BgOiBSt 1,H75.!S.',J -, ? ?Mai Opa?, ll'itl. I.m CBM . 48 I || 13 4'. 7- ?'111 4? ? ' ?T 111 11 ?' 7 1 : ;? ? Via, . 13 21 13 J? . 4 I 1 I} 15 1311 13 M 11 I -I II K mi it ? Im atete ?t Ui? Irrt? ? ,e\ IntCTtof le'-.'* ??'.''I Y?vs t T '.;. I ail w'l. Ijs' T'r ferk 470 .? IM Maj.'tt < ' 4*. 4 111 l.t.lM -41 ?.M7 14 31? ? ?7 f.fll Isl.M:? - 4? 1.711 I. -?it ? . 1 -to ril 40 fM 4 41? 2,oee 4<! ?4. ? . it-, - Ml. Ill .'? :\??1 M ?: ? ' ?:o?7 4 4' '??;? ? <-4 4 ? in ui iu 1. 11 ?:: nr.iM . IT? ? *?? i ? 1M404 .... :k ?? '1 .. . ? ,r m '. ? ami irt-tiA. ?tpari 1 >M ?. ?a Axarican a ;- ? ! ,'..|j >, ia? ? 11 t a? 84.8.1 ? ?? 1 ? ? .? ?..rBl-st. T 114 ? ? U? -1 Apri., I 1<M. ?'? ? a ? , '. ???.?rfc?. ?' a ! I'm clotlll s 'tir butina? I -? BANKER. 100. SMOKES IN BED Friend? Shower Baltimore ( entenarian B?t (iifl?. III. MeiHBB to Tl.. rrtiwir.? J i'?!' 1 ore.Oet? 1?. Wiiii.m WSIlaee Spence, Baltimore'! oldeit financier, irnoked hi? ngar and read his news? paper ir bed to day hie 100th birth l?d hii pleaiure in re I lower? and gift* tent to him St. Andrew'! Society, of which Mr. ria? been a member half a itury and ha? served a. president, gO/O h.m a -..ver loving cup. He al.o received a floral tribute from tru.t aoaspOBioa and bank? of which he had BOOB a director. He ?aw the member? sf bl? family and thanked them for congratulation!. Bggoetioo of hi? phy.ician. Mr. 8 ? ? the day in bed. il* ? a? not ill, hit a trip on Friday night from Hoi Springs, V?.. had tried hi? Itrength H ? doctor manreli at th. itrength of the ret,red finar. ..r, and ?ay? that hi? heart 11 eineciallr itrong. Colonial Line Winter Schedule. the Coloaisl -.'earners, for I' ?le* CS and BoStOB, leave I' 3.', North Liver, now at "? p m. in.te-ad of Ths ?Orvie? il maintained " ? . nnd Sunday . rates of fare foi ?.uiei hev. B.s. gone into effect.