Newspaper Page Text
Conduct.??:] by Samuel Hopkins Adams. Th.. department Is devoted SB ?ep.r.ttng ibe ?beep of from the goat???nd ? hell on ?he goat.. It de?l. with a anee .er...... topir in ? way ?h?t it not too i-moui. ||. hone.? endeavor will he to an.wer with fairne?. either in print or. where thit il inexpedient, by private UtSOT, all ?Vr qtie.lion? ?bout id?rrt...inenl., re.erving ?he right to plead ifnorinr. when th?? is ?he right ..?.wer It ??It? nothin?/. for it? , ? except the confidence of it? rorre?pondenl? in giving ihe.r ?nd ?ddre..e?. a contidence which will never l.?- vio l.ted. .t?te cle.rly whether you prefer to have yotir name withheld from ?nswer? printed here No unsigned commun ration. V4.ll he rend Arldie..; The Ad A ?.or. The Tribune, New York. - th? pletare? draw** b? the fu ? ' "?', I ?' i than i . tenaei t weel nd it. 1 ? . ? thai have oi pr e the onea wl ? ' ? ' ' l".it ?*???? rig ? " fan oui ? ? ? .... by i litoe?. ? my 1 -' r?, and dar? J01 BY .-* r. Avenue, New York I foi hia ( ?hogterfleldian urbanity, and next *n that milita ? ? -.? which he BO confidently prophi ? t to r him to tho following eommanlcation : Tie Rohdenbura Co., Inc. BUILDERS' tract York I v??ad in 1 ay's Ti itter to yoo of Joseph Christoaosfl In r*i few Jereey. that be fear? his er." trievi t. We un - r? f .rttier back : would b? ; t on his lot Brill communicate this to Mr I yoor r- rtunity, i ? THE ROHDEN'BURG CO., INC., gned F. M. voib I : i. sa .' ? Mr. Cssj?nj, permit RM to introduce Mr. RohoVnbnrg. It is row jr-. ? r tS ?nv to fas, ?'ho are engaged in th? commendable ? in the column? of th? believe I have i - er of "Hearst'? Magazine" ia exploited ft new cure, AUTOLYSIN, ?am? ? ? ? My wife ' that awful disease, I wrote one 8. M. -- near the latter part of the ar'.ile, for ? my b. m? ? \ . i ai ant n ted to gmStiOB I wrote I'r. S, P. I ? r, or "P" (Dr. Pitch], sent iocloaed i aten form of eireulai leti in "Hearat'i Magaafno.'' and when 1 got in touch h i ho ?aid n< rditoi asked him if the article ?vs ? ? - . ? thai it ?raa r?o1 it ona-fld? write-up. Ala? ?aid if the pKt'y B?ietod went ?nd any atl pt wa? matle r e advised a*, once. ? ' - ..- end wa? roforrod to D? Fitch, who nid be had wi I went ovsi 'be case with him, rh Inclosed la a reply, and wa? it the eosl would be from $200.00 up and the sdmtn .ory was paid 160.00 ? ? per week for eight ? ? ? ..: tl ai the bow remedy was r arithoat coat? ia other worde, for humanity'? .ake ... NO, TheB 1 bade him adieu nid ?aid m ' favorably. p,e i (,ni injuBtiee, bat ;.m safe that AC'l 01 ty at the co?t qaoted. s tho blication of tho araaxing puffery of Autoiysin in "Hearst's Mnga/ine." rhich boa since Leen repodiatod l.y one of the notod arientiats n.supporl ?f the treatment. Tho Ad-Vioor hastiad and advice ra>garding thia medicine. Autoly nin in a nosti That is, it it a aocroi pr?paration privately owned. The BMthodl of it.- r I - : Bach as to commend themselves th? ::i?'.ii.*al profOaSsion. Whether the surprisingly ii ilosed by my correspondent la or ia not a f * * with certain*.*. I ted, bat the lijrures in it ?eeni to have 1 "Bei??- to advise," runs one ?sentence, "if you will ?? us and talk the matter over with us, we will make foes whal is entirely within your rt-a.-h." The prie subsequently : y in consonance with this hejruilinp proposition. In anoihei . I am h formed, tho Initial price aaked was |1,()00. Hut any ouesl of the qualification* of the men wlio are exploit? ing Au1 I* ? ant b?ida the question: < an it cure cancer? It is I the question positively either in th. ? em.. ? ?? But this much may bo atated with certainty: The '.. ret in itoolf compela auspicion. The ultra sin "H.-ar.-*'- Ma?-;./ n< " ? ?pi. ited 11 to the world has nlrea:> ? ... ecauso of the methods of exploitation, bo of th? ed wi'h H ha? been foi I to -ever ? with hia medical college. Finally, there haa been no ify any scientist that the eure? claimed ar?. r thii- the nostrum ?rill not, Ilk? of ita era - appearance of success vanish forgotten the lymphs and* ?teruma of 1 i wa _, . '?el?.V ? ' '?* trom 'he F a. Btooii Ceoraaai of ' '? bood of ?. h.sing." and I thsrofars ??Bit? ? . aay truth me let fortl " 'it ?ooa .. for ' -, ou." WILLIAM ARNOLD. Stuart'? Caldum Wafor? are the BOftnim exploited in the form MtA ? made ire aLu?d, and 2J wafer? quit? m,-..: predicated oi them. aaAfm\_JY. A'! V *'"'"? *' -"r^t a querv abottt Kafee Hug pan pap ___a oaffola? i th. ?i __n\__*V ?'?"f:nn " foet that te? A' t? iroro too leaves or coffee bean?. /_ A |( ?STEIN __m__?!? Ec.kst*,n '* ___* "Ktit and The Ad-Vioor was quite wrxma Th. correction is noted with thanks. V wrong. The ?ot h.rn.f.i aad wb.-h will?tU?rp f?lcYlV.? ' P***-nU? ?>? ; B. IL KEWMAN. Othine ii included in the Indiana State Hoard of llM,t? ? a i m -nt,nirrUH2th: Dr. Harvey if* w ? ' ry prepara. ,, ?? :,; 5S?no,NCk^ janain',. r* ?MGeorg? ... }!fn. I" ? 126 at a ??le f. ft ale for ' * ? A aan aH_ BOM than s -at, ri I * tMftaataa lui. J* M-\>?>_ han fat to ka'n? S>?. \ FINANCIAL MAZE OF N. H. DEALS OPENED TO JURY Chief Prosecutor, in All Day Speech. Outlines Case Against Directors. SAYS $5 PLUMBER WAS $1300,000 DUMMY Pressed for Detaili by Defence, U. s. Attorney Becomes Bogged in Figures. R, I - ? United of ? ? the Jnry ? Bnf land n finance the Mullen . -anee, he nr, BtOI ' f ?liven . ,T ? ? tob? ..... human II?- admitted that tand it all. TV ronfi * ?? aft?-r an a**nck. a the the bal P lawy? elerei \\.\v i . rmer dl* , Judge n a charge ' ? to rio* ermai I I law. two '?d as '?'r I-. ? ...... j, ad i."'t " I : , . ?' ? I :,- ?? ?lif ? po. its and tei ' ? ere need in one r 'a single sum of money. , -..i v, then." Mr. ejected to tb? ? . ng. "1 r I se? mu-.! ??? i fused it was owing to the feel I many named so that il tingu ... ? other hard to ?aj waa officered by plumbei eh by Tangle Confttoee Prooeeator. From th.- Mi Hum i, je,-?, d to renew? m time ? fenee, ?r;e i enough, in ... when 1 It inn ? , ?? ? ' amounts, date . cor] .ration Bed to II of the two or an pi length of time the take will led to unravel I ? tans. Mr. Batta said in I mine that rtake to fht this ?rimmel In ' I that w? i ? r tha purpose of ? "ii in New In If Haven eon ? I no trolleya oi mboal : I August l( I f.r bv influence i - Il ''-r, il had Ii I linga to sppi ? 7,600 miles In the Ni ?? ? i batan* tially all the tea conned the n si ??i" the it? tb?" opei . ? ? New England transportal Also, as a part of I traction of tition, n? Havei Ni a *? g* '.. ? Haven re I I1 ?ter n s It] the Nee York Cenl a h ich each i .... , f th? ? r through the ' ew terminal. The Billard Meal ? h eoi Hone," Mr. Batt? said, "the Ken Haren pro shares of of the Boston _ Maine. This I I I ?-'., but v. i will beai mil the ? ".on of n be acquired through ? ? ? king rectoral "This stock was owned contrary to of th? State of Massachusetts, and was so declared bj tha court of ? . ' ? rei ?rl I that a! ite. At this .; -eared John L. Billard, of th? "He has won a place In Amcrifin doing noth | the use of ?or the lif? '.; coal town of hia I l-.e rnin| aft? fllce of Mr. '????. Heren, ted to buy , hare? i I 1 M id i id ea "The ?tock of the Beaton _ M waa li?t? th? at 14?. i1 .- to ?r 126 1 - ?. ii him. The] ippli? .. rei ything but thi name Billa'd. in y had t? for $2,74 I ? fl rei ? between I ! 1 the pi co i . ; .. ' - Later, ha 1 iwfo! in the I *.' ? ? flr?t ??. . ? were 1 t In thi ai ?. . lition twenty-Are 1 point! were lost. Two i- aren hundred ftj thousand .1"! east the I si f th? rei ble or ai .a Bit* f? r the use ol for on? Ha then passed to the acquisition of m pan y ted ] roeeaaoe, saying 1 ? ? . ? - sccounts and da 'Al ?ne the several corporv ?n of ? said, I Soca ? r the pnrpoM ' through 1 "leveland I: . . who |.r. par? I for his career ,,. I a plumber in ? $0 n day ... rk to hi ;? hide tl a tr_-.- ? of $1,1 00,000, th ? ad te await a t;me TRANQ ROOF GARDEN A" 1 . Itft? I. . A M I? . I \t . Alt.rnoaa T.a 4 3; I* M. la I v p. M. I'M I?* I f. BJ, U 12 t. Ma m,\ ,? ?> a i hi aga ? be aeed in 0 si proi ' ' ' ' ' renient eoi ? ? ? ? En gland square I id. ti i. Rock ,. BIOS? ! " ? ttet hrougl ? ?? i,:' 'he in Hill ... Mr. Bat I ? ? rgin to | . . ' : - ? ? ?'i SEA DRAGS BACK 8 WHO FLED TO ROCK! Engulfs llicm Oui* by One Flings Mate t<> Safety. ? ?? . i 11, | ? - 0 n e a f t ? who had . ' r wi Mal Pa? after escaping , . ? _. n era drag. ; . . ' I H li. E. Joi .?. ol V ',. Cl'll *- ? ? ? tnp? oner, which, ?nil?. i'., i ' ' ?tob. ! '.', f" M,i_..- up on Mai i'n?* twelve 'i-.--' north of here, early to : hoard Captain De ? ??>?>, Y. K. Harrington, chief en - r ; .1 s. v. I en* li. i ? ? ; a Allen, c? [igui ' er and Bafaa .nt. all the men ex ret,- i ? ?.. ined "i. '?'? " I, .. er th? the ? .-- being pieces, but co h ig! ?rave ...-ks t. ? be i 1 i Cam s, an I to Mei -"r usi a $187 A SECOND FOR CHARIT, Philadetphlaas (.ive 1111,?170 te < hil dren'-. Boepital In Ten Minute?. . - 1 ? Fhiladi ; I la, 11? ? IS. Local charitj ashed to nvht a the Ho1, i Ad? t? n mil itea, fill fil l - cribe? ... - Hospital of I'hiladelphia, in? tended I c* children'? ho? i It : 1 1 he world. E. T. SI iteabury Unstmaster, called fur subscription.' from the '."?li person! In the dinlnj 100m, and almost at onee aebacriptioni ? L- $. 1,970 rer? 1 Mr. Stoteabury, carried away b] feet a thumping for ol 1er ? HILLSTROH MUST DIE; NEW DATE IS SET I. ... ... Leader Sentenced Se? cretly Recal?e of Warnings. [|:t T- . i-.r,\ ? , 1 lit Lake City, Oel 1- Joeenh H ill - , I. W. *tt . II : leader, who has been cor. nee' ed with th.? dyna mil ? 17 plot? of the MeNamara brother?, must pay tha penalty with Ins 1 ? the murder of John G. and Ar ling M<.r i en. Th? ?seeution, wl * Of 1'ri -1 ? I to-day by .1 idga : Diatriet 1 ..urt". I'ti;. two auto? mobil' li ai brought without public to the ? hurried into the eourti . :? in<.entono wai read and the date ?' irithtn ten minutes. the ' OUn had fixed the date Hill* - ? .? and I ri? d t.. make ? ?it. but Judge Ritchie ? Hillstrom Bald that he "guessed it wai 1 ettled now," and added: "I won't have to worry any more. A- l"_k' ?1- the;, feed rue well and let me irrite ? . ? up mt correspondence ? ilk to a few people, I won'I won-;.. 1 ?..Hi faee death In the ime way I ired mj life." ? fear ol irions has now rea-"d. 1 he number of let? ters received a1 the Governor's offlee to-day reached two hundred. Virtual? ly every one was 1 I threatening nature. The prison li .'?;?' n inder double guard. Member? of the Shi-ri:T's force and four .:.?..-',--es guard the Gov? ernor nigh* and day. NEW HAVEN HA GOOD PROSPE Presiden. Elliott Rep Higher Earnings f< Three Months. DIRECTORS CANNOT CONSIDER divid?; $ Needed in Next Years for Improvements Equipment Better. Howard F.iliot*, ehalrman of the Yor_. Ne-.v Haven | l'ar'?'.rl Baill company'? annual repor* foi '.ear - -..!e.'. .Iin. 10, ItlS, ? hile the _r?t three months ol curri-nt year show marke.1 ?nipr . ?. ? e directora not consider the declaration of dividend until they are aaanred of permanent Ananelng of tha com;.an "The amount af the possible los the ?ale of the properties that mu? Sold by order of the Federal Co? saya Mr Klliott, "the existence or large floating debt and the need money for making Improvements, I r- I *he ability of the cotnpat.y ;.;,;. .! v :*? ti?Is." 1er the decree of the Federal C? sot.'' aeeuritiea must !".? so Id by J tiarr 1, 1917, some by Julj I. 1917, ? by July 1, 1019. The deCl however, provides that the cour* B for good ea iee The New Haven for the year er. June M laat reported groes o|"-r..* r..\ enne ting to $66379363 ? ol 12,07332. as compared m the previous Freight reveai fell "if 11397,320 and paaaenger ea mg? dropped 1683,087. The only ereaee in groes was 1136,00- fr "other transportation." Railway operating income last :?< was 118^00,000, a gain of 13369,7 due to a reduction of $6,10638 ? ng expeaaoe, the largest savn ' I, being effected in the trai portation department. There ?as decrease of $1,0_1,_.._ in dividend cimie. due to the fact that no diabun ment aras received from the New Kt land Navigation Company. Total deductions in the form of fix . , from net income left a surpl of 12307371, an inereaee of |2,0: ? ? Although there v.iis a, r?duction in e panses for tnainl'nance of way a: structure and for maintenance equipment, Mr. Elliott say? that tl Now Haven's track and ?tTUCtUr? in better condition than for level years, i'nder the head ng of g-,:.'r Brha to stockholders, he adds: "The las* two years have been tr most critical in the history of tl d there has been difficult in maintaining its integrity. Sin? July 1. 1918, th.-re has been a -.v: Il spread depression in business, affor ing adversely the earning power c your property. This buaincas depra. ?ion has ..',.,, affected all the subord nate properties in which your compan i; interested, so that the roturns t roar company from these propertla for the last year ?ere $4.709,1110 les ?or 'he yenr ended June .'.0, 1011 and 11,136,461 less than for the yea ended June 30, l.u." Mr. Elliott savs that it will be ner eaeary for the New Haven to spend be .: 126,000,000 and 180,000300 in im provemOBtS during th? next five year ovvr arid above ordinary operating ex penses and fixed charges. Part of thi money, he States, Will be taken frorr earntngs and purt from the sale ol property and securities. MULLAN, RESIGNING, ASSAILS PERSONAL TAX Law Absurd and Unfair, Com? missinner States to Mayor. ? ? rge v. Mullan, Mayer Mitehel'i former law partner, tendered his resi?_ natlon as Tax Commissioner yesterday ??..I the Mayor accepted it. Both ths Mayor and Mr Mullan denied that any misunderstanding led to the resign . tion. In his letter to the Mayor Mr. Mullan said that for some t me he had he, :, anxious to be relieved from his official duties to devote his entire timo to his law practice. Speaking of tha ? ? lituation, the Commissioner said: "The hogrd nas met with courng. and, I think, intelligent onderstandintr, the unfortunate situation of real es AMUSEMENTS._ I _ AMUSEMENTS. Sensational Triangle Plays Stir Things Suppose you continuel to linil threaten? ing notes in your ?band without knowing how they got tli? ?!???, .'111(1 that while you were sit - ting wide awake on the deck of a yacht you found yourself in the hold of a Chinese trad? ing ship because a twin brother? In reviewing this play, ?Alexander Wool cott, ?if The Tunes, says : 'The Sable l.'.rcha' ha*, in it more of mystery, ingenuity and surprise than you would fin 1 ;n 8 thousand scenarios." ( .r imagine that you were a ?strong jawed, two handed person, competent to bold up ? "hard" mining camp crowd with ? ?gun while you preached a sermon to them, and that while you were preaching to them the hi/^ ?gambler ut' the camp in? t vour wife, and ( )t' this play, "The Disciple,-' Heywood Broun, in The Tribune, says: "This picture merits tl??- highest praise." But perhaps you had better see these tense, compelling TRIANGLE PLAYS and two rip-roaring Keystone comedies for yourself at the Knickerbocker Theatre Broadway at 38th St. Every Afternoon and Evening Daily matinees, U.V. and 50c. Evening!, 25c, 50c, 75c, ?1 and *L\ ? ,.. ?hirh ha* 'or ?o long a 'im? fnr ,.' |h? | .x ba?fl. and . I bel eve, gor;- v?>jy far toward gnll af tea great ?? In values that ha? occurred In ? ... i * -, ???p.. , .- adopted toward th? per-...-.-. *?x a policy heel eolculatee. In ..... t., f..rua pnblle attention beardlty ai l ?7 falmoee of ting tatntei 'axing personalty i,, d to secure their repeal. In enfor? ;.^ii? b. || i? may 'he ren'.ly unenforce? able peraonalty tax l e heard la eet eelf aspreaeine ti reeoga I >a af the un a fact thai I " a law enforcing b ?dy, :?r d nel ? ? gla b< i si I i llg body, but that the h_rd?hlp? and , .? r . rOBUlting from a ??riou? at templ '? enfor.snt cannot fall to br.i g about a reform which, in mv oplfl on. would ha--" bo?r. SOCUrod man-/ -, ears ag ? had continued endeavor to enforce these laws ?s they then stood been made ?[ aipecl to eontleue as a memb.r of the executive committee of the taxa? tion committee appointed by you in the spring of 191 I, ai.d to give to that committee ard to the legislativ? rom mittee, hended bv Sonatoi M Ile, such aid a? 1 am eapablc "f in their difficult taak of procuring a solution of the tT-biem of devising new seurcee of revenue, In ori'-r that realty may b(? relieved of Its .ivor-?. helming burden." The Mayor reu'ucd tha' he acceptod ? '? ' ... n ssioner'? resignation with extrem?- regret. WILSON MAY WED EARLY NEXT MONTH IMans for {'resident's Marriage Rapidly Maturint;. IKr-m faolM I !'? ?*'? ? ' Washington, Oct. 1*_ President Wil? son an 1 I>r. I ary (?rayson played golf at the Columbia Country Club thi? afternoon. The I'resident and his cousins, Miss and the Misses Smith, und Dr. Grayson dined in the White House to night. Plan? for the wadding of th? Pre?l dent and Mrs. Norman (?alt are matur? ing rapidly. It would not be surprising to many here if the wedding occurred early in November or even before. Miss .Margaret Wilson will ?Ing in Cleveland t" morrow, and is expected to .mil! to Washington from that city. The President frequently listens to Miss W.[son's voice in the records ?he haa made of hie favorite songs, she learned several old Scotch song? to I eaaa her father and aing? them in charming dialect. Whc.l Dr. Grayson was asked to-day concerning the published report that he was to marry Miss Alice Gertrude Gordo i he replied: "1 am rery much nleaaed with the compliment paid m? iii rumoring my engagement to Mis? Gol lot, but there is a mlstak? in the announcement and I must decline the honor. ' Miss Gordon is a warm friend of Mrs. Gait I ? r. Giayaon declined to discus? the whereabouts of an engagement ring which went into the White House a few day ago by messenger from a local jeweller and never came out, so far Bl the public knows. Washington ives that the engagement of Miss Helen Woodrow Hones, the Presi? dent's cousin, and I?r. (?rayson will be announced after the wedding of the President and Mrs. Gait. ,?.-? DAVIS'S CAPTOR DEAD William P. Stedman Took Confederate President Prisoner. Washington, (?ct. IS. Funeral ser? vi?-."? were held here to-dav for William P. Stedman, a private in the 4th Michi? gan Regiment during the Civil War and the captor of Jefferson Davis after the fall of Richmond. Mr. Stedman died here yesterday at the age of ?eventy nine year?. He had been a resident of ngton for almost a quartar of a ry and was an employo of the I)e partment of Agriculture. Favors Whipping Poit. County Judge Roy in Mrooklyn from the bench advocated yesterdey a re? vival of the whipping post to curb way? ward bo; and lighten the work of the ??"nits dealing with youthful crim? inals. "A return to flogging is sorely needed," .aid Judge Roy. The opinion was provohed by the case of Frank Murphy, aixteen years old, of ?61 Fifty Street, who has been in the Children's Court several times, charged with petty larceny. Murphy promised to reform and was discharged with a suspended sent.nee. GLOBE THEATRE.SPECIAL MATINEE TO-DAY 2:30 AM? , every AFTnn.v'K'N mm cms chis i? s-'?-!* -i_.Ti.Ta . Un? - I NIIAYH at S JO s- NT'AV MHIITS tt ? 10 THE VERNON CASTLES Triumph on the screen! !__ m m?.:,.? s . ? :r* ?a? ? fTtat ? __?_?." Th? Tit "Ca_.ll . ?K-B-O-tr." Th.,-? "Om* ..' tte moat Irtaraatinf (lira atorta? t<__ tn man. ? 'lar 25c-50c-75c and $1.00 MOT. ? non roovnon and stone ir. curs 1 . _. 1 *_.., ?IIN r....y nifht ?,, WEDNESDAY _ SAT' III'AY MATINE SYMPHONY Society of New york WALTER DAMROSCH, Conductor ruts-;- CONCERT! Fri .?> Af October .. '.. a? S p.m.ay Aft.. October 774th at J ELM AN (FIK-sT API'K.AKAM I IN TWO . i:\KS_ I'.retho.en. 8> No . ?, Concerto for Violin; Havel, Excerpt? frA "DSPhntS an.'. Ctaloe" in?*, first tlm?"i best? at Be? ?iftir., A.'illaji Hill tnrn-fle Hall, Snt. Aft O.t. 23 et 2:80 ? . \tr> <.'K Polish Victims' Relief Fund P?DEREWSKI -ill d?liter an itilr... <_? I*?U \M) PAH. \Mi l*_K. KNT. I..II..W..I bl RI.?IT \l. t?l ? IKll'ISs MtrSK MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE BOSTON GRANO OPERA COMPANY PAVLOWA BALLET RUSSE toeMn "B . ' r nid " ' L'Ami Madam? loio.rH. ? I .'?. ? ami*. ?ttu <'.?ip??(_ 1'. , - H . ... , |,?.,..?I?. ? ,.,?, SCATS NOW ON SALE, 50o TO 13. PALD1NG \ H?l in -UK 11 W. OCT. .1 Ai.??) in inn i -. .'. I- ? ... " : .? ? ' A.?...: II, 1 AMU IAN ______ IB*? I ..f. ?>?? _?>, at a. A_, I GRAVEURE _ f ? ANT? MA KAU.HI h>..n.a, I'la.a Arollei? H_??. Frl K ? 0 i *.. at ? lo" __, _, ALEXANDER BLOCH 11. _??* ? te I- '?'-? r ?ter ? David l'un? U A Ju_> Hie? . I hie 1 iitii .<.?? at s. TOM DOBSON 111? n Charit?? Uaaoo m Hair.,in Han? V...I...I1 Hall. I li?. -ftrrniMin. at I RECITAL fOR 1H ?' 11AN' ? MILINOWSKI and CLMPSON ba?H at _n Of_.a. il? _ Weliaoha 11 _r??i_ BEACH V TRAINS CRASH; 12 HURT Accident in Ocean Avenue Tunnel on Brighton Line. RUSH HOUR CROWD TRAPPED IN CARS Rear End CoIIUion Blamed on Failure of Emergency Brakes. f",merKen<*y brakes *hn* bOBOBM ?"* on on? train ?nd others th.?. refus??.?. to work on anoth?>r accounted for a rear ?rid rolImion in the Orean Av?nu? '.innel on th? Rrighton Beach I. . !a?t nijfh*. In which moro than a d ?SSB pa?sentf?rs were inured Four per? son? are reported to hav?. rereive'l serio.:, injurie?. Th? aeoidon? hap pened ?t ?1:20 p. m , a*, wha? aSOMBStan have often called the mo?t dangerous ?pot on the Brighton lire Tho mor?? Injured: PI"T!.. Ar-' ,r. ?tfr,t??n. fieri?. 1??? Bad Tww.j rv.rth il!i<?rr IT.UmmJ*.; rlsM root ' luivd ????-. ? i ? n i.l.KR. Chirla !.. Hett. BaBasw, If? Man B.I.BIII MtMl PI a'. ' -,-ai. '-?r- ,-, : -??.,. ?_,.-. M'l.KKSI ?.atan .''?? -?'??< *"? Ksr.llwnrth I'.a.e ?'.at. ... ? '-t ?...??'. a A .:..;??. ?a'. 1 ?'???? ?. ? K! ft ' ?"??"? Il-atpl*... VII.Vi it. vir? A..!.? !.. thlrtl >.?.'. 17 7-? I/-u rt?a1, l.a'.b'u ??....:. <>f .-.??'. s ' ?a??i . e PAX TON. Mrs rat Mis? B., forty ?IfM. >? Sewm r..t<1 III. HM - ?a ? '.'?? ?-'??! tarn wir?.i*. i'tevn. tiairt> tap. its? K?s*. T :??-.?? ??ir?.' Pl.lVish frs.-?-?l rib! ?''! '?? ?7 ..ft ai.*. ta>*r. mm - John Lyon?, motor-man of a ?ix-ear ?at? bound train, had ?topped 100 feet north of the Woodruff Avenue ?tation with two car? of h:t tram itill in the tunn.l under Ocean Avenue. He re? ported to A.iiitant ,Superintend?nt of Tramportation T. F. Blewit?. that th? emergency brake? becam? let in lome unknown manner. After a wait of three minutea, pa? lenger? in thi? crowded train heard another train approaching. From tho hum of the they knew that the train behind wa? running st high ?peed down grade and around the curve leading into the dark tunnel. There I? no ?ignal ?ystem on the Brighton Beach lint?, and It 11 thought that Motorman Rauman supposed th.? tram ah ?ad of him waa about to pull out of Woodruff Avenue ?tation. When he discovered that the red lights blinking at him were not out? side the tunnel tone, he applied hia emergency brakes. "But they wouldn't work he told A,,*Ur. ...T^ ent Blewitt. The trsla baHft!? ?tar,dinf ca,, ,??'Bd ??35 'h?^?*-ed th;;,;L?> form., i.r?,<? n any win?iow, .??A pa.sengrr, ?o th? floor. bJS wVe r-ro-IH with ru.h fJS ?lost of *re persons .?-?"*??? '???'?W offert of the stationary tra?a .WJ^?? - '?me hy.t.rie?] ,?,, Q?a hulsnre? from ?he C,r.?y I, ,5 4? ""*!' ??>??? FpS-V "d-d to thi ci? *!*? ?% " on ?m,. rrnas Baasass ,., ,,.,_ ?er he had .-plained ,TA? ??id, t to the, ..t?TlU? *. ntartstad," rep!;,aj Airst. ?? per.r.'er. lint Bltvitt ?h.? ?* ir Banman would he ?___*** by the Brooklyn Kapld TrJ^*^ par.;.-. "????.??, A!l traffic on th. Un, Wli . , "'?? 1 I o'eloek, a*h?a a .h-!^.** ?? wai ?mulled b.tWMB Wcodrar" . hurrr. av?*-. .. , '" .-? BROKE AWAY TO On a,^ "Etrose Me, ( onslable," Salt? ?? I'ns.iner. Ketorninf toCB,^ * I : ^?Ti-.tsara?' ' ' ' ?*'?. Oct il '.-t me, Cor ?'able Fuch.r. I M>'^ away to get a bondsrr.i*.," wu t^* ful plea of John Moet.J, , p0i. 7* he a? ;.e?red at th?, off.c of Mtli^A (.lurkmar, to-day He hid brok..! ^ from the eonatabli ?rhlla bBbsi ! to prison lait W.dn.iday r.ifr"?. thought if I got in J.,1, ? f, ' would not know wh.ri I ?#?, ? -, * "ar.-l than I could not get b'.i' ?*** very lorry. Won't y0B ijJ. B ?7 case wa? so peealiar ?_?t ?u mariitrat? told tha eoaitabfe fcl*-! ' "?*;?" ??" ; not pr?f?rM!lT tlonal charge against th. M_Z -??"?*- ?<> ????alt fi ? ? a bondsn in. and ???'./. ca?i to the (our.'.y Court U JV^ : ____! YOKKS L?^P?q TIIKATI**., IMMHUVM '" BJPttEEJTWS^^S^' 6??-COHAN'S _S?wS WM. GILLETTE ELSIE JANIS - If IM FINAL PERFORMANCE? OF atS, SHERLOCK HOLMES Lyceum 5&r_& J5V!_S TO-NIGHT AT 8:20. ETHEL BARRYMORE OUR MM. " McCHESNEY A S T 0 R "._" A? . ?' ^TRU?T Knar' ""'"" 1 'is ? M Man Tu MOR W _ ____fi. in YOU'LL LAUGH TILL YOU* SIDES ACHE. INFORMATWr OMAN A MA__I8~ARI S.BI YOU SHOULD SEE GAIETY mm mam atuso -IRLO a? ;piixy holuuat. BELASCO "&?"'**..- .A..' ?; ..?? "BULLY GOOD FUN.'- -Et. Mai THE BOOMERANG PANHI FR m *? 5 __B ,:? shirP VrVllULLI\ \ui- TO-MOlTw A Bat., t II Z?EGFEL0 ! (Tbe-Plaf-TU Mak.--Y-_._l_.) WAT A M IT I '. \:- r?..?I..K ? a ht is|| HUDSON . is.r OANBC 0( F0_.iil FROLIC -?gg T.aira. T.SWOB? t<_'? A ?al War Pia? REMAIN.'-Oat. ?_ Fimi _,f V?M COO R!-RAY. . 1 r am aiaaa. "THE HOUSE OF GLASS" THRILLS WITH HUMAN EMOTIONS." "^Ith MARY BYAN, AND THE (iHKAT ALL AMERICAN* TART ORCHESTRA SEATS, SIM and .2.00 500 ;;.;.;. first baic, 50c, 75c, si rill TAW llth 6' * Sf B'?ar E'E? ? 1?. r UL I Uli MaUn__ TO. Ion W A; Sat 1 U SOME BABY! X ??SH?RM?N' _J_T_I-_T> A NEW rARCM BY KRANK MAN!'EI pi PjOC B'w?> Mkl 4I.8-. tjeririftl__> {>}_? HARRIS cE__D___B_gaa MARRIS THEATRE ?. . im:_soi7 " :;_-SS BISPHAM BEETHOVEN m nu m ii i *.v"? Accuse _r__ISB_t _ *r.- LIBERTY .".,_._. T*_?r*i :,:. ;__ ****** !.. m ?at M?t ? M *l-f ,,. _ Ma-: ?. It?- * t 0. W. GRIFFim REPUBLIC wm..Vtm^r^?'?m GLOBE^??.i?oWJ.V'ii frf,rrr,ri-iyv_T ??ft MONTGOMERY & STONE SS ^?a?-I^?/;''.-^^ "ii'_ l__q_f___l-______l-?aiMsas__M . 1 111 ?s l?m:..i iJ ?_ vI n?i- ? ?_.pan si:? A WORLD OF PLEASURE MATINEE TO-DAY, SOC. TO ?ISO. .HUBERT r..?tr- H'llnr.g TO-NIOMT AT 8:15. ALONE AT LAST! ?o^gV?tf: MAXINE ELLIOTTS. __ I 15 Ma- T :..?!. II r*roEc-Mr_>->5Motr' QU1NNEYS' ? m/ D ? /-? Tiefr. Itnil St. W . -'"?* LI Kit Mat-.. -. We? m? ?.? iil'l.NlN'i THURS. EVE.. OCT. II, AT 8:10. ABE AND MAWRUSS A conUnUAll?- . _?? twrr nf ?'POTASH ANO PERLMUTTER.'' SEATS NOW ON SALE. MTH ST. Tha?. E?a I I". MaUna* T" m w I-. M THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN BOOTH. Eva?. 1:11. ?5 - T ? It IS. _ SOT HERN v.-.uir playhouse4*,;, t'a;.;- 5.; GRACE GEORGE ?#*"&* CA8IN0. E?|? ? 15 Mill-.? T_ m THE BLUE PARADISE ?ATM ST. THIATRE A MANHATTAN C<m t?a i-,u? ' HI. ?? i i TRIIU sa si HAHI EN DILI IN'HtAK MATINEE TO DAY A IVEIIY Oil I'.t'i up at - . A' ? >?? J ?a ? ??r??r $1.50 stft H? . :.o. ?__od R L - r^>N I .; i norm OM I?t ?n ?ha StN-ATIONAL ICE BALLET ? IOUBA ami Ala BASO an. IM ???<? SnVl-TO? S.M'Ai a*. ?_ B 11 BBBBB_ SOUSA ,". . '??S-. LONG ACRE VV. ^3 OP. HO pop MATS TO M"R W ? SAT. I'*2n ;: ______ .U Wt.r?s -'DOT- PERFORMANCE ll-R* CORT tv. ?.??. ?treat l tlnar.t ?I .Sa? . . 11 Ti.K PRINCESS PAT ESS N Wart?. OF THE OEU?MTFLL NUBlOSl** ,,,- , BEST COMIC OPERA ^_g. YEARS. ?Chaa. Uar???a. E' ' MAS .ET ALL NEW YORK M L M M I B O tSJ__?3S_l "TWIN BEDS" STANDARDl *>!U Tu Jaj -?? aSS? YORK . a .o st f.?. . _ ti. i .1.11 m \< ni: In -1?.KI M1*V I St , nr __. i At* I ??? II o. "A PAIR OF SIXES'' THE GIRL WHO SMIL! Century ... ?;??-:* r.*a T?** ?*? - _ -? A'*??? m?'siTaL !? > s.i.** ?? t.. r mm "A PAIR OF SIXES'' .. .... ? : ~ " ?'. " T? a-fefc VITAORXPH .._, A A? ? M tHZ^M ? T?WB W TM?. BATTLE PEACE a: : |1 C. Era A Hat Mat? tsa, re?, 7;.. si .. * n o.. l.a: .rl a CHARLES RI-HMAN Bebaal ? all It??1? Mati..M satut-a) Murnli.f at 11 ?k?_ :_l t>r'.*a ii- e-i I IOc n r Keith PALACE EVELYN NESDIT WOMAN SUFFRA9E ?Al^ EU6ENE V. DEIS, *****L TO-NIC_HT ?* ??? AJKM ADMISSION i_. RE?IR?I? * .?p* us?, n ?".??iti f_aV*__?-S!S- u?*;??-r.%R,^/-?sM l'?u. Wat _-?<$. i RA? .AMI us i_h_i VausiN BROS. I'""? I ?e?_a?% CniilM.I I>"H'iTHY IABIH..N I' a-' '' "A ,m| ??*'?_l ULI. ?-IAL. mason a K i. > i. i n Q AstiBox a ??? ?'?<?''.lr?t__!'_i DWASHINGTONSQPU11^! ?TRAND ^ llata llalli IV IRVING PL. THEATRE - .,,,,,,, ,.( I_i:r.a.i?, Kli.lar W?*1 Der ??'.'?.'.I ?WlKA.lU .A?*." - COLUMBIA, ly.pj A ITth BUBLESULE. Mai | al : ?.Ria? m**** TNI ?BIlLlMa BUUTIia. .T? Au. ^ Naat Wae_._.an_a??u?-? * "J