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Many a PI ay er in Football Shines O^aly by Reflected Glory Harvard Has Reason to Respect Cornell (iame on Saturday in the Stadium Likely To Be One of the Best This Year if the Signs Point Aright. By HERBERT. From *rh?' _)~pe_r te ?" *-e r.'. able a: d unpr. ;ndiced .our-e* of Infor? mation Cen ' to be hopeful of boating Harvard in the Stadum Hi '? Greet Herring, a great tackle in his day, thr.. years with the cuarhinir al Prir ? ' a on i ictober 9 by th?? .unexpected score rf ; . . ? the aeme said ? ? ? ?. thet it bed almost unlimited ? i ? ;_?!.... Williams t?-a. bo week 1 rnell mat, but I : from th? the v av the bee?. '? ' 'klera ha* ' . I ?? 'hem. ra'hcr than fro'.;. ?? a reel footbell .->am." ? tin at? :,- I ? .-an be accepted of the tram againat Pi i i inia leal ??.???..' .? J ma dial . : i ? the no. sg the i Anil f the tet of the ?ea?or. Cornell appears to have one of th? Btl . ' l'.e year, ?o that Harvard can count oa plenty of action., no rnatt.r what the reeuli It le Juat r-???lbl? that the apparent atrength of Cornell ha? been empha alied by the weaknesc of oppr'.s. but thare 1? r.o galaaaying thr- fact that the weight, ?peed aid power ;.a.-c beer. a line ?. ' ste, i r._g say?, a re.. ? I Utai lag aeaknei laal feat wi of an adequate defence for the i , has been ? ? I play of last i ear bo hao (''Hei Van ?inna" has deve. ther? who are almoat ' ' seems ght prefer ant, but I rri ng > . ? en i? well fon i " seen rw pear to ht ? .C iaekloi capab '? both may | Al , . ? ?? been I, the l.o pea : 7 much ? ?r ? Wi1 ? .T our7ieay In the Penni game last ft oetter this 1 * an last. Sha ? lili were th? ? ??? strins - bav? been gi thai t'ccabie, so good a? tl ' Cap Barrett, on? of the greatest backs whil? ' ns, Mueller ard ' - : lli.Tmai , Lea nert, make up a Ml Of bac_a '.I to I -. ?? who played pari of the ; game li s1 n.. ? except l'.ar rett. He pick? . ! and Th.- 1 Yale eleven ii ? Hi eed in 1 ? I ball team, it mer : ' .: es ' I I The chance to beat Harvat I ? that ? torn apart of inch mi Hard trick, Trumbu i Pel Still. Hanghtoi f forwai far better eqo trad ay im ...... mpael boatoi re gi ? i _ga BBt Vii ? . have I ? ? other Cornell b i havoc Beaaebody ' ?aven b Sal would b. too gi eal ?oil to ove re? ... atrikei ""'a1 i on I he .'* e et? i Let it he Connie Ma. V ? th all - ? manat-r. ' of IP! ai re dril this year Colli.?, Baker, Plank. Percy D. Haughl planning and all I ?lag his more Import rames without hii ?'-? task. Kendel!. the negro halfback of the Spring??.',! V V C A College, was mildly hoot*-! I y a g .. the Bowl at New Ravea OB Sa-urdaa until h, picked t'-c ball on? at th? air from a long forward pas. for _ clear-, ga n ?f.,h ' thai be waa held in atora reaped Skill commands quick recognition Neville, who made such a favorable ii-pr?*?-.'.- ll real tria' as a ?varaltT halfhark for Yale on Saturday la w'orkir.g hi? way through college and IB decidedly popula! with hi? aaeoci ate* If Wait? car- .,.., .Wen.y pound? or ae ha would he a ae V a * a i '??'?' **- - pound? b;1 ?0 ? ;?. he makes up _ . bulk It atrikei the idea .? ? roachei him waal ag ? ?> al mj rtanl t n. Some of U ... . . , Wj|] realize that a quarter; ?ck Ate p.- | handling- the la can be - alow ??.. b-e recog? i W est re tl ?n in the _a?t HarVer KoBtOtOI Idea H | i v'Hfk, *<nd IN ?y on a college '? u Heu t1 ??? a arvel in d.agnomng play? and a dead- i ) Ucklcr. KAUGHTON GIVES HARVARD NO REST Crimson Coach Dissatis? fied with Showing Made in Virginia Game. ;j?T Tnissp-ta* to T?>s Tntim?.! ?"ambridge, Ma??.. Oet IR.---There MoBasy let-up for the Hrarvard lay. the roachr? heir.f- rj - ? th rhe ?howlr.rr against Vir ? h ?'urteil the team "'f ?.- :. Kpod get t in trim for - - Saturday. Joe Gilman, the rig t real t h< regula not on the Held, si I I!em,'ie retnrti of men wi.o I ten or. the h?->->: It ? r.p-i'nr? ?nd tl.^ rubstitute? worked again?t efteh other in more than -nere .1 , ?rriri-.mag?'. ? :? proper? '-elf to put on the ttsel (.gninst the 'vanity a ? ? 'he weak. i - *he only man hurt in tie Virgin!? fame, wny abl? to com? ? ?? stadium, and v.! ? not ploy ngai'.s* Cornell,he il ?i ?'art work the It wi ?h and to be rig' I the PrineetOB genre Fr-.w? .-'? ? the fl? plsying ? u d indicating thai ? | ?nd Horween both were i r '.? ?r? ( oolidge, Bolei Thitcher. McKinlOCh wa? on crutches, not BO Rvailnble for an tei ? ? ?;..-. -y ?O-rldY wa? the -rin'.e as ?ij*;h:-ic'. Virgil Is, ? Ce] ' ? ?"? id tr..* U ? ... ... ait yesi for work, and go* ? left traca i ? tl . . drill wai hard and followed a i ??? letioi . There wa? ni hi ind the time b? ted 1 kneisei and , -; ? n first .'.a?? condl ' pr?.r-, I eana. If Horweei ,. or I no right can be -, , | ... ble r? t sgi fal 1. NO MONDAY REST FOR THE TIGERS Working Earnestly for Dait? mouth Game Nexl Saturday. ' Bj ' ? . The usual ? ? ' i rhe I ?ai ? ? ? of thoroui .'ill In the stage tl . ? ? Dav? ? t to ? the | ?.? " . out of the ? ? i end run, but ... imp kicking ihould give the I the rali. .'mar, wa? ?ent back 7?. th? see? day, and Lstrobe, who ha? ? right 1 ' .i ? : SBCOd rnan on the ? natural player and ? ?? quickly. Nour?e did not i ".mag?' thi? after ... tent lefl guard The ?crab war* hard si wi rb Dartmouth playa, and to-morroa a give thl a ?mall tOSt? la eomiBg to 'o*s,ii next BotOrdaT. While I'r.r.reton la l 1 ea1 '.a I?artmouth, the t.. brought along gradually thil week, JuBl like las*, week, and ooghl I .nough to give the lireen team i "Speedy" Ku?h ?a,? he l| poiBting only foi Harvard Bad Vale, but the fige ought to be pretty ?harp bl Sa? urday "SCHOOUOYS'TO'prXY^OOLr Team ( hampionshij? Tourne. Will Hegin on Ottoher .10. High tcbool gdferi have arrange.) for a team championship tournai ?fl ? so 0? toboi '"i b1 Vbb Cort t Pari th eight ?choola repre - edule for * i-h* by A : ?'? '* ' '*on. '? ? ? SI 1 a- !.Kioptrd, SI I ?ill [lay each of the bei ?vi counting Team? will eon avers. The h d char. ? ??'?...;. will hi the team tourimrnr-i'. ? lj 7 ? ?<? ? ,8 TW.?f.-8 M - ' ? ? ? .,,'?. ? II I,? ? -, i I Mill ?. TemL',- ? Hll .. ri ?. ?I ?TU, . ., ' -, 1 !, ? ? i a 1 ? '. . 1 a T.a?. ? vi ? int. Mil Why Some Men Hare Taken to the Club By BRIGGS Coaches of Big Football Teams Lay Their Plans for Busy Week _ .a Scovil Appears To Be Fi in Lead in Race .or Fullback Pest at Yale. New Haven, ere was : ? ? game with Wi next Saturday. game. ? at quartet ? . . mith took 1 Scovil, ?1 . ? il work ??nek pos ' ? I n ' '. ? ? - the he ? . . . ? ? la :. ? '? ?I ? - i ? p ? ? ? ? Lively Scrimmage for Navy Football Squat i . i ?. . A- . _. 1 ? for the at . i for M scrim aft en ? .? ? 11 ' arsil . tlrely fi I ? th? II 1 ll ;;? in if I I II Hon evei ? ? ? tot the pn lagrs liev? the i ? . ? ing to hat i Amherst Mas Drill in Forward Passing ... Amhersl ragged ihowii ' gnal i It ?_a? ? ?? men 1 ad to worl Played Knowli acco ml room u was on the field, but did 1 a un?- iriet ?? am through Ishli thro UK h a long dl tl and W. w ashbui \-.. '.rr-- Bit B .ue greatly tl I foal ut the i ?? d* of Trinity, especially ao when they that a teehi eallty erevi ...... e-l that ? ? ' afte ' ice t< Stevens Tech. Eleven Has Blackboard Tali. ? ?onlay, on! ? ' them. '1 about a i which he deem??? Bllenl bape, con .. ? ? j trenl thr ugh two days Bg ha) ?? ei "i mei peed from the . X . Faults of Dartmouth Liids Worry (loaches " n.a TVIbuo? J . ti . ". I Ul met I ?turd out Ul ruis? - eh have woi ten . . ? m s'il! appears unsol t, at ft end wa ? disan ri ted 1 who, though gtngei : . arho ?? va i ted ? '. M i ? h limp lity I'nr Il ,- . .'. ?lar te guard of last year, ' ? e in tl . | | ? Wort to rum ? - r, and th? c . - ? - teei i ana Brown Lleven Ready for Another Battle 7 n a Brown A 1 1 . - I t of the til ? ?? h. -t . ? ; was a men .1 i rhe eoaehi ? on, a: . the beet ?p I'm the team at ??? i ? r flee ehow couches are not i. just in t! ? eompl? -, nee for i Cornell Squad Starts its Work for Harvard I1 . .' Ithaca, N : repara? tion fo the Hnrvard game ne_t . atur this afternoon, ?hen the I the Mori afternoon blackboard talk. ! it . .!.ii a signal drill ' in the baseball I ? coaches realise that four days of i,i,- i ; be eel ? r the iad, and they i put ifl ? M that no I Every mai through the Buckaell game In __e eaaa Showing of Dartmouth Ends in Vermont Game a Dis? appointment lo Fol? lowers of Team. ? practice the Red Bl ? te | IS i I i ? - ?"??'? n thif man at hi? ?? ? Dar g I i ?*? ? ..? ;?' pr -?ice in the c? -.vus on the of ? ' trly m I I ? atten Barrott ami Shiver - * tame a eoach ternoon i , ' Meara, last end. hai '. . n ? ? ../.e up ri will form . practice ;h;s ? Four of Penn Eleven on Hospital List I ? 1*1 -i-a;*. ?? fl ta u- ? ', PI lad? pi S, . '?-? ?S. When the r.. .i (? lylvanla football reported foi pracl ice thii after he eoaches. titute f ere rn linea? or . t r : r. and game. Neil Msthows, the best the ?> am, ha a broken rib, gel into iturday, ? . . Bell, ite quart e ill, I ?: the trip. rhe eoai ? <m one radieol change ir: the hack:.el!. Jean Itncka ir was eonsidi red -:ve back on th? and who reported la for 1 time, ifti moon. ..tig?* in the lir ? . ? oviag N'< 'H from ??'iHrd to ? on wa? de? ectl m NaV) game. r v drill rudimente, uiul then th? coache? ??i ? th" Vor ? I ' ? h men. BOX FOR BUTLER AT FOOTBALL GAME President Of Columbia Will Wit? ness Opening Contest Saturday. President N cholas Murray Hutler, for ten years the foe of foctbai'. at Colum? bia, will occupy n box at the opening game or. South Field next Saturday afternoon between "h?* Blue and White eleven and the St. I.awr?nc_ University team. Ten boxes. It was learned yes? terday, have beer? .sold for the game which usher? in football at Columbia. The names of all of the men who will occupy the boxe? were withheld at Co? lumbia yesterday, but the holders of five of the boxes became known about thl eampua, -"Ine box has been re for c,1 ..:''? . , and Mayor Hitchel, a Columbia graduate, is expected to head thi.-. delegation to South Field. Edwin Gould, who gave the (ion!.I boal ?o i o. i :'? ... ha* reserved one of the boxe , an i George Buppert ?".other. George Renault, a member of *he class of 1882 and a prominent alumni at th_ oniversity, has ipoaen for another of the 1" . The holden of the rest of the boxes will be announced to-dav. Elaborate preparationi have been made for the . g game. The stands will accom? modate more than 5,000 spectators, and there will b itand ng room for about 1,000 additional persons. Union Undismayed Over N. V. U. Defeat I Iljr 1? ?*r?ih t. Ti * 1 - MM.] Schenectady, N. Y., net. L8. Ui ? at the handi of Mew ?ork I i veraity on Saturday has In no ?raj tened 1 Ga rnet team. It is. gen? erally fell bei . ' ew York Univer? sity deserved to win. A larger ?quad turne,1 out for prac to 'iuy than lia appear...1 on Alex Bi dor Field In week?. Fn d I ? head coach, put the men throuph a hard drill in the fundamentals O? the .rame, getting baeb t., first principle?. The tackling dummy came In for some roti^h nee, and in the icrimmago street wa . ; on toe timing ol plays and pre n n handling the ball. "Corky" Moynahan and Captain Jen? kins, who d i i themselves in the game ai New York, both report?*'! c mdition 'h- afternoon. Pate Starbuck, captain of laat year's Veraity, has taken over the coaching of the i- i team and will direct Its work in future. This change was made to give the present Varsity a chance to go again*1. that is not ?o familiar ns if i i ?- ,\ toeond teams ?... u in;; the ?am?- plays and formations. Columbia to Meet N. Y. U. in Practice Game To-Day ?V.etcaifs ?Men, Eager for Scrim? mage, Expect to Make Im? pressive Showing Against Reilly's Squad. Kelsofl ">'??-:.*? !-?'?'<? h's Colombia ? ?? - ay, to ? . - ? . ' .te,l b\ . ?? aw of th? . ? * i : .. Metcali . : Il ' ? am for to day*? ihoiS m j list ?i ' nee th? the aboenca aad the ty of ado 1 " ? Calf '?' I? ? OBt Korr.?and in i . .? ?proiaed foo* gave "Eddie" a . i ::. faver - ' : ?tnng man. Thompson and U 'ade ',,n u ?? rnata d ?? I? fl - .'ap-am Si la'a plan?, and Hrown an.l N'ohle tt entra i ? the head coach, a? neither mar m- *.? ure? up tr> th? BtOttdttl | whs ?u- fl reed BBt "7' th? game rao ne- - - ,,1-r, ? th O api -"?red collarbone. .'-..-a. wa? la al ttttll? ?&-a. ___ made a strong showing. He seem? to ton the plttC? from ei.e-is and ?'. to fathom OUI p'ay?. although many pour. : ? Hi? spposrane? in the line idd? ? | defei ????? ?? .g'h of the teai i booa th? f. Illllsi si I Btovsr to..?, ?.urn.? at running rhe team, while th? r in H* usual : Healy, left t.-. ble; Kennedy, left goord; ?id; Baenooyer, . i, iipht half, and r, t'ulil.ack. r? day'i ?ctica ?crimmage with Tom Beillj \ orb University . I White th?? iro tost il boa bod jrot aad :ia to both U ondoahtodly much strong r, if any ifldieotion can be had from the S1 | . ..-ais -' .' torday, when the up ?tater? wer.? de feated 10 to 0 I will ?erv.* :?i?er up tl..- Unlverait) Height? boys, however, vvho have had no ?crim rr.aging line? Sa* . | The Columbisa? will" pu* forth their Itrorg.-r saTortl to make a good ?how ln,f. They have had no ?crinimagmg ?inc. Friday and indulged in no prac? tice at all Saturday, met of them a? * ? ding the New Vorl. University game a long rest the*,- ar?? re-.dy and eager fti a har.l ? md th-ir I Bg will go a long '.va\ tOWOfd de? termining their chance? for a victory in the opening game with lit. Lawrence an avausa-oajr. CREW CAPTAIN DEFENDS RICE Bratton Takes Exception to Editorial Criticism of Columbia Coach. Captain N'orman l?ratton, of ?he Co? lumbia 'varsity crew, cam? to the front yesterday with a vigorous defence of Jim Rice and his m?thode of M men for his crew, followirg an ed I criticism of '.he rearing coach and his work in Tha BpeC Btor" laat week. "The ? ' .' ?" criticism was based on a '. ? - tten by N. 0. Kockwood, late 'reasurer of the cr-i-.v. '.a'e In .'Timer, in which he flayed the uii r their a thy and lack of ei j(r... Hates ? ten! "Let him who ton, " ind de termine tl who are able to erew, Oh, y?-s. practically all. Are they trilling to ? ? r the c,--..m ? Aaaueraly bo, Than 'he call , comes for candidate.. A larga out appears. What they thought wa? ttling an <? i the water they I H quiring the a combination of cal v. ing blood and pantin.* I ir than le the Very few are i sterling quality to ttand the teat Sud ?* they And a c'.-., It I I .rl'eres, ? i ana, 1 lidn'I get a chance, they can'* report regularly, and other excuses tl -- ia to cover ti i .ther. The Spectator's editorial rersion in that the system Is at fault Why. Be? cause "unless a I I ! ; ' ?' qualifications and ability in a short be is give tive fo report or continue practice, ai d is, ?n many cases, ridiculed a.-.: couragod until the time he is cut from tha i luad An lluatration of the way has worked ".it -* feuad in the fad 7hat at least two men on la?1 year's Vanity crew wer?? in the freshman year discouraged from row ing al all. "ii'v many men show exceptional qua fleatione in a short while? One out of a hundred. It takes four years nan The ?? lion this oar-man points out hi? fault? and h? i ??. corred them. If this constitute? 'ridicule and dis? couragement1 s.- tern should be abandoned. No incentive \? given to reporl and continue predice ai bis own will, and i1-. was tha strength of w?l and dele minai thoae two 'varsity men 'discouraged from rowing at ell' 1 le th? at stick 'hrough thick and * day after d.iy for three long years un? til they mad?- good, [f 'his is discour? agement let us hope that every man that tema out for en .raged. Of the seventy freshmen who reported last fall how many were physically capable .' Not 5 per cent. "Coach Rice is a master moulder of : ttamina. He builds up crews from material that Would be ab? solutely rejected at uriy Other Bui* ?.ils m thea '._ lity man sw? him. Every alumnus honors him. 1! s system produces these results. Shall we abeltsh It. No! us take off our ha*, to the Oread old Man o? the rearing game! " a DEVON FOUR CAPTURES CUP I'efeats Aiken Tigers in _____* Peeled Came at Hr> n Ma? r. ! ??.. "'?' II The Devon polo ?? I the Aikei ?lav by a score of " to ?'. m an ex'.i.? itumn toornamen! cup at Bryn Hawr. The earned ai! of their goals, wh I? Tigers received! one by handicap and ?cored live At the <-n.i of the regulation i itfht periods the ?'? ?re ? aa 1 lina s ? r the winning goal after _ minute? and 88 BOCOads of play i . the ninth per.... i MADISON SQ. GARDEN ' Tuesday, Oct. 19th COFFEY vs. MORAN B?>\ ?iFKiri: Mi? ?>l'l _. .DMI*-IO> SI 'H'. Telephone SI"o M...I,* .n >,,n?re. HARRY LE GORE LOST TO YAH FOOTBALL TEA? Back-field Star, with Four Other Athletes, Declared Ineligible to Play. SUMMER BASEB.AU CAUSE OF IT ALL Captain Milburn. of the \,r. Among Thnve Who Violated ? knie of Eligibility Code. -, ? -. Mebj mtasm? ' ?''??? Yale ?' ' I* ?T8 Igi tr. -g, ucivun ?tr net, ?du IT? J ? ?it. ai* id of for ca.tetn of tun seaeon'i eltrven; Arthur M. llilbtira ?? HaverV.raw, N. Y , capta!*; ?? th. BjBa baseball team for ?th? ?voratai Mae? East on, Spencer Pompellr ?4 Robert G. Rhett, jr. Ca??tOB ii an ou.*V.3?t ?m (be bas ball teats and a ha.fback ?a the tan ball ?*u*avd: Pamp.lly U . tint tO\ai pitcher, and Kr.ett an outfleller. I.eGore 1? cor.?idered th. hen ihwv a.e hai ever had, andii rtpntal to hav.? refused ??? ofttr of i I?.D0I B by i oBBto MkI,!* phia Athie? i. Milbin . nase on tci Y ill ttta last ?SI The : ? f th? IneltgibUlt? ef tit 7.-C a' came a. a great iboet to the undergraduate! to-nlgbt TV? amps? la ? ftv a. and .ver. when It wit tit I th? ??dimita - ?' iw to be realized, for Tall hi? ? 'r- : I lue ow .n !t>l?t:.L It m? thst th? tosB ? I I hern cooEtt?! ra places ou* of on tb. team. The most itnni.UU . however, was for the footbij ?, i ml . ttentl] . ? NBM? I year ha? been on the scrub The ? . ? the ca?e: "Th" ?? 'e'.ter i? ma . the Yale loeistion in order that may receive the honorabl? re- . to whl IS. ltlk, " Trofi e Ait's ???;?? "'We, 'h-- undersigned, r.e-nbtn t? the Y? teio at played flub aina, '-at ng board and riorri to tb? ?cjrtrt? ?he provision in the Yale r ? received board ft* ? - lummer baieball ihall reprt itl t? ."-. ?I '" of 0? P?*4 for hoard and ?odgirg tub* j furnished him bv th? dob "'In view, however, of the fict thB wo did, although '?'.If t? .-. viol?t* the rule, we Y.ttt thdraw from eompotitieB in iaur? -rtata a'.hlet - "'Signed, Arthur M. Mi'.burn, Wljb ?am Eaaton, Harry W. LeGor?, Spice? A. P impelly, K bort 0. Rhett, jr.' "It in, per h apa. .?uperfluous for tw of the Yale ITalverilty Athlttt. A?.e^iatioti to comment on the teta going lettor. It seem? only fa'.r, ho?** ever, to the player-, ligfling It for tat association to expresi pub.iely ite 10 .... | ?came of the carol mbo? ?1 ,*r< an.i eommltte? tbaea ?? .advertently violated tb? tilt men*: . "Th-- o:?cer* of the ???oclitioc rifl upon the continued Inters?! ii- t?-*"*" eration of these player! in ev?ry etf, pecially in making ce*-*4?ln M nono of their ?accessor? are. ^nUf re, ever plait- i ir. such ? SAr lit i For th? Yale Athletic *_> Robert N. C?orwt?, BJBffl .:?orge 1'armly I>ay, triai*, nr. What bridges the gap ^ tween Summer and WinW better than a light ?fig? ?"Scotch Mist?" Handsome Fall overcoat? of rough Scotch cheviot. Ramproofed. Kxclusive with us. ".Scotch Mists," $28 to $35* ?R.*??t.r?a<l Tr?<-> Mark There's reason in raglans* Absence o? shouider ??*?*?B, makes for smoother ht. Our newest idea in u??? suits has a radian shouloer. Eveiything men and bof? wear. ROGFRfl PaOCT COUtamm* Broadway B^5T? atl.'.fhSt. "The ?t34*-* Four . Aft( Broadway Corner?- Vli_]?__ at Warren ?t41**